#Langris x reader
shintaru · 3 months
I may write for black clover
i remember 3 years ago when I started black clover I was looking for merch, fanfics, art, etc and I could barely find anything especially for langris and I fell in love with his character 😭😭 im still not over him so ima just have to write the fics myself. I haven’t even looked for fics or anything since then so there could be some now.
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Pairing: Changeling!Langris x gn!reader Genre: general/fluff Warnings: Langris being Langris, references to the Royal Knights arc Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.5k
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For the longest time Langris had seemed different from everyone you knew. Though you couldn’t exactly say what it was about him that made you think so. In fact, in many ways he seemed much like any other noble, although he was capable and strong even among his peers. But his way of… being, seemed more like he was rehearsed, like an afterthought or like he was trying to be something.
The only time when he hadn’t seemed to behave in such a way, was during the selection of the Royal Knights. Which… You hadn’t expected that of him. Quite frankly, you didn’t think anyone would have expected it.
And perhaps it was because you had liked him, for reasons you couldn’t quite explain to yourself, you had wanted to get answers from him. You had needed to ask him why had he done that, to which his reply had been “because I don’t belong”.
It was a surprise that he had given you any kind of an answer, but the answer itself had caught you off guard. Sure, you could understand him feeling isolated from the majority of the public, but most nobles, him included, didn’t seem like they wanted to relate to the public.
“Having to pretend is so tiring,” he had continued under his breath. Which… again did make some sense, because being in the public image required at least a degree of keeping up appearance. But in the grand scheme of everything it still seemed strange.
So, little by little you sought him out and tried to talk to him about it. Carefully and dancing around of pushing him too much, but not simply because you were curious. It was also because you cared for him.
And slowly, he revealed little things about himself. Though at first he had insisted that you could piece it together from folk tales and old books, but you would rather hear it from himself.
So, as time went on, he eventually told you that he was a fey. That the human that had been known as Langris lived with his kind, and he was now living with the human kind. And that pressure, need to conform into looking, behaving like a human was getting to him.
There was only so much he could take, before his behaviour started to deform into what you had seen during the exam. Because he just couldn’t take it. No matter how much he tried to mimic the ways of the humans, he wouldn’t be one. And he’d never belong among you, not really anyways.
So, you took his hand, and looked him in the eye, telling him how hard it must’ve been for him, having to put up a façade for all those years. And you told him that you’d like to get to know him, the real him, so that he wouldn’t need to pretend anymore. Not fully at least. Because he needed a break from having to be something he was not.
“Why?” Was the only thing he asked of you, which made you pause, and think about it for a short moment.
But in the end the answer was simple: “Because I love you.”
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whereiskoko · 1 year
Black Clover Men and Their Sizes pt2
We all know he’s a big boy
He has 8 inches packed and 9.3 erected
Despite popular belief he doesn’t keep down there clean
He trains well he finds the time
He is packing with 7.5 and 8.7 when erected
As a royal he has servants to comb his hair and stuff but he prefers to handle down there himself
He trains his squad everyday
He is packing 8.2 inches and 9.5 when erected
He prides himself as being properly groomed
Does this guy every work out 😵‍💫
He has 6 inches and 7.6 when erected
He grooms down there once a week
He has a nice slender build
He has 6.7 inches and 7.6 when erected
He doesn’t find the time to groom himself but he does when he has the chance.
He doesn’t trains since he is classified as perfect
He has around 5.6 inches and 6.7 when erected
He doesn’t know how to maintain it properly
Will be doing the wizard kings for part 3
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yellowgreendinno · 3 months
Hi!, hello I saw you were receiving smut asks and i was wondering if this applies to canon character as well as in for example Solid and Langris?
Hi Sweetie💗✨, yes, this applies to canon character smut hc or oneshots:
canon x canon
canon x reader
canon x oc
And that's it! So feel free to ask again what time you want for this characters💗✨
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newtthetranswriter · 5 months
Hihi saw your post about wanting request so thought I'd send one!!!
How about a drabbles of Finral, Zora, Klaus, and Nozel would react to someone flirting with them in front of their s/o /someone putting their s/o down to make themselves look better??
Lots of love and hope ya get more request! ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
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Parings & Word counts: Finral x Reader 957 words, Zora x Reader 882 words, Klaus x Reader 985 words, Nozel x Reader 690 words
Warning: Bullying, mentions of alcohol, if I missed anything please let me know
A/n: Hello, thank you so much for requesting. I enjoyed writing this especially because there is not enough love for the Black Clover men out there. I went with a gender neutral reader as you didn’t specify so I hope that’s fine. I also kind of split the prompts, Finral and Kalus are reacting to someone putting down their s/o and Zora and Nozel are someone flirting with them in front of their s/o. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate. 
    Finral may have a history of being a playboy but that all changed. After you agreed to go out with him, he flipped his script real fast. The only person he had eyes for was you, going as far as telling Langris he was no longer interested in Lady Finesse and wishes them both well. Having you as a partner was like a dream come true for him, you didn’t care that he was the disgraced son of the Vaude family, or that his magic was only good for support. You just wanted him to be happy and You helped him feel more confident in himself and his abilities.
  For the first time in his life finral actually felt secure in a relationship and would do everything in his power to keep the relationship healthy. So, imagine his shock when he notices you shying away from his affection while out on a date. Normally he could hold your hand, kiss your cheeks or hold you to his side as you walk through the markets of Kikka, but for some reason you pulled away every time he tried to show affection. 
  “Hey, Y/n is everything okay? You normally don’t mind holding hands and stuff.” He asked quietly, sounding almost scared that he did something wrong or misunderstood what you were comfortable with.
  Before you could respond another voice Finral did not recognize, started to speak. “Well if it isn’t Y/n, when you said you were joining the Magic Knights I thought you'd at least try but I guess the Black Bulls are probably the only squad willing to take a weakass mage like yourself.” Turning his attention to the person who so rudely interrupted his date, the spacial mage could quickly tell this was some pompous noble. What he couldn’t tell though was how they knew you and why they were being rude.
  “Excuse me, who are you?” Finral asked, his tone showing he was not pleased at all with how this person was acting.
  Scoff in offense the noble spoke again. “Don’t take that tone with me. I’ll have you know, I’m Claire Elric, you know the family of mages who specialize in Alchemy magic.” The snob, Claire identified herself. “And I was talking with an old friend. I suggest you mind your own business but then again judging from your robe you’re also a Black Bull so you probably don’t understand respect.” Claire stated matter of factly. 
  Rolling his eyes, Finral spoke again. “It was a rhetorical question, you could be the king’s kid for all I care, it doesn't give you the right to talk down to people for no reason.” He started not having the patience for assholes. “Y/n is a powerful mage, and works hard everyday to help our squad get better. Not only that but they are extremely kind and caring, so I suggest you treat them with respect.”
  Having been silently watching from behind Finral since Claire first spoke, you couldn’t hide the shock on your face. Finral was never the confrontational type, but here he is defending you from one of your life long bullies. Being behind him though you could also tell from the look on her face that Claire was ready to snap, and it would probably be best to leave before stuff goes south. “Finral, we should just go. It’s not a big deal, she’s right anyway the Bulls are the only squad that would take a mage like me.” You said gently pulling at his sleeve trying to get him to drop it and go. 
  Sadly your pleas were left unanswered as Finral was not going to stand for someone convincing his lovely partner they were less than perfect. “No Y/n, we aren’t leaving just yet. Not until this ass realizes that it’s not a bad thing you are part of the Black Bulls.” He said looking over at you before turning back to the now scowling noble. “Like I said before Y/n is a valuable member of our Squad and any other Squad would be lucky to have them. But Judging from your lack of any squad robe, you weren’t even good enough for any, so instead of spending your time looking down on others who have done more than you, maybe you should try being a better person.” 
   Claire’s scowl went from mildly upset to pissed real fast. Before she could even think to respond Finral quickly used his magic to open a small portal at the noble’s feet and watched as she fell through it. You looked at him shocked before speaking. “One, thank you for standing up for me. Claire has been a bully since we were young. And two, where the hell did you send her?” You were grateful she was gone but you hoped it wasn’t going to lead to problems for you later.
  “Oh I just sent her to the farthest place I could without using too much mana. Don’t worry she’ll be fine though it may take her a while to get back, I hear Hage is a few days walk from castle town.” He said with a smirk. “And I’ll alway defend you, no one should talk down to you for any reason. I mean it, you are an amazing and valuable member of the Black Bulls. I know I for one would be lost without you.” With that Finral pulled you into his side, placing a kiss on your forehead before continuing throughout the market. You would probably get a complaint later about Finral stranding a noble in the forsaken realm, in a few days but hey that’s nothing new for the Black Bulls, plus Yami will probably find it funny.
   Finding time for the two of you to go and enjoy yourselves while being part of the Black Bulls is a hassle. Hell even days off aren’t off limits from chaos as Asta proved when he went to Nean and had a run in with The Eye of the Midnight Sun. So the moment Captain Yami even started to say it was time for everyone to have a day off, you and Zora were out of the hideout and without a second thought.
   You guys made your way to a village where hopefully none of the crazier members of the squad would end up and made sure you weren’t followed. Peace and quiet in the misfit squad were hard to come by so you weren’t risking it. Making your way to the local pub, you and Zora sat at a small table only big enough for two and as far from the crowd that had gathered. Planning to enjoy a nice lunch before walking the town and just being together.
   Unfortunately maybe the pub was not the best idea for a lunch date. You guys had agreed on it because it would be cheaper than one of the cafes or restaurants around the village. What you hadn’t factored in was the numerous drunkards who either just started their day of drinking or were still there after their night of drinking. In all honesty it took longer than one would expect for one of these drunks to cause a problem but hey it still happened. 
  You had been mid-sentence about how you hid Magna’s flan the other day and blamed Luck, just to cause some trouble, when some drunk lady stumbled over to your table. “Ex-cuse me, but could I of-ffer you a drink?” The lady said eye one Zora’s shirtless torso, completely ignoring you and the fact Zora could not look less interested in her.
  “No. Anyway, Y/n next time we should go a step further instead of just hiding Magna’s food we should -” Zora started plotting how to mess with the resident idiots after turning down the drunk. Only to get halfway through his thought before Drunky spoke again.
  “Come o-on handsome, I’m ssure I can give you a great time.” She slurred as she tried to get his attention. Zora just rolled his eyes and tried to ignore her. “Don’t be like thaat, I just want to ssee whatss behind that mask.” The Drunk was clearly to far down the drain to realize she had zero chance.
  Being totally done with the lady you decided to take it on yourself to get her to leave. “Hey drunky, he’s not interested. Also we are kinda in the middle of a date and I would appreciate it if you left my boyfriend alone.” You said, making it clear you did not want to deal with her while still being somewhat polite. The lady just scoffed at you before turning back to Zora.
  “I know I can give you bett-tter time then this buzz kill.” She said now leaning on the table. You were trying to hide your frustration, when the drunk did something that made the normally calm mage across from you let out his own frustration. While trying to seduce him by running her fingers along his jaw, the lady had the nerve to try and pull his mask from his face.
  Standing probably faster than you’ve seen him move in while, Zora completely loses his cool. “Do not touch me and definitely do not touch my mask. We tried to be polite but you leave me no choice. No one would want anything to do with a hopeless drunk who has nothing better to do than interrupt a couple on the first date they’ve had in months, and then touch one of them without permission after being told twice to leave.” The whole time he spoke he had the lady’s wrist in his hand, not a tight enough grasp to break it or leave lasting damage but it was clear from his white knuckles there would likely be a bruise.
  Deciding it’s probably best for Zora to not catch an assault charge for possibly injuring a civilian on day off, you step in. Resting a hand on his shoulder you spoke up. “Hey, let's just go back to the hideout. I know we wanted peace and quiet but that clearly isn’t gonna happen here.” Zora thought for a second before dropping the lady’s wrist and wrapped his arm over your shoulders leading you out of the pub ignoring the eyes of the few patrons who weren’t unconscious.
  “Sorry our date got ruined by that lady.” You apologized hoping to ease some of the tension clear on Zora’s face.
  He just shook his head. “Not your fault. I think we should just accept the madness we deal with. I mean where’s the fun in life if someone isn’t being crazy.” Zora made a valid point.
  Chuckling as you made your way back to the Black Bulls’ base. “You’re right, if we wanted quite we probably shouldn’t have joined the Black Bulls of all squads.” You laughed as you reached the hideout and were greeted with the tell tale yelling from Magna and Luck fighting over who knows what this time.
  Being at the Golden Dawn’s base was intimidating to begin with, now add not being a member of the top squad and it feels like even breathing wrong could get you yelled at. Luckily you were only there to get your boyfriend for the date you had planned, it was rare that you got the same days off so you liked to take advantage of it whenever you could. Normally, Klaus would either meet you at the date location or come get you from your base, but for some reason he had requested you meet at the Golden Dawn’s headquarters.
  You had been greeted at the door by Mimosa who said Klaus was just finishing up a quick meeting with the Captain and then he’d be ready to go. While waiting Mimosa offered to sit and chat so you didn’t feel so out of place, your Black robe standing out in the sea of golden ones. Accepting the offer you and Mimosa sat by a window enjoying some tea while chatting about recent missions and laughing at some stories of Klaus making a fool of himself over Asta. 
  Completely engrossed in Mimosa’s story about how concerned Klaus was when they found Asta passed out in the cave near Nean, you failed to notice the green haired mage approaching the two of you. “Yes, he really said he was only worried because if Asta was hurt then you would be upset and he didn’t want to see you cry.” Mimosa said holding in laughter also not noticing her Squadmate approaching.
   “When did we start letting the riff raff lounge around our base?” Letoile said, as she looked at you with what could only be described as disgust.
   “I’m sorry, what do you mean by that Letoile?” Mimosa asked, confused why her squadmate would say something like that.
   The compass mage scoffed. “I mean, when was it okay for a Black Bull to just hang around the Golden Dawn’s base, shouldn’t they be with the other commoners and criminals?” Every word that came out hurt, sure you had heard it all before, the Black Bulls weren’t exactly the most respected squad, but this time it felt personal.
  Mimosa watched as the color drained from your face, she could tell you were debating leaving even before Klaus was ready to go. “Y/n has every right to be here. They may not be a member of this squad but they are still a Magic Knight. Besides they’re waiting on Klaus, it’s not like they’re trying to move in.” The royal tried to defend you, but it seemed her words only gave the other woman more fuel for her fire.
  “Oh that’s right, you’re Klaus’s charity case. The little commoner who barely managed to help save him in that dungeon. I don’t know how you convinced a noble like him to go out with you but he could do so much better. I mean he’s surrounded by powerful mages everyday and he picked a weak peasant like you. You probably used some forbidden spell to get his attention, huh?” Letoile said with a pointed look, clearly enjoying the clear turmoil on your face. She paused trying to think of more insults, hoping to find the one to get you to run off. 
  Unfortunately for her, it was at that moment a certain purple eyed mage decided to clear his throat. Everyone froze, Klaus may be calm and collected most of the time but when he’s upset it can get scary. “I don’t know what you think you gain from being rude to my partner, Letoile but I suggest you apologize and then leave them alone.” He said voice never changed from his usual calm and strict tone.  The green haired mage mumbled a quick apology and quickly ran off. Klaus then turned to Mimosa. “Thank you Mimosa for keeping them company while I was busy, and for standing up for them as well.” The red head nodded and quickly bid farewell before giving you to space.
  “So how much of the interaction did you see?” You asked quietly as Klaus moved to help you stand from the table you were sitting at.
  “The whole time, I heard you laughing about Mimosa’s retelling of what happened in Nean and was going to join you before she said much else when I saw Letoile approach. I wanted to see what she wanted.” He explained with a slight frown. “I’m sorry I should have stepped in sooner, I was curious to see how other members of the squad would react to you when I wasn’t present.” It was clear from his tone that he was truly sorry for the things his team mate said.
  Resting a hand on his arm you spoke up. “It’s fine Klaus, sure what she said hurt but having you and Mimosa stand up for me means a lot. In all honesty I’ve heard worse, I’m a Black Bull after all.” Hearing you laugh at your last comment brought a smile to his face. 
 “Are you sure you’re okay, you looked close to crying or running?” He asked as he pointed out how clear it was you had been uncomfortable.
  “Yes I’m fine. I can’t say what she said didn’t hurt but knowing how much you truly support me and seeing how much you’ve changed since meeting me and Asta, I know everything she said was out of jealousy.” You answered, now enjoying the look of slight confusion on his face.
  “Jealousy? What do you mean?” Klaus was truly perplexed.
  “Yeah, She’s just jealous I got the best guy and I didn’t even have to try.” You said, finishing the statement placing a kiss to the steel mage’s cheek. Klaus at a loss for words, his face bright red from the kiss, just held your hand and guided you out of the base towards the originally planned date.
   To put simply Nozel is clueless when it comes to people flirting with him. To even start dating you had to straight up say you liked him and wanted to go on a date. That being said he is the most thoughtful man ever in a relationship. Believing that his partner deserves the world and all of his focus. So when a random member of his squad started flirting with him, he had no idea. 
   The first couple of times you had been out either on missions or just running a few errands, so you weren’t there to tell him this girl wasn’t just being kind to him but in fact trying to seduce him. Sure his younger siblings had been around and tried to tell him after the girl had left that she was flirting with him, but he only has eyes for you and in his eyes it’s clear he’s off limits, so surely Solid and Nebra are seeing things.
  He only realizes that his siblings were right when the same girl came up and started flirting with him, while at a feast the Silver Eagles were holding for some reason. You and Nozel were sitting together having a conversation about how he should try being nicer to Noelle, when little miss heart eyes popped up.
   “Hello Captain Nozel. How’s your day going?” The girl asked clearly unfazed by the glare both the captain and you gave her at the interruption. After hearing the quick fine breathed out by the now eerily calm Captain, she kept speaking. “That’s good to hear, I spent the day training and was thinking maybe you could give me some pointers on how to be more effective in combat?” She asked, twirling her hair and trying to act cute. 
  Nozel being clueless, and just annoyed that his conversation was interrupted by idle chatter mumbled a sure and turned to go back to his previous discussion. “Wow Captain, you are probably the best Captain there is, being willing to train even the lowest members of your squad. I can’t wait to learn from such an amazing mage.” The silver haired Captain just nodded and made to look back at you. “Do you do this for all your squad mates or am I just that special to you Nozel?” The girl went from subtle flirting to not trying to hide real quick.
  “Honey I hate to break it to you, but Nozel is like this with everyone. He stopped listening to your squeaky ass voice the second you interrupted our conversation.” You said being done with the girl’s clear lack of care for those around her. “Besides take it from the person he’s dating, flirting will get you nowhere. Now if you don’t mind Me and my boyfriend here are gonna leave and if I hear even a suggestion that you’ve been flirting with him again you will wish you never looked in his direction.” With that you stood up, Nozel following without protest because he just wanted some peace.
  “She wasn’t flirting with me was she?” He asked as you exited the dining hall making your way to your room at the Silver Eagles Base. 
  You couldn’t help but laugh at how clueless he could be. “Nozel honey, it was so painfully obvious to everyone she’s been flirting with you. Hell your siblings have told me previously that she’s done it and those two are so absorbed in their own delusions of greatness I’m shocked they noticed before you.” He just stared at you perplexed as he really thought, his siblings were fucking with him. Thinking for a moment he just nodded in acceptance entering your shared room ready to call it a night. “You know, for a Magic Knight Captain, you are really clueless sometimes. I’m sure even Fuegolen could have been able to tell she was flirting and that man can’t understand sarcasm.” 
   Hearing the mention of his rival Nozel glared at you as he undid the braid at the front of his hair. “Not funny.” He said full of seriousness, but from the slight smile he knew you were only joking.
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delirious-donna · 2 years
A Misuse Of Magic [William Vangeance]
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Oct. 24 - William Vangeance x female reader
Magic should be used to protect the Clover Kingdom and its people. It certainly shouldn't be used to try something new in the bedroom, but can you deny the way your heart races as branches twist around your thigh?
warnings: double penetration, use of world tree magic in a sexual way, insertion, anal, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie
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The twist of supple, vine-like branches around your ankle sent a thrill of excitement through your heart. Small buds flowered before your eyes, and you could barely tear your gaze away from the soft off-white colours to notice your lover shifting to kneel on the bed.
William Vangeance, the Captain of the Golden Dawn was a mysterious man, but one that you had come to love dearly. Behind the gilded mask that hid his face from the world was a man that was insecure and had been lacking in confidence when you had first met him.
The scars that covered the upper half of his face had held him back, and there was no real reason for it other than the world is far crueller than it should be. Ostracised for something he had no control over, if it hadn't been for the considerate interception of the Wizard King, the power of William Vangeance might have never been known.
You admired him, reaching for his hand, and searching around the room before locking with his expressive lilac eyes. His cape was draped over the table in the far corner, his feathered helmet resting into the rich red fabric, and his boots tucked neatly beneath the chair.
The hour was early, well before you had expected his return. The book tumbled from your grasp, falling towards the side table as you sat on your knees to wrap him in the welcoming embrace of your arms.
"You're full of surprises, my love. Who do I have to thank for having you return to me early?" you murmured, nose rubbing against the length of his own and basking in the scent of him that enveloped your senses.
"Having a vice-captain that likes to show that he is willing and able to step up is a benefit at times like these. Langris is overseeing the training planned for this afternoon, and I knew where I would much rather be…"
His voice flowed like honeyed wine, caressing your bare shoulders, and spreading down your arms all whilst the branches at your ankle continued to inch higher and higher towards your knee. His soft snowy hair felt silky to your touch, fingers spreading into the depths and delighting in the small noises of appreciation from his chest.
"And where is that?"
Deft fingers curled around your biceps, manoeuvring your body until you were seated over his knees. The thin satin of your shorts moulded to your curves, snug against your butt as William shifted his hips upward and ground you gently against his awakening excitement. All this and he hadn't even kissed you yet, your face tipped towards his in an eager plea for that first meeting of your lips.
William smiled, it appeared faintly feline. His chest rumbled pleasantly, a hand caressing the leg that was not currently being covered by blooms and spreading vines from his magic. He toyed with the sensitive skin at the back of your knee, it tickled, and your lilting laughter sparked vibrant colours to dance within his lilac irises.
"Why, right here, of course. In bed, with you. I'd spend all my time right here if I was not bound by my oath of protecting the Clover Kingdom with my service and my life," he admitted.
Your lips sought his out, a hum of acknowledgement sounding from your throat as you closed the final distance between you and him. The kiss was soft, sensual and full of adoration. It painted a masterpiece behind your closed eyelids, the dance of two lovers that were destined to be as one.
Your back found its way to the mattress, pulling William with you until he was hovering over your body, holding himself up on one wrist whilst his other hand slid along your jaw and cradled your cheek as the kiss deepened - intensified.
The simmering adoration became a potent lust in the blink of an eye. Heat spread over your chest, turned your stomach into intricate knots and tingled at your scalp. You wanted him, needed him with a desperation that wasn’t new, but was alarmingly quick to spread.
You tugged at his jacket, the buttons unfastened by dexterous fingers whilst your mouth was engaged in a dance of exchanging saliva and swallowing equally needy moans.
The many layers of William’s uniform fell to the floor, the satin of your camisole top and shorts lay beside your head as his lips found the eager buds awaiting him. Rolled between tongue and teeth, he nipped until your spine arched to gift him even more purchase on your breast.
Too captivated by the ministrations of his tongue, along with the way he pressed a thumb between your parted lips, you missed how the branching vines from when he had first appeared, were slowly gaining ground towards your thighs.
William smirked, delighted that his plan to distract you was working so readily. It had been something that he wished to try for the longest time and now felt the perfect opportunity to indulge in his desire.
His cock smeared the insides of your thighs, painting them with his arousal and teasing your glistening folds. There was an urgency in his gut to be less than a gentleman, to slam himself up to the hilt in your silken walls.
Your sweet centre called to him, a siren song that he rarely could resist nor deny. Fingers from your right hand twisted at his roots and he lost that remaining fraction of his composure.
Hips snapped forward, the crown of his aching cock breached your inner sanctity on an exalted groan of delight. You were clawing at his back, the burn of nails raked against his sensitive skin and muscles rippled from the sensation.
William accelerated the growth of his supple branches, thickening them enough that you felt the press of the pliant wood at the crease of your thigh. His weight pressed against the back of your thighs, your knees tucked to your chest and toes near your ears. He was slow but forceful as he moulded you to his cock.
You sensed something press tentatively against your puckered hole and your eyes flew open. Despite how you were being pounded into the mattress, the new sensation caught all your senses at once and you went on full alert.
“It’s me - well - my magic. I wanted to try this but I can stop if you’d prefer I didn’t…”
William halted his movements, looking shyly down at you and with a very sheepish expression. It wasn’t a side you were used to seeing from him anymore and you mused over how you should answer. Did it bother you to try something a little different? It wasn’t an act you had ever considered before but it was him and he would take such tender care of you.
“We can try it, but please stop if I ask.”
“Of course, you have my word.”
His lips crashed against you, thankful and hazed with excitement. There was a renewed vigour as he pressed his thumb to your clit and you whined around his lips. Everything felt so good, your sweet spots massaged in just the right way, messy circles on your clit and even the pressure against your ass was enjoyable.
It was new and different but rather exciting. When his magic breached the tight ring of muscles you swear you mewled like a kitten. There was no pain, which you had expected there to be, and no uncomfortableness.
Instead it was a feeling of fullness that spread throughout your body. Warmth smeared your chest and you clutched at William’s arms, needing a moment to steady your breathing.
“Relax, just relax for me, my love.”
Your head tingled as the fullness increased, the wall that separated his cock from the branch that thickened and stretched your once puckered hole felt paper thin. Every stroke into your gummy walls pressed against the thick vine-like branch that pulsed in response.
He was losing his rhythm, sloppy kisses and a throaty moan crawled from his throat. Impossibly full was the only way to describe it and the way he sent jolts of his mana through your sweat soaked body made you call out for more.
“I - I can’t last any longer,” he moaned against your neck.
“Inside,” you yelled, “cum inside.”
Widened lilac eyes snapped pure majestic fire and he was shooting rope after thick rope of creamy arousal against your velvet walls. He helped you chase your own release, working against your clit furiously until you were curled around him like climbing ivy.
The pressure receded, there was a sense of relief when it dissipated fully and your thigh was once more free of the wrapping sensation of his tree magic.
“Are you okay? Was - it - okay?”
His head nuzzled into your neck, letting his weight settle against you whilst you both basked in the warm afterglow.
“Mm, different, but nice. Kinda felt like I was being stretched but it didn’t feel sore which surprised me. Was it nice for you?”
William kissed the hollow of your throat before he answered.
“It made me feel even closer to you, in a way I’ve not experienced before. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, thank you.”
Your sweet man, always so thankful for giving him love and it hurt your heart that he thought it necessary.
“I love you too, William.”
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lyranova · 1 year
Listen to Your Heart
Hi everyone! This is a oneshot for @vs-redemption ‘s Disney Event, and I decided to go with “Hercules” couple Meg and Hercules for a William x Reader/Zera fic 😁! Now I wrote this with my OC Zera in mind but I didn’t use her name so it can be read as an Xreader as well. I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,789
Warnings: None
The young woman watched intently as the young white haired man named William Vangeance posed for another portrait. It was probably his fifth or sixth one this week, and the woman could tell that he was exhausted. His normally charming and dashing smile was pulled down at the edges just slightly, and the bags under his eyes were only just barely covered by his mask.
William Vangeance had superior strength, speed, and agility. But most people ignored him and dismissed him since he was only a farmer’s son. But after he defeated a Hydra single handedly and saved two young children in the process did the people of Thebes believe that he was the son of the god Julius Novachrono, and he became an overnight superstar!
But the woman watching him already knew all of this.
After he rescued her from a centaur he quickly introduced himself to her, and she could tell he wasn’t a normal human, but couldn’t quite place exactly what he was until Zagred appeared and told her.
After seeing how smitten William was with her, Zagred tasked the woman with trying to derail the young gods plans of becoming a “true hero”. At first she refused, saying she didn’t want any part of his plan, but firmly reminded that she didn’t have a choice in the matter since Zagred owned her soul.
The woman was pulled out of her memories as William nodded graciously at the painter as they wrapped up for the day, and his new assistant Langris Vaude escorted the painter out of the room. And that’s when she saw the real William Vangeance finally reveal himself.
He walked off the pillar, took his mask off, and flopped himself down onto the chaise lounge that sat in the center of the room. He threw his arm over his face and sighed loudly, all this sudden fame and fortune was beginning to weigh on him.
The blonde haired woman walked over to him quietly and sat down at his feet, she watched William move his arm slightly as the weight of the chaise lounge shifted and a tired smile appeared on his face.
“ You’re here.” He said softly as he moved his arm back over his eyes, and the woman nodded.
“ I am.” She then tilted her head. “ Why the long face hero? Things not working out with your group of fangirls?” She asked with an amused tone, and William chuckled.
“ It’s not that, although I am a little stressed out about them.” He admitted as he moved his arm and sat up. “ It’s just…I’ve defeated all these monsters for weeks and have made Thebes a safer place but…I’m still not a true hero yet, at least, according to my father.” He continued softly as he looked at the blonde haired woman, and she turned to look at him.
“ Maybe there’s more to it than just being strong and making Thebes safer. Maybe your father’s keeping something from you?” She suggested thoughtfully, and William tilted his head.
“ That does sound like something my father would do.” William admitted after a moment, and the woman laughed softly.
“ Of course it does. Do you really think Julius Novachrono, the god of all gods, would just simply hand everything to you on a silver platter because you’re his son? That’d look pretty bad on him, Wonder Boy.” The woman smirked, and she watched as William laughed while shaking his head. She had a point.
Suddenly the door burst open and the two quickly turned their heads towards it.
“ OMG THERE HE IS!” A young woman shouted loudly and pointed in William’s direction, behind her was a group composed of men and women wearing shirts with his face on them as well as other pairs of his merchandise.
William jumped up and grabbed her hand, but before his fans could come running towards them, William’s trainer jumped in front of the crowd.
“ Hey get back! This is a private area, you can’t be in here brats!” Yami Sukehiro, William’s trainer, shouted as he tried to keep the crowd back on his own. “ Go on and get outta here Goldie Guts, I can handle these kids!” He shouted over his shoulder.
William nodded and silently thanked his friend before running out of the room with the blonde haired woman in tow behind him.
They ran and ran until they were good and far away from the building. William and the woman stopped to catch their breath next to a large tree with white blooms, William rested his hand against its trunk and bent over a bit. It had been a while since he had to run that fast.
“ Ahem,” he turned as the woman cleared her throat. “ You can let go of my hand now.” She added as she held up their encased hands, and William felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“ S-Sorry about that…” he apologized before reluctantly letting go of her hand. The blonde haired woman shook her head.
“ It’s fine, you only did it to help me escape.” She said softly, she tried to hide the hurt and dismissal in her voice, but failed.
Again, she knew he had feelings for her, and had tried to firmly keep her distance from him. But between Zagred making her spend time with him, and her own curiosity, she just…couldn’t stay away from him.
“ Actually…that’s not the only reason I grabbed your hand,” William said softly. “ I just wanted to hold your hand, is that…okay?”
The woman looked at him with eyes wide in surprise, he held her hand just because he wanted to? Not because they were running away? She felt her cheeks burn slightly and shook her head, no, this was bad. She shouldn’t be flattered and happy about this, she should be trying to put more distance between them.
“ And if I say it’s not okay? Then what?” She asked curiously, and William smirked a bit.
“ Then I would say you’re lying if that tinge of pink on your face is of any indication.” William smirked back at her, and she couldn’t help but scoff. So, the hero knew how to tease and be playful too huh?
The woman’s smirk disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared.
“ Don’t fall in love with me, because if you do, it’ll only end badly for both of us.” The woman said softly as she stared into his purple eyes, she watched confusion pass over his face before it was replaced by something else, something she hadn’t seen before.
“ And if I still decide to fall in love with you, knowing it’ll end badly for us, what would you say?” He asked curiously as he pulled down one of the tree’s upper limbs to inspect a flower, the woman just scoffed.
“ Then I would say you’re an idiot.”
“ Well then,” he began as he plucked a flower off the tree, let go of the limb, and watched as the tree snapped back into place with such force that leaves and petals fell down around them. “ I guess I’ll just be an idiot in love.”
He handed the woman the white flower and quickly kissed her on the cheek as she stared down at it. The woman looked at him in surprise and her cheeks turned a bright red, William chuckled a bit.
“ You look really cute when you blush.” He muttered softly as he looked at her, his eyes widened and he quickly placed a hand over his mouth. That…wasn’t supposed to come out of his mouth.
“ And you don’t look too bad yourself when you blush, Hero.” She said back to him, and it only made his blush deepen, he really was too adorable sometimes.
Suddenly the two heard a noise coming from the woods behind them, William reached out towards the woman and put her behind him. After the noise continued for a few more seconds a white horse with a blue mane and tail suddenly appeared.
It was Pegasus, and Yami was sitting on his back with a stern look on his face and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
“ Sorry to interrupt the romantic moment, but we gotta go Goldie Guts. There’s a large Siren causing trouble in the Eastern sea, the fishermen want ya to take a look at it.” Yami said as he leaned over, grabbed the back of William’s shirt collar and pulled him onto the pegasus.
“ O-Oh alright…I guess I gotta go.” William said softly as he looked at the blonde haired woman, and she couldn’t help but grin at him.
“ See ya around Wonder Boy.” She told him as Pegasus took off quickly, she waved goodbye and as soon as he was out of sight her smile slipped off her face and was replaced by a sad look.
“ Y’know, you make it really hard not to fall in love with you, Hero.” She muttered to herself as she stared down at the white flower in her hand.
All this time, she had been telling herself that she didn’t like him, that she was only doing her job to try and get her soul back from Zagred, and that once she completed her mission she could go back to how she was. But…now? Now she wasn’t so sure.
He was kind, gentle, and maybe a little naïve. But his heart was always in the right place and he tried his best to keep everyone safe and worked hard to try and achieve his dreams. It was inspiring.
She also loved the way he didn’t belittle her or treat her as a regular ‘damsel in distress’ like the other guys or treat her like nothing but an object. He treated her as a normal person, he took her thoughts and feelings into consideration whenever they were together, he did a lot more for her than her last boyfriend did and William wasn’t even dating her!
As her ex popped into her head she felt her heart sink into her stomach, was she really willing to risk having her heart broken again? Every fiber of her being told her to take the risk, to fall in love with William, they were telling her that he was different. But her mind…her mind didn’t want to listen.
Which did she listen to? Her heart, or her mind?
“ Maybe…maybe it’ll be okay to fall in love with that idiot.” She mused as she sat down on the marble bench underneath the tree and smiled softly at the flower.
At that moment she decided to listen to her heart. All this time she had been listening to her mind and clearly it wasn’t working out, so maybe it was time to give her heart a chance?
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Black Clover Masterlist
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Updated 4/2/24
Full Masterlist
**= Non Tickle Centric
Black Bulls
A Mouse, A Mirror, And A Muted Bat (Switches!Gauche, Gordon, Gray)
Confidence Booster (Lee!Finral, Ler!Vanessa)
Dress To Impress (Lee!Noelle, Ler!Vanessa)
Marks Of Progress (Lee!Asta, Ler!Luck)
No Magic Necessary (Switches!Magna, Luck)
Scare The Day Away! (Lee!Finral, Lers!Asta, Magna, Luck)
Take It All Back! (Lee!Finral, Ler!Zora)
Taste Of Sugar (Lee!Finral, Lers!Magna, Luck, Vanessa, Asta)
Voice Check (Lee!Asta, Ler!Yuno)
Crimson Lions
At Ease Leo (Lee!Leopold, Ler!Fuegoleon)
Cheer Up, Little Lion (Lee!Leopold, Lers!Mereoleona, Fuegoleon)
Dance Of Fire And Water (Leopold x Reader)
Fighting Off Old Habits (Lee!Leopold, Ler!Fuegoleon, Mereoleona)
Golden Dawn
Clumsy Execution (Lee!Yuno, Lers!Mimosa, Klaus)
Magic Knights And Such (Non-team specific)
Brotherly Vengeance (Switches!Finral, Langris)
Hidden Talent (Lee!Yuno, Ler!Asta)
Human Ways Of Affection (Switches!Lemiel, Licht)
Letting Me Win (Lee!Yuno, Ler!Asta)
Let's start over (Lee!Langris, Ler!Finral)
Meant To Be My Rival! (SwitchesAsta, Leopold)
She Likes You! (Lee!Asta, Ler!Yuno)
Stupid With A Side Of Jealousy (Switches!Yuno, Asta, Leopold)
Welcome Home (Switch!Yuno, Switch!Asta)
YunLeo Beloved
A Date To Rember (YunLeo)**
Cool Your Embers (Lee!Leopold, Ler!Yuno)
FairyTales (YunLeo)**
Keep a secret? (Yunleo)**
Puffs and Typhoons (Switches!Yuno, Leopold)
Settle This Like Mages (Switches!Yuno, Leopold)
Take The Wind Out Of Your Sails (Lee!Yuno, Ler!Leopold)
Worth More Than You Know (Lee!Yuno, Ler!Leopold)
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mitsuki-komori · 9 days
Black Clover Requests (& Rules)
I am MitsukiKomoriX191. I love writing and Black Clover which brings you this account :) I take 5 requests at a time for exclusively Black Clover fanfiction.
The status on if my requests are open or not will be written on my ask button. 
Current Projects (⭐️ = Prioritized Project):
My One in My Heart ⭐️
As Your Bloodlust Pierces My Heart
12 Ways To Rizz Up Your Lover ⭐️
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The rate at which I post is sporadic, and be aware that I always post on AO3 (Archive of our own) first and sometimes only on AO3. (I also post edits on TikTok and YouTube with the same name)
Favorite Types of Content to Write:
Heavy angst, light angst, all angst
Fluff (Favorites being sibling fluff & romance fluff)
Anything not listed below
What I won’t write for:
Y/N, (Name), Reader, OC’s
Smut (With this name attached to it? No.)
Words that end with ‘philia’
If you want me to write about a character who isn’t an asshole as an asshole, I won’t do it. (No making likable characters creepy, racist, or homophobic)
Favorite Characters To Write For (You are not limited to these characters):
Leopold Vermillion
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Mereoleona Vermillion
Noelle Silva
Luck Voltia
Magna Swing
Langris Vaude
Finral Roulacase
Mimosa Vermillion
Kirsch Vermillion
Nozel Silva
Characters I won’t write for:
Nacht Faust
William Vangeance 
Yami Sukehiro
Charlotte Rosolei
Julius Novachrono
Zora Ideale
Zogatris Siblings
My Favorite Relationships to Write:
Asta x Leopold
Magna x Luck
Leopold x Yuno
Leopold x Secré/Nero
Yuno x Mimosa
Asta x Noelle
Leopold & Fuegoleon
Leopold & Mereoleona
Leopold & Noelle
Leopold & Mimosa
Mimosa & Kirsch
Langris & Finral
Nozel & Noelle
You are not limited to just these favorited characters and ships, you can request whatever you want with whoever as long as it doesn’t break any rules. However, if you request characters and/or a ship I haven’t included, there’s a chance I might reject it if I’m not interested in it. If I do say no, I’ll be sure to answer it so you are aware. 
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hello Aine! I hope you're well. I would like to request fluffy hcs for William, Langris and Nacht going stargazing with their so(as a date, or just a spontaneous outing), and halfway through a meteor-shower happens. Have fun!
Hello lovely bby! Thank you for your request and this is so beautiful, I'm not sure if i'll capture it well since I've never seen a meteor shower in my life (ಡ‸ಡ)
But I'll do my best as usual, I'm comforted that there's Langris and Nacht, these two are cute when they're soft, uwu. Not that William is not cute, he's always the softie. Heheheh. Here's some fluffy hcs!
William | Langris | Nacht x F! reader
William Vangeance
You and William stargaze pretty often, he would explain to you constellations and planets, how they worked and such.
"Look at that!!" you would exclaim and William watched as your eyes lit up in awe of looking at the meteor showers
"It's called a meteor shower, love."
"It's like thousands of shooting stars raining down all at once! It's so beautiful!" you quickly closed your eyes to make a wish.
William chuckled at your innocent gesture, not wanting to break your hopes and dreams by telling you it was all but a myth.
"You know love, shooting stars and meteor showers are caused by debris in the galaxy." he sat beside you to enjoy the view himself, it was indeed breathtaking.
"huh, so they're like waste of the galaxy?"
"kinda, yeah."
"No! They're beautiful even though they're trash of the galaxies. The galaxies don't appreciate them.." you huffed.
Willliam giggled, petting your head, "well, they say one man's trash is another's treasure. Whenever you feel down and at your worst, think of the shooting stars today, okay? Remember that although they might be irrelevant somewhere, in another place, they are greatly appreciated and loved."
The captain of the golden dawn pressed a kiss to your forehead, "so what did you wish for?"
"My wish already came true," you beamed, "how about you? did you make a wish?"
William's faced flushed red, realising that you had wished for a kiss from him. He shook his head, giving you more kisses on your face, and eventually one on your lips, "my wish has already came true long ago."
Langris Vaude
"Langris, quickly! Come and see this!" you pulled at his sleeve. There was a meteor shower from where you were stargazing.
"It's common around here babe," Langris shrugged.
"I've never seen one before, thank you for bringing me today!" you beamed at him but your eyes never leaving the beautiful night sky.
Langris couldn't help but chuckle at how cute you were, "so, is it as nice as you thought?"
"It's even nicer than what the folks describe at home!"
"Go on, make a wish." he put his hands in his pocket nonchalantly.
"I wish that Langris and I would be together, forever!" you clasped your hand together, telling your wishes to the shooting stars.
"You're not supposed to say your wish out loud, y/n..." Langris' face was a light shade of red, his heart feeling all warm and fuzzy.
"opps.." you gave a little pout, "it just came out cause I was too excited, will my wish not come true now?"
You fluttered your eyelash at your boyfriend, whose ear tips have reddened. He finally realised you were teasing him.
"tsk. whatever." He tried to brush it off, but you held onto his hand tightly and gave it a squeeze.
"I know that my wish will come true." you gave him a peck on the cheeks.
Nacht Faust
Nacht loved stargazing. He enjoyed the peace and quiet that came with it. He thinks that stars are like you, the light in his dark life.
And you just liked tagging along with where ever he went. It was your first anniversary as a married couple and as usual he brought you stargazing, but today he had a little surprise for you.
“Whoa!!” Your eyes gleamed at the sky of meteor showers, “Baby, did you know about this?!”
“Yeah.” He smirked at you, “but it’s a secret how I know.”
You couldn’t be bothered with his teasing today, “Quick, let’s make a wish!”
He watched as you closed your eyes and put your hands together, your face so serious about making this wish.
“What did you wish for?”
“I can’t tell you, or it won’t come true!” You stuck out your tongue at him.
He hugged you from behind, planting a kiss on your cheeks, “I wish for Yami’s demise.”
“Nacht!!” You swatted his hand, “How could you wish that! He’s your friend!”
“I thought you said saying it out loud means that it wouldn’t come true?” He scoffed.
“So.. you wished for something else?” You looked at his side profile, his features so handsome under the pale moonlight.
“My wish is same as yours.” He replied.
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arcanestage · 3 years
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Their s/o accidentally falls asleep on someone else’s shoulder while they’re around
Magna / Finral / Yami / Langris
A/N: requested by @winterxisxcomingx MWAH ily bestie 😚 hope u dont mind me adding in langris, my langris brainrot has been wild lately + i wrote it for my own indulgence ahaisbwja
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— ✦ Magna
Occasionally, Vanessa would take home bottles of liquor either as prizes she won in a prior drinking battle or from barkeepers that may have sales talked her into purchasing. Nevertheless she would always call for a small gathering with the members of the squad.
You were a little too excited for this month’s mini gathering so much so that you started drinking without the others.
“Someone’s eager,” Vanessa teased as she plopped down beside you. She poured herself a generous amount of liquor then clunk her glass with yours.
“Yeah I wanna be drunk before that dumbass shows up. Wouldn’t want to brood all night,”
Earlier that day, you and your boyfriend Magna had a big petty argument. You sneered at each other all afternoon, refusing to properly talk it out. Because you’ve been pissed the whole day, you were looking forward to let loose tonight.
Vanessa shook her head. “You two fight over the smallest of things,”
“If only he would listen to me instead of running that loud mouth of his!”
“He’s a man, what did you expect?”
You sighed. “You’re right. Cheers,”
After a while, the other members started walking out into the common room. Magna, Luck, and Asta were bickering probably over nonsensical stuff. When Magna saw you, he suddenly felt tense. He looked away and pretended to mind his own business. Luck then ran off, settling in between you and Vanessa. Magna was alarmed at first but he was reminded of the fact that you two weren’t on speaking terms. He sat on the other side of the table directly across you.
True enough, you were quite tipsy by the time they started drinking. You were pleased with the results: not being able to understand anything that came out of Magna’s mouth.
“How come Y/N’s already drunk?” Noelle frowned. Her and Asta’s presence were needed just in case someone either passes out, becomes too violent, or gets alcohol poisoning. Atleast the sober children are there to help.
Luck tilted his head to look at you. He laughed then poked your cheek. “Haha Y/N your face is flushed! You’re as red as Zora’s hair!”
You snorted. Everything seemed to be thrice as funny than they actually are.
Magna frowned, his grip on his cup tightening as he watched Luck continuously tease you. Magna felt his frustration growing, eating him inside out. His place was always beside you; nobody else could take his place, he made sure of that. But here he is feeling more out of place than ever, not really used to the distance between the two of you. He was used to holding you close during gatherings like this.
Magna grumbled and sunk further into his seat. He was conflicted, not sure how to approach this situation. You on the other hand were enjoying yourself but every now and then your eyes would flicker to Magna. You could easily read him. He always had a hard time concealing how he truly felt thus making his emotions apparent especially to you.
As the alcohol took over your whole being, everything else seemed like a blissful dream. You stared at Magna, attempting to make out the expressions on his face in this dimly lit room but failed to do so. Your senses started to become dull: the conversations around you were whirling into one, and you were starting to feel the gaps in your consciousness.
You closed your eyes and tried nap out the exhaustion. As you whole body went limp, your head slowly fell to side where Luck was. He was startled by the sudden weight on his shoulder but laughed it off when he saw you sound asleep.
It took a while before Magna saw what was going on. When he did notice, imaginary steam burst out of his ears. He was beyond pissed.
“Oi oi Magna looks like he’s about to commit a crime.” Zora said, eyeing him carefully.
Magna scoffed. “No I’m not. I’m just naturally intense as a person,”
“Hey Magna!” Luck called. “Your girlfriend’s tired, I don’t think she’s waking up anytime soon. You should carry her to bed,”
He poked your forehead like he was checking if a wild animal was already dead.
“You don’t have to tell me what to do.” Magna tried to sound playful but it came off as threatening.
“Someone’s in a bad mood,” Zora whispered to Finral who just nodded.
Magna walked over to where you were. His gaze softened at the mere sight of you.
“Y/N let’s get you to bed,”
“Okay,” you mumbled. “Sorry I think I drank too much,”
He ruffled your hair then carried you to your room. As he turned the door knob, you decided to speak up to stop him from leaving.
“Wait, Magna.”
He paused and turned back to look at you.
“Spend the night here,” you weakly pat the empty space beside you.
He didn’t know how to react but he was ecstatic to here those words from you.
“Huh? I thought we were fighting?”
Dense as always.
You rolled you eyes. “Yes but I need cuddles right now dumb dumb. We can just talk about this in the morning,”
He grinned. “If you say so,”
He plopped down beside you, excited to finally hold you in a tight embrace after a full day of ignoring each other. He pulled you closer to him and placed a kiss on top of your head.
“You’re a dumbass...” you mumbled
“But I love you just as you are. Good night...” you trailed off, finally being consumed by sleep.
Magna felt his heart swell with love. He will be forever grateful for having someone as patient and understanding as you in his life.
“I love you too, dumbass.”
— ✦ Finral
“What an unlucky day!” Magna exclaimed for the 5th time in the last 30 minutes.
You were deployed for a mission in the Forbidden Realm along with Finral, Asta, Magna, Charmy, and Vanessa. Unfavorable things seemed to happen after another, and now a storm was ravaging this part of the kingdom. With depleted mana, energy, and morale you and the crew crawled into a large cave to recover all that was lost.
“Maybe if you stopped complaining and start being of use,” Vanessa poked Magna’s cheek.
Magna grumbled and started to work on creating a makeshift bonfire. While the other members kept busy setting up camp, you were cooped in the farthest corner, teeth chattering and body shivering. Finral tried to warm you up by rubbing his palms together then placing his warmed palms on either side of your hands. You smiled weakly at the gesture.
“Thanks. Sorry... I’ve been quite sickly these past few days,”
“No worries,” he placed your hand on his cheek. “I enjoy taking care of you anyway,”
You giggled. “How sweet,”
“Finral-senpai!” Asta voice reverberated all around. “The bonfire’s set up!”
Everyone sat and huddled around the only source of heat while Charmy summoned her sheep to cook a warm meal for everyone.
“Here’s some soup to help you feel better la~” Charmy flew over to your spot and handed you a big bowl of warm soup.
“Thank you,” you smiled gratefully, each slurp giving you added comfort.
“Y/N, come drink wine with me. It’ll help you keep warm~” Vanessa whipped out a huge bottle from her packed belongings.
There was sheer horror painted on Finral’s features.
“She’s sick, she can’t drink alcohol. Nobody drinks alcohol when they’re sick Vanessa!” he glared, his arm tightening around your waist.
“Relax, I was just kidding.” Vanessa stuck her tongue out.
Magna laughed like a maniac. “You should’ve seen the look on your face!”
“Wow, Finral-senpai’s really protective of Y/N-senpai!” Asta chimed in, the words muffled by the food stuffed in his mouth.
“Of course I am. I’m the best boyfriend ever!” he proclaimed with utmost pride and confidence.
“You act more like a mother than a lover to me.” Vanessa teased.
“What?! I DO NOT!”
You giggled, amused at your squadmates bantering with one another. Ever since Finral got into a steady relationship, the Bulls have been on his tail, teasing him to no end.
To Finral’s relief, the conversation shifted to something else after a full round of talking about his mother-like behavior. He could now attend to your needs.
The Bulls talked nonstop, the topics shifting at lightning speed. Finral actively participated in the discussion while being simultaneously mindful of your movements.
Multitasking at its finest.
When you started coughing and sneezing, Finral’s head whipped towards you, now giving you his undivided attention.
“I’ll fetch you some water Y/N,” he said, placing his palm on your forehead to check if your body was starting to heat up.
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Finral got up and quietly walked to the other side of the room to rummage through the messy pile of bags for his bottle of water. Your head felt a little too heavy without Finral to lean on, the dizziness gradually becoming more severe each passing second he wasn’t beside you. You decided to close your eyes for a bit to steady yourself. You didn’t really plan on sleeping but here you were tumbling towards Asta who sat beside you. Your head plopped on his shoulder, though he didn’t really notice as he was busy chowing down the plates of food Charmy keep serving him.
“Sorry it took so long here’s-- EHH?!”
The color from Finral’s face was drained when he saw you snuggled comfortably on Asta’s shoulder.
“ASTA THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” he accusingly pointed at Asta.
Asta was startled with Finral’s sudden outburst. The weight of your head only became apparent to him just now.
“Oh I didn’t notice Y/N-senpai fall asleep,” Asta scratched his head. “Sorry,”
Finral pouted, feeling this discomfort in his chest. Was he perhaps... jealous? No, he can’t be. He shook off the negative thoughts and tried to rationalize with himself.
He sat back down and gently tried to lift up your head.
“Y/N~” he cooed.
You sat straight up, fists up in air. “Huh? What? Who are we fighting?”
“No one, I’m just trying to get you to switch positions. My shoulder is comfier,”
“Oh.” your body relaxed. “Okay,”
You rested your head on Finral’s shoulder. Not long after you were sound asleep again. He stroked your hair and lightly kissed the top of your head.
Vanessa who was half dazed looked at you and Finral with soft adoration. Charmy and her herd of sheep followed suit giving you the same look she gives when she sees any “noms.” Magna on the other hand had mixed feelings. A part of him felt disturbed, as if anything along the lines of love and affection was a bothersome pest. The other part of him was glad to see Finral finally breaking out of his “curse.”
“Mhm, you were right.” you mumbled, snuggling closer to him. “Your shoulder is way more comfier,”
Finral chuckled. “Is it the difference in the bulkiness of our muscles?”
You looked at him lovingly, traces of somnolence still evident in your eyes.
“No. It’s because it’s you, silly! I’m always safe and comfortable with you,”
— ✦ Yami
Yami prided himself as a laid-back and pretty chill man. He rarely panicked or felt tense even in the most nerve wracking situations. Even when you two started dating, he was still as chill as ever. However, he prefers to have you by his side ALL the time.
And so you two were like a package, one never without the other, always going on missions together.
On one particular mission, Yami had to work alongside Captain Nozel of the Silver Eagles to subdue a group of bandits who were terrorizing a small town in the common realm. Yami, out of habit, asked you to tag along.
Nozel offered to take you and Yami to the location on his mercury eagle. The Silver Eagle captain was a man of few words. He wore a blank expression on his face, a cold threatening aura wrapped around him. The awkwardness hung around in the air but of course Yami being Yami decided to break the silence.
“Oi Braidface long time no see! Never thought we’d ever work together in one mission,” he grinned.
“If you must know I dreaded this day, foreigner.” Nozel spoke with no hint of any emotion in his voice. He didn’t even turn to look at Yami.
“Come on show a little enthusiasm will ya? You’re embarrassing me in front of my girl right here,”
Nozel turned to take a good look at you, examining you like you were a specimen under a microscope. After a few agonizing moments, he tore his gaze away from you and continued to look straight ahead.
“I don’t know why you chose to be with the foreigner but I suppose it’s not my place to question it,”
Yami laughed out loud and continued to piss Nozel off for the rest of the flight.
You landed on a cliffside overlooking the town you were tasked to protect. Reports have stated that the bandits appear at sundown and so you waited.
“Y/N, babe, be careful out there alright.” he said as he ruffled your hair.
Yami had always been like this which you found really sweet. You always get agitated during missions, and Yami’s words of encouragement helped you stay focused. But it seemed out of place now given that Nozel didn’t seem like the type to tolerate public display of affection.
“I’m always careful, don’t worry.” you mumbled
“Atta girl,” he kissed your forehead.
Nozel pinched the bridge of his nose. He just wanted this day to end. Just as was about to massage his temples, he spotted the bandits and alerted you and Yami. The three of you hurriedly moved towards the entrance of the village to block their path.
When the bandits realized you were magic knights, they quickly took out their grimoires and started attacking. You barely did anything; Nozel and Yami were captains after all. They easily beat every single one.
The day had finally ended much to Nozel’s delight. All he needs to do was survive the flight home.
While on the mercury eagle, you focused on healing up Yami’s wrist. It was badly burnt by that fire mage he faced off with.
“You’re the one who should be careful,” you teased.
He grinned. “I always knew you were stronger than me,”
“Of course. I’m your girl, arent I?” you winked.
After patching him up he grabbed his communication device and contacted Finral, probably to make sure the hideout hasn’t burned down yet. Even as he yelled beside you, you started feeling sleepy. You wanted to stay awake but you were too tired to fight the exhaustion. You passed out the second you shut your eyes. You held your position pretty well. When the mercury eagle abruptly switched directions, you lost control. Your upper body leaned against Nozel’s back.
He tensed up at the sudden contact. He craned his neck to check only to find your sleeping figure snuggled up to him.
When Yami finally saw what was going on, he instantly dropped the call. He wasn’t the type to easily get jealous but seeing you this comfortable with another made him feel a certain level of discomfort.
“You enjoying being that close to my girl?”
“She fell asleep,” Nozel stated matter-of-factly
Yami scoffed. “I have eyes you know,”
Nozel sighed, not quite happy with Yami’s hostility but at the same time he didn’t want this to turn into a big argument.
“What are you waiting for, foreigner? Come get her,”
Yami gently lifted you from Nozel’s back and into his arms. You were half awake for a split second. Once you adjusted into Yami’s arms, you drifted off to sleep again.
It was silent for the rest of the trip home.
When you arrived back at the base, Yami carried you to your shared room and laid you down on the soft bed. He followed suit, gently wrapping his arms around you.
“Where are we?” you mumbled.
You were half awake, not fully understanding what was going on. All you could see are hazy images of your surroundings.
“Back home, babe.”
“Oh. Okay.”
You paused.
Yami chuckled, pulling you even closer to his chest. “Needy as always,”
Your brain was about to shut down but Yami continued talking.
“You fell asleep on Nozel’s back...”
“I did?”
“Yeah. I was kinda pissed you know? I would have thrown him off but I realized he owned the mercury eagle...”
You can hear him rambling but the words don’t make much sense to you.
“That sucks...”
“I said so much and that’s all you’re gonna say?! I’m hurt babe,”
Yami waited for you to say something but all he heard was light snoring from your end.
He chuckled then placed kiss on your temple. “Good night baby. I love you, you did well today.”
— ✦ Langris
You were well aware of your boyfriend’s possessive nature. He always had his eyes on you, watching you like a hawk. Seeing a man get too close to you is enough to set him off like a detonating bomb. Despite all the threats he’d spew out, he never really physically hurt anyone. His anger was usually short-lived and he’d eventually calm down. You reassuring him would do the trick.
One day, William tasked him to lead a small team consisting of you, Letoile, David, Mimosa, Klaus, and Yuno to patrol by the outskirts of the Forbidden Realm.
Not a lot was going on at the moment, just Clover Kingdom citizens passing by on their way home to their respective villages. By sundown, Langris started to sense an ominous presence that only seemed to strengthen as the seconds tick by. He alerted the members of a possible enemy nearby. He quickly rushed to your side like his body was programmed to.
“Y/N, stay close to me.” he looked at you, the fear evident in his eyes.
As if on cue, the enemies emerged from the shadows, lunging forward without hesitation. After a tough battle, you successfully fended the attackers off, rounding them up to be escorted to prison by other magic knights on duty in the area.
Langris checked if there were any casualties in his squad. He noticed you squeezing your arm hard which meant you were either hiding something, trying to stop a gash from bleeding, or both.
“Y/N You’re hurt,” he deadpanned.
You avoided looking him in the eyes.
“I’m alright. It’s just a scratch,” you shrugged.
Letoile frowned and tried to loosen your grip on your arm. You sighed in defeat, allowing her to examine your injury. She immediately gasped upon seeing the crimson liquid oozing out of your wound.
“That’s no scratch...”
The other members felt uneasy. They knew how protective Langris was of you.
Langris only clenched his teeth and said nothing.
“Vice Captain, I think it would be best if we head to the nearest inn and stay for the night. We should patch Y/N up first so her wound doesn’t get infected,” Mimosa suggested.
Langris nodded. “Alright. Mimosa, lead the way.”
“Yes sir!”
At the inn, you and the members gathered in one room, Mimosa tending to you, and the rest of the members finalizing their mission reports.
After Mimosa healed you with her magic, she asked David to takeover and bandage your arm so she could write her report as well.
Langris walked over to where you were and crouched next to you.
“How are you feeling?”
You smiled weakly. “A bit better,”
“You still look a little pale though,” Langris frowned. “I’ll get you something to eat... David, watch over her.”
“Sure, Vice Captain.”
“He’s scary,” David whispered to you when Langris was at a safe distance.
You chuckled. “He’s alright. Believe it or not, that’s him trying to tone down his emotions.”
David scratched his head. “He has a lot of anger for someone who’s short... Don’t tell him I said that,”
You burst out laughing. When you finally managed to compose yourself, you suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy. You rested your head on the couch’s headboard, attempting to ground yourself while waiting for Langris to return. You didn’t mean to fall asleep but you passed out immediately after closing your eyes. You didn’t even try holding your position, your head instantly fell and landed on David’s shoulder.
Langris returned and boy, he was not happy. In fact, he was seething. He was always either on 0 or on 100; no in-between’s.
“David! What do you think you’re doing?!”
David jerked in his seat, startled at someone suddenly yelling. He gave Langris a look of confusion, not really knowing what to say.
“Looking after Y/N like you asked,”
Langris’s anger tripled at this.
“There’s something quite wrong with my girlfriend’s head on your shoulder, don’t you think?” Langris clenched his fist so tight his knuckles were turning white.
The other members sensed a fight was about to break out so they scrambled to their feet to hold Langris back. It was a known fact that he let his anger dictate his own behavior like he was its puppet.
Langris’s voice echoed all around the room, the loudness pulling you back to consciousness. Once you finally understood the growing tension that was taking place, you quickly stood in front of Langris and tried to reason out with him.
“Hey I fell asleep and accidentally leaned on him for support. David was just kind enough to let me,”
But Langris was not having it. He still glared at David ready to pounce on him.
You sighed. “I’m tired and in need of rest. Let’s go to our room and get some sleep, please?”
Langris started to relax, his gaze no longer sharp and murderous. The tension in the room had finally dissipated.
Y/N the Miracle Worker has done it again.
You shot David an apologetic look before pulling Langris out the door and into your shared room.
You crawled on the bed and sunk into the fluffy bedsheets. Langris stood by the foot of the bed. He was staring into space, most likely still bothered by the whole thing.
“Langris,” you spoke his name softly.
He snapped out of his thoughts, a faint pink tint appearing across his cheeks. He strode towards the other side of the bed and sat down, his upper body resting against the headboard.
“Sorry I—“ he tiptoed around the issue, unsure of how to address it.
He paused for a moment then began again. “I’m sorry for acting the way I did...” he mumbled, barely audible.
You chuckled. “Come on Langris. Even the gods couldn’t hear what you’re trying to say,”
He scowled. “Okay, alright. I’m sorry for overreacting. There.”
You moved closer and wrapped him in a warm embrace.
“As much as I love you, I don’t want to see you actually kill someone from the squad hm,”
“Tch, then they should stop getting on my nerves.”
You tapped his nose. “You really are something else,”
He blushed. “S-sorry I just... hate seeing men get too friendly with you.”
You tilted your head up, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“I’m yours Langris, you know that.”
“I know,” he sighed. “Sorry I-I love you,”
Langris had only known anger his entire life. You were glad to see him try to experience other emotions. He was also getting the hang of voicing these emotions out.
You lightly flicked his forehead, earning a glare from him. “I love you too. Now where’s that food you promised to get me?”
“Impatient as always,” he chuckled. “A staff member offered to take it up to our room. It would probably arrive any minute now,”
You hummed in response. “Okay. While waiting come cuddle with me!”
He shook his head, amused at how affectionate you are. He pulled you closer and placed a lengthy kiss on top of your head.
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Prompt: Vampire!Langris x gn!reader Genre: Angst/fluff (hurt-comfort) Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.7k Warnings: Langris just being Langris (does that count?)
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Night had set behind the horizon as you made your way towards the Vaude estate. Though it wasn’t solely out of having gotten out of work, and only now being able to meet up with him. Not… solely.
It had been some time since you had come to know that he wasn’t … human. Anymore. But by the time you had learned of his new state of being, you had already known him for too long to simply let him go.
After all, you loved him.
And… despite being a creature of the night, he hadn’t harmed you. Which meant that he was very much in control of his own cravings. His need for sustenance.
Though… he barely talked about it.
Granted that you didn’t really talk about your hunger too, although it was a very different kind of hunger. From what you had gathered.
The little things, that had remained, in between the lines.
You found him, from his usual spot. A chair by the window.
There was a fire in the fireplace, but you supposed the light of the blazing, roaring fire was too bright for him. Or then he just didn’t like it.
“Hi, Langris,” you greeted upon entering, but this time there was no answer.
Instead, the silence hung over the room, as if a lid on a casket, ready for the maggots to start roaming around, looking to burrow in. Hoping to burrow in. If you let them.
“What do you think life is?” He asked, not bothering, or perhaps not daring, to turn, or get up from his chair. Instead, he just continued to stare out of the window.
You frowned at the strange question. But the silence… that continued to linger in the room told you, that he wanted the question answered.
The question, another question, however, was: what was life to you?
You hadn’t thought about it that much. Certainly not enough to give him a definite answer on what you really thought life was. So, you gave him a very generic: “It’s what you make of it.”
He let out a scoff, which wasn’t particularly amused one.
“And what if you have all the lifetimes you can imagine?”
His question… Told you more about how he had been thinking about things. Perhaps fearing about spending the eternity all alone. Perhaps… but it was impossible to tell.
“Isn’t it then your choice to do what you want during all those lifetimes?” You asked the obvious question, following the train of thought that had was associated with the previous statement as you made your way to him.
“As if it was that simple,” he muttered against his hand, keeping his eyes closed as if wanting to hide the reality around him.
“Actually, I think it is,” you spoke, more out of being in too deep than anything else. “We make what we want out of this life.”
That was a true statement. Although there was the reality of having to work with the hand you had been dealt, and try to make the most out of it in the-, there were a lot of things. But. Still. What you did with the cards in your hand, was up to you.
“And there is nothing keeping you from doing many things with the time you have.” Another true statement.
It sounded better than you had thought. In fact, it made you feel pretty darn proud of yourself.
But Langris… He just stared at you. Eyes scanning you as you stood there, not budging, not wavering, instead having made your bed, and now lying in it.
Seconds ticked away. One by one, until a smile rose to his lips. Whether it was because of what you said, or the sheer absurdity of the moment, you didn’t know. And, you weren’t sure if you cared. Because he was smiling.
“And… we can do what we want, with this lifetime,” you added, sitting onto his lap, and throwing your legs over the arm rest.
He shook his head, but he didn’t shake of the faint amusement that seemed to have found a home on his lips.
You might have made him feel better for now, but… ‘for now’ was a start.
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yunospotpotatoes · 3 years
cute dates
Pairing: Finral Roulacase x reader, Langris Vaude x reader
Summary: How the spatial magic brothers takes you out on a date
Warning: None just fluff
A/n: I know a lot of people don’t like Langris but he just grows on you towards the end of the seasons and in the manga
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            ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Finral like the romantic he is always brings different flowers whenever you meet for a dates. As he takes your hand in his he never fail to compliment you. "Everyday I find the most beautiful flowers but they always to seem to wilt under the radiance of your beauty." Placing a gentle kiss to the top of your knuckle with the soft pink brushing against his cheeks. Making him handsome under the sun that shined against his honey coated eyes. "Shall we look around the market I found this cute little pastry shop that you will love." 
The rest of the date goes amazingly as he fed you cake adoring how much you seemed to enjoy it as well as his many adventures he had with the black bulls. Always brushing his fingers against your cheek whenever you had the cutest expression on your face never failing to lean against his touch feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. 
Hand in hand you two would always end your dates at the fountain in the center of the city. Most of the time you would visit during the day but being so caught in funny banter and exciting story travel wasted the day away turning it to dark. With shine of the moonlight lit up the fountain admiring the glistening water. Not noticing as Finral pulling out two coin he placed one in your hand to make a wish. 
As you both closed you eyes to make a wish he would take little peeks at your concentrated face as you were making your wish smiling to himself wondering how lucky he was to be your fiancé. Looking upon the fountain once again he wished with all his heart ‘I hope I can be a better man worthy of her love’ both tossing your coins watching as they floated to the bottom of the pool laid right next to each other 
Taking your hands once more he suggested a short dinner before dropping you back home. Linking your fingers into his agreeing to the idea as you looked back once again at the fountain whispering in your heart ‘I hope to keep loving this man till the end of time’
Langris has a more rough approach whenever you meet up for dates he tends to grip your hand too hard to which you would react by flinch away. He would instantly feel bad for being too rough apologizing over and over again. 
He would end up taking your hand he bruised placing little kisses on the areas that hurt, turning away trying to hide his blushing face as he gave you a explanation that his mother told him once that a kiss would make the pain go away. Taking his hand in yours gently gripping his as you flashed him a smile and thanking him which he found irresistibly cute. "N-no need to thank me now come on didn't you want to check out few stores." 
Leading him to the first store they came across which turned out to be a dress shop you picked out a few articles of clothing. Rushing past him into the dressing room as he waited outside. Coming out a few times he didn't seem to find any interest in any of the outfits you picked until you came out with the last outfit. The (f/c) dress hugging your figure so well it felt like time stopped for him right there and then standing right in front of him was an angel that came down from heaven.
"Y-y-you look so beautiful" He felt like a love sick puppy all over again just like the first time his parents introduced you as his fiancée. Cupping both of your hands between his as he pulled you closer to drink up your figure he knew instantly what the outfit was missing. He quickly asked the store clerk to ring up the dress in his name and send the rest of your clothes to his residents. 
Not understanding what was happening you tried to ask but he simply refused as he led you both outside. Basking in the warm sunlight he turned you towards him as he was a painter ready to paint his next inspiration. 
"Twirl for me" the confusion set on your face "Excuse me?" asking him. "Please Y/n just once please twirl for me" complying to his demand you twirled a few times in the sunlight as each stream of sunlight wrapped around your body captivating your appearance along with dress like a ballerina dancing in the spotlight. Spinning one more time you faced him with a little curtesy as you were about to stand up you felt something placed on your head. You looked to see a snow white sunhat it matched your dress perfectly. Smiling up at him doing one last twirl with the final masterpiece to your outfit. “Thank you so much my love its perfect” placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Grabbing his hand in yours to walk further into the plaza not paying attention to his burning gaze.
He never felt as blessed in this very moment just to be a man holding hands with the most gorgeous women in front of him. The one thought that kept repeating in his head was ‘I'm gonna marry this her’ accompanied with cute dopey look on his face.
The rest of the day ended up with him trying to show off his beautiful fiancée to anybody who would listen with you always having to pull him away from embarrassment from the overbearing praise.
              ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇   ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
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kaidas-daydreams · 3 years
january 20, 2021 (a letter to you series)
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langris was new to expressing his feelings so all he could do was write it down and allow you to read it.
langris x gn! reader
kaida's note: hi guys this is for my new series i'm starting called "a letter to you" where i write letters to you from various characters from black and haikyuu, i hope you all enjoy! 💭
lowercase intended
tip jar 💭
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"january 20, 2022 was the day, a date that will forever be engraved in my heart it was the day the universe brought you to me.
it may be cliché but when i first met you i already knew you were the one for me, the way you made me feel was something i'd never felt before. i saw a future with you and how much i desperately wanted it to come true.
i never understood the meaning of love but you make it so easy. you love me for who i am something i thought could never happen, not for someone like me but you saw through it all and picked up my broken pieces and i promise to return the favor if it were to ever present itself.
love, you're incredible. never doubt the love i have for you, i'm sorry if at times i'm a little distant but i'm trying to better myself and it's all thanks to you. thank you for being you and for existing because of that you've given me a happiness i never thought i could achieve. everything good i have in my life i owe to you.
i love you."
stay forever,
langris sealed the envolope and with a racing heart and shaking hands he was ready to deliver his feelings to you.
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newtthetranswriter · 6 months
The Trans Magic Knight
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Word count: 1641
Paring: The Black Bulls x Trans Masculine Reader (platonic)
Summary: Being a member of the Black Bulls that hid a part of their identity can be hard, it gets even worse when you get hurt and the truth comes out. Or maybe everything will be fine.
Warnings: Mentions of transphobia, injuries, smoking, if I missed any please let me know
A/n: Hello everyone and Happy Transgender day of Visibility. I wrote this as a piece to honor the fact that I’m trans myself. I also want everyone to know that My blog is a safe place for all identities and I would love to write more lgbtqia+ fics so feel free to request. It’s not exactly what I was going for but my brain started to give out and I wanted to get something out so I hope you enjoy either way. Anyway, enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    Being a member of the Black Bulls is wonderful, everyday is an adventure and everyone is accepting and kind. Not a day goes by that I’m not grateful for Captain Yami offering me a possession on his squad. I hadn’t even taken the exam to become a magic knight, Yami found me trying to defend my little village from bandits, with only a few defensive spells. When he arrived I was barely holding on against the older mages but I refused to give up, after taking out the bandits Yami approached me and tossed a Black Bulls robe my way asking me to join his crew. I didn’t even hesitate, I may have been trying to protect the village but I was desperate to get out of that town. Hell once the bandits were gone, the villagers praised Yami and gave him food and money, not acknowledging that had I not been there the bandits probably would have been long gone by the time Yami showed up. So yeah when I saw the robe, I jumped at the chance to get away.
    Now I’m part of an amazing and fun group of people who I would gladly fight for and who would gladly fight for me as well. That being said, there is one thing that only Captain Yami knows about me and that’s only because I’m terrified of how the others would react if they found out, after all Yami only knows because of some of the hateful things yelled at me as I left my village with him. 
    You see I’m transgender, when I was born everyone said I was a girl and enforced the feminine lifestyle on me. Around the same time I got my grimoire, I accepted that the label of girl or woman was wrong, I was just a person and preferred the more masculine things, fighting and getting dirty. When I realized this I cut my hair short, started binding my chest to appear more masculine, I even asked that my family and the people of my village call me Y/n and use either masculine or neutral pronouns to refer to me. Sadly living in a small village of the forsaken realm, being different in any way was wrong and so I was ostrichsized by my family and the people of the village. When Yami showed up and I left with him we were followed with shouts of transphobic slurs and insults of how bringing someone like me into the magic knights would bring shame to the kingdom. On the way to the Black Bulls base Yami agreed to keep it secret as long as I wanted, but he also promised that no one in the Black Bulls would care. Appreciating the sentiment, I had thanked him but decided that for now I would keep the truth to myself.
   So for the last three years I’ve lived and fought alongside the rest of the Black Bulls and so far no one has figured out my secret. Yami managed to give me a room that had a private bathroom attached and if anyone ever asked why I got special treatment he just did his usual act of asking why they would question him and scare them off. It was nice though, everyone here called me Y/n and addressed me as a guy, never suspecting anything else. But as we all know all good things come to an end, and my end happened during the Royal Knights exam to pick who would be the kingdom's leading force against The Eye of the Midnight Sun.
   During the second round when Langris nearly killed Finral, being the third member of Team G, I was horrified by what he had done. When the Wizard King said that we would move directly into the semifinale match between Asta’s team and mine, It took everything in me to listen and continue to stay on the battlefield. After all my teammate had nearly killed one of my closest friends, with encouragement to stay in the fight for a chance to be in the royal Knights from my other squadmates, I stayed but I wasn’t going to help Langris in his destructive plan to hurt any more of my friends. I simply cast a protection spell over my team's crystal, knowing Asta would easily break it, and took a step back. 
   Somewhere during Asta’s stand off with Langris, one of the spatial mages spells that Asta managed to launch back, had missed Langris and ended up hitting me in the rib cage. It seemed like everyone was too focused on the main fight to register I had been hit, hell I was too focused on the fight to notice. Only when both crystals had been destroyed and we were moved off the field did I realize there was a large hole through my shirt and chest. Actually it was Vanessa who pointed it out.
   “Oh my god, Y/n are you okay?” Vanessa approached looking panicked. Everyone who was still at the observation area turned to us concerned. I just looked at her confused not knowing what she was worried about, before I could respond I began to feel extremely dizzy. Right as I was about to fall Vanessa caught me. “Hey, it’s okay sweetie take it easy. I got you.” It felt like I was being lowered to the ground as she spoke to me. I tried to say something or even look at her but my vision went black and I went completely limp.
Time skip to shortly before results of the exam came back
    I slowly opened my eyes, being blinded by the harsh light of the sun shining directly into the window next to the bed I was in. The first thing I noticed was that there were a few people in the room with me. I could tell one was Captain Yami from the lingering smell of smoke, but my eyes hadn’t completely adjusted so I couldn’t quite tell who else was there. Moving to sit up I felt a hand on my shoulder gently pushing down, followed by a voice.
   “It’s good to see you’re awake but you need to take it easy. Don’t sit up so fast, Okay?” Turning to the side I confirmed that the voice was Vanessa, she was one of the first members of the squad to welcome me. Even though she tended to drown in booze, she was like a big sister to me so having her here relaxed me a bit. 
   Nodding to her I accepted the help in sitting up in the bed. Looking around I realized most of the squad was here to visit, just missing Finral and Gouache. And it seemed they all heard Vanessa speak to me because they all started talking. The room was filled with a chorus of them being happy I woke up or asking if I wanted to fight (that one was just Luck).
   The commotion went on for a bit before Yami shut them all up. “Shut up, no one is fighting anyone. Anyway, how you feeling kid?” Yami asked. As I was about to respond, I realized that in order to heal my wound, the healer had to take off my binder which means I was sitting here with my whole squad and they could definitely see the truth. It seemed Yami understood me freezing and took it upon himself to speak. “Don’t start worrying about that now. No one here gives a shit and if anyone says anything I’ll feed them to the beasts.” I just stared back at him, yeah so far no one has mentioned it but it was fairly obvious, with me not exactly being small chested and not in my usual binder and baggy clothes.
   Once again before I could speak I felt Vanessa lean over and give me a side hug before speaking. “Yeah no one cares. You’re you no matter what if you say you’re a guy then that’s what you are. Plus Yami told us your story and it’s truly awful how you were treated. Just know that no matter what we will always have your back.” Hearing that I smiled gently at her, trying to think of how to thank her.
   “Thanks everyone, but I’m sorry I lied to you all for so long. I would understand if you guys don’t fully trust me any more.” I apologized figuring that yeah they can say they accept me but that doesn’t mean they have to forgive the fact I kept it a secret for so long. 
   I was about to continue when Noelle started talking. “Nonsense what’s there to apologize for. You kept a secret because the last time people who were close to you found out, they treated you poorly. So what, you have fought by our side, protected us and even healed us more times than any of us can count. So how could we be mad about that? You were protecting yourself, we’ve all kept secrets to try and protect ourselves.” She finished with a flick of her hair. I looked at her shocked, then turned to the rest of the squad receiving nods of agreement and smiles.
   Before anyone else could say anything Yami ushered everyone out saying I needed rest and with that I was left alone. Sitting alone in the room I thought of what was said, Vanessa and Noelle are right, these guys will always have my back, we’ve fought together for so long and none of them have ever given up on me for any reason so why would they now. I slowly shifted to lay down content with the conversation that happened, and enjoyed the normal chaos that could be heard throughout the Black Bulls base. Everything was going to be just fine.
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delirious-donna · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons [Langris Vaude]
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an: lately I have become a little obsessed with Langris Vaude, a slow process considering how much I used to detest him, but here we are. Now I thirst for the haughty man. I know I am not alone in my opinions, so this is for me and others that yearn for the spatial mage.
p.s. apologies for how long this turned out, I simply could not control myself! ^^
pairing: Langris Vaude x female reader
warnings: too many to mention, nothing is super kinky but continue with ease
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A - Aftercare
It took Langris a hot minute to work out what this actually meant. Not accustomed to the softer moments in life, he had frowned in confusion as you forced him to lay back and relax.
What was the issue?
He had more than ensured your pleasure, and he too had found his release, why would he linger on the bed when there were other things to be done?
Slowly, he found that the quiet moments after what had transpired were sweeter than candy. Lost within the sensation of your fingers brushing into his chestnut hair, the rhythmical rise and fall of your chest and the melodic tunes you would hum.
"This is aftercare then?" he asked in a timid voice so unlike his own.
"Mmm, yeah. Nice isn't it?"
He was silent for the longest moment before rolling with you to reverse your positions.
"Let me return the favour, my love," he cooes.
Langris kneads at your tense shoulders, letting his hands skim down your bare skin in utter reverence as he kisses the top of your head. He wouldn't be skipping this ever again.
B - Body Part
You'd have to fight him - playfully - to discover his answer, but if truth be told, he likes his chest.
He knows that his strength is rather unassuming to most, often being dismissed for possessing only raw magical strength and not the physical type that Asta is famed for. Yet, under his magic knight's uniform lies defined muscles and corded strength, always ready at a moment's notice.
Langris has no wish to become as bulky as Asta, he finds it rather crass as to how thick the grey-haired boy's torso has become of late, but he will continue to train to maintain the lithe definition he does have.
Other than the physical appearance of his chest, there is another, far softer reason as to why he favours this part of his body. Within said chest beats a heart that had never known love, his family might have favoured him over Finral but he was a show pony, not a loved child.
Langris didn't know what it felt to be loved or to love until he met you. It was a turbulent journey, and it was not without some tears being shed. The armour around his heart crumbled into a rusty mess when he finally realised that to love, he has to allow himself to be vulnerable from time to time.
It was worth it, you were worth it and he would be damned if he would give it up after the battle he had fought to find it.
Yes, Langris likes his chest and the heart that resides within.
As for you, it's almost an impossible decision. You are everything he ever wanted but didn't know he needed. Langris may not be the most verbal with his affection, but if pushed he'd pick your hands.
He likes how they slip into his own when you know no one else is around, fingers interlocking and a thumb stroking against his palm. He adores that your hands seek him out in the night, wrapping around his bicep as you curl into him.
Your hands express your love and affection, the softness of your touch on his skin enough to chip away the icy mask that he wears to protect himself.
C - Cum
Langris was a flustered mess the very first time you made him cum. His face was so pretty and pink as he fought to keep his gaze away from your own, his breathing rapid and his hands clenched into the white sheets beneath him.
A simple handjob and he had spurted his sticky seed in record time as if he were some mere horny teenager. You knew he was embarrassed, could sense it with how he acted now and it tugged your heart. He didn't realise how empowering it felt to be able to bring his release so easily.
Langris was startled when you dipped a finger in his creamy essence, treating it as if it were paint and his skin the canvas. You swept it over the dips of the prominent 'v' that carved out his hips and pelvis, fingerpainting to your heart's content.
"Wh-what are you doing?" he asked on a hissed breath.
Finally, you met his crystalline eyes. Smiling sweetly you placed your messy fingers into your mouth and made a show of sucking them clean. It was arousing to watch the colours deepen, the way his cock jerked and hardened once more.
"Tasting you," you admit.
Langris was far from done with you after that display and remark.
He prefers to paint your insides than decorating your body but he has been known to pull out for you to swallow his load, but only if you ask very sweetly.
His cum tastes bitter but not unpleasant, almost like extremely rich dark chocolate. As for volume, well, there is enough to make several paintings if you wish.
In return, Langris enjoyed eating you out far more than he had anticipated. The sometimes haughty noble is not immune to becoming pussy drunk, lapping at your slick centre until his mouth and chin are shiny with your essence.
His eyes glazed and unfocused when you finally managed to pull him by the hair away from your trembling cunt. The simple act of watching him licking at his lips is enough to make you keen for him. Langris wastes not a drop of what you spill, he has never tasted something so potent and intoxicating.
D - Dirty Secret
Langris will deny it to the ends of the earth, but he enjoys wearing your panties.
I'm not surprised, no one was more shocked than Langris himself.
He didn't pull them on through any overwhelming urge that came to his mind, it was the result of a lost bet that forced the silky shorts to adorn his beautiful hips.
Langris was confident that he would win the bet and that he would never have the indignity of wearing a female's underwear, but he had been wrong.
He was a flustered mess as he left for the day, only the two of you in the knowledge of what lay beneath his pants. You tried to suppress the giggles, knowing that he would likely throw a hissy fit if he thought you were mocking him, but he was too dang cute.
You had to admit that he looked kinda hot in your silkiest pair of black shorts. You had chosen these especially as you did not think he would take well to wearing a barely concealing thong. His bits would never remain inside!
His lightly tanned skin was accentuated by the midnight black silk, the lace trim around the legs gave an inviting allure and you almost crawled to him by the door. Desperate to unbuckle his belt and pull any the layers to find the smooth material so you could bury your face in it, but you didn't.
Langris saw the look in your eye, he remembered it all day long and slowly he started to enjoy the feel of something so decadent against his crotch. He liked it far more than he anticipated.
He won't tell you this, and you will never tell him that you cheated in your bet... how naughty!
E - Experienced
You had thought Langris to be a virgin when you got together, but it turns out that he had lost his innocence in one of the very few times he had gotten drunk. He isn't proud of it, in fact, for a long time he tried to pretend it had not happened at all. Langris didn't remember what the girl looked like, let alone her name and it prickled him.
Certainly, you had no experience to speak of, and the one drunken time for Langris didn't amount to anything. That meant that you were to experience a lot of new things together.
Langris was certainly a fast learner. Within no time at all, it felt like he had a wealth of experience under his belt and you were still floundering like a shy little flower. He took your meek embarrassment in his stride, secretly enjoying how bashful you became when he whispered naughty suggestions in your ear.
"Shall I bend you over my desk, my love? I have a free hour or two. We could see how many times I can make you cum on my fingers before you are whimpering for me to fill you up properly."
Where had your inexperienced lover gone? That boy was dead and buried. The man that replaced him was confident in his ability and assured of his technique within the blink of an eye.
Langris Vaude was certainly a prodigy in many disciplines.
F - Favourite Position
Call him old-fashioned, but what is wrong with missionary?
Langris likes that he can kiss you deeply whilst he plunders your cunt, growling as you bite at his lower lip and he ruts himself harshly in reply.
He can brace his weight on one wrist or forearm as the other pinches lazily at your stiffened nipples, lowering his mouth to suckle the peak until you are yanking on his hair.
In this position, he can feel your thighs winding around his hips and the bucking over your body meeting him stroke for stroke. You feed him that extra friction that is enough to make him want to leave pretty marks on your neck - his mark.
Langris knows when your release is close, your hands sliding to his back where your nails dig into his flesh hard enough to leave thin red streaks. That hint of pain is blissful, knowing that you are losing the battle against your animalistic instincts and he isn't far behind.
He'll shift back on the bed, moving to his knees as he drags you closer to him. Pressing your thighs against his shoulders as his cock reaches new depths and drags deliciously against your g-spot with every precise swing of his hips.
Yeah, this is his favourite position, nothing else comes quite as close as this does.
G - Goofy
I'm sorry, this is Langris Vaude we are talking about. He barely knows what the word goofy means. If you wanted this in a partner then you were with the wrong brother.
He'll listen to your pathetic attempts at jokes, smiling kindly but his eyes are weary. The man loves you more than anything in this world, but he is never going to be the type to play practical jokes or burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. It's just not in his nature.
Having said that, he does like to tease. He isn't above tickling you until you are crying for mercy, of which, he has very little. Langris will giddily straddle your waist to hold you down and tickle your ribs, neck, stomach and every other part he can reach until you are sobbing with giggling tears.
This kind of goofy, he can get behind, but it will always be behind closed doors. He doesn't wish for others to see that he possesses this side of him.
H - Hair
Tousled golden brown hair adorns his head, soft and gently curling around the edges of his face. Langris keeps his hair well-trimmed, believing it to be unbecoming of a young man to let it get too long. His shampoo smells faintly of jasmine, you'd think it would be a little feminine but on Langris, it really compliments him - balancing out the masculine elements of his appearance and personality.
Light smatterings of hair grace his pectorals, he used to shave it off until you insisted he stop. You love running your dainty fingers through the hair, your nails grazing his nipples quite on purpose as you do. He'll growl as a warning, but whether you choose to heed the warning, is entirely dependent on your mood.
His happy trail starts not far above where his sleeping pants would rest, the hair is a little denser here and especially as it continues down to join the short curls that nestle around the base of his dick.
The carpet surely matches the drapes, the colour is exactly the same no matter which part of his body you admire with your lustful gaze. Langris keeps his private area short and well maintained, but your nose still nestles against the coarse hair when you've managed to work his cock fully down your throat.
I - Intimacy
It took some time for intimacy to be the norm in your relationship, Langris simply did not know how to offer it, having received none himself.
Much like when he discovered what aftercare meant, he slowly allowed himself to ease into the sensation of letting someone close to his heart.
The whole thing came with soul-soaring highs and achingly awful lows.
Langris had not anticipated that loving someone intimately would bring with it such terrible fears. Thoughts of losing you in some way, of being hurt or falling out of love with him haunted his dreams more than he would care to admit.
Intimacy was a double-edged sword, capable of bringing ecstasy and at the same time being able to bring him to his knees in agony. Despite this, he wouldn't give it up for anything in the world, he only wished he had found you sooner. Perhaps your good influence on him would have meant mending of relationships far sooner than had transpired.
The majority of your shared intimacy is still hidden behind closed doors but on occasion, and when Langris is feeling especially proud of you, he will openly kiss your temple. He might even indulge in trailing his fingers with yours for a moment, much to the bewilderment of his squadmates.
Your relationship is no secret, but his softer side certainly is.
J - Jerk Off
This happens very rarely. There have been only a handful of times when he has been parted from you long enough to warrant him fisting his straining cock.
If he were to find himself on such a mission where you had not seen each other in days, then it would likely be first thing in the morning that he would indulge.
Awakening to find his morning erection practically waving at him beneath the bedsheets, his skin sensitive from everything that dares to touch him and his mind replaying the lewd dreams of you from the night.
Langris grasps the base of his dick, hissing through his teeth at the initial contact, he won't last long, he knows that much. Screwing his eyes shut and chin tilting his head back to face the ceiling as he tries his best to imagine it is your hand around him. The difference in size and strength of grips should be enough to wipe away his foolish illusion but Langris is so headstrong that the image of you remains clear.
He'd much rather it was you doing this, your dainty hand pumping his length, spreading his precum over his heated flesh in between kitten licks from your naughty tongue.
Only a few strokes to this imagery are enough for him to relieve the pressure in his abdomen and balls. Completely messing up the sheets but hoping he can slip them into the laundry without question.
Langris really cannot wait to get back home to you.
K - Kink
Don't tell anyone, Langris will not be impressed if you dared disclose this information to anyone - he means it - tell no one.
Langris is a sucker for praise.
You discovered it completely by accident. Laying back in Langris's bed, thighs spread wide and pinned down by his strong hands, his face was entirely buried in your cunt.
Your fingers speared into his lush hair, gripping at the roots as you spoke in broken moans;
"Oh gods, baby. You're making me feel so good."
He stilled for a second before his sparkling eyes lifted to lock with your own. You visibly watched the pink stain deepen on his cheeks, his tongue flickered against your clit and you whimpered.
Waiting until he was back to tasting your velvet lower lips, you spoke once more and carefully watched his reaction.
"Baby, you're such a good boy. So amazing at eating me out."
He groaned in his throat, eyes rolling to white as his hips rutted against the mattress. Langris was lost to his actions, fucking himself whilst he devoured you like a man possessed.
Let's just say that you know how to pull his strings, how to gently manipulate him into giving you exactly what you want.
"Whose your handsome best boy?"
L - Location
Again, Langris is fairly traditional with his preference. He likes to make love or fuck like feral beasts, depending on his mood, in the safety of your shared bed.
The options were almost limitless, he could contort your limbs into a variety of positions or simply choose to indulge in straight vanilla sex.
However, he has become rather fond of taking you in his office. It seems so naughty and unprofessional of him, seeing you bent at the waist with your dress simply a puddle of cloth only covering your middle. Your beautiful tits pressed into the smooth oak of his desk, both your arms in his grip as he slams into your fluttering cunt.
The sound of skin slapping is lewd and delicious as he reminds you to be quiet, knowing that you will fail sooner or later and he will have to make you suck on his fingers to dull your noises.
He loses himself in the sight of his cock plunging into your welcoming warmth, his balls smacking against your clit with every precise thrust and the jiggle of your ass cheeks as the clapping noise increases with each gush of essence that crashes against his crotch.
Yeah, Langris would take in his office at every opportunity afforded to him.
M - Motivation
There are times when work has to come first, you know this well and you understand, you do, but it's so difficult when it is keeping you from the tender touch of your handsome man.
Langris can become easily absorbed into his work, often not noticing how late he has stayed locked away in his office - he locks it knowing you'll try to distract him if he doesn't. He loves you dearly, but he feels there is still a lot he needs to prove.
By the time he slumps into your bedroom, dark rings under his eyes and shoulders slouched from exhaustion, you know you'd have to work a miracle to get him in the mood.
You've planned for this, Langris finds the room bathed in the soft glow of candlelight and you are draped on the bed in your finest lingerie. Silk adorns your torso from neckline to midthigh, the golden shimmer catching beautifully in the glow.
"My love, I am so very tired," his plea is genuine and there is strain around his eyes from denying you.
"I know baby, come here. Let me take care of you."
You pat the bed and watch as he slowly undresses to leave his uniform in a trail from the door to the bed - very unlike him. He hums his appreciation as he truly looks over your enticing lingerie, wishing he wasn't so damn tired.
Isn't it amazing how reinvigorating a sensual massage, a willing ear to listen to his woes and a loving hand to caress all his favoured areas can be? Langris is swept into the care you pile on him so generously.
You know in your heart that if he really was too tired, you weren't going to force the issue, this had been a lovely evening and you had no desire to spoil it with an argument. Slipping from the bed so you can change into his shirt for the night, he catches your wrist by surprise.
"Ride me, my love," he pleads.
"We don't have to, I know you're tired..."
Langris pulls you to him, lips searing against your own before he parts your mouths.
"I have not the energy to ravish you as I'd like, but I'd love to watch you fuck yourself on my cock."
Well, you don't need asking twice...
N - No
Langris, despite seeming rather uptight to most, is fairly open to trying new things in the bedroom. He feels the safest when experiencing activities with you - his trust runs soul deep.
However, there are a few things that are a straight 'no' and those are never going to change. Namely, anything that would cause you or him harm or pain. A spank on the ass, hair pulling, nails raking into flesh or hard bites are the limit to his tolerance for pain in the bedroom. Anything beyond that is a 'no'.
The same goes for anything too risky; he might love taking you in his office but he is not about to indulge in initiating intimate relations in a place where you are likely to be discovered, that would be foolish. The very thought of someone else seeing your body in the throes of passion is enough to boil his blood and make him see red. You are his and his alone, and in the same regard, he is yours.
Langris does not share, not now and not ever.
O - Oral
Langris is a big fan, and will often put off the main event in favour of absolutely losing himself in the feel and taste of your core. He will push you well on the way to extreme overstimulation as he practically refuses to detach from your puffy clit and swollen lips.
Drinking in your whimpers much in the same way he drinks in your delicious nectar, Langris can cum entirely untouched in this situation. Driving his hips further into the yielding mattress as you squeeze the life out of his head.
The man has serious game when it comes to oral skills, perhaps having a razor-sharp tongue helped him in this regard and in honesty it doesn't much matter.
He knows exactly when to tease your clit, when to slide his velvet tongue along your slit, how firmly to press his nose against your hood and when to prod at your aching hole.
His record is one straight hour spent between your slick thighs, and he would have continued if he wasn't concerned you would pass out from dehydration.
As for receiving, it is sometimes the best part of waking up. You were his very own alarm clock, often waking before him - which was saying something considering how early he wakes - to slide between the sheets and feast on his flesh.
The first moan out of his mouth tells you he is awake, uncovering your hidden form so he can watch exactly what you are doing. Cupping his sensitive balls as you slobber all over his dick, eyes wet from the tears of forcing him further and further down your throat. Muscles constricting to the point that his hips are jerking and he's cursing under his breath.
Langris won't last much longer, the early morning erection already close to painful and demanding release. Along with the sight of your fluttering lashes and tears tracking your cheeks, it's more than enough to force his orgasm - of which you collect every drop on your tongue, showing it to him before swallowing and opening your now empty mouth.
"Fuck, you're gonna kill me at this rate, my love."
P- Pace
Much depends on his mood, either is good at the right moment. Langris also likes to switch things up mid fuck, going from slow and languid strokes that ensure he grazes every sensitive spot in your clenching cunt to fast rough thrusts that make your toes curl and your nails dig into his shoulders.
He can play you like a damn fiddle when he wants, long having learned what every reaction meant and using different techniques to keep you on your toes.
You can be lost in his loving gaze, running your fingers softly through his hair as you reach up to peck at his parted lips one second and the next he has flipped you onto your stomach and is fucking into you like he is deep in mating season.
Don't ever think you truly know what is going through his head, especially when he is intoxicated by your nearness.
Q - Quickie
Langris really enjoys a quickie, it's an excellent way to feel connected to you in the times when work and evil schemes rear their ugly head.
Those moments when you are going about simple tasks like taking off your make-up or folding your clothes neatly away, the urge to pin you against the nearest wall is often irresistible.
If you could see the fiery blue flames that dance within his eyes, it would at least give you a hint as to what is to come, but he treats you like a predator stalking prey.
Pouncing when you least suspect it. Bruising kisses pressed to your lips as he rips away the layers keeping him from your bare skin, only every removing enough to allow him the much-needed access for scratching this insufferable itch.
You love when he is like this, the primal need driving him to consume you completely. It won't take long, the pace will be brutal and there will be little to no preamble but you find these moments raw and so real.
It reinforces the confidence that needs you just as much as you need him.
R - Risk
Langris is fairly risk-averse. He doesn't see any pleasure in putting you or him in harm's way. There would be no amount of pleasure in the world that could coax him into taking such frivolous and dangerous risks.
He wants you safe at all times.
Even when it comes to birth control, he is extremely diligent. He knows your cycle, probably better than you do, and he always has protection on hand for the times you forget to take your birth control pill. He is aware you are a little scatterbrained with such matters, and although he would much prefer to fuck you raw, the condoms are there for the times you do forget.
S - Stamina
On a day off, Langris is a solid 11/10.
He could probably go from dawn until dusk with the appropriate rest breaks scattered throughout - he could not survive on simply eating out your pussy - and water, lots of it would be required for such sessions.
These days are rare, although they do occur. As much as you enjoy being swept into carnal pleasure for an entire day, you would much rather enjoy his company in less lustful ways too. He is extremely witty when in the right mood, and you love to hear his take on current affairs over lazy mornings in bed. He has even been known to read the paper to you, adding his own spin on the events of the previous day much to your quiet amusement and giggles.
On a work day then he is probably closer to 6/10. He gives it his all and will most likely have enough energy to go at least twice before flopping back on the bed with his eyes shut and his chest rapidly rising and falling.
"My love, please tell me you have had enough?"
Can anyone truly have enough of Langris Vaude?
T - Toys
Toys are not something that is prevalent, therefore not much consideration has been given to their usage in the bedroom.
Langris would likely find the idea of introducing toys into the lovemaking deeply wounding. Isn’t he enough for you? He’d huff and puff at the thought of it, full-on pouting lower lip and refusing to meet your eye.
Heaven forbid that he discovers how toys could be used to drive you to the brink of desperation. Langris would likely smirk as he presses the tiny bullet vibrator to your clit, watching your legs tremble and shake from the vibrations entering your body.
“You asked for this, my love.”
U - Unfair
Langris can be extremely unfair when the mood strikes him. There is a slight sadist streak that stems from his upbringing and he hasn’t managed to shake all of it away. He might choose to let out his frustrations by toying with the idea of turning you into a whimpering boneless mess.
He’ll become absorbed in bringing you to the very precipice of orgasm, your hips stuttering and nails scrabbling against the bedsheets, only to dial it back down. The first few times are annoying but fun, after that you are full-on crying for him to let you cum. The pressure is too great, you might implode on the bed if he doesn’t push you over that final cliff edge.
He chuckles darkly, narrating his entire process as his slender fingers dip between your folds, spreading your slick and teasing your hole with short thrusts.
“You want to cum, my love?” Langris sounds so haughty, tearing his lips away from your quivering and tortured nipples to speak.
You can only nod fervently, noises of garbled assent slipping from your lips.
“Beg me.”
And you do. Langris can suffer from a slight God complex from time to time, and this is one of them. He is so unfair but always makes up for it on the other side. Aftercare is now one of his specialities and when he has been this cruel, he spoils you rotten with his actions and affection.
V - Volume
It’s rather a surprise how verbal Langris is mid-coitus. You hadn’t pegged him for being much of a talker, but you can’t help but be turned on by the lewd whispers in your ear.
“You like that? You like my cock buried in your cunt, stretching you open?”
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve damn near lost consciousness from the utter filth that he paints with his words. He’d probably make a fantastic erotic fiction writer, not that he ever would dare such a sinful hobby - most unbecoming.
Other than his words, he grunts, groans and growls. He is not one for shying away from letting you know exactly how deeply your actions are affecting him.
Pulling him in for a kiss by yanking on his belt? He is growling like a grizzly bear before his mouth slants over yours.
Waking him with your special wake-up call? He is groaning as he watches inch by delicious inch disappear into your throat.
Straddling his lap to impale yourself on his eager cock? He is grunting as your slow descent continues until you are fully sheathing his length.
Langris is rarely silent in these heated moments, and every little word or noise fills your soul to the brim with love for your beloved man.
W - Wild Card
The closest Langris ever came to losing his damn mind and fucking you in a place where discovery would have been likely was last year at a party hosted by the Black Bulls.
His fractious relationship with his brother, Finral, is healing slowly and with your continued reassurances that you would be by his side the entire time, he agreed to attend.
You liked Finral, you could see how much effort he was putting into building the bridges between himself and Langris, as well as how sweet he was to you. He had a partner of his own, and the two of you always got along well.
The party was in full swing with more than enough crazy antics to write a book about. Langris was nursing the same drink he had been holding an hour ago whilst you might have indulged in a little more than was sensible.
Pulled to your feet by Finral’s girlfriend, you both make your way to the small area set up as a dance floor. It’s innocent at first, girly shrieking as you both jump around with Noelle and Mimosa, but it changes quickly.
The cousins flounce off to find Asta, leaving just the two of you remaining as the music changes to something with a heavier beat. One thing leads to another you find yourself entwined with the girl, hips rolling in tandem and hands ghosting down sides and over stomachs.
One look over at your man and you almost moan aloud. The brothers look feral, tension radiating around them and you are sure it is not from an argument. Their respective eyes find their partners and for a few more minutes you decide to continue the show.
Finral snaps first, quick steps towards you as he pulls his girl away to goodness knows where, leaving you alone and seeking out Langris. You find him standing in a shadowy recess, he crooks a finger and you practically run to him.
His fingers tangle in your hair, baring your throat with a harsh pull on your silken strands. His scorching mouth licks a path from your throat to your mouth, insistent lips bruising against your own and teeth nipping at your kiss swollen lips.
Your hands are pawing at his chest, inching under the tight fit of his shirt and eliminating all space between your bodies.
Langris finds the strength to stop this in its tracks before he is fucking you for all to see. He doesn’t want that, doesn’t wish to share you. The dancing with Finral’s girl was the very limit to his allowances and he hadn’t expected to be quite so affected, and it seemed his brother was much in the same boat.
Arriving home was quite the experience but it’s a secret Langris wants to keep between you two.
Ask nicely enough and the story might be told…
X - X-Ray
Oh my, you walk in on Langris exiting the shower. The towel loosely tucked around his hips happens to fall away at the very moment you close the door. What an eyeful, let’s drink in this absolute treat of a male.
Golden brown hair damp and tousled clings to his handsome face. His jaw is sharp, angular with defined cheekbones that many a girl would kill for. His aquamarine eyes lock with yours as you trail his impressive frame with a hungry gaze. His lips tilt into a knowing smirk, chin lifting in what you might think to be haughty defiance, but you know him better than that, he is teasing you for looking so brazenly.
His skin is very lightly tanned with a faint sprinkling of freckles gracing his shoulders. His torso is lithe but well-defined. Muscles packed onto his slim frame in a way that makes his strength entirely unassuming. Long slender fingers wiggle as you continue to venture down, almost dancing as if to remind you of the last time he had used the digits on your body.
His stomach dips slowly, unfazed by your tour of him and you eye his happy trail that you adore so much. He must be happy to see you, his generous cock lengthening before your eyes, as if by magic. His length is impressive, more than enough to kiss your cervix and with an especially girthy base that means you never truly get used to his size. There is always a slight burn to accommodate him fully, but you love it, love the stretch.
His legs are slim as are his hips, and although he is face on you can well imagine his cute little tush. Knew that he is likely clenching his cheeks as you bite your lip and finally pad towards him in anticipation.
What a man…
Y - Yearning
Langris is always yearning, although you might not even know it. Coming from nobility he has long since mastered the art of entirely masking his emotions behind a veil of indifference.
He might let you in on his little secret, whispering in your ear as you pass each other in the hallway. Tells you just how adorable he finds your new knee-high socks and that he can’t wait to learn how they feel next to his ears. You’ll squirm as people pass the two of you, not knowing that the vice-captain of the Golden Dawn is turning your panties damp with his words.
Then again, he might not tell you how turned on he is whenever you are near him. It’s his little secret, one that brings that smug smile to his lips. To keep it under wraps means he has to keep his hands and his thoughts to himself at least some of the time, it’s hard when he is literally aching for you. Everything below the waist feels far too tight and restrictive.
If he didn’t take his duties as seriously as he does then he would likely be found twisting the sheets with you as often as he could.
Langris always wants to be buried in your warmth, but realistically, he knows this is impossible. He’ll settle for taking you in any free moments he has.
Z - Zzz
Langris needs his sleep, he cannot function on too little of it and he has a rather strict sleep schedule that he rarely deviates from.
Before he met you, he used the extra hours in the morning for exercise, reading and catching up with paperwork. Now he is more likely to be found reading the paper to you as you snuggle against his side or fucking you absolutely senseless before he has to get ready for work.
The man does not believe in naps, they are a waste of his time and he tsks every time he finds you nestled in the sheets during the day. You best believe he is gonna spank your ass to wake you up, and he wonders if you specifically wear your cutest pink panties for this very reason.
Langris is in bed by 11pm every night. He doesn’t force you to bed at the same time, he knows you often read much later into the night but he will pout from his side of the bed if you choose to read in the chair. His eyes, already heavy from the sleep that is fast approaching, blink at you slowly. A hand slips free of the comforter to make adorable grasping motions and his bottom lip juts out.
You roll your eyes, but you know you’ll be climbing into bed with him, how could you say no to the soft vulnerable side of Langris? His head on your lap, he almost purrs his contentment moments before he is fast asleep.
“Sweet dreams handsome, I love you.”
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