spaceeh · 6 years
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Vinyl Carol
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which oc do you think has the wildest energy?? who has the calmest??
of my cookie run ocs the wildest is probably birthday cake while the calmest is frog ! 
of general/human ocs there’s percisi (umg/nou) who is... pretty wild i guess ahahah then the “calmest” would be mr moon (lgttb), i guess, in a sense
of my 5 dst ocs the wildest is probly professor wap and the calmest is widna !
some of my ocs r complete little gremlins its kind of wack 
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omradio · 8 years
Comunidad LGTTB en alianza con migrantes en Estados Unidos
Comunidad LGTTB en alianza con migrantes en Estados Unidos
Este sábado 4 de febrero, miles de personas de la diversidad sexual se reunieron en el icónico Stonewall In para marchar en contra del ataque del gobierno de Trump a los migrantes. Después de que el viernes 3 de febrero un juez federal congelara la orden ejecutiva que prohíbe la entrada a Estados Unidos de personas de siete países, en su mayoría musulmanes, miles de personas se manifestaron el…
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rocktails · 7 years
Regresó Will and Grace y lo festejamos recordando músicos invitados
Will and Grace (1998-2003) fue una serie muy exitosa de la señal estadounidense NBC, que aquí en Argentina pudimos disfrutarla a través del canal Sony. Era una comedia en la cual brillaron Eric Mc Cormark (Will), Debra Messing (Gace), Sean Hayes (Jack) y Megan Mullally (Karen).
Fue uno de los show en TV abierta estadounidense que brindó más visibilidad a la temática LGTTB, incluyendo dos personajes gays como Will y Jack. En 2016 Will and Grace volvieron con un especial corto de algunos minutos, promoviendo la inscripción para votar en las elecciones presidenciales. El rotundo éxito a nivel mundial de este especial, impulsó a la señal, a los actores y productores para volver con la serie.
En 2017 volvió con 7 episodios, en 2018 ya están garantizados otros 9. Por dicho ciclo, en temporadas anteriores, han desfilado numerosas artistas musicales: Cher, Elton, Madonna, Jlo, Britney, Manilow, Janet jackson, Hall & Oates.
Para festejar el regreso de esta serie – a continuación – recordamos algunas de estas míticas participaciones.
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from Regresó Will and Grace y lo festejamos recordando músicos invitados
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1mitchell-maia · 9 years
Let's Go To The Beach || Mitchmell
Maia was excited that Stephen had came out to see her. He made her happy, a little too happy but she wasn’t going to think on that. After clearing up the breakfast she had made them that morning she went to her room to shower and change for a day at the beach. She had just finished on her movie so a day of relaxing seemed like the way to go. The fact that Stephen didn’t have any work to do either meant they could really enjoy their time. She put on her bikini and cover it with a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt that would be easy to lose once she got to the beach. After packing her back she went back out into the hall. “Ready when you are.” She called out to her friend.
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rocktails · 7 years
Regresó Will and Grace y lo festejamos recordando músicos invitados
Will and Grace (1998-2003) fue una serie muy exitosa de la señal estadounidense NBC, que aquí en Argentina pudimos disfrutarla a través del canal Sony. Era una comedia en la cual brillaron Eric Mc Cormark (Will), Debra Messing (Gace), Sean Hayes (Jack) y Megan Mullally (Karen).
Fue uno de los show en TV abierta estadounidense que brindó más visibilidad a la temática LGTTB, incluyendo dos personajes gays como Will y Jack. En 2016 Will and Grace volvieron con un especial corto de algunos minutos, promoviendo la inscripción para votar en las elecciones presidenciales. El rotundo éxito a nivel mundial de este especial, impulsó a la señal, a los actores y productores para volver con la serie.
En 2017 volvió con 7 episodios, en 2018 ya están garantizados otros 9. Por dicho ciclo, en temporadas anteriores, han desfilado numerosas artistas musicales: Cher, Elton, Madonna, Jlo, Britney, Manilow, Janet jackson, Hall & Oates.
Para festejar el regreso de esta serie – a continuación – recordamos algunas de estas míticas participaciones.
The post Regresó Will and Grace y lo festejamos recordando músicos invitados appeared first on Rocktails.
from Regresó Will and Grace y lo festejamos recordando músicos invitados
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jfcpezzabu · 11 years
Lets go to the beach || Lola and Jaxon
The now violet haired girl took a look in the mirror, almost normal it has become to her to look and see her younger plumper face. She let her hair down from her loose bun and brushed it through with her fingers. The girl braided the fringe and put it off to the side, and clipped it back. She picked up her eyeliner and lined her eyes. Thats something that she used to do when it was acceptable, so why not now? She coated her lashes with some mascara. Perfect. Who needed more make up than that to go to the beach? 
The girl looked through her draws for a bikini, something that she has stopped wearing since she never had never had the time to go to the beach because of her busy schedule. She picked up one that was familiar from when she was a teen. The purple haired girl put it  on and then covered her body up in a sundress, despite the sun. She grabbed her bag and took out her car keys. 
Lola drove down the familiar rode to the boys house she hasn't seen in ages. It would be strange seeing him again the way she remembered. When she saw her old exes they were usually a bit fat and gone bald. But for once one was still cute. She pulled up to the boys house and get out of her car. Walking up the steps to the door and knocking softly. 
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anastasiareed · 11 years
Lets Go To The Beach || Stasi-Wasi&Fletchypoo
Finally, a friend that Anastasia was actually comfortable with and can joke around. Usually she would joke around with, but sometimes people would take it too far. A lot of the people in this house took things a bit too serious when all Anastasia wanted to do was joke with people and have fun. Even her sister sometimes took it too seriously, the brunette was really thinking about why they didn't have a third bar in the house. After catching up a little bit with Fletcher, Anastasia asked him to go to the beach. The islands were too short of a trip for the girl and she wanted more beach time. However, it was about 2 A.M, but Fletcher didn't seem to mind that. That was one of the reasons why she was so involved with him, he did things out of the blue that probably no one else would eve think about. Honestly, who thinks about camping on the beach? Most would be afraid to wake up with sand in their mouth, but all Anastasia was excited about was spending time with her best friend. And to get the perfect salt water curls she's been dying for from the time they left.
Anastasia lurked around her room, packing things in a random bag she found behind her dresser. She hasn't been here for long, but she knew she would probably stay because it seemed to be fun, so she unpacked everything. The brunette slipped on her bikini and a pair of shorts, running her hand through her long thick brown hair. That was the only way to tell her and her sisters apart. Crystal had short light brown hair, and and Piper had medium length light hair. Anastasia sighed packing a towel and a large blanket for the two of them. Fletcher said he would bring sleeping bags, but knowing him, they wouldn't cover them both and Anastasia would end up complaining, or laughing at his somewhat stupidity.
Once the brunette was finished packing everything, she looked at herself in the mirror and shrugged. Anastasia didn't care what she looked like, she was only seeing Fletcher. But, since she hasn't in a while, she was more excited than usual. And nervous? Anastasia asked to cuddle on the beach, and she's not one to do that. She felt as if she was asking too many questions, so she shut herself up and started to get ready instead. The girl sighed as she zipped close her bag and put on a pair of flip flops, grabbing her phone she head for the door. "Kitchen, kitchen, kitchen." She mumbled to herself, trying to remember where it is. The house was huge in her perspective and she always got lost, even if she was there for over two weeks. "Kitchen!" Anastasia halfway yelled and covered her mouth because of how late it was. She spun around and didn't see Fletcher, so she hopped up on the counter and waited for him.
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calum-inthe-hood-blog · 11 years
Let's Go To the Beach || Jennifer&Calum
Calum was excited to finally get out of his room. It was nice at first, like being in a new hotel when he was touring. But after a while it got lonely. All he did was sit in bed, texting everyone he could back home. He was starting to get a bit homesick. He missed him mum, his sister. He especially missed his three band mates. He spent every day of his life with them for over a year and now all he can do is text them. He needed to do something to get his mind off of them. When he was talking to Jen, she said the beach was nice so he immediately jumped at the idea. He got up and rifled through his suitcase, pulling out a pair of swim trunks. He slipped on a tank top and sandals. The boy made his way into the kitchen where his wallet and sun glasses were. He put the glasses on and slid his wallet into the pocket of his trunks. When he was ready he left his room and made his way to hers. His fist shot out and knocked on her door rapidly. He hoped she had towels since he wasn't smart enough to pack his own...
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blazefleming · 12 years
Let's Go To The Beach || Elijah and Blaze
Blaze had never been on a date, and she didn't count the times she had hung around with Esther as dates. An actual, proper date was something Blaze had never been a part of, and she was scared that she was going to mess it all up. She was going to say or do something stupid and Elijah was going to think she was crazy. Which was probably accurate, but he didn't need to know that.
She finished braiding her hair into a sort of crown around her head and she fixed the fold that had appeared in the back of her sundress. Blaze took one last look in the mirror before grabbing her things and heading out to her car.
It didn't take long to get to the beach, and Blaze pulled into one of the spots. It wasn't very busy at that time of night, but it was still nice out. She got out and rested against the hood of her car, nervously waiting for Elijah to get here.
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ladandyzette-blog · 13 years
¿Puede rehacerse el género?, ¿puede entenderse como una práctica de la libertad?, ¿puede ser entendido como un modo de llegar a ser? Y si es así, ¿qué otras formaciones son posibles? En mi opinión, el feminismo implica un pensar acerca de las prácticas de libertad: cuando hacemos objeción a las prácticas discriminadoras en el empleo, a la reclusión en la esfera privada, cuando protestamos por la violencia contra las mujeres, no es sólo porque queremos que las mujeres consigan la igualdad, que sean tratadas con justicia. Igualdad y justicia son normas muy importantes, pero hay más: queremos ciertas libertades para las mujeres para que no estén totalmente limitadas a las ideas establecidas de feminidad o incluso de masculinidad.
[Judith Butler] {Entrevista con Judith Butler: “El género es extramoral”}
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