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i love my new old shirt, can't wait to wear it :DD
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nomizombie · 8 months
boyfriend!König headcanons that have been on my mind…
[SFW/Wholesome/Fluff] ; random stuff ive been thinking about, SO MUCH FLUFF YOUR HEART WILL HURT, established relationship, gender neutral, no usage of y/n, not proofread
[A/N] ; love love LOVE the idea of all these things happening!! Also off topic but i feel like this boy needs more wholesome fanfics. Theres just too much smut for this sweet anxious guy :((
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He doesnt move a muscle when you fall asleep on him. He just cant bare to wake you and your cute sleepy face! Hell sit there staring at you for hours until either he falls asleep or you wake up. You falling asleep on him just tells him that you feel so safe around him, especially when hes struggled with being so intimidating (the social anxiety and hood certainly dont help). Whether its at home on the couch, at a movie theatre, or just on the train back home, he just loves you so much he wish you would do it more often <3
You have a phobia and he comforts you. He immediately shields you or removes whatever thing youre scared of. He just cant handle seeing his liebling so terrified and vulnerable :(( he wants you to always feel safe around him, you would never have to worry about safety when hes around. Hes very loyal and is just as great a friend as he is a boyfriend :)
He would either have shoulder length hair or a super short fluffy buzzcut. No inbetween. If you ask him to grow/cut it, he wouldnt hesitate to find the nearest pair of scissors and whack it all off! (or vice versa…) he loves it when you play with his hair, and if its long, he doesnt mind you braiding or tying his hair in silly ways!!
Youre cold? Dont worry! König produces a lot of heat, let him share some of it with you! Hed give you his jacket, a thick padded one fit for surviving the Austrian winters and snug for you! Obviously his size means its huge on you but, he loves seeing you wearing his clothes. Its just another reminder of how small you are compared to him and he is absolutely obsessed with it.
You and him are having fun at a bar. He notices how drunk youre getting and pulls you away to go home before you hurt yourself or regret it in the morning. Unfortunately… the hangover hits hard and you are stuck on the bathroom floor, his hand gently rubbing circles on your back and holding your hair back as you vomit your insides into tje toilet bowl. He hates seeing yoi like this… sick and hungover. next time hes making you leave as soon as your words start slurring >:(
The movie is too scary!! Let him hold and cuddle you, jumpscare after jumpscare. You can shrink into his chest if youre scared. And dont worry about sleeping, nothing can hurt you if hes around. Of course hes just as scared as yuou, the movie was very well made afterall. But, he doesnt want you to be terrified, so hes here for you :) dont forget to give him cuddles too, he cant stop trembling as well!!!
Anniversary, valentines day, your birthday? Dont worry one bit! Hes already got it marked on his calendar, gift planned weeks in advance and the restaurant is already reserved. How could he ever disappoint an angel like you? This is the least he could do for all the love he receives for you!
Youre on your period? Dont even THINK about it. Hell be cuddling and snuggling you to warm you and calm your cramps. Cravings? Hes already on the way to the store :) you dont even have to tell him, hes already got your favourite snacks ready in a basket for you. Youre in pain all week! He hates seeing you like this… :(( who cares aboit the mood swings as long as youre nuzzled in his size, using his warm arms to stifle the chills running down your spine.
Its raining and you only have one umbrella. He would hold it for you, making sure that its his shoulder thats getting wet, not yours. Lest you fall sick and he has to stay home and take care of you for days :(( (not that hes complaining, he’ll take any opportunity to pamper and spoil you!)
Hes just gotten home from work after a bad day. As soon as he sees you, he feels just a little better, especially while resting his head on your chest and listening to your soft breaths on repeat. It could be on the couch, in bed or just while standing in the hallway, some physical touch from you always recharges his batteries :))
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dividers by @mmadeinheavenn !! :)
Tysm for reading!! :) my requests are always open, feel free to ask me anything or request a drabble/fic!
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psychosith · 11 months
cal kestis x reader
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summary: despite being close for years, you and cal go your separate ways after a particularly harsh argument. cal doesn’t see or hear of you for a long time, but stumbles across an old jacket of yours that reveals something to him
warnings: angsttttt, yelling/arguing, injuries, death, perhaps ooc!mean cal
a/n: i’m so sorry to the reqs sitting in my drafts ive had no motivation😭 specifically to the person who requested modern!anakin @ a halloween party it’s a little late for that now i feel like…. but anyways y’all might not know this but i’m obsessed w our boy cal and UGH. this prompt from @fallen-vic just struck me right and i had to get writing right away
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the last four months had been a blur.
one second you were stripping an old star destroyer on bracca with cal, and the next he was fighting an imperial inquisitor while you cowered away in the corner. then you had boarded a ship with a lanky woman and abrasive latero. they had taken you to a planet hidden from the empire, a place where you thought you and cal could live safely. you couldn’t have been more wrong.
cal returned from the temple on bogano that first day talking about restoring the jedi order and a holocron? from there, it was all downhill. back and forth between kashyyyk, zeffo, and dathomir, all the while cal was forced to face strong enemies that left him on the brink of death every day. and you were tasked with patching him up at the end of every mission.
too many times have you entered his rooms while he was preparing to leave again and begged him to stay. it was always the same answer- i’ll be back before you know it. he couldn’t know, though, the feelings you harbored for him. he couldn’t understand how it pained you physically to watch him leave and come back beaten and bruised. but you stayed, because you loved him, and because you believed he wanted you with him.
it was all too much for you today. it seemed insane; they were planning to infiltrate the fortress inquisitorius and retrieve the holocron. you had stopped on a small planet to stock up on supplies before the big mission, and you were in your usual position: pleading with cal.
“cal, please,” you begged, tears welling up in your eyes. “this is just- it’s too dangerous cal! i mean, an imperial fort, for fucks sake! cal, if you didn’t come back from this… i don’t know-“
he cut you off with a reassuring hand on your arm. “y/n, i’ll be alright. i’ll have cere with me, and i’m stronger than ever. trust me.”
“you say that every time, you know. and every time, without fail, you come back closer to death than i’ve ever seen you. cal, we’ve found you passed out in the mud on kashyyyk. we’ve found you slumped against a generator on zeffo with a blaster wound in your stomach. no one will be there to find you if things go wrong this time, cal.” you say numbly, vaguely aware that there’s nothing you can say to make him stay.
“you’re being dramatic.” he says plainly. “you have no reason to be worried. i always come back, y/n. this time will be no different. you need to calm down.”
you groan in frustration, at his naïveté. “no, cal! you don’t understand… how much it hurts to watch you go. and who knows where you would be without me to put your pieces back together.”
you hear him scoff and look down at your hands as tears finally fall down your cheeks. you can tell he’s stressed by the tension in his shoulders.
“without you? y/n, i don’t need you to do this.” his words hurt, but you try to tell yourself the mission is getting to his head, that he doesn’t mean what he’s saying.
“y/n,” he says, waving a hand in front of your face, “did you hear me? i. don’t. need. you. if you’re so worried about me, maybe you should just leave. then i wouldn’t be bothering you so much.” he stood up angrily and marched off.
was he being honest? did he really want you to leave? all these years you had told yourself that he needed you with him, but maybe you had been mistaken.
you didn’t give yourself time to think. cere and greez had both made it clear that your presence on the mantis was unnecessary, and now that cal had said the same you had to go. you only packed the bare essentials: a canister of water, a couple weeks of rations, and a thick jacket for cold nights. you left through the front entrance without a word to anyone. cal simply watched you go.
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a year later - cal's pov
there was no use in trying to hide it, it had been a hard year for cal. a year made much harder by your absence. he had tried to tell himself that you leaving was your decision, that it wasn't his fault. but as he played the argument over in his mind he found himself regretting everything he'd said. cal had been nervous, scared even, of the upcoming mission in the fortress. he'd let trilla and the empire get in his head, and it had cost him everything.
even after he'd retrieved the holocron - and ultimately destroyed it - he never searched for you. he didn't know why. the urge had struck him many times, but he never knew where to begin looking or what he would say to get you back.
it hurt even now, as cal lay in his bunk on the mantis weeping silently to himself. the mantis was empty, the engine humming softly as it flew through hyperspace. all the lights were out and cal's pillow was damp with tears. he hesitantly rose from his bed, staggering to the navigation panel in a sleep-deprived stupor. his cheeks are stained and his hair is tousled as he falls back into the pilot's chair, and he plugs the coordinates to a forgotten outer rim planet into the navigation system.
cal was exhausted, hungry, and mentally drained, but he managed to make it back to his bunk before he passed out.
. . .
something in the cockpit beeped quite loudly, waking cal from his sleep and alerting him that they were nearing their destination. the royal blue color of nez peron was pleasing to the eye, but brought back painful memories for cal. this was where they had made their last supply run before heading toward the fortress. this was the last place he saw the love of his life.
landing the mantis was the easy part; finding you, not so much. cal started in the sparse cities, scanning cantinas and shops, asking about a y/n l/n at every apartment complex and inn. he began to lose hope as he neared the edge of the latest city. just then he remembered you talking absentmindedly as he worked on his lightsaber, saying how it was your dream to live in the forest and live off the lands. it sounded crazy at the time, but now it made sense.
with a newfound passion, cal began searching the forests and plains for you. each dead end made him want to find you more and more, but there were no signs of life anywhere he looked.
one day, he was scanning the ground for any human tracks when a piece of fabric caught his eye. it was dusty, black, and oddly familiar. there were pieces of the same fabric just a little further up the trail he was following. up ahead, cal could just make out the shape of your thick winter coat on the ground.
his steps picked up into a light jog as he neared the jacket. as he examined it closer, he saw a dark stain had dried down on the stomach, and when he bent over to pick it up he was flooded with a powerful force echo.
you had misjudged how hard life in the wild would be. the coat you wore did almost nothing to keep you warm, the water you brought only lasted for a few days, and the rations you thought would last had gone bad within the month. you were cold and hungry, and had only a pairing knife to ward off any threats in the forest. this would be a crucial mistake.
it was a particularly cold day and you were resting against a tree when you heard the crunch of leaves and the distinct mechanical whirring of an electrostaff. raiders. well, just one this time. it was a difficult feat, but you managed to ward off the raider not without sustaining many injuries. you had garnered a deep wound in your thigh and a large gash in your shoulder, luckily most of your vital organs were intact.
you hardly had time to catch your breath before a large mammal had sprung up from a ditch and pinned you to the ground. you screamed and struggled for your knife. your wounds had impaired your fighting skills, and you didn’t last long before the predator had beaten you into the floor. it was so, so cold. you must have lost your jacket at some point. you supposed the animal had lost interest, as it wandered off back into the trees, leaving you in a pool of your own blood.
the sun set behind the trees and you were still laying there, unable to move, slowly succumbing to the cold embrace of death. you could form only one coherent thought in your adrenaline crazed mind, and thus it became your last word.
the memory was like a knife to the heart for cal. he was helpless as he watched you draw your last breath, only to utter his name before closing your eyes for the final time. it finally dawned on him.
you were dead.
cal fell to his knees beside your tattered coat, a broken cry escaping his lips. it was all his fault. if’s and should’ves ran circles around his mind, but he understood the depth of this. you were gone, stolen from this world far to soon. cal mourned. he sobbed into his hands for hours on end, cursing you for leaving, cursing cere and greez for letting you leave, and cursing himself for letting his love for you blind him. of course he needed you. he always would. but he couldn’t have you any more.
his mind was blurry as he frantically followed the path he was on, searching for your body. he tripped and stumbled down a leaf covered hill, where he saw you. you were exactly as you were in the force echo, but your cheeks were hollow and your skin was sickly green. you had been dead for a long time. cal ran to your body, crying your name. he hoisted you into his arms and wept into your dirty hair.
“i love you” he muttered softly, hoping that perhaps you could hear the words he was to cowardly to speak when you were alive.
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a/n 2: BYE the ending is so rushed. sorry.
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
fic rec friday 47
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Damnit, Pidge by spirkylurkey
Pidge has some top-secret-classified-don't-tell-Keith-info that she accidentally lets slip to, you guessed it, Keith. Lance is an embarrassed mess. Keith isn't faring much better, to be honest.
this one made me LAUGH the way that this all pidge's fault and she's literally like. well. you shouldn't be so gay then. and she's right!! they're so dumb i love them
2. Operation: Faking It by @writeonclara
“What the hell, guys?” Pidge squawked, wrestling away from Matt. “Why are you pretending to be a couple?” Or: Matt and Lance pretend to be a couple because Shiro and Keith are clueless as hell.
do you guys remember shatt?? i remember shatt. adashi will always have my heart but shatt will literally always be funny bc ofc thats ur fic name. anyways. this fic is mostly klance but the entire concept is just so ridiculously goofy that u have to laugh. do you like lance and matt? do you like fake relationship to real relationship? do you like inverted tropes? do you like pining? do you like comedic jealousy? then this fic is well and truly for you because it has all that and more
3. all's well that ends well to end up with you by @coruscatingcatastrophe
Keith's jacket gets ruined, so Lance decides to be a good Samaritan and give him his. This is the beginning of the end.
megan's fic literally make me want to eat cement i'm so serious. i've read and been obsessed with TONS of her stuff but this one???? this fucking one???? oh god the slowburn kills me. the blossoming realisation that oh god we've been dating this whole time huh. the CHIVALRY...............a romance novel in the truest of senses and i am going to fry
4. as long as it won't separate you from me (i'll be fine) by @coruscatingcatastrophe
A little intrigued—not that she’d ever admit it—Pidge begins to climb the stairs. But before she even reaches halfway, the door—slams shut. All on its own, or so it seems. Pidge pauses, brows creasing in confusion, as she turns to look down at her dog. “Did you see that?” she asks. Peculiarly, she notes that Bae Bae’s fur is bristled, and he growls at the door before barking twice. That’s weird. Bae Bae never growls. Turning back to the door, Pidge feels unsettled, but she tells herself not to jump to ridiculous conclusions. There’s a logical explanation for everything. Maybe there was a gust of wind from the air conditioner, or the doorframe isn’t level. Whatever it is, she’s going to figure it out. - Or, a Beetlejuice au (kind of). Pidge isn't a fan of her new house, Lance and Keith are the ghosts haunting her attic, and together they hatch a plot to convince Shiro and Adam to skedaddle out of the house. There may be demon summoning involved. But seriously, Adam. Getting your hair set on fire really isn't that bad.
HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN!!! ive been thinking about this fic all october and finally let myself reread it. ive never loved beetlejuice more than when i read this. it's so fun!! so interesting!! pidge gets a chance to shine!! klance are so!!! the way it had the story of beetlejuice but adapted well!! im!!
5. never thought i'd see the day in my life by @coruscatingcatastrophe
But Keith has somehow gone even paler in the short amount of time he’s been at the table, and he shakes his head. “No, something is . . .” His gaze flickers back to Lance, and he’s startled to find that Keith’s eyes are purple. They’ve got to be contacts. Ridiculous. As if the mullet and gloves and personality weren’t enough. Keith pushes away from the table abruptly, looking incredibly put-off now. “I, uh—gotta go,” he mutters, before angrily gathering up the backpack he’d dropped into the chair next to him and storming out of the cafeteria. “Huh,” Hunk says. “Well, that introduction could have gone a bit better. Don’t take it personally though; sometimes Keith’s just like that.” - Or, a Twilight au starring Lance as Bella, Keith as Edward, and the rest of the Voltron gang as themselves. Lance is insufferable, Keith is awkwardly trying to figure out why Lance is the way he is, and along the way they fall in love, or something. It's probably, definitely the best love story since Twilight itself.
now ive never read twilight and i refuse to on principle. but i didn't find this one creepy and instead it was super fun and dweeby and lance is indeed a ray of sunshine, thank you megan for noticing, and it turns out when the story isn't a hetero mormon wet dream it's actually a good time!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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seeminglydark · 4 months
1. would caro and john be into the tv show, the x-files? would they buy tapes of the episodes and talk about their own conspiracies and guess about the outcomes of the episodes.
2. also your comic has help peak my interest for the supernatural and conspiracy theories. what are some stories or theories that you’ve learned about that you have found the most interesting? and were you a believer before starting your comics or has your interest grown as you’ve continued with your comics.
3.lastly, i’m trying to buy more secondhand items and become the diy punk that i’ve aspired to be since high school (too afraid since i was a closeted trans man and living with an unaccepting family), any tips?
i, like john, try to stay away from modern tech as much as i can. i’m able to stay off my phone for the most part and rarely use my computer but i’ve been looking around and audiobooks on cassette are kinda expensive around me so i like to narrate book as i read them in paperback. i was wondering if canonically john uses resources such as the library and what his favorite books and movies are. i love horror and am just now getting into sci-fi and i love watching movies on my vcr + tv combo and i sometimes use a blu-ray player for more rare or expensive (at least in vhs format) movies.
sorry for the long winded paragraph, i’m unfortunately unable to escape my strict household (despite being an adult) until i find a job and am able to save every cent. i also tend to isolate myself so i have no friends to help me out. sorry to vent to you about this but i just wanted to end this by saying your comic and characters inspire me and give me hope that i’ll be okay once i’m free.
YES. John is obsessed with x-files. every once in a while you can see he has the iconic 'i want to believe' poster in his younger years on his walls. He still has it as an adult. both caro and john like watching those together, they also enjoy the twilight zone, charmed, Buffy (they they agree the corny movie from '92 is the best) and those old Bruce Campbell shows noones heard of, re: Brisco County Jr. I think as kids they theorize, and as adults they talk about everything everyone gets wrong, now that they know how these things really work. John can always guess WhoDunnit.
Ive always been interested in the idea of the supernatural. im a big skeptic though, ill be honest there, even though ive had many 'experiences' myself. i kinda like the idea of the unbelievable. definitely making the comics has peaked my interest in things i wasn't too keenly aware of before, like cryptids. im fascinated by the concept of Missing 411, and missing people who reappear somewhere else, but Liminal Spaces hold my heart specifically. ive always been keenly aware of the off feeling in those places before i even knew what that meant. i love scouring the internet for images of things like abandoned hotels that give me a weird kind of uneasy, most of the things people tag as Liminal aren't really that, so its a scavenger hunt to find something that fits my idea of it. coming up with the lore of my stories has been an adventure. my interest has definitely grown, more in places and phenomenon than in ghosts specifically.
there are so mnay things you can do to diy punk stuff, in my opinion thats the best and most rewarding way. it sounds to me that you need to start small and slow for your safety, so let me reassure you right here anon, that punk is a set of ideals, and not just fashion. youre still punk no matter what youre wearing. a jacket or vest is always a good place to start, you can literally buy ANYTHING at the thift store that strikes your fancy. this is a canvas you will be adding too for as long as its yours. once you have your canvas, its time to create, and there is literally no wrong way to do this. you can use paint markers, embroidery, bleach, ect. dont have money for spikes and studs? you can use soda can tabs and bend them, metal lighter caps, hell even staples and safety pins always look cool. you can make your own badges by bending metal soda or beer caps around a soda tab with a safety pin through it and then paint whatever you want on the cap. dental floss is what you usually see when punks have the white stitching on their pants and jackets, its durable and doesn't break, since crust and gutter punks need tough clothes that last. if you're worried about your family, i would personalize it first in small secret ways that are just for you, such as a message beneath your collar as seen here on my friends jacket. and here, and here! he hides patches on the inside as well! Im including a pic of john hiding a patch on caros varsity jacket as well. i will post my jackets one day, my camera is broken but i figured id share his since he hides things more than i do!
John absolutely uses the library, its a fantastic resource for SO many things, depending on where you're located. He would also probably use a digital reader later, because many of them you can get library cards on and borrow books that way. he is not a strong reader so he mostly reads books that may be under his age level, like goosebumps, but who cares, do what you enjoy. movie wise hes very obsessed with cosmic horror (hence the UFO tattoo) his favorites are Alien, The Thing, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the Blob from the 80s. both he and Caro love the original Evil Dead franchise, horror comedy like American Werewolf in London, lost boys, etc.
Thank you, Anon, for the long winded paragraph. You asked some really fun questions for me to answer, i love nothing more than to talk about my characters, it was a really nice little break from editing a new podcast episode. I am so so sorry about your situation, and i am sending you all the best and all the love and strength that you can come out of this free and on the other side and live as yourself. If my comics and characters stories can provide a tiny bit of hope that its going to be ok, than ive succeeded at what i set out to do. wishing you all the best. and look into your library, they may have resources to help you with this as well.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
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heyy yalll im backkk, took a little break for a bit but IM BACK BABYYYY, ive been getting into goth culture a lot as of recent and have been changing my style to fit around it more so this is js a silly little thing to fuel my brain ☺️☺️ enjoyyy
ok so really i think ryan would LOVEE a goth s/o
but it depends on the era of him
if we r talking BEGINNING of cky days i feel like he would be into it but NEVERRR let yk abt it
if we r taking 1999 ryan oh my god hed fall in love with u then and there
we all know back then he had a little thing for more hardcore women (COUGH COUGH YALL EVER SEEN GLOREN BRO, the leather jacket RYAN WE KNOW WHO U RR)
i feel like he would be curious about it
just with how intricate the style is
i feel like hed be into all the styles of goth ngl, hes js so curious on how it all works
the closet thing hes really seen of goth is bam fanboying over ville
soo not much to compare it too
i feel like he would ask so many questions
just like “where do u find clothes like that??” “how long does it take u to get ready?” js air headed questions
if u started dating him tho oh my god hes a sweetheart
anything halloween related that looks edgy in the slightest he will buy and say it reminded him of u
will help tie up corsets, clip on necklaces, and always have a spare pair of flat shoes on him just incase ur heels start to kill ur feet
obsessed with the make up, he thinks its so cool (and so hot)
oh bam is lowkey so jealous
especially if u are a fan of ville
ryan would try and color match his shirts to ur outfits
u wearing red? his shirt is gonna be red
purple? he has a purple button up somewhere
hes js so in love w u he doesnt care
will be the type of guy to run to the store last minute to get accessories for an outfit for u
also will buy u those overly expensive edgy ass heels from the store bc he know u will rock them
probably has tried on some of ur platformed shoes or heels and busted his ass
bam would probably be there dying laughing bc of it
or he would casually put on a hair piece or some necklaces and imitate you (he swears it out of love)
honestly would let u give him a gothic makeover, js dont show bam
he doesnt reallyy get whats going on but he loves it anyways bc he loves u
oh he thinks ur so cool
depending on what metal genre u prefer he would listen to so many songs from it
i feel like he’d be a little intimidated at first bc mf thinks HIM and CKY is hardcore
he will buy patches for ur battle vest
love hearing u go on about the bands
warning tho hes gonna try and fucking stage dive into the mosh pit
hes gonna get his ass KICKED
loves ur accessories
the gauntlet cuffs, the bullet belts he thinks its so edgy and cool
hes a little scared of the corpse paint tho
hes seen bam do it but never fully going out with it
when he walks into the room and see u just with two massive black holes for eyes a white face and a frown drawn on it kinda scares him for a second
but he thinks its so cool after he realized
wants u to do it on him
literally if u do he will js be staring in the mirror of a good 20 lins is awe
will go to bar shows with u
cant fight for shit tho so if someone starts shit goodluck LMAOOO
lowkey would grow his hair out bc one of ur fav bands fav members has long hair
hes wayy more into this probably then the gothic vibe but tbh ryans such a sweetheart if he liked u, HE LOVEDDD u
hey yall so hope u enjoyed, ive been really into both these scenes recently and broo the goth metal style is my favvv, its hella cool. i need to start writing on here again lmk if i should do other cky/jackass members with different styles and genre loving readers!! byeeee :))
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thorarms · 11 days
Tagged by @illwynd ty <3
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
Favourite colour: black and green 🖤💚
Last song: back to the primitive by soulfly (ive been slowly working my way through max cavaleras entire discography, current highlights are roots by sepultura, and primitive + totem by soulfly)
Currently reading: picture of dorian gray, started rereading it after that stupid netflix show announcement and remembered that i actually really love this book. Man i am not looking forward to that show
Currently watching: im working my way through bobs burgers again bc it's the perfect show to put on in the background when youre too tired to focus on anything
Currently craving: one (1) decent nights sleep. Just one. 8 consecutive hours of restful sleep. Surely thats not too much to ask for. Ive been awake since 4am
Coffee or tea: tea with honey <3
Hobby to try: i wanna get back into life drawing so so bad, but unfortunately every class is like 30 quid now. Like i know i can use line of action and photos but it's not the same!
Current au: that dorian gray but theyre brothers and lokis a painter obsessed with thor au has been on my mind a lot recently. Theres also a modern au metalhead thorki au ive been thinking about, but it takes place in a really specific nightclub where i live lol (tbh it's less of an au and more a flimsy pretext to make playlists and design battle jackets)
Tagging @thot-son-of-odin @thortwenty151 @thisdorkyblogthing @abby118 @moopzies @simuran and anyone else who wants to <3
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lochness-art · 11 months
no one asked but here r my opinions on the new outfits since mayhaps they are the new Official Outfits??
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ichiro - an improvement. i like that it's very true to his og outfit and i think it looks better with just red (rather than the red + blue), plus that weird white undershirt that i always hated is gone <3
jiro - BB YOU LOOK SOOO GOOD it's a p small change but i like it, i like the hoodie more than his prev jacket and i love that they kept his stupid nonfunctional flannel <3 but most importantly the HAIR AHHHH im OBSESSED WITH PONYTAIL JIRO. the only small thing i dislike is the lack of hat </3 rip jiros hat (2017-2023) you will always be remembered
saburo - i liked his overcoat from his prev outfit so this fit is a bit of a downgrade for me :[[ he still looks good though and v true to his character so i dont mind too much
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samatoki - oh thank fucking god, an outfit worthy of his hotness. ive been mourning tdd samatoki ever since i knew of him and this blue leather jacket is SUCH a good look, and we didnt even have to sacrifice his tits out shirt. it's perfect
jyuto - good!! he looks hot as he should. the red gloves were iconic and will be missed but overall i think i like his new outfit better, it's a little less stuffy looking
rio - an upgrade bc he looks somewhat more like an integrated member of society and less like a permanent navy seal. i like that he got to keep his camo but also wear some normal-ish clothes
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ramuda - this seems...p much the same except the jacket changed and he has a hat now? i think its a hat? i dont like the hat. the jacket looks good and i understand why its yellow but... i miss the turquoise... the turquoise and pink was iconic... :[ overall not bad but miss the old 'fit for sure
gentaro - idk i dont look at gentaro enough to know what exactly changed but he looks fancier. i guess he looks better? idk and idrc sorry
dice - SOOOO GOOD. like took all the essence of his og design but makes him look less homeless bc what was that trench coat. he looks so stylish im obsessed
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jakurai - idrc about him but i think this outfit is def an improvement bc theres a bit more flair beyond just 'i am a doctor'
hifumi - i like it! white is a good colour on him
doppo - i think its an upgrade!! he looks a bit more loose and comfortable which i think is like...symbolic maybe. and he just looks better. good for him.
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sasara - FUCK THIS WHERE IS HIS HOUNDSTOOTH. IT WAS ICONIC???? give him his full suit back cowards. also the bowtie is not giving. im sorry i just do not like this outfit. only good part is that he matches w rosho (they r in love)
rosho - again. i do not like this pattern. his old pattern was better. also he managed to look nerdy but still hot in his old fit now he kinda leans too much into nerdiness??? idk i just do not like it 😭
rei - i mean...it's okay but he looks so. neutralized. like he got an office job or smth. where's the dramatic fur coat and gold accessories and white pants and the red shirt and-- it's an ok outfit but as an official outfit i feel this is definitely a downgrade
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kuko - i really like his new outfit, i LOVE the hoodie thing? i like how it keeps his casual yet buddhist look. his og outfit is also rly good tho and a bit more colourful so...idk, im torn on which i like better
jyushi - it is ... ok. it's pretty similar to his og outfit but i feel the execution is just...slightly worse. i prefer the original :[
hitoya - good! keeps the essence of his character, i mean i feel like it's p much the same except slightly diff jacket and he's draping it over his shoulders now lol. which is definitely a look and further increases his sex appeal-- imo--
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
@yugiohio #op youre in good company as most people interpret this film as a queer coming of age film. myself included.#i saw it for the first time in my early teens and it impacted me in a way i have never been able to articulate.#ive reserved it from the library so many times. i have the movie downloaded to my computer. i made myself posters.#im still trying to find the dvd. im still trying to find the novel and manga. i love these girls and the way they love each other so much.#anywayyyyy you didnt ask for any of this but this movie is just so important to me and I'm so so so happy youve discovered it#and that youre posting content from it
hope it's okay to put this here, if not will edit the post, buuuut i usually do a little post-movie decompression and your tags are a great place to start it:
i have had this on my letterboxd to watch for awhile, and was tipped over the edge when the director of a play im in said "so there's a biker gang and one of the girls is obsessed with rococo" i cannot tell you what about that description charmed me so much i had to watch it immediately, but hey, sometimes you know that It's Time
i was kind of expecting a really serious film, and it turned out much more like a sweet queer romcom of that early 2000s lesbian flavour (meaning that most of them don't end up more than subtext, but the text in this one is... very text. they pretend they're about to kiss in the end-credits sequence type text)
was fun to accidentally land on another film that's about Style and Taste and The Soundtrack Being Cool, because i watched empire records and then young soul rebels these last couple of days, so clearly that's the theme of this little unexpected watching time
but seriously this film is really Cool, first and foremost, and it's got a fascinating set of philosophies in it about style (especially clothes) that surprised me, because you don't get a lot of cinema celebrating style without at least giving a cautionary "but watch out lest you become Shallow!" i really enjoyed that the arc of this one was "actually i am great at making clothes and im really capable actually, but i'd much rather buy clothes and look pretty in order to be a true rococo woman! the most important thing is dedication to Style! (and ichigo)"
like, her ethos really is high femme camp -- she's there to look beautiful and she enjoys that and she does it on her own terms, and specifically the only person she enjoys making for is... ichigo
and consequently, while she absolutely dresses for herself, there is also a sense that the only person whose opinion she values is also ichigo, and ichigo treats her exactly how she wants to be treated -- when momoko faints, she runs to her and cradles her head, she takes her out on her bike at the end, she's the strong badass to momoko's sweet prettiness
but then in another fun subversion, momoko is the one constantly looking out for ichigo -- she has the clothes she needs (and sells them for cheap), she embroiders her jacket after going a full day on a search for a person we later find out doesn't exist, she wins all the money, she comes for her when ichigo is in danger of getting seriously hurt and saves her, she gets offered a job based on her competencies that later on gives ichigo an opportunity (ironically to look pretty, which... she really really is beautiful) (although they both turn them down after getting a taste of it, they'd much rather roll around on a bike together). ichigo says at the end that she'll simply never be out of her debt, and that makes momoko smile, like yeah, that means they'll have to stay together forever
idk this movie is just so Cool and so Fun and soooo so gay
i also note that the single mild no-homo is so immaterial that watching it i wasn't actually sure if it wasn't about akimi, who was introduced as this beautiful vision that changed ichigo's life back in the day and now it turns out that not only is she engaged to this man, she's pregnant and leaving the gang, shifting ichigo's whole axis -- the framing is on her, she was introduced with the In Love/Lesbian Awakening Gaze, she's the reason ichigo is who she is, and the catalyst for why ichigo eventually leaves the gang (the other catalyst being momoko + the slightly less focused-on one of "not liking the direction it's going in"). it's got such a "im a teenager and upset about this but i cannot say why, it must be because im in love with this guy i barely know and because uh... i don't respect the new leader's vision!"
i think this film also carries a certain kind of vibe that reminds me of streets of fire, that is, in some ways it feels much more like a myth or a fairytale, because everything is so extravagant and yet slightly vague (and i mean that positively). we're being introduced to the origins of a myth of these two people who travel the roads in cool clothes and set biker gangs right, like. Urgh it's so Cool!
and the animation i didnt even mention the animation but it's got Cool Animation too!!!!
it's funny, i tend to land hard on the "gets obsessed with more masc characters" (wow wonder why) but in this one -- while of course they're both great and that's the point -- i was absolutely enamoured with momoko. her casual cynicism, her confusion about why she suddenly cares about one (1) person, her absolute dedication to The Vibe that is her whole being, her seemingly being completely unaware of just how easily she can draw people to her. just, the Power that is momoko (and now she's got the muscle of ichigo, nothing can stop them)
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Ive been bored out of my mind 😩 any movie or book recomendations?
You opened up the can. Do you want the worms? XD
YES!! I DO HAVE RECCOMENDATIONS!! XD And I'm so glad you asked ^^ Obviously you're not required to take any of these, but if you do- let me know what you think! ^^
If you're here, I assume you like fun, sinister and exciting villains. So I'll give you a little info on the villains in each source 😅😆
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First of all- a n y m o v i e (or episode in a TV show) with Robert Englund playing the bad guy. You can't go wrong. Even if the rest of the source is... not-so-great... the man never misses.
(In particular: The Last Showing, Inkubus, and Good Day For It are really good! Especially the first 2.
The Last Showing (free on Plex): Villain is a weaselly, geeky loser with a with dreams of sinister grandeur.
Inkubus (free on Tubi): Villain is a sexy, sinister, cunning, smug old demon.
Good Day For It (free on YouTube): just... just have a peak at what I've been posting non-stop the whole weekend 😅🫠🫠🫠)
The Rescuers and the Rescuers Down Under. If you haven't seen these and you like Disney Villains, you must!! You get both!; a nasty woman with scary eyes and no code of ethics, and a big, sinister, crooked-grin bush man.
The Lake Placid Series. I KNOW, I KNOW- you probably read that and think 'ughh why' but LOOK- TRUST ME- The Bickerman's are a riot. A hoot, even XD From a sweet old lady who swears and feeds whole cows to the crocodiles played by Betty White to her son who's a greedy old poacher who is equal parts creepy and loony tune- they're so much fun XD The only movie in which they aren't antagonists is 3, but then you get Reba who is a grumpy, bad ass milf and is that really a miss? No, I don't think so.
Going back to kids animation- Happily N'Ever After (free on Vimeo) You got a myriad of villainous suitors to choose from in this one XD You got the Big Bad Wolves (💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️), witches, Rumplestilstkin, and Cinderella's Evil Stepmother who is- just- so hot XD A wicked lady with a slit in her dress.
... are you into creepy nasty old men? Because I think Judge Turpin played by Alan Rickman in Sweeney Todd; The Demon Barber of Fleet Street takes the cake in that department.
Little Shop of Horrors. Yes- Audrey II is plant, but he's smooth motherfucker, and some of us are into that 😆😅 And maybe so are you. And if you aren't into Audrey II, there's always Orin; a leather jacket wearing, motorbike riding, sadistic jackass.
Oh!! The Funhouse Massacre!!! Another fun one with a myriad of scary boyfriends XD (and one scary girlfriend XD). It's a cheesy gore fest but of you like that or can get past it- your villains here include a Wrestler Murder-Clown, a Psychotic, Silent Harlequinn, a Sinister and Charismatic Cult Leader, a Sexy Sadistic Dentist, a Cute Cannibalitic Chef, and a Creepy Old Taxidermist.
Disney's Once Upon A Halloween (free in parts on YouTube). It's all your favourite Disney Villains (before Dr Facilier I think) in one place- what else could you want? XD
If you like hot demons and you have a teacher kink-- then The Evil Librarian Trilogy (Michelle Knudsen) are definitely for you XD You got the evil librarian (Mr Gabriel), who is basically evil incarnate with a sexy goatee. Then you also Principal Kingston who is an older dilf wearing cargo pants and is slightly silly (my favourite, and also the reason i named my kangaroo oc kingston)-- and then Ms Kralovna; the language teacher and an absolute Queen.
Dorothy Must Die (Danielle Paige) pretty much makes Dorothy (years later) a wicked slutty dictator, the scarecrow a creepy mad scientist, the tinman a besotted obsessed guardsman, and the cowardly lion a monster. Plus there's the Nome King in the last 2 books who is describes as the 'most sinister senior citizen' which is the perfect descriptor for him XD
If you like Slasher movies, you will d e f I n e t l y love The Final Girls Support Group (Grady Hendrix). It's just so cool and interesting how Hendrix puts the actual Slashers into the book without saying their names.
Hellhole (Gina Damico). Okay this is another demon XD Except this one works in... the greasy food office in hell XD (I think XD ) Don't get me wrong, he's bad; he's powerful, and he'll kill your whole family, and he has unreasonable demands if you refuse. But he's mostly happy to sit in your basement with no pants eating tostitos and whole sticks of butter while watching project runway and playing cod for now XD And his name is Burg (as in Burgundy Cluttermuck)- isn't that cute? XD
Karen M. McManus books. Any of them. (Though, I do recommend The Cousins and Two Can Keep a Secret in particular. I cant tell you much cuz they're mysteries but they are definitely my kinda bastards. If you like the characters I write for you'll probably like them too XD The only misfortune is that, since they are mysteries, they aren't acting all villainous until the end. )
Alice and Red Queen (Christina Henry). If you have a strong stomach and you like gory, sometimes unpleasant horror- these are for you! The characters of Alice in Wonderland are n e v e r going to be the same 😅😅😅 Especially the Rabbit, who is... I think, a trafficker? Meanwhile the Walrus, um- nope, i'm not going there. Moving on!
DANCING JAX DANCING JAX DANCING JAX. These are my f a v o u r i t e books. Ever. They will always be my favourite books. And let me tell you why!!- They are o v e r f l o w i n g with vastly different, interesting, flawed characters who totally stick with you forever XD And a good lot of them are bad guys. You got:
- Austerly Fellows; a creepy charismatic cult leader type who may not actually be Austerly Fellows?? Their could be a swapped at birth/changeling sorta thing going on here?? (The 'original' Austerly had a mark on his foot and the one that his mother got back from the baby farm didn't).
- The Jockey; the kind of bad guy who ain't loyal to anyone. Not even the other bad guys. He must play everyone one way or another (its the way he was written, and he follows through), at some point. He's tricky, and weaselly, and gross. I love him.
- Jangler; Austerly's right hand man. He's a stern, crotchety and nasty old codger. His heart is as cold as ice, he's calculated, and he definitely takes joy in some of the terrible things its his job to do.
- etc. There's more but I cant give more away 😅
Thats what i can think of right now! ^^ I'd be so so jazzed if you took any of these recc's but don't worry about feeling obligated too! ^^ It was fun to talk about them XD
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miss--river · 1 year
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✨️TELL ME ABOUT YOUR OCS✨️ by @vincentmatthews
wanted to do this for my newest babe who im hyperfixating on! thank you so much for the fun template! it gave me the chance to flesh her out just a little more!
♡Name Phoenix Blake
♡Nicknames Phi, Finn, Nix
♡Age 26
♡Pronouns She/Her
♡Sexuality Bisexual
♡Hair Color and style Red, usually up with braids (but lately ive been obsessing over her with her hair down.
♡Eye Color Yellow
♡Height 5'5"
♡Body Type Average
♡Personality She smiles and laughs a lot, loves making other people laugh and smile, extroverted, loves meeting people.
♡Tattoos She has a sleeve of tattoos on both arms.
♡Piercings She has a nose ring, her eyebrow pierced, and her left ear pierced.
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect. She doesn't have anything yet but I'm planning on giving her some body scars as I plan her story!
♡Hobbies She's a gamer girl lmao! She has an N64, a classic gameboy, a Switch, and a PC she plays on. Also loves playing her guitar occasionally and listening to music, going on walks at sunset, and sometimes will get up to jog before the sun comes up.
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc} Merc with the exception that no one gets killed.
♡Do they smoke? No.
♡Do they drink? Is so, what's their poison of choice? Yes, her favorite thing to drink is whiskey.
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day? The current outfit ive been loving her in is a burgundy tank top, black pants, black boots, black driving gloves, black and white studded bracelets, a necklace with a red pendant, and a black choker, sometimes a jacket, and sometimes yellow round sunglasses.
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".} I haven't dressed her up in anything fancy yet but she'd probably wear a dress. Nothing too eye catching since thats not really her style but something cute for sure!
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.} Cherry scented lotion, she's not really into perfumes or anything like that.
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc. I've always imagined her swaying her hips as she walks but I've also imagined her with a bit of a bounce if she's listening to her music.
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl? Kinda both? She loves waking up to go on jogs but sometimes she's just way too tired and will sleep in which leads her to staying up late. Then it's a struggle to get a proper sleep schedule again lmao. She does love staying up late though because she has no obligations at night and she can be cozy in her apartment and play video games!
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use? Chipper
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character? I based her off Vash the Stampede so her saying isn't really unique to her but she does say "Love and Peace" a lot, but usually as like a goodbye or something.
♡Favorite Season Summer.
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc} She loves all types of weather! Thunderstorms and rain are soothing to her, sunny is nice because she likes to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin, foggy because it reminds her of her favorite spooky video games, haha!
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who? Ok, I know I said I based off Vash but I also ship her with him too!
♡Main Ship/Pairings Phoenix x Vash
♡Side Pairings N/A
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings N/A
♡How do they show affection to their loved one? She loves buying random gifts that remind her of her loved ones, unless getting random gifts makes them uncomfortable then she'll just call or text them to see how they're doing.
♡How do they sit in a chair? She sometimes likes to slouch back like reeaaalllly far to where it almost looks like she's trying to lay down lmao.
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version} Gotta have her feet up in the chair, sometimes she's sitting with her legs crisscrossed. She also has a footrest by her computer if she's going to be sitting there for a while so she can stretch out without standing up.
♡What do they wear to bed? Sometimes just a t-shirt and panties, and sometimes a tank top and shorts.
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc} Side and back sleeper but she doesn't sleep on her back too often because for some reason it gives her nightmares.
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? {Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves, etc} She's actually ok with sleeping in an unfamiliar place.
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc} When she's in her own apartment she has turns on the little fan by her bed. It doen't always have to be facing her but she does enjoy the sound. She'll also sometimes fall asleep listening to podcasts or music.
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset? Her bed, lmao!
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc} If she has something small in her pocket she'll fidget with whatever it is or she'll roll her necklace pendant between her fingers.
♡What is their "tell" for lying? She's very good at lying but if someone really knows her they can tell she's lying about something when the corner of her eye or mouth twitches. It's very subtle because she's learned to control it more but telling lies in general makes her super nervous.
♡What is their favorite color? Burgundy, red, yellow, orange, and black.
♡Favorite flower/plant Hibiscus flower
♡Favorite sweet of choice Donuts
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them She doesn't have any pets officially but sometimes she does get visited by a little kitty cat!
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down? Currently, she has no triggers.
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why? Anywhere quiet and not a busy city lmao! She needs a break!
♡What is their favorite comfort meal? Spicy ramen noodles! Sometimes she'll just buy regular spicy ramen or she'll add her own hot sauce.
♡Do they have a food they hate? Mushroom, she hates the texture.
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink? Cold coffee loaded with sugar!
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}? Make enough money to just live comfortably and hopefully move away from the city.
♡What's a song that "fits" them? Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them 1. Her dad taught her how to use a gun but she honed her skills herself as she grew up. 2. Her favorite ways to pass the time are reading comics and playing video games. 3. Her favorite places to chill are either in bed or at El Cojo Coyote. 4. She has a gun she wont hesitate to use but she refuses to kill anyone. 5. She absolutely cannot get through animal movies because she will cry.
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.} She's still new so I dont really have anything for her yet :((
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share -Her voice claim is Moira Kelly who played Nala from The Lion King. -When she was a kid she loved making 'potions' in the bathroom sink but she'd get in trouble for it every time. -She'd also run up stairs like a dog when she was a kid and it embarrassed her parents when she did it out in public.
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icyfox17 · 1 year
Annnnd what are some songs you’ve been listening to/looping as of late? I’ve been in a very music-y mood :)
I just reblogged a heck ton of crime boys posts and I am feeling Good 👍
This is actually a great distraction . I have my wisdom teeth tomorrow and i am Terrified
IVE BEEN OKAY i went out to the beach today THAT WAS NOICEEE it was a lot cooler today than normal so i finally got to wear my jean jacket again :D happ happ
Lusitania by Andrew Bird is another super soft song ive been vibing to lots :D
My best friend tommie just reccd me Oliver James by Fleet Foxes AND ITS GORGEOUS HOLYSHIT i think youd love it gracie :0
Three White Horses by Andrew Bird gives me cwilbur vibes a bit and or cphil
As u can tell ive been listening a lot of him lately . In my defense i just saw the concert AND IT WAS SO FUCKING COOL OHKGKDUFGOFK i love andrew bird SO MUCH
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dioynsus · 1 year
soooo i binge watched all of yellow jackets this weekend
van and tai are the best parts of this show and im so glad i waited to watch until they brought in adult van (i saw gifs..as one does) but it also meant that the entireee time i was just like Where is She…also as the goalie of my hs soccer team i just have to be in love with her
loved teen shauna until the pregnancy thing which downplayed her character a lot… adult shauna is amazing beautiful gorgeous no notes
they pulled off jackie’s death so well. in the way i felt it coming and it had the emotional impact but also just the sad patheticness of a girl dying in the danger of the cold outside because she was too stubborn to come in. like that hit so much harder than if she had been mauled by a bear or smthn.
teen nat is also one of my favs as a former artemis-obsessed child.. my huntress
coach your days are numbered im afraid. and your fantasies about ditching the team and moving in with your bf are so sad im sorry
and overall i like the show but there are so many times where ive been like. this is just silly
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variousxreader · 7 months
i see you said we could send in Koby thoughts… im so obsessed with Koby it’s not even funny. i have an ocxcanon ship with him that ive made over 100 doodles of in a few months and at least 10 pages of dumb thoughts for
i very much hc him as bisexual , usually in my mind he’s cis but i love transmasc Koby too. he’s perfect every way. but i am very much of the opinion he is very muscular either way and dedicates himself to being in the best shape possible.
my oc is a marine so A LOT of my hcs are revolved around a marine s/o who’s his superior. they’re on garp’s ship together and he gets them to talk. oc is a bookworm and has no social skills but Koby is enamored with their insane amount of knowledge and passion for reading and enables their infodumping 24/7, borrows books and they work out together. they get close over their Marineford trauma and eventually cross the friends to lovers bridge because they spend sm extra time together after and understand exactly what’s going on with the other’s mind.
and even though they wouldn’t be able to be together often, I think Koby is a very mature and understanding partner who is able to handle long distance and leaves little notes for his s/o to find, calls them at night once his work is over, and always makes sure to hug them whenever they see each other again. he gets little trinkets for them or a small bouquet of flowers if it’s been longer and will spend the entire night with his attention on them.
i think he’s awkward but well meaning early in a relationship!! scared of messing up or worrying he’s not good enough and still being oh so very shy later down the line. kiss him long enough or pepper his face in little smooches and he will be so!! So embarrassed!! but he loves it… he’s less forward physically but loves to talk and just. look at his so and admire how pretty they are. but I think he loves spooning them and kissing the back of their neck, their cheek and their shoulder at night, or their forehead if they’re facing him. he loves it when they lay on his chest and caress his face. he would be insanely flustered but so tickled by them wearing his shirts or jackets, his old bandana too…
he’s super shy but extremely loving and lovable. i am actually in love with him. no man has ever affected me as much as the existence of Koby and rambling here makes me want to post about him and my character again LOL, thank you for enabling my Koby fixation
Of course!!!! Hes just such a good boy!! I love the marine lover ideas too, but im such a sucker for Koby falling for a slightly older or his age pirate!
Hes so salty he fell for a pirate but he can't help but be so smitten with them lol when i can im writing away for the one shot i mentioned, but that idea spawned a larger fic which accidentally became 2.5k of introduction. Which will allow me to now devolve into chapters of doing whatever i please with the man lmao! It was 100% meant to be smut but i might accidentally turn it into a slow burn romance who knows!
The one shot is now going to be an off shot of the main fic, but being an omegaverse au version. Hell it might not even be a one shot but a mini chaptered fic its self! It could very very well end up as 3 parts or longer
Bi Koby is a dream. My ass really wants to drag him into a reader/ace/sabo/koby relationship thats all levels of debauched.
Theres just something about Koby that makes me primally insane.
Like i fucking love ace and Sabo, but they're so dominant and more sure of themselves (yes even ace) than Koby still
Koby really is the type of man i wanna shake around like a chew toy because hes so precious.
Feral cute aggression w the blorbo.
I shall hug him and squeeze him and call him george,
Also put him into sexual situations that render him fucked absolutely stupid because hes so innocent and sweet and i want to deflower the sweet thing
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heystephen · 2 years
idk how to go online in animal crossing there is some issue whenever i try
i found this out when i decided it was time to download some of the amazing clothes i saw on pinterest that people have made
aaaand i couldn't i didnt get why and i didnt have the patience to figure it out
so i decided id remake them on my own. because i have patience for that lmao
and that's taken up the entirety of my sunday
i now have like 5 different "coats" that are a jacket, a shirt and a skirt painted on that i copied pixel by pixel
tomorrow, im gonna do some more
today, they were season-themed
tomorrow, fiction
the day after that, who knows?
but this game is getting more and more fun the more i play it
it's now been two months and im obsessed
oh and i caught daisy mae and her turnips twice and almost lost money when selling because i didnt know when the prices were changing lol
AND i bought two fake art pieces before i found out there are guides about that online
god i love this game so much
omg did you just get the game? i love when ppl first get it and i get to witness their descent!! ur so much stronger than me though, i don’t think ive ever put in the time or effort to design any clothes because i would get soooo frustrated lmaooo.
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burymeinwillow · 2 years
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My beloved @junichan is visiting me and SHE GAVE ME?? A REPLICA OF LITTLE JOE’S GREEN JACKET
I’m honestly speechless. I’m oddly obsessed with this jacket AND SHE JUST... GAVE ME A REPLICA OF IT!! I HAVE JOE’S JACKET 
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