todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Ryo legit went from evil goth Daigo to looking like he’s about to get shoved into a locker! Wtf happened legit you can’t tell me Ryo with a gottee and Ryo from LAD are the same person!?????!
Clark Kentification is real and horrifying and it can happen to anyone so watch yourselves gentlemen
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queenoftheboard · 2 years
♙ 1.e4 . an opening for Dojima Daigo / @dojimakaichou
The hotel building was less than impressive - it was barely worthy of the three stars it advertised underneath the neon lights making up its name, and there were several signs around of a location that had seen its prime a long time ago: wallpaper peeling off, small infiltrations on the ceiling, flickering lights here and there and nothing to show for room service.
As far as vacation retreats went, that was no resort; but for a temporary safehouse and hiding spot, it was remarkably generic. Nothing too over the top and still within city center - no one would think of looking for Dojima Daigo in the most obvious place of them all: Fukuoka. Soon enough, from early next morning onward, mostly everyone would have assumed the worst and declared the Sixth Chairman of the Tojo to be missing after a night stroll following an alliance negotiation.
But Daigo had not gone anywhere and the fact that Eirene was in that suite would have sounded strange to most (if not all) relevant yakuza players of the Tojo - they were not friends, and the history between the biggest clan in all of Kanto and the Quinn group was one of strife. There had been a lot of heated conversations, not so veiled threats and no small number of sabotage attempts before a cold war of sorts was controlled, a truce between them enforced at the request of their leaders.
Still - a meeting between the two of them without any of their personal bodyguards would be strongly opposed or outlawed by their inner circles. And yet, that was precisely what the Quinn CEO and the Tojo chairman were doing, all the time being careful enough to ensure they were not being followed or drawing attention to themselves, and setting the first step of a plan mostly elaborated by Daigo in motion.
Eirene had to appreciate it - the ingenuity of his scheme, the patience for a long game; her rival was a worthy one, and a man she had come to grown fond of. Besides, with Daigo away from the Tojo, things were less than hospitable for Quinn's operations in Kamurocho; but as long as he had the clan under control, her profit margins were likely to be undisturbed by external factors.
To ensure the status quo remained as it was, she had volunteered to be chased and hunted as some sort of betrayer - and frankly, the complicated sets of moves and counters that had been orchestrated excited her. More than the danger involved, there was the possibility of the real enemy seeing through their ideas - and the exhilaration of a high-profile game beginning was hard to masquerade, even more so than the CEO's unusual appearance in the streets of any Japanese city.
And that was why Eirene took some time by the door, carefully removing the most relevant parts of her disguise - a hat, a long wig made of black tresses, a pair of sunglasses to keep her trademark eyes covered. They accompanied a leather jacket over a mini-dress and knee-length boots that she would never ordinarily choose to wear - instead of a businesswoman, Eirene looked like the groupie of an indie band, but it felt good to get at least the fake hair and the flamboyant hat off.
"It would seem your former mentor and predecessor isn't as dedicated as I am in relation to disguises," Eirene mentioned once she looked like herself again, at least from her neck up, "Suzuki Taichi and Kiryu Kazuma could be twins. One look at his driver's picture on the company's directory and I could tell it was the same man... If he's truly as legendary as everyone tells me, I wonder how he made it thus far without anyone putting two and two together."
Eirene's movements were slow then - her undressing meant to be both a source of comfort (for her) and safety (for Daigo), as he was able to examine his partner for any concealed weapons. The woman then picked up a plastic bag from a convenience store, walking over to the yakuza and handing him a can - coffee, still pleasantly warm despite walk from the store to the hotel, keeping another to herself. It was late - and yet there was not going to be a lot of sleep for either of them anytime soon.
"How are you holding up, Dojima-kun?"
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
Convincing Daigo that going to a Wyverns game was something he was free to do had been... Complicated. He was no longer yakuza, his public presence shouldn't draw too much attention - but he only relented due to the fact that Akiyama had bought the tickets for a prime spot before asking for permission; and because he felt he could remain relative undetected if he disguised himself.
The loan shark said nothing of it - the former chairman assured him that he had managed to disappear before when he wished, so he should be able to do it again. Akiyama was content to wait for him to get ready, occupying himself with a magazine on the living room - and only lowering the thing to glance at his-not-boyfriend when Daigo resurfaced after changing.
The magazine fell to the floor then - almost as fast as the moneylender's jaw, and not in a flattering way.
"Daigo," he said, brows furrowing at the other man's choice of attire: he was wearing sunglasses, a disposable mask and a hat with a black trench coat. That was it. That was his disguise. "What the fuck? Is this what you call a disguise?"
unprompted asks ★ always accepting
★. ―
The gift of a chance to see the Wyverns in person would have been difficult for Daigo to pass up normally  ―  but with those seats? There was only one answer. The ex-yakuza stopped protesting quickly, though he did outline a single condition with his acceptance. He wasn’t comfortable showing his face without some disguise. Threats to his life were still a regular occurrence, given how many people had faced great losses with the Clan’s dissolution, and there were too many unknowns at an event this large.
          At least, remaining hidden was a skill that Daigo had honed. It was most important to cover the identifying features : the well - groomed scruff on his face ( which he refused to shave off ) ; the uniquely dark hue of his eyes ; and the practiced shape of his graying locks.
          In the back of his mind, he vaguely recalled the voices of his pseudo - uncles encouraging him to try a different look during their time spent hidden away together. Majima had all but scruffed him and led him back inside their borrowed home when Daigo once appeared in the garb he intended to wear now. He did still have a small number of those items buried in a box at the bottom of his closet, but  .    .    .  was it really worth digging for them when this had serviced him perfectly well before? With a shake of his head, Daigo returned to his present project with renewed confidence. 
          ―  confidence that was perhaps misplaced. Akiyama’s magazine dropping to the floor was the ex - yakuza’s first sign that his choice was not going to survive the moneylender’s critique. Daigo bristled instinctively, drawn up to his full height, and narrowed his eyes behind the glasses at Akiyama’s agape mouth. He gripped the edges of his lengthy coat with conviction.
          “This served me fine in the past,” Daigo argued, tone firm. “I don’t see why it wouldn’t work today.”
          Akiyama inhaled deeply, resisting the urge not to immediately burst into laughter. A curious mix of outrage and amusement filled him. After a moment of consideration ( emphasized by crossed arms and a familiar lean to one side ), he found his ability to speak. “Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that THIS KEPT YOU HIDDEN FOR TWO AND A HALF, ALMOST THREE YEARS ? This was how you dressed while you were with Ogata?”
          “No. I wore this in Nagoya when I approached Tatsuo.”
          The loan shark’s eyebrows were just short of leaving his face. “Shinada-san said you scared Nagoya to death wandering around like you did ; I finally see why. Daigo  ―  you look like a two - bit detective out of a fictional mob world. Go change or I’m selling the seats.”
          Daigo clearly intended to fight back, as his sharp inhale and half - turned stance indicated, but he was stopped by Akiyama raising his phone. A long nonverbal fight between the pair followed, drawn - out by the former Chairman’s seemingly ridiculous wealth of obstinance. The ex - yakuza inevitably budged when Akiyama’s thumb moved over the screen, hovering near the image of the mobile passes on it. Daigo stalked back to his bedroom with his teeth clenched. Once there, he flung his previous garments to the side and sighed. Fingers combed back through his hair as he considered his options. They were realistically few, especially since he couldn’t back down from wearing a disguise. It had become a point of pride with Akiyama’s rejection of his go - to favorite. Grumbling under his breath, the former Chairman yielded to the phantom whispers from his memories. 
          This took a little more time to prepare. Daigo found the container he needed with fortunate ease. The items inside still smelled faintly of the beach as a result of being sealed all of these years. He hadn’t kept much of his wardrobe from that time, but there was enough to put something together for the rest of one day. First came the blue jeans : a purposefully faded color with cuffed ends and a knee torn out aesthetically. They left his ankles bare, which showed off his all - white boat shoes. Second was his choice of tops. A black t - shirt was layered beneath a dark - gray, lightly patterned zip - up hoodie. Daigo left it open and rolled the sleeves to his elbows. The final touches included a barrage of accessories. He kept his watch on his wrist and decorated the opposite with an array of leather cords and strings of puka shells. Around his neck hung a tiered necklace of wire - wrapped fragments of colored sea glass. The most startling of them was a rare scarlet piece at the bottom that had been painstakingly shaped into a bird by the artist who sold it to him. Daigo’s sunglasses hung from his pocket. A clip - on earring with two stacked puka shells was affixed to his left ear.
          Satisfied with his wardrobe, the ex - yakuza entered the bathroom with a sense of determination. He used his trusty comb to divide his hair into layers. Half of it was tied back into a small ponytail while the rest slid across his shoulders. A few strands hung free of his tie entirely and framed his face. 
          Daigo returned to his apartment’s living space. He unfolded his sunglasses and tucked them into his gray locks. In this outfit, his posture was kept purposefully leisurely  ―  a call - back to old habits. 
          “There,” he declared to his lover, brow raised. One of his hands settled into his jeans pocket while the other gestured down his front. “Can we go, Shun? If you keep denying all of my options, we’ll miss the game. I do not want to waste those seats.”
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cherry-valentine · 4 years
Spring 2020 Anime:
Kami no Tou is one of my favorites this season. It’s unique in that it’s based on a Korean web comic rather than a Japanese manga or light novel. This gives it a different feel than most anime. The series centers on a massive tower that, when climbed, will grant a wish. Only the strongest warriors can hope to climb the tower, and even attempting it requires passing several grueling tests. The protagonist, Bam, initially enters the tower to find his friend Rachel, but ends up joining a team of three to climb the tower together. For the majority of the first episode’s runtime, I wasn’t really into this series and was pretty sure I wouldn’t watch anymore. It had a pretty vague opening that left me underwhelmed. But just before the episode ends, we get a really awesome sequence that sets the tone for the rest of the series, and I was hooked. The tests to climb the tower are surprisingly brutal, with frequent deaths until the cast is whittled down to the main players. The core group of characters is made up of a refreshing variety, with plenty of badass ladies. The main team of three are all likable. I honestly thought I wouldn’t like the lizard-like Rak very much, but he grew on me very quickly. The art is great, rarely going off model. The animation quality is pretty good and the design work is fantastic. The opening and ending themes are among my favorites this season. Probably my favorite new series of the season.
Kakushigoto covers several types of series all in one. It’s a comedy at its core, with a focus on quick skits and gags. It’s also adorable and heartwarming, following a single father named Goto raising his young daughter, Hime. The hook of the series, and the source of most of the comedy, is that Goto is a manga artist who draws “ecchi” manga (when I first read the description, I had something else in mind, but it turns out he just makes silly, slightly perverted gag manga) and he’s desperate to hide this fact from his daughter, so he pretends he’s a regular “salary man”. His interactions with Hime are so sweet and wholesome, it really makes you just sigh and say, “Awww!” However, the series also covers another type of anime: the tearjerker. The scenes talking about Goto’s dead wife are almost hard to watch, as it’s very clear that losing her was incredibly painful for him, but he had to move on quickly for his daughter’s sake. There are little things, like the fact that the wife apparently prepared boxes for Hime to open at every age containing things she thought Hime might need or want at each age (and it looks like she prepared boxes for Goto as well!), that make it hard to stay dry-eyed while watching. There are also scenes taking place several years later, involving a teenage Hime, that imply some extremely heartbreaking things I’d rather not think about. Basically, any given episode will have you gushing over the cuteness, then laughing hysterically, then crying and batting away some dark and depressing thoughts. The art has a very unique style. To be honest I’m not entirely sure if I like it or not. The colors and backgrounds are lovely, but some of the character designs are a little... odd. In particular, Hime is probably the least cute “young daughter” type character I’ve seen in anime. Something about the way her face is drawn is just... off. Oh well, might be good for warding off the gross perverts who might be watching the show for all the wrong reasons (it’s anime, so I suspect the worst). The music is perfect, with the best ending theme of the season (seriously go watch it, right now! It’s a true visual delight with an amazing song to go with it). Highly recommended unless you have no soul.
Kaguya-sama Love is War Season 2 was something I was looking forward to very much. I enjoyed season one way more than I expected to, and so far season two is just as good. The series follows two highly intelligent but extremely awkward students at a fancy private school who are in love with each other but each is trying to force the other to confess their feelings first. It’s a genuinely funny comedy that also captures the feeling of being in love with someone but being too shy (or too prideful) to tell them. Season two introduces a couple of new characters who, in my opinion, aren’t super interesting but thankfully aren’t around enough to wear out their welcome. This is one of those shows where no actual progress can ever be made, because if these two characters actually get together, the entire premise of the show falls apart and there’s no reason for it to keep going. Despite that, the show continues to be funny and entertaining, and it’s consistently well done, from the art to the writing to the music.
My Life as a Villainess is one of the quirkier “isekai” series out there. It follows a modern teenage girl who suddenly dies and is reborn in the world of her favorite otome game. The catch is that, instead of being born as the lovely heroine that all the guys fall in love with, she’s born as the villain, Catarina, who makes life hell for the heroine and, in every route in the game, ends up either dead or exiled. Upon realizing this, Catarina decides to do everything in her power to avoid these potential fates. This mostly amounts to her being nice to everyone (especially the game’s heroine, whom she meets in this world’s equivalent of high school) and trying to improve both her magic power and her fighting skills so she can defend herself, as well as learning to grow food in a garden so she can feed herself after being exiled. The show’s true (and obvious) twist is that everyone (regardless of gender) ends up falling in love with Catarina. It’s actually a pretty nice message, that people won’t automatically love you, but if you work on improving yourself and be genuinely kind to others, people will gravitate to you. The series is actually really funny and overall light-hearted. It’s particularly amusing if you’ve ever played an otome game and are familiar with the tropes. The art is nice, if a little generic, and the music is fine. Not my favorite this season but certainly worth a watch, especially since the season grew a bit dry a few weeks in.
Major 2nd Season 2 is a baseball anime sequel to the series Major, which I really want to watch (but is clearly not required for enjoying this one). In the second season, protagonist Daigo (the son of the previous series’ protagonist) is now a second year in middle school, and is the captain of the team after most of the third years quit. Almost all of his team mates from the first season have split up and gone to other schools, but Sakura, one of the few girl players, is still on his team. It’s interesting to me that the majority of Daigo’s team is made up of girls, to the point that other teams have a tendency to underestimate them. I didn’t even realize that in middle school, teams could be mixed like this. It’s actually refreshing, as the girls are very skilled (Daigo points out very early on that the girls follow the exact same training regimen as the boys). In fact, the girls in general are much more talented than the boys (Daigo himself even gives up his position as catcher to a first year girl who proves she has more skill than he does). It’s just really nice that these are good players, not “good for a girl”. Another fun aspect of the series is the fact that previous teammates from season one are popping up as opponents in season two. The animation is fine and the music is good. If you like baseball at all, this is the show for you. If you like sports anime in general, give it a shot. It doesn’t really have that “lots of hot guys who are super close with each other” vibe that most sports anime has, so keep that in mind. 
There were a few others I was watching that had to be put on hiatus due to the pandemic. Since I only watched three or four episodes of them, I’ll wait and do write-ups for them once they resume.
EDIT: Added Major 2nd Season 2 because it resumed airing.
Carry Over Shows From Previous Seasons: Black Clover (now on hiatus) Ahiru no Sora
Best of Season: Best New Show: Kami no Tou Best Opening Theme: Kami no Tou Best Ending Theme: Kakushigoto Best New Male Character: Goto (Kakushigoto) Best New Female Character: Catarina (My Life as a Villainess)
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retphienix · 4 years
Just gonna ramble aimlessly for a moment about Yakuza 3 since I just beat it and, well, talking about games is this blog’s purpose and I’m not going to let my current inability to properly capture stuff stop me.
I would say ‘where to begin’ but I’ll let it flow however messily it does, and begin with Mine.
I have to say, pretty early on I saw Mine and said “I bet they are the final bad since they are a bit subdued right now” and I was right. Yakuza has a weird thing where half the ‘reveals’ are plain as day and half of them are entirely unexpected, at least for me. That was plain as day, the fact he remained loyal to Daigo was not, the reveal of the third party (Black Monday) was a surprise, the way the top of the hospital ended with Black Monday betraying Mine and then both offing each other was so easy to see since it’s pretty much a carbon copy of, well, each Yakuza story thus far.
And yet the combination of obvious plot points and entirely suspensful unexpected ones is kinda what makes Yakuza so great, right?
Well, that and incredible characters like Majima, Kiryu, or the supporting case of this one such as Rikiya (my lord what an entertaining character that tore my heart out!)- and the way Yakuza mixes serious scenes with excuses to put Kiryu in awkward moments- it gives both sincere times and laughs with both feeling real and in-world, which is always nice :)
What to say:
This marks the first “old-school” Yakuza I’ve experienced, and it’s hardly old school. My experience from 1 and 2 were both the Kiwami remakes, so this is the first “barely upscaled” one I’ve played and I can feel some of the weaker aspects, but as expected it didn’t bother me.
It DID dissuade me from a couple bits of side content I really adored in the “Previous” entries, namely the arena or the hitman missions, or farming money in general, and the cabaret replacement here was extremely weak.
Basically the only impact the earlier engine gave me was making me not strive for excessive fights as I had in the remasters prior, and more or less ignore the bar mini-game.
I loved playing through this and getting to see the changes in the town. Getting to laugh with Majima both as a construction man and tossing his weight in the Tojo hq. Loving Rikiya’s adoration for Kiryu and crying at his loss. Saving Saki, growing an appreciation for the kids of Morning Glory. It was just a swell time.
I also enjoyed the quirks of the game, like how this game’s attempt to expand on combat involved a lot of crafting weapons which I found entirely forgettable, as in, I used no weapons save for expendable pick-ups during the entire final hospital tower (and a brass knuckle, should have had 3 then I would have actually used weapons).
It’s interesting, but weapons break so quickly in Yakuza and in this one they really REALLY don’t feel like they do much more than just hitting a guy with your fists, so it’s a lot of weird hassle to get a stun baton or shoes that make stomps stronger. It’s bizarre and feels like a touch of missplaced focus. I enjoyed it conceptually, not something I looked at while playing though.
Still a shame some parts of the game feel awkward when the concept is interesting- like Haruka’s Trust remains a boring thing to LITERALLY grind out so I just passed this time around as I have in prior titles. Money in this game felt so much less frequent since there wasn’t any sort of roaming ‘big bad’ to farm or ‘golden fights’ to go through for big paydays so I ended up ignoring a lot of what I could do with money, which was pretty much just weapon management so that’s fine.
Sub-stories remain such a strong STRONG part of Yakuza, it really breaths life into the cities and lets you feel like you know the weird mannerisms of the cities themselves through the people you meet- and there are both funny ones and sincere as all heck ones, like that nice transgender one which had small details that made me smile like Kiryu never misgendering and understanding things. I feel like I’ll devalue the situation by dwelling on it, but I really liked that sub-story both in its humor (with the descriptions of her crush sounding EXACTLY like Kiryu but not being him) and it’s sincerity.
A great time. I look forward to the next one when I finally sit down for that. I have the HD collection so the only ones in the main series I’m missing are 6 and 7 but I’ll get those when I can and when it’s more pressing to get them (since I have 4 and 5 on hand to beat!).
It will take some time since I don’t want to wear myself down on the series, I have done that to some games and they now require a HUGE break for me to truly enjoy them again (hello Monhun), and I did relatively little of this one’s side content (21.94% completion rating) and it still took me 30 hours (ignore that some of that was afk). I need a break before I tackle Kiryu’s story again :)
I’m sure a hundred more thoughts will hit me after I post this, and maybe I’ll get the chance to share those thoughts in a reply or something- but for now I’ll cut things here.
Yakuza. A beautiful series, and 3 was quite the ride, kids and all.
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lunephased · 6 years
What does Tsuki really think of his students? One rule, he has to be brutally honest. And list all his students.
This blog is accepting development anons!
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Oh boy.
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“I don’t really care about his skills academically or duel wise. What really interests me is that Duel Spirit of his. It’s very unusual. Gentle Darkness Prince. He seems to have memories of ‘when he was human’. I needed to have Akatsuki enrolled. …It kind of did scare me. I thought- well, I still think Gentle Darkness Prince is a sign of the Duel Monster’s world and our world colliding.”
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“When Aesir first came, I thought he was an odd one. He uses a combination of Gem Knights and Crystal Beasts which is rather interesting and to top it off, he has a sister who uses Crystal Cats. Their teamwork is outstanding, definitely one of the best students to perform Eclipse Summoning. Hm… Though I have to say, he has changed a lot after becoming friends with Yūha. I suppose that mask he used to wear all the time was there because he was shy.”
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“I swear, I see this young man flirting with everyone, he might as well be called “Pan-pei”. On a serious note, I feel as though I’ve met him before which is strange. He uses Constellars which… Have some quite interesting history. He might be clumsy and irresponsible but I expect a lot from him.”
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FAFNIR (???) -
“Yūha’s bonus. Though … They do seem off. I honestly don’t think they should be in Tierra Black. They seem to be holding back and I assume it’s because of Yūha. Otherwise, a really good student. Calculative and intelligent. I’ve tried to get them into Sophia White but they don’t seem to want to.”
[ cont. below -
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“Ahh, Selenite. Such a sweetie. She can be playful at times but I can tolerate it. Her duels are so very majestic, it’s hard to not sit and watch.”
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“Such a well mannered student! It’s a shame that most of the Sophia White students have this… Ego. Shun is a great example of what you should strive to be.”
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“Another well mannered student! I feel as though he does a better job looking after the school than the staff… He keeps our gardens looking damn fine. Very smart and clever, that Daichi.”
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“Sometimes I wonder if I should straight up expel her. I swear I heard that she locked Shun into a locker… Haaa… If only she listened to her sister.”
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“Despite looking like that, she can be ruthless. Her duels scare me a little but are always enjoyable to watch? She seemed to be like Daigo until she joined a group called the A.O.J. I’m happy that my students are inclusive!”
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“Ahh, another prankster. If I thought Yūha was bad… At least she gets along with Ken from Sophia White. It’s rare seeing the Sophias and Tierras together. I wonder if it’s because of Daigo and Yūha?”
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“I believe she’s one of the closest in reaching Sophia White. A strong willed girl with just the right amount of determination. Though I do hope she stops trying to strangle Noah. That really has to be dealt with…”
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“Please wear your uniform, you look ridiculous. On a more serious note, he should really leave Daigo alone.”
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“I don’t like her deck. Milling just isn’t my thing… Also, please wear your uniform.”
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“At least he wears his uniform! Still doesn’t excuse his actions though. He did try to take over my school once with Millie and Labby.”
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“……..Who? I don’t remember having this kid in my sch… Wait, he’s a robot made by the A.O.J!?”
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“Sometimes I wonder if he deserves to be in Sophia White- but he performs so well when dueling. It’s like we have a second Yūha except he’s not ashamed to muck around at all…”
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“Please, someone, stop them from yelling ‘dee haw’.”
[ that’s it tbh - !!! ]
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japanessie · 7 years
MY FIRST STORY MMA Tour Final The Premium Symphony 2017 in retrospect
On 23rd December 2017, MY FIRST STORY made another milestone by performing at the same venue which was supposed to have been the place where their rival brother band ONE OK ROCK was originally scheduled to perform with Linkin Park in November. Looking at the visuals presented to us so far, it was a roaring success.
Photos by Masanori Fujikawa and Taka Tallman except *
Here are my thoughts .... for my reader who requested. Basically a continuation of what I had said in a previous post before.
1. The stage looks like something inspired by Jules Verne novels combined with the Parthenon. 
That’s impressive!!
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Then, similar to OOR, they also used a runway heading out to the audience. OOR normally use this for their acoustic set where the band members would gather together with their instruments. MFS used the end platform for Hiro where the digital piano was mechanically raised from below the stage. For a rectangular concert hall, you have to have this kind of setting for the audience's optimal viewing.
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Look at the laser lighting! It was among the elements that worried the s**t out of their boss GEN back in the Shinkiba Studio Coast show because it was expensive. But looks like he’s not worried anymore based on this elaborate display.
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Ready to go “Around The World In 80 Days” or “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea”! XD
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2. The attendance at Makuhari was higher than the Budokan.
From the TV clips shared by Japanese fans, 18,000 people came compared to 12,000 for the Budokan. Reading through fans' reports, it looked like Blocks A & B were the most packed or the crowds consisted of the hardcore fans. One girl in Block B said she wished she could transfer to Block C where she could breathe.
Looking at the crowd placement, I started to feel doubtful whether choosing a seated ticket for this venue is worth it for someone like me (154cm tall) because unlike the multi-tiered Budokan or the Makuhari Event Hall, the Makuhari Hall 9-11 are flat. They're exhibition Halls after all. How high were the seats raised from the main floor if they were raised at all?
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* Photo: Makuhari Messe Hall 9-11 when empty. Making me wish that it had a premium ceiling seat XD
3. It was MFS first attempt at using a full orchestra + a full choir
When they first announced the MMA Tour Final, they said this would be MFS as we had never seen them before. The ALL SECRET TRACKS album obviously had been arranged for this. The Live was not named The Premium Symphony for nothing. To me MFS music from the start has always been heavily layered. It was inevitable that they would arrive at this point.
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Photo: The moment the curtain came down. Aaaahhhh!!! That’s 終焉レクイエム (Shuuen Requiem) making its debut everyone \(^^)/
  When MFS did the acoustic set for Itsuwari NEUROSE Final at Shinkiba Studio Coast, my mind actually wondered whether they would one day tackle the violin-cello string arrangements. Would have been slammed with the "OOR copy" moniker big time if they did it back then, wouldn't they? The difference is MFS actually created songs with orchestration right on their album rather than pick a few songs and re-arranged them with a string section for the Live show.
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You know what’s beautiful about the above photo? The backup musicians were smiling as they looked at the band members giving it all. Despite the different genres they come from, all artists know passion when they see it.
4. The Surprising setlist :-o
More like shocking to me!
The most striking thing about the setlist is the fact that they had excluded their signature Live songs Second Limit, The Story Is My Life, 最終回STORY and Awake :-o. Seriously?? WTF! You know what this means??! This means they were signalling the beginning of a new era. Up to this point, an MFS show would not be complete without those songs. This is them presenting the fans the new-phase MFS!
The Setlist
1. 終焉レクイエム (Shuuen Requiem) 2. ALONE 3. Black Rail 4. 悪戯フィクション (Itazura Fiction) 5. Missing You 6. REVIVER 7. この世界で一番の幸せ者にはする事など出来ないかもしれないけど... (Kono sekai de ichiban no shiawasesha ni wa suru koto nado dekinai kamoshirenai kedo...) 8. 失踪FLAME (Shissou FLAME) 9. See you again 10. Love Letter 11. monologue 12. 虚言NEUROSE (Itsuwari NEUROSE) 13. LET IT DIE 14. "BOOM" 15. Zero Gravity 16. The Puzzle 17. CHiLD -error- 18. Tomorrowland 19. モノクロエフェクター (Monochrome Effector) 20. 不可逆リプレイス (Fukagyaku Replace)
-Nori Ohtani marriage proposal- EN1. 「花」 -0714- (Hanarenai yo) EN2. Merry Christmas EN3. REVIVER
While I understand their wish to move forward with their music, it's sad for me to see 最終回STORY go because that's the song through which I fell in love with MFS (T_T). 
5. Hiro debuted his piano solo performance
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My wish came true \(^^)/! Back in 2014 when MFS released their Taylor Swift remake We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, I told another fan on my friend's MFS FB fanpage that I hoped to see Hiro perform with a piano. 
I guess it wasn't the right timing for it then because it was the time when Hiro was still so heavily criticized and ridiculed as being Taka's copycat. Hiro with a piano onstage would be a bad move a few years ago. Nowadays, the comparison with his famous brother is much kinder as MFS music is speaking for itself more and more. So I think Hiro picked the right time to finally do it.
By the way, Hiro played See You Again solo. For Love Letter, he played solo halfway and then joined by the others. Can’t wait to see these (^^)
6. Hiro’s vocal performance
You see this one coming. My MFS concert commentary wouldn’t be complete without me talking about Hiro’s vocals, would it? True that I wasn’t there at the Hall BUT I have come to the point were I can slowly trust him to nail it around 90 to 95%. While I wasn’t expecting perfection, I know Hiro had worked really hard as he was confident enough to again include the song I directly and openly criticised him for through the band’s social media back in 2016, 失踪FLAME . Though they did not respond to me directly but Hiro did acknowledge on STORYTELLER that the song was hard.
When I saw this visual for 失踪FLAME , I felt good because I knew he still kept his determination to get that song right. I believe he handled it well. He wouldn’t have made this visual display if he couldn’t do the song right, could he (^_-)?
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7. Former drummer Masaki came (^^)
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Their friendship remains solid and Masaki once again showed that he wouldn't miss his former bandmates' big moment for the world. He tweeted saying it had been awhile since he went to see them, how awesome the show was, apologizing that he was giving an impression of an elementary schoolkid’s excitement and then attached his old photo wearing his underwear with producer Nori with a congratulatory message. Because that’s the only two-shot photo he ever had with Nori XD
8. "Men In Black" (^^)
Who wasn't taken by the fact that the band performed fully in suits? 
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I think rather than setting themselves apart from the backup orchestra + choir members, the look they chose tied the whole thing together. The formally attired orchestra + the choir that coloured the overall feel of ALL SECRET TRACKS and their visually impactful LET IT DIE MV from ALL LEAD TRACKS. It was "MFS The Premium Symphony" and not "MFS with some guest musicians for some songs".
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Oh, yes. To me Teruki Nishizawa is the most dashing of them all in black suits. They’re all cute guys but Teru actually has that “prep school + white collar” aura which transcends well with that outfit. I don’t think I’m biased at all. Just look.
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9. Hiro & Blouson Chiemi
I'm a bit blurry with this one, did he do something like her comedy skit onstage or what? I saw a few Japanese fans mentioning her name along with Hiro’s. Knowing that Hiro likes her, I was hardly surprised. But MFS always edited out extra things like this when the concerts went to DVDs. So, if he ever impersonated any celebrity at all, it probably wouldn't go on the official release (-_-)
But at least we had seen Hiro posing like her during VAMPS Halloween Party 2017 XD
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*Photo: From BREAKERZ Daigo’s blog
10. Sho Tsuchiya did not perform with them this time
Though he did appear here and there on the MMA Tour, he did not perform at the Final as I previously had expected. Well, they already played up his surprise appearance to the MAX at the Budokan. Anyway, I'm glad I wasn't at the Budokan because I swear I would have pissed in my pants the moment I saw his face on the screen XD. But it wouldn't have the same impact doing it the 2nd time around, eh? The only way Sho’s re-appearance can top the Budokan is if they actually announce him coming back to them.
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* Photo from iTony Entertainment (it’s JMS subsidiary too!)
11. The biggest surprise of the night ..... Nori's getting married!
Their producer Nori Ohtani proposed to his girlfriend and after which, the band launched into their wedding anthem 「花」 -0714- . The fans, including yours truly XD, flooded the band's social media with messages congratulating him and wishing him well.
My thought :
Dating a rock band's manager / producer has its perk, eh? If things go well, you may get an epic marriage proposal with an orchestra, a choir and 18,000 eye witnesses too XD
One fan commented on IG that after watching the Makuhari show, the Tokyo Dome now doesn't seem like a dream anymore. I agree with her. I mean, if a band or any artist can hold a packed show at a venue like Makuhari Messe, with glowing reports and feedback afterwards, then the Tokyo Dome is not a dream but already a given.
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adventure-hearts · 8 years
the tri. plot megapost _ Chapter 1
This is the Project I’ve been working on for a while. Basically, it consists in me rewatching Chapters 1-4 and writing out every.single little plot detail that may or may not become relevant later on. It’s divided into Chapters to make it more readable. I’m doing this for Reference purposes, but I figured it may be useful for other people as well.
I may insert the ocasional note/comment, but otherwise this list will be completely objective. Feel free to add anything I may have missed.
Chapter 1 - Saikai
In the beginning… There was the soulless creator, Demiurge… Idea, the true figure of the world… and only shapeless chaotic souls had existed in the entire universe. Demiurge does not know of the existence that created him. Nor the existence of the soul. Nor even of Idea. The world he created was merely a shadow of the true world…
A black cube travels through a strange dimension and enters a white space where white cubes flow around.
The cubes join to form a white, egg-shaped object.
As the black cube completes the egg, darkness begins to spread.
A black digi-egg, casting a white shadow, appears over a black background.
The egg begins to pulse until it hatches.
Morning, 13-17 June 2005
The news mentions about the on-going investigations about the “mass Kawasaki blackouts”, whose cause is still unknown.
Over a red background, we see Daisuke, Miyako, Iori and Ken (wearing their Digital World clothes) fall back, as their digivices fly.
Alphamon looms over the collapsed 02 kids.
In the streets, Meicoomon runs by, and a man’s phone malfunctions.
Interference appears in the Odaiba sky, and more people have trouble with their phones.
In the harbour, strange, digital cubes appear and materialise into a Kuwagamon.
Meicoomon runs by, and Hackwmon watches him.
Kuwagamon flies over Hikari, disintegrating into cubes, and enters a dark hole in the sky.
Himekawa talks to Nishiijma on the phone.
“Witnesses are starting to appear.”
“No attacks so far, but not for long.”
In Himekawa’s computer screen, we see 12 circles listing the Chosen Children’s names and coordinates.
The 02 kids’ locations are marked as UNKNOWN.
SUNDAY, 19 June
The news report “recent widespread blackouts in the Kanto region.”
News: “It’s also been suggested that there could be a connection between… the close emergence times and locations of the frequent electrical interferences.”
Meiko moves in to the building next to Taichi.
Sora’s alarm clock malfunctions, and all digits turn into 7.
Sora calls Koushirou and is confused by him speaking French; she thinks her phone is acting weird.
Koushirou: “Maybe crossed lines. The same thing’s happened before. It starts with communications in the digital realm.
Kuwagamon flies over town, his body fragmenting into cubes, as well as 1s and 0s.
Electronic devices, phones, TV screens, and traffic lights malfunction across Odaiba as Kuwagamon flies by.
The news reports about Kuwagamon (“a strange creature”) and electrical interference in Odaiba.
People panic as Kuwagamon destroys cars and buildings around Odaiba.
Taichi chases Kuwagamon, who vanishes into a portal in the sky.
Kuwagamon “materealises” on the Fuji TV building and starts chasing after Taichi.
Taichi attracts Kuwagamon to an empty field.
Taichi’s Digivice shines and Agumon appears!
Agumon’s evolution shows 0, 1, and 2.
Agumon mentions that Kuwagamon is stronger than the last time they fought.
Agumon and Kuwagamon disappear into a portal enter a strange dimension, then the Digital World, and finally appear in the Real World, at the airport.
Taichi calls Hikari, who tells him that Digimon (“unidentified creatures”) have appeared at Haneda Airport.
Nishijima picks up Taichi.
Men in suits pick up Hikari.
At Haneda airport, confusion is installed as Kuwagamon and Agumon fight.
Nishijima drives Taichi in his van, and he watches the fight on a screen.
Radio com: “The site is blocked. Call for the special unit.”
Nishijima drops Taichi at the airport.
“CODE-01, dispatched, sent under escort.”
Five of the Chosen Children (except for Mimi and Jou) show up with their Digimon partners, plus Gomamon and Palmon.
The Digimon say they don’t know how they got there.
“Before we knew it, we were here.”
Two portals open, and two more Kuwagamon appear.
Gabumon et al evolve. Three groups are formed to fight Kuwagamon.
Himekawa picks up Mimi at the airport.
Birdramon and Kabuterimon, Angemon and Tailmon defeat two of the Kuwagamons, who disintegrate into cubes that disappear into portals in the sky.
The remaining Kuwagamon attacks a fallen Garurumon. As it prepares the final attack, a portal opens behind him. A large, mysterious hand grabs Kuwagamon and drags it into the portal!
Hackmon watches as helicopters and agents surround the airport.
The kids don’t know what’s going on. They decide to get some answers from Nishijima.
Himekawa drives a van with the kids. Yamato wonders who she is.
Hackmon watches the airport scene.
MONDAY, June 20
The news reports that “unidentified creatures” caused “major damage” in Odaiba and Haneda Airport. No-one was seriously injured, flights from Haneda Airport were suspended and “transportation was seriously affected.”
News: “Action needs to be taken as quickly as possible. The same creature has appeared a few times in the past. Each time it’s caused serious damage.”
Internet comments: “What the heck they are? Are dinosaurs alive or something?”
News: “Yesterday’s outburst of several monsters all at once created even more damage, and served as a reminder of their menace and destructive power. Here’s some public reactions.”
Lady on TV: “I’m really worried that they’ll come back.”
News: “The police started inspecting the site this morning.”
Taichi says they’re treating their friends as the enemy.
Lady on TV: “The children were terrified. I hope they never come back.”
News: The government has called an emergency cabinet meeting, while the police and Self-Defense Forces are working together on a response.”
Girls at school: Tanaka-kun’s father was at Haneda, “he got injured and was hospitalized.”
Nishijima is not at school today.
Mimi starts school today, in the same class as Koushirou.
Meiko recently transferred to the school from Tottori. She is in Sora and Taichi’s class.
Overheard at school:
“What exactly were those unidentified creatures?” “I dunno. Two monsters showed up and had a wild fight.” “It’s for real irritating.” “I hope they all just hurry up and die.”
Meicoomon hides in the Fuji TV building.
The Chosen Children meet under the bridge.
Koushirou: “First, let’s sort out the situation… I made a summary of six recent, strange events.
First… The gate to the Digital World has been closed off for at least a year.
(Takeru: “For some reason, Digivice was malfunctioning.”) That’s the second event.
Third… Regional radio disturbance occurred mainly around Odaiba. Right after, we had that mystery blackout.
The fourth was… Radio disturbance brought down the networks, except for wired ones. There was poor reception for cell phones, radiophones and TV broadcasts.
The fifh event. For unknown reasons, space has been distorted… which created a new, non-gate connection to Digital World. That’s how the Digimons got to this world.
The sixth event. The Digimons emerging through these distortions in space are all new to us. They went through some unknown mutation.
I suspect all events were caused by distortions in the curvature of space.
Initially, I didn’t know why the first two happened. But now I’m sure it was the same cause. It’s clear that the radio disturbance was due to the distortions in space. Most likely caused when Digital World connected to our world…” (He rambles on... but no subtitles for that part!)
Jou, on the media: “They’re whipping up attention by using scare tactics.”
Taichi says the media are partly right – Kuwagmon destroyed Odaiba and the Airport. Mimi says it would have been worse if Agumon hadn’t intervened. Yamato agrees and says it’s wrong to blame their digimon friends.
Later, the girls are eating at the restaureant, Meiko walks by…
Meanwhile, oth Taichi and Yamato go to the school to look for Nishijima, who is already there.
Nishijima’s full job description: “Incorporated Administrative Agency, National Data Processing Bureau, Information Strategy Section, Information Management Office, Grade 2 Management Officer, Daigo Nishijima.”
Nishijima says that being an agent is his main job.
“Recently, the distortions have emerged beween the Digital World and our world. Digital monsters are using those distortions to come through. So far we’ve handled them, but more powerful ones are turning up. That’s why we asked for your help.”
They call them “Infected Digimons.”
“Some powerful force has infected them. They lose control and start running wild.”
Yamato asks what is that force, Nishijima says they still don’t know.
Taichi asks if there’s a way to turn them “Back to what they were”; Nishijima: “Perhaps, but we haven’t found a way to do it yet.”
Dialogue between Nishijima, Taichi, and Yamato:
Nishijima: “Anyway for now, in order to prevent any further damage to our world. All we can do is drive them back as soon as possible.”
Yamato: “How do you know so much about them? You even know our secret.”
Nishijima: “After the Hikarigaoka and Odaiba incidents, more people know about Digimon. A walk-in, named Gennai, gave us information. It allows us to make an organized study of these digital monsters.”
Taichi: “So you know Mr Gennai?”
Nishijima: Only from his information. But he seems to know all about your group. (A shaded image of Young Gennai appears on screen.)
Taichi: “He was very helpful to us in the past.”
Nishijima If any more powerful Infected Digimons do turn up, we may need to ask for your help again. We’d appreciate it.
Conversation between an Unknown Male Character andHimekawa:
??: “Foreign countries are demanding information about the digital monsters.”
Himekawa: “We still don’t have all the facts, sir.”
??: “Can the walk-in, Gennai, give us any more details?”
H: “We’re unable to contact him.”
??: Anyway gather up whatever data you have at hand.
Daigo calls Maki: “I passed “It” on to the children.”
Meicoomon appears near the beach… a distortion flashes in the sky.
The Chosen Children (minus Yamato and Jou) meet at Koushirou’s office.
Koushirou: “I’m helping out a firm my American friend started.”
Taichi tells everyone what Nishijima told them.
Koushirou has created a virtual cyberspace within his server where the Digimon can stay, as an “evacuation strategy for Digimons in an emergency”.
They can communicate via text or the monitor.
They can’t call them on cell phones because “phone processing speeds are too slow.”
Koushirou: “But if I use my laptop to aceess large monitors connected to the network, they can slip in and out of cyberspace.
They can call them anytime, they’ll either be on Koushirou’s office or in virtual cyberspace.
Takeru calls Yamato to tell him they’re meeting again next Saturday.
Takeru posts on the website Digisitined in the World [sic]:
”Kuwagamon appeared here in Tokyo. Better watch out.”
Koushirou pulled an all-nighter in order to finish Taichi’s new goggles, which allow him to see the distortions in space.
Any monitor connected to the internet works as a gate to Koushirou’s cyberspace.
Koushirou: “According to my research, the distortions seem to occur where mass data concentrates.”
The goggles allow them to see the data flow.
Koushirou explains how thy can detect distortions using the new goggles.
“Colors  mark the difference in data format and strength.” (The light gets stronger when K connects to his server.)
Red spots are concentrations related to the distortions.
“It’s highly possible Infected Digimons could appear from large distorted areas.”
They decide to check for dangerous spots in the area.
They meet Meiko, who says she’s also searching for something… “kind of a cat”.
The Chosen Children have fun around Odaiba, with Meiko. Yamato joins them later.
A large distortion appears over Tokyo, and Alphamon appears.
They decide to find a high place where they can see more things – the Ferris Wheel.
Taichi spots a large distortion in the sky!
The kids run over to the spot…
VO: An abnormal climatic event is centered on Odaiba.To avoid injuries, an evacuation warning has been issued. Please leave the area in a safe orderly manner. This is an emergency. Evacuate immediately.
It starts raining.
Daigo tells Himekawa he cant get through to the children.
A portal appears in the cloudy sky. Meicoomon (disguise-free) looks up at it and runs. Meiko keeps looking for her partner.
Meicoomon hides, with a sigh of relief – and Hackmon appears nearby.
As Meicoomon watches, Alphamon comes out of the portal in the sky and materialises in front of her!
Alphamon looks at Meicoomon, who shows signs of the Infection for a second before running away. Hackmon watches them, and de-materialises into 0s and 1s.
The kids identify Alphamon.
Maki watches Alphamon appear: “Here. The precious one.”
Meiko continues to search for Meicoomon. She runs into the arena where Alphamon is and finds her partner at last.
Meiko: “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”
Alphamon attacks the two Meis!
Meicoomon turns red and then forms a protective ball of energy around the two of them.
Taichi and Yamato show up.
The Digimon attack Alphamon, who keeps targeting Meicoomon.
Alphamon defeats the Adult-level digimon pretty easily.
Yamato suggests Omegamon.
Meiko: “I’ll never let you have Meichan!”
Alphamon ignores the digimon’s attacks and keeps going after Meicoomon.
Taichi finally decides to fight.
Omegamon appears and fights Alphamon.
Omegamon starts to fail.
Alphamon disappears into a portal.
In her office, Himekawa watches photos of Meicoomon and Meiko on her screen, wiith a smile…
Nishijima watches the battle as well. “It got away.”
Meiko approaches the group. She shows them her Digivice and says that Meicoomon is her partner Digimon and she’s also a Chosen Child. She apologises for not telling them and thanks them for saving Meicoomon…
Post-credits scene
Jou watches the knews about the attack. Hturns it off in order to study…
Yamato asks Taichi if he’s decided to fight.
We see the large amount of destruction in Odaiba.
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