#LOLOL So what's really funny is I was looking back in my art folder and I have a lot of art of her OCs but I realize I never posted any
What do you mean this audio is 6 years old, I just heard it yesterday--
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yoongis-scooter · 4 years
senior year, but make it infected
pairing: yoongi x reader (yoongi seems to be in high demand so imma just keep writing for him until 1) someone requests another member or 2) i write something good that’s with another member lol)
word count: 1,029
genre: highschool!au, best friends!au (you n yoongles reminisce about your senior year) (also tried to make it funny but im not funny so)
warnings: this involves covid-19 and essentially how high school seniors are being effected by that so if that upsets you/triggers you don’t read! also there’s a couple swear words
authors note: hi y’all!!! i am/was a senior this year so i’ve def been reminiscing on my high school memories n such :’) also a lil fun fact!! all the stories told in this fic are inspired by things that have actually happened to me lolol but yea!! i hope you enjoy!!
new cases of covid-19 confirmed!
restaurants shutting down do to covid-19!
CDC recommends that citizens stay quarantined!
that’s all your news feed had been for weeks now. you feel awful for everyone that’s been affected, sure, but you find it hard to care now that your last few months of your teenage years have been infected with this god forsaken disease.
you’re mother told you that you were being over dramatic, and that it’s time you start letting go and start thinking about your future. maybe she was right, but you weren’t having it. 
you sit at your desk that’s placed by your window. it overlooks your front yard and you can see all the people that walk by throughout the day. some wearing masks, some not. many move away from the people they see walking towards their direction in silent fear, but they still said a polite hello to not seem too rude.
the time on your phone reads 1:18 AM in little white lettering. you and yoongi had been on the phone with each other since 11, and the call showed no signs of ending any time soon. these nighttime calls with yoongi were a regular occurrence now that the two of you can’t see one another every day at school. the two of you live only about a 10 minute walk away from each other, but your parents were so caught up in the news that they wouldn’t let you leave. so facetime calls would have to suffice until this all blows over.
you’re drawing little doodles on your notepad while you and yoongi talk about miscellaneous things. you look out of your window briefly and notice a lone duck waddling it’s way into your yard. he wanders for a couple minutes while you and yoongi continue talking. you watch him for a minute and then go back to your doodles.
“don’t even get me started on mrs.jung, i can pull up her mugshot at any moment so she better watch how much work she gives us” yoongi babbles. you had accidentally brought up the sore subject of the teacher, knowing how much she gets on yoongis nerves. sometimes you’ll do it just to watch get mad. what can you say, its cute.
“wait she really got arrested? i just thought that was a rumor”
“yea, it happened in like 2013 i thi-”
your head shoots up, spotting the duck running around your yard and honking like the world was going to end. 
“what the fuck is that?” he asks, looking at your equally as confused expression through the phone screen. you groan loudly, but for some reason the obnoxious honking triggers a memory, and you start smiling a little. yoongi, still very confused, speaks up.
“can you like, not do that? it’s creepy” yoongi said, slightly disgusted by your sudden change in behavior.
“do you remember that one time jungkook was drunk off his ass and he could stop telling us facts about canadian geese?” you beamed, looking at yoongi through your camera. the memory brings a smile onto his face too.
“oh my god... i do. and hoseok was really freaked out because jungkook has never even left the country” yoongi hummed, the both of you now grinning like idiots.
this leads you into a rabbit holes of funny moments that had happened in your friend group.
like the one time you, taehyung, and namjoon had spent 20 minutes painting jesus’ ass to perfection in art history class and then realized you only had 10 minutes to finish the actual assignment but ended up just turning in the ass anyway
like the one time jungkook found one of your head bands on your bedroom floor and put it on like a tube top, then proceeded to prance around your house chanting california girls by katy perry
like the one time your class had taken a trip to washington d.c. and had gotten a chance to attend the changing of the guard ceremony at arlington cemetery, but when all of you got there, namjoon forgot to put his phone on silent so his ringtone started blaring during the what was supposed to be quiete ceremony
the laughter that had been coming from the both of you had finally calmed down and the two of you caught your breath. the both of you still had large smiles on your faces.
“i can’t believe i’m about to say this, but i actually think i’m gonna miss high school” you sigh, looking down at your floor. 
“yea... i mean we’re still going to see each other though. we’re literally going to the same college (y/n)” yoongi chuckles, wanting to tease you but he holds back, because he feels the exact same way. 
“oh shit” yoongi whispers.
“it’s 3 in the morning”
you look at the time and yoongi is in fact correct. the numbers read a bright 3:07 AM and you grimace at the thought of having to get up tomorrow.
“well i think it’s time that i hit the hay. i recommend you do the same, (y/n), would hate to see bags under your eyes tomorrow” yoongi joked, and if he were right in front of you, you would’ve flicked him on his forehead.
“shut up! i’ll talk to you tomorrow?” you ask hopefully. and he confirms with an echoed tomorrow.
you throw yourself onto your bed and start looking at old pictures in your camera roll. you miss your friends, and you would give anything to just be in the same room with them again. 
you begin gathering all sorts of photos into a file. the folder consists of any and every stupid memory and greatest accomplishment that the eight of you shared throughout your four years of high school. you share it with them and finally shut your eyes, dreaming about seeing your best friends again.
when yoongi wakes up the next morning he sees the notification from the photo album you humorously titled ‘senior year, but make it infected.’ he chuckles at your amateur attempt to be funny
“what a fuckin’ sap”
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arthavenco · 5 years
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Bedlam has been a member since June 2012. She has a community reputation of 1,629.
We asked Bedlam ten questions, this is how she responded…
What does your GASR username mean and why did you choose it? Bedlam is actually a pretty cool word. It means "a scene of uproar and confusion". The word itself is based off of a historical mental institution. It's not a word that you see used very often. When I finally convinced my dad to let me buy my avi name (I was like 15 ok I had to use his credit card) I wanted to change my name to Tino because my username was Tino123 BUT whoever owned that name signed in randomly so I couldn't ELIMINATE them (rude really). So, I picked Bedlam because it was a cool word. I found out about the word Bedlam from James Blunt's album "Back to Bedlam" I'm not particularly fond of that CD but me and my friend used to listen to it. ANYWAYS, that's the long story of where my name came from and why some people still call me Tino.
How do you think that friends would describe you in three words? The only word I am 100% convinced people would say about me is funny. When you have crippling low self worth, you mask it with a KILLER sense of humor. I'll say "funny, reliable, and sarcastic".
Is there anyone who makes your GASR experience more enjoyable? To be completely honest, most of my good friends have kind of migrated from GASR so... rip? I still do hold most of those friendships but online friendships can be complicated to maintain. I'm going to say the staff because they deal with all of the bullshit so I don't have to.
If you were to win $10 million, what would you buy? Pay for a trip for my parents. Like, literally that is the first thing that I'd do, didn't have to think about it. They work so hard and they deserve it. I would go to Tokyo Japan for myself and then pay off my student loans. (My loans aren't that bad but they exist). I'd also buy a painting from Artemisia Gentileschi or Elizabeth Vigee Lebrun and donate it to my local art gallery. Look on Sotheby's and just weep their paintings are so cheap... It's criminal. Women artists are so unappreciated.
What is your favourite thing about GASR? It's hands down the best place to conduct art related business. The fact that both artists and buyers are protected from fraud is so important and literally offered almost no place else.
What is your biggest pet peeve? I'll pick a GASR pet peeve, when everyone has like 38098 references in a folder I just hate having to jump from picture to picture and folder to folder. But I guess I'm kind of used to it since that's how everyone has their references so not much I can do but work around it. But it just is annoying to me because it makes me more likely to forget details in the order.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently? I went to Beauty and the Beast the broadway show (but at my local theatre not actually broadway) and it got to the part when Gaston proposes to Belle and she dodges him. As she is about to start Belle (reprise) she asks "is he gone" and someone in the audience said "yes" and the theatre laughed. The Belle actress laughed and was clearly caught off guard and she stumbled on the next line saying "can you believe him me marrying?". I thought it was cute LOL.
What is your favourite quote? And all I loved, I loved alone - Edgar Allen PoeI, think that's pretty telling about how I feel as a person LOLOL.
If a genie were to grant you one wish, what would you wish for? THAT IS A TOUGH QUESTION. I guess I'd wish for the effects of climate to be completely eliminated and no longer influenced by our use of fossil fuels. I think that would be a step in the right direction for humanity. There is so many things I'd want to change but like... issues are complex and there's not a easy solution.
What inspires you as an artist?   Other artists, especially, impressionism I love the use of colour. I also love the aesthetics of sailor moon, the Rococo period, and Baroque. I love ornate designs / lace. There is so much and sometimes you aren't even fully aware of what has inspired you, you just have a vision and you have to make it come true.
Want to know more?
Bedlam’s Profile | Bedlam’s Shop
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