#Lady G: Plays and Whisperings of Lady Gregory
eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
Young at Heart: Prank (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Rated: G, the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed Word count: 1.7k
Summary: You catch the Bridgerton boys in some mischief.
Author's Note: This prompt comes from the incomparable @bridgertontess who rightly knew that these boys would get up to no good. And their target? Well, that was a foregone conclusion too. 💜 Thank you Tess and hope you enjoy!
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The following days with your charges passed quickly. There would have been enough to do with four stationary children, but with a baby on your arm and three boys with boundless energy and an unmatched capacity for chatter, it was nearly overwhelming. It might have been impossible if they were not all well behaved. The Duchess and Viscountess were with you on and off throughout each day and doted endlessly on their children. The Dowager Viscountess also adored helping you entertain her grandchildren, and was the one best acquainted with every toy and secret tucked within the expansive nursery. It quickly became clear that the love and happiness you witnessed within the Viscount’s immediate family were emotions shared by all of his relatives. It was exceptionally rare to find so much joy in a single household, and you thanked the stars that you had found employment in this one. 
The noise and bustle of people through the halls was nonstop. In addition to the children, there were always siblings laughing or playfully rowing with one another, the flowing grace of the ranking ladies dictating tasks to the army of staff, and the steady command of the Viscount and Duke as they carried their own gravity through the house and the grounds. You couldn’t help yourself from admiring them all, each beautiful Bridgerton and in-law with their quirks and quips. Eloise and Hyacinth were particularly theatrical, with Benedict and Colin often serving as referees or secret instigators, and you sometimes had to hide your laughter when you caught them bantering with each other. Each time he saw you, Benedict flashed that lopsided grin. It made you feel seen, it made you feel welcome, and it knotted your stomach in a way you chose to ignore. He was cheeky, but you appreciated his warmth.
You bore the brunt of his cheekiness one afternoon when he, Colin and Gregory took their nephews outside for the day. You were grateful for the reprieve and spent the time quietly with Caroline. After the Duchess insisted on supervising her nap, you decided some fresh air would be good for you as well. Making your way outside, you turned into a particular corridor and an odd sight met your eyes. It was a ball, lavender and small enough to be held in the hand, rolling slowly down the hall at an angle toward a door - the Viscount’s study door. You paused and watched with curiosity as it tapped the bottom of the wood and came to rest.
A muffled “Hello?” sounded from inside the study.
It was only when you heard a collection of hisses and giggles from the far end of the hall that you looked up to see the profiles of four faces, one at a significant height over three much smaller, peering around the corner. Benedict and the boys. The ploy became clear when Benedict crouched down next to Augie and whispered to him. The uncle was clearly the one providing direction in this game of hallway bowling, as he pointed out the appropriate angle and then watched Augie launch his own green ball toward the door.
This one hit with a much more significant thud. 
“Helloooo?” The Viscount called even louder from within his study, triggering an eruption of restrained laughter from the far end of the hall. It was then that Benedict looked up and saw you, and immediately brought a finger to his lips, begging for your silence. You were caught in the middle. You supposed you could have turned away and let everything play out without your involvement, but that felt cowardly somehow. It was your job to watch the children. You certainly weren’t going to cut into the Viscount’s study and disrupt him, nor tattle on his brother or the children. Perhaps the only thing you could do was quietly pick your way down the hall, hoping the Viscount didn’t emerge, and convince them all to stop their ruse. But before you could take a step, Benedict had angled Neddy’s shoulders in just the right way and his black ball went whizzing across the tile and slammed into the door.
Then everything seemed to happen at once. No sooner had the third ball hit the door then it swung inward and the Viscount stepped out, his face locked in agitation as he began to scan the hall. But his booted foot landed directly upon the wooden toys gathered there and he slipped, propelling his arms as he fell backward dramatically onto the threshold. 
Your surprised cry was likely the only reason he did not hear the burst of riotous laughter from the far corner. Instinct drove you to the doorway as you watched Benedict and the children duck out of sight. The Viscount was sitting himself up, grimacing and nearly steaming from the ears. You knelt beside him.
“My lord, are you alright?”
“Yes,” he angrily waved you away and clambered to his feet. “What on earth…?” When his eyes fell to the colored balls dotting the hallway floor, they filled with a sort of aggravated recognition. “The children,” he huffed, nostrils flaring.
You wouldn’t be lying if you didn’t provide further clarification. You were loyal to your employer, but not a snitch. The same skills you used to calm the nerves of frazzled children were often useful on their parents as well. “These things are bound to happen with so many little ones in the house, my lord.” You offered him a gentle smile, trying to convey sympathy rather than amusement.
His jaw clenched, but the fire faded out of his posture as he nodded. “You are right.”
“I imagine you and your siblings were much the same, growing up here.”
At this he smiled, his features brightening into an entirely different man. This was the Viscount as you saw him with his son, the one full of love, hidden though he may have been at times. “Indeed we were,” there was a hint of a chuckle to his tone, and he seemed to grow misty, lost in his memories.
“I will be sure to reprimand them…”
“No,” He cut you off quietly, shaking his head. “You don’t need to scold them. The parents will see to their discipline.” 
Something in the way he said it, with a sense of intent rather than wrath, touched your heart. He wanted to be involved in his child’s life, much more so than any other parent you had worked for, and it was endearing. He looked at you with good humor in his warm brown eyes.
“But if you could keep them from scheming again, if you catch it in time…”
You smiled widely. “Understood, my lord.”
He returned your smile, and then with a curtsy, you backed out of the room and closed the door behind you. All you could think as you marched purposefully toward the far end of the hall was how lucky Benedict and the children were to have such a merciful head of family. Many other boys - or brothers - would have been made to pay for creating such a spectacle. When you turned the corner you found the culprits huddled together, Benedict trying to shush the three boys who were cackling with glee as they recounted the Viscount’s extraordinary fall. He turned in alarm as you approached, eyes wide with anticipatory guilt, a look you were certain he must have worn frequently as a child himself.
When he saw it was just you, he exhaled in disbelief. “You didn’t turn us in.”
The boyish lilt of gratitude in his voice and the relief in his eyes softened something inside you, but you pursed your lips, intent to make your disapproval clear.
“I should have. I don’t appreciate you teaching poor behavior to my charges.”
The easy smile and devil-may-care attitude settled upon him again. “It was a harmless prank.”
You crossed your arms. “I’m not sure if the Viscount would call it harmless.” You couldn’t imagine how he had been managing his seven younger siblings, and for so long. He would have been well within his rights to hire two nurses, one for his children and one for them.
“Oh, ignore him.” Benedict scoffed, then stepped closer. “I saw you laughing when he fell. You can’t deny it.” Then his voice dropped lower. “There is clearly some degree of mischief in you, Miss y/l/n, to grant us your discretion.”
You felt yourself blush, strangely overheated under his gaze. It was clear that remaining professionally courteous and distant from one another was not a consideration of his. Some part of you enjoyed it, something dormant that had begun stirring.
“And to keep up with these three, right boys?” He crowed louder again, walking over to the children and tousling their hair.
You blinked, reminding yourself that you were here to voice your disapproval. “Well yes, I suppose I must use it to know what you are all getting up to, you silly little things.” You smiled and crouched down, commanding an audience from the three little faces. You spoke firmly, adopting that precise tone to let them know you were not angry, but needed to be heard. “Now remember, whatever your uncles tell you, at the end of the day you must answer to your fathers, yes?” 
Three dark little heads nodded in unison.
“And you don’t want them too cross with you, do you?” The heads shook emphatically. “Alright, so if you are ever reprimanded, just tell the truth that your uncle told you to do it.” As you said it, you shot your eyes up at Benedict and smirked.
He gaped, aghast at your treachery. 
Then you stood, herding the brood together and ushering them back down the hall. Benedict stayed where he was and you turned, trying your best to sound supercilious. “You have my discretion Mr. Bridgerton, but I am not going to teach these children to lie.”
At this his gape transformed into that exaggerated pout, and you knew your wit had struck its target. With a smile, you turned back and kept walking.
As a parting volley he let out an exaggerated sigh. “And we were just about to get the glue.”
The withering stare you threw over your shoulder caused him to burst into laughter.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @bridgertontess @broooookiecrisp
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caroleditosti · 5 years
'Lady G: Plays and Whisperings of Lady Gregory' at The Irish Repertory Theatre
‘Lady G: Plays and Whisperings of Lady Gregory’ at The Irish Repertory Theatre
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(L to R): John Keating, James Russell, Úna Clancy in Irish Rep’s ‘Lady G: Plays and Whisperings of Lady Gregory’ by Lady Augusta Gregory with additional material by Ciarán O’Reilly, directed by Ciarán O’Reilly (Carol Rosegg)
What do William Butler Yeats, John Millington Synge, Sean O’Casey, AE, George Bernard Shaw, George Moore and Katharine Tynan have in common? Their initials are carved on a…
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newyorktheater · 5 years
Below is a selection of New York theater openings in February, organized chronologically by opening date.* There’s just one show opening on Broadway this month, but it’s a doozy: The fifth revival of “West Side Story,” directed by the Belgian avant-garde artist Ivo Van Hoven, has generated oodles of attention, some of it unwanted.
As if to offer a counterweight to that male-heavy musical (see the photo of The Sharks above), Off-Broadway is offering  a wide range of women-centered theater this month — to name just a few, Beth Malone as the Unsinkable Molly Brown; Alice Birch’s award-winning “Anatomy of a Suicide” about three generations of women; Donnetta Lavinia Grays’ one-woman play “Where We Stand”; an evening by and about Lady Gregory, the grand dame of Irish Theatre; Kate Hamill’s feminist take on ‘Dracula’ at Classic Stage Company; and even “She Persisted The Musical.”
Beth Malone in Unsinkable Molly Brown
Alice Birch
Donnetta Lavinia Grays, playwright and star of “Where We Stand”
Lady Gregory, grand dame of the Irish theater
Kate Hamill
Chelsea Clinton, author of the children’s book “She Persisted”
Lauren Yee, “Cambodian Rock Band”
Young Jean Lee, “We’re Gonna Die”
One show I’m especially looking forward to: Lauren Yee’s “Cambodian Rock Band.”
Each title below is linked to a relevant website. Color key: Broadway: Red. Off Broadway: Black or Blue.. Off Off Broadway: Green. Theater festival: Orange. Immersive: Magenta. Puppetry-Brown
February 1
Stew (Page 73 at Walkerspace) 
Tensions simmer with three generations of Tucker women under one roof, but things come to a boil as the violence hovering around the periphery of their lives begins to intrude upon the sanctity of Mama’s kitchen.
February 2
Beyond Babel (The Gym at Judson)
A new dance-theater piece inspired by Romeo and Juliet
February 3
Border People (A.R.T./NY) A one-man show by Dan Hoyle based on conversations with immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and border crossers of all kinds at both the Northern and Southern borders. In March, he’ll be taking this play to the boroughs.
February 4
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (The New Group at Signature)
A musical by Jonathan Marc Sherman (Book), Duncan Sheik (Music, Lyrics) and Amanda Green (Lyrics) based on the 1969 movie about two married couples who decide to join the sexual revolution
Whisperlodge (“secret location” in Boerum Hill)
The return of this unusual mix of immersive therapy and therapy (aka “live ASMR“) in which “six guides lead 6 guests through one-on-one treatments designed to relax the body and mind, expand awareness, and heighten the senses.The show will run in a private home in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn and features a brand new one-on-one scene, inspired by the family that lived there.””
  February 7
Riddle of the Trilobites (New Victory)
In this live, original musical, set 500 million years ago, all life dwells in one sea and trilobites rule the ocean floor. When young Aphra discovers that the fate of the entire trilobite kingdom rests on her shelled shoulders, she and her arthropod pals must solve the a riddle before a sea change of epic proportions destroys their home.
February 10
Darling Grenadine (Roundabout’s Black Box)
A musical in which charismatic songwriter Harry falls for clever chorus girl Louise, But what happens when the sparkling fantasy begins to dissolve?
Fandango for Butterflies and Coyotes (EnGarde at La MaMa)
Inspired by interviews with undocumented immigrants from Latin America living in New York, the piece will take the form of a fandango, a community celebration
February 11
Where We Stand (WP Theater at McGinn/Cazale) In a town running low on compassion, an exile seeks forgiveness, forcing the community to decide between mercy or justice. A solo play written by Donnetta Lavinia Grays, who also stars in it, alternating with David Ryan Smith
  February 17
Dracula & Frankenstein (CSC )
Kate Hamill’s new, feminist adaptation of the classic horror tale about an elegant vampire performed in repertory with Tristan Bernays’ athletic adaptation  of Mary Shelley’s novel using only two actors.
  February 18
Anatomy of a Suicide (Atlantic)
Winner of the 2018 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize given annually to a woman playwright, this play by Alice Birch (Revolt, She Said, Revolt Again) explores three generations of women whose stories unfold simultaneously onstage. Directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz (“Marys Seacole“).
  February 19
Lady G Plays and Whisperings (Irish Rep)
A showcase of the personal writings and rarely seen plays of Lady Gregory, the grand dame of Irish Theatre, remembered today as co-founder of The Abbey Theatre in Dublin
Mack and Mabel (Encores at City Center)
The weekend concert series presentation of the late Jerry Herman’s musical about one of silent film’s first great pioneers, Mack Sennett, starring Douglas Sills (“War Paint”) and Alexandra Socha (“Head Over Heels”).
Frigid Festival
This annual festival begins today with the opening of eight shows.
February 20
West Side Story (Broadway Theater)
The fifth Broadway production of the musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, transposed to warring street gangs in 1950s New York. Belgium avant-garde theater artist van Hove has cut the intermission and the song “I Feel Pretty” and added many videos. Thirty-three members of the cast are making their Broadway debuts.
Generator (La MaMa)
The first musical theater piece in a three-part series entitled Pestilence, conceived, written and directed by Jack Waters
February 21
Mother Leeds (Under St. Marks) Set in the early 1900’s Pine Barrens, we are in the shoes of a curious & fearful child of a religious single mother.  Part of Frigid Festival
February 22
She Persisted The Musical (Atlantic)
In this musical based on Chelsea Clinton’s children’s book, Naomi’s field trip to a Women’s History Museum turns into a time travel adventure, where she meets great women from history who…persisted.
February 24
Cambodian Rock Band (Signature)
This play by Lauren Yee that won the 2019 Steinberg/ATCA New Play Award (for which I served on the jury) tells the story of the survivor of the Khmer Rouge bloodbath by toggling back and forth in time between his youth as a member of a rock band in Cambodia, and the present day when his grown daughter has traveled back to Cambodia from America to help prosecute one of Cambodia’s most infamous war criminals. A live band plays contemporary Dengue Fever hits and classic Cambodian oldies.
  All The Natalie Portmans (MCC) In this play by C.A. Johnson, lonely, 16-year-old misfit Keyonna escapes into a world of rom coms, red carpets and all the iconic characters played by her muse, Natalie Portman. But then they start talking back to her.
  The Headlands (Lincoln Center)
In this contemporary noir by Christopher Chen (the terrific trickster playwright of “Caught”), Henry (Aaron Yoo) is an amateur sleuth and true crime aficionado who sets out to solve the ultimate case: the unsolved murder of his father.
Artisanal Intelligence (Kraine’s) A comedy about a hipster customer service robot named Barry. Part of Frigid Festival.
  February 25
We’re Gonna Die (2nd Stage)
Written by Young Jean Lee (Straight White Men) and choreographed by Raja Feather Kelly, the show stars Janelle McDermoth in a kind of existential cabaret that hopes to demonstrate that “being alive is about more than just awaiting the inevitable.”
  Dana H. (Vineyard)
An unusual work of documentary theater by Lucas Hnath in collaboration with Steven Cosson of The Civilians about a chaplain of a psych ward who was captured and held captive by one of the patients for five months.The victim was Hnath’s mother, Dana Higginbotham, and Hnath had Cosson tape-record an interview with his mother. Hnath edited the tape, and now Deirdre O’Connor lip-syncs the words while the actual tape plays.
  February 26
Unsinkable Molly Brown (Transport Group at Abrons)
Beth Malone (Fun Home) stars in this “revitalized” version of the Broadway musical playing Molly “as she really was: vibrant, progressive, and ready to fight for the underdog as a champion of women’s rights, labor rights, and immigration reform.”
February 29
Mirrors (Next Door at NYTW)
In this play by Azure D. Osborne-Lee, 17-year-old Alma Jean finds her mother dead, and must pack up her life and move in with her mother’s ex-lover, a woman she doesn’t know who is the town pariah of the tiny town of Etheridge, Mississippi in 1960.
      February 2020 New York Theater Openings Below is a selection of New York theater openings in February, organized chronologically by opening date.* There’s just one show opening on Broadway this month, but it’s a doozy: The fifth revival of "West Side Story," directed by the Belgian avant-garde artist Ivo Van Hoven, has generated oodles of attention, …
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collectorscorner · 5 years
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 4/17/19
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 4/17/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! 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DBG Deliverance Set, AR Ascension DBG Year 5 Collectors Edition, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Aquaman Movie Lanyard, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Aang Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Azula Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Katara Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Sokka Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Toph Pin, AR Avatar The Last Airbender Day Of The Black Sun Zuko Pin, AR Black Clover Asta Keychain, AR Cartoon Network Courage The Cowardly Dog Pin, AR Cartoon Network Cow And Chicken Pin, AR Cartoon Network Ed Pin, AR Cartoon Network Grim Pin, AR Cartoon Network Mac And Bloo Pin, AR Chronicle Jurassic Park 3 Velociraptor Resonating Chamber, AR Chronicle Jurassic Park Sick Triceratops Diorama, AR City Hunter Movie Creator X Creator Kaori Makimura Figure, AR City Hunter Movie Creator X Creator Ryo Saeba Figure, AR Combat Mecha Xabungle Walker Galliar Hi Metal R Figure, AR DC 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Action Figure Takayuki Takeya Version, AR Rebel All-Stars Vintage Distressed T-Shirt LG, AR Resident Evil Nemesis 9 Inch Minted Icons Soft Plush, AR Rick And Morty Get It Together Pin, AR Rick And Morty Pencilvyster Quote Pin, AR Sailor Moon Eternal Sailor Moon Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Jupiter Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mars Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mars SD PVC Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury SD PVC Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Neptune Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Pluto Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Uranus Costume Keychain, AR Sailor Moon Sailor Venus Costume Keychain, AR SpongeBob Squarepants You Like Krabby Patties Pin, AR Star Wars Women Of The Galaxy 100 Postcard Book, AR Super Soaker Fortnite HC-E Blaster, AR Super Soaker Fortnite Rl Blaster, AR Super Soaker Fortnite TS-R Blaster, AR Sword Art Online Alicization EXQ Eugeo Figure, AR Sword Art Online 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Figuarts Action Figure, AR
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