#Sungyeon scenarios
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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stop that
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
Sorry I'm not holding back - haechan imagine / sorry heart series pt.1
hi!! this is pt.1 of Sorry Heart Series, not sure how lone it'll take me to write it but I'll try my best. Every part will feature another member and for the pt.1 it's Hyuck. Hope you like it!
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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There's a few numbers on your contact list you really don't expect ever hearing from again. One of them being your ex-boyfriend's little brother. You'd never ignore any of his younger siblings' texts or calls, it's just a bit unexpected.
"Noona, are you busy right now?" Sungyeon, Donghyuck's younger brother, asks you when you answered the phone
"No, I'm free. Why? Everything okay?"
"I'm sorry to bother you, but hyung isn't answering his phone and mom and dad is not around. I'm stranded here at the academy" he tells you, already you're worried for the young boy. You didn't need any further explanation, you packed your stuff and made your way out of the library even though you're homework was still halfway done
"Can you wait 20 minutes tops? I'm driving there now" you tell him, putting your phone between your shoulder and cheeks as you rummage for your car keys in your bag
"Yea sure, I'll just wait here at the convenient store outside school. Thank you, noona!"
Even though you and Donghyuck were no longer together, you'd still drive across town for his family. They were so kind and welcoming to you, and you have a particular soft spot for his siblings.
"Noona, you made it! I brought you banana milk" Sungyeon says when he saw you pull up the street, rolling down the car window to call him
"Thank you, were you waiting long?" you ask him, waiting for young boy to buckle up before driving him home. You've been there plenty of times, you don't need the GPS to guide you.
It still stings a bit, the wound from that hearbreak, but you're mature enough to not let that dent your relationship with his siblings.
"A bit, hyung wasn't answering his phone. He promised he was going to pick me up. By the way, why didn't you come and visit for New year and Christmas? He was home all holiday week"
Oh. So it seems like Donghyuck hasn't broken the news to his family.
"Sorry, I went home too. Did you get the presents I sent you?" you asked Jeno to give the presents to Donghyuck to give to his parents and siblings
"Yes, thank you! It would've been more fun if you came though"
"Sorry, buddy. I'll come and hangout with you next time. I'll buy you ice cream, how does that sound?"
"Okay!" by then you pull up the Lee family home, you see a familiar car parked on the driveway. Wondering why he didn't pick his brother up if he was home all along.
"He's here, why didn't he pick me up. That Lee Donghyuck" you chuckle at the young boy's words, watching him step out of the car.
"You go in, I'll go when you get inside" you bid goodbye, waiting for him to safely get inside the house before driving away. Sungyeon waves one last time before going inside.
The moment he steps inside the house, the oldest Lee brother steps out from the kitchen
"Oh, wait shit I was suppose to pick you up" Donghyuck says, remembering his promise to his brother.
"I meant crap I was suppose to pick you up" he repeats without the curse word, scared his mom might know he curses infront of his siblings even though he's a literal grown man now.
The younger one just scowls at him, "Yea you were, why didn't you pick up your phone?"
"Because I have this killer headache since midnight and I've been in bed. I forgot to tell mom though, wait how did you get home? Did you take the bus?"
"I called Y/N noona"
It took Donghyuck a few seconds to process that sentence. his head was already pounding since this morning but hearing you drove his brother home when you're probably busy with your own schedule all across town sends his thoughts into over drive.
That and the fact that he hasn't told his family the two of you called it quits months ago.
To be honest, he didn't have it in his heart to break the news to his family. He was going to tell them during Christmas break, the reason why he spent almost a month at home sulking in his room but then Jeno texted him saying you got presents for everybody when you didn't have to anymore.
He knows for a fact his mother loves you, maybe more than she loves her own son. His siblings are smitten with you, and his dad thinks he's a fool if he ever lets you go. So in short, his own family will disown him if they hear you two are done.
Instead of saying anything, he just sulked away his heartache. The conversation never came up, and every time someone asks why you aren't around he just makes some excuse.
He knows one day he has to come clean about it, but one more day won't hurt.
He thinks.
When you got home to your apartment, another unexpected text came. From another Lee sibling, this time the very one you never thought of hearing from ever again.
Hyuck: thank you for driving Sungyeonie home. You didn't have to, but thanks.
You: don't worry about it, though you should tell him next time. I had some free time, he was lucky.
Lies, you would've still driven him home even if you were busy.
Hyuck: been sick since last night and I forgot to tell mom, I owe you one. Thanks again.
The next day, you see Jeno walking across campus hallway. Calling his name out to catch his attention.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Can I ask you a favor? Please?"
"What is it this time?" Jeno asks, already having a feeling about where this conversation is about to go.
"Can you give this to Hyuck, heard he's sick" you say, passing the brown bag to him
"He is? Huh explains why he wasn't answering his phone yesterday. Anyways, why do you care? Like no offense, but like didn't you two broke up?" he has a point and you don't really have an answer to that.
Last night after the quick exchange, you can't help but feel worried. You know how Donghyuck pushes himself over his own limits, one of the reasons why the two of you argued a few times that eventually led to your break-up.
But even after all of that, of course you still care.
"Just give it to him, or don't. I don't really know too" you mumble
"You good?" Jeno asks
"Yep, I'm gonna go. Thanks Jen"
A few hours later, Jeno is knocking on Hyuck's bedroom door after his mom let him in.
"I'll eat dinner later" Jeno hears his friend shout from the other side of the door
"Open the door"
That made Hyuck get up from his bed to see why his friend is here, "What are you doing here?"
Jeno just puts the brown bag infront of his face, "What's this?"
"Care package from your dear Y/N"
"You're joking" Hyuck scowls at him before taking the bag, checking the contents and it was indeed a bunch of medicine and snacks he likes
"Do I look like I'll buy those for you? You're lucky your ex-girlfriend is a good person. I'm gonna go now before you pass your germs to me" Jeno says before walking away. He can hear his friend say goodbye to his mom, closing his door before walking towards the bedside table to get his phone.
It was easy to dial your phone number, you're still on top of his contact list. After a few rings, you pick up
He wasn't sure what he was going to say, he really didn't think this through but it's too late
"Hyuck? Are you okay?" you ask, getting worried by the second
"Hi, uh yea hi"
"Why did you call? You okay?"
Why are you being so nice to him? You're suppose to not care about him anymore. You're suppose to curse him, hate him and vow to never answer any of his texts and calls.
But instead you're the exact opposite. You still have his number saved, you're still in good terms with his siblings and you even sent him things when you didn't have to.
"You there?" you ask again, breaking him from his thoughts
"Yea, just wanted to say thanks for the stuff. Seems like I owe you another one"
"Don't worry about it, and don't worry about yesterday. Like I said, I had free time but Hyuck, can I ask something?"
it's been a while since he last heard you say his name. To mostly everyone he's Haechan. To his family, he's Donghyuck. To you, he's Hyuck. Claiming you loved his name so much, you even wore his initial around your neck.
"Why haven't you told your family we broke up?"
"I just haven't found the right timing, I guess. Sorry"
"You should tell them, we shouldn't make it complicated for them and I hate lying to them" you tell him
"I'll tell them"
A few seconds passed, neither of you said anything. Until Hyuck broke the silence with a question that'll break your heart all over again
"Why did we break up again?"
"Sorry, I just still don't get it. One day we were okay then the next we weren't. Was it that easy to walk away?"
"You think it was? You think it was easy for me? I was hurt too, it hurt me too Hyuck. But fighting for you and fighting with you started to feel like the same thing. You always tell me everything's okay when it's not, I kept asking you if you were okay but you won't let me in. We were suppose to be a team, why were you holding back?"
He was at lost for words. This is the conversation he's been dreading ever since the two of you broke up. He was a easy go lucky guy, he tries to handle everything positively and would never let anyone see when he's struggling. And because of that, because he was too proud to let his walls down he lost you.
"I'm sorry"
"I've heard that before, doesn't change a thing. Go rest, Hyuck. Goodnight."
You really thought that was the last you'll hear from him. You didn't end things on a bad term but after that conversation you're not so sure. All it did was open wounds you've been trying to heal.
It felt like you were back to square one. Suddenly, you're missing him too much again. His absence too real and too much for your heart. Feeling sorry for your self again.
It was a free day for you, you didn't have any class for the day so you let yourself sulk. You promised you wouldn't do it but just for today you let yourself mope around.
Sometime after lunch, you hear a knock on your door. You thought it was your bestfriend, coming to check up on you so imagine the surprise on your face when you open the door to see your ex standing there with a sorry look on your face.
"Before you slam the door on my face can I just say what I came here to say then you can curse at me, hit me, block me all you want. I deserve it. Can you just hear me out first? Three minutes and I'll go"
You look at him, already feeling a few tears gathering threatening to fall any second. You did want to slam the door on his face, but you also wanted to just hug him and bury your face on his chest hoping that will mend your broken heart.
Even now he's the only one who can fix it even though he was the one who broke it in the first place.
"I'm counting"
"Oh okay, I thought you were going to slam the door on my face so I really didn't think-"
"2 minutes 50 seconds"
"Shit okay okay I'm sorry. First of all I'm sorry. You're right, it was unfair of me to treat you like that when all you wanted was to be there for me. You've always been on my side and I was too dumb and too proud, I pushed you away when I should've been holding you tighter. I was scared to tell you my worries because I didn't want you to see me like that, I was scared to be vulnerable I thought I was being weak. That's on me, now I know that. I should've talked to you, I should've listened when you were asking me. You shouldn't have to fight with me or for me. I was dumb, I know that now. And now here I am making the biggest fool of myself because I lost the only one who stayed with me despite all of my bullshit. Sorry for the pain. I'm letting it all out now, sorry for letting you down. If by any chance you don't think I'm completely dumb, can we have another shot at this?"
Donghyuck said all of that under three minutes, taking himself by surprise. Poor you had to process it all at once.
"That's all I wanted from you" you breathed out
"Was I too much?" he whispers
"No, you'll never be that to me. Nothing I can't handle, so if we're giving this another shot that's all I need from you. Don't hold back when it's with me, all or nothing"
For the first time in months, it's like this weight was lifted off of both your shoulders. It might take some time, but you can already feel things falling back into place. It's a risk, but he'll always be a risk you're willing to take no matter how high the stakes are.
"All or nothing" he echoes your words, ready to bet his heart again because he knows with you he'll never lose.
"Can I have a hug now?" you mumble, Haechan chuckles pulling you by the arms until your in his arms again. And this time, he's not letting go.
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moostaronce · 4 years
PRISTIN Masterlist
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Pristin reaction to their s/o getting too close with other members
Nayoung (Im Nayoung)
Roa (Kim Minkyung)
 Summer Camp
Yuha (Kang Kyungwon)
Eunwoo (Jung Eunwoo)
Rena (Kang Yebin)
Kyulkyung (Zhou Jieqiong)
Yehana (Kim Yewon)
Sungyeon (Bae Sungyeon)
Xiyeon (Park Junghyeon)
Kyla (Kyla Massie)
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girls-scenarios · 7 years
My little flower.
Idol: Sungyeon. (Pristin)
Prompt: can you write a short fluffy scenario with Pristin Sungyeon where her and her gf are making flower crowns for each other?
Writer: Admin Kitty.
A/N: Okay so this isn’t very long because its just like a drabble type thing but i hope you like it anyway!! I also haven’t written in a while so i just wanted to ease back into it.
Warnings: None cause its all fluff!!!!!!!
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The hot blaring sun blinded you as you looked into the sky. You raised your hand to shield your eyes from the bright rays. 
“Why don’t you wear sunglasses?” your girlfriend asked you before biting into her chicken sandwich. 
“Sunglasses are for the weak.” you replied coolly, Sungyeon rolled her eyes. 
You laid on your front on the grass, watching the trees sway in the distance. The vivid green leaves looked like a painting against the perfect blue sky. 
You picked a tiny daisy out from the grass and spun in around between your fingers.
“It’s almost as pretty as you.” You said to your girlfriend.
“Shut up!” she exclaimed, stretching her leg out to shove you a little.
You made a little hole in the stem and thread another daisy through it. 
“What are you doing?” she said looking confused.
“I’m going to make you a daisy crown, cause you’re a real princess.” you said making your chain longer.
“Wow, couldn’t afford a real crown?” she asked sarcastically.
“Wow! So ungrateful.” you said, clutching your heart in fake hurt.
“To be honest I could probably make a better one than you.” Sungyeon said, throwing the last of her sandwich in her mouth. She plucked some daisies from the ground and began to weave them together, unfortunately most of them fell apart.
“What am I doing wrong?” she said in frustration.
“You need the fat ones, the small ones break.” you said, showing her your crown of large daisies. You popped it on her head and pulled out your phone.
“Smile!” you said taking a photo of her toothy grin. “Look how pretty.” you said showing her the photo.
“You’re right, I am prettier than the daisies.” she exclaimed, flicker her hair to the side causing you to chuckle at her. 
“Are you gonna finish yours or not?” you asked, looking at her pile of broken daisies. 
“Sure, if you help me find some big ones.” she motioned you to follow her. You jumped up from your spot and scoured the field for big daisies.
“That should be enough, my head isnt that big.” You said, opening your arms and dropping the flowers on your blanket.
“Who said it was for you?” she poked you in the stomach, smirking.
“Wow, I see how it is.” You crossed your arms and looked away from her. After staring into the sky for about five minutes you felt something plop onto your head. 
“Smile!” she shouted. You stuck your tongue out. “I mean that ones cute but smile?” you obliged and smiled for her. 
“I wish the little flowers worked. They were so cute.” sungyeon whined.
“I don’t need them, you’re my little flower.”
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Pristin Reaction to Breaking Up with Their S/O and Wanting to Get Back Together
Request: “Pristin reaction to them breaking up with their bf and wanting to get back”
A/N: pledis hate hours are always open
- C
Nayoung never wanted to break up with you in the first place, and it was all because of a stupid fight where you said things that you never meant. She was the one who came to you, and after hearing her sincere apology, you knew there were intense feelings for Nayoung that you couldn’t deny. Nayoung tried to put the past behind you, she didn’t want any more negativity in the relationship.
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Minkyung didn’t want to get back with you, because she knew her members wouldn’t agree, but there were so many feelings for you that she couldn’t get rid of, no matter how hard she tried. She talked to her members, and realising that she still loved you, her members told her to go back to you. Roa did just that, confessing her feelings and asking you out again. Roa would want to do it better this time, and she would.
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Yuha had tried her best to get over you, but it just wasn’t happening for her. She saw you one day backstage at a music show, and she could feel all of her suppressed emotions coming back up. She had to talk to you, so she did. She apologized for everything, explaining how she had been feeling lately. You agreed to meet up with her to talk more before making any decisions, and that was enough for Yuha.
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Eunwoo would be one to feel the regret almost as soon as she had said the words. She took them back immediately, apologizing profusely and asking you to forgive her. She said she would do anything for you not to break things off for good with her, and she really meant it. Eunwoo swore she’d never get that angry and hurt you again, and she’d do her very best to prove it until you believed her words.
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Rena didn’t know what to do. She knew that when she broke up with you she had no attention of coming right back to you, but god damn, did she miss you. Instead of talking to her members about it, she called you and organized to meet you at a local café. She was mature enough to tell you exactly how she had been feeling, and how much she was missing you. After hearing her out, you decided to give her a second chance, much to Rena’s delight.
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Kyulkyung tried to keep strong and break up with you for good, but only a day later she knew that she couldn’t do it. She sat around and stared at her phone all day, questioning whether to call you or not. She eventually gave in and called you, and you sounded just as upset as she was feeling. She took everything back, all in hopes that you’d take her back. Kyulkyung didn’t think she deserved a second chance but you gave her one anyway, and she wasn’t going to mess it up.
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It was actually Yehana’s members who believed that you two should get back together after you had broken up a couple weeks before. Yehana hadn’t been the same since, and her bubbly, lively energy just wasn’t there. So it was Sungyeon and Eunwoo who had approached you, wondering if you’d ever take Yehana back. You said yes, and Yehana was over the moon when she found out.
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Sungyeon was so upset, she was crying more than she was dry-eyed. Her members had never seen anything like this coming from Sungyeon, and they never wanted to see it again. So they were the ones that contacted you, and it turned out that you were feeling the same. When you finally met up with Sungyeon again you didn’t exchange any words, just running into one another’s arms and not wanting to let go, ever.
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Xiyeon knew she had said some hurtful things when she broke it off with you, but it was all in the heat of the moment and she didn’t mean a single word she said. She tried to stop texting you to fully break it off, but the guilt was killing her. She turned up at your house with a big box of your favourite chocolates and an apology. Xiyeon knew there was a big chance you wouldn’t take her back, but she had to at least apologise for what she said.
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Kyla spent a lot of time thinking about her decision to break up with you, and she spent even more time regretting it. She consulted Nayoung, and her unnie told her to simply follow her heart and take it from there. Kyla called you, apologizing and asking you to meet up with her so she could apologise again. Kyla would spend a lot of time overthinking herself, and if you didn’t want to see her again, she would understand.
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treasureboys · 6 years
☀️ rules + more☀️
last updated: 5/12/2018
hi all. Welcome to @treasureboys, the side blog dedicated to writing for YG Treasure Box trainees :D. Here’s some basic info for everyone!
we write;
- scenarios
- in bullet point
- word
- and in drabble form
- treasure box boys
- open when stated
- so do check our bio!
- please adhere to rules & guidelines when requesting :)
- admins reserve the right to reject requests if we feel it does not meet our guidelines
- e.g: topics that may cause extreme discomfort
- please do NOT request anything with: nsfw/mature content, excessive harassment - physical, verbal, emotional -, sexualisation of minors, romanticisation of mental illness, harm and harassment
- I will not be romanticising the 05 kids but fluffy requests for them are welcome
- harassment of any sort on this blog will NOT be tolerated
- we do NOT write smut
- request via inbox
- ps: drop us asks whenever though bc we love asks!
- please specify the person, genre and preferred scenario when requesting
- if you say something like ‘bang yedam fluff’ then we’ll choose the situation/AU (but these may take longer to process since I gotta work from scratch)
- do give us time to finish requests bc we want our work to be of premium quality👌🏼
more blogs;
@hyeckyeah [ admin l ]
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⁃ main blog :D
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⁃ mostly wanna one tho
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vongolepastaonedish · 6 years
can i get a private selca ship w all ygtb teams and stray kids and wanna one. happy new year :)
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Thank you for requesting~
I ship you with ...
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Lee Midam!~
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Lee Sungyeon!~
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Park Jeongwoo!~
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Matsunaga Keita!~
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Yang Jeongin // I.N!~
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Kang Daniel!~
Requests are open 😊
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Your dog/cat dying(Sub Unit) You being depressed(Sub Unit)
Dating in high school♡ You’re Overreacting | Fluff slight Angst☆ I Still Love You | Fluff and Angst☆
Yuha A vacation/trip♡
Dating/being her girlfriend♡
Rely On Me | Fluff☆ Photo Perfect | Fluff☆ Blush | Fluff☆
A coffee date♡ Blooming | Fluff☆ Lavender | Fluff☆ Merry Xmas! | Fluff☆
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jejublr · 7 years
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prxncessxiyeon · 6 years
New Account !!
This is an account for Pristin reactions and scenarios and all sorts of writing. I just love Pristin so much but they are so under appreciated :( please send in any requests just no smut lmao
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godyunjin · 7 years
Pristin reaction to another idol group flirting with their s/o
(hi lovely anon! thanks for being my first requestor i will never forget this moment (っ˘̩︵˘̩)っ 
since anon didn't give any specific group, i won’t mention anyone since imma loser??? ok enjoy my first post and shitty writing!
Nayoung's glad that you're finally mingling with other idols aside from her group members but when the sunbae or hoobae gets too close to her s/o, she'd jump in the conversation and show the idol flirting with you that you're already taken. 
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Minkyeong / Roa : 
Minkyeong trusts you and believes that you won't lead the other idol on but she will keep on watching from afar, giving the other idol glares and sinister smiles that'll scare him off. 
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Kyungwon / Yuha : 
As soon as she sees you talking to the idol, she'll join the conversation and be much more clingy, and when the idol doesn't seem to notice you guys are dating, she'll probably kiss you in front of the other idol. (lmao this cheeky girl) 
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Eunwoo : 
Eunwoo will take action immediately; she'll interrupt everytime the idol makes a joke or asks something that you'll probably be the one jealous because you'll think she's flirting with him/her. 
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Yebin / Rena : 
This smol bean would probably overreact and probably would start acting rude without realizing it like saying really sarcastic things and laughing sarcastically every time the other idol says a pick up line or joke. You'll probably scold her after she scares the poor guy or girl away but she'll shrug and use her charm to get out of trouble. 
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Kyulkyung : 
This whiny baby would be calling for you from across the room, clinging onto you to take her out for ice cream but you don't want to be rude to the idol talking to you since you're a big fan. Once she gets really jealous, she'll charm the other idol and politely ask them to excuse you from the conversation. 
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Yewon / Yehana : 
This precious baby wouldn't even realize that he/she is flirting with you until the other idol starts doing skinship and touching you and all. She'll probably leave quietly and you'll realize a little while later. You'll end up leaving the other idol to look for Yewon and ensure this little fluffball that she doesn't have to worry about anything. 
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Sungyeon : 
Sungyeon will be obviously annoyed but she'll enjoy watching the other idol's hopeless and shameless flirting before making a move and show him or her that you're already taken.
(pretend that yebin is the idol flirting with u, it fits so well lmaooo)
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Xiyeon/Siyeon : 
She'll just stand next to you the whole time quietly and won't even bother joining the conversation since she knows you're not the type to lead someone on, especially since you're already dating. And to be honest, Siyeon's expressions and glares are enough to scare the other idol away. 
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Kyla : 
Since Kyla is still young, she'll probably be unsure on how to act so she'll probably be sulking somewhere, and you'll see her, so you leave the other idol to comfort Kyla since Kyla isn't really that confident with herself (Please protect this soft baby from haters she deserves all the love in the world)
now here’s you kissing kyla after confronting her
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done! now here’s a psa
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request here
groups i write for
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
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you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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soft7teen-blog · 7 years
Pristin Reaction: their girlfriend is in the hospital after an accident
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( i literally can’t find any good gifs of her :( )
the stone buddha would break when she found out. nayoung is always strong except when it comes to her girlfriend. she always has a soft spot for you and she would feel as if she should been there to keep her girlfriend safe.
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roa would freak out and rush to visit where you were being treated. once she saw you were okay she would relax a little. roa would keep you company and make sure you knew she was there for you.
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the hospital had a policy that only family members could visit. no matter how much yuha or you pleaded to see each other they wouldn’t back down. the moment you were discharged yuha was at the entrance excited that you could be together.
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you were on your way to surprise eunwoo at an award show when the crash happened. right after they won she heard the news and broke down. she would think it was her fault for being so busy that you would try to visit.
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she would be a little disappointed in herself. she know the weather was bad that day causing the roads to be more dangerous. rena had warned you to be careful but she felt as if she should have stopped you from going.
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when pinky made it to your hospital room she would survey you for any severe injuries. once she felt secure that you were okay she would feel relieved and show you endless love.
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your guardian angel has arrived!!! the minute she found out she rushed to the hospital you were in. yehana refused to leave your side for any reason. 
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this little bean would be there for you through everything. you were her everything and she was so upset when she heard the news. after that experience she would be extra protective with you.
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she was at a fanmeet when you texted her saying where you were. she had to stay cool but you were the only thing on her mind. she couldn’t focus until the end of the meet when she could rush to you.
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it was the day after you were put in the hospital and she needed to be on a show for promotions. she tried to stay engaged but you were the only thing she thought of (as always). during the show she really started to realize how serious the situation could have been. when she saw you again she wouldn’t hesitate to tell you how brave you were for going through that situation.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Pristin Reaction to Their Crush Talking About Their Diets and Workouts
Request: “please do a pristin reaction to hearing their crush (girl idol) talk about her and her band's diet and how they have to workout a lot for most of the day. thanks!”
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I wasn’t really sure what to write. I hope it’s okay! 💓
- C
Nayoung listened intently as you asked the question that the interviewer was asking your group, especially since you were the one answering it, and Nayoung could easily listen to you talk all day. She knew how hard diets and workouts were, and yours just seemed exceptionally tough compared to any others she’d heard of. She didn’t know why you had to do so much, she thought you looked perfect just the way you are. And maybe, one day, she’d be able to tell you these thoughts like she always dreamed of doing.
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You were chatting to Rena about how your preparation for your upcoming comeback had been tough, and when Rena saw Roa looking on with a hint of jealousy in her eyes she did her best to include her friend in the conversation. You and Roa ended up chatting about workouts, and what you both usually did to stay fit. This led on to many other topics, and before you even realised, you had agreed to meet up again. Roa thought she was on cloud 9 when you agreed, and Rena watched on, proud of her friend.
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Yuha was known for having a great body, and that was what the Weekly Idol hosts were currently talking about. When they asked your group about diets and such, you took the lead and started talking about what you usually have to do before a comeback. Yuha gasped, upset that you were put through such rigorous conditions when she thought you looked perfect anyway. She was glad no one heard her gasp; that would have been a weird explanation.
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You had newly debuted under Pledis entertainment, and you were practising for your first comeback by yourself in one of the practice rooms. Eunwoo has been really friendly to you as your senior, and she decided to come to check on you. Little did you know, she was being more than just friendly. She came and chatted to you about your new diet, and the results were not to Eunwoo’s satisfaction. Management was being a lot more harsh with you than they ever were with Pristin, and she wasn’t happy, so she told you that she’d go and talk to someone to see why they were doing that to you when your weight was clearly perfect already.
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You were backstage at an awards show, and Rena was happily tucking into the free food they had laid out for idols. Upon seeing you, she beckoned you over and offered you food. She was surprised when you denied, and even more surprised when she heard you were on another, more strict diet. It made Rena unhappy because she believed that you didn’t need to lose any more weight if anything she thought it might be more healthy if you put some on. Rena told you to relax, and she gave you some food anyway, making sure you ate it all up.
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You and Kyulkyung were preparing for a special stage for an upcoming awards show. You were practising in your company this time, and Kyulkyung was walking towards the practice room when she passed your company gym. She saw you struggling and sweating as if you’d been there for a while, and as well as that, you both had to practice for a few hours now. She went in and made you take a break even when you denied. Kyulkyung eventually convinced you to take a break, and when you asked her why she was so concerned, she simply blushed and looked away, claiming that she just didn’t want you to be tired for your practice. In reality, her feelings were a lot deeper, and she never wanted to see you so overworked again.
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Yehana had a big bright smile on her face when it seemed that you were going to be the one answering the question that the interviewer had posed to both your group and Pristin. However, her signature smile faded from her face when she heard your answer. It seemed that you were unhappy about the diets and workouts that you were being made to do, and she wasn’t surprised considering how harsh they seemed. Everyone in your group was perfectly slim and she didn’t see why you were being put through this. She expressed her concern to her unnie afterwards and the agreed (while also teasing her because they knew she cared even more because of her obvious feelings for you).
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Sungyeon and you had been friends since predebut, but she never had the confidence to admit her true feeling for you. You were having your monthly catchup in a local coffee shop when the topic of diets came up in conversation. You told Sungyeon about this new diet you had been on, and Sungyeon’s face captured her exact emotions of sadness, frustration, and empathy. She ended up buying you a big slice of cake - ignoring your protests - and she made sure that you ate up every single bite. She told you that she’d be feeding you up over the next few weeks with a laugh, doing her best to fight the urge to grab you, kiss you, and tell you that you’d be alright.
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Xiyeon watched on with a smile as you eyed the feast that was displayed backstage of the Idol Room set. She teased you a bit, telling you to stop staring at just eat. Her smile disappeared as you told her that you weren’t allowed because your manager was watching and you were supposed to be on a diet. Xiyeon just winked and said, trust me, pulling you into the Pristin dressing room. She returned a minute later with a plate piled high with food, and a grin on her face. You both tucked in, enjoying every bite and getting ever closer by chatting in between stuffing your faces. Xiyeon ended up getting the courage to ask you out, and you obviously agreed, which left Xiyeon feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet.
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Kyla knew the stress of diets, and she had noticed your low morale around the company building lately. After talking to you for a bit and you explained the tough conditions that your management was putting on you, she certainly wasn’t happy about it. As a way of cheering you up, and also scoring the opportunity to go out with you, Kyla offered to take you out to dinner. You agreed and you ended up having a brilliant night. You forgot about all your problems for a while, and left with a full belly, a smile on your face, and a second date with a pretty girl. Who could even dream of asking for more?
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Not Over Yet
Idols: Minkyung and Yaebin (Hinapia/Pristin)
Prompt: could y’all do a poly scenario with a fem reader and Roa and Rena from Pristin? The reader tries to comfort them bc they’re upset over Pristin’s hiatus, so like angst with a fluffy ending? maybe cuddling in their dorm at night? thank you!
Writer: Admin Lee
A/N: Pristin was my ult group, and they still hold a special place in my heart, however, I’m over the moon that Hinapia is succeeding and I hope the best for the rest of the Pristin members!  Also, I know this request was sent during their hiatus, but since it has passed, I’m doing it about their disbandment :,( Hopefully you’ll enjoy it tho!
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When the announcement came that Pristin was to disband, it was both an intense shock and awful tragedy for all of the girls in the group. It was completely out of the blue as well, because after months of being on hiatus, they hung on every word the company told them about their future as a group; but it seems it was all just a lie to keep them placated, looking forward to something that would never come. They had found out together, in a conference room, the news not even being told to them by the CEO himself. There was nothing that any of them could do or say to reverse the decision, either. It was done. Pristin was over. 
Minkyung and Yaebin had come home to you broken, unable to hold themselves together anymore as they had in front of the younger ones like Siyeon or Sungyeon. It was hard on all of them, yes, but the older ones knew that idols had a shelf life. They weren’t old by any means, but the momentum they had from being named Rookie of the Year in 2017 was probably long gone by now, and they had been kept away from any publicity for so long… How could they possibly bounce back from this? 
“What are you planning to do now?” You started, setting down the mugs of tea that you carried on the coffee table in front of the couch. 
“I- I don’t know… Maybe go back to school? I’m not sure what I want to do anymore, I thought Pristin would last longer than this..” Minkyung replied despondently, looking at her hand intertwined with Yaebin’s as her vision became blurry from tears yet to roll down her cheeks. 
Yaebin stayed quiet for a moment, rubbing her thumb over Minkyung’s hand and reaching for yours across the coffee table. 
“It’s difficult,” She started with a strained voice, raw from crying, clearing her throat before continuing. “It’s really hard to think about what comes next. I can hardly even wrap my mind around the fact that we’re over - that Pristin is over.” 
You were speechless. It was hard enough as it is to see the two people you loved the most in this world seem so lost. Being a part of Pristin was far more than a career to them, they loved the girls they worked with, the fans, and the music they were able to work on together and share with the world. Having no insight as to what it was to be an idol, trying to offer advice would most likely be the least helpful. But you were here nonetheless, to listen and comfort them however you could. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that your company did this to you.. I know how much the group meant to both of you,” You said, moving from the other side of the table to join them on the couch. “But you’ll get through this, I know you will.”
You then moved to hug them both, wrapping your arms around the girls and holding them for a while. 
After a few minutes, you pulled back, giving them a reassuring smile. “Your future is still bright, and full of possibilities, who knows what’s going to come next?”
There you stood, watching Hinapia’s debut stage at ShowChampion. It was almost unreal, seeing them debut again, under a new company and a new group, but they loved it. Minkyung and Yaebin were both ecstatic when they discovered that once again, they would be on stage together, along with Kyungwon, Eunwoo, and their new addition, Bada. 
Their time as idols wasn’t over yet, and you were excited to see what was in store for all three of you as a new chapter of your life began. 
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vongolepastaonedish · 6 years
Hi^^ my name is Monica I'm 5'1 and I love singing and drawing, I also have a journal ehehe🌿 I'm always positive and smiling and I love making jokes and puns as well ☁ I'm 15yo and I'm Italian uwu🌸 Can you do a ship with all the teams and NCT? (All units) Thank You in advance❤
Thank you for requesting~ I wasn't sure what you meant by all teams/units but I assume it's for the whole group, if not then I'm sorry....
I ship you with ...
YG Treasure Box -
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Kim Sungyeon!~
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Jung Jaehyun!~
Requests are open 😊
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