thousandsonny · 2 months
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Small doodle for @venhydey
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alexstarksblog · 2 months
Just some documents with information on every kaiju documented so far🤫
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roughridingrednecks · 6 months
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venhydey · 3 months
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Colour of the day - green 🐊🌵💮
Saw this precious croc at the zoo and it brightened my day
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delightful-weekdays · 2 months
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concept scribbles
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didierleclair · 9 months
📸 Consultez cette publication sur Facebook
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Entretiens littéraires de CAFAC avec Lamara Papitashvili.
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senora-artemisa · 1 month
Te sugiero un pequeño juego
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Te sugiero un pequeño juego, donde solamente tu lengua va ser util. Me vas a lamer, Empezaras por lamer las suelas de mis zapatos. Chuparas mis tacones. Lamaras mis medias con dedicación. Y si lo haces bien te dejare lamer mi ano, como un regalo que tienes que merecerte. ¿Quieres empezar a jugar? Si dices que si, no hay marcha atras…
Si quieres jugar de verdad, contacta con la Señora Artemisa
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saturnbutterfly · 5 months
I have so much to stuff I haven’t posted I’ve missed so much 🫠 I gotta catch up so have this cult of the lamb oc UwU Desdemona, real name Lamara, tortured to insanity, they are cuckoo clock crazy, can’t fix them and I don’t want to UwU💖
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No More Blind Dates
As promised, here is my second fic contribution for the @topwan-obikin fest! I hope you enjoy it, you can also find it HERE on AO3. Fandom: Star Wars Rating: General Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Summary: Padmé sets Anakin up on a blind date... again, and despite his annoyance he goes and of course he gets stood up, let alone waiting at the movie theatre looking like a lost puppy. Thankfully someone else finds him.
"I'm setting you up on a blind date."
     Anakin looked up from his book, lounged back on the couch, confused. "What?"
     "I'm setting you up on a date," Padmé repeated, "and no, you don't get a choice."
     She turned and walked into Anakin's kitchen and began rummaging through the fridge. Anakin slammed his book closed and chased after her.
     "No! No, we talked about this after the last time," he said, standing beside her while she crafted a sandwich, "every blind date you have ever set me up on has been an absolute bust. The last guy you set me up with was from some random planet in the outer rim and he was an absolute asshole. I'm done with blind dates Padmé  I'll either find someone the old fashioned way or die alone."
     She scoffed at him and rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. And I know that in the past my match making abilities haven't exactly been up to par, but this time I am confident that you two are going to hit it off perfectly."
     "Well it doesn't matter, because I'm not going." He grabbed up his book off the counter and turned back toward the living room, but stopped when she called after him.
     "Remember when I said you didn't have a choice?" His shoulders tensed but he didn't turn, he already knew what was coming and he wasn’t pleased. "I already arranged the date with him. Show up at the movie theater downtown at five, your movie starts at five-thirty and I already booked the tickets, they're in your email. He'll meet you in front of the concession stand, so just sit at one of the tables there and he'll find you. And after that I made a reservation for you two at Lamara's for around eight, the reservation is under Skywalker. But if the movie runs late I know the owner and already told him there was a chance you might not show up on time, so he said he'll hold the table for you until nine."
     "Padmé this is crazy! You can't just set me up on a date and make all these plans without telling me." He turned to face her, face red and flustered, a bit angry. "Just call him and cancel, and I'll pay you back for the tickets"
     "I can't, there's not enough time to cancel." Anakin breathed a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. "The date’s today, in two hours actually,” she glanced down at her watch, “so you should go shower and get ready because he'll be waiting for you at the theater.”
     He was ready and out the door of his apartment within an hour, with Padmé rushing him out the door and reminding him to sit near the concession stand. Within fifteen minutes of that he was in the designated meeting area and waiting, nervously, for this mystery man to show up. And he realized that's exactly what he was, a complete mystery. Padmé had only given him instructions on where to meet him, but she hadn't told him anything about this guy. He had no clue what he looked like, what he'd be wearing so Anakin could pick him out of the crowds, he didn't even know his name. But Anakin still sat there and waited. In fact, he waited for half an hour and no one had even so much as glanced over at him. 
     “Padmé,” he sighed into the phone, glad she'd picked up after only a few rings, “this guy still hasn't shown up yet and I've been sitting here for almost an hour now. What does he even look like? Maybe he's sitting here and I don't even know it. Better yet, what's his name?”
     “Just trust me Anakin, he will find you, just stay sitting right where you are.”
     “Or he's not showing up at all, maybe he chickened out.” He scanned the lobby of the theater again, still not seeing anyone who was looking as lost as he was.
     “He'll be there, I promise.”
     “He better be. And by the way, if this doesn't work out as spectacularly as you think it's going to, then no more blind dates.” He heard her chuckle on the other end of the phone and mutter something along the lines of, ‘there won't need to be’, before he hung up the phone.
     Anakin sat and continued to wait and still found himself alone, even long after the time Padmé said his mystery man was supposed to meet him. He sat at the table until almost quarter to six, the movie had already started, and Anakin was ready to throw in the towel. Obviously mystery man wasn't coming and Anakin couldn't blame him. He hated blind dates. Who in their right mind wanted to willingly spend a night with someone they had never met before? He certainly didn't, so he couldn't exactly blame this guy for not showing up. 
     He snatched his phone from the table and jammed it back in his pocket. Next time Padmé insisted on setting him up, he was putting his foot down. 
     He was just about to stand up when two bags of popcorn and a tray of drinks were set on the table in front of him. Anakin looked up, confused, and just tilted his head at the man standing in front of him. 
     “I don't think you're the person I’m supposed to be waiting for.” Anakin looked the man over. He was dressed in a more formal looking version of the uniforms the theater employees wore, his hair was longer, just touching the tops of his shoulders and brushed back away from his face, beard neatly trimmed. He was handsome, very handsome and certainly Anakin's type. He wished he was the mystery man he was waiting for, but based on the uniform he was wearing he was clearly there for work. Anakin's next curiosity was why he was bringing him popcorn and drinks.
     “No,” the man chuckled, “no, unfortunately I am not.” If Anakin wasn't already taken by the man's looks, his voice had him completely gone. “I just couldn't stand to see you sitting here alone and miserable for a moment longer. I'm assuming you were stood up?”
     “Yeah,” Anakin sighed and slumped down further in his chair, “it was a blind date and obviously the guy didn't feel like showing up. I feel like such an idiot.”
     “If you ask me, the only idiot is the guy who stood you up.” Anakin perked up at that and he found it hard to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. “But clearly his loss will be my gain. I’m Obi-Wan by the way, Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
     “Anakin Skywalker,” he answered as he reached out and took Obi-Wan’s outstretched hand.
     “Well, Anakin, it would be my honour to escort you on a proper date, if you'll have me?” All Anakin could manage in his dumbstruck state was a slight nod of his head. “What movie were you supposed to be seeing?”
     “Uh…” He quickly pulled out his phone and searched for the tickets in his email. “A movie called ‘Chasing Shadows’.”
     Obi-Wan nodded his head. “Our newest romance film, perfectly appropriate for a first date.”
     “Except it started thirty minutes ago.”
     “And that is where my job comes in very handy, dear one.” Anakin flushed a deeper shade at the easy use of the endearment. “As manager of the theater I have access to the private rooms in the back that are only meant for special viewings.”
     Anakin sat a little straighter in his chair, leaning forward a bit toward Obi-Wan. “Really?”
     “Yes, now come.” He held out his hand to Anakin who took it and let Obi-Wan lift him from the chair. “I will show you the way, one of my employees is already there waiting for my word on which film to play on the projector.”
     Anakin took the popcorn bag and drink that Obi-Wan offered him and followed the man through the theater and down a back hallway. Obi-Wan unlocked a door and let Anakin into a room with a few short rows of chairs and a fair sized screen. Anakin sat in the middle row while Obi-Wan spoke off to the side with the theater employee who was going to start the movie for them, and once they were finished Obi-Wan joined him and the movie started not long after.
     Normally Anakin wasn't one for cheesy romance movies, but he had to admit this one wasn't half bad, and probably made better since he actually had some decent company this time. Since it was just the two of them in the small viewing room they were able to talk, comment on the movie and laugh as loud as they wanted. Halfway through the movie when they had both already devoured their popcorn and the movie was just starting to get into the heated parts of the romance, Anakin took a chance to glance over at the man beside him. He’d taken off his blazer and unbuttoned the top few buttons on his dress shirt, revealing a patch of auburn chest hair that Anakin was itching to run his fingers through, and the tight fit of the dress shirt left nothing to Anakin's imagination. He could see the outline of trimmed abs beneath, broad shoulders that Anakin wished he could be wrapped in. Obi-Wan honestly made him forget he was actually supposed to be meeting someone else. 
     He brought his eyes back to the screen as the couple in the film came together for their first kiss. It gave him butterflies while he watched the scene so close to Obi-Wan, something he'd certainly never felt on any of the past blind dates Padmé had set him up on, but he decided to take a chance on the feeling. He leaned slowly to the side, first pressing his arm along Obi-Wan’s and testing the waters. When he didn't pull away, Anakin shifted in his seat and pressed even closer to him, shuffling so his head was able to lay on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
     Obi-Wan chuckled fondly, a deep rumbling in his chest that had Anakin’s butterflies fluttering intensely, and lifted his arm to wrap around Anakin's shoulders and pulled him in. They watched the rest of the movie like that, with Anakin tucked into Obi-Wan’s side with his head rested on his chest, and Obi-Wan’s strong arm around him. Anakin felt comfortable and safe, in a way he'd never felt with anyone else before, and for the first time on any of his blind dates he didn't want it to end. 
     But it eventually did, with the final scene in the movie of course bringing to two star crossed lovers together in a happy ending. Unfortunately for Anakin it meant he would now unfortunately be leaving Obi-Wan, probably never to see him again since this was all because Anakin had been stood up. So who was to blame him if he held onto Obi-Wan a little longer as the credits rolled.
     "Dear one?" Obi-Wan squeezed Anakin's shoulder with his hand and Anakin snapped up and out of Obi-Wan’s space. He probably wanted to leave, he had just finished a shift and then stayed to take Anakin on a pity date. He shouldn't have kept him like that.
     "I'm so sorry!" Anakin blurted, but his eyes were averted and he missed Obi-Wan’s concerned gaze. "I’m sure you want to go home, you've been here for so long already. I shouldn't have made you stay at work because my stupid blind date didn't show up."
     "There is no need to apologize, Anakin, I wanted to stay here with you and quite frankly I am very glad that I did." Anakin's mouth dropped open into a silent 'oh' as Obi-Wan continued with a gentle smile. "I was only going to ask if you were hungry, perhaps you'd like to join me for dinner?"
     Anakin was shocked to say the least, he’d thought for sure he was being dismissed by Obi-Wan. "I…" He stuttered, finding it hard to force the words past the sudden onslaught of chills running through his body. "I-oh! I actually have reservations at Lamara's. It was supposed to be for the blind date I was supposed to meet, but I say we go and enjoy ourselves since he didn't show." He quickly looked down at his watch. "If we leave now we can make it."
     "That sounds lovely." Obi-Wan stood and grabbed his jacket then turned and offered Anakin a hand up. He stared at Anakin for a moment and he was caught completely in Obi-Wan’s gaze, but he didn't mind one bit. Then Obi-Wan hummed, sending an all new kind of thrill through Anakin, before he tucked Anakin's arm into his own and said, "His loss has been most certainly my gain."
     They arrived just in time for the reservation Padmé set up. Their waiter led them to a fairly secluded table off to the side, set up with rose petals and candles. They ordered and their food arrived fairly quickly, and while they ate they happily chatted.
     "Tell me, dear one, how did you end up sitting in the theater lobby alone?" Obi-Wan asked, the endearment had become more used as the night went on, and Anakin did not mind one bit. "Who would set you up with someone who was going to bail on you?"
     "My friend, who I've known for years and has the best of intentions, doesn't always have the best taste when it comes to these kinds of things," Anakin chuckled, "and even though I wasn't exactly happy about her setting me up on this blind date, I'm kind of glad she did, and that whoever they were didn't show up."
     "As am I," Obi-Wan smiled over the rim of his wine glass, "this night has gone very well. I never expected I would have met someone as wonderful as you in such a way."
     "You mean because you felt bad for me."
     Obi-Wan laughed along with Anakin. "I suppose that's one way to put it, dear one, but I just could not let you leave looking so incredibly sad. Your beautiful face should always be graced with a smile." Anakin smirked and this time didn't care to hide the pink in his cheeks. "The blush is cute too."
     Once they finished their meals and sat for a while talking over another glass of wine, Obi-Wan waved down the waiter. "Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end, I'll get the check, dear one."
     "What? No, I'll get it," Anakin said, "I invited you here, so it's my treat."
     "On the contrary," Obi-Wan shook his head, already pulling out his wallet to beat Anakin to the punch, "I invited you to dinner, you merely had a reservation pre-booked."
     "But I-"
     "Excuse me, Sir’s?" They both turned and looked up to their waiter. "Your meal has actually already been paid for."
     "By who?" Anakin asked, and they both followed the waiters gesturing hand to find a familiar face hovering by the podium at the entrance.
     Obi-Wan peered over as well, confused as he asked, "What on earth is Padmé doing here?"
     Anakin's head snapped back to Obi-Wan, eyes wide. "You know Padmé?!"
     "Yes, we've actually been friends for years." Anakin was too stunned to even speak, and they both turned back to watch as she waved to them with a smug smile on her face, before she turned and left. 
     Obi-Wan was the first to break the silence that had fallen over them, and turned back to face Anakin. "My dear," he mused once he had put the pieces together, "I do believe we have been bamboozled."
     Anakin finally gave in and laughed, running a hand down his face. Of course Padmé would do this, go through all these ridiculous hoops to bring him and Obi-Wan together. God, he loved her so much.
     "Yeah, I think you're right. She is far too ingenious for her own good." Obi-Wan merely raised his glass in agreement. "Hey, Obi-Wan, would… would you be interested in doing this again?"
     "Are you asking me on a second date, dear one?"
     Anakinn nodded, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I think it went really well, and I have really enjoyed our time together. I was also thinking that next time we could go on a proper date, maybe at a place where you don't work."
     He smiled at him and reached over the table to take his hand, gently running his thumb along the back of it. "I would love that." He lifted Anakin's hand and softly kissed it, then added, "thank goodness for Padmé."
     "You know she's never going to let us forget that she's the one who brought us together, right."
     "Oh I know, dear one, I definitly know."
     Anakin had a feeling that this time Padmé was right, he wouldn't be needing anymore blind dates.
A/N: And this is the second fic I submitted for the fest! I hope you enjoyed it, and I will be contributing more fics for the fests second deadline coming up, so if oyu would like to be tagged when those are able to be posted, please let me know and I would love to tag you <3
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Episode 3x02 - (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
Shaun Leane 'Serpent's Trace' bracelet and earrings.
Description of the collection from the website:
"The serpent leaves us two magnificent gifts: in life, its shed skin - a powerful symbol of re-birth then, in death its majestic bone structure - one of nature’s most fascinating constructions. Designed for hypnotic movement, fitting of such a mystical creature."
Altuzarra 'Tamaar' ivory suit jacket.
The name Tamar is of Hebrew origin, meaning 'date palm tree'.
The palm tree symbolizes victory, triumph, peace, and eternal life. Tamar is also associated with the Thames.
In Georgian mythology, Tamar was a goddess who rode a serpent with a bridle made of gold. Tamar was revered for her strength, courage and power.
She is also identified as the Georgian goddess Lamara. This is likely a cognate of Lamia. The Latin Vulgate Bible gave "Lamia" as a translation of Hebrew Lilith, Adam's recalcitrant first wife.
Hannah Waddingham has previously said that Rebecca's fashion choices are deliberate. With that in mind, what we're seeing here is a woman poised to strike. This season, Rebecca is harnessing her strength, shedding the person she used to be - the person Rupert forced her to be - and no longer bending to his will. Even if AFC Richmond doesn't emerge victorious, Rebecca is determined to do so as an act of catharsis, and ultimately, revenge.
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hummingbird-of-light · 11 months
No. 26 “Sometimes I get so tired, I don’t even know myself.” (“You look awful.”)
He was sitting at the bar, drinking away all the worries and sadness the day had caused.
He had lost a patient. A young ensign who had been on her first away mission and had gotten in contact with a poisonous plant. Even though McCoy had tried everything to safe her, it hadn’t been enough. She had died right in front of his eyes.
Yet another young soul that had been taken by the dangers of space. Yet another young soul that wouldn’t get to live up to its potential.
Sometimes he thought that it had been the wrong decision. That he should have stayed down on Earth, safe from unknown diseases and dangers. Maybe he could have been a better doctor down there.
Slowly McCoy turned his head at the familiar voice of his captain and friend. He put on a crooked smile.
“Hey kid.”
Kirk got over to him and took the seat right next to the doctor. His brows were furrowed in worry.
“Hey man, what’s up? You look awful.”
A humorless chuckle escaped McCoy’s mouth before he took yet another sip of his whiskey.
“Wow, thanks. Just the thing I need to hear after a long shift.”
Kirk grabbed the bottle and a glass, then poured some whiskey into it.
“Well, sorry for being honest. Care to tell me what’s wrong?”
McCoy shrugged before his shoulders slumped down heavily.
“Why would there be anything wrong? I’m just having a drink to enjoy the end of my shift.”
He knew that his voice sounded sarcastic, but he just couldn’t hold it back.
“Bones, seriously, talk to me.”
McCoy looked aside and concerned light blue eyes met tired dark blue ones.
“I can’t do it, Jim. I can’t keep on losing patients. Everyday I patch up severely injured or sick people. Everyday I see people die. It’s just… a lot sometimes.”
McCoy placed his elbows on the bar and dropped his head into his palms. He could feel tears filling his eyes and tried to blink them away.
It was all Kirk got out before he fell quiet next to him.
They sat in silence for what felt like hours until eventually the captain wrapped his arm around McCoy’s shoulder and pulled him closer.
“I… I know what it’s like to lose people. It’s… the most horrible feeling to endure. Whenever I write a letter to the victims’ families I feel at a loss for words. But… we have to see the good things too. We save so many people. New species, our own crewmembers. Especially you save them.”
McCoy dared to look up and he met Kirk’s gaze. The man was giving him a hopeful smile.
“I’m so glad that you are my CMO. For I know that there’s no one better out there. No one could do the job like you do. Sometimes you lose people, but… I know that you tried. You did everything in your power to save them. And I bet they knew it too.”
McCoy thought about it. He had lost a life that day. But… he had also saved five.
Thanks to him a lot of people would get to see another day. A lot of people would walk again and work again. They would survive, just because of him.
And maybe at the end of the day that was enough. Maybe knowing that he did something good was what kept him going.
Still, McCoy raised his glass to give one last toast to the soul he had lost that day. One last honor.
“To Ensign Lamara.”
Kirk gave him a smile, then raised his glass in the same manner.
“To Ensign Lamara.”
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thesweetescapism · 11 months
url song tag game ✨
rules: spell your url with song titles & then tag some friends!
tagged by: @actnatural-ly 💖
Don't know what songs to pick so I'm gonna go to my iTunes (yes, I still use it like an old lol) for each letter and use the first song I see.
T: Transparent Soul (feat. Travis Barker) - Willow H: H.A.N. - NxWorries E: E Melody - Emily King S: S Club Party - S Club 7 W: W.A.B. - Megan Thee Stallion E: E Preciso Perdoar (Encore) (Live) - Stan Getz & João Gilberto E: E-Pro - Beck T: T R N T - Andrew Belle E: E.S.T. - White Lies S: S On My Chest (feat. Lil Wayne & Birdman) - DJ Khaled C: C Carter - Cordae A: A Mess Like This - The Do P: P (feat. Hodgy Beats & Tyler, The Creator) - Odd Future I: i - Kendrick Lamara S: S.D.S. - Mac Miller M: M.A.A.D City (Feat. MC Eiht) - Kendrick Lamar
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alexstarksblog · 2 months
Here is sea dragon Lamara - guardian and mother of seas and its inhabitants
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Well, a couple of sketches :3
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geminiwarlock · 2 years
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"Greetings! I am Gemini Warlock, familiar of the Great Witch Lamara, she isn't home right now so can I pass on a message for you? oh, you wish to learn about me well I don't really know what to say, I help Lamara around the lab while I practise my duelling and magic and I have lots of wonderful friends, familiars like me who watch me as I go about my daily business, if you'd like to join them I know just the spell!"
I am GeminiWarlock a variety vtuber, I currently stream on twitch I play any games that catch my interest but I play a lot of Genshin Impact, come watch me and discover more about my friends in VPact, we're all so excited for you to join us!
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venhydey · 4 months
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i sobbed while scribbling this
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delightful-weekdays · 2 months
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This blog is dedicated to the modern Russian AU of my OC x canon ship where i'm placing them in memorable surroundings from my life!
Characters involved:
- Lamara Tsibadze
- Gennady Peschanov (aka Sir Crocodile from One piece)
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