#L: your kira percentage has increased by 3
peupeugunn · 1 year
i think death note would have been ten billion times funnier if light had just pulled an uno reverse card on L and said "you think i'm kira? well i think you're kira and i'm gonna prove it" and spends the rest of the investigation gaslighting convincing the rest of the task force that his theory is true because "if i were L, that's exactly what i would do"
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juliecarstairs6 · 4 years
The Intern Chapter One
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Pairing: L x reader
Summary: Y/N has been an intern for six months now at the Japanse Police station. But she decides to stay after a mysterious killer appears with the nickname kira. And it could also have something to do with that strange man she met in a coffee shop.
words: 1353 words
Warnings: None 
Y/A = Your alias.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the plot.
F/dessert = Your favorite dessert
F/D = Your favorite drink
“Altough there is a 70 % change I won’t enjoy this I suppose trying won’t hurt anyone.” He is probably right we don’t know each other and it will must certainly be akward but my gut is telling me to talk to him get to know him. “Alright let’s get a table.” He nods and goes to tables in the back of the cafe I hope this goes well but even if it turns out bad I won’t see him much more and nothing can spoil my mood this afternoon is gonna be so epic. “Mmm you are smiling why?” I look up at his face he is analyzing me again. I hate lying but I have no choice I can’t just say I am going to a world wide conference being held to catch Kira, no he might be a kira fan these days you can’t be careful enough. “Oh well I just got a great oppertunity at my job and it’s already this afternoon I was just thinking how lucky I am.” he shrugs and responds “I don’t believe in luck I believe in capabilty and I think their is 87 % chance you earned and after this meeting it might increase or decrease.” I smile at him because I think that was a compliment and I feel like he doesn’t give them a lot. 
We sit down at a normal table with chairs I prefer the sofas but I don’t dear to say anything I don’t want to scare him away. His shoes is he removing his shoes yes he is and he is squatting in his seat this is unusual and I love it altleast he isn’t boring. Their hangs a silence and it’s quite akward but I am not ready to give up. “What is youre name?” His eyes flicker with fear. Why fear? Kira ofcourse he must be scared to give out his name this makes him smart what I already suggested seeing how he speaks with percentages. Biting his thumb he answers “My name is Ryuzaki and I hope that saying that won’t cause a problem. And now that you know my name I’d like to know yours?”. He is clearly analyzing me but I don’t mind since I am doing the exact same thing. “My name is Y/A. But I want to get to know you.” Once I need to learn to bite my tongue but this time I thank my boldness as he is shocked to say the least and I think I have triggered his interest. “Why? You are very peculiar you have been analyzing me and I want to know why you want to know me. Normally people avoid me, why are you different?”. I gave him a grin and I see him leaning closer to me intrigued by me like I am intrigued. “I don’t really know it’s just my gut feeling telling me to get to know you. Do you want to know me?” He doesn’t hesitate, “Yes.”
The waitress came 3 minutes later and we ordered and fell in an casual conversation. He ordered a strawberry cheescake and a vanilla milkshake and I ordered F/dessert and F/D. Kind, cute, and a genius that is how I would describe him. My assumptions about him being bad at talking were wrong as I have been talking to him for an hour and half. “It saddens me that I have to end this but I need to go back to work. I’ll ask for the bill.” He bites his thumb and is he going to just ignore me all of the sudden doesn’t he believe me? “I recall that it is polite of me to pay so I shall pay for you cause despite me calculations I liked your company and if you would like I’d love to do it again.” Now I’m shocked he is a gentleman and wants to meet me again today may have been the best day I’ve had in a while. Not that I like like him it’s just friendly. “I’d love to see you again and thank you for paying. Oh I forgot what is your job so it will be easier to pick a date?” He smiles and I feel my heart flutter just friendly like Matsuda. “I have my own bussiness may I have your phone I’ll put my number in it so we can discuss our next meeting.” I give him a smile and my phone. As he types his number in his phone I think of what kind of bussiness he has nothing clothing wise for sure maby an invesment bussiness it would explain him talking with percentages. He returns my phone and gives me another smile maby I have the slight crush on him maby. I should pull myself together I have a meeting to attend. “Cya Ryuzkai.” “Goodbye Y/A”
Shit I talked to long to him I only have 30 more minutes to get to the world conference. But he intruiged me and he is also cute even tho he dresses like a homeless guy. I have to get him out of my head I need to 100 percent concentrated for this I only have one chance I can’t make a fool out of myself.
Shit I talked to long to him I only have 30 more minutes to get to the world conference. But he intruiged me and he is also cute even tho he dresses like a homeless guy. I have to get him out of my head I need to 100 percent concentrated for this I only have one chance I can’t make a fool out of myself.
What a dissapointment nobody knows where Kira could be or what to do next. If he doesn’t get sloppy he might win. As my hope of catching him fades I see a man entering holding a laptop. “You think he is late ?” I shake my head “No I don’t think anyone would be so late to this kind of event, no he knows something.” Yagami nods he agrees with me. The man speaks “Hello my name is Watari and I am here on behalf of L. He has looked in the case and would like to work with the Japanese police.” L no way the L working with ous. Kira is dead now L has sloved so many cases that had seem unsolveable. “Who is L?”  I roll my eyes at Matsu as the chief explains it to him. 
“Please be quit L will be talking to you now.” Oh shit oh shit this just got even more stressfull. “Greetings to everyone here at the ICPO I am L. This has to be the most complex and hard case I have come across and also brutal. I will stop this killer but I need the coorparation of the ICPO and more specifiaclly the Japanese police.” Why us why Japan the Chief and Matsu stand up in shock well thats stupid I don’t think he can see us. But knowing him he is watching us as he speaks. The cief asks the question on my mind “Why Japan ?” “That is because the killer or killers are located in Japan. I can prove this to you with a direct confrontation with the killer.” Is he serious how can he do that? Anyways I am not complaining he has chosen Japan maby I can even meet him or just talk to him like this. Stop this obessing this is still a mass murderer we are trying to catch. 
“Can we trust him he didn’t even explain his plan he just asked for someone on death row what is he up to?” Matsu looks concerned and tired and I should feel the same yet I am full of energy. “Matsu we won’t know if we can trust him till after this is over. But my gut is telling me we can trust him. Besides do we even have another choice?” He shakes his head and at that I see the convict sitting in a chair what is L up to? 
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ryuzakisan · 6 years
Hello! This is a really weird headcanon ask, but what do you think everyone's sneezes would be like? Again, sorry for the weird ask, I'm just in a real shitty mood.
I gotta admit that this is a weird ask, but what isn’t weird about the Death Note fandom already? Since I am in a shitty mood too, I guess this is the perfect time to answer your question lmao
1. Light: His sneeze isn’t too loud or annoying. He sneezes rarely and his sneeze sounds just like how a basic human sneezes. (wtf does that even mean lmao) He finds it stupid when people say ‘Bless you,’ but kindly thanks them when they say it. Matsuda is always the first and L is always the last one to say it, and whenever L turns around and says ‘Bless you, Light-kun.’ with a blank stare, Light can’t help himself thinking if his Kira percentage increased.
2. L: When he feels like he is about to sneeze, he covers his mouth with his arm. After he sneezes, he changes his shirt and washes his hands. He doesn’t sneeze loud, therefore people don’t notice it much.
3. Matsuda: He sneezes so many times in a row and annoys the other Task Force members most of the time. Soichiro says ‘Bless you’ every single time he sneezes (losing his patience slowly), Light only says it for once and rolls his eyes when Aizawa starts shouting at Matsuda saying: “I’m so done with your sneeze, it’s the 13th time!” and L corrects him with a monotone voice while staring at the monitors: “It’s the 15th time, actually.” then adds, “I counted.” Matsuda apologizes with an embarrassed expression but no one really cares. Poor Matsuda.
4. Aizawa: He sneezes too loud that he has scared Matsuda once, leading him hit L’s table and cause his plate of fruits fall.
5. Soichiro: He sneezes loudly, but not as loud as Aizawa does. He once accidentally interrupted L’s speech by sneezing and got really ashamed.
6. Near: I know it’s kinda creepy but no one has seen him sneezing.
7. Mello: He tries not to sneeze when he is with someone because he thinks that it’s annoying and embarrassing. He once couldn’t help himself sneezing because of the smoke coming out of Matt’s cigarette and Matt started laughing at Mello, saying that he sneezes like a dog.
I hope this answer made you smile at least a little bit. If you want to talk I’m always here!
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