Americana by The Offspring is a very Comics!Hobie song. No Brakes is a very Hobie-coded song, no matter what version. FIGHT ME.
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I like the sound and vibe of On the Street, and I respect and can appreciate J Cole’s writing, but I’m confused about why that was the message chosen for this collab. Army is bombarding comment sections by repeating that it’s a ‘see you later’ song because Hobi is enlisting, but other than the chorus, what about these lyrics conveys that message? Their verses feel like they belong to separate songs to me. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, facetious, condescending, or sarcastic here, I really am confused and would like to understand, and I would appreciate any insights you might be willing to share.
I did see one comment on YouTube that said: “I heard someone say they wanted a second verse from J Hope but then they realized he did give us a second verse… in his first language, dance. And he did it beautifully” and I think this is my favorite take so far. Thank you for your time (sorry if this ask is dumb).
Ask 2: Can you pls review On The Street BPP?
Ask 3: Oh Hobi T T... OH JUNG HOSEOK T T... Oh this song T T...,,, Ugh my heart! Our sunshine, thank you for this wonderful music, experience, and feelings. You got me to the finals. I hope you can watch after me today, too. lol I LOVE YOU JUNK HOSEOK. I hope you are happy. I hope your toughest struggle is something you can overcome. I hope your sweetest memories have people who truly love you to share with if you so wish. Hope the world to you J-HOPE!!!!
Ask 4: I don't want to be rude but "as the moon jumps over the cow"??? Wut?? Isn't J Cole supposed to be some good lyricist? I saw khh and kpop fans questioning this collab and this lyric in particular and I think they're right. BTS should stop giving khh a bad name because now people will hate kpop.
Ask 5: Hi BPP, a lot of people are offended over J.Cole’s verse on atheists being stupid for not believing in a higher people, which further proves to me that they take everything a person says to be something to be Personally offended over, not an honest expression of ones thoughts. And why I think a reason why so many arent listening to true hiphop, true rap, the same ones that the rap line no doubt listened to… It just symbolises to me that these same people are so used to the sanitized version of music that a lot of kpop produces too because jcole’s verse wasnt even that bad honestly… i don’t know, it just came across to me as the same reaction religious people will have when you tell them god doesn’t exist, and a lot of people wont take issue with that too. I know I don’t as someone who belives in a god same way I don’t care that jcole thinks atheists are stupid lool I don’t know im just seeing the hypocrisy and them being unable to let art be art, let music be music.
Ask 6: heyya bbp~!
first of all, congrats to our hobi for another great track!!! haven’t been able to stop looping it bcuz it’s that good!! not only is army loving it, i’ve also seen jcole fans saying good things too and some really checked out hobi’s discography and were impressed,,which is what i’d call a successful collab! out of curiosity i checked the khiphop reddit to read what theyre reactions are but no surprise they only praised jcole and wanted other khiphop artists to have done it instead of hobi hah! i’m surprised that they’re still as snooty towards k-idols turned rappers,,but at the same time snooty ppl be snooty lol. but i’m curious if korean khiphop fans are still turning away the rapline’s work? esp hobi since he’s really made an effort to flex his skills in jitb,,i only ever seen ifans’ opinions and they’re hardly the representative when it comes to khiphop hah!
ofc whatever they’re opinions are it doesn’t impact hobi and suga and rm’s work in the long run,,especially since they’ve earned enough respect from their idols to be able to work with them,,i’m just curious! thankss bpp!
These six asks more or less cover the range of questions I've been getting, so I've collated selected asks here to answer all at once. :)
Hi Anon(s),
I'll try to keep this short.
Overall and Abridged Review: On The Street for me is a solid 10/10.
The Lyrics (as I understand them)
Anon in Ask 1, first I’d like to refer you to Hobi’s interview in Variety where he talks about the song (linked here) and I’ve posted an excerpt screenshot below.
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Personally, rather than On The Street having a “see you later” message (probably inferred from Hobi waving goodbye to a kid in the opening scene), I see it more as a song marking a pivotal moment in both Hobi and Cole’s careers, as Hobi reflects on the paths he has walked to this point even as he continues on this street called life, and J. Cole wonders out loud if it’s time for a change, to grow beyond his identity as a rapper. It only feels like a “see you later” song in the sense that it will be a companion song, for me personally, while Hobi serves and until he returns from enlistment. I agree with the interpretation in the YouTube comment that Hobi is also storytelling/writing his second verse through dance while J. Cole is rapping, and that this is a beautiful way to see it too - but I’ll expound more on this below in Dance and the Message.
Anon in Ask 4, J. Cole is a brilliant lyricist and it’s funny you mentioned that line in particular because when I first heard it I nearly burst out laughing at how witty and brilliant it is. That line is an example of a classic Jermaine pun. I’ll explain: A lot of people grew up learning nursery rhymes, and one of the more popular ones I recall is Hey Diddle Diddle, which has the rhyme “the cow jumped over the moon”. This nursery rhyme is also the source of the English expression to be “over the moon” I.e. excited, elated, happy. J. Cole took that children’s rhyme and flipped it on it’s head to then mean the passage of time, “as the moon jumps over the cow”. He uses it to express time passing merrily for him as he contemplates his next career move. It’s also an absolutely brilliant way to rhyme with the previous bar that ends in “Golden Corral” (which is easily one of the sickest burns in his verse).
Anon in Ask 5, I agree with you almost fully. Outrage is the name of the game and has been the zeitgeist for at least 5 years now. Like what are you doing on the internet in 2023 if you’re not here annoyed, mocking something, being critical, and raging about something else? Even if that something is another autonomous human being expressing their opinion on God on their own song… Personally, when I come across HCP personalities online, I ignore them. If they interact with me I tell them they’ll somehow find a way to manage and cope, and we’ll all be alright in the end. In the case of this song, ignore them. They'll deal.
Dance and the Message (as I understand it)
Hobi's verse in this song is only 8 bars. J-hope practically gifts this song to J. Cole who spits 32 solid bars on this track. We all know J. Cole - a veteran in the rap game who has earned respect from everyone from Hov, Ye, Kendrick, down to avantgarde heavyweights like Jay Electronica - is one of Hobi's idols and so it's heartwarming to see the way Hobi expresses his respect for J. Cole, dancing underground while J. Cole raps on top of a building with nothing but the sky above him.
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J-Hope dances the entirety of J. Cole's verse, just feeling himself, losing himself to the music while his idol spits fire. It's so fucking decadent. At the end of J. Cole's verse, Hobi walks out of the subway and climbs to the top to meet J. Cole as equals.
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Hobi begins the song in an NYC alley that opens up into a main street where Hobi performs the song's main choreography on. This is the same location in J. Cole's Simba - the song that starts the Simba trilogy in J. Cole's discography, which was the first main track on J. Cole's debut mixtape The Come Up that established him as a force to be reckoned with on the American rap scene at only 22 years old. The setting alone is a callback and homage to J. Cole's beginnings, on which Hobi raps about his own path, wanting to repay those who have helped formed him into what he is, and the hope he has going forward.
Hobi has done something like this before, calling his first mixtape Hope World reminiscent of J. Cole's debut studio album called Cole World.
The Media and the Message (as I understand it)
One thing I absolutely adore about BTS's songs and music videos, is that they infuse them with the sort of depth that only comes from intimately knowing and respecting the subject matter, and they do so in such a subtle way that it's obvious they expect whoever is watching to actually know both the artist and the subject. They don't spoon-feed anything to the viewer, just present the art as is and if you've done your homework, that means you're their target audience and you're right in the middle of it with them. In the Variety interview I linked above, J-hope references his documentary (Anon who sent me the ask to review it, I've only seen clips and I'm yet to watch the full thing. When I do, I'll write about it 💜), where it shows Hobi meeting J. Cole and how he struggles but ultimately communicates his adoration and respect to Jermaine, and how Jermaine graciously receives it.
Take for instance how Hobi approached Chicken Noodle Soup originally by Bianca a.k.a. Young B who at the time she made that song and its iconic choreo, was only 16 years old. The song went viral but most of the royalties went to her uncle and she received almost nothing, she never got signed to a label, and was so badly burned by the industry that she only attempted making music again nearly 10 years after Chicken Noodle Soup. Hobi credits that song as one of the catalysts that sparked his love for hip hop and street dance. He reached out to Bianca and paid full rights (not just for a sample), to her (not her uncle), to use the song, and the music video is peppered with references to Harlem, NYC, where the song and dance originated. Showing that level of courtesy to smaller Black artists is rare in the US and virtually unheard of in Korea where the Korean hiphop (KHH) community is more notorious for wearing Black drag and appropriating a history of violence and a wealth of culture that they know absolutely nothing about, except that it looks cool.
When k-pop stans wax lyrical about how BTS is racist or does a Blaccent (this personally makes me chuckle because the people you often see saying this are white people who couldn't tell you the difference between an affected accent by a non-native speaker and a Blaccent if each slapped them on either side of their face), or that BTS doesn't have the respect of the Korean (or American) hip hop scene, et cetera, I chuckle and move on. Because as I've said, none of these people actually know what they're talking about.
The OGs of the KHH scene recognized the talent of BTS's rapline since debut, and have only expressed more respect for BTS as the years have gone by. I'm talking Tablo, the rest of Epik High, Tiger JK, etc. The Jay Parks of the world took some time to catch up, and if 'studio picture-gate' is any indication, they too have quickly come around to recognizing where they fit in the landscape relative to BTS. Rappers are generally egotistical people. They usually spend their time rapping about how they're the shit. What earns you respect is if you can actually back that shit up. And once you have that respect, you don't feel threatened by another rapper because you know anyone who gets to the top has had to earn it. It's what informs the mindset of "real recognize real". Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok passed that hurdle, in my opinion, way back in 2016 with the release of Cypher Pt 4. Everything they've done since then is just jarra. And those at the very top, the Black rappers who imbibe the culture and history of rap music, have long recognized the rapline of BTS for what they are.
Personally, I love the song. The music, the whistling, the chord progression, the jazz and acoustic guitar instrumentation. Everything about it is perfect.
On The Street is an excellent example of what sets BTS apart from other idols and artists in Korea for me. This is a song conceived 100% in the mind of Jung Hoseok, and the seamlessness in execution, the maturity inherent in the respect paid to those whose music and culture they use as a medium, is present at every single point in the song. It's tastefully done, and 100% driven by the artist, and all I can do in the face of art like this, is respect it.
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amourphousblob · 5 years
My bts map of the soul: persona thoughts
(hi hello morning me here this is 2am word vomit that I didnt proofread so dont judge me too hard)
Intro: persona: YES YES YES YES I loved this so much please bight give us all rap line intros I would loose my SHIT. Namjoon killed it and really when you read the lyrics theyre so self aware and talk about the whole “but namjoon” bullshit and what fame does to human identity and I LOVED it. Rap is one of the main genres I listen to outside of kpop so ,, the rap line always slays me and honestly without a cypher in love yourself I feel like this was the perfect mood 8/10
Boy with love: I. LOVE. IT. Im not gonna lie, I didnt really like their last 2 comebacks and I was a little scared as to what this one would sound like and it was great! The one thing I was concerned with was the autotune they put on jimin’s voice on the first bit and yoongis rap. What tf was happening in that first half. the mv was beautiful and I loved how they incorporated the best parts of love yourself era with the dna sounding track and the idol mv aesthetic (fake love didnt have much influence but its ok as a song) 8/10
mikrokosmos: what the fuck is this spelling? I get its supposed to be like microcosmos like tiny universe but why K’s? It makes it so hard to read. Anyways little erant over those opening chords really reminded me of twenty one pilots. I wasn’t a huge fan of the vocal line’s verses here but the CHORUS sounded like a waterparks bside (or just a bside from another soft punk pop/alt band) with that lil guitar and it was AM A Z I   N   G oh my GOD I actually love rock and pop punk and stuff like that a lot it was everything I listened to for a long time and so little things that remind me of my favorite bands really send me a whole ass nostalgia blast. Some of it was a little weird but it recovered so 6/10
Make it right: its a song I guess. They really tried to do the whole minimalistic thing but it didn’t work. the verses were ok but I still expected some build, and by the rap verses it sounded wrong because they were so energetic and great over this honestly tired quiet little song. It didn’t sound finished. I can appreciate the choruses got a little more each time ( or maybe thats just my ears) but yeah 3/10 boring dont reccomend
HOME: my gay ass read this as homo the first time ngl. Anyways this is dare I say it the best bside on the whole album it was so catchy all the way through and just so NICE sounding I loved it. The rap verses were ,,,,, amazing ???? 8.5/10 (yes I ranked it above the title track what about it)
Jamais vu: the superior sad song. Its sad but still a bop and when that little “remedyyyy” kicked in I was SHOOKETH. The little snare kicked in and I knew there was gonna be a beat drop and I was READY and they did NOT disappoint! I loved the amount of hobi in this track the chorus was os catchy especially after the build when there was a little more behind the vocals and I loved ittt 7/10 good song
Dionysus: that intro kicked and I got immediate racounteurs vibes and iw as READY and then they returned to their og rap style I was like !!! This is the lost cypher my guys !!!!  But then the song started for real. I didn’t appreciate the autotune and honestly it wouldve been better if it really was just the rap line. The beat felt like it needed more raw vocals and less of this autotune, especially with the guitars. Also the actual rap line verses could’ve been better in the first half. That said this was definitely Yoongi’s best verse on the whole album and it was QUITE good. I wasn’t a fan of the chorus it sounded like a shitty anime opening ngl. as a last song on the album? I feel like they could’ve done better. This is the impression youre leaving your audience with and it could’ve been stronger. Tbh I think it totally could’ve been reworked and put higher up and jambs vu would make a great closing track but thats just personal opinion. 5/10
Concluding thoughts: I really love this! If theyre following lys format (which I think they are) then im excited for a longer release next time but as it stands I think this was pretty solid! Great job by the dudes and im excited for the next ep imma sleep now because I stayed up until the release and I haven’t slept in 20 hours
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emo4life · 7 years
some of my favorite songs form 2017...
this isnt exactly in any order btw
1. serendipity - bts (jimin)
this...was so beautiful i remember when this came out ! i was so happy and surprised?! also my boy...! the first vocal line member with the intro 😭😭 this song is truly great and the video is so pretty all of it really makes you feel... emotions 
2. eclipse - loona (kim lip)
i’ll never get over this song ! i didnt listen to it till july i think? and everyone always had that one picture of kim lip with the circle of light thing around her head everywhere and would talk about this song and i was like huh ... but when i did listen to it i UNDERSTOOD.  right when shes like..i feel sparks.... wow.. easily one, of if not my favorite song from 2017  the sound is a sound i LOVE and like this is a song for the gays the frequencies are for our ears lmao. the video? beauiful. kim lip dancing solo in that place? revolutionary. her outfit she’s wearing when she’s dancing with her backup dancers the black one piece one ??? fashion icon. her voice was so ..pleasing to me. everything about this was truly 👌🏼 exquisite. 
3. im serious - day6
i didn’t really get into day6 this year 😓 and i know they relased every month and i did listen to more of their songs but something about this one i really loved more than the rest. i don’t have much to say about this other than i really loved this song a lot its a really fun easy going ..kind of song i guess ? the music video was nice too theyre like on the beach ☺️ fun summer times 
4. palette - iu ft g dragon 
this song !!! i heard good things about this when it came out and then iu did gd’s rap in the live stage and i was like wow ....queen. this song ..again ! is so beautiful and it makes me cry ?? fkc 😭 idk it makes me feel better but also sad and gdragons verse is cute to me too when hes like i just turned 30 idk lmao its a very pleasing song really really nice the music video is cute (again lmao) the lyrics are really nice 
5. red flavor - red velvet 
did they perform this first at smtown concert ?i can’t remember but thats where i first saw this and UM ! immediate fav red velvet song (okay well idk if its my fav fav but it’s my fav title track at least) idk its just so ??? fun ??? and people say it sounds like a back to school commercial lmao but 😤 its so happy and like a perfect summer song like i was really happy about this song its so :~) fresh 
6. baby don’t like it - nct 127 
please...the best song. this has everything i wanted....mark..taeyong... haechan doyoung and taeil ! i cannot remember listening to this at all i just remember my life ..i leveled up ! its honestly one of ...if not my fav 😆 nct song listen its not bad at all idk if anyone says it is but im just letting u know... i thought i loved mad city but baby dont like it obliterated that ty & mark duet (?) like its dead and GONE this song and the lyrics are an experience lmao thanks taeyong also um doyoungs angelic lil solo part ? i can hear god 
7. my first and last - nct dream 
hmmm when did i listen to this 🤔 maybe like in may or smth idk i just now i was late because like ? i didn’t really care to listen ...BIG MISTAKE this is such a good song lmao thanks children the choreo is so cool ?? like theyre legends ! 
8. gashina - sunmi 
please!! i was excited for this bc like...wonder queens i love you um i listened to it a little late though i think? and at first i was like..uh...hm BUT i love this song so much sunmi u are my queen also every outfit she wore ? iconic 
9. week - chungha
ahhhhh :”( this is my favorite song of hers it was so ..AGAIN beautiful but really its so calming and soothing...lmao and some ppl were asking for a pop song when this came out i think? but like >:( appreciate this lovely song please ! also just we need chungha to be successful 💫💞😘 also i just wanna mention the why dont you know performance with taeyong....yea
10. dont wanna cry - seventeen
okay kings ! lmao i didn’t expect this from them :o as a title ... i havent stanned seventeen for a long while already and their last couple comebacks/ title tracks i didnt care for ? so i was like not gonna listen to this or smth sdjkhas and i think my friend played it for me or i listened for her smth idk but this !!! also this is so sad 😭 just what i like & seungkwan @ 1:49 (and 2:32) ... the EMOTION ! i was really surprised with this tbh and its such a good song 
11.  signal - twice 
idk how anyone can hear this song and say its bad no offense... it’s so good and the dance is good...queens i listened to this a lot more in the first half of the year then kind of forgot about it rip... but i loved it so much like its so funnnlisten its not their worst title track !!!! its one of their best !!! ..me about all (minus 2..) their title tracks but like...trying to let u know ! 
12. happy - wjsn 
i liked this a lot more than i wish... so i was very... :~) happy. this song is relly good idk what to say...thank u space queenies for branching out and inventing happiness on top of astrology and space. their lil pompoms...they also invented those ...ngl ive read the lyrics multiple times and i think they confuse me. but lmao this is such a good song its really fun also did eveyone see them perform cant get you out of my head....legends
13. spring day - bts 
A SONG. this is one of the most beautiful songs...and that live stage...UM !!!! every time i hear this song or they perform it....wow...... im crying as i type really hm i think at first i kinda was enjoying not today more ? but then the live stage really changed THAT...we dont deserve her also hobi singing in the live versions !!! we’re blessed ...when tae says ..youre my best friend...i felt that 
14. move - taemin
STOP ! when i saw taemin was coming back i was like oh...cool... cool but i didnt watch the mv kJHDSJK BUT WHAT I DID SEE was people were posting him performing...ON THE RUNWAY...I WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL ?! levels man levels.. anyways so i was watching the clips and WOW ... A SONG the dance versions he released that was really cool and i saw a lot of posts about him talking about the song n stuff that were rlly cool too.... imma stop there ! his little leg kick is iconic 
imma stop here idk what else i enjoyed a ;ot of songs !!
some more to mention
come back home - bts , heyahe - jaewon , 0 mile - nct 127 , also heart attack by chuu which came out...last week ..i think i literally listened to on new years eve and wow i loved it and have been listening on repeat all day since then !. thanks legend 
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taeromance · 7 years
Semi long rant under the read more but im honestly done with a few people, mainly on my twitter though, hardly saw anything negative on here except a few antis.
btw, yes its about the h/er album because some people :///
Like, i understand that this album wasn’t everyone’s favorite even if there was the collab with cs. i understand a lot more were still happy for the boys even if the album didnt suit their taste, im saying suit their taste because thats literally what it all really comes down to for me. like it took me a few listens of the entire thing to really like half the songs and even now, cuz you know streaming, the songs have grown on me.
but really to say that you dont like the album because its soooooo out of b/angtan style like? um???? b/angtan style is so many things, they dont stick to one single thing. i might not have been a fan since debut (ive only been since run era which was late 2015) but i have listen to all their discography minus some stuff before debut. but even then how much youve listened to their songs or how much you think you know about them shouldn’t change your love for them right?
or even to say that you dislike the album because of how it seems as if theyre showing their ego too much? um????? so just because they dont talk about social issues in every single song, every single lyric, theve become too full of themself? i didnt find the album to be about them praising themself; theyve repeated said how much they grown, how never ever did they who came from a small company would be so big right now and how honored they are for all the love they receive. 
like even with pied piper i know it was nabbing at fans but even then i felt it had that teasing vibe to it like with friends once you get close to em, dont you have friendly teasing? hell even if the fc its been said, we are one of their greatest friends (oh how my heart cried when i read this) because throughout all this, isnt that what we have become to them? not just fans but friends? obviously there’s still a boundary but for them to trust us wholeheartedly and call us friends.....
its one thing to just say you dont like the album but to continue and just disrespect their hardwork and how far theyve come is just, why even bother? there will always be something negative to a positive and similarly, there’s always a negative that comes from a positive (we going back to science yo)
you know what i liked best from this whole album, aside from the songs, was the fact that we got to experience another side of them. like dude how many lines did jin get? how was it that jimin’s voice felt so strong and confident in the intro? the difference in range for tae’s voice? this is just from the top of my head. like we even got jk rapping and the way that hobi’s voice melded so well after tae’s verse (in dna) and dont even let me start with joon and yoongi because boy. 
theyve shown us how much not only as a group but also as individual artists they have grown and im so fucking proud of them for allowing us to see that side. like theyve repeatedly said they read what is said about em and no one can say it cant hurt just because theyve grown so much, theyre still human. and they were so happy and satisfied with this album (i mean im sure theyre proud of their other songs too but you know) so honestly, what the fuck.
tldr; im fucking proud of them for this album and for showing us new sides and am so fucking annoyed with people saying this isnt their best because they always try to show us their best.
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