ritueldelagneau · 6 months
Major Arcana 01: The Magician
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The Magician, marked by the numerical 01, is a stark representation of the way earthly existence and ascended spirituality are linked together. It is a symbol of universal potential, intuition, and self-attained opportunity. Unlike its predecessor, The Fool, an aura of innocence is cloaked in knowledge attained through a life of spiritual study and fulfilment.
Manifestation. Resourcefulness. Willpower. Logic.
Greed. Illusion. Impulse. Untrustworthy.
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YES AND NO . . .
The Magician, especially when upright, is an affirming yes. There is a positive connotation between The Magician and manifest destiny-- you are being called to make that choice and make it bravely. You are supported by your deity/ies, by the universe, and should not hesitate to act.
When reversed, exercise caution. There is likely an added layer of nuance to your query-- perhaps one you haven't mulled over yet. You may face obstacles, conflict and friction as a side effect of your choice-- however in the end, it is most likely to be a good one overall, as long as you take careful steps.
In upright position, The Magician signifies your potential. You have power within you, and you can use that to reach your aspirations. When you combine your spiritual energy with your earthly intentions, you can create the synergy to succeed.
Clear your mind, form a plan of attack, and strike. The time is right to exact your intentions, and bring your goals to fruition. Commit to your goals, and they shall be done. When visited by the upright Magician, feel empowered.
An upright Magician, in regards to love, is a positive omen. That is, if commitment is what you seek. In a new relationship, The Magician predicts a shift from casual to serious. Your partner(s) may be interested in commitment-- and if you feel so inclined, now would be a good time to assert that you are, too. If you currently lack any romantic prospects, The Magician may intuit that someone new may be headed your way.
As for new sensuality, The Magician clues in an aspect of assertiveness. Do not be afraid to take the reigns and communicate what you want. Committal or not-- you are in control.
When considering relationships of more age, it exerts a similar aura of commitment. You and your partner(s) are likely in it for the long haul-- and that is not something to take lightly! Appreciate this knowledge that you are in a stable, supportive place.
The sensuality that follows an aged relationship is also a bit different from that of a new one. You may be interested in taking the reigns in a way you have not before. This doesn't necessarily mean you're interested in dominating, but maybe that you are interested in letting your partner(s) be guided into something you want. Do not be afraid to teach your partner(s) exactly how you would like to be pleased. Where the upright Magician is concerned, you will likely leave the encounter deeply satisfied.
Predictably, a financial AND career-based advisory from the upright Magician is simple: potential for more. However, the clues this potential holds differs in action. Remember: The Magician guides you to not only see your potential, but understand how to make use of it.
In your career, it is a great time to make bold, decisive choices. Show your commitment, aptness to succeed, and set sights on achieving your goal. With the right sense of determination, and an idea of what you want in your career, that potential can be used to its full capacity. You have the skills needed to achieve--now, you just have to strive for it.
In regards to finances, now may be a good time for keen spending-- you are in good alignment to see a successful return of your investments. Consider deeply what is and is not worth investing in, and do not hesitate to spend if your intuition feels positive. You will likely be paid back tenfold... Be it in money, satisfaction, or material goods.
Reversed, The Magician is a less opportunistic muse. Instead, it foreshadows many potential rocks in the path that is your potential.
You may be blinded to your opportunities. Distractions, weakness in your self-confidence, and a lack of keen mind can all wound your ability to seek a successful path.
There may be a liar in your midst. Unfortunately, you may be faced with manipulators, liars, and illusionists-- The Magician warns you to keep a watchful eye, and know whom you can (and cannot) trust.
You may be falling into your own misbehavior. This is an important one to keep in mind-- as this means you may have slipped from your own spiritual roots. Reconcile with yourself, your diety/ies, and your goals. Are you acting out of shortsighted greed?
However, not every omen of The Magician is negative when reversed. It can also be a neutral sign that you are approaching a goal, however struggling to see it bear fruit. You may face adversity in the coming future-- however The Magician is here to remind you that you can realign, and with some good planning and a deep breath, hop right back on track.
With love and sensuality in mind, bad omens can come from two sources: you, or your partners. The Magician will never point a finger at just others-- you are called to first consider yourself.
In a new relationship of romantic and/or sensual nature, it's important to consider that someone may not be being upfront about their intentions, needs and desires. You may be at odds with intentions and honesty. In new sensual relationships, it is extra important to consider that The Magician may be warning you to consider if this is a good move for your spiritual health.
In an aged relationship of romantic and/or sensual nature, it's important to consider that someone may have fallen into a habit of omitting honesty to reduce conflict and friction. There may be a barrier prohibiting open, truthful communication. In regards to sensuality, it's important to question if you (or your partner[s]) may be using sex to cope with a bigger underlying issue.
Remember that, although The Magician warns of deceit, this does not mean your partner(s) are trying to hurt you. Try to coax open those hard conversations and make sure you both feel supported-- communicating is difficult for a lot of people, but The Magician urges you to find the confidence to be honest anyway.
Reversed, The Magician is a clue that you are not maximizing that potential that I've mentioned. You may have good ideas and skills-- but you aren't making use of them. It may feel like you aren't reaching the goals you've set as quickly as you wanted-- and it is likely at least partially true. Something is stopping you from working hard and striving for better. It may be self-doubt, or greed, or possibly simply not being satisfied in your current career path.
Financially, you are also likely not spending well. There is a chance you're spending money too recklessly-- making short term purchases too frequently, that minimize your potential to make big, satisfactory moves in the future. You may also not have enough money to succeed economically. Again, you might be stuck within a career that does not satisfy your needs-- a career that cannot afford for basic needs inevitably also causes friction within your psyche.
Consider ways to either make your current career more satisfactory, or seek better. However, The Magician's unlimited potential knows that this simply may not be the place for you. Trust that although things are off now, you will find where you're meant to be, as long as you trust yourself, your diety/ies, and the universe to place you there with time.
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Remember! This is simply my own personal notes on what I have come to believe this card signifies. You may have other values, ideas, and concepts in mind for this card-- and that is okay! Spirituality is not a linear concept.
I offer digital tarot readings! Feel free to shoot me an ask, or a DM if the matter at hand is more private or sensitive to you. Free of charge, but I do accept tips.
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