#Lady Tetha
summerlycoris · 7 months
Annon-Guy: As fellow Dawn of the New World fan, what do you think of the main characters introduced in that game?
Specifically Emil, Ratatosk, Marta, Tenebrae, Richter, Aqua, Alice and Decus.
Its been forever since ive played dotnw, so i might mess up small details. (I want to play it again- but am procrastinating playing symphonia orz)
Emil- the twist with him was so good. Kinda similar to Lukes twist in tota, except a bit more tragic because. The real Emil Castnagier is dead from the palmacosta fire. And Aster is dead because of Ratatosk.
But... he's still the real Emil. Even if his life was a lie. Even if his memories of his past were fake. The memories he made with Marta, Tenebrae, and everyone were real.
Ratatosk- I cant really remember a tonne about him individually tbh. Only that he improves over the course of the story, and becomes a much better teammate to Marta and Tenebrae.
Speaking of- Marta- shes a lot of fun honestly. The quips between her and tenebrae were perfect. And her character was also really cool- going up against her dad and the vanguard, all to try and save ratatosk. Shes cool.
Also, shes got tokunaga on her backpack. Any fan of Best Abyss Character, Anise Tatlin, is a friend of mine! (joke)(kinda)(i probably would like any Anise fan unless they were murderers or something like that.)
Tenebrae- brillient honestly. After playing tota, i can see the Jade influence loud and clear. And then you get to the twist and realise- he was in on it! He knew what was going on... owwie my heart. I see his reasoning for staying silent though. Just. Ow.
Richter- gay gay homosexual gay- sorry Richter, but its true!
On a serious note. God his situation is tragic. Seeing his dead best friend in Emil- and still seeing fit to be nice to Emil, and help him out? Despite knowing that this is really ratatosk? Amnesiatically piloting a copy of his best friends body? Ow owow ow ow. That got to me when i was sixteen (still kinda gets to me tbh) why? Because he believed in Emil being Emil.
Im sorry, I just need a minute.
Aqua- another one I dont remember a tonne about. She was really loyal to Richter- even above his own desires at times iirc.
And now, for my absolute blorbo from this game...
Alice- my silliest little meow meow who has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG EVER FIGHT ME ABOUT IT!
(She has done everything wrong and i love her for it.)
I went fucking loopy for this girl when i was sixteen. Like, if she told me to jump off a cliff i woulda done it. I wouldve fought Decus for her heart in a heartbeat if. Yknow. I couldve ever stood a chance at winning lmao.
I did all her sidequests in a second playthrough. (Missed some time sensative ones in my first playthrough nooooo) and felt so bad for her when her backstory was revealed. I loved that sidequest where she gives an old lady from tetha hella medicine (iirc) because. It showed me just what she couldve been if only the world had been better towards her.
Shit, i even tried brainstorming some timetravel au fanfic with her when i was a teen. Glad that never got out of my head- i wouldve written it SO badly. (My writing when i was sixteen was SO SHIT OMG-)
I felt so bad for that final battle with them, where we had to kill her and Decus. And she realises she really did love him... tear my heart out too why dont you?!
I really need to replay this game honestly.
Decus- hes pretty cool honestly. I cant remember the most about him. I liked hearing his backstory. And he had a interesting character- prioritising Alice above any allegence he had to the vanguard. And yet- he played the punch clock villian. It was never personal if he had to attack Emil or Marta- just his job.
This is all ive got for now. One day i will replay it again. One day. I hope that answers your question!
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sosen42 · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Redrew Lady Tetha. Backgrounds for both aren���t mine I just pulled them off google. The top one is also with a tablet so that helped a lot in making it better.
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Prelude to Destiny
Hi again, so here’s a bit of a prequel bit I wrote down for the last prompt I did for Arkos Week this year (here) on why Pyrrha is heading to Beacon when I got bit by a world-building bug for this AU, and thought why not share it. So enjoy😁
“Hiya!!” Pyrrha yelled as she bisected another training dummy with her spear. Not even a second had passed before she had pulled it back and spun, decapitating another dummy behind her.
“Your daughter continues to improve her skills,” an elderly woman dressed in purple and bronze stated as she lounged on a cushion, goblet in hand.
“Thank you, Matriarch Melan,” her companion said, another woman dressed in blues and greens.
“Oh, come now Tetha,” the older woman said as she placed her goblet down and adjusted herself to lock eyes with the other woman. “We have known and even bled for each other, no need for titles to separate us,”
“I disagree matriarch,” Tetha stated, and though her voice was neutral, her eyes simmered with annoyance. Matriarch Melan sighed and set down her drink before speaking again.
“Ah if that is how you want to be Tetha, I’m guessing you’re waiting for me to apologize for volunteering your daughter,”
“Yes, and an explanation why you’ve used my daughter for your games within the Synedrion,” Tetha bit back, “she is already a blooded companion, her life should be her own, not some pawn in a foreign land,”
“Ah yes, the Synedrion…” Matriarch Melan mused, “tell me Tetha, what have your husband’s merchants been saying amongst their drinks?”
A beat and the silence stretched on as Tetha recalled the various rumors and tales told among the workers that manned the ships of her family. Any Mistralian worth their station always took account of the whispers and loose stories, but the hard part is always which threads were one to follow. Course now that the matriarch had given her the keyword to focus on, Tetha could begin to piece together a picture.
“The archons of Dion are planning to try and raise a tyrant to head the league,” she stated, her voice a bit faint at the incredulous notion.
“That is the prevailing theory,” Matriarch Melan said as she grabbed her goblet for another drink. “Supposedly they are cozying up to Atlas so they can have military assistance should the vote not go their way,”
“It explains why they have leased Atlas a significant part of the Argus port…and so the rest of the Synedrion now wants to see if aligning with Vale will help keep Atlas from interfering militarily?”
“No,” Matriarch Melan’s voice hardened significantly, her eyes narrowed and a scowl formed on her face as she turned to watch Pyrrha impale one of the ranged targets with perfect accuracy. How she earned to be able to just be a companion again like the younger girl. To deal with issues bluntly by force with only her fellow sisters around her. Sadly, those days were long over and now she had to solve issues subtly less her enemies attempted to interfere for their own gains.
“No?” Tetha asked her angry slowly returning, “then why have you pushed for her attendance to this Beacon? She should be out with her sisters in the interior or among our kingdom’s ships, earning herself glory,”
“And what makes you think glory is not here Lady Nikos,” came the matriarch’s response as she finally sat up and stared down Tetha. “Is not performing a favor for the Matriarch of the Amazons a glorious endeavor?”
“Not when she is being sent on a task that a spy would be better suited for,” Tetha bit back. Yes, serving for the Amazons was a glorious calling, one she herself had been a part of. This task however just smelled like a political spectacle, a feeling that was only further enhanced with this conversation.
“Oh Tetha,” Matriarch Melan drawled, “I don’t want her to spy on Vale’s methods, I want her to crush them,” she finished as she crushed the goblet in her hand.
“What?” Tetha asked, somewhat confused by what was going on.
“I want Pyrrha to show that Vale needs to align with us, to provide a counterbalance to the encroaching Atlas influence, or potentially face a Great War where both of their enemies are now stronger, while they have weakened.” The matriarch finished as she reached for the grapes.
“So, it’s a show of force then?” Tetha asked, to which she was given a nod. “Not exactly a better reason either,”
“Of course, no one likes their child being a simple showpiece, though I feel like this can be an opportunity for young Pyrrha,” Matriarch Malen stated as she stood up
“How?” Tetha asked
And with that Matriarch Malen smirked, “Pyrrha!” she called out, and as the young girl turned, hurled the crushed goblet at her. Pyrrha reacted in an instant, stretching out her hand to stop the incoming bolt of metal. In mid-air.
Silence dominated the area as all there took in what had just happened.
“You…you knew?” Tetha asked as she stood up and made her way to stand with her daughter.
“Yes, though you are to be commended, her skills were well hidden,” Matriarch Melan said as she sat back down, “and you needn’t worry, I would never give someone so skilled over to the Seers or Hecatite Cults,” she finished, “your skill Pyrrha is too much to be stuck behind those ancient has-beens,”
“But they’re getting suspicious aren’t they,” Tetha stated, worry creeping into her voice.
“Yes, moves are being made, but so far it’s just feelings from them, for now, they can’t act just yet,” Matriarch Melan responded.
“So, this is also for my protection?” Pyrrha finally spoke up, moving out from behind her mother.
“Partially, like I was telling your mother I see an opportunity for you,” the matriarch said as got herself comfortable again.
“Which is,” the young warrior asked as she and her mother joined the matriarch.
“To harness your gift, of course,” spoke the matriarch as she grabbed some more grapes. “After all, if you can fully incorporate it into your fights by the end of your time there, then perhaps we can push for new forms of integrating those gifted by the gods into our nation other than leaving them locked up in temples or bound to archons.”
“You want to remove their power,” Tetha stated, her mind now wondering just how much her old mentor had planned for this move.
“Yes,” Matriarch Melan responded, “they have enjoyed strangling the development of our nation, keeping so many bright and skilled youths for themselves, all the while they plot to keep the Synedrion aligned with them.”
“So not only is this a move against those at Dion, but you also seek to disrupt those factions as well,” Tetha bit out. Her anger was returning, this was something far larger than she envision.
“Yes Tetha, because no one else sees the danger they are welcoming to our home,” Matriarch Melan said, “the other factions do not see it…” she paused for a moment, her eyes staring unfocused at the horizon. “But I will not push, this is still Pyrrha’s choice—"
“I will accept this task,” Pyrrha suddenly spoke out, startling the two women. A moment passed as the two older women looked at the young girl
“Haha, the exuberance of youth,” Matriarch Melan said while Tetha simply sighed. She had seen the look in Pyrrha’s eyes, the fire of duty blazed brightly, just like her father. There would be no stopping her daughter now.
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