Stolen from YouTube though I’m not sure who originally made it, sorry 😔
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gokustits · 10 months
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thuganomxcs · 7 months
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jay talks about characters meme / accepting / @trattcria
🗣 + koenma!
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Not a bad boss, I really think his teen appearance would have surprised me if it wasn’t already teased since episode one (during the ending credits). BUT I do love Koenma, he was a pretty serious ruler but there are some times he’s just a freaking goof. My favorite moment of Koenma is definitely when he banged his head to purposely hurt himself so that hot nurse would examine him. 
I also loved how he just liked screwin’ with Yusuke too, the first time would be with his egg. Literally letting the man know that after that egg it’s game over, there’s NO WAY he’s going to get another chance. Then when Yusuke made the sacrifice he’s like ‘sike my nigga. I had a spare because deep down I knew your ass was finna be lunch meat when the first one hatched.’ Though honestly if the anime had taken the manga route I really DOUBT that spirit beast would have eaten him. My boy was doing too much good in the world in those first dozen-ish chapters.
THEN there’s the time on his revival and he has to get kissed from someone close to him. Considering the fact that Keiko TECHNICALLY kissed him late..at least I think she did..I might have to check back on that episode again. Either way Yusuke woke up, which lead me to believe that Yusuke would have woken up regardless and he’s just pretty much a drama king. I might not have a lot to say about our smol king but honestly the story wouldn’t have been the same without him in it.
I WILL ALSO put respect on this man’s loyalty to Yusuke, even if he does reprimand him here and there, I mean it’s pretty much his job, comes with the territory.
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alwaysbewoke · 2 years
so let's me take a crack at this.
coons: so this is the category that most black people think is the only category but that's a problem we'll discuss that later. but yeah coons (in this context) are black guys who straight-up hate black women cuz they've been brainwashed into believing that black women are base. bottom of the barrel. the worst of the worst. lowest of the low. they're not silent about their hatred of black women either. they mock black women and their appearance, their names, their dress, their style (while dating white women who do nothing but bite black women btw) and more. additionally they brag about their hatred of black women to  other haters of black women ESPECIALLY if those people are white people. these are the worst of the worst and while it is easy to simply hate them, the reality is they are victims of white supremacist brainwashing (which could be any of us since psychological warfare against white supremacist brainwashing is a constant thing that black people must engage in). not only that, sometimes these people grow up in homes that support these ideas. i wouldn't be surprised if often times behind a cooning black man there's a cooning mother and/or cooning father. like kanye said "hater niggas marry hater bitches and have hater kids." so these black men date outside of their race because they sincerely hate black women and they do so because they in truth hate themselves. this hatred of themselves is expressed in many ways but the hatred and mockery of black women is ALWAYS one of the ways it expresses itself. and now they go about trying to resolve that self hatred by chasing after white approval which they understand comes by showing disdain for black women (among other ways). now they will try and hide this fact under any number of bullshit excuses (like when those coons fresh&fit tried to make their hatred of black women about "preferences" (foh)) but it's always mega transparent to those with at least half a braincell.
trophy hunters: so these guys are very close to coons but they don't out right hate black women. in fact many trophy hunters have a history of dating black women but when it comes to serious, long term commitments, they're looking for a trophy and for them a trophy is always a non-black woman, usually a white woman. the brainwashing is virtually the same with these guys as it is with the coons because they've been led to believe that the signal that you've made it, that you are somebody, that you are at the top of the mountain is to have anyone on your arm other than a black woman. most often they have it in their minds that the woman that they need to have on their arm is a white woman. they've been convinced that white women are the zenith of femininity, elegance, grace, refinement, style, worthiness, etc.. like i said however they're not exactly coons in that they're not mocking black women, often they're not speaking ill of black women, and they even have a history of dating black women but their actions show that when it comes down to making that serious commitment or the person they want to have on their arm when they've "made it", they're not willing to do that for and/or with black women. in that regard that only slightly less brainwashed than coons but still fucked up nonetheless. once again, look at kanye.
made the best out of a unique situation: so now we're going to start to get into the categories that i think many black people refuse to understand exist and can lead to black men coupling and/or marrying women who are not black. there are many black men who are not currently living in a situation, in a place where they do NOT have access to a plethora of black women. i know for some there is this belief that all black people grow up and live in black communities surrounded by blackness 24/7 but that's not the reality for a lot of black people. there are black people right now who are born and  raised in places where there's maybe one or two (maybe three) other black families. and if the few black girls in that community, in that town aren't feeling you, what the fuck are you supposed to do? just be celibate? that's not how that should works. on top of that you have black men who are living outside the country for various reasons including work-related and military reasons. when i was a freshman in college, a senior i knew (who took me under his wing and also was a computer science major) right before graduation got a major job offer to go with a major company and making major dollars. the catch though was that this company was and still is located in japan (sounds like dwayne wayne type shit lmaoo). so he had to make a choice. either stay here in america for opportunities that weren't on that level or he had to bite the bullet move his entire life over to japan. now i don't know if you know this or not but japan is not exactly a place you're going to find a plethora of black people (men or women). especially not back in the day like i'm talkin about. so he moved to japan and many many many years later we friended each other on facebook and guess what? homie had a beautiful japanese wife and kids. why? not because he hated black women but his situation made it so that his options were different then mine and probably many of the black men reading this post. to bring this closer to home there are black athletes right now in sports like football who if they're going to make it to the nfl have to go play college sports in places where the student body is overwhelmingly white. so again, are we expecting them to be celibate if the few black women on campus aren't into them or aren't available? i know i'm not saying that. there are certain situations where your dating pool requires that you expand your options otherwise you just going to be lonely as fuck. shit one of my closest friends in the world a while back got relocated by his job to sweden hahaha. homie was making money but was lonely as shit. he had to make adjustments and yea dated a few swedish white girls because you're not running into a bunch of black girls over there. i understood 100%. these black men are just making the best out of this situation and i don't fault them no more than i would fault the number of black women who i know who were born and raised in places like idaho who dated mostly white boys because that's what that's what was around them. expand your mind on this one.
made a genuine connection: now this is the one that many black men and women refuse to accept is even possible but i'm here to tell you the world and human beings are complicated things. it is 100% possible to be a black man who doesn't hate black women, who isn't a coon, who isn't a trophy hunter and end up with a non-black woman because you made a genuine connection with one. i know for some this is sacrilege! this is unacceptable. this is beyond the pale. however again life isn't that simple. sometimes you meet someone and unexpectedly you have matching interest, matching goals, matching personalities, you find this person attractive and they just so happen to be a non-black person or, in the case of this specific topic, a non-black woman. this shit happens man.  there are many people reading this needs to grow up and realize that life isn't the straight line that you often think it is. it is 100% possible for a black man to not  be out here thinking or talkin about how black women are loud, black women are always angry, and all that other bullshit but just so happen to a fallen for someone who isn't black. what i typically find is that people who know that they are incapable of something can not fathom others having that ability since they know they can't do it. and so you have this weird projection where you know you could not be with a non black woman without hating on black women (or be with a non-black man without hating black men) so then it is impossible for you to understand how someone else could. so you end up shutting down or arguing with people about how is there is absolutely no way that is possible without being a traitor and all the while, in reality, you're just telling on yourself. now clearly i already listed out that they are coons and trophy hunters out here but they are also black men out here who just happen to have fallen for an asian chick, a hispanic chick,  a middle eastern chick and yes even a white chick. i know that last one made many faces go sideways and i get it. the realities of white racial hatred, white supremacy and the wounds thereof are very fresh for many and the idea of coupling with the people from the group who created and maintain this white supremacist hellscape wherein black people can be shot down by police and the cops just get a paid vacation or black college grad have the same shot at a job as non college grad whites with a criminal record and etc turns the stomach. i get 100% because i feel that way often too. however i can not deny the realities where i've met black men married to non-black women who are still down for the cause and yes love black women and want to see black women succeed. i've even met black women married to white women doing more in the community than many of the people who call him a coon. i'm not going to pretend that didn't happen and that can't be a reality. this inability in some of us to accept this reality ends up trickling down to how we treat black biracials (whose crime to some in the black community is just existing) but that's a whole other subject. so yeah the last one is simply; people make genuine connections (sometimes unexpectedly) with people outside of their race that includes black men.
so that may take. like the woman in the video said, leave black women out of this. if you're with a non-black woman (for whatever the reason (good, bad, whatever)) just fucking own it and move on.
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thicksimpx · 2 years
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(The Love Hotel )
First of all, yall! I’m at 600 followers and I just want to say thank you because y’all know I don’t spell check but y’all still fuck with ya girl 😅 y’all some real niggas (and wiggas I ain’t forget about y’all supporting a black girl go off 🥳🥳🥳🥳)
But yeah so this is my first event and it’s Valentine’s Day themed because why tf not ? 😂😂 im feeling love duvey and wanna show these men some good loving 😩😩 or have them loving on me idk 😏🥴. This page will serve as the master list.
The theme is FLUFF AND SMUT.
Obviously .. this event will be over on at the end of February because i said so😂 and I wanna give everybody time to do their best work. But anyone can join and write about whoever you want, men or women I don’t judge 🤭. It can be selfship, Drabble or a fic idc the more the merrier 🗣🗣🗣🗣
Just let me know if you want to join , who you writting about and if it’s selfship, or Drabble , fic etc . All I ask if that it’s fluff & smut. Wild tf out and Keep the toxicity at home 🗣
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Participants …
@thicksimpx -
Happy Endings with Bokuto. K (Haikyuu)
“Whoregasm“- Sugawara (Haikyuu)
@dejwrites - “Throat Baby” - Aran Ojiro (Haikyuu)
@luffysthickwaifu - “Three Holes” - Tengen, Giyuu & Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
@gabzlovesu - “Trouvaille” - Jean K. (AOT)
@sirthisisa-wendys - “Escorted” Keizo Arashi ( Tokyo Revengers)
@mitsuyasfavorite - Gojo Satoru selfship ~College AU
@sintiva - EreJean x Reader (AOT)
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 years
Curly birthday head cannons
Angela too cause they twins
Throw a bit of Purly in there too 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
yes yes bdays + purly (o≧∇≦)o
•fuck u they r gemini’s to me
•tim goes all out
•tim has also learned that he cannot let them simply share bday stuff
•last time that happened they kept getting into fights and cake went everywhere
•so yea, needless to say ur local twin terrorizers get a big birthday party for everyone elses safety
•the shepard gang joins in on the celebrating too
• cough cough tim waking them up w a bday breakfast cough
•tim just loves his younger siblings and wants them to have a good day too
•EVERYONE knows its their bday, it’s literally engraved in their heads
•its either u say happy bday to them and or give them a gift or u wake up in a ditch
•walk into school on their bday and all u hear is a bunch of “HAPPY BIRTHDAY🗣🗣”
•either u know their bday bc ur scared and dont wanna get beat up or ur attracted to at them and r trying to get them to notice u
•they blow out the candles together
•they also get their heads smashed into the cake by tim together, how cute<33333
•tim takes a lot if pictures and everyones all happy n smiling and ugh its just rlly nice n cute
•ok i heard u want purly SO when they r partying w the shepard gang they go off to make out somewhere
•theyve been caught for the past 2 years now
•honestly sometimes pony leads curly away from the party to give him a gift, why????cause most if the time its a personal gift for curly and he just wants to see his reaction
•usually pony has to actually make the bday gifts cause hes fucking broke, but curly likes them so its all good🤞🏽
•curly and angela have this one cake from their childhood their always wanted to have again, and tim and pony would try to recreate it
•fuck it, ponys the one baking a lot of the stuff, and hes a good baker
• curly thinks hes soooo good at hiding pony at the party but everyone knows ponys gonna pop up eventually
“what do you want your present to be”
“a pony”
“nigga just invite pony over then😐”
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carruechedaily · 3 years
Dani needs to get her shit and her newborn and just go. He’s been a bozo since the beginning. He treated his first two baby mamas like shit, unfortunately she is no different even though she thought she was. Take that nigga to court and call it a day. Not worth the stress at all. Idk why they were playing house together knowing damn well it was not going to work especially with his narcissist having ass. Nigga ignored her the whole pregnancy! Like was that not a big red flag itself!? Let’s not have babies with someone knowing damn well the outcome won’t be any different. Put that nigga on child support, grow and get some therapy and dip🗣🗣🗣.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 it’s sad that she had to learn the hard way but now it’s time to get it together, he’s made it clear he could give a fuck about her
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therealjobigzz · 2 years
So I called this chick & her man answers like: Hello....Hellooooo
Me: Good morning. Is Ashley available?
Her nigga: 🗣Who the fuck is this?!
Me: Well Excuse Me. This is Anthony with LOWE'S Distribution. Is ASHLEY available? I'm calling in regards to her application to set up an interview.
Her nigga mumbled🤬: Sorry, Mr. Anthony, one second. 🗣Baby you got a job hurry up!
Her: Hey, good morning. Sorry about that, this is Ashley.
Me: Dude hella dumb. Wassup?
Her: Hey what's going on?
Me: Shit for real trying tosee you today. I’m checking into this room at Days inn in a couple hours. I know you want these backshots.
Her: Yes sir. I'm very interested in that postion. I would love that. I can be there by 2:00 o’clock. Should I bring anything?
Me: Your rose toy. See you soon.
Her nigga: So what he say?
Her: Bae they want me to come in for the interview today! Let me get myself together. Today about to be a good day! Love You!!💋Muah.
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goonmilk · 4 years
If it’s up then it’s up with us!
My first week back on social media has been eventful to say the least. Last night on Zel’s Instagram Live show we found the throat goat 🗣🐐! Trump’s started a war with Iran and they’re literally going back n forth on Twitter with threats and throwing up their sets. Of course black Twitter is making jokes and I can’t lie they are hilarious with the WW3 anecdotes. But I think these niggas serious, I translated the Iranian leader tweet and he ain’t bullshittin lol. Either way it goes it’s out of my control no need to worry about it, I can’t get drafted in the war and Accokeek far enough from the city for me to really be stressing… god bless tho. Also had an interview this week for a fashion styling position with Amazon 👀 and a photoshoot with Jordan for some new G.O.O.N.S. Sweatsuits! It’s definitely goin up this year and there’s only time for positive energy. Moving with intention and leaving the talking on the blog. All action and you’re either with me or in the way, its that simple. But let’s celebrate the fact Cuzzo has sold out another live live show in a hour for the third straight show! All Organically! Honestly never seen nothing like it, my boy is a star and the whole world gonna know soon enough! Seen him go from IG lives with just us in that joint to 780 views yesterday! Proud of you fool you doing that MF on a P level!
Also it’s the first 2 for $40 Friday of the year! So place your custom tee orders or whatever you need and let’s start the year off on some G.O.O.N.S. Shit! The GoonMilk Message of the Day is “Still”! We still here, we still happy healthy and prosperous, still striving for greatness, we still Getting Out of Negative Situations!
Shoutout to “Snow on the Bluff” that movie hit the streets and blew up! instant classic!
1st person POV street culture at its finest!
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I’m coming back for good so let them niggas know it’s MINES
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angeloew · 7 years
Hey, this isn't for posting public. But I just want to warn you bruh. The girl you always kick it with Candy she fukk with a nigga from the D. I'm his brother friend and he ain't no joke. I was jus scrollin and seen her and was like hell nah. She ain't single like that. I ain't player hatin so if y'all got that handled cool. But buddy something serious and I didn't want you not knowin.
Ok I can’t just let this go with out responding.😏 I love how my guy was genuinely concerned and looking out for me. 🙏🏾 Like he a real friend and don’t even know a nigga! 🙌🏾 I wonder what’s his name?? 🤔 I feel like he’s a “Lorenzo”. The world need more friends like him. Moral of the story: 🗣Be more like Lorenzo everybody!!! 🙃
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
can we have some more sport hcs please?
love ur stuff btw <3
•curly likes swinging his bat near ponys feet n going “DANCE MONKEY DANCE🗣”
•when curlys done w baseball practice pony fucking ziplines to him w water and snacks n stuff like that bc damn bro u doin anything after this😏😏
•pony has a jersey???whatever u wanna call it from curly and curly has a shirt???jersey????? from ponys team
•they tried soccer once and NEVER again
•pony was good at kicking the ball hard, but his aim????not so much
•curly was just clumsy and tripped over his feet a lot and it took him a hot minute to actually kick the ball so :/
•the second sport ponys good at is volleyball, stfu
•and thats the sport angela is good at too so all three of them play volleyball together sometimes
•when ponys running for track curly goes “run like the wind ponydude🗣🗣” and pony wants to give him the MEANEST glare but he has to keep running or whatever 🙄
•sometimes pony fucking twist his ankle so curly has to carry the lil nigga home😒
•fuck u bc of darry pony dabbled into the SMALLEST bit of gymnastics and he taught curly some moves
•sooo u know how APPARENTLY bowling is a fucking sport so bringing back the hc that curly never plays it like hes suppose to
•he THROWS the bowling ball like hes in basket ball and whenever pony tries correcting him hes like “SHUT UP UR FUCKING UP MY FUNKSHWAY🤬”
•they went to this summer camp when they were younger that had archery lessons and uhhh pls never let them go back
•they did surfing at the beach once, both nearly drowned
•and they will never EVER try fucking golfing
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