#LOL! anyways. you should watch oppenheimer.
gayfrasier · 10 months
okay. i think im far enough removed from last night to like actually voice my thoughts on this movie. oppenheimer spoilers ahead lol!
in all i think its a fantastic film. like its a ridiculously well made and well thought out movie technically and structurally. granted i didn’t expect anything less, but it was nice to see and confirm lol. i will say though that it wasn’t necessarily the movie i was expecting.
Going in, i thought it would be a kind of drawn out movie all about the trinity test, and like, the leadup to the trinity test. That’s kinda how its portrayed in the trailer, and that is certainly Not what the movie is. It’s not even how it’s framed at all. The trinity test is like a necessary detour for the actual framing of the movie, which is the hearing for oppenheimer’s security clearance in 1954, and the cabinet confirmation of lewis strauss. A lot of the discussion of the movie just kind of assumes that it only focuses on the trinity test and the actual creation of the atomic bomb, so i just assumed that too. It is at its core a biopic and in hindsight it’s hard to believe i ever doubted that. Now that i recognize that my thoughts definitely shifted.
I will say, the first 45 minutes or so are a fucking whirlwind. Theres barely a second to breathe. In the moment i thought this was a serious flaw, but now after seeing the whole film it was for sure a structural choice. That whirlwind aspect of the first section is not the rule for the entire film, and i didn’t have any similar qualms throughout the rest of the movie. But god, there were so many scenes back to back to back that barely let the dialogue and emotions sit for even a moment, that i thought it was a byproduct of the 3 hour runtime. Looking back, it was just a way to show the whirlwind nature of oppenheimer’s life at the time. Did i enjoy that in the moment? no. i recognize why they did it though, and i like it conceptually. in practice it just made me so confused. which leads me to my next point
this movie is so fucking confusing in ways that are probably just a skill issue. Like dont get me wrong, the plot itself isn’t that confusing. Did it take me a minute to realize? yes. But after that it wasn’t that difficult to follow. what made the movie so confusing to me was the sheer size of the cast of characters. There are so many white men in this movie. Like so many. And they are all treated as important. and i could not remember any of their names. And frequently their names are brought up in reference to eachother without any connection to their faces. I’m sure if you’re deeply familiar with oppenheimer and the other scientists involved on the manhattan project that wouldn’t have been an issue, but for me? i had no clue who the hell they were talking about half the time. in a similar vein, i miss subtitles. i tried so hard to catch all of the dialogue but sometimes i just couldn’t do it. like at the end of the movie, arguably the most important line of the whole film, i just didn’t understand what he said. I had to google it afterwards. Are these skill issues? yes. but they made the film harder to watch so im mentioning them.
now do i think this movie glorifies oppenheimer? yes. but only in the way that no matter how you slice it, making a movie centered around one man and his worldview is inherently glorifying. What the movie glorifies is oppenheimer’s intelligence and opinions (and even then to an extent), not his actions. this film is critical of the use of the atomic bomb. it’s critical of the actions of the united states. there are plenty of scenes where you stare in horror at the thoughts and feelings of the us government and how it manifests. that scene alone with president truman and oppenheimer made me sick to my stomach. but oppenheimer is portrayed as a genius overall. he is portrayed as right in his feelings and emotions, complicated and messy as they are. It’s hard to say what exactly about oppenheimer they do glorify since oppenheimer himself is kind of all over the place in his opinions in the first place. but strauss is shown as an evil man for holding a grudge against oppenheimer, and that’s the truth.
i think thematically it did right. i enjoyed it overall. but i can very easily see this movie have a similar reception to american psycho, as those who focused on the objective and meaning of the film will understand its thematic elements, and those who simply watched it without considering any of that will form a black and white opinion on oppenheimer himself. Patrick bateman bros who think they’re just like him are gonna do the same thing to oppenheimer. that’s a fact. the problem is though that instead of a fictional psychopath we’re discussing a historical figure who is, in some ways, responsible for the death of hundreds upon thousands of people. the discourse surrounding this film will become legendary. the film bro “pretty fly for a white guy” edit needs to be redone with this movie included in it. i am excited to see its inevitable creation.
ANYWAYS. outside of that it’s a really good movie. i liked how they shot strauss’s perspective in black and white and oppenheimer’s in color. i liked the sound design (overwhelming as it was at times). i like how it played with the background when oppenheimer was spiraling in his thoughts. i thought that the trinity test scene was one of the most jaw dropping things i’ve ever witnessed in a theater. that scene of oppenheimer after the test giving his little speech is gonna stick with me for the rest of my life. ludwig goransson’s score is spectacular as it always is. its a very good film.
OH. theres also like. 5 women in this movie. 3 of them have been fucked by oppenheimer. one is his sister in law. one is a scientist. thats pretty much it. and 3 of those 5 have combined maybe 2 minutes of screentime. the other two (florence pugh and emily blunt) are more integral. Kitty oppenheimer is going to get a skylar white esque reaction from the general population but that’s okay because i loved her. she’s my everything.
theres probably more to say about this film (the way it uses oppenheimer’s jewish heritage, the shorlisting of the natives of los alamos (who had 2 mentions the entire film and one of which was by presdient truman btw)) but i dont have the understanding to dive into that. other people could handle it better. so i think that’s it for me.
THAT BEING SAID, if i see one more barbenheimmer joke im gonna start punching walls. its distasteful. not just because neither of those films deserve to be condensed and packaged into neat little memes but also because you people can’t be normal about it. i swear to god. nobody gives a shit that you think the barbie movie is this grand incredible film that needs to be taken seriously and that oppenheimer is also good too. shut up. we get it. greta gerwig is a good filmmaker that isnt news, and if you thought it was, brother i believe you are the problem.
TLDR. It’s a good movie. you should watch it yourself.
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strideofpride · 9 months
anything you’ve been watching/reading lately that you’d recommend? i think you have stellar taste in media (aka it often matches mine lol) so am curious! hope you feel better soon 💖
Ummmm yes, love this ask!!! (Also I’m so flattered 🥰 you have great taste as well btw)
Mo Ryan’s Burn It Down! If you’re at all interested in the entertainment industry and how it all gets made, this is basically required reading
the Succession script books (pricey but personally worth it)
I just finished Jill Gutowitz’s Girls Can Kiss Now and felt very seen, a wee bit too relatable
And I’m currently also reading Ann Patchett’s This is the Story of a Happy Marriage, which is a great book for my fellow writers to read
I’m a paid subscriber to Hunter Harris’ Hung Up newsletter and I’ve never once regretted it lol
Gotta shout out Dracula Daily as well as the one podcast I listen to rn, re: Dracula (I listen and read at the same time which is perfect for me lol)
Gilmore Women - a Gilmore Girls recap newsletter that talks about everything wrong with each episode lol. I sped through the first six seasons and now I’m depressed that I’m caught up lol
Minx s2 - it is on Starz which I know most people don’t have but this season has been EXCELLENT
Only Murders in the Building s3 - it’s like a comfort show for me at this point, despite being about murder it makes me feel so cozy. Nora Ephron vibes
The Bear s2 - everyone’s been talking about it already but I just finished and god it was GOOD
The Sopranos - everyone should be doing # Sopranos Sunday with me!!! It’s so fun!! This show is soooo good, really living up to the hype for me
Acapulco - really cute show, makes me wish I was still on vacation in Mexico
Poker Face - bring back standalone episodes like this!!! Bring back character actors doing incredible guest star roles!!!
The Other Two - just. It was the funniest show on TV. It really was. 30 Rock’s spiritual successor which is pretty much the highest praise I can give it
Red Eye - I rewatched it after Oppenheimer and it really holds up. Fun, tight thriller that is only like an hour 20 lol. Also Brian Cox aka Logan Roy is in it (and Jayma Mays my beloved)
Theater Camp - as a Jewish theater kid who went to and/or worked at a summer camp every year of her life from ages 4-20, there was no way I wasn’t gonna like this
Mamma Mia series - obviously everyone on tumblr knows about these already but I made my family watch them with me for the Fourth of July and god if I could live in the world of any movie it’d be this one ❤️
Man Up - very cute & fun British rom com I first discovered in college and rewatched this summer. Everyone has incredible comedic chemistry in this, and Lake Bell & Simon Pegg have great sexual chemistry as well (quite a lot of British faces who were nobodies when this was made who’ve gone on to bigger things - most notably Phoebe Waller-Bridge who’s only in a single scene)
X-Men: First Class - my favorite superhero movie ❤️
Indiana Jones series - I rewatched the whole series and saw the new one in theaters this summer. The first and third are literal masterpieces. Second one is mean spirited and racist. Fourth actually has quite a bit of charm, but then it fell apart in the back half. The new one…woof. Nobody but Steven Spielberg should be allowed to direct Indy movies.
Asteroid City - the longer it’s been since I saw it, the more and more I think it might be Wes’ masterpiece
Past Lives - incredible. But I know you already know that one lol
Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret - perfect, perfect film.
The Other Guys - we need Adam McKay and Will Ferrell to get back together, the fate of studio comedies hangs on this (anyway this movie is hilarious - but also if hell is real Marky Mark is obviously gonna burn for all eternity)
John Mulaney: Baby J - I saw him do this special live when he was touring it and I’m mad he cut the FBI bit but he’s still got it
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pennyserenade · 1 month
you gotta tell me when you see “sunshine” and “28 days later” if you haven’t already those are my faaaaaaaaaaaaaave cillian murphy movies 🥹❤️ he’s such a doll, you have great taste in special little guys.
(was just thinking about sunshine and my brain was like MUST SEE IF MIRANDA HAS SEEN IT)
the one truly great thing about danny boyle and ewan mcgregor falling out is the fact that the world got cillian murphy out of it. that truly makes it all worth it. i have watched both 28 days later and sunshine ,and i LOVED them, and i will definitely tell you why in a second, but i need to tell you this story first: about three months ago (? it could've been later or sooner than that, time escapes me), i was cleaning my room and happily looking through hulu for a movie to get me through the hell that is that process. anyway, cillian murphy had just recently been nominated for best actor, and i'd watched oppenheimer a few weeks prior to that and i loved it, so when i saw the movie 28 weeks later i was like "fuck it, i'll watch the zombie movie and see what this cillian murphy is all about." the first 15 minutes i was like, "this is kinda weird, his fans talk about that film like he's really in it, but i'll wait it out and see" and then about 45 minutes in i was like "its really weird that he's still not here but i've gotten this far so i'll keep going" and then with 5 minutes left of the movie and not a cillian murphy in sight, i thought his fans were either the meanest, dirtiest liars of all fucking time, or that he wasn't gonna show up. and at the end, i finally realized that there are two movies: 28 days later and 28 weeks later, the latter of which i had spent a little over an hour watching waiting for our dearest cillian and the latter in which he is not in. spending that much time waiting for him really did something to me. i think, had i not made that mistake, we'd not be having this conversation right now. i'm dead serious lmao
anyway i think he was really fucking great in 28 days later. it took me until like two weeks ago to watch bc i was so pissed abt the 28 days later thing, but when i got to it i thought he had that perfect trainspotting ewan mcgregor gritty vibe to him, and the ending was INCREDIBLE. i love when they let cillian murphy kick ass. more than that i love when they let him go a little fucking insane. those blue eyes are a little unnatural and they should be used with that in mind! god bless danny boyle for it.
i thought sunshine was breathtaking. i'm amazed by the way the cgi held up, and i found the entire thing to be heartbreaking, and cillian was so fucking good. i mean -- better than good, really. having said that, i will admit that i didn't love it as much as i know i should've but it isn't because it wasn't good. it was really fucking good. i just had a stomachache at the end because it was as if danny boyle had went into my mind and dug up my greatest fears and said: would you like to know what hell looks like? and the hell was that. the sun going out? trapped in a space you can't get out? space? an uneven ratio of men to women? terrible. i will definitely rewatch that film in the future though because i really think it was good and i want to analyze it.
also: you also have the greatest taste in little guys. when you said you adored him i was like "we might be soulmates idk" lol.
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superstitiousteven · 10 months
I watched oppenheimer last night and WHAT IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
the acting was phenomenal, the story was told in an interesting and also very informative way, the writing was great, but mostly the cinematography of the entire movie was SPECTACULAR. the movie was gorgeous and very well edited and filmed, like im still in shock. this will absolutely be a movie i rewatch. now for the funny stuff: i went to see this movie with my dad and brother, and so my dad made a comment when rdj showed up that “oh looks like iron man got old” and later on i made a comment about jarvis being in the movie (james d’arcy) and also at the end he said “since iron man is in the movie does that mean there’s post credits too?” and he didn’t even realize that there were wayyyyy more marvel actors in that movie than rdj lol. he also fell asleep. i also wore a shirt that said “never trust an atom, they make up everything” to the theatre bc it was nerdy and corny to do. i also laughed at a few moments in the movie bc there was a bit of humor thrown in, but mostly it was more of an intriguing movie, dark themed, sort of emotional, and educational so the humor moments were short lived. confused as hell on what in the world the feud with strauss and oppenheimer was and what even happened, gonna have to research it. what did strauss have against oppenheimer?? anyways this movie was absolutely amazing, i wouldn’t change anything about it, and would definitely love to watch it again. if you’re reading this and haven’t seen it, you should, esp if you like history or just a good movie
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naughtygirl286 · 10 months
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So This past Tuesday we went to see the new Ninja Turtles we were originally suppose to go see Oppenheimer but plans changed last minute so we ended up going to see Ninja Turtles. I was very interested in this movie and followed it production. Much like Transformers I'm a life long Turtles fan so I was curious about it being I think Turtles stuff should look a certain way and somethings that have been done in recent years such as Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I didn't like. I never watched an episode but I just think the character designs look like shit and I wasn't going to watch it becasue of that anyway on as for this movie I needed to see the character designs for this movie before I would do anything and happy to say I did like these designs but more on that below. Also yes there was some collectable goodies for this movie too which you can see here!
Now as for this movie. I thought it was great! I would have to say that I did enjoy it it was fun and funny at times and I do feel it has a nice message about family and acceptance and finding a place where you feel like you belong in the world.
Now this is a bit of a origin story and tries to reintroduce the turtles to a new and modern audiences. They are younger in this movie then they usually are in other forms of media the turtles are all 15 years old and not only that but April is also in her teens in this as well she is also around 15 and is still in High School in this movie
The Turtles origin is of course slightly different in this one. It is close to the familiar way the Turtles become mutants but its slightly changed as in how they became Ninjas. Also the origins of the other Mutant characters in this is changed as well. I think that did that just for the sake of the story and it does work in the context of this movies story.
As for the designs of the characters which as I mentioned was a very important thing I felt that the Turtle designs in this were actually very good they were different and did match the ages that the Turtles were shown as they were young and child like almost playing up the "Teenage" aspect of who they are. Some of the other characters looked great too like Bebop and Rocksteady and I love how they brought in various characters from Turtles lore like Leatherhead,Mondo Gecko, Wingnut (what no screwloose??), Genghis Frog, Ray Fillet, and more. Where its great that alot of these classic character appear on screen many of them don't look like their source material counterparts which is kind of a shame.
Now also another thing is the whole new April in this. She was alright for this she was written well and well voice acted and an interesting character in how she is presented. Now I could have done with out the whole puking stuff which was just a bit gross but also I know alot of people complained about her appearance and I can't say I would complain about it myself but I am a bit more old school and do prefer the more classic April with the short red hair and yellow track suit lol but this April was fine for this version of the characters.
Now like I said the movie is pretty great it was a lil bit funny and a lil bit weird but like I said it also nice message about family and acceptance and finding a place where you feel like you belong in the world. The animation was very nice and smooth and the artistic style of the movie where it all looks like it is sketched and painted to have that more comic book look and feel kinda reminded me of how the Spider-Verse movies look. but the voice acting and the music as well as the many references are really nicely done.
I feel the ending of the movie tho is a bit strange where they took it but over all I thought it was great and if you are a Turtle fan then I would probably recommend it.
also there is a mid credit sequence that is interesting and kinda sets up a possible sequel.
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benevolentslut · 10 months
so me and some friends watched barbenheimer tonight (slight spoilers below the cut)
i think the moments from each that are gonna stick with me forever are barbie learning what it would mean to be human, all the ups and downs, the inherent miseries of it all, and the joys that can be found, and despite all the hardship she had along the way choosing it anyway. choosing to live life as herself rather than go back to what's familiar. that's something i started the process towards myself when i came out as trans, and im still working on consistently making that choice. i cried a lot during this scene lol
and from oppenheimer i think just the one line of "you can't commit a sin and then feel sorry for yourself when there's consequences. [fix it.]" is. yeah. there's a line between feeling sorry for yourself, and allowing yourself room to grieve / to justly reprimand yourself when you're at fault, but figuring out how best to fix things and move forward should always take priority if you've hurt someone close to you. in the context of the movie and what prompted that line it's a little different, but the message remains.
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carltonlassie · 10 months
Jul 22nd, 2023: Oppenheimer
I feel like a lot of Nolan movies spotlight tortured white men (batman, interstellar, memento, do i need to list more?), and how he couldn't have done anything different to change his fate. And it all seems great and awesome when you're watching the movie.
But the moment you step outside and start to think about it deeper, it hits you. Wait. That can't be it. Is it really just about a tortured white man?
I get that Oppenheimer is following the formula of a classic Icarus story. A man so engrossed in his potential and strength that he doesn't realize that he's climbing too high, too fast. He's a young hotshot who thought Einstein was a scientist of the yesteryear.
Honestly, the beginning of the movie got me feeling like I was a pinball, just getting bounced from left to right with all the quick paced cuts. I dont want to say it but the tiktokification of the exposition actually got me through the history that culminated to the American government pouring 2 billion into middle of the desert.
It's all going too fast and quite a few stop to think about what it is that they're actually doing. But the experiment progresses anyway because Americans are the best at doing things with a myopic vision, and it turns out to be a success. In the technical sense.
Like a parent giving birth to a child, (which, funny because his children are never taken care of and are always crying in the movie lol), once his ideas are out in the world, they take on a life of their own. He can't always control that, and it's always a possibility that they can fall in with the wrong crowd. And the father becomes a powerless legacy to stop his monstrous child. (It's also funny because just like parenting, you CAN guide your children and projects to take the right path. Just takes a lot of effort of not letting your ego take over and having a firm moral of your own that you can use to guide them instead of getting swayed)
And speaking of ego, we get Strauss. They're not only tossing oppenheimer out like an old toy they got too bored to play with, but also dragging him down. This man, who started out as a lowly shoe salesman, couldn't handle the humiliation and irrelevance. Men take it really hard, when they realize they're not the highest flying bird anymore.
This is a bit of a tangent but Men do have such a hard time coming to terms with their decline and the realization of their real significance in the world, that they're just a blip in the grand scheme of things. You gave birth to your progeny, and you should know that you're going to become obsolete in a few years. It's up to you whether you want to be remembered as a guiding light that showed the right path, or a nasty old man who couldn't understand that things aren't about him anymore.
In the end Oppenheimer realizes that it's not about him. He receives his medal, but its not for him. It's for the future generations of scientists.
Now, this is where it starts to fall apart for me. is Nolan saying that Oppenheimer took it with grace unlike other men? Because he's a man who believes in the truth? Or is he saying that he's lived a life without a strong principle that he could call his own that he has nothing to claim as his own, and he just falls into irrelevance just like that? It's hard to tell because he is still remembered and studied?
Maybe it's another take on the same old story that we always knew -- that men come and go, rise and fall, shine the brightest and collapse into the strongest black hole? But then? He's still regarded as one of the greatest scientific minds of all time? Maybe I don't get it because I'm not a white man with a big white tortured broody man brain.
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frogsoks · 3 years
Hey friends! How long has it been? Probably quite a while lol. I kind of took a mental break after a little drama happened irl, but meanwhile I took up drawing! I'm obviously not a complete professional yet, but I might post a couple creations that I find worthy of share. But enough squabble. Here's a work in progress for you to read :)
“Cole! Stop hiding under the table and put your pants on, please!”
Lou sighed. Today was… not going quite as he’d planned, to say the least. The dance lesson started in 10. Great. They’ve got some time before they had to leave. And besides, it’s the first day today, they couldn’t possibly get mad, right? Right. Nothing to worry about.
Lilly giggled as she tried to pry her 3 year old child out from under the table. “Cole,” she cooed. “If we don’t get these pants on you we’re going to be late for your first dance class!”
Cole looked up at her from under the table, wearing nothing but his underwear and T-shirt, staring at his mother innocently with his wide emerald eyes. Those eyes quickly turned VERY mischievous, and he gave her a wide grin, his baby teeth poking out here and there from underneath his gums. Lilly laughed at the sight.
Cole ran out from underneath the table, fast. Well, as fast as a three year old who just recently learned how to walk could.
Lilly chased after.
Chaos ensured.
Lou chuckled as he watched the love of his life chase their child around the house. Laughing and screaming could be heard as Lilly picked him up, playfully tackled little Cole to the ground, and tried to pry his pants onto him.
Cole pouted as he sat in the car, hating the foreign feeling of pants on his legs. He decided he didn’t like it, not one bit.
The evil Madame Stone had won this time, but the totally awesome, super cool and dashingly handsome Captain Dangerbuff still had a couple tricks up his sleeve. First, he just had to escape this prison-chair… thing.
Where were they taking him, anyways?
He looked out the clear cell walls to see every tree and building speeding past him. And- was that..? Ooh! Look! A lollipop! Maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all. It was painfully close, just wedged in between the two seats next to him. Seems manageable, and looks delicious.
He tried to reach for the sweet treat, only to find his arm couldn’t quite get to it. Great. Cole sighed. How was he supposed to-
The moving prison stopped moving. And.. the walls were opening too! Yes! This was his chance. And.. oh, look! It’s- _______
“Here we are..” Lou sang as he put the car into park and pulled the key out of its slot, making the rumbling vehicle die down.
Lilly was already out of her seat, and opening the door to Cole’s. Said toddler was currently trying to reach for a… lollipop? How did that even get there?
She giggled, finding it quite adorable. She reached for the seatbelts and undid them, scooping the now whining boy into her arms.
Lou sighed, running a hand over his face. Taking care of a child is much more complicated than he’d initially thought. Although, if he did think more deeply into it, it did have its perks.
Cole was certainly one of a kind, and nothing beat waking up knowing that he had a future to look forward to. Both for him, and his family.
After all, Lou was a happy man. He had a loving wife, and a beautiful son. He wouldn’t trade them for a thing.
If there was one thing Lou wanted right now, was to trade Cole away to some far away place where he’d learn manners so he could have some peace and quiet.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t 100% serious about the trading part, but it would make his life SO much easier if his son would stop doing embarrassing stuff day after day.
After they tangled their son out of the car seat and straightened him up a bit (much to Cole's condemn), the family decided to take in the beautiful view in front of them that was known as "Miss Ferns Dance Institute". The name itself had sprung seeds of doubt into Lilly's head, but Lou had assured her that Miss Fern was the best person to teach Cole the basics before he could be enrolled in a "proper" dance school.
The sight before them... well. It was certainly quite a sight. The building itself wasn't at all as pleasing to look at as the world renowned Marty Oppenheimer, with suspicious brick walls covered in graffitis saying some... unfriendly messages, and the broken windows, a couple window frames lacking the window itself...
Long story short, it looked questionable. For a dance school. For toddlers.
Once stepping inside, the school didn't look quite as menacing. It was actually kind of cute, if you saw the little drawings made by kids on the wall, and the coloured wooden floorboards. It looked more like a place where little children could enjoy themselves. The name still sparked a couple questions to Lilly, but she'd have to put it aside for now. Who was she to judge a school based on it's name, after all?
Of course, upon entering, Cole ran straight to the drawings on the wall, admiring the messily scribbled animals and scenery. Lilly smiled at the sight. She looked around the room, spotting a couple other families huddled here and there, talking amongst themselves.
Lilly gathered her own family together, and they sat down on the right side of the room.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lilly whispered to her husband once seated. "What if Cole doesn't even like dancing?"
"My love," Lou said, grabbing a hold of Lilly's hand a gently placing a kiss on it, making her giggle. "This is his first class. You don't even know how he'll like it. Besides, I'm sure Miss Fern is wonderful. I've only heard good things about her classes."
Lilly rolled her eyes and laughed. "The writings on the building say otherwise."
Lou was about to say something when he noticed the chatter had died down in the room. Lilly had called Cole over to her lap by now, whispering sweet words into his ear and placing gentle kisses into his dark hair, making him giggle.
Lou smiled but turned his head to where the rest of the families were looking, and waited for the well known and so-called wonderful dance teacher to come out.
What he'd said to his wife earlier was true, after all. He'd heard of Miss Fern from a couple members of his quartet, the Royal Blacksmiths, and all they'd said was 'Oh, Lou! Miss Fern is an absolute delight! You should try out her class' and 'Oh, Lou! she's even got a class for toddlers! You should enroll Cole there!'
Naturally after those praises he had to see just how good a teacher this woman was.
His thoughts were interrupted when someone started talking at the far sight of the room. It wasn't a woman's voice, though. Maybe her assistant?
"Well hello everyone! So great to see you all here with the wee ones. Oh, Lou! So glad you could come, my man."
Lou's blood ran cold.
He'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Unfortunately for you, Miss Fern was unable to make it to todays class. Fortunately for you, she has a wonderful -and dare I say handsome- substitute here in her place today. Let me introduce myself."
Ugh. Here we go.
"My name is Teyandro Moreno, but you can just call me Tey. No long boring names in this house. And yes- you're probably wondering what happened to my eye?"
Dear god.
"Well, believe it or not, an alligator ate it. More on that later though."
No, Please.
"Now! What do you say we do a little... dancing?"
yes. that's that, then. I hope you enjoyed! I'll definitely continue this is some way, still have to finish the drama I started between Lou and a (kind of?) OC with my name, ironically enough. Well I think he's cool. Just wait til he starts teaching the class ;)
Anyways, thanks for reading! I'll try to be more active on here now, no promises tho :)
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naughtygirl286 · 9 months
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So yes we did go and see Oppenheimer and that concluded both halves of "Barbenheimer" as for the movie well I would have to say that I did like it for the most part I felt it was every interesting. I thought the story behind it all was the interesting part about how they come up with the idea to create this bomb and the secret construction of it.
The movie is 3 hours but I didn't feel like it was 3 hours until we left we went to the 5pm showing and left a lil after 8pm lol but there is alot of back story and the movie is incredibly talky and I thought very sciencey and I find you have to pay attention at times its not an action movie its a historical drama, but like I said I felt it was interesting how they came up with the idea and figured out how to make the bomb.
One thing that kinda bothered me about the movie was the time jumping at spots where the majority of the movie takes place before the the dropping of the bomb on Japan but also it jumps to after that and after World War 2 where Oppenheimer is kinda telling the story at this hearing they are having that did kinda confuse me a bit at first
Also while watching the movie I thought Oppenheimer's wife was a total bitch I even told the person I was with that and they were all "well she was standing up for him" which is good she should be standing up for her Husband but at the same time I felt that she was treating him like total shit. It was like she hated her life, him and their kid. I was thinking no wonder he was cheating on her with the other woman when his wife was like that lol
Always with movies like this that are historical biopic type things I do wonder how much of this is actually true? like I'm sure there was extensive research done on this but you still wonder how much of it is 100% true and what was made up or exaggerated for the movie.
anyway I thought it was well acted and very well written and of course it was beautifully filmed and directed I'm sure it will be nominated for stuff like best actor/actress and maybe be some technical stuff like cinematography and score and all that
The best I can say if you want to see it then see it if your interested
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