lucid-stories · 1 year
The World from the Stories
A Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction
- Female reader
- Reader here will also be Yuu
- Reader will be able to conjure magic unlike the game
- This is a new creator's work so please bear with me or atleast I am trying to shift from being used to a chat fanfiction creator to the more classic type
- Actually on second thought, I want to name the person Aisha Eleni Lenore "Y/N" L/N so y/n is considered a nickname
-Reader gets transported into Twisted Wonderland
-Not proofread yet
I watched in horror as my heroes fell. One of the greatest losses in the past decade was broadcasted for the world to see.
"The crown princess, her royal highness <insert mother's name> and the prince consort, his royal highness < insert father's name> has fulfilled their duties until the end, both as royals and as nobles. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten but this raises the question what is will be the future of our country? For the past thousand years there has not been an unnatural death in the family, could this mean-"
Irritated, I shut the broadcast down and threw the remote. "I get that they're worried because of the prophesy but can't they just grief for a moment for their fallen royals and just think about everything else after the mourning period" Unable to control her emotions with anger, sadness, betrayal, grief and fear, A hurricane accompanied by heavy snow and thunderstorms begins to brew.
*hik* "-What will I do now" She manages to choke out "Grandma, they're already gone"
"Is this really the price we have to pay after everything we've done for the sake of the majority? I don't want to be alone"
"Mom and dad are dead, my older twin brother is missing and I am only 10 years old SO PLEASE WAKE UP... I need you now more than ever... "
"... Something feels wrong, it's too... silent"
'smoke... Where is it coming from?'
I walked towards wherever it was coming from. I can't help but feel something eerie as if something is watching me. I turned to where I felt the gaze but there was nothing.
Everything felt off ever since I left my grandmother's chambers. I haven't seen a single maid or servant. Even the animals are quiet, a little too quiet for my liking. Not to mention the persitent gaze I feel behind my back every now and then.
Just when I turned back once again to check where the gaze was coming from, everything blacked out.
'I can't move but I don't think my limbs are binded together'
'How crude, it seems like they trapped me in a box'
I tried to banged on what seems to be a wooden cover from the inside hoping to attract someone however the lid opened before I got the chance to do so.
'I think that was a coffin... Is this the afterlife?'
"Please step forward and state thy name" The talking mirror said.
"Aisha Eleni Lenore L/N"
"As expected of the first female member of our prestigious school!"
The crowd's chatter is too loud to ignore but what caught your attention was what everyone was wearing and the talking mirror.
'Was this something like a sorting hat scene from Harry Potter? And did that mirror say first girl???'
"Child, your soul is compatible with all of the dorms, however, it seems that your blood has more connections to one dorm than the rest. As such, Diasomnia will be the best dorm for you as for now."
"We're done with orientation and dorm assignments? All right, new students—let me be clear. At Heartslabyul House, I am the law. Break the rules, and it's off with your head!" 'As much as I would like everyone to follow the rules, I think the off with your head thing is a bit too much. Probably a red flag, literally and figuratively'
*Yawn* "Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me."
"New students! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement.
As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience." 'He gives off salesman vibes, do not approach unless absolutely necessary'
"Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony..."
"Some headmage he is." A voice was projected from a floating tablet
"Maybe he had a tummyache?"
"I certainly did not, I was just making whatever caused the alarm to go off was a false one. After all, I am so kind to prioritize the safety of my students."
*ahem* "I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms.
...Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere."
"And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse." A man with lion ears stated mockingly
"Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?"
A guy who looks like someone who stepped out from the screen suggested, "If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself."
'I agree if you want to make sure something is done then you have to do it yourself'
"Maybe, but I don't know him too well either..."
Student A:  Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?
Student B:  So it's true? He really does go to school here?
Student C:  Yikes.
"Ah. Just as I'd expected." A child looking person with red eyes sighed. "I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance.
But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony."
'This Malleus person must have either too small or too big of a presence if people keep on forgetting him' (why too big, because people assume they have already ben invited)
" You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub."
"I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with."
"No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me." The vice-housewarden motioned for the first years to follow him.
"I just hope he doesn't sulk about this." He sighed.
Timeskip to after they were sorted into their dorm rooms
"... " >w< I tried to process everything, from the fact my parents died, somehow I got to this place, got sorted into a dorm and finally the fact that it was a school filled with males. Not to mention that this place is nothing like any place I bave ever read in the history and the modern aged books with exceptions to works of fiction. It was too much for my brain to take so I went to a corner and bawled my eyes out.
Feeling my eyes sting and no water came out after who knows how long, I picked myself up and around the room. After all, grandma always said that you will only lose when you give up.
'I will learn everything I can from this place so it won't be a waste' "..."
'but for a place I will be living in for the next (few) year/s, it's a little bare but nothing a few magic spells can't fix.'
-After doing the bare minimum, cleaning spells, creation spells for the bare necessities like the bed, food, clothes-
"I will finish decorating my place tomorrow... I promise"
"You called, lilia-sama?-" A loud man with green coloured hair that seemed to resemble a lightning bolt said enthusiastically.
"Father, here's the information you asked." A person who looks like a prince inserted before the person before him could continue.
"Good, both of you are here" The man appeared behind them upside down. It seems like the senior does this quite as the 2 young ones were barely even fazed.
"Why is he bringing all the information we gathered for this year's first years?" The loud one asked. "We already checked everyone a couple of times before the entrance ceremony"
"No, not everyone" Silver rebutted. "There was no female student in the list"
"As I thought, I was making sure that particular student just slipped off my mind however, it's impossible as a female wouldn't be common on campus" Lilia added to Silver's. "There is no information in the entirety of Twisted Wonderland on this student. Sebek, I trust that you'll find out everything you can on campus"
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