making-dough · 2 years
Eat your heart out, Eusine! - Team 9 Bronze Round
Arena (Winter) Bronze round starter for @teneguine , @luneirika , @viridescent-lance , @lionsword
♠  - As dreams went, this wasn’t a particularly bad one. A lot more battle arena-ish and a lot less pools of gold for her liking but it would do. At the very least, it could do with a little more adoring crowds. Wait, hold on. More importantly, she’d recognised this setup. Yep, looked like it was time for one of those weird dream arena thing again. complete with a...Huh, looks like she actually got a proper spear this time. You never could know what you were getting out of one of these events. In the mean time, she may as well check out who else had gotten dragged in this time.
Forsyth, she recognised well enough, flashing him a quick wave for greetings, but the other three she was a little less certain on. Was it just her imagination or did one of them look oddly like Lord Eliwood? Huh, must be a random cousin or something. Oh, you know those lordly-types. Too much intermarriage, cousins everywhere, the works. 
Anyway...”Let’s see what we’re dealing with and whoa!”, Farina remarked, mid-stretch, eyes wide at their apparent adversary. A sleek, shimmering blue cat-like creature with a long flowing mane and long streamers trailing behind. “Oh, damn, you’re a pretty one.”, she hummed in a low impressed whistle. Now, that was a sight to see. Maybe she could even have a go at catching it an-
As if it had sensed her thoughts, the beast tensed as if preparing to leap...Which was going to be a problem if the aim of these arenas went as they normally did. May as well get on top of that pronto, Farina had decided, sprinting forwards and ducking low and into a slide, her lance flashing a trail right across the beast’s foreleg, catching it right as it was about to leap away.
Farina attacks the Aurora Beast with Shatter Slash. - 19! Hit Dealt 1.5 Damage to the Aurora Beast! -1 Defence and Resistance to the Aurora Beast for one turn!
The Aurora Beast counters with Howling Winds ]. - 7! Barely Hit. Farina takes 1.5 Damage. 
Farina HP: 10.5/12
Aurora Beast HP: 8.5/10
She’d wound up leaving quite a gash behind on the beast - it certainly wasn’t going to go anywhere fast anytime soon. Though, uh, not without catching a shoulder-ful of the cold winds it had let loose in response. “Damn, this thing's chilly.”, the mercenary remarked, patting herself down of the snow and sleet and other cold bits she’d just taken a shoulder-ful of. Looks like this thing wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Just how she’d liked it. 
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teneguine · 1 year
i’m fuckin’ invincible! - team 9 gold round
The cave crumbles, its rocky exterior giving way to the open air. Dust clouds whip up as the arena does away with its drab and dreary setting, but they do not last long, for a deluge of rainfall immediately snuffs them out. They are high in the clouds now, our heroes, situated atop a concrete plateau just barely beneath petering droplets. As Owain looks down, he can see roads and buildings, but not any kind of road or building from his world. No, this technology is foreign, almost alien. Were it not for his adventures in Eden, he wouldn’t have a name for his setting. A city is what he knows it as, despite it contrasting with the preestablished definition of the word. They are atop a skyscraper: another word he has come to know through that book. As his eyes scan the horizon he notices several more sprouting from the ground he can barely make out, though none are as tall as the one he fights on.
His head then snaps to his enemy, and his gear is exchanged for a new set. A pegasus’ wings lift him into the air, and all that heavy stuff from last round has disappeared to make room for a pair of gauntlets in his hands. He scoffs at his foe, for he knows it will be taken down in spite of its gargantuan size. It is a metal titan of near-unimaginable design, standing on two legs and sporting a pair of protrusions he can only guess are meant to be arms. But they connect into no sort of hand, and are positioned up and out of the way of the creature’s body--almost like a bird’s wingspan. Its giant metal face opens and lets loose a mechanical roar, shattering the glass on floors below, and causing a smaller triad of drones to cling to their stadium. It then goes silent, and a translucent veil envelops its body. It disappears, though perhaps blending in would be a better way of stating things. Its body is now the same color as they grey sky and falling rain--a target impossible to hit, again in spite of its gargantuan size. 
“Hmph,” Dark smirks, pulling his weapons on tighter, “you dare make an enemy of me? You will meet your end, fiend, for I have been reborn as the Fist of the South Star! Watch as I unleash my fury!” 
Owain uses Brave Knuckles! Roll 4d20+6 = 11, 9, 17, 17; hit, hit, hit, hit! -3 HP, -3 HP, -3 HP, -3 HP; Radio Scout: Scrap A 8/20 HP
Self-Repair activates! Roll 1d7 = 7, Alloy Arsenal: Revengeance consumes Radio Scout: Scrap A to heal +1 HP and gain a permanent +1 luck
“My first four forms collide against your tin-can flesh! URAAHH!”
“Fall to the might of my Blade of Light!”
“Garden of Gaiden will leave you reeling!” 
“Taste my Mystery of the Emblem!”
“Genealogy of Infinite Pain! It hurts so bad, your grandchildren will be wincing for years after your death!” 
Of note is the fact that robots do not have children. They do, however, get eaten. And this one, after taking a beating of four deadly punches from the Scion of Legend, does just that. The kill switch in its body detects that it has taken sufficient damage, and lights a siren to signal it is no longer of use. Instantly Owain’s foe is consumed by the bigger one. He recoils in disgust, flying back a few feet with his mount, but is ultimately undeterred. When another bot climbs up to replace the first, he is quick to strike it down just as he did its predecessor, spouting another quartet of special moves.
Summon Scouts activates! Radio Scout A is replaced!
Owain uses Brave Knuckles! Roll 4d20+6 = 7, 24, 15, 17; hit, hit, hit, hit! -3 HP, -3 HP, -3 HP, -3 HP; Radio Scout: Scrap A 8/20 HP
Self-Repair activates! Roll 1d7 = 3, Alloy Arsenal: Revengeance consumes Radio Scout: Scrap A to heal +1 HP and gain a permanent +0.5 base damage
“Had enough yet? You will after a Thracia Thrashing!”
“Binding Beatdown!” 
“Blazing Beat-Up!”
“This move I know well, so cower in fear! Sacred Stones Strike!”
Any unfortunate enough to watch would have the misfortune of bearing witness to a near-identical fight. Each ramming of his fist puts another dent or break in the small scout’s hull, and after he shouts his last move, it gets repurposed like the first. 
Again the roof of this building is shaken by the roaring of the machine. This time it feels stronger against Owain’s flesh, knocking him and his mount onto the ground. He holds on, just barely, but his effort is futile. Another scout comes to replace his second kill, creating a dip in his ego and a falter in his resolve. Is there even a point to fighting these things?
Dark backs off, deciding he’s had enough with mechanical gluttony for now. His plan is to wait for the big one’s cloak to wear off, and give it a taste of his next eight sacred forms.
UP NEXT: @luneirika @viridescent-lance @making-dough
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viridescent-lance · 1 year
im so full from weapons yum
One moment Forsyth is trying to defend Odin’s fallen form from nefarious paintings, the next he is in a strange cavernous arena, the rocky ground beneath him a stark contrast from the neat floor of the art gallery.
He’s a healer again, this time, but mounted on a curiously easy-to-handle steed. Odin’s alive, but worse for wear. They’re alone for now, so if he takes advantage of this downtime he can--
Oh. So much for that.
Primordial Serpent uses Earthquake on the party! Roll 1d20 = 4 on Forsyth, miss!
The cavern’s walls echo with an earsplitting cry, and the ground beneath Forsyth shakes violently. He manages to maintain his footing, but Odin, burdened with heavy armor, falls to the ground with a resounding clang.
Primordial Serpent uses Poison Spit on Forsyth! Roll 1d20 = 1, miss!
“Woah!” A huge crimson serpentine beast slithers from the depths, lobbing acidic spit in Forsyth’s general direction. It misses him cleanly, but eats away at the ground it finds instead. That’s bad news. “Odin, are you alright?”
As he turns, Odin is hit with a glob of poisonous slobber himself. His armor protects him from the worst of it, but it sizzles dangerously. Their latest foe is formidable indeed.
Forsyth uses Recover on Odin (5.5/10 HP). Roll 1d20=2. +5 HP to Odin (10/10 HP)
“Please, allow me to ease your wounds.” Forsyth can’t cleanse him of toxins, but he can at least get him into better shape from last round’s grievous wounds. “I shall not allow harm to come to you!”
Forsyth attacks Primordial Serpent with Ivaldi! Roll 1d20+3 = 20, hit! -1 HP to Primordial Serpent (39/40 HP). Seal Resistance activates! This round, Serpent’s Resistance buffs are negated.
“Back, foul villain!” Forsyth raises the holy tome he’s been gifted with, strange chants in a language foreign to him coming naturally to his lips. A blast of searing, cleansing light magic pours forth, illuminating the cavern and causing the serpent to rear back in confusion.
Primordial Serpent counters with Poison Spit! Roll 1d20 = 20, crit! - 0 HP. Forsyth is afflicted with Serpent’s Poison!
Too late, Forsyth realizes it’s on him, its foul spit drenching him--but strangely enough, there is no immediate pain. Some sacred aura bars the poison from directly searing his flesh, though the poisonous exhaust lingers in his lungs.
@luneirika next!
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grimstalkr · 1 year
❰❰ CHIN ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their weapon Tharja is swift, deadly with a tome in her hand. She is however, a mage, and like most Eirika has fought or sparred with, she takes a hyperopic view of the battle. Misses what's right in front of her.
The tip of Eirika's training sword meets Tharja's chin. She tilts it up slowly, a confident smile playing on her lips.
"You may have no plans of handling physical weaponry, but it's important to keep up your training. Where I an enemy, your dazzling visage would not stay my hand," Eirika giggles, a touch embarrassed by the words she spoke aloud. Tharja is stunning though, it's impossible to deny. "Even if you simply use what you learn defensively, it would do my heart good to know you're safe and sound."
Eirika had gotten the upper hand fair and square. Tharja was so focused on slinging spells that she hadn't noticed Eirika get so close to her until the training blade was on her chin. Tharja flushed with warmth at the compliment to her appearance, unsure of how to take it. Eirika was right. Tharja did need to act more defensively rather than try to play offensively when she had no weapon to defend herself up close.
"I suppose you're right." She admitted, still flustered from the compliment. "I... Should pay more attention to what's in front of me. I get lost in my spell-casting. Though training with you perhaps I could learn to better my abilities..."
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scarletrefrain · 1 year
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
It was just another day at the training grounds. Not that Dorothea particularly frequented, but this series of drills had been mandatory and she’d rather not skip. It was just the usual for the mages. Practice conjuring and receiving, things like that. Dorothea didn’t want to brag but she was coming pretty far along. 
Something must have gone wrong somewhere, is what Dorothea thinks, absentmindendly, when a flurry of swordfighters make their way in her direction so quickly that it’s all she can do to barely move out of the way. The pair seems to be really at it and for a moment the songstress thinks it seems a bit fun. Little do most know, but she can put a few moves in with a sword. 
The swordfighting draws more erratic. Dorothea wants to clear the area but nobody seems to be paying attention. 
The sound of a sword hitting steel hits her ears before she can recognize what is going on. Dorothea looks up to see another fighter parrying a shot away from her. But who might this warrior be? She is the face of elegance, all long limbs and wild hair. Dorothea can’t help but stare for a moment. What a beauty. 
It’s all over in an instance. The songstress thinks to herself to make an entrance, to offer her help in case her savior is wounded, but she is feeling less like herself today. She exits the training grounds quietly. 
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knighteclipsed · 1 year
i know those eyes.
Just when you thought the hidden village was a myth, you stumble upon it. Quite literally. It’s been carved out of a massive pit in the earth and turned into a giant greenhouse through the use of magic. The inside is like a jungle, humid and warm all year round, with plentiful fruits and vegetables and other flora. The people, too, are just as warm, and– come to think of it, you don’t think you’ve ever seen any of the villagers frown since they welcomed you inside, no questions asked. You even think you recognize a face you once saw around the monastery, except she looks a little different in the colorful hemp tunic and straw hat that all the other villagers wear. When you talk to her, she has a sort of dreamy look in her voice and eyes, but insists firmly that she’ll never go back to the monastery or a battlefield for the rest of her life. Stay awhile though, she says, and you’ll soon open your eyes to “it,” too. [No Skill Point]
The cause for this mission was a simple one. In a pit of the earth near the coast in Rusalka, a village was said to exist, and like all things in that place of late, it was something that warranted investigation. Valter was a knight who would not be taken by its charms, and thus he was trusted to handle it alone.
Among the normal residents of the area, members of the Black Eagle house were present as well. He’d be accompanied by one of its students, who would serve as a guide and reference. The man wasn’t pleased by the need to rely on another, but orders were orders; he would not defy.
He arrived in Rusalka in a matter of days. Through simple instruction, the village was found as well. All that was left was the student in question. Walking about, he thinks.
You should find her in town square. She’s awaiting your arrival.
He was also given rudimentary details: hair color and length, an approximation of her height, — she was a newer student as well. It all compounded to mean,
he stops. There she is.
They do not make eye contact; they don’t need to. Even approaching from the way she isn’t looking, Valter knew exactly who she was.
“ It’s been a lifetime, hasn’t it? ” he says first, eagerly breaking the silence. “ I never would’ve imagined running into you here, Eirika. ”
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midoriwings · 1 year
Friendship Lessons
> starter for @luneirika
This Academy is a strange place, Vanessa decides one day. Half the occupants disappear one day only to return a month later claiming they were sucked into a book. 
And now, the majority of them say they fought real battles with monsters in their dreams. Vanessa can’t bring herself to fully believe this latest occurrence. Where are their battle wounds? Why do some of the monastery staff not even remember enduring such a thing? 
She brushes it all aside, happy to focus on her own lessons during the unexpected quiet. Hard to make friendships when most everyone is off doing Fale knows what! 
Her brief respite ends, bringing with it a wave of students and staff returning to real life. Pegasus knight continues sticking with her routine--studying in the library after class, then dinner, followed by a nighttime flight with Titania--despite the influx of people. An opportunity will present itself when it’s good and ready; no need to upend her whole life for it. 
And in due course said opportunity arises. She’s returning to her dorm from the library when she spots Lady Eirika among the crowd. 
“Lady Eirika! When did you arrive?” Vanessa waves, adjusting the hold on her books. 
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making-dough · 2 years
Everyone’s a critic - Team 9 Steel round
Team 9 steel round starter for @viridescent-lance , @teneguine , @luneirika 
♠  - With a final brilliant flash, there was one final blinding explosion and when it faded, the arena had changed once again. Gone was the the mechs and the exploding things and now they’ve been replaced with what looked...an art gallery? Complete with a series of paintings and...their curator, she guessed. 
Alright, this was getting a little random now, wasn’t it? Farina couldn’t help but blink twice at the sight. This seemed a little out-of-place in an arena. What were they meant to do? Punch a painting? Sounded like something you’d get arrested for.
“Yeah, uh, can we just go now? They’re just paintings, yeah?”, Farina muttered, scratching her neck uncomfortably, looking incredibly bored. Look, they all looked very pretty and all but it wasn’t like she was any kind of art fan and really, she wasn’t about to start. It just didn’t seemed as though there was anything to fight (or anything even halfway fun) here so she just...kinda lost interest.
As if detecting her disinterest (and somehow being offended by it), the nearest painting seemed to shift and move itself, its canvas of swirling colours spinning around and around in a glowing swirl, a brilliant array of colours reaching up out of the canvas and reaching towards the mercenary.
Farina attacks the Portrait of the Void with Halahala! - 1(+4)! Barely hit! - Dealt 0 Damage to the Void Portrait. Portrait of the Void counters with Prismatic Colours - 7(-4)! Miss! 
"Ack!”, Farina squeaked, somehow deflecting the painting’s attack with some kind of light from her hands. Guess that was something new she could do but that was par-for-the-course for these kinds of arenas by now. “Okay, changed my mind! Weird, evil, attack-y paintings!” And was that a sword emerging out of one of them? How did she miss that?
So, it was probably a good idea to give herself some extra distance, sliding back deftly to Forsyth’s side. Speaking of Forsyth, he wasn’t looking so great either so it was probably time for something new she could do this time. She’d just have to press her hands in his general direction and send heal-y, refresh-y feelings in his general direction. 
Farina heals Forsyth with Physic - 17! Restore 4 HP to Forsyth! -4 Speed to Farina for the rest of the turn!
“Feeling better?, Farina grinned at Forsyth as the light of healing faded before turning back in the direction of the, uh, evil paintings and their apparently insane curator with a lot more serious expression on her face. Okay, looked like there was something here to fight, after all.
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