#LadyMeruad outline
renee-writer · 2 years
A Little Change in History Chapter 4
The next few weeks see Claire and Mary getting into the routine of the farm. Claire is giving a one bedroom croft to see patients in. She cleans it, has fresh linens brought in for the bed. It would do nicely for a woman in labor or someone needed a place to recover. She finds the garden very overgrown. She and Mary work in it, removing the overgrowth and starting fresh herbs and healing plants in it.
Jenny also gives Claire permission to go into the woods to find other healing plants. One day she was walking in the woods with her basket. Finding a seat on a log, she sees the cool stream in front of her. She can’t resist it’s pull and decides to wade in it to cool down. Across the stream, in front of Claire, but unseen by her, Jamie is riding in the woods, searching for a good distillery spot. He wants to start making whisky and gin. Someplace out of the eye of others, is what he is looking for.
When he spots someone walking in the stream, he dismounts to investigate. He see Claire, standing, her skirts hiked up and her long legs ending in bare feet as she walks in the cool water. He feels a lump in his throat as his eyes get big to take her in. Not wishing to scare the lass, he moves towards her, trying to make enough noise to alert her. When he reaches her, she is standing on the edge of the creek, her head bowed.
“Lass you are in the woods alone?”
“Yes Mr. Fraser, I was looking for some flowers and herbs, to treat the sick,. I am here with Mrs. Murray ‘s permission. I saw this stream and wished to have a walk. I am sorry if I did anything wrong. It is just so beautiful and peaceful out here.”
“That it is. You needn’t be sorry. The stream is good for wading. I have done it myself.. Ho is the surgery coming on?”
She brightens up, losing the cautious air. “It is all ready for anyone who needs help. I have it cleaned and fully stocked.”
“Very good lass. I have been looking for a place to start a distillery. Have you run across any such place on your walk?”
“Mr. Fraser, there are some caves over on the other side of the garden. They look like a great place to store spirits whisky or gin, for flavor.”
“Why thank you Claire.” He remounts and rides off that direction.
Claire is all smiles as she heads back in he house to help with dinner. After, she and Mary finish sewing up Alex’s trousers for Sunday best. With Frank and Sarah’s wedding in two weeks and Frank wishing Alex to be his best man ( it seems they are distance cousins) , he will need them.
“Cccllarre, Misses Annne helped me talk to Mrs Murray today. They wish me to take over Sssarrrah's duties. She wasss under Mrs. Macnabb.”
“That is wonderful Mary. You will do well. I saw how Alex looked at you in church last week. I think he likes you.”
Mary smiles as she likes him too. He is patient with her and waits for her to talk with him. They had talked some Sunday last as they walked with Frank, Sarah, Alex and, Mary. All twenty-five servants are off on Sunday after services. Some had crofts near the fields.
Claire’s thoughts are on Mr. Fraser. She likes his red hair and kind ways. But, he was master of the house and her, just a servant. It would never work. Her thoughts are cut off by a frantic hard knock on the door. “Claire, Claire you are needed in the surgery.” Jenny, Mrs. Murray said. “Hurry now, it is Mr. Fraser. He has been hurt..”
She runs, holding her skirts up. She finds him sitting on her table his face bone white and sweaty. He is holding up his dislocated shoulder. “Come Claire and help me fix my shoulder.”
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renee-writer · 2 years
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A Little Change in History Chapter 3
An hour later, Jamie and Murtagh return to the area where their new servants await. Claire, Mary and, Alex stand before them, all clean and dressed better. The first thing Jamie notices about Claire is her incredible eyes. They are brown and cat-like, the color of the finest whisky he drinks. Murtagh had inquired a wagon to help transport the people and goods they have acquired. Jamie shakes his head and re-focuses on the task at hand.
The servants only have one set of clothes. That would never do. He stops at store that sold blocks of cloth and yarn. “You will need some more clothes. For work and for Sunday services. You will attend mass and then have the rest of the day off.” Claire and Mary are shocked when he places ten shillings in Claire’s hand. “Buy material for you, Mary and, Alex. In muted colors, browns and black. Materials for shifts, skirts, stays, shirts and trousers for Alex.” They bow to him before climbing down to do it.
Jamie then turns his attention to Alex. “You were a nobleman’s son. What did you do?”
“Master, I was the manger of my father ‘s estate. Running his day to day business, wasn’t a hard job. It just involved a lot of paperwork and seeing things got to market.”
“First, I am not your master. You may call Mr. Fraser. Second, I could use a manager for Lallybroch. I need someone I can trust to help get things to market. Would you like the position?”
Alex eyes show his surprise. An important position and he was being asked not ordered. “Yes. Thank you Mr. Fraser.” He smiles.
The lasses return twenty minutes later. They carry bolts of material, yarn to darn socks and, various other little things to help with the sewing. Murtagh helps place it in the wagon as Claire comes up to Jamie. “Your change Master.”
He sighs. Not their fault. He hadn’t brought slaves just servants. “First, thank you. Second, I am not your master, You may call me Mr. Fraser.”
Four days later, they drive under the arch into the courtyard. Frank exits the barn with Robert . Jenny , Sarah and Mary, exit the front door. “Mo brathair, what do we have here?”
Claire, Mary and, Alex step out of the wagon and bow low to her. “Jenny, I present the new servants. Claire is a midwife and healer. Mary is a maid. Alex here is the new stable lad who shall also be helping as manager.. Everyone, this is Mrs. Murray. Claire and Mary, you may talk with here about anything. Alex, after you eat, Frank here,” He nods to him, “will help you learn your new barn duties.”
“Come, come. You must be hungry. Let’s get some food into you and then we can talk.” They walk into the kitchen and smell rabbit stew. All their stomachs rumble. It has been forever since they have had a good meal. They sit down and eat their fill, with Jenny, Mary and, Sarah. Jenny then took Claire and Mary into see their room while Alex goes out to the barn.
“Mary you will help cook and clean, laundry and other chores. Claire, you will have a place to see patients and we have an overgrown herb garden that needs sorted. When not at those tasks, I expect you to help with anything that needs doing. Now, anything I need to know?”
“Yes, Mrs. Murray. Mary only talks to me. She has a terrible stutter and is embarrassed to talk with others.”
“I see. We will work on that. Mrs. Crook is a kind soul and will look after you. Now, take some time to settle in. Come out in above twenty minutes to help Mrs. Crook, Mary and I will show you the clinic in the morning Claire.”
After she leaves, Mary and Claire hug each other. They had found a kind family. Having heard stories of horrid places, they are happy to be in a place where kindness rules. They come into the kitchen to help Mrs. Crook. “Claire, Mary, I am Mrs. Crook. You may call me Anne when Mrs. Murray isn’t about. Mary, I understand that you don’t speak?” Mary nods her head. “Well, I understand. We shall work on it.” She says with a smile.
The rest of the evening was spent serving the evening meal, cleaning up after. Then Mary and Claire sew clothes for themselves and Alex. They sleep well, knowing that they are well looked after.
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renee-writer · 2 years
Cear-leth Arc 2 Chapter 15
They walk across the bridge towards the fairy hill. As they move closer, Jamie says, “ It looks more like a brae then a small fairy hill. “He does see some graves on the outside of it, “Mo sorcha, if you weren’t with child, we would walk up and see the top.” Jamie kisses her cheek.
“It is exquisite at the top. Why, you can see all of Inverness and even almost to Loch Ness. Why, if you focus, you might even stop Nessie” Claire laughs as she leans against her husband.
“I wouldn’t be laughing about the water horse for he can take you to the bottom and force you to be his bride. Not, that I would allow such. For you are mine.” He places his hand on his dirk.
“My love, do not worry so. For I love you and only you. Now, will you walk your wife back to the castle. I need time to look my best tonight to make you proud.”
“Mi lady, mo chridhe, you always do.” He laughs and kisses her lips with gentleness.
When they return to the castle, Maggie has two bathtubs ready for them. As much as Claire would prefer they share one, she accepts that these will have to do. After the bath, Maggie assists her with her hair and getting dressed. Her dress is maroon with simple lace and trim. No makeup with her hair in a twist with little tendrils of hair framing her face.
Jamie enters the room, in full tartan regalia down to the sword and dirk hanging by his side. “Mo chridhe, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He bows to her.
“Why you are so handsome, I think even more then on the day we were handfast. I am surely the luckiest woman alive.”
The walk into the hall to greet the other Lairds and their ladies. Column was there with Leticia. Dougal is absent. The Grants, Campbell’s and even Lord Lovett is present with his new wife. Jamie proudly introduces Claire to the others. Most were happy to meet her and greeted her with the proper respect. All but Lord Lovett.
“What is a Sassanch doing here?” he thunders.
Brian steps up before Jamie can. “She is my daughter and you will show her the proper respect.” He is loud enough for all to hear. There are a few gasps from the ladies. The feast went forward. Talk is of rebellion against the English. Brian, Jamie nor, Column was prone to fight but, the Campbell’s and Grants were thinking about it.
Lord Lovett, not through making a scene, stood up, “You are all cowards. Dougal an I will be fighting for Prince Charles and a free Scotland!”
Jamie arises, his dirk out, prepared to fight. Brian stands and places his hand on his arm. “Lord Lovett, you are not welcome here anymore. I ask your leave before I release my son and he escorts you out. I can take your lands and lordship, by right, for this treasonous talk, but I won’t Follow your own treasonous heart.” They left without another word.
When the food came out, Lerry tried to serve Jamie and Claire but, they asked and received another server. After they head up to their roots.
When Jamie sees the guard isn’t there, he moves her behind him. She held on to his shirt as he yelled for his father’s guards. Suddenly, out of the darkness came a sword. There is a glancing blow that doesn’t harm Jamie. He pulls out his own sword and they fight blow for blow. As the man in the dark continues to parley, Jamie ‘s Viking blood raises. With his wife and unborn child behind him, there is no way he isn’t winning this fight.
With a mighty thrust, he stabs into the unseen opponents stomach. The guards arrive then to see Jamie standing over the man that had attacked him. He lies dead at hi feet. The guards remove his mask. It is Dougal!
Claire looks at her husband and slips into their room. She knows not to touch him until his blood cools some. Maggie comes running out of the next room. “Fetch my medical kit. Milord will need it.” She tells her just as Jamie enters. The guards are moving the body.
“Mo chridhe are you alright? Are you and he baby unharmed?”
“We are fine, my love. You protected us well, yet again. Now, let me see that arm.”
“It is a mere scratch.” He protested.
“Please, Milord, let me see it.” He offers her his arm, with a smile. The wound wasn’t to deep but would need tending. She cleans it out and used some surgiglue to close it. A bandage is placed over it. ” There milord, all better. She laugh as she throws her supplies into the fire.
“Are you laughing at me,, Milady?” He asks with a smile.
“No milord. Come here and I shall show you.” He does and she kisses him with great passion.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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My Soul Calls to You Chapter 24
Five years pass in a blur as he children and lands grow. Alex is seventeen and taking to his task of learning to be the next Laird. Fergus is sixteen and at his father’s heels. He is an excellent horseman, second only to his father. Julia stands at the cusp of womanhood at eleven. Malcolm is ten with Little Ellen five. She has her grandsire wrapped around her finger.
They are happy with the land and it’s people. The only spot of sadness is, that after Ellen’s birth, Brian had a massive stroke. He recovered all but his eyesight. A blow but, Brian doesn’t let it bother him. He remains the same stubborn man, a trait all the Fraser men share.
Jamie takes over some of the duties of being Lord Lovett, while Alex, with the help of Fergus, runs Lallybroch. Claire continues to run her clinic with more and more tenants coming to her. She is training Julia, who shows some interest, in the ways of medicine.
Alex and Fergus leave to go to Edinburgh University. Julia will do the same when she is sixteen as would Malcolm and Ellen when they are old enough. Claire misses her older lads, even knowing they need to be as educated as their father and grandsire.
Meanwhile, Hamish is unable to manage his lands as well as Jamie would like. William was set up as steward. Jamie recalled that there were several villages around Leoch that walked the wool. Textile Mills would help them earn money for themselves. They have the sheep and lambs to provide the wool. So, the following year, Jamie and William set up a textile weaving mill. The mill had two purposes. The first, public reason, was to make bolts of cloth for people to buy. The second secret reason was the making of tartan. Claire has told him that the ban will be lifted. He intends to be ready. He takes his role seriously and stores the tartan in a root cellar, wrapped carefully to protect against the damp and mold.
As Claire and Jamie watch their children grow, they know a wedding is forthcoming. Fergus had meet a lass in Edinburg that he fell hard for. Her family objected to the match until they learned that he was the son of Lord Lovett. Marsali would be married into the family. Alex had meet a lass in Inverness when he was there with his Uncle Ian. They quickly fell in love. Sarah would make a fine wife and mother to the next Laird of Lallybroch. It was exciting to see their lass becoming men, but a bit dad too.
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renee-writer · 2 years
Cear-leth Arc 2 Chapter 16
The meeting held by the Clans of the Highlands accomplished two things. First they sign a signature of loyalty to both King George the Second and to Brian Fraser Duke of Argyle. The second thing was that all agreed that Lord Lovett needs to have his wings clipped. Brian will be thinking on this and decide what to do later.
Claire is quite ready to be home in her own bed. They leave the morning of he fifth day and are all glad to have their backs to the city of Inverness and the castle. After a weeks journey, they arrive home. Maggie and Mary greet them, helping Claire off her horse and helping her into the manor house. She is taken up to bed, after a good wash to remove the journey. Jamie is concerned for her, after the loss of his first son.
After he saw the horses sorted by Robbie and Robert, he runs up the stairs, taken them two at a time. He is able to breath again when he sees her his Claire. His sorcha lays on her side sleeping soundly. He heads into the bath area, cleans himself, changing into a fresh shirt. Then he calls for Maggie.
“Yes Milord?”
“Please have a tray brought up for myself and Milady She will wake up hungry and I don’t wish to leave her side”
“Yes Milord.” Twenty minutes later, it is done. She lays it on the table and bows low “Milord, ”Mary says, “ Maggie was sent to bed. If you have need of anything else, just ring.”
“I will. Thank you Mary.”
Jamie ate then walked over and sat next to Claire. She sleeps with a smile on her face, lost in a dream. It is a revelation to him, to see a woman happy in bed. Annalise kept to herself, even at five months. Refusing to let him near her, she slept in her own room. Claire wishes him near even in her bed! He reaches out and touches the bump. He feels no kick but feels the presence of their child. “Mary, Michael, and Bride protect my white dove and wee bairn. Keep them safe tonight and every night.” He whispers in Gaelic.
A tear rolls down his face. To have a live child, lad or lass, it would help heal his heart and keep him from feeling that he had killed his children before. Claire awakes to his tears. “My love.” Her head goes to his face, catching a falling tear.
“To see you at five months, healthy and glowing. Then for you to allow me in your rooms, in your bed. To see the want you have for me and the bairn. I fear that it will happen again, what happened with Annalise. My first wee lad came still at five months.”
“My love, I will say it as often as you need to hear it; I will always want you in my bed, your kisses my lips will always crave. We are fine and healthy, the little one and I. I was only tired from the journey, all the horse back riding. We are hungry through. Is there any food up here?”
“Yes,” he smiles at her answer and his own foresight,” would you like to get up or be served here?”
“If you will join me in bed, I will eat right here.” He kisses her hand and raises to get her a bowl of rabbit stew. He joins her on the massive bed.
“I love you mo sorcha.” She finishes the stew and leans on his side.
“I love you too, my warrior.” She falls back to sleep, against him.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Cear-leth Arc 2
A/N So sorry for the delay updating. The wonderful @ladymeraud was suffering a bit of writer's block. But the show goes on.
Claire wakes up alone in bed the following morning. Jamie had to leave their bed early as his father had called a meeting of the clans and Jamie needed to be there. Claire raises, placing an outer robe on and heading out in search of food.
“Good morror milady,” Maggie greets her. She is in the outer room hemming a dress for the coming nights dinner.
“Good morning Maggie. Any breakfast?”
“Yes milady,” she lays aside the sewing, “I shall get you a tray.” She bows and leaves the room.
Claire finds a seat on a nice plush chair in front of the fire. She rubs her belly and feels a kick. “Hello, little one. Mama loves you.” Maggie returns and places a tray in front of her.
“Thank you Maggie. Have you eaten?”
“Yes milady, I did earlier. There is a guard at the door. There will always be. Milord ‘s order.”
Claire nods. She expected such. She eats her breakfast and drinks her tea. As she did, she spoke with Maggie about dresses and the things that would have to happen at the castle when they return to Lallybroch.
“Milady wishes to change the garden in the back of the house?”
“Yes. I wish to enlarge it and making a seating room out back.” They both laugh at the idea of Jamie and Murtagh sitting back there amidst the flowers.
Jamie walks through the door as Claire was finishing dressing for the day. Maggie sits, finishing the dress for the evenings dinner. “Good afternoon mo gruagach dhonn.”
“I am feeling quite well. Would you mind if we take a walk. I’ve been cooped up in this room for 24 hours and want to see some of the castle.” Jamie bows low.
“Milady, would you grace a Highlander with your company for a stroll?” he holds out his hand. She takes it and they walk out to the castle entrance. Lerry was in the courtyard, she bows to both Claire and Jamie, and is ignored. They walk towards the village.
Claire smiles, recalling how big town used to be. She looks to the river Ness and beyond it to the fairy hill. “Look Jamie. The hill over the river, In my time, it was a cemetery. A walk up to the top of the hill would show you all the old graves.”
“Milady, were you not five months gone with child, I would walk you up there..” He bends down for a kiss. Claire understands. He doesn’t wish to tax her, after the loss of his other children, he will be very cautious with her.
“You know Mr. Fraser, I love you.”
Jamie smiles and kisses her harder.
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renee-writer · 2 years
A Little Change in History Chapter 7
Claire wakes with a bit of back pain the next morning. The settee wasn’t the most comfortable thing she has ever slept on but, she did get some sleep. She has some tea and porridge in her small croft and she is hungry. Starting by washing her face and pulling her hair back and off her face, she then gets water boiling. She also has some bread from the previous nights tea and some berries she picked from the woods. Together, it makes a nice meal.
As she cooks, she unaware of Jamie standing in the doorway. He had woken to the sound of Claire moving about. He raises, placing the sling back on. He watches Claire cook unable to avoid, noticing her backside, so round and the way her curls are pulled back from her lovely face. He is in trouble with her and he knows it well.
When Claire stands to get some bowls for the porridge, she sees Jamie and let’s out a gasp. “Mr. Fraser, you gave me a fright. I didn’t know you were awake.”
“I am sorry lass. I heard you moving about and wished to see if you needed anything.”
“No but thank you. Breakfast is almost ready. If you wish to take a seat at the table, I have a cup of tea ready.” He sits and Claire hands him a cup of willow bark tea. She then serves up two bowls of porridge with berries and honey. They eat in silence but catch themselves exchanging looks twice. He is just about to ask her something when there is a knock on the door.
Claire answers it to Jenny. “Well, I see you are better. If you will excuse us, I would like to talk to Claire, unless you would like to hear brother?” He nods to Jenny and she turns to Claire. “I would like to change your duties a bit Claire. As Mary is getting better and you seem to be needed more here at the clinic, I would like you to live here so your available more. I would also like you to expand the kale garden as you seem to have a green thumb. You will still take your meals at the main house. I will have this croft fixed up, making it bigger by adding a room. Is this agreeable?”
“Yes. Thank you Mrs. Murray.” She smiles at her.
“Very good. I will have the work started today and you can move into tomorrow.”
Jamie is also smiling. With planting coming, they will need someone to look after the injures that would undoubtedly occur. Plus, with all the animals on the estate, there is always injuries. “Jenny, I will get the men over here today. We will have the other room done by the end of the week, if all goes as planned.”
“Very well, just don’t injury your arm again.” She teases. Jamie nods and walks out, towards the stables. He will talk with Alex and Frank. Jenny and Claire walk to the kale yard to check on what needs to be planted. As Claire listens to Jenny and asks questions, she sees Jamie walk by, out of the main house and towards her new house. She can’t help watching him and wondering why he remains unmarried. Jenny sees but doesn’t say anything. She will address it with Jamie later.
After supper, as she, Ian and, Jamie sit in the Great Room, reading and doing other things that are done in the evening after all the chores are finished in a busy farm, she does. “Jamie, I noticed Claire staring at you earlier today. Do think this should be encouraged?”
“I am not sure how to stop people from looking at each other. She is a servant and innocent. Let’s just let it go. If it becomes a problem, then we will deal with it.” In his mind, he thinks, ' if she was looking at me too maybe she feels something also.’
Meanwhile, Claire lays in bed thinking about Jamie. She shouldn’t look at him the way she does. It isn’t proper unless he feels something for her too.
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