carloskaplan · 11 months
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Estatua de Lamasu en Nívine
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suchatwo · 2 years
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minyboy · 2 years
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Emerie Karr, fun to stun. Shoot the rest.
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punkedsolar · 2 months
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The Inland Sphynx (Homopantera terra) is a large sentient of the morphic genus Homopantera, native New Petra. It has a lean, broad-chested body; a proportioned humanoid head; round ears; and a dark, hairy tuft at the tip of its tail. It is not sexually dimorphic. The Inland Sphynx lives alone, but socialises.
Etymology The word 'Sphynx' is a Greek corruption of the Egyptian name 'shesepankh', which meant 'living image'.
Taxonomy Homopantera terra is the current designation in use in New Petra. Other species are Homopantera maritimum (Coastal Sphynx), Homopantera androphagon (Manticore) and Homopantera ornata (Lamasu). Some have proposed the alternative name: Homopantera civitas instead of terra.
Description The Inland Sphynx is a lean, broad-chested like-felid with a humanoid head, a reduced neck, and round furred ears. The base of the tail and the area behind the forelimbs are densely feathered.
The fur varies in colour from light buff to silvery grey, yellowish red, and dark brown. The colours of the underparts are generally lighter. Both male and female Inland Sphynx retain spots into adulthood. Feather colours are generally bright, with purples, reds, oranges and metallics being common. Hair ranges from any natural human colour, though is frequently dyed to match the feathers. The tail of all Inland Sphynx ends in a dark, hairy tuft that conceals a hard 'spur' that is formed from the final, fused sections of tail bone.
Its skull is very similar to that of a standard human, though much larger. Faces are frequently oval with pronounced, elevated, and arched eyebrows, large almond-shaped eyes, well-defined cheeks, full lips and a prominent, pointed chin. Males frequently cultivate a beard. Canines are only slightly more developed than a human's, and dentition supports omnivorous eating.
Large paws have fully retractable claws and are notably agile compared to other Homopantera, enabling limited tool use and more elaborate grooming. Instead of a dew claw, they have a thumb, though the size of their digits limits precise actions.
The average Inland Sphynx is approximately 170cm long with a tail length of 80 cm, and a weight of 120 kilos. Females are only slightly smaller than males.
Distribution and habitat The Inland Sphynx is found only in New Petra and does not travel. As of this writing, around fifty individuals are registered with the Bureau of Population.
Behaviour and ecology Inland Sphynx spend much of their time resting; they are inactive for about sixteen hours per day. Although they can be active at any time, their activity generally peaks after noon with a period of socialising, grooming, and then activity in their chosen profession.
While they are solitary amongst their own species they commonly live close by other sentients and have reciprocal arrangements for grooming, entertainment, and health related reasons.
The Inland Sphynx is a generalist omnivore and prefers cooked food. It is a poor hunter unless trained to do so, as it's needs are generally met through the society that it functions in. When it is required to fend for itself, it generally hunts by ambush from a raised platform or tree - it cannot fly, but is capable of fully extending the feathers around it's forelimbs to allow a controlled fall. They prefer small game, rich fruits, and enjoy wine and other fermented substances.
Reproduction is limited and sporadic, resulting in a large egg that requires brooding for 110 days. Inland Sphynx who want to have offspring have access to artificial incubators in New Petra. Cubs are somewhat altricial, despite being born with fur, and must be parented for four years before reaching adult size. They make decent parents despite being generally solitary, cubs receive schooling along side other youth in New Petra.
Morphic ecology notes
All Homopantera are capable of shifting species according to adaptive pressure. The Inland Sphynx is particularly prone to shifting to a Coastal Sphynx body and lifestyle should they engage in any of the following behaviours:
Eating sentients
Engaging in blood sports
Spending time with Coastal Sphynx
Ceasing intellectual pursuits
Engaging in anti-social behaviour
Inland Sphynx can rarely shift to a Lamasu under the following situations:
Eating predators
Developing a martial outlook
Developing an obsession with astronomy and philosophy
Behaving in an ascetic manner
Adhering to a strict set of behavioural rules
Inland Sphynx cannot become Manticores unless they go through a Coastal Sphynx transformation first.
Social notes
Inland Sphynx ornament and decorate themselves when they have the assistance of humans to do so. They maintain themselves neatly, and are frequently in the University District. Those who cannot maintain academic pursuits have the physical strength to do more mundane jobs such as dock workers or pull carts. They generally avoid roles such as scouts or guards to avoid morphic shifting.
Generally occupations chosen by Inland Sphynx include various academic focuses, due to their excellent memory. They favour writing, mathematics, history and stories. They all admire riddles, and can develop obsessive behaviours around them.
Most Inland Sphynx speak several languages, and are gregarious as long as they can return to their own home, alone, and recharge in peace.
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romanceyourdemons · 2 years
lamasus are cool as hell actually. we don’t talk about them enough
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ateneomuseoutoplia · 9 months
Desde el buey Apis, los Lamasus, los toros del valle del Indo, la diosa Vaca hasta el Becerro de oro el día 10 en la biblioteca Trías y Zoom os espera el año nuevo 2024 con un paseo por el mundo totémico y el inicio de la escultura de bulto. 
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mishivae · 6 years
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El lamasu o shedu es un genio celestial de la mitología mesopotámica. Humano por encima de la cintura y toro por debajo de la misma, pero también tiene los cuernos y las orejas de un toro y con frecuencia con alas. Los toros, en Mesopotamia, se asocian sobre todo a las corrientes de agua que llevan a la fertilidad, al poder, al estar sobre la tierra, como se aprecia en sus recias pezuñas. Por otra parte la cabeza humana les dota de inteligencia y tiene larga barba historiada, lo que les liga a las divinidades. La cara esculpida representaba al rey que gobernaba en el momento de levantarse la escultura. Además lleva una tiara con cuernos (también ligada a la divinidad), cabellera espesa y cinturón (que representa el poder). Por el bajo vientre asoman escamas de pez y las alas de águila suponen relación con el sol (al igual que los antiguos egipcios, inspirado por la divinidad solar). Son seres que recrean el equilibrio entre el cielo, la tierra y el agua, y permiten intermediar entre los hombres y las divinidades. Como espíritus del hogar protegían al pueblo común. Más tarde, durante el período babilónico se convirtieron en protectores de los reyes y se colocaban en las entradas de ciudades o palacios. Los acadios asociaban al dios Papsukkal con Lamassu (vertiente femenina) y al dios Išum con Shedu (vertiente masculina).
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rupertbbare · 6 years
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Here’s a Prime Minister for Presidents Day. #LamaSu #LlamaShoe #Llama #Shoe #StarWars #AttackOfTheClones #AotC #StarWarsEpisode2 #TomsShoes #Toms #Clones #CloneWars https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9HKNggYC2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1utvf0a1nttpz
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dj-la143 · 5 years
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fantrollnames · 3 years
bovine themed names
Abigar (Abigar cattle)
Albion (Blue Albion, british breed of cattle)
Ankole (Ankole cattle)
anteng,javani,vanicu,tembad (Banteng/Bos javanicus/tembadau, cattle from southeast asia.)
antiqu (Bison antiquus, ancient bison from North America)
Asteri (crete name for minotaur)
athaba (American wood bison, Bison bison athabascae)
Auroch (Aurochs, a primitive cow)
Boskap, odbrok (Swedish Red Pied/Rödbrokig Svensk Boskap, a swedish cow)
Braunv, unvieh (Braunvieh, brown cattle from germany)
Bubalu (Bubalus arnee, wild water buffalo)
Buchis (Buchis/bakh/bakha ancient egypt sacred bull)
Bucran (bucranium, depiction of the skulls of ox in classical architecture)
Bugoni, bougon (bugonia/bougonia, ritual based on a cow carcass)
Camahu, mahuet (Camahueto, calf or bull with a small horn on its forehead from Chilote mythology)
Charol, rolais (Charolais cattle from france)
Damona (Damona, cow goddess worshipped in Gaul)
daquit, quitai (Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle from france)
eliobo (Cattle of Helios/ Ἠελίοιο βόες, Ēelíoio bóes, cattle on the island of Thrinacia)
Enkidu (wildman figure in Mesopotamian mythology)
gaurus (gaur/Bos gaurus, Indian bison)
Gertru (Santa Gertrudis cattle)
geushu (geush urva, "the spirit of the cow")
Girola, olando (Girolando cattle)
gudali (The Bison-beast, a hero slain in sumerian religion)
Haddad (Adad/Haddad/Hadad/iskur storm and rain god Mesopotamian religon with the symbolic animal of a bull)
Hadhay (Hadhayans, Zoroastrian mythological bovine)
Hamiti (Hamitic Longhorn, the origin species of highland cows)
hanaiz,zumien (Bison hanaizumiensis, japanese bison)
Hapian (Apis/hapis/Hapi-ankh, bull worshipped in ancient egypt)
Hathor (Hathor, egyptian cow goddess)
hazaha (golden calf/ēggel hazāhāv, idol made by the israelites)
heifer,adumma (Red heifer/para adumma, virgin cow made for sacrifice)
Herefo (Hereford cattle, british breed of beef cattle)
Hostei, Friesi (Holstein Friesian cattle)
ikaner (Afrikaner cattle)
Ilawar, awarra (Illawarra cattle from Australia)
Jaktor (the name of the forest the last auroch's died in)
Jallon, Malink, nadama (N'Dama, Boenca or Boyenca (Guinea-Bissau), Fouta Jallon, Djallonké or Djallonké cattle, Fouta Longhorn, Fouta Malinke, Futa, Malinke, Mandingo (Liberia), and N'Dama Petite)
Kamadh,Surabh (Kamadhenu/Surabhi bovine goddes in hinduism)
Kankre (Kankrej cattle)
laeosi,nensis (bison palaeosinensis, early bison)
Lamasu (lama/lamma/lamassu/shedu, Assyruian protective diety)
leborn, huidre (Lebor na hUidre [ˈl͈ʲevor nˠə huiðʲrʲə] or the Book of the Dun Cow)
lekijn (boelekijn/bullock, a young bull)
Limous, mousin (Limousin cattle from france)
Mehete (Mehet-Weret, "Celestial Cow" or "Cow Goddess" in ancient egypt)
Mnevis (ancient Egyptian bull god)
Moloch (Moloch/molech/molek, bull-headed idol appearing in the hebrew bible)
Nandiu (nandi, gate guardian diety in the hindu religion)
niutou (ox-head, one of two guardians of the underworld in Chinese mythology)
ociden (Bison occidentalis, extinct species of bison from North America)
oumbla (Auðumbla, primeval cow from norse mythology)
ovidae (Bovidae, the family of bovines)
pongif, cephal,halopa (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, mad cow disease)
priscu (B.priscus, steppe bison)
rakens (Drakensberger cattle)
rangus (Brangus, cross between angus and brahman breeds)
rontal,mithun (gayal/Bos frontalis/mithun, indian domesticated bovine)
Sahiwa (Sahiwal cattle)
schoet,tensac (Pleistocene woodland bison, B. schoetensacki)
Senepo (Senepo cattle)
Taurin (Taurine cattle, domesticated species from europe)
Taurob (Taurobolium, practices involving the sacrifice of a bull)
tifron (Bison latifrons, giant/long horned bison)
Trigar,garanu (Tarvos Trigaranus, divine fingure in a roman monument)
uzerat, Guzera (Guzerá cattle)
Vechur (Vechur Cow)
wisent (European wood bison)
zerwon (Polish Red, Polska czerwona)
zubron (a hybrid of domestic cattle and bison)
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bucephaly · 4 years
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I just had the word ‘lamasu’ in my notes
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jeannereames · 5 years
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I don’t necessarily post a lot about myself, and I’m not sure most people care that much. Ha. But all right, I’ll play along:
1. the meaning behind my url.   It’s my name. Nothing exciting. The name on my actual Tumblr “Mathetria,” means “woman scholar” in ancient Greek.
2. a picture of me   In my profile image.
3. tattoos i have  2: one is the Achemenid royal lion, the other, the Macedonian sunburst. At some point, I’d also like to get a Sargonid lamasu, and not just any, but one specific lamasu detroyed by Isis that used to guard Nineveh. Many of the things they destroyed were copies, but that one was real, so he’ll live on, on me.
4. last time i cried and why  I honestly don’t remember. I’m more inclined to cry in a rage than in sorrow. The last I do remember was as I drove away after my last visit with my father, who was dying. But that was in Feb. of 2017, so I’m sure there’s been something more recent. I just don’t cry a lot. That’s not necessarily recommended, btw.
5. piercings i have  These days, just 2 in each ear, and I think one of the two in each ear have finally closed. I used to have some others in my ears, but it hurt to sleep on the earrings, so I took them out.
6. favorite band  Of all time? Probably the Indigo Girls, followed by India Arie (not a band, granted). But I go through phases, and at the moment, I’ve been listening to a lot of Tool and Godsmack.
7. biggest turn off(s)  If meant romantically, smoking. It’s a visceral “Ick,” for me, as well as a “What the hell are you taking into your body and why?” But it’s not going to make me think less of a person as a human being; I just don’t want to kiss you. LOL. What WILL make me think less of you as a human being is rudeness and unkindness to people in service industries. If I’m eating out with a friend who’s rude to the waitstaff? You just went WAY down in my estimation. So is the person who constantly steals the conversation and can’t shut up and listen to somebody else, ask others questions, or has to one-up everybody else either in successes or in personal struggles, “Oh, you think you have it bad, I had to....” Ugh.
8. top 5 (insert subject=public figures I’d like to have a long conversation with)  Michelle Obama, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Pete Buttigieg, Ronan Farrow (since Cokie Roberts died this year).
9. tattoos i want  See #3 above for my lamassu.
10. biggest turn on(s)  Intelligence, I suppose, plus kindness and certain quirky sense of humor, a love of travel and learning
11. age  55
12. ideas of a perfect date  The perfect date isn’t the place, it’s the person.
13. life goal(s)  I’ve achieved some of them: I’m mother to a child who can pay his own bills and is pursuing a job he wants. I’m a professor, I’ve published my Alexander novel (finally), abut I’d like to publish more, and I hope to finish my Hephaistion bio sometime in the next few years and finally see that in print. I’d love it if my fiction took off so I could retire sooner, although I’d probably remain teaching part time because I enjoy it.
14. piercings i want  I’ve got all I want/can deal with
15. relationship status  Single, and have been since, gosh, 2005, formally divorced in 2006. And I’m pretty okay with that. If I found the right person (either gender, btw), I might consider dating somebody, but I’m not actively looking.
16. favorite movie  Too many to make up my mind; same problem with books
17. a fact about my life  I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was in 6th grade and announced to my English teacher that I was going to write a novel about my “bionic cat.” (Yes, it was the mid-70s and the whole “bionic” TV craze.) Instead of laughing, Mrs. Best (I still remember her name) popped over to the board, drew a cat face, and wrote over it, “The Seven-Million Dollar Siamese.” THAT is a great teacher.  Btw, bionic cat novel, written in longhand on lined notebook paper, got exactly 4 pages before I gave up. Ha. I wish I still had it, but it’s lost down the years (that was almost 45 years ago!). I just changed subject matter when, around the same time, The Lord of the Rings ate my life and I became a devoted fantasy fan.
18. phobia  I’m not keen on heights. Or spiders.
19. middle name  My middle name IS the name I go by (Jeanne, pronounced Zhe-anna).
20. anything you want to ask  I assume this means for those reading, if somebody wants to ask me something specific.
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minyboy · 2 years
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Royce is here to finally give Bad Batch season 2 some story. Thank you.
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etymopedia · 6 years
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‏‎صورة تراثية لأكتشاف #الثور_المجنح المسمى #لامشتو #lamasu . #اتموبيديا ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/BoPuSFfg4Pe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19ldra89i9mr5
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