#really. make that blog someday ahahah
musicalpancakes77 · 17 days
Hello hello, I've been tagged by @indigowallbreaker for a fun WIP meme :] Figured I'd do it while the tag was still fresh before I'd forget LMAO
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This is about to be so funny and obscure because some of these titles are incomprehensible without context LMAOOO I have a few different wips (some are. half abandoned,,, i love them all very much and im so determined to come back to them or rework them someday), but let's start with Ace Attorney:
Shenanigans of Lady S
Prosecutor Sibs AU uwu
Ahahah That Other AA Idea I Had
I told myself I wouldn't but here it is LETS GO BOYS
For Professor Layton, the fandom that surprisingly got a large number of Active wips from me:
Besties the House Arrest AU
PL Soulmates bc there isn't ENOUGH
Ranlay Attempt?? Eh???
PL Christmas fic because we ARE Desmond simps yes I'll write this fuck you
A very brief shout out to my outline of a Ghost Trick fic (which I've spoiled part of the title for because of literal spoiler reasons. im not spoiling anyone on this game are you kidding me?? oooo you want to play ghost trick so bad oooo!!!):
World's Most Haunted *** Moments
I'm not really counting them, but shout out to my active Lazytown fic that I SWEAR IM WORKING ON I SWEAR IT I AM IT WILL BE DONE THIS YEAR that goes by the name "Past LT somethin somethin" and my first fanfic's rewrite that is barely considered a wip to me that is named "I'll Leave AGAIN", and lastly a blank document for a BNHA Toshinori Yagi fic that I meant to get around to but never did beyond titling it "BNHA Good Toshi Fic if I Ever Get Around to It" :)
I do not know that many people- or more accurately idk how many people I know who are actively working on something- so I will tag the few people I know for sure who are writing and who may have wips! If I didn't tag you but you'd really like to do this, go ahead, you've officially been tagged 💕
@4ragon @rivalsforlife @xbydefault @nebul-anna (I think you just got tagged for this?? sorry if you did LMAO) @transannabeth (if this isn't the blog name you normally do these kinds of memes on, then sorry! 😭 Took a shot in the dark!) @jfkisonthemoon @ibroughtyoumybullets-ningy
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
lol I spent a portion of last night/today reading someone else's live-blogs of season 5 and I'm kinda glad just bc I'd forgotten that in the LAST SCENE of the LAST EPISODE they were like "yay let's go to space and bring magic back to other planets :D FRIENDS ROAD TRIP"
(also I reread an old interview with ND Stevenson where he was like "wooo I bet they visit a bunch of planets")
Anyway it's forced me to re-imagine the first chapter and change of my fic but it's fine, better now than later
okay lets get another episode down while laundry is in the dryer
s1 ep4!
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On the one hand I get why they have Angella be like this
On the other hand I'm like, do people here not know what "child soldier" means? Yes, Adora's old enough to make decisions for herself, but that's. Why she left.
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I feel like this is loosely inspired by really big pretty churches, but in a fairly neutral kind of way
Or maybe it's just that everything reminds me of Her
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(The cathedral in Leòn, Spain; aka one of my fave places on earth, I'm always surprised this pic turned out as well as it did because when I took it I was crying, anyway)
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*squints* I forget if they ever explain which defeat they're referencing here, I'm positive they do but I'm blanking
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Is that Castaspella on the mural
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Catra's little "prrp!" here was almost definitely involuntary, and I love that they had her do a "surprised kitty" sound
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Okay so Shadow Weaver is like NO I KNOW YOU NO MORE ABOUT ADORA AND YOU'RE NOT TELLING ME and is visibly threatening Catra, but then her crystal thing starts to hurt her, and as she backs away Catra reaches for her before Shadow Weaver slaps her hand away, have I mentioned how well they portray child abuse survivors
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BAHAHAH that's gay
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the village hoes just be throwing themselves at her amiright
(I don't mean the baby obviously)
Note to self for later, writing reasons: the Princesses all have literal physical objects that are the source of their powers
Man I can never get over the degree to which Perfuma reminds me of a friend I had in the late '00's, a tall thin blond sorta-hippie with long hair who REALLY tries to think positive and loves trees and flowers
Hordak: why are u still so obsessed with blondie Shadow Weaver: i'm not Hordak: you are so full of shit. give it up or no more magic for u
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Poor Adora had NO idea she had to fill shoes this big or old
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Bow will make such a great dad at some future point
Wait I gotta include that in my fic *runs off to write notes*
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accidentally took the worst screenshot lol plz enjoy
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This Ken lives in Plumeria!
Perfuma: we believe karma will come for the Horde someday :) Glimmer: or you could just fight them yourself Perfuma: mmmmmno
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You're gonna have to tell her this like fifty more times
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where did you get those
Boy it took like nothing for Perfuma to convince her people "actually let's go murder those sumbitches, call me KARMA AHAHAH"
Adora's actual magical ability: hiding that huge-ass sword no matter what she's wearing
All the green growing things taking over reminds me of scenes in Princess Mononoke, which was almost definitely on purpose
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Perfuma has tasted blood and she's not going back
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The parallels with "she's not really gay, it's a phase, she's confused, I'll get her to come to church" like I'm sorry but there's no way they didn't use that phrasing on purpose
Glimmer: if you were perfect you'd be HELLA ANNOYING
(she's not wrong)
ANYWAY my laundry was done like fifteen minutes ago but I wanted to finish the episode out :D
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which oc do you think has the wildest energy?? who has the calmest??
of my cookie run ocs the wildest is probably birthday cake while the calmest is frog ! 
of general/human ocs there’s percisi (umg/nou) who is... pretty wild i guess ahahah then the “calmest” would be mr moon (lgttb), i guess, in a sense
of my 5 dst ocs the wildest is probly professor wap and the calmest is widna !
some of my ocs r complete little gremlins its kind of wack 
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tis clyde! *dramatic stage pose*
idk tbh i’m like so cold right now i just went out for a walk (not willingly) now i’m typing really slow as i’m regaining feeling in my fingers.
right! i remember caliban nowwwwww. oof ur beef with prospero. i guess that actor is rather similar to their character (unlike u... i’m pretty sure ur not a monster ;)
gAsP yay that would be so exciting. tbh it would have come in handy last year when we were reading the book bc shakespeare is so confusing my gosh. idk maybe it’s not for me, u seem to like it tho :)
haha well that seems like why u stick around to listen to me ramble every five seconds. maybe! you guys would probably get along as she is like pretty much exactly me, but more dramatic and (a lot) more confidence.
asdf ikr those movies are awesome!! i want to adopt a niffler, in fact i was hyperfixtated on nifflers a year ago, and still want a niffler stuffy. and i love queenie with all my heart.
they really are tbh. me and my friends don’t talk about that much ✨feelings✨ stuff, we don’t really have nicknames so it’s a new experience for me tbh
oh wow really? oof that’s unfortunate. i like swimming but i hate anything endurance (including track, my worst enemy *shudders* <- from fear or from cold i don’t know) it will literally make
me want to die so yeah hehe.
asdf my dad makes fun of me bc i can never finish anything it’s unfortunate really maybe someday i will acquire motivation but who knows really
asdf u used he/him pronouns :)))))) that makes me happy tbh
yeah it’s really funny. have you read the books? it’s so much more book accurate than the movies were. the movies were the freaking worst. so... inaccurate... it’s terrible.
asdf ikr sherlock is truly a work of art and the aCtInG omg it’s excellent truly.
ohhhhh you are one of those people that like dialogue in movies. i guess i do sometimes? but action i just find more interesting? then again i spend most of my life tuning out peoples voices *coughchoughschool* so action is easier for me to focus on.
hehe it’s interesting bc u have such different opinions than i do, but it’s interesting to hear about nevertheless
ah oki i’ll keep that in mind. my brain is like a storage space for useless information. i cant remember when world war one or two was but i can identify your apple phone just by seeing the back of it. sigh.
gAsP you don’t know the grishaverse... it’s the shadow and bone series, six of crows, idk if this is ringing any bells but i would dEfInItElY recommend them they are so good. shadow and bone is coming out as a netflix show on the 23rd and i’m so excited! the casting is like 👌 and everyone is soooooo amazing asdf i really like it if u can’t tell.
idk about neighbour maybe it’s one of those canadian american spellings where american takes out the u in the word like colour and color idk.
ahahah yeah i can recite the whole of hamilton from memory and i love dear evan hansen even tho most people don’t (the book makes me sad)
ahahaha yay glad u appreciate my bad puns
question for u? do u want me to continue doing this on anon or do u care if i go off anon? idk why it doesn’t make a difference to me either way unless u decide my blog is extremely cringy and don’t want to be my friend anymore (which would be understandable). just asking.
now for the question even though this is once again incredibly long and i don’t know why i keep commenting on the length but it’s fine: do you have e l fudges in the states? like sophie’s favourite cookies? have you tried them? are they good? i need this stupid pandemic to be over so i can eat the cookies.
*cookie monster voice* c is for cookie, that’s good enough for me ;)
i’m glad i make you laugh amigo :)
until next time ;)
Clyde!! ✨✨✨
Oof I’m sorry ur cold it’s not freezing here but I was just outside for chem tutoring for a while and oof.
There’s a really good song from the frozen musical called monster you should listen to it. I certainly try not to be a monster although I’ve done my shit like everyone else I suppose.
Shakespeare is definitely one of those things where you’re either obsessed to the point of insanity or you’re losing your marbles lol. I will say, it’s dumb to make students read the plays because if you don’t already like Shakespeare, you’ll be losing it. They should teach it through analyzing a play adaptation, so that people who don’t get it can at least see it in its finished form.
I love dramatic people as much as I love nerds so I think she sounds very cool!
Nifflers are ADORABLE!!! I think my favoritest Harry Potter creature is the serpent thing with wings (I’ve forgotten what it’s called) but it’s just so beautiful!! Queenie is indeed iconic.
Oh bro I like. Cannot stop talking about my feelings. I’m the epitome of that meme it goes like:
My bff: wanna talk about ur feelings (other bff)?
Other bff: no
Me: I do
Bff: we know cecil
Me: I’m sad
Bff we know cecil
Yeah that’s me
God I hated track when i did it. I was ok at it for a while, I could run a 6:49 mile, but it gave me like. Horrible nervous breakdowns. I was like a thoroughbred horse and I needed a comfort goat. Also just the physical sensations were ACK.
Depression mood but pls don’t die friend.
Yes!! I’m glad u liked the pronouns I will continue to use (along with others if you’d like.)
I’ve definitely read basically all the Percy Jackson books. I read that series and Heroes of Olympus and then the first couple magnus chase and the Egypt ones... I don’t remember them super well but they were really fun.
I do like dialogue in movies I’m a romcom guy lmao. It just comes down to taste and I adore movies that are mostly action too, I’ve just gotta be in the right brain space. Movies with both? Flawless.
It is always interesting to talk to someone who likes different things, and also to have someone not immediately call me a pretentious asshole tbh. Like I really don’t try to be stuck up or anything, I’m not hating, I just like different stuff.
That’s so relatable I remember the dialogue to entire hour long episodes of a tv show but I can’t remember what day my fathers birthday is. It’s annoying.
Oh that’s shadow and bone!! Ok, I know them, yeah everyone’s told me to read them they’re on my tbr for sure I just never have time to read lmao but yeah and also the Netflix show looks So Cool.
I think neighbour is one of those words, yeah. I always spell things the non-American way, but I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe it’s cause I hate America so much.
Dear Evan Hansen gives me chills and most people are losers. Musicals are just fun, man. My favorite musical ever is called The Band’s Visit, and my second favorite musical is Hadestown.
You can be on anon or off anon, I promise I won’t want to stop talking to you lol unless I see like. This person is a nazi which I know you aren’t because why tf would you talk to my radical ass but hey. Also don’t worry about my aggressive politics I don’t bring them up much and we can still be friends even if we don’t agree on everything and I really like talking to you so anyways that’s a long way of saying you do whichever you’re more comfy with, friend :)
We do in fact have E L Fudges but I have. Never eaten one. I have also never eaten anything from a McDonald’s, a chick fil a, or a Taco Bell, and I have only had Oreos once. People always go crazy over that information lmao. I would love to try some. Maybe we can buy them together some time (like on the same day or smthn) and I’ll tell u what I think
Cookies!!! The Cookie Monster quote sent me straight to happy child place lolllll.
Also I have a question for you! What time zone do you live in? Only if ur comfy ofc.
Until next time :)))))))
P.S. @ everyone who has to scroll through these sorry but I’m living rn so like. 😘
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
Hiii!! I hope you don't mind me asking, but what tumblrs are your inspiration?
My inspirations? Oh man this is a long list. So, stick around?
Also, I don't know a lot of people on this list personally. I've never even talked to them, probably. So... Hi!😂
✓ @kissedbymybaddestbidder : There are no questions on this one. I don't know the person behind the account, but her fanfics were probably one of the reasons I got into writing Voltage Inc. fanfictions. Her works are a masterpiece, without a doubt.
✓@voltage-vixen : Not only her attitude towards her followers, but she herself is the sweetest person alive. The way she writes what she writes often has me speechless. I really admire her, and have the utmost respect for her, from the bottom of my heart.
✓ @mrs-scm-wife : Don't even get me started on this woman's SCM knowledge. She is my go-to person for anything SCM related, for sure. Her sarcasm, her dedication to her blog, her creative skills (HER ART OMFG I'M A FAN), and her absolutely wonderful personality inspire me to write more, and keep improving. I love reading her posts so much (even though I am not a big SCM person) but boy oh boy. I might even be an AC and not just a fan, who knows?
✓ @lin-ful : Although we don't talk much, her blog is easily one of the best ones on Tumblr. The way she responds to her asks, writes about something from the point of view both characters in a sense, and the way she is able precisely lay down the character in her writing makes her blog one of the most inspirational ones for me. Well, if I'm being honest, she herself is an inspiration for me too, more than the blog.
✓ @leoamber66 : Although she doesn't write much nowadays, her character rants, tags, and her un-filtered self inspire me to no end. Her patience and love matches no one. I truly, truly hope she starts believing in her writing again, because let me tell you; when I feel down, this lady raises me up to so much more than I can ever be. I hope I can be like that too, someday.
✓ @flatsuke : ahahah, everyone has heard of this one Tumblr account. If you haven't, you're clearly living under a rock. When my days aren't going so well, it's this account my fingers take me to, almost everytime. The meme game is beyond compare, and the in-depth knowledge of all characters she works on is commendable.
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jihanlife · 7 years
Hey guys! This is Amiya and I’m leaving...
Hey guys! This is Amiya. I know this is very sudden, but Ive been thinking about this for a very long time now. I promise myself to post this once i reached 10k and it’s time...... I am officially closing “Jihanlife”. This includes mmeanielife, verkwanlife, and jicheollife...... 
I dont even know how to write this without getting emotional ahahahah. 
Being a part of this community is an eye opening experience. Unexceptionally. It gave me more than what ive asked for. All i wanted is a place to store jisoo and jeonghan photos. but then i met you guys and made alot amazing friends, supports, and love. OVERWHELMING LOVE. I was able to show my arts and edits and gain alot of skills through the process. Overtime the purpose of “jihanlife” had changed. It is now to spread the love and share out seventeen information to you guys. To make people learn more about seventeen and gather together as a fandom and i think my job is done here. I’ve complete my goals. Over this past 2 years, Im so glad to be able to make you guys happy. The best part of tumblr is that i can really connect with you guys like no other platform could. I love answer your question funny or serious. i love making shit post. i lovelovelove many thing about this place. it makes me feel warm and welcoming everyday. A year ago, i cant imagine leaving this place. “Jihanlife” mean so much to me............
Now to the hard part..... as to “why im leaving...” 
The closing of jihanlife (tumblr) does not mean the ending of my love toward seventeen. Don’t worry. I’m not leaving seventeen or this fandom any time soon. I’ve been in this fandom since before they debut. I’m WAY to invested in seventeen. It’s too late to turn back now ahahah. Perhaps I even love them more that ever and will always do. But there are some reasons why i decided to leave.... and im gonna keep it very real.
1. I cant keep up with my blog. I cant work like i did before. My normal routine is to upload EVERY SINGLE PHOTOS of jisoo and jeonghan onto this blog EVERYDAY. and I run this blog alone. Once i missed a day. Its hard for me to go back and reupload it. Sometime it can take up to 6-8 hours per day. And thats just too much. I know i dont have to upload every single photos out there but its just my thing you know. and it starts to become a burden to me. Almost like task i need to complete. It starts to feel like work instead of hobby. I somehow pressure myself into it and i started to “hate” this blog. Someday it left my heart heavy and i want to get it off....... 
2. Unpleasant personal experiences with fansites. Ive been in the fandom for sometime now. For 3-4 years. I know things and experience things that are fairly unpleasant. Something most people dont know about and i wish you will never know.. ever. Since then, i dont feel the same. It’s hard to explain you directly but it is what it is. I really do wish i havent experienced those negative stuff but it hit me hard and yep life is life. Shit happened once in a while and its okay. i get it. i get over it. moved on. But little bit little, I lose that motivation, I gave them those “maybes”. The will to run this blog as energetic as before, its slowly disappearing. i highly respect fansites. I was one before (and pls dont dig up my history lol its ancient). It takes alot of time, money, effort, and passion. Since this blog is highly involved with fansites. I gave them credibility of their works, respect their works and understand their tricky circumstances that most people wont understand, but unfortunately Ive never recieve any form for mutual respect and instead an “unpleasant” experiences. Dont get me wrong, there are alot of good fansites out there. Ones that respect you as a human being. But Im just never lucky to met/known ones. It sucks. (At the end, you do you. Me do Me. Im good. No hard feelings <3 )
3. It’s time. You know when you do so many cooking to the point that you can just tell by instinct that your chicken is cooked. No? me neither. I dont cook lol. All jokes a side, i really mean it. I just feel it is the best time to leave it like this and move on.
4. I’m Confused. There are alot happening in my life right now and im confused. So I need to make the decision and cut something out. A huge sacrifice. Jihanlife is my life and i love it so much. Ive worked on it so so hard 24/7 for the past 2 years but we need to make that decision to move on. Maybe I just need a break. Sorry for not being able to do this anymore.... Im so sorry.....
5. I ate too many gummies bear. I ate too many gummies bear. I ran out. I need to buy a new jar. so i cant blog. (lol)
Im not gonna deactivate this blog (yet). Im gonna leave it like that because damn i worked on it everyday for the past 2 years for nothing ahahahh . If you guys want to check out old photos of Jihan. You can still swim in the archive! 
After I posted this in my blog, ill be here for the next 48 hrs before permanently leaving. So i can answer and talk to you guys <3 
Even though im leaving tumblr but you still can find me screaming about seventeen, retweeting Jihan photos, doing this same shit on
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jihanlife
Follow my personal life! You can stalk me on youtube and IG. I just started a youtube channel! Yes im moving from tumblr to youtube now ahhahha. I have alot planned ahead and it would be nice to have my friend here go along on a journey with me! <33 im not quite sure with the content yet but im trying! So Join the Journey to the wildness of random shit LOL! So stay tune!!! 
Youtube: Amy Choo
IG: gam.choo
It has been an amazing and precious experience. Truly. I hope you guys will keep continue loving seventeen and support them and yeah i hope you guys will do amazing.... as always. I will always be there for you even if im not in here anymore. Thank you for being so kind and caring to me. Thankyou for cheering me up when im down. Thankyou for adoring my work. Thankyou for being positive. Thank you for making this place a special place <3
This has been Amiya. Thank you for having me. Be kind, stay humble, believe unicorn and eat alot of cotton candy. I love you all.
Continue to spread the love.
Jihanlife (amiya)
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ygreczed · 7 years
Question Time !
Next one is a special @linabigface​ Question Time so be ready everyone !!! ~
I’m really sorry, I have a lot of asks lately but I am busy as hell (next week will be better) so I take my time to answer ! Sorry again...
Also, it’s kinda hard to have a total sight on the asks I answered and the others, because I love to read the cheering messages on them when I’m feeling down so I don’t remove them... That’s why my askbox is a mess ahem... I should screen the messages, keep them somewhere and clean up a little... later.
So, here we go !
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> Hello ! :D Sure I will draw it ! But I am really busy with schoolwork and some projects on my blog lately (*cough* so much kdfd *cough*) so it might take some time. But yes, I will ! And thank you so much ! I know it’s not as amazing as some other artists on the fandom but I really enjoy drawing so I’m glad you like the result ~~
> Do you think so anon ? I remember I once studied a catalan song for school (La estaca by Luis Llach, if you know it ?) and I found it was pretty different from spanish ! But you’re right, there is some similarities with french, so... Maybe ? Thank you for telling me in any case ! Your remind me of the song, I used to sing it with some friends when I was working on it and it was a really beautiful language (less with my pathetic accent but anyway ahah) ~
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@linabigface​ : Good to know ! I’m sure it will interest some people around here ! 
@shawn-and-aiden-frost-9​ : Ahahah, thank you, both of you ! But this ship has a real name ?! I always said Kdfd or Fdkd so I don’t know... But I’m glad the “kdfd” expression is rubbing off on you somehow ahah ~
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@linabigface​ : Do you think so ? *-* I would love to be that reference since there isn’t much more tumblr focusing on this ship (?) but I’m sure it will bore people someday ahah... But I’m so happy you’re thinking this about my blog, it’s so kind *-* I’m putting a lot of effort in it so I can give you good content so you couldn’t say something nicer ~ Thank you so much Lina ! <3
> It’s a good question anon ! First, thank you for everything you said about my Harry Potter AU headcanons and Yuuki ; I really love the AU and I did my best for the headcanons thingy so I am really happy to know you like it ! I feel so proud actually xD Also, I didn’t thought of Yuuki in this AU, so I don’t have any headcanon for now. But if you have some please share them with us ! You can flood my askbox with HPAU!Yuuki hdcs, I will regroup them and post them. I may join you with my own hdcs ! I will try to think of something on my own with Yuuki but I really need to focus on the KdFd HPAU hdcs for now (I have too much things to do, I need to finish something ahah). Thank you again for your ask ! ~
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> What did you do anon... You know I love talking about Kidou... xD You’re absolutely right ! That’s on of the reasons I love Kidou this much. I don’t know if you saw this post and this post, where I’m talking about my love for this fabulous boy but I feel the same about him. I too was kinda dubious when I saw him for the first time but now I couldn’t imagine Inazuma Eleven without him ! Though for Haruna, I have my theory : we saw that Haruna was sorta mad at Kidou in the first episodes when she finds him spying on Raimon. During all those years, Kidou couldn’t meet her sister because his father or Kageyama (or both ?) was/were using it as a motivation to force him follow his commander’s orders. And Haruna was mad at him because of this, because he was avoiding her and because he was playing “wrong sakka”. When Haruna realised he was doing everything for her, she forgave him and Kidou finally saw that she was right about everything and decided he wouldn’t follow Kageyama’s orders anymore (so he will keep seeing Haruna no matter what !) Tbh I can’t imagine Kidou risking to lose Haruna, she’s his last family. I think that Kidou would do anything for his sister, even if it destroys him (I’m sure someone this caring and this kind would feel terrible if he was forced to do the kind of things Kageyama is making him do...) Oops, sorry I did it again... Thank you for your ask in any case ! I’m always okay when it comes to have a chat about Kidou ahah
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> Not that I don’t like Go/Cs/Galaxy... Well, I used to dislike these seasons (because I was really frustrated not to have a show focusing on my original IE boys). I was really bitter about it and I had the feeling all the Go characters were a shameful plagiarism of the original boys ; a Gryphon Trio with more or less the same personalities as the Break Trio, Kirino being a pink haired Kazemaru, etc... And one day I realised Go characters had a real personality and all. I think I really enjoyed Go. I never finished Chrono Stone because I got bored of the time travels, because I really found Wandaba unbearable and because the IE original characters didn’t have much importance in the season (unlike Go I guess).
And I tried to see Galaxy but when I realised Kageyama was back (WTF ?!) and Kidou, Fudou and Sakuma being “lololol, everything is fine” despite this man being their ultimate enemy/mentor and despite them having REALLY CONFLICTUAL FEELINGS FOR HIM. I know we need to focus on the Go kids but still, Kageyama was THE best vilain in IE, with real struggles, credible goal and good background and his relationship with the Penguin trio and Raimon is really important to me... I only watched Galaxy until episode 14 (or something like this) because Fudou was having his cameo as Resistance Japan’s coach (and he’s too sexy, I couldn’t resist him).
I hope it answers your ask, anon ! :)
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> Oh wah, thank you *-* You’re amazing too anon ! I’m glad you like this blog, really ! *-* I didn’t think so much people would ask me about Genda... I like Genda but as the anime isn’t showing him a lot I don’t know him very well... As I was saying I have a lot of projects going on lately so I can’t start something about Genda really soon, but yeah, I’ll try to do more about Lion boy ~ Don’t hesitate to send me another ask if there is some points you want me to focus on (so I will know where to begin ahaha).
Thank you again. Hope you will have good time around here in the future !
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Fanart Monday!
I feel as if it’s been so long since I did this.... I have a lot of fanart lololol oops sorry guys. Well, better start posting it now!
You’re all wonderful, thank you for all those anniversary drawings <3
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Fanart of the week by @geist19​! [Thank you so much it’s hilarious lol]
More under the sexy cut ;D
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@sansmedium​: //leaves this here and runs/ GET BETTER SOOOOOOON
Oh joy, a fanart from when I was sick.... wait, I still am. LMAO
Thank you somuch <3 <3 gotta love it >:D
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@himyhairisonfire​: I found this from like 4 months ago and I realized I never submitted it, so yeah 💫
WOWIE!! This is old, then??? But still, it’s so PRETTY OHGOSH <3 <3 I feel the flowers x’D Great job, thank you so much QQ <3
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@lawlalotti​:  Oh crap, back at it again with some FAN ART! (Whoops! Sorry for submitting two weeks in a row!) Just wanted to send some Flowey love<3 Also trying a new style! Please accept this flower and it’s strange coloring. HAPPY NEW YEAR! *confetti noises*
Flowey fanarttttt yasss it is ALWAYS appreciated!! <3 <3 His “I’m so done” face is right on poing!! great job <3 Thank you for sending it <3
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@childrentaleau​:  Emmmmmmm… so, I love your comic and I did this thingy for you, hope you like it *leaves it here and ran away*
gasd,asdf yasss <3 <3 thank you dear, I love it!! Don’t run away, please stay and share my cookies <3
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@yume-gen746​: “Hmmm… Someday I will show you how beautiful the sky is during New Year.. Someday Flowey, someday”•_• Sorry if I did double the submission but here is my promised gift… I know its late but I hope you like it… Its my first digital fanart that I sent you. and if you still cant remember me I’ll try to post on how but guess not now…. Well anyways hope you like it Sister Kai!
Hey!! Surface headcanons <3 and then it transforms to snowdin headcanons? lololol wait THATS ME. Awww so sweet <3 Thanks [sister Kai lol] the drawings are amazing, thank you <3 <3
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@alfaomegaart​:  Old Underfell sans I was by my drawing book to going and found him Sry for bad englis
SANS!!! Oddly enough, I dont get that many fanarts of him. I guess he’s just that not appreciated lmao ahahahaha thank you anyways, he looks really great <3 <3
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@synelleon​:  Hiii!!!! I got to stay home so I did this for you!!! OKEY BYA
IT ME!!! <3 My flowers look so good oml <3 I see how you avoided the legs... I get your pain <u<;;;; hnn but thanks for sending <3 <3
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@derp-a-derp: Hi there! I really like your blog, and wanted to do something special soooo yeah. They’re not the best, and they’re just doodles, but I hope you enjoyed them anyways ^^“ Toodles~
Oh my god that art style is so cute <3 <3 aaa <3 <3 And you even did the possessed Friskii <3 I greatly appreciate this, I’ll cherish the drawing!! <3
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@friskthatbreaksreality:  Alright, welp, I was /gonna/ make this into a digital art, but then life kicked me in the butt. So, while I try and sort that out, here. Have mah poor sketch.
Awww, it’s me being a mom <3 Frisk is really tiny <3 [Well I guess that’s frisk lol] Thanks, dear, your sketch is more than appreciated <3 <3  You didn’t have to send anything so I’m perfectly fine with this!!
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@high77: SKILL: Cute face and get discount.
I luv ur drawings ^^
lmao, this could count as trickery!!! But still, that’s right, Frisk is too cute to say no to them <3 <3 And FLOWEY??? LMAO that face ahahah <3 <3 thanks for cheering my day with this, it’s really priceless x’D
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TheFourthSoul (Alex :  And here I have for you… another fanart! Whee! I just love this comic so much and I hope that I am not spamming your inbox with my love can’t get enough of drawing for you! Keep on going!
Your love makes me blush <3 And yaaay for creepy drawings :DDD Nice point on drawing the butt locket ;D and Frisk’s purple eyes :3333 <3 <3 I’ll keep on going, but just for you, pumpkin <3 Thank you!!
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@jazzikiazaki:  Happy birthday anniversary thing? Your comics are awesome nuff said…
Yayyyy, anniversary drawing!!! Frisk, Flowey, me... and I guess that green-haired beauty is you? ;D I’m so glad you like my stuff uvu <3 <3 <3 I’ll try to give you better art >:3c Thanks for the compliments <3
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@nightstorm02:  Just a quicky. Congrats on 1 year anniversary! (Wait wait wait! Art is by @nightstorm02 )
Oh nooo, another anniversary drawing <3 <3 Thank youuuuu <3 Hahah that was almost 15 days ago oops I am so ashamed. But your art is wonderful <3 Frisk’s face looks so sweet <3 <3 Thanks!!!
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I think you sent this five times. I get it x’D I got it :3 thanks <3
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Oh no, frisk looks hurt.... adskjfasdkjhsdf thanks for sending dear <3
And that was all! Those were a lot of fanarts lol <3 I am so grateful! Thanks for being so nice to me, guys <3 <3
More... next Monday!! >:3c
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