hinashyvers ยท 3 years
โ˜„๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ผ Little Angels ๐Ÿ‘ผโ˜„๏ธ
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angelsdevils ยท 3 years
Langris x Reader
Title: Cuddles Fluff No Warning
You were the only woman that ever truly caught the heart of the vice-captain of the Golden Dawn. You were strong, snarky, yet quirky and fun, it was hard to be serious when you were around at first it irritated Langris because he hated your carefree attitude, but the more he went on missions with you the more he started to fall for you. He was never good with making friends, let alone getting girls to fall for him and as much as it pained him Finral was slightly better at it than he was. So thatโ€™s why he decided to suck up his pride and get the help from his older brother, he just made mental note to threaten Finral if Finral decided to try and use that against him. He went to the capital before purposely running into Finral, his older brother tensed up slightly, Luck, Magna and Asta got in between the two.
โ€œLangris....โ€ Finral said, the three could sense something was wrong with Langris as Langris just stood there looking off to the side.
โ€œI....need your help Finral.... Say one word I will kill you...โ€ He finally said, a blush dusting Langrisโ€™s cheeks. Finral was shocked by his brotherโ€™s statement, but was even more concerned when he noticed the blush. Luck, Magna and Asta moved to stand beside Finral when they noticed Langris wasnโ€™t exactly planning on being violent.
โ€œWhat...do you need my help with?โ€ Finral asked, Langris began mumbling worse then Gordon and the four sweat dropped in confusion.
โ€œ.....โ€ Finral was silent, before a smiled graced his lips and he wrapped his arm around his brotherโ€™s shoulders, Langris growled but didnโ€™t say anything.
โ€œA girl? Ah I can help you with that... who is it?โ€ Finral said, Langris perked up a bit at the fact his brother said he could help and he blushed slightly before saying her name.
โ€œHer name is (Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N)...โ€ Langris said shifting under everyoneโ€™s gaze, they had to admit this was sorta amusing seeing someone like Langris becoming so shy when it came to talking about the girl he liked. Finral was trying to keep a straight face but he couldnโ€™t help but feel happy his brother wanted his help.
โ€œYou mean that really quirky girl that has a insult for every occasion?โ€ Magna asked and Langris nodded his head.
โ€œWow... She is cute though, I can see why you fell for her. Hmm... I donโ€™t know her well enough, but from the few times I talked to her... she seems like a easy girl to win over...No wrong thing to say... Not easy to win over, but it wouldnโ€™t be necessary to go big and flashy like most nobles and royals do for the ones they like or love...โ€
โ€œShe is a girl she would like that, all girls like that...โ€ Langris dead panned, Finral shook his head before Asta spoke up.
โ€œAll girls arenโ€™t the same (Y/N) seemed like the type of girl that likes simple gestures, flowers, lunch. You know that sort of thing.โ€ Finral said waving the three males off, Finral was going to use this chance to spend time with his younger brother. The three nodded understanding and leaving Langris and Finral. Langris looked at Finral before looking away this was difficult for him, but he wanted the help.
โ€œFlowers and lunch? Thatโ€™s it?โ€
โ€œYeah. See how she reacts with (f/f) and her favorite food.โ€
โ€œFavorite food, if I remember correctly its (f/f) is that really all it takes?โ€ Langris asked and Finral shook his head.
โ€œNo we are just testing the waters here. If she absolutely adores the flowers and food. Like do it anonymously and if she talks about it non stop you know exactly what to do, do it several of times without her knowing maybe write her a cute note telling her to meet her and then bring flowers and something else to meet up spot and expose yourself.โ€ Finral said as he began walking, Langris listened to every word. Now that he thought about it, it did make sense and he was getting nervous.
โ€œOkay...โ€ Langris said, and he looked around before paying for your favorite flowers. Finral pat his brothers back before leaving but Langris looked at his brother horrified. No one has ever seen that look on Langrisโ€™s face before, he quickly grabbed his brothers arm.
โ€œWhere the hell do you think you are going!?โ€
โ€œI told you want to do and advice.โ€
โ€œNO! I mean I canโ€™t do this by myself, you said write something cute, and do all of this and that! I canโ€™t do this...โ€ Finral looked at his brother in shocked, Langris actually looked scared and nervous.
โ€œO-Okay I will stay and help more.โ€
โ€œThank you...โ€ He said relaxing completely before realizing he was still holding onto his brotherโ€™s arm. He looked around and realized people were watching them, and he quickly let go and distanced himself. He didnโ€™t mean to make a scene, now he caused attention to him and Finral.
โ€œUh, lets get going.โ€ Finral said letting Langris lead the way to get your favorite food. Once they grabbed that, it was time to write a note. He insisted that Finral write it but Finral refused since it was Langrisโ€™s feelings not his.
โ€œI canโ€™t do this. Forget it, I donโ€™t want to confess anymore.โ€
โ€œNo can do, not only did you cause a scene, now everyone is going to be wondering who the lucky girl is no doubt word will get back too (Y/N)...โ€
โ€œ.... Fine.โ€ Langris grumbled as he tossed the paper behind him and scribbling something else before giving it to his brother.
โ€œThis isnโ€™t bad, actually Langris..โ€ Finral said reading it over, Langris slumped back before giving Finral the flowers and food.
โ€œYou give it to her... I mean can you give it to her? I donโ€™t think I can...โ€ Langris admitted looking at his desk, Finral nodded his head.
โ€œYepp, I can.โ€ He said with a smile before heading out of his younger brotherโ€™s room. He went to your room before knocking on your door, you opened your door before blinking at Finral.
โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€ You asked confused tilting your head and Finral laughed slightly.
โ€œI made a promise to your secret admirer, that I would deliver these.โ€
โ€œI have a secret admirer?โ€ You asked and Firnal nodded giving you the flowers, and food. You smelled the flowers with a wide smile before your mouth began to water at the smell of the food.
โ€œOmg, he must really know me. Like Everyone knows my favorite food, but no one knows my favorite flowers...โ€ You said setting the flowers in a vase in your room and set the food on the table.
โ€œThere is a letter too...โ€ He said, and you opened the envelope and began reading the letter.
โ€œI get jealous, I get mad, I get curious. It only because I care. Thatโ€™s really sweet, but who would get jealous and mad?โ€ You read aloud and tilted your head before looking at Finral.
โ€œWho gave you these.โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t tell you that sorry. See you later (Y/N).โ€ Finral waved before quickly walking to through the portal and closing before you could follow him. He went into your room, and Langris looked at Finral with hopeful eyes.
โ€œShe loved the flowers and food of course, and the letter left her guessing who it could be.โ€ He said giving Langris a thumbs up. He smiled relaxing slightly began to write a lot of love letters for you, as Finral went to get your (f/f) this time getting a stuffed animal. He decided to change it up so you didnโ€™t grow tired of your favorite food when you received these gifts.
The second time you received the gifts you put the stuffed animal that Langris bought on your bed and added the flowers to a different vase, Finral stayed as you read the letter just to see your reaction.
โ€œI just wanted to say I love you. I am not good with confessing my feelings but I love you.โ€ You giggled at the letter finding it adorable.
โ€œCome on Finral tell me.โ€
โ€œI canโ€™t...โ€ He said leaving quickly and doing his normal routine. It went like every day the next three months. When your captain came into your room to talk to you he saw all the vases of flowers, piles of love letters and all the gifts you had received that werenโ€™t expensive just simple gestures that showed someone cared.
โ€œGot yourself a boyfriend?โ€
โ€œNope, secret admirer but Finral wonโ€™t tell me who..โ€ You said glancing at Finral who was looking at your captain.
โ€œI was wondering why you always came into your room in a rush.โ€ William said shaking his head and you blushed slightly, and Finral was proud that his brother was making you this way.
โ€œYeah well I am hoping one of these letters will either give me a hint or he finally tell me who he is before I lose my mind now out captain. out out out.โ€ You said pushing him out your room, most people would have never have even thought about pushing their captain but you and William were close enough so he never got mad.
โ€œYeah, yeah, yeah.โ€ He said going to his office. You opened the next letter looking at Finral, and Finral began to leave.
โ€œYou arenโ€™t going to stay?โ€
โ€œNope no need to anymore.โ€ He said before disappearing. You read the letter your blush covering your cheek as you read the letter.
โ€œAfter three months, I still canโ€™t get over how beautiful you are. I canโ€™t ever focus on my work and captain is catching on to my issue so I am going to finally expose myself to you. Meet me at the waterfall thats behind the base in the woods.โ€ You blinked before smiling and quickly ran out of the base, you were excited to see who your secret admirer was. You werenโ€™t going to lie, you had developed feelings for the unknown person. You slowed down the closer you got and you began to get nervous and you froze midstep as you only had a few more steps before arriving at the waterfall. You were shaking with nervousness, but you figured you couldnโ€™t be more nervous then the said person who sent you countless of flowers, letters and gifts.
You walked a few steps before the waterfall came into view. You saw a male up a head and from the back it looked a lot like...
โ€œLangris???โ€ Langris froze hearing his name but he turned around with your favorite flowers and a necklace that had his initials in his hand.
โ€œAre you....โ€ Langris looked anywhere but you, he nodded his head with a blush. Your blush darkened and you walked closer to him, he handed you the flowers before taking a deep breath. He recited the words, that Finral made him practice so he wouldnโ€™t mess up this chance.
โ€œI love you, will you be my girlfriend???โ€ He said slowly yet clearly, he was so nervous it was written all over his face, and in his eyes. You never seen him like this, it was so out of character but it was definitly a nice change to see. You were silent for some time and he began to take your silence as rejection, that was of course before you tackled him into a hug.
โ€œOf course, I would love to. I love you too Langris...โ€
โ€œWait really?โ€
โ€œYes...โ€ Langris felt a weight lift off his shoulders and he connected your necklace around your neck. He shyly pecked your lips before looking away from you and you couldnโ€™t help but laugh and hug him tightly.
โ€œYou didnโ€™t have to go through all of that... to make me fall for you though.โ€
โ€œWell I rather be safe than sorry, plus I didnโ€™t know how else to go about it. Even with my brotherโ€™s help.โ€
โ€œYou had bonding time with your brother...to win me over...โ€
โ€œ.....shut up.....โ€
โ€œOh my god, thats so cute. You are so cute Langris.โ€
โ€œI will kill you.โ€ He said, looking away and you couldnโ€™t help but giggle at his Tsundere attitude. You pecked his cheek, and he softened up a bit before returning the peck.
Away behind a tree Finral was doing a miniature dance, not only did he and his brother develop a small bond, but he got the girl he loved. William chuckled at Finralโ€™s little dance, before admitting the two were perfect for each other.
โ€œThey are too cute.โ€ Finral said.
โ€œOnly if I could get myself a girlfriend.โ€ He finished and William pat Finralโ€™s back.
โ€œIn due time, in due time. Take us back.โ€ Finral nodded opening the portal and he dropped William off at his office before going back to the base, and announcing that Langris was dating you.
[holy shit this was too cute for my heart I was writing this at work and people on the phones could hear the smile in voice because I couldnโ€™t contain my excitement to publish this.]
ยฉ [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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kwinnieppang ยท 4 years
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Y/n P.O.V.
Being alive is not that hard, I think. Y/n L/n, I'm a 15 year old student, today will be my first day of being a highschool student. When I was still in Junior Highschool, my life is hard. But then, it changed now, all I need to do is just start a new life. Besides, I go to another school because my parents are changing works. I never knew what they're doing and I never want to know. One word, useless.
I was walking around the school hall, everyone's eyes were staring at me. They're whispering something but I didn't know what it's about. I don't want to hear anything again, because I'm traumatized with my past, when I'm still in Junior Highschool. But I can see they are smiling at me, is that a good thing or not?
I'm currently walking to my class, Class 1-B. The first classes are on the first floor, so I don't need to rush because no stairs were needed for me to climb. Anyways, when I went inside to the class, I found about 14-20 students in the class, where's the others? Am I too early?
I took a seat beside a silver haired girl with pigtails. Each table is only for 1 person, this is completely change. In my old school, a table is for 2 people because the table were quite long. I placed my bag on the desk infront of me and think what should I do next.
"Are you the new kid?" Someone asked me, I turned my head to where the voice came from. It's from the silver haired-girl with pigtails, I'm not surprised.
"Yes? Maybe?"
"I thought the new kid will be more amazing but it's not, i'm disappointed..."
Why this girl is so arrogant? What is her problem with me? I'm just being myself and this is how she's thinking about me? I'm more disappointed than how you disappoint me. Calm down, this is just the beginning, we don't know what will happen the next time. I ignored her and took my favourite juice box out. I opened the juice box and drank it, savouring the juicy rich flavour.
Then, I can hear rioting outside the classroom. Girls and boys are running to the same direction but they're mostly girls. I'm guessing there are many hot and popular boys in here. Every school has hot popular boys and girls, don't they? Nah I'm definitely not interested with those kinds of topics. So I just continued to drinking my juice.
"What's happening?" The silver haired-girl asked no one but I'm very sure she directed that question to me.
"I don't know..."
"I don't know too! I'm the new kid too, you know!"
Wait, what? She's the new kid? How she can be so proud of herself? I thought she was from this school since she was arrogant and all or something else. She is only a new kid, same as me. Should I be too prideful of myself too? Is this school the same as my old school? I don't know. My heart is beating more faster than usual. I'm scared, I'm scared if this school will be same as my old school.
No one P.O.V.
Outside the classroom, the other students from class 1-A and 1-B were running to the same direction. They welcomed the school's popular boys, Langris Vaude and Finral Roulacase. Langris Vaude, he's rude and cold to his classmates but he can be counted on. Finral Roulacase, he's a sweetheart and was friendly towards his classmates. They are brothers but from different mother.
Langris' new class is on the second floor so he needed to pass class 1-A to 1-C, which the staircase is behind class 1-C. Langris is in the second-year, Finral is in the third-year. When they are passing Y/n's class, Y/n look at them from her seat. The h/c-haired girl's seat is located in the middle of the classroom, far away from the hallway window.
"So... They are the boys...?" Y/n tilted her head in confusion and look at the silver haired-girl.
"Why you are looking at me?!" The silver haired girl raised her tone, Y/n bet she's also confused as herself.
Y/n never want to have a relationship with the famous boys, she hoped she doesn't meet them. When the classroom door is open, 2 other boys came into the class. One with ash-blonde hair and the other with black hair. They are not twins but they look like so close. The ash blonde-haired boy seemd very excited with his new class. Meanwhile, the black haired boy played it cool, like he doesn't care with the class.
"Whoo... Another new student?" Y/n let out a small smile. The ash blonde-haired boy noticed her and then went over to her desk.
"Hello!! My name is Asta, nice to meet you! This is my first day! Let's be good friends!!" Asta bow at Y/n, Y/n was wondering why he is being so respectful to her.
"N-Nice to meet you... My name is Y/n L/n, I hope we can be friends too" Y/n held out her hand to shake hands. Asta accept it without any further to do.
"You are so noisy, you know?" The silver haired-girl flipping her hair. Y/n and Asta looked at the silver haired girl, still shaking hands.
"Then... What is your name?"
"Noelle Silva, that's my name"
"Noelle Silva... Silva... Don't say! You are the daughter of Acier? The prettiest woman of the world?!" Y/n let go Asta's hand and then looked at Noelle with a surprise and excited look, sparkles shining in her e/c orbs.
"Yes, you are right!" Noelle feeling proud of herself again.
"Prettiest woman...? What is that?" Asta's brain corrupted and he look at the two of them, confused.
"Asta, don't say..." Y/n and Noelle look at Asta with a hopeless face.
Without their knowledge, the black haired boy watched them for his seat. His seat is far because it was placed near the door. Meanwhile Y/n, Asta and Noelle are sitting in the middle far from the door. They are at the back, the black haired boy is in the front. But then, the black haired boy only watched Y/n since she was shaking hands with his friend. The other students were surprised with the black haired boy, because of how attractive he looked. But his focus was on the h/c-haired girl, he doesn't care about other people.
"Y/n... L/n..." He starts whispering her name, he turned his back to the front and stopped watching her.
"Anyways, Y/n" Noelle called her, Y/n turned her head to face Noelle.
"L/n... Uhmm... Do you know your father's work?"
"Eh? No?..."
"Oh... I thought you know your father's work" , Noelle's face told the h/c-haired girl that she's disappointed.
If Y/n doesn't know her father's work, then her friends also wouldn't know. Y/n's father is always a mysterious man, she also rarely meet her father. Y/n's mother is at home more often than her father. But then, Y/n's mother doesn't tell her anything about her father's work. Surely tye both of them are hiding something from her.
"No, I'm not very familiar with my father but I can tell he is rich..."
"Rich?! I see..." Noelle started guessing if the rumor is true or not. But of course, she is hiding it from Y/n too.
Timeskip, chemistry lesson
Class 1-B has chemistry lesson and Noelle's older brother is the teacher. Nozel Silva, the oldest son from the Silva family. Class 1-B are going to the Chemistry lab to start their first lesson. Noelle and Asta sat near the teacher's desk, meanwhile the black haired-boy is near the experimental items beside the cupboard. Every students came from the first door that is located at the back.
When the h/c-haired girl came into the lab, she saw the black haired-boy motioning to the seat beside him, telling her to sit with him but then instead, she just stared at the chair and ignored it. She then walk to her new friends and sat with them. The black haired-boy only looked at her and felt jealousy bottling up inside him when Y/n is with the others.
"Noelle, your older brother is a teacher... Right?" Y/n smiled mischievously.
"Don't you dare cheat in the exam, if you have the answers, share it with me"
"Hah?! No way my brother would do that to me!" Noelle yelled as she blushed, making Y/n laugh.
Shortly after, Nozel come to the class and told the students to sit at their own places. The first lesson started, everybody took their notes from the lesson.
Sometimes, Y/n is made small jokes with Asta and Noelle because the situation is so awkward. Nozel didn't mind if they are making a small joke, as long as they are not too noisy and understands his lesson well, Nozel allowed them.
Nozel want to them all to take the tools from the cupboard. Y/n went to the back to collect the tools and then met the black haired boy.
"Can you help me take that thing?" Y/n asked as she pointed up tall shelf.The black haired-boy nodded and took it. He gave it to her and when Y/n wants to take it from the black haired boy, he didn't gave her the chance to take itm
"Thank you..." Y/n said while trying to pull it but then her hands were harshly grabbed Yuno.
"Yuno, that's my name, remember me" Yuno let go her hand and the tool, Y/n only stared at him in confusion.
"Remember you...?"
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10 notes ยท View notes
indomitxblewill ยท 5 years
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โ€œVice Captain.โ€ Yuno nodded his head in a respectful greeting, the nicest anyone outside of his team and their Captain got. He hoped to be a thorough distraction since it seemed one of the newer members caught their seniors ire. He felt a little bad for them.ย 
โ€œCaptain Vangeance was looking for you earlier.โ€ย 
103 notes ยท View notes
irouji ยท 5 years
Better and Baddas wisth sound ๐Ÿ’Ž just a quick sketch of langriss ๐ŸŒ #speedpaint #painttoolsai #paintoolsai #digitalartwork #digitaldrawing #Fanarts #Fanarts #blackclover #langrisvaude #otaku #illustration #arttutorial #sketch https://www.instagram.com/p/B1D8wpTnlgb/?igshid=1ge9ue4o5zx0y
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ota-cute ยท 4 years
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honestly- black clover does'nt have the best animation, but this scene is total ASDFGHJKL!
y'all, the reason I started watching black clover is 'cause of this scene bah-ha, and now I'm loving it.
0 notes
hinashyvers ยท 3 years
โ˜„๏ธโœจSpatial Brothersโœจโ˜„๏ธ
โ˜„๏ธ๐Ÿ’š Fallen Angel/ Archangel ๐Ÿ’™โ˜„๏ธ
I've always dreamed of seeing them fight together โœจ
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20 notes ยท View notes
hinashyvers ยท 3 years
That little touch to the chest ...๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’™
Langris secretly approves of his brother's affection โ˜บโœŒโœจ
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17 notes ยท View notes
kwinnieppang ยท 4 years
[๐‚'๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐‹'๐ก๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ƒ๐ž ๐‹๐š ๐•๐ข๐ž]
๐‚'๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐‹'๐ก๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐ƒ๐ž ๐‹๐š ๐•๐ข๐ž
-๐‚๐ข๐ซ๐œ๐ฅ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฅ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž
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"๐’€๐’–๐’๐’, ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’•'๐’” ๐’Ž๐’š ๐’๐’‚๐’Ž๐’†, ๐’“๐’†๐’Ž๐’†๐’Ž๐’ƒ๐’†๐’“ ๐’Ž๐’†" ๐’€๐’–๐’๐’ ๐’๐’†๐’• ๐’ˆ๐’ ๐’‰๐’†๐’“ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’•๐’๐’๐’, ๐’€/๐’ ๐’๐’๐’๐’š ๐’”๐’•๐’‚๐’“๐’†๐’… ๐’‚๐’• ๐’‰๐’Š๐’Ž ๐’Š๐’ ๐’„๐’๐’๐’‡๐’–๐’”๐’Š๐’๐’.
"๐‘น๐’†๐’Ž๐’†๐’Ž๐’ƒ๐’†๐’“ ๐’š๐’๐’–...?"
No one P.O.V.
Yuno went back to his seat, leaving Y/n confused. This isn't her first time to getting something like this, she's met someone like this before. It's a little scary to her but also interesting. Maybe Yuno wants to be her friend too, besides he's close with Asta. Y/n went back to her seat and then placed the tools on the table.
"Asta, tell me"
"Hm?" Asta look at her, waiting for her question.
"Is... Yuno your friend?"
"Well, maybe a friend, maybe a family, maybe a rival, we live together before we came to here" he explained everything to Y/n.
Y/n carefully listened to Asta and ignored Noelle, also Nozel. They are not paying attention to Nozel neither is Noelle. Nozel walked over to their table and then slammed his hands on the table.
Everybody in the lab were surprised and looked at Nozel, he told them to 'Pay attention' because not only is Asta and Y/n who are noisy, but almost the whole class is. But why must it be Y/n's table? It's because they are the nearest table with the teacher's desk.
Everybody became quite and focused on their works. Asta and Y/n were whispering to eachother, they hoped that Nozel don't notice them again. But then Noelle looked at them and pinch Y/n's right arm.
"Ow!! What is your problem?!" Y/n looked at Noelle and she held a look of sadness. Noelle only pointed her finger to her brother whom is writing something on the board.
"Oh... So?"
"Can you guys focus? You can talk later, you know?"
"Just let them be, Noelle" Nozel said while finishing whatever he had to write.
"If they fail in the test, it's their own fault" Nozel turn his body to look at the whispering duo.
"He is scary!!" Y/n and Asta are said the same thing inside their minds.
"So, let's continue" Nozel continued to writing.
Asta and Y/n became quite and tried to focus. Even if Y/n still wanted to chat with Asta, but she must hold it. This is her first time to being a high school student, she doesn't want to get a detention on her first day of school. So she kept quite but sometimes she looked around. When she look at Yuno, Yuno stared at her with cold amber orbs, making the h/c-haired girl had shivers down her spine. So she turned her head back to the front to focus on the lesson.
Timeskip, breaktime
They went back to their class for put their books and pencils cases in their bags. Some of them left the class to chat with their friends or go to the canteen to eat.
Y/n's class became more quiet than usual, but it's okay for her, she loves peace. Y/n is having a lunch with Asta and Noelle. She took a piece of their side dish to taste it.
"Delicious..." Y/n commented. Noelle grew furious because Y/n took her side dish, but she is angry with the tsundere style.
Someone harshly placed his lunchbox on Y/n's table. Making all of them jumped in surprise and looked at the person who put the lunchbox harshly. It's Yuno, he was wearing his cool and stoic face. Yuno randomly took a chair and placed it beside Y/n.
"Yuno... you don't usually eat with us, or me, that is..." Asta said.
"Shut up, Asta, I'm just tired with those girls" Yuno pointed his finger to the girls who were looking at the group from outside the window.
Y/n, Asta, Noelle and Yuno are looking at a orange haired-boy at the same time. The orange haired boy just laugh hysterically then came up to them and stood behind Asta. Both of his hands were on his waist.
"My name is Leopold Vermillion! Nice to meet you, new students!" he said to Y/n and friends with much enthusiasm.
"N-Nice to meet you..." Y/n was unsure if she wants be friend with this boy or not.
Leopold Vermillion, the youngest brother from the Vermillion family. He has a brother and a sister, Fuegoleon Vermillion and Mereoleona Vermillion. They both are the teachers of this school. Fuegoleon teaches mathematics for the first years and second years while Mereoleona teaches mathematics for third years.
From a rumor, the students said Fuegoleon is much more better than Mereoleona because he's more patient than her. Luckily for the first years and the second years, they were taught by Fuegoleon.
"Today, I declare you all as my friends!" Leopold said while pointing his finger to all of them.
"What-?!" Asta said in surprise, jaws dropping to the floor. The problem is, Asta doesn't like it when Leo declared him as his friend because they just met for a few minutes.
But then, Y/n doesn't mind if Leopold wants to be friend with her. She just need a few new friends for her new life. So she hoped that Leopold won't betray her. Y/n stood up and went to Leopold to shake hands. She tapped Leopold's shoulder from behind then Leopold turn his body to look at her. She held out her hand and smiled at him.
"I would be glad if you want to be my friend"
"Ah, sure!" Leopold hold her hand and then shook hands with her. He flashed Yn a cute smile, showing his shiny teeth with closed eyes.
Yuno who was watching them shaking hands afar made him felt sick. He squeezed his spoon in anger until Asta realized that Yuno is acting weird.
"What's wrong, Yuno?"
"Huh?" Yuno look at Asta and stop the squeezing.
"Are you okay?"
"None of your business" Yuno continued eating his lunch in silence, ignoring the two who were still shaking hands.
"My name is Y/n L/n, you can call me Y/n"
"Y/n... L/n...?" Leopold seemed surprised with her name.
Again and again, Y/n doesn't know why her surname is making everyone surprised. Is her father is a terrorist or maybe a bad guy? But then, Y/n never thought anything bad about her father. Because her father always give what she wants.
When she needed someone to talk to, her father will always be ther to listen to her. So why is everyone acting surprised? They are not only surprise but also scared. Looks of fear and utter respect were plastered on their faces.
"What's wrong with my father... Did he do something bad to you all...?"
"No... Your father is... the best..." Leopold tap Y/n's shouder twice and told her to be proud.
"Why you gotta be like that..." Y/n disappointed with the answer. Why are they hiding something from her?
Y/n pushed away Leopold's hand from her shoulder. She went back to her seat and sat down, she felt like she will never know the outside world.
Because all this time, she only played with her own world. Friends? Y/n doesn't know that word when she was still in Junior High. Maybe step by step, the h/c-haired girl will come to and change her mind.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Noelle saw Y/n's hopeless face. Y/n looked at Noelle and give the silver haired girl her iconic fake smile.
"I'm okay, yes... I'm okay"
"Hey, how about we skip the next lesson? My brother said the first year can skip lessons in the first day for a school tour!" Leopold seems excited and invited them to join him.
"Cool! Let's skip-WAIT NO! I DON'T WANT TO BE STUPID!" Asta changed his mind quickly.
"But you are stupid since the day you first cried" Yuno scolded Asta, when Asta tried to start a fight with him, Yuno held his head with ease, a bored look plastered on his face.
"Hm~! Let's go" Y/n said without any hesitate.
She doesn't care if she will be stupid or not. This is her first day, so why not? She also wants to have fun with her new friends. Noelle doesn't mind if they are skipping the next lesson so she just nodded and went back to being arrogant. She tossed her pigtails back then play it cool.
"So, let's go? Oh yeah! Don't mind our seniors, I will stop them if they are trying to do something weird to you" Leopold said and smile. He held some power in this school because of his brother and sister.
When the next lesson started, Y/n, Asta, Yuno, Noelle and Leopold skipped the lesson, with the help of Leopold telling the teacher off.
They went to the third floor to go to the theater room. Why is it called the theater room? It's because there are big screens, some DVDs and the seats are looked like the real theater room. But they need to pass the third year class.
Meanwhile the third year class is still having their breaktime. Actually, when it returned to the usual schedule, the first year were also having theif breaktime. It's only because in a week, the first years get to go home earlier than the second and third years.
"Ah-!!" Y/n bumped into someone. He is tall and has a little weird hairstyle.
"Are you okay?" The boy asked. The girls were screaming and some were giving the h/c-haired girl a pure disgusted look of jealousy.
"Hah?" Y/n take a look of his face.
Finral Roulacase, one of the popular boys from this school. Y/n just bumped into him and did not recognized who is he.
So, she thinks he is only her senior and then said sorry to him, passing him like nothing happened. Meanwhile Finral, he turn his body and face Y/n with her friends.
"First year student always like this... Acting cool"
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kwinnieppang ยท 4 years
[๐€ฬ ๐๐ž๐ซ๐ญ๐ž ๐ƒ๐ž ๐•๐ฎ๐ž]
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No one P.O.V.
Everyone went to the cinema room. Leopold walked to the DVD cupboard, meanwhile the others are going up and down, playing on the stairs. It's dark in there so they must be careful. Y/n come to Leo and then surprised him from behind.
"Yo!" Y/n slap Leo's back and then put her arms around Leopold.
"Ya--!! Ah, Y/n, don't surprised me like that..." Leopold looked at her for a while and then continue to search for a DVD.
"Oh~? Are you scared? Leopold~" Y/n started teasing Leopold and leaned closer to him.
"Stop it, Y/n, it's not funny, lucky you surprised me, what if it's the others? You don't know what is their reaction if you surprised them like this"
"Leo, don't be so rude" Y/n whinned.
Leopold ignored Y/n being clingy with him. Y/n help Leo searched the DVD that they wanted to watch. Meanwhile the others waited and searched a good spot for watching.
Yuno took a sit and then watched as Y/n kept whining and annoyed Leopold. Asta and Noelle were fighting eachother for the same seat.
"Leopold, let's watch this!" Y/n pulled a horror DVD while looking at Leo with a stoic face.
When Leopold looked at the DVD, he felt unsure of his decision. So he just put on a plain face and didn't move a single inch. Y/n just stood there with a stoic face, still holding it.
"Seriously?" Leopold asked and Y/n nodded.
"No, put that thing back" Leopold took the DVD from her and put it back into the cupboard. He took another DVD and went to the projector room. Y/n followed him to the projector room and then snatched the DVD away from the orange haired male.
"I will play it, just go and search two seats for you and me" Y/n smiled at him.
Leopold went to find the seats but Yuno stood up and grabbed his arms, making Leopold stop infront of him. Yuno is not showing any expression but his cold eyes are telling that he doesn't like it when Leopold is being close with Y/n.
"Leave her alone"
"Why?" Leopold tilted his head.
"Because, i don't like it"
"You don't need to tell me what should I should do" Leopold let go from his grab harshly.
"I do what I want to do, I don't take orders from you" Leopold walked away, leaving Yuno with a pissed off expression.
After Y/n had done with playing the film, she went out the projector room. She then walked down the staircase from the theatre to her seat.
When she is at the middle, Yuno grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit next to him. She tripped over Yuno's leg so she sat next to him. Luckily, Y/n didn't fell to the floor.
"What's wrong... Yuno?" Y/n raised her head and turn to the other direction where Yuno is at, staring at him with a concerned look.
"Nothing, I just want you to sit with me" Yuno said without any expression from his face, he didn't even look at Y/n.
"But, I want to sitโ€”"
"Can't you just follow what I said? Why do you always refused what I want?" Yuno glared at her which scared her a little and made speechless.
Y/n have no choice so she sat beside Yuno. Asta and Noelle are a being noisy idiots because of Noelle's tsundere side. Then Leo, he is unsure with Y/n if she is comfortable with Yuno or not. Y/n changed her position every 1 minute due to the fact that Yuno is creeping her out.
"What do you think you are doing?" Yuno realized that Y/n is uncomfortable and tried to leave him, but he played it cool.
"Heh? No... I'm just... Uhm... Please let me go to the toilet" Y/n stood out and ran out of the theatre room.
Leo followed her behind while the black haired male watched Leo chasing her but he ignored it. Yuno let him be with Y/n for this time, but if someday Yuno see him being more closer with Y/n, something bad will happen to Leo.
Y/n went to somewhere, Leo saw her shadow so he knows where Y/n is going. While Y/n was running, she bumped into someone. It's also the same senior, Finral Roulacase from earlier.
Y/n looked at him with an innocent face which made him blushed. He helped her and brought her to sit down at the bench infront of the classroom.
"Are you ok...?" Finral asked.
"I think..."
"Are you skipping your lessons?"
"Me and my friends are want to have fun first but... I don't feel well after something happened" Y/n said, her voice sounded weak and frail.
"Did something bad happened?"
"Yes..." Y/n calmed down and caught her breath.
After she had calmed down, Y/n told everything about Yuno to Finral. Finral gave an advice to Y/n so he hopes that Y/n can feel more better.
The advice is, if Yuno had forced her to do something she doesn't like, she must threaten him with something. Because Y/n still doesn't know anything about Yuno, so she needs a little more time to figure his weakness out.
Leopold came and saw Y/n with Finral. He had a bad feeling about Finral. So he ran and then grabbed Y/n's hand, Y/n turned her head to look at Leo. Leo has a serious face and showing that he doesn't like Finral. Not because Leopold liked Y/n or jealousy, but something else.
"Let's go, Y/n"
"Where? I don't want to going backโ€”"
"Let's take a walk, i will help you forget about that bastard" Leopold glared at Finral before walking away with the h/c-haired girl.
Y/n stood up when Leopold pulled her, she is still looking at Finral. But Finral only flashed her a sweet smile on his face and telling her to go. After Y/n and Leopold left, Finral stopped showing his sweet smile.
"I wonder if she is still alive later..." His face changed into a look of hatred.
Leopold and Y/n made their way to the school yard. After they went out from the school, Leopold stopped pulling her. He immediately let go of Y/n's hand and gave Y/n a worried look. Y/n only gave him a confused look, she is not scared of Leopold but it's more like confused about him.
"What's wrong?" Y/n asked.
"You shouldn't talk too much with Finral-senpai, he is the popular guy in this school, i'm scared something bad happen to you"
"Leopold..." Y/n look at him with a concerned look.
"Then, why you don't just protect me?" She continued but then Leopold walked away, leaving the h/c-haired girl behind.
Leopold is not showing too much affection to Y/n butut as friend, he will protect her because that's his family tradition. A Vermillion must care for the others, pride comes in second. Vermillions and Silvas have quite the interesting differences.
Leopold walked to the bench near the tree and Y/n followed him behind.
"Leopold! Wait for me!"
"I just want to sit at the bench! Why must I wait for you?!"
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