idiotsonlyevent · 10 months
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you can't just say these things and then expect me to be normal about this guy ever again
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idiotsonlyevent · 11 months
thinking about punk hazard law again.
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like how do you think he felt when he found out he was sneaking around a lab that had caesar experimenting on children?? like both as a victim of medical malpractice(?)/incompetence and survivor of a terminal illness AND A DOCTOR...
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like, ok this is obvious surprise re: the straw hats, but also he looks genuinely shaken here. is this the first time he learned about the kids? i can't remember, but if so that must have been fucking awful. like going right into a fight as he thinks his whole meticulous plan has gone to shit....
not only that but:
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is he... talking about doflamingo here? caesar keeps the children reliant and compliant using drugs; doflamingo lies to and manipulates his subordinates and the general public from turning against him...
then theres this bit:
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this is literally what he thinks about cora, isnt it? like he's still trying to understand WHY cora saved him when he was just 'a kid from who knows where.' he's asking, not because he himself doesn't want to, but because he doesn't understand WHY someone would.
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and this is just a prelude to the birdcage, isn't it? trapping someone into a shifting enclosed space to prevent escape, leading to a slow painful death? god, what the fuck.
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ending the arc with this little moment.... with his backstory as context, no wonder he 1. immediately went to look at the kids and 2. looks pissed as shit here
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this was near the middle of the arc actually but still hearing him say this and not actually believing it until at LEAST the end of dressrosa.... what the hell. what the fuck, even.
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idiotsonlyevent · 10 months
reiju's situation is awful, but i think it gets even worse when you realize that in fascist states, not only are women generally deemed lesser than men, but also the role of women is primary to be child-bearers and caretakers. germa...... doesn't need that due to its cloning technology.
so, not only does reiju's name have レイ rei 'zero' in it, so she literally Doesn't Count! not only is she not first in line for the throne, because judge has three other sons! but the only position she would normally be allowed to occupy(?) in society is useless, bordering on non-existent. like her only option is to keep doing what she's doing as a mercenary/soldier. at any point, judge could decide he needs her as a political pawn, or even worse: another source for genetic experiments (or both! at once!) and she Cannot Say No
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idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
i love writing 'weird'/ambiguous intimacy. tagging it, however,
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idiotsonlyevent · 9 months
started thinking about how germa's language must have changed after they lost the rights(?) to their own land. because that was like three centuries ago right? in that time, how many lexical items did they lose relating to native plants and animals just due to obsolescence? did they have to come up with a ton of new ones for fish and other sea-related terminology, assuming they didn't already have them? or did they borrow words from 'common'/'general north blue'?
also how does judge's 'no women' policy(?) play it? bc there's a TON of gendered language in one piece. so, if there were at one point meaningful differences in men's and women's speech, were those stratifications systematically erased (maybe via something like the académie française?) or was it a slow and 'natural' process?
how does class play into it? how differently do the servants speak compared to the vinsmokes and the clones? could there be gender differences in how the servants speak, but not anyone else? does reiju have to use a different variety of language to talk about herself + her body because the words that she SHOULD be using are either no longer common enough to be recognized or have been forcibly suppressed?
like, imagining some potential dialectal differences here:
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this is a 'simple' option; i'm thinking teaching the clones a conlang, or maybe like a simplified version of NG to start and they acquire the rest naturally thanks to The Power of Input?? or maybe theyre getting input while theyre in those tubes and they walk out able to speak idk.
also, i can't decide if i prefer bidialectal vinsmokes who speak both NG and AG or bidialectal servants; both make for interesting options but i think i ultimately lean towards the former bc that 'ensures' that the servants can't communicate with the clones. or maybe the vinsmokes just speak a 'middle' variety that is mutually intelligible to both NG and AG speakers, but NG and AG aren't mutually intelligible??? 🤔🤔 much to think about
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idiotsonlyevent · 11 months
where is my caesar clown x vinsmoke judge meet-ugly
edit: hi
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
it actually drives me SO insane crazy how similar chie and yosuke('s problems) are.
anyone who says they aren't friends or that they genuinely don't like each other don't Get It. they just haven't had a weird high school friendship where you're so similar you sort of hate each other, but also you can't Actually hate each other, because that would mean that you hate yourself (you do) and that you want to see yourself fail (you don't). yes, they wanna punch each other; yes, they're besties; yes, we EXIST!!!
they're both... kinda outcasts? iirc chie is somewhat popular, but she def gets shit for not being "feminine enough" esp in inaba. yosuke is yosuke. junes exists.
chie is labeled as a tomboy/masculine but she doesn't really want to be; yosuke isn't "feminine" per se, but he does generally lack more stereotypically masculine interests, even his role as a "bro character" is missing junpei/ryuji's specific type of 'masculine goofiness'(??), and he is disliked enough that i wouldn't be surprised if he was seen as a (im so sorry) "beta male."
they're both jealous of their best friends, Especially as paragons of femininity and masculinity. chie because it feels like something she can't have (esp as it relates to her sexuality); yosuke because he feels that he needs to attain masculinity for social capital (and to prove that he's straight and therefore 'normal').
and they know this about each other. they have one conversation in their first year and chie has his closeted ass clocked before yosuke knows what bi people are. yosuke sees the way chie looks at yukiko and is like "i've BEEN there" < doesn't even know its gay yet
but also yosuke loves running away from his problems and denying his feelings, meanwhile chie is one of like. three emotionally intelligent people in the investigation team. but also yosuke is smarter than her. this means they are the BEST people to torment each other. they commit gendered homo/biphobic psychological violence against each other at least three times a day. but if one of them hears someone talking shit about the other?? that clown won't see the light of day. only chie can shittalk yosuke. only yosuke can shittalk chie. the rest of the investigation team is on THIN fucking ice.
this is also why theyre not allowed to date btw (to Me). besides the fact that chie is Absolutely Not At All Interested in yosuke, and he'd only be interested in "dating" her to try to prove to himself that he's straight, the only ppl ive seen ship yosuchie are straight homophobic guys who hate their wives/gfs and misconstrue their entire dynamic as "they don't even like each other, they should date" which. die. if youre a yosuchie shipper and a normal person, i salute you, you ARE gods strongest soldier.
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idiotsonlyevent · 9 months
i have absolutely no idea if this matters, but if you take a look at the training/physical aptitude test results... ichiji is almost always first (and sanji is ALWAYS dead last)
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jumping/uhh idk what this is lmfao: ichiji = reiju (unclear) > niji > yonji > sanji
running/speed: ichiji > reiju > niji > yonji > sanji
agility: ichiji > yonji > niji > reiju > sanji
swimming: reiju > ichiji > yonji > niji > sanji
swordfighting: this is just niji and sanji and uhhh. yeah. 😬
kind of makes me wonder: if niji/yonji outperformed ichiji, would one of them be selected to ascend to the throne?? like would judge throw primogeniture out the window (AGAIN) if one of the others were more competent than ichiji????
maybe this is why im particularly attached to interpretations where niji and yonji are also 'defective' in some way, they've just learned to hide it 'better' than sanji. and that part of their resentment/confusion regarding what happened with sanji is based in this kind of 'suffering in silence' mentality where they're struggling too, they just don't understand why sanji is so 'loud' about it.
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
"wow, im having a hard time finishing this fic! idek if i'll get around to it, but i'll take a look at the tag to see how other people have written something like this"
> 2 fics
> neither of them explore the concept in a similar way
"well fuck, now i HAVE to finish it."
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
writing this stupidass yosuke character study that actually shows him processing and dealing w his issues including the internalized homophobia and his complicated feelings abt his relationship w souji has me like this
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like i swear i start to hear voices every time i open the google doc. i have been working on this shit for three fucking months. when will i finally be free. when can i release this to the world
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
if you think about it, destroying akihiko’s mental state is very easy bc canonically, his only ‘coping mechanism’ is boxing, and he constantly overworks himself if no one’s looking out for him (and even then...) so if he's already having a Bad Time and he gets injured? its fucking joever. dude shows up to boxing practice w an injury and thinks he can get away w it? > coach kicks him off the team until he's recovered > akihiko has too much free time so he inadvertently thinks about the fact that he wasn't able to save basically everyone he cares about bc he's not "strong enough" > cant 'cope' (run away from his problems) bc he can't box > total mental collapse > profit
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
kanji knows what bisexuality is. obviously. he doesn't know if he's gay or straight or bi or WHAT, but he knows being bi is an option that exists, regardless of whether he himself falls into that category.
yosuke is like. peripherally aware of bisexuality, but he can't be bi! no way. other people are bi? yeah, that's fine, i guess. but he already likes girls, you see. so he can't like guys. other people can like guys and girls, but he can't(/he can just Choose to not like guys). he's normal! :)
rise doesn't know what bisexuality is. guys are hot. girls are hot too, but all girls think that other girls are hot! that's normal! she's normal! :)
teddie also doesn't know what bisexuality is. he has no hangups about it, though. he's just like 'everyone likes everyone a little bit :) i'm normal!'
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
being almost done w The Current WIP means im thinking abt whats next and
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i think i have a problem bc everything highlighted in green is somehow related to yosuke. what the fuck is this. can i shut up about him for five fucking minutes
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idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
akihiko would be having a full blown sexuality crisis about whether or not hes into shinjiro, bc he doesn't know what dating is. meanwhile the rest of sees keep finding increasingly obscure ways to ask shinji when theyre getting married, and every day ken comes home from school, he breathes a sigh of relief that his dads arent making out on the couch.
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idiotsonlyevent · 8 months
finally writing this punk hazard thing 🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹
finally writing this punk hazard thing 😔😔😔😭😭😭
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idiotsonlyevent · 8 months
horrendous realization that kidlaw is the first pairing i can think of that would ACTUALLY work for a linguist infighting fic. generativst kid using minimalism/gbt/idfk for tech purposes.... structuralist law doing fieldwork to revive flevantine(??? idk . im calling it that)..... they have insane academic beef and write articles shitting on each other's research even though they specialize in two completely different subfields and it is ♥️ beautiful ♥️
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