seaweedbrain3 · 6 months
i had to get on my laptop for this because i didnt know if i was gonna get a little upset and start angry typing cus angry typing is uncomftorable on my phone BUT ANYWAY ENOUGH WAFFLING
i dont like how unreasonably joshua is, i dont care if you dont like him for like no good reason cus i hate characters for no reason but THE REASONS PEOPLE HATE HIM ARE NOT ACTUALLY GOOD!! i think im very upset about this because when i read over the transcripts with him i relate to him on some level, like his alpha male thing is just him using metaphors to help explain his points which is how i see it, and people think its weird or him being some alpha man, which he isnt, he was explaining how he doesnt want to be replaced just in a way that makes him seem like some alpha male, and it alos angers me how in that session he wasnt being taken very seriously, is his way of explaining things weird?? yea it kinda is but thats not excuse to not take him seriously or dislike him, he had a valid reason to be upset, and yea his solutions were not good at all, but tbh if i were him i would also want juniper out of the cabin, and by the end he understood that his solutions weren't good and he just came to terms that juniper will just be there for one more day, he also showed genuine concern for what it being taught to the kids, he wants them to learn life lessons and be responsible, not little shit stains who run around with no remorse for anyone, which isnt bad at all, he wants the kids to be good people when they grow up, does it cause him to be a little up tight?? yea, but theres always that one person everywhere, wether it be school or camp or again everywhere, persnally if i was there i would understand him completly, hes also like me in the sense that he cannot express his feelings well, so he tends to make up excuses to avoid actually stating his feelings, yea sure its annoying but its not something to hate someone for, also that whole mediation session is just joshua explaining how hes upset that his routine was broken and how it got taken over and he was replaced, which i would be upset over too, and what is this a trait of?? both adhd and autism, which goes into my point that joshua is neurodivergent, is that one of the only traits i found?? yea, and why is he still neurodivergent?? because hes literally me, (please do not take my word for it, i just see a few neurodivergent traits in a character that fit me and i make them neurodivergent) i also think sydney's hateful attidute towards joshua made some people feel the same which goes into my previous argument that i said in a past post about how syd is an unreliable narrator, and also, his reasons like the life lessons thing and stuff they may hjave been excuses but they're still reasons, and his main thing was being jeaslous but HE STILL HAD SOME GOOD POINTS
please take this post with a grain of salt, im very bad at explaining things and i dont know if i explained everything the way i wanted to, i might reedit it at a further date when i actually find the words to explain everything correctly and i might be wrong about some things so again TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT
(also i swear tumblr hates me cus i've been posting shit for a while and after many hours they still have 0 notes)
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or-len · 2 months
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Peace for jouta
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kaeyachi · 4 days
One of the probable reasons as to why Kaeya didn't arrive on time for Crepus and Diluc when they were attacked was because he, and the knights with him, had no vision, and thus, cannot use a teleport waypoint.
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Him receiving his cryo vision when he was supposed to get scorched by Diluc was genuinely the biggest slap to the face given to him by Celestia. It arrived just in time to save HIM.
Even now, the vision only heals and shields him alone as a manifestation of his desire to keep living from that fight... but he can't use it to help others.
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daily-crowley · 8 months
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Crowley Of The Day: gorgeous 😍
(I used up all my hashtags that I couldn’t do my usual GO tags that I always do lol I don’t care)
#personal update#I got into Trolls#but I mean really really really into it#new fixation the brainrot is unstoppable#it’s all I think about I’m to the point that I need all Trolls content to survive#all Trolls content HAND IT OVER! merch fanart fics ALL OF IT#I’m so in love with Branch Floyd and John Dory#Rock Zombie Branch is sooooooo#and so I’d Rock Zombie Poppy#I AM THE NUMBER ONE JOHN FORY DEFENDER LEAVE HIM ALONE HE DID NOTHING WRONG AND DOESNT DEAERVE THE HATE HE GETS#I need what Broppy have oh my fucking god it’s so cute the love they have for each other it’s consuming me#and I need more of Branch and Clay those two rule following safety loving nerds would have such a great relationship#DID YOU SEE CLAY FAWNING OVER BRANCH WHEN THEY REUNITED SQUISHING HIS CHEEKS#THATS HIS BABY BROTHER AND HES AS CUTE NOW AS HE WAS WHEN HE WAS A BABY#AND THE ENDING WHEN HE TOLD HIM HE WAS SORRY FOR MISSING HIM GROW UP BUT COULDNT WAIT FOR THWM TO HANG OUT NOW#everyone focuses on Branch and Floyd but I NEED BRANCH AND CLAY#Speaking of Floyd I love him so much. he’s all I think about. that is if I’m not thinking of Branch#John Dory is everything to me? like I’m obsessed with him in a different way. like I said I’ll defend him every single time#BRUUUUUUUCE!!! 💞💞💞💞💞#Trolls 3 is still in cinemas and I’ve literally been going to rewatch it once a week#no joke I’m going again this Wednesday#AND I HAVE THE FILM AT HOME! I have all 3 of them and I watch them every day#I’m telling you the brainrot is unstoppable I am going insane#People apparently don’t like when I talk about any other interest of mine especially Trolls#it’s like I’m almost not allowed to talk about anything other than Good Omens#so since people don’t like me doing permanent posts YOU’RE GETTING IT IN THE TAGS#okay I’m done…. for now.#Crowley#Crowley Of The Day#Good Omens
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Thought Yanqing needed his defense TBH.
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Because let's be fair, he also gets a lot of unfair and undeserved hate.
He's so annoying!
That's your problem TBH. I don't even find him annoying. He actually can be mature for his age.
I lost my 50/50 to him!
And yet I don't see people hating Welt, Himeko, or Bronya after losing their 50/50 to them. IDK why he gets hated instead.
He's a trash DPS!
It's because you didn't build him right. At least try building him right and probably pairing him with Ruan Mei if you have her. This means leveling him and unlocking his traces.
He's not even strong lore wise!
If he's not strong lore wise, then he wouldn't have been able to withstand Jingliu's attacks. Oh, and he's also training March 7th in this event, which means he can be more mature than certain adults can.
As for the Blade + Dan Heng incident, you do realize they only defeated him because they were stronger than him. And Jing Yuan most likely had to reprimand him after the incident because those are his old friends.
His HI3 counterpart is so evil and unlikable, so he must also be evil and unlikable in HSR!
Bronya, Seele, Himeko, and Sushang are all different from their HI3 counterparts. And so is Yanqing especially. The only characters who are the same as their HI3 counterparts are Welt and (technically) Acheron.
Anyway, Yanqing is a good boy and you guys are just mean!
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emiartcorner · 1 year
It’s really funny to me how duelist kingdom only took place for three days because that means Kaiba woke up from a several months long coma and then almost immediately had his soul stolen like two days later (in the manga continuity ofc)
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anonymouscreampuff · 1 year
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if you don't think they can still work, that honestly sounds like a you problem
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sukibenders · 10 months
TBOSAS movie is proving time and time again that as long the character is a handsome white man, he can get away with anything or be babified of any wrongdoing. Like the number of people that I've seen go out of their way to try and justify Snow's actions, not even just young Snow anymore at this point but he's largely where this happens, using the term "he was just misunderstood" and acting as if his trauma was an excuse is mind-blowing. Did he go through traumatic stuff? Yes, but acting as if that excuses many of his actions, specifically for young Snow because there's no way in hell that mindset will work even a fraction with his older self (but people still try), is false and a mindset that needs to be stopped. Like I can't help but think about the way he views the people of the districts already in TBOSAS, seeing them and anything about them as animals rather than people, and how that mindset even falls on to the Covey and Lucy Gray herself. When reading some of their scenes together he comes off so passive aggressive when she talks about her plight, but it's largely because he treats her like an object---no, a PRIZE to be won and owned (thinking back to how, before they were even together romantically and where she didn't owe him shit, he still saw her as "his girl" and would get obsessive over the fact that others gravitated to her in a way he didn't like).
I'm not saying that it's wrong to find the bad guy attractive, it's not and Snow is very handsome, I will admit that. But just because he got a face card doesn't mean that should be basis for justifying every horrendous act he's done. And also, he's eighteen years old, why are people acting like he doesn't know his right from his left? He knows exactly what he's doing, from the books where his thoughts are literally laid out for us, to the movie itself. Though not as clear cut sometimes as the books, there are plenty scenes that let you know who he is (I think back to that classroom scene where Gaul is asking them questions, and Sejanus rightfully calls them out on their bs, but Snow uses his outrage and turns it into a way to make the Games better, completely going against Sejanus' original point).
What's even more sinister is some in the fandom going as far as to blame Lucy Gray for all of Snow's problems by saying "oh, but if she had just heard him out then maybe he wouldn't have been so heartbroken", as if she should had further risked her life and wellbeing to adhere to this man's needs when he was out to harm her or the fact that him having his heartbroken is justification for everything else he did before and after. There are many other examples of this, but it set a precedent for a very glaring problem in fandom spaces where the female character, especially if they are woc, is always to blame for the male, usually white, character's bad actions and that if they just listened to them and heard them out then so on and so on. Reminds me very much of the treatment of Alina in both show and books fandom spaces and babifying of the Darkling's actions by putting all the blame on her (never mind the fact that he's the cause for so much of her trauma, he's pretty after all *this was sarcasm*).
It's been a minute since I've seen the movie, so my example may be a little fuzzy, but my point still stands. You can like these characters and find them attractive, that's fine and normal. But where problems arise is when you try to paint over their bad acts because you thirst after them and/or proceed to place blame on the female characters, especially if they are woc, as a scapegoat.
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sleepymaven · 2 months
Godwyn Has a Fish Tail Instead of Legs...
..so he is a mermaid. (Or merman, in this case, but still.)
Where I'm going with this is... reverse Little Mermaid. 🧜🏼‍♀️
Godwyn sings an edited Part of Your World while on a cliffside next to the ocean, lamenting how he can't swim. (No one in the Lands Between can. Everyone fells to water.)
He then gets his beautiful tail.
He doesn't know how to use it properly yet and is struggling and all that before he finally gets in the water and can actually swim.
Then he sings the short reprise of Part of Your World while in the ocean. (Which would also give us that iconic rock scene/pose with the waves behind Godwyn when he hits that final note.)
He's swimming with the fishies and having a blast under the water when he finds... the sea witch.
..and is instantly smitten.
He spends his time trying to gain her favor and win her over, bringing her little gifts that are from land.
It works.
She simply adores him and the little treasures he brings her from land, she loving all the shiny trinkets and jewelry he has given her and finds it a sweet gesture. (After all, fish love shiny things and come, come, come to the brightest thing that glitters!)
They get to know eachother more and she brings him to her lair in the deep sea which is just an underwater cave with tons of glowing sea plants to light up the place.
She then reveals that she's not actually a witch at all and was just called that because people think she's evil, the people of the ocean seeing the deep, dark sea where she resides dangerous and overall evil.
Meanwhile, our "Erik" of the story is actually someone from land who is trying to stop Godwyn from going between land and water.
And perhaps even tries to kill him along the way.
And is actually more of a true witch than the sea witch is.
You guessed it.
It's Ranni.
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drusic · 1 year
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philistiniphagottini · 4 months
I just got a bunch of spam comments on one of my fics on A03 and it was so annoying going through each one individually to mark them all as spam. I'm turning off guest comments on A03 so I don't have to go through that again. Praying that my writing buddies who upload to A03 don't have to deal with the same bullshit.
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annoyingmertyllover · 11 months
Me anytime a Kiane fanfic mischaracterizes Howzer as some type of toxic asshole
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or-len · 2 months
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oorevitcejda · 1 year
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this is a miles protection squad blog if you or someone you know is Miguel O'hara, fuck you, leave my son alone he didnt do anything wrong
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cinnamonanddean · 2 months
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They being the writers in s6 and my boy being Lex.
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multifandom-lesbian09 · 3 months
Me, anytime Evan Morrow ever does anything: you go baby boy, you’re doing great sweetie
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