#WTF WHY IS THI S SO LONG readmore added......
idiotsonlyevent Β· 1 year
it actually drives me SO insane crazy how similar chie and yosuke('s problems) are.
anyone who says they aren't friends or that they genuinely don't like each other don't Get It. they just haven't had a weird high school friendship where you're so similar you sort of hate each other, but also you can't Actually hate each other, because that would mean that you hate yourself (you do) and that you want to see yourself fail (you don't). yes, they wanna punch each other; yes, they're besties; yes, we EXIST!!!
they're both... kinda outcasts? iirc chie is somewhat popular, but she def gets shit for not being "feminine enough" esp in inaba. yosuke is yosuke. junes exists.
chie is labeled as a tomboy/masculine but she doesn't really want to be; yosuke isn't "feminine" per se, but he does generally lack more stereotypically masculine interests, even his role as a "bro character" is missing junpei/ryuji's specific type of 'masculine goofiness'(??), and he is disliked enough that i wouldn't be surprised if he was seen as a (im so sorry) "beta male."
they're both jealous of their best friends, Especially as paragons of femininity and masculinity. chie because it feels like something she can't have (esp as it relates to her sexuality); yosuke because he feels that he needs to attain masculinity for social capital (and to prove that he's straight and therefore 'normal').
and they know this about each other. they have one conversation in their first year and chie has his closeted ass clocked before yosuke knows what bi people are. yosuke sees the way chie looks at yukiko and is like "i've BEEN there" < doesn't even know its gay yet
but also yosuke loves running away from his problems and denying his feelings, meanwhile chie is one of like. three emotionally intelligent people in the investigation team. but also yosuke is smarter than her. this means they are the BEST people to torment each other. they commit gendered homo/biphobic psychological violence against each other at least three times a day. but if one of them hears someone talking shit about the other?? that clown won't see the light of day. only chie can shittalk yosuke. only yosuke can shittalk chie. the rest of the investigation team is on THIN fucking ice.
this is also why theyre not allowed to date btw (to Me). besides the fact that chie is Absolutely Not At All Interested in yosuke, and he'd only be interested in "dating" her to try to prove to himself that he's straight, the only ppl ive seen ship yosuchie are straight homophobic guys who hate their wives/gfs and misconstrue their entire dynamic as "they don't even like each other, they should date" which. die. if youre a yosuchie shipper and a normal person, i salute you, you ARE gods strongest soldier.
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