coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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Happy Fine Line release day!! 💫🙌🏻♥️
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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That might mean... * We skip the holidays altogether * We poke our heads in for dessert, but we don't stay for dinner * We don't go to Christmas service/Mass (or whatever other worship service) * We buy gifts only for immediate family and close friends * We get our loved ones experiences instead of things * We make gifts * We don't DIY our decorations or gifts, or only DIY some of them * We get a smaller tree or none at all * We decline the invitation to that cookie swap that will have us making 3 dozen each of 3 different kinds of cookies * We don't invite certain people * We get smaller gifts for people * We limit the number of invitations we accept, and the number of events we host * We don't buy gifts for anyone past puberty * We walk away from conversations that aren't going anywhere good. * We hang up the phone or log off Skype/Zoom/whatever * We put ourselves on a budget * We learn to say "no" and set boundaries * We don't go see certain family members * We give ourselves permission to just let it be a normal day * We ask for help, and we learn to (graciously) accept that help * We make the gift-giving a "Secret Santa" kinda thing so we only have to get one gift * We send cards and letters only to close friends and family, instead of to everyone and their dog * We accept that our holidays might not look like a Norman Rockwell painting or a Hallmark movie or whatever's going on on Pinterest, and that's okay * We make space for grief and other messy feelings * We cancel plans and don't feel guilty about it * We make time to rest
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Moving out
- Your home your rules
- You want to do things on your own
- Sense of independence
- Peace of mind
- Learn to do your own
- You will sleep anytime you want
- No loud noises at night
- More savings for your sinking fund and emergency fund
- More money to invest
- You someone to split the bill
- Sometimes free food
- No rent since my sister pay for it
- You get to do all of the things on your own
- when something breaks you got to fix this
- You pay all the bills, expenses and rent
- You will take care of yourself on your own
- you are only by yourself at home
- You will do the chores by yourself
- Build yourself from scratch
I'm planning to move out after I funded my 6-9 months emergency fund. Then already invested enough maybe after 2025 or 2027. Right now, I'm having a hard time living with my family since we have some issues. Hopefully I can do it sooner. Best of luck.
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Goals 2023 Edition
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Hi Everyone, HNY ❤️
It's been a week since we entered in the new chapter of this year. So, I want to share to everyone my goals this 2023 as part of my motivation and courage to improve myself. Below are my goals based on categories.
- Since I just starting my journey I'm still building my wealth so again this year it's one of my priorities.
+ 100k Emergency Fund (3-4 months coverage)
+ Reach 70k amount invested in PH Stock Market (doing my fundamental analysis this one, takes a lot of time but it's worth it and I do enjoy it last week)
+ 200 dollars invested in US stock (since I'm diversifying my portfolio I also venture in international market for exploration and more dividnends)
+ Complete my Sinking Funds
(I have categories for this one; Health, Travel, Life Events, Gadgets, Holidays, embracing life and enjoying the present)
- This is my second priority this year. I'm not getting younger anymore so I must took a big leap to take care of my health since I want to enjoy the fruits I reap in my working days. Also being sick expensive and being healthy is cheap)
+Body massage every quarter of the year
+Exercise 3 times a week
+5k-10k steps a day
+Annual Physical Exam
- As for this one, since I'm currently transferred to other company I need to make that I'm motivated to learn new experiences and skills
+ To be a regular employee
+ Done with course and certifications
+ Being a TOP Recruiter
+ Closed all requirements easily
+ Work Life Balance (know the gap to work smart and work hard)
- I love myself that's why I'm dedicating to be mindful and kind to me everyday
+Read 1 book
+Clean space
+Do journal
+Set weekend as a rest day
So that sums up all the things I want to achieve in my life this coming year. I hope 2023 treats me better. Love you all.
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Healthy New Year’s Resolutions That Don’t Involve Weight Loss
Instead of focusing on the same tired weight loss goals for 2023, let’s think about habits that could actually improve our lives. What has slipped during the past year? What are you missing? How could you better address your own needs, or the needs of those around you? Take this opportunity to really address the parts of your life that could improve and consider some of these healthy resolutions for the new year:
Reduce your alcohol consumption
Get more quality sleep/limit your sleep to 8 hours per night
Bring reusable bags when you shop
Eat vegetables at every meal
Wash your bed sheets weekly
Actually eat your fruit before it goes bad
Don’t watch tv or use your phone during meals
Support local food producers through farm shares
Donate to your local food bank
Take vitamins
Learn to knit or sew
Stretch and improve your flexibility
Volunteer as a caller for political campaigns
Concentrate on improving your posture
Set up a weekly board game night with your family
Replace your toothbrush
Educate yourself on basic home care and maintenance
Clean your kitchen and dishes after each meal
Stop biting your nails
Wear sunscreen every day you’re outside
Clean your pantry and throw out expired food each month
Quit smoking
Reduce impulse online shopping by creating a weekly budget
Put your laundry away
Cut down on the amount of plastic you use each day
Re-try foods that you hate, but haven’t eaten in years
Make your bed
Moisturize and remove your makeup before going to bed
Keep a journal
Tip service workers generously
Focus on purchasing goods from small business owners, not Amazon
Join a pen pal exchange
Set up that therapy appointment
Text your friend that you haven’t talked to in a while
Small, actionable goals are key here. What can you start doing today to improve your life, and the lives of those around you?
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Entry 4 2023 pt.1
I have a goodnight sleep last night. Thanks to my partner, a chamomile tea to relax and a warm batch before going to bed
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
A great piece of advice, will do this more often
Random pieces of advice
The world is less scary and chaotic if you lie down on the floor
Noticing different kinds of light (stars, candles, sunshine or city lights) can bring back the feeling of wonder and hope
If you can’t shower, washing your hands and face will help you feel better and cleaner
If you can’t clean anything else, changing and/or washing your bedsheets can do wonders
Fresh air and being outside in general can help with depersonalisation
Spending time around animals can help you recognise what’s important and calm anxious thought cycles
Techniques for emotional regulation in children can really help adults too
Putting random asortment of food on a plate without creating an actual dish still counts as a meal
Drink something warm
Delete that app
Treat yourself as if you were a kid. Buy yourself a toy, play around, learn about cool new things
Fast paced life isn’t morally better and it’s not good for everyone
There is no good reason to keep yourself hungry
Singing to your full lung capacity can be a great way to let out built up emotion
Tension in the face can cause headaches. Try to massage your face regularly
Nothing is as important as your health
You are a whole person on your own, you don’t need someone else to be there to deserve love and attention. Your life can be full as long as you are present
You should cry things out whenever you feel like it
Slow walks are still movement and they do count
It’s never as bad as you imagine it
Try changing your toothpaste flavor if you hate brushing your teeth
Anything can be a stim toy - one of my favourites is a heavy dragon necklace that has a complicated surfice. It’s fun to touch and hold and it’s not even “actual” stim toy
Procrastinating and feeling bad about it is true waste of time. Learn to truly rest. It takes the same amount of time but it is useful
Sometimes you have to force yourself to do the things that make you feel better
Don’t trust the thoughts you have after not sleeping for a while
Friendships don’t have to be forever to mean something
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Entry 3 from 2023
Barely sleep last night pero I feel okay na today. The work is kinda stress me out a little bit but that's fine. I hope I can rest well so I can kick start the day tomorrow and be motivated.
Stay healthy, active, pretty and wealthy.
Luv u mwahh
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
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Happy New Year Bitches. This year's color is magenta red, so I thought I can create different shots with pir lights.
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Hello everyone! 1 day before the year end. Here's my vision board. The main concepts are
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• Healthy
• Beauty
• Explore
• Peace and Calm
• Wise
Hoping for a better year 😍🌿
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Hello January ♥️
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It's a time to say goodbye to the last month of 2022. A roller coaster ride of emotions, from excitement to boredom, happiness to sadness, confusion to enlightenment and learning to unlearning.
2022 is year of growth to me. I get out of my comfort zone. I try things I didn't do. I outgrew some of my friends. I discover my unrealized hobbies and interests. I continue to build my passive incomes. I control my decisions in life by following the books I've read that made an impact of where I am now.
This year invest I invested a lot in peace by scribbling down my random thought thruough my journals. Learning and applying all the concepts I've in reading finance and self development books. I'm amazed how much change happened to me in a span of 12 months. It's really fast I can't even imagine that I'm already here ending the year strong and happy.
In 2023, Magenta red is the theme of mine for this blog. I believe also that being a woman, this color made me realize that a wise women is dangerous creature if she has a knowledge that can change herself into a magnificient masterpiece of her own self.
Warm greetings January, hope you are good to me in every way possible.
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Grocery Shopping Note Important Things to do to buy less in the grocery ◦ Don't go the supermarket hungry ◦ Bring a list of the need to buy ◦ Use small cart only not a basket ◦ Bring cash for less temptation ◦ Always look around for deals ◦ When alone use headphones with upbeat music to focus and fast ◦ Dont buy in the check out stand items since you will likely to do impulse buying
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coffeebdyyy · 2 years
Grocery List Nesabel Health care, Wellness and beauty (can purchase online) ◦ Cotton ◦ Watson Aloe vera shampoo ◦ Watson Aloe vera conditioner ◦ Skin magical set 2 ◦ Alcohol Food and Meals ◦ Lucky Me Supreme noodles (2 pcs) ◦ Lucky Me Supreme noodles carbonara (2pcs) ◦ Lunchon meat small (1pc) ◦ Century Tuna (Flakes in oin - 1, Afritada - 1) ◦ Vegetables in market 1/4 (market) ◦ Corn fresh 1/4 (market) ◦ Banana 1/4 (buy when apple is already eat up) (market) ◦ Fita snack - 1 ◦ Skyflakes - 1 ◦ Lipton Green Tea 1 box ◦ Coffee - Revitalife 1 bag ◦ Apples 1/2 (market) ◦ Yogurt (dutch mill drink) ◦ Fresh Milk
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