#this applies to like 5 ideas/wips so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idiotsonlyevent · 1 year
it actually drives me SO insane crazy how similar chie and yosuke('s problems) are.
anyone who says they aren't friends or that they genuinely don't like each other don't Get It. they just haven't had a weird high school friendship where you're so similar you sort of hate each other, but also you can't Actually hate each other, because that would mean that you hate yourself (you do) and that you want to see yourself fail (you don't). yes, they wanna punch each other; yes, they're besties; yes, we EXIST!!!
they're both... kinda outcasts? iirc chie is somewhat popular, but she def gets shit for not being "feminine enough" esp in inaba. yosuke is yosuke. junes exists.
chie is labeled as a tomboy/masculine but she doesn't really want to be; yosuke isn't "feminine" per se, but he does generally lack more stereotypically masculine interests, even his role as a "bro character" is missing junpei/ryuji's specific type of 'masculine goofiness'(??), and he is disliked enough that i wouldn't be surprised if he was seen as a (im so sorry) "beta male."
they're both jealous of their best friends, Especially as paragons of femininity and masculinity. chie because it feels like something she can't have (esp as it relates to her sexuality); yosuke because he feels that he needs to attain masculinity for social capital (and to prove that he's straight and therefore 'normal').
and they know this about each other. they have one conversation in their first year and chie has his closeted ass clocked before yosuke knows what bi people are. yosuke sees the way chie looks at yukiko and is like "i've BEEN there" < doesn't even know its gay yet
but also yosuke loves running away from his problems and denying his feelings, meanwhile chie is one of like. three emotionally intelligent people in the investigation team. but also yosuke is smarter than her. this means they are the BEST people to torment each other. they commit gendered homo/biphobic psychological violence against each other at least three times a day. but if one of them hears someone talking shit about the other?? that clown won't see the light of day. only chie can shittalk yosuke. only yosuke can shittalk chie. the rest of the investigation team is on THIN fucking ice.
this is also why theyre not allowed to date btw (to Me). besides the fact that chie is Absolutely Not At All Interested in yosuke, and he'd only be interested in "dating" her to try to prove to himself that he's straight, the only ppl ive seen ship yosuchie are straight homophobic guys who hate their wives/gfs and misconstrue their entire dynamic as "they don't even like each other, they should date" which. die. if youre a yosuchie shipper and a normal person, i salute you, you ARE gods strongest soldier.
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arionawrites · 11 months
probably gonna apply to work at the library in my home town today…. kind of a sudden decision but while i do enjoy my current job i am definitely ready to move on from it and want a job that’s more capable of allowing me to work on writing on the side. and a library would be PERFECT for that. also it’s in my home town which i don’t love but my little siblings are there so i could probably visit them more too!!
in other news: it’s day 5 of november and i have not started my nanowrimo wip yet or posted a wip intro for it 💀 i’m blaming it mostly on the fact that i was out of state nov 1-3 and used like all of yesterday to sleep off the shit ton of walking i did while on vacation but also ? while i love nano and want to do it, i might have to admit that i can’t really do it this year, or at least i can’t commit to it fully. i’ll think about it but i might make this wip my camp nano project in april instead or something like that. or maybe instead of starting this project for nano, i can keep working on hot chocolate, my sapphic romance book that i got like 30k words into earlier this year and that i would love to finish. idk yet, a lot of things are on my mind and i’m pondering a lot of options and weighing different ideas, but my best friend and i are planning to go get some red bull spritzers and walk the trails in our home town later today so maybe i’ll talk to her about it and see what happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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neighborhood-merc · 5 years
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It is I, and I am back with more a new list of fanfics for this wonderful ship called SpideyPool. 
Listen, I don’t know why I’m doing this as well (maybe because I fuckin love these boys and want to share my fave fanfics of their ship to everyone...or whatever) but here we are. [ Here are Part 1, 3 btw! ]  
Same shit applies:
The themes of the stories on this list varies, I’m either into something heart-warming, fluffy, domestic that sort of stuff or into some really really heavy and dark messed up ones. It always depends on the mood am I right? *wink wink*
It’s always gonna be smutty though lol
As long as it’s tastefully written, whatever kinky shit, I can be into it, I don’t judge the writer. With that being said if I add something straight up messed up here now/or in the future, don’t judge too, just mind the tags of the fic, for your own discretion if anything.
this list should be Wade Wilson/Peter Parker - Spiderman/Deadpool pairing only. I kinda like my babies greedy/possessive for/of each other.
I don’t care who tops or bottoms.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summaries are taken directly from the fanfic’s summary.
Read the tags first!
Wolves [ Update: Sadly, the fic has been deleted :( ] (This is WIP, but I swear it’s so fucking good you should read it. It’s a Prison AU, and the writing is sublime)  Peter is falsely accused and sent to jail, where he meets the violent ex-mercenary, Wade.
Don't Forget To Check Your Calendar! Peter REALLY should remember to check his calendar or Peter forgets that he has a heat coming up, and in doing so causes several sticky situations to occur (thank god for Tony's NDA's).
Communication Error “Have you seriously been doing this bit for a year now?” “Bit… what bit?” Wade looked at him, confused. “This,” Peter waved his hand, “the 'we’re dating' bit.” There was a pause, and then suddenly, it was like Wade’s whole body imploded. His shoulders sunk and his head dropped and suddenly Peter knew he’d made a huge mistake. “Hahaha, yeah, the dating bit.” He held up the wine. “One year of one really bad, horrible joke.”
Night Off Wade is taking the night off when a certain Spider calls for help.
The Great Florist, Wade Wilson (this ones got a Sequel) Deadpool has found the apartment belonging to Spiderman. Or Peter Parker, if the name on the door is anything to go by. Now some people might use this information of said secret identity wrongly. Normally Wade would have been one of them. But this is different. This is Spider-Parker, I-mean, Peter-man, I-mean, fuck. Now Deadpool just have to figure out exactly what he is gonna do with this information. Which is quite simple really. He's going to leave Spidey flowers and win his heart this way or the one, where Deadpool spams Spiderman with flowers, and Spiderman has no idea what's going on
Tale As Old As Time, Song As Old As Rhyme (This belongs to the series  “A Spider in the Pool”) It is absolutely fucking good, I recommend you read them. Do read the warnings though yeah?) Peter Parker gradually falls for Wade's dubious charms. They have a lot of hang ups and kinks to negotiate, but with sex this hot, Peter can't help wanting more. Erotica with significant plot and relationship development.
Help Me, Peter Parker, You’re My Only Hope! “I need your help,” Wade admitted. “And why would I help you?” Peter asked with an amused chuckle. “Because, um, I asked you? Isn’t it what you do? Help people who ask for it?”
Damage Peter Parker finds himself in a sticky situation and who should show up to rescue him but the infamous Deadpool? Now Peter feels indebted to the mercenary... And maybe weirdly charmed by him.
I'm Serious Wade wants Peter to top. But he really, really doesn't know how to ask.
Shake it out (this series is a good boi)
Sick Days  "Wade." "Mr. Rogers." They stared at each other, one calm and silent in his fury while the other looked like a deer about to be pummeled by an eighteen-wheeler. "I'm sure you have a reason for being in my son's bed without a shirt on?"
Love Me Dead Peter tries to tell Wade his feelings. It's kind of a train-wreck.
Disgusting -Spideypool (5+1) This is a Wade Centric fic containing topics of mental health struggles and self image. Nothing too graphic but still.
Flip the Safety They both get a little carried away when they fight, but this time Wade grins over his gun and the worst part is that Peter knows he doesn’t plan on shooting him.
Do It Yourself “I bet you’re flexible enough to suck your own dick.” Wade plants that thought in Peter's head and he can't help where curiosity leads him.
Looking for a savior in these dirty streets  (WADE YOU LITTLE SHIT LOL) what's your opinion on eating ass? just looking for a yes or noThat's the text Peter gets when he's in a meeting with Anna Maria, trying his hardest to get back to running a company a few months after an unexpected trip to the underworld.
Act your age (not your shoe size) “Wanna go grab some grub? I have it on good authority there's some qual-a-tee Mexican around here.”Peter’s mouth drops open. “Uh, you always invite guys you just met out for lunch?” Deadpool laughs and leans forward. The words are muffled when he says, “Only the ones I meet in movie theaters.”
That's the power of love (cute af fic) “Yeah, so, about that. Nice to meet ya, I’m Wade Wilson but def not your Wade Wilson although I gotta say, I’m jealous of the asshole.”
Baby, i’d victoria your secret anytime (another good boy) Peter’s known Wade for a while now, so he can maybe see how this makes sense -- like, maybe Wade has a thing about going commando and just happened to have an old girlfriend’s panties lying around, one thing led to another…but…“And the bra?” Peter croaks.
It's The Alcohol Talking It wasn't every day that Wade came across a drunk-off-his-ass Spider-man.
Marco (this is fuckin’ hurt ok???) Spidey was fine. Everything was going to be fine.
Took no time with the fall (Part One of “wasn’t looking for this” series) When the Avengers had briefed him on Deadpool, they played up the Kills People for Money and Has No Real Morals angle and left out the Is Pretty Damn Funny and Charming in a Weird, Terrifying Sort of Way part.Or, five times they meet on rooftops plus one time they take it to the streets*
Now you're in my way (Part Two of “wasn’t looking for this” series) Wade's been with the Avengers for four months. The two of them have been together for five.Their relationship consists of taco-based dates, a ton of sex, and, well, Avenging.
The Stalking of Wade Wilson "It’s around this point that a niggling thread of thought worms its way into his head when he’s not paying attention, one that gently suggests that Wade might be slightly less of a bad guy than Peter previously thought."
Seeing the real you (it's not what I imagined) "The fuck,“ Deadpool said slowly. He was staring at him in a way that made Peter feel decidedly uncomfortable, and this was saying something, considering Deadpool had a habit of leering at him at the most inappropriate times. "Are you kidding me?" he eventually gasped. "How OLD are you? Twelve?“
I'll Always Protect You Anonymous said: If anyone is up for it I have a rescue prompt idea where Peter (he is not in his spiderman suit) is taken as a hostage with a gun to the head along with a few other civilians. Peter is warning the criminals to let everyone go otherwise his fiance,Wade, will kill them all. They mock him and beat him up. Then a furious Deadpool saves Peter by the most badass way possible. Also I would love if someone write how unnervingly skilled Wade is as a mercenary. Please? Anyone?
Your ass is mine  Spidey takes a toilet break while on patrol. He wasn't expecting Wade to join him.
When I'm Inside You Spiders are hard to catch. When Deadpool manages to pin one down on an NYC rooftop, he thinks he deserves a prize.
Daddy It had started as a joke, which was conveniently how most of these things always happened.
Any Means Necessary Anonymous said: Abo au where Peter is a young mutant who both displayed his heat early before his adolscent stage and spidey powers that went out of haywire the moment his heat started, leaving him to thrash around the city, running away from his family. Wade Wilson, an alpha, who happens to be a professional mercenary for hire, is now paid to catch this mutant, and try and calm him down by “any means necessary” because Peter, even as an omega is swrecking havoc amongst the city. [ 1/2 ] Of course, Wade takes those words seriously, and decides to just do that solution by first, capturing and drugging the young omega, and then, placing him in what could be described as a special and adjustable breeding stand in Wade’s attempts to calm Peter down. [ 2/2 ]
One Fear (Two Fear), Red Rear (Pink Rear) (Note: Now this is where “read the tags first” is applicable af. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you dude) Anonymous said: Hello, another one for you: Deadpool adopts MCU Spidey and treats him like his actual child. That is until Peter starts growing up more and Wade can't help but feel attracted to him. At around age 15, Peter starts actively trying to seduce Wade. Wade resists, but in the end gives in. My kingdom for hardcore daddy kink, Sub!Peter, Wade calling him a good boy/baby boy. 
Wo Rauch Ist (this fic is fucking gold) "Someone needs to write a ‘the fire alarm went off at 3 am and now the cute guy from the flat next door is standing next to me in his underwear’ AU" 
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shemakesmeforget · 6 years
15 fics under 1K kudos - WIPs
Here’s the list for wips, I might have to do a part 2 for this too lol WHO READS THIS MUCH JSADGSJG these are all fics I think are not abandonded (if I’m wrong, correct me) but I just listed stuff that've been updated in the last 6 months, just in case. Anyway, enjoy :)
A Practical Guide to Winning the Olympics (Dos and Don’ts) by Anna (arctic_grey) (@finleighsaid)
Canonverse, Rated E, 75K, 3 / 4
When pair skater Yuuri Katsuki’s career comes to a scandalous end, he does not expect the retired pair skating legend Viktor Nikiforov to suggest that they compete together. But taking on a new skating partner is full of trial and error, and the skating world doesn’t know how to react when the Katsuki-Nikiforov duo, against all odds, starts doing well. The last thing either of them should do, as they strive for their last chance at greatness, is to fall in love. Yuuri knows he is damaged goods, and Viktor knows his body is starting to fail him. They have competitions to survive and medals to win. No, falling in love is out of the question; they’re just very good friends. And even if Viktor felt something, he’d never act on it, and even if Yuuri happened to be hopelessly in love, he’d be mortified if Viktor ever found out.
“Well,” Viktor said, “let’s summarise: I’m pushing thirty, have a bad ankle, and haven’t skated competitively in three years. You’re barely out of a doping scandal, coachless, and on the JSF’s blacklist. Hell, Yuuri – we might as well go for it, then. What on earth do we have to lose?
When Viktor put it like that, it seemed to make an awful lot of sense.
• The fact that this is one of the few pair skating AUs out there it’s insane imo BUT this one is so good? just imagine the amount of UST, they’re all over each other, i’m in love!
Mon Trésor by KasumiChou (@kasumi-chou)
Canonverse, Rated T, 14K, 4 / 5
Curse his fragile little heart for always falling for people out of his league.
Like, what chance did he ever have with Victor Nikiforov? But Victor still became, not only his childhood idol but also, his first crush.
His first crush was a man four years his senior. A man who lived in another continent. A man that hadn’t known he existed until a week ago.
Then he had moved to Geneva, and his heart had been hypnotized by Chris’s charm
Before he knew it, not only had Chris hypnotized him, but also seduced him.
His fragile little heart had done it again, falling in love with another man out of his league.
At least his second crush had been a little more realistic.
He knew Chris, they had been rink mates - and later roommates.
Maybe that is what made it so much more dangerous.
• Get ready to be hit with angsty love traingle/polyamory feels my dudes, this is about to get juicy af. 
Sometimes you need an alterego by SassySalchow (@diedraechin)
Canonverse, Rated T, 3K, 1/?
In the daytime, I'm Katsuki Yuuri, just a dime-a-dozen figure skater with a normal life. But there's something about me that no one knows yet, 'cause I have a secret... cue theme music
The Miraculous Ladybug! AU that no one asked for but I'm gonna write anyway
• This is so fluffy and fun! I know nothing about ML and enjoyed it a lot anyway.
sweet like love (soft like pain) by postingpebbles (@postingpebbles)
Canonverse, Rated M, 9K, 3/?
Loving Yuuri was a choice that Viktor never regretted making. His smile, his laughter, the way his lips felt against his own—nothing could make him happier than having Yuuri in his arms.
But when the entire world has no idea that rivals Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are in a relationship, Viktor can't do anything at all when Yuuri gets in an accident and is rushed to the hospital the day after he proposes in a hotel room in Nagano
• Angsty secret relationships are apparently my thing, this one is so bittersweet because they’re so cute and soft but at the same time the drama!!!
the face of heaven (the taste of sin) by RedHeather  (@red--heather)
Canonverse, Rated E, 9K, 2/?
Yuri Plisetsky @y_plisetsky Pity you didn’t medal at Four Continents, 
@phichit_chu . That way you’d have something other than my hands around your fucking neck.Phichit Chulanont 
@phichit_chu @y_plisetsky, can you even reach my neck? 
There is a bitter rivalry between Yakov Feltsman and Celestino Cialdini that has stretched on for decades.
As tensions escalate and the ISU begin to punish any aggressors, it was inevitable that Viktor Nikiforov and Katsuki Yuuri, rivals-by-consequence and enemies-by-association, would fall in love.  
• Rivals AU but like whole skating fams against each other!!!!! Sassy Yuuri, pining Viktor, angry Yuri and lots of social media shenanigans.
Focus on Me by alipiee (@alipiee)
College AU, Rated T, 5K, 1 / 2
For Victuri Gift Exchange 2017 
Prompt: "College AU -Yuuri’s roommate Phichit has to suddenly move back to Thailand for the rest of the semester due to a family emergency, and Yuuri has to find a new roommate quickly in order to pay the rent on their apartment. Viktor is the only one who applies, and he’s not at all what Yuuri expects."
• ALL THE PINING with a side of misunderstanding, good stuff! so sweet
Time and Hearts Will Wear Us Thin by lunar_peach
College AU, Rated T, 151K, 19 / 20
Maybe it was the impact of the fall, and the numbing action of the ice, but he felt weightless. He felt conquered by cupid and the sting of his arrow right in the middle of his chest as he looked up at Yuuri, who held a blank expression on his face.
Maybe it was the impact of the fall, and the numbing action of the ice, but he felt weightless. He felt conquered by cupid and the sting of his arrow right in the middle of his chest as he looked up at Yuuri, who held a blank expression on his face.
Somewhere in the distance, though it seemed like a different dimension to Victor, a timer went off. The music stopped.
You could hear it in the silence then.
Victor’s heart was going one hundred miles an hour.
Or the one where Yuuri Katsuki, scented candle aficionado, and self-proclaimed hot mess, never intended to capture the attention of one eligible bachelor, Victor Nikiforov, but sometimes the universe has its ways of making things happen. Amidst inner battles with their demons and themselves, they find a world in one another neither quite expected.
• The tags look kinda crazy but don't fear (?) this fic goes through lots of years LOTS, a story about friendship, love, heartache, “we can't be together vs we should be together”, and the ongoing growth of the characters BEWARE it gets super angsty at times.
do you love me just a little, honey? by DefiantDreams (@gia-comeatme)
Spy/Mafia AU, Rated E, 4K, 1 / 3
Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan, has a type.
Yuuri Katsuki, Division 6’s newest honeypot agent, is sent to exploit that.
• Honeypot Yuuri aka my dream, awesome funny sexy mystery!
Victor the Great by Multiple_Universes (@witharthurkirkland)
Historical AU, Rated T, 43K, 17 / 21
At the age of nine Victor became the Tsar of all the Russias with Lilia as regent. One day he will be the sole ruler of Russia, the man who makes all the decisions and gets to do what he wants, with one exception: he has to marry a woman from a Russian aristocratic family. Except that he falls in love with a boy who is a foreign commoner. Will he risk the throne to be able to marry the one he loves? 
Based loosely on Peter the Great's life (with some tweaks made to history).
• Follow the life of Tsar Viktor falling in love with Yuuri and eventually having his very own St. Victorburg or Yuuriburg ;)
It's All Contextual by AlexWSpark (@alexwspark)
Office AU, Rated M, 24K, 6 / 8
Why in the seven levels of fuck was Victor Nikiforov buying him coffee?
Yuuri decides to find out.
• Dorky Viktor + Confident Yuuri + misunderstanding = surprisingly not an angsty story!! very cute and fluffy
The Roommate Trap by impolitecanadian (@impolitecanadian)
Roommate AU, Rated M, 11K, 5/?
Victor doesn't believe in marriage. So when Chris, his best friend and roommate of 6 years, tells him he's going to have to move out so he can get married, Victor is reasonably upset. Good thing Victor's upstairs neighbour is looking for a roommate and maybe a little (okay, a lot) more. 
this is basically the odd couple but with a lot more sex and non-subtextual gayness 
• Viktor is a fool, Yuuri is the sass master/anxiety disaster, Chris just wants all the drama. They totally don’t work well together but it’s hilarious.
Roses of May by cuttlemefish (@cuttlemefishwrites)
Royalty/Magic AU, Rated E, 18K, 5/?
At age five, all children are assessed for talent and beauty in the City of Hasetsu and the other eight cities of the Empire. Every year, five are branded with the mark of a rose before being carded off to the Emperor’s palace where they are trained to become Roses, or sacrifices to be sent every May to the Ice Spirit that lives in the castle at the top of the mountain. Roses never return, except for Katsuki Yuuri, who shocks the Empire when he appears again two years after his departure with a silver crown on his head and a blond baby in his arms, demanding the Emperor step down or face the wrath of his husband, the Ice King. But, not everything is what it seems.
• Such an interesting world with lots of very well thought details! also... growing up together, childhood friends to lovers...... you can’t come at me like that.
History Maker by 96percentdone (@96percentdone)
Time Travel/Soulmates AU, Rated T, 15K, 5/?
It's the year 2134. Katsuki Yuuri, recently turned 18, just got his soulmark. There's really only one thing left to do: submit it to the online database and figure out who his match is, meet up with them and hopefully live happily ever after. Seems simple enough, right? Well, it would be, if his soulmate wasn't Viktor Nikiforov, a figure skating legend from the early 2000s.
AKA the story where Yuuri invents time travel to be with his soulmate, and shenanigans happen.
• me at me: don’t read this you’re a big baby and you’ll suffer; also me:¯\_(ツ)_¯ I like this AU a lot, imagine being so iconic you invent time travel just to meet your soulmate.
Toxic Valentine by voxofthevoid (@voxofthevoid)
Demons AU, Rated E, 53K, 8/?
The worst he can do is kill you with his dick.
Viktor, pleasantly tipsy and unpleasantly lonely, assumes that the pretty man he sees in a club is a sex demon. Instead, he finds reserved, nervous Katsuki Yuuri who’s as reluctantly enchanted by Viktor as Viktor is by him.
The rest of the night is unforgettable, and in the morning, Yuuri’s still there.
Love bleeds into lust, infatuation becomes adoration, and it's not long before the loneliness Viktor wears like a shroud disintegrates under the weight of warm brown eyes and tender hands. But Viktor has his secrets, and Yuuri might not be all he seems. 
In which Viktor discovers life and love in a man who’s as mysterious as he is beautiful, and it could be the best or worst thing that’s ever happened to him.
• The love story between the thirstiest demon hunter aka Viktor and a demon???????  Yuuri. A great balance between fluff, sexy times and mystery!
Water by Peasantaries (@peasantaries)
Dancers AU, Rated E, 26K, 11 / 15    
Yuuri is nineteen, a student at the Royal Ballet School in London, and already having doubts when Viktor Nikiforov joins as a guest teacher.
Famous, beloved Russian Prince in Bourne's Swan Lake, Nikiforov is Yuuri's idol from afar, but these two forces soon collide after Viktor oversees Yuuri practising and decides that Yuuri could surpass him, if only he can learn to move like water.
• lots of dancing!!! off the charts UST!!! Two dorks that should DATE ALREADY!! amazing
Shall We Dance? by darlingholocene (@byebyeholocene)
DWTS AU, Rated T, 11K, 6/?
Season 21 of Dancing With the Stars is about to air its first episode (March 30, on ABC), and the celebrity cast has finally been announced today.
Among them is Russian ice skating legend Victor Nikiforov, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and five-time World Champion. Nikiforov, who just won Gold at the Sochi Olympics in front of his home public, has been paired with DWTS veteran Yuuri Katsuki, who is yet to win the Mirrorball Trophy despite this being his eighth season as a pro.
Victor and Yuuri's journey on DWTS narrated entirely through social media. 
• Totally a pick me up fic! light, fun and adorable!
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