burymeinwillow · 2 years
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My beloved @junichan is visiting me and SHE GAVE ME?? A REPLICA OF LITTLE JOE’S GREEN JACKET
I’m honestly speechless. I’m oddly obsessed with this jacket AND SHE JUST... GAVE ME A REPLICA OF IT!! I HAVE JOE’S JACKET 
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dollypopup · 4 years
‘cause we’ve got the fire (and we’re burning one HELL of a something)
For @glutenfreerye who drew a super incredible, super hilarious comic found HERE based off of one of my posts! His art always makes me smile, so please check it out!
RATING: PG-13 (for a few curse words) PAIRING: Catradora, minor GlimmBow/Glow CHARACTERS: Catra, Adora, Glimmer, Bow, King Micah at the end WARNINGS: No Warnings Apply SUMMARY: 
Adora's jacket has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found as an offense to olfactory senses everywhere. Now that the battle is over, the splinters of their tentative existence piecing back together, the breath finally released, Glimmer does what she has yearned to do for years:
to yeet Adora's horde jacket into an impromptu bonfire she lit in the middle of her own throne room.
AKA (to the tune of Mr. Brightside)
Now she's burning the cloth, and Adora is sad, and Catra comes to the room and says "Why's it smell SO BAD?". Now Bow keeps crying 'cause "CUTE!!!", and Adora has Catra's hands, and Meelog's having a hoot, and Glimmer gifts a new jaaaaacket!
The tears prickled painfully, a burning pressure behind her eyes while she watched, horrified but resigned as Bow lifted his arm above the fire, locking eyes with her for just a moment before he released his hold.
“Nooo!” Adora squeaked, her arm immediately thrown out, as though she could prevent what was happening. The betrayal. She understood why. Really, she did. It was for the best. But she never thought- Bow? Bow, of all people? Adora bowed her head momentarily, knowing she was too late. Glimmer, solemnly standing beside Bow, did little more than nod her head.
“The end of an era,” she called out, her nose pinched with a singular clothespin, forcing her to breathe heavily through her mouth.
Adora collapsed onto her knees, her lower lip wavering. “Goodbye. . .old friend. . .” she said, staring into the fire until the flickering embers blended with-
“Heeeeeey, Ador-. . .Adora. . .” then, quieter, “oh, for the love of- are. . .are you guys burning something? Ugh! Are you burning an entire landfill?” Catra asked, dumbfounded and swiping her hand immediately over the entire lower half of her face as she walked in, tail puffed, partially obscuring Meelog who stood behind her, crouching away from the smell.
“Catra!” Adora called out, and Catra “eeped” at how quickly her head whipped around so she could look at her, the slightly watery gaze on Adora’s face making her heart clench.
Wait?? What if they were hurting Adora? Was the fire hurting Adora? Adora?
Hurting Adora? Come on. This is Sparkles and Rainbow. They wouldn’t lay a finger on Adora.
But but BUT, her brain supplied, consider the following:
What if. . .they are?
Catra’s shoulders went up and her eyes narrowed, even as Bow made a soft “awwwww” noise. “Adora? Adora, are you okay?” she asked, forgetting Glitz and Blabber as she ran to her, forgetting everything, even Meelog behind her who purred out a “Mate?” that reminded Catra that, for the 15th time that day alone, she needed to speak to Meelog about not all of her motivation coming from considering Adora her mate.
Or. . .or mating, the verb, either, for that reason.
Ugh, Meelog! Get out!
“Adora?” she asked, ignoring Sprinkles and Bowtie’s smug, stupid grins.
“They. . .” Adora began, blinking up at her, reaching for her hands immediately. “They. . .got my jacket.”
She grasped Catra’s left hand in her right, and Catra immediately grabbed at Adora’s hands with both of hers, her eyes concerned, flickering all over Adora’s face, taking in the pinched nature at the corner of her eyes and her mouth. If anyone so much as laid a finger on her, Catra would-
Wait, what?
“. . .your. . .jacket?”
Adora nodded. “My Horde Jacket.”
Catra blinked. Once.
Read The Rest on Ao3
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