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Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️✨
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dorky-stars · 2 months
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As on the last post: these are mine and my partner's headcanons. You don't have to agree, you don't have to like it. These are OUR personal views. If you don't like it, make your own. This is not a "this is how ot should be" these are just hcs.
Mina Headcanons! Some basic stuff. Darker pink skin, 3c hair, purple eyes, beauty mark on the cheek!!
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skiplo-wave · 7 months
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sleepyminty · 11 months
Honkai v7.1 spoiler
Hyv sees many backlash of white dress Horb so they decide to give her a black dress and oh boy they did her justice
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ekalinart · 4 months
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lemonsandsadness · 16 hours
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Her name is Mikayla and she’s like my silliest lil gal and she’s so hehe
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4thstar · 6 months
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She's beauty
She's grace
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princesslocket · 1 year
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rhaemaya-valwynn · 2 years
Meet my JJBA OC- Synth!
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Meet my gremlin! (art done by @ahoge-fish​)
This is my OC Synth! I made her back when i was 13 years old (27 as of this post, going on 28 soonish) So I’ve had her for more than half my life! She has her own original story with its own lore, so for my JJBA Fanfic I’m working on, I smashed the two worlds together and blended their lore till well mixed.
One thing you need to know about Synth is that she doesn’t come from the JoJo universe! She’s a reality traveler! Synth is in the middle of a terrible war which is spreading across the multiverse and she is trying to stop it. That means finding answers and power to push and hold her foe back. Could that mean that Stands hold the answer she’s looking for? Possibly! Its quite funny, but, she doesn’t have a Stand at all! She has a sister power to Stands which lets her interact and see them. Will I tell you what that is here? Nope! That’s for you to find out! Synth was made be alien’s who wanted to hurt people. She was built to think and learn, but knowing how dangerous that was they built her with a ‘open memory’ program, meaning they could change her thoughts and feelings on the fly to ensure zealotry to their cause. The problem that occurred for her creators is that, she woke up before they realized it and dismantled most of the program and prevented them from manipulating her and turning her off, so when she was launched at Earth for a ‘prototype test run’ she woke up and realized what they wanted her to do was wrong and sided with the humans instead.
Sadly another foe came into the picture as she wasn’t the only prototype sent out. What’s the foe? You’ll find out in the fanfic!
Synth’s ultimate dream is to be completely human, hence why her latest model looks exactly like a human, though her outfit for her part 3 entrance looks like:
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pure gremlin energy
(credit goes to @ubetar0​)
Does this mean she’s the 6th member of the Stardust Crusaders before Iggy joins making it 7? Yeah.... Is that done a million times over? Yeah.... Am I gonna do it still? YEAH...!
Some basic info on Synth: Birthplace: Kep'lun 7 Favorite sport: Herculean Barrage (GIANT alien bugs that wrestle, pretty cool right?) Profession: Founder and leader of the Intergalactic Syndicate Accord (ISA) and war machine against ???? Distinguishing marks: Bright neon blue hair and eyes Favorite food: probably something sweet like sorbet Zodiac sign: Leo Blood type: Negative B-26 (type of liquid that carries her power current through her body) Height:  162cm - 5ft 4in Education: Alien artificial intelligence (Smart-duh) Family: Z'Bane-creator of her body and mind ???- creator of her soul Eye color: Neon blue Hobbies: Singing and exploring different planets/realities Favorite Artist/Musician: most artists, though her favorite type of music is Synthwave (get the pun?) Favorite movie: Spiderman into the Spiderverse Favorite color: Blue Personality: Vibrant and full of life, Synth hides her crippling depression behind a wall of false happiness. In truth, she plays the role of a cruel ???, while in reality, she loves and cares so much that she spends most of her alone time weeping over the things she's been forced to do and the lives she's lost, lamenting her failures. When traveling to other realities, away from her war, she acts as she would want to be like back in her home realm, someone who she always wanted to be away from prying eyes. Favorite type of partner: Being Bi, Synth wants someone who is honest and blunt but intelligent and able to quip back at her without fear. Someone that treats her as anyone else. Loyalty is few and far between, so having someone she can depend on is also a must, as she wants to bear her heart to whoever loves her honestly. ??? owned: ????
Due to Synth’s mysterious sister power to Stands, Stand’s begin acting even stranger than usual, which leads into quite a story, I wonder what it could be?
Also given that Synth is pun filled and humorous to a fault, her and Jotaro go at each others throats quite often.
So who did I end up shipping together?
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(credit goes to @ubetar0​)
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YEAH, I KNOW. FIGHT ME. (credit goes to @ubetar0​)
Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you for your time and for looking at my baby! This is a starter post before I begin to go off the deep end with her and talking everyone’s ears off.
For the full sized image used in the first picture by Ahoge is Synth’s part 6 outfit/her casual wear in her reality:
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Thanks again for reading!
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im-tired1124 · 7 months
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Here’s the second reference sheet for the first main character of Fall of Enselia lol! Since I feel a bit more comfortable talking about my OC’s now, I’m just going to ramble about her personality for a few paragraphs, don’t mind me.
So, Emberlyn is the primary/perspective main character of the story, seeing as she’s the only human in the group, coupled with the fact that a Non-Native to Parajeat has a Mydea concentration (It’ll make sense with more context) Basically, Everything Emberlyn feels is BIG. Big anger, big sad, big happiness, big fear, big confidence, big self loathing, big attachment issues, you get the idea. She’s genuinely a very kind, bubbly, gentle person, however, due to her intensely emotional nature and habit of getting really attached really quickly, she’s often pushed away for being, “too much,” and more often than not taken advantage of by the people around her.
She has also fist-fought a dude twice her size at a freshman graduation party, granted, he did start it.
Anyway, here are all my shitty little notes!
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ungarmax · 1 year
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she let @perniciouslizard carry her around like this for like ten minutes
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whensrell · 6 months
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verothexeno · 1 year
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asphaltvalkyrie · 7 months
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My current Tav, Ardea
Mephistopheles Tiefling, Storm Sorceror, Guild Artisan, Neutral Evil, Mid-30s, She/Her, Cisgender, Bisexual (male leaning)
Her backstory is that her parents were human artisans who made a deal with a devil, which they actually DID fulfill, through being clever buggers. Devils being devils, however, this one was so pissed off that he got them on a shitty technicality that resulted in them having a somewhat cursed Tiefling child. She's extremely talented in fabric arts as well as painting and woodcarving, but ends up destroying everything she makes (and the stuff her parents made while she still lived with them) due to having literal lightning in her fingertips, among other reasons. I'm hoping my full written version of said backstory will sound a bit less angsty.
Her name comes from the genus of birds that includes herons, egrets and bitterns, mostly because her color scheme and general aesthetic were more than a little inspired by Great Blue and Little Blue herons.
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yourpaceangel · 1 year
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Valor took her mask off to do Institute missions (*insert witty remark about true masks and whatnot*) and I forgot how pretty I made her face
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kirbeezz · 1 year
idol oc ulya for ur feed
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