#Lare and Sunemon
fddarchive · 2 years
Noxmon Saga - Episode 3: Can’t Go Wrong With Sonamon (3/3) [incomplete]
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Noxmon Saga
Episode 3: Can’t Go Wrong With Sonamon
Authors: Crescent  
From The Saga page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
<<< Beginning of fic  |  << Previous Chapter
Sunemon: It was a normal day for Lare until she tripped on a digivice, was transported to the Digiworld and met Me! as Acuemon of course! Our friendship got of to a pretty good start until Travenmon came out of nowhere and attacked us. I digivolved to Sunemon and saved Lare! Then Darmon came into the picture, things were pretty hopeless until we ran into the Digidestines! Seeing he was outnumbered, Darmon turned tail and ran away. Now me and Lare have joined up with the Digidestines! what will happen next?
<Theam Song Plays> Title: Can't go wrong with Sonamon
Somewhere in Akumu Forest-early morning
Sunemon is sleeping restlessly
Sunemon: *snores*
Dream Sequence: (ooooohh ^_^)
Acuemon sat in the clearing where he mat Lare, a large, thin, purple digimon that resembles a wolf with ram-like horns and a fox-like tail sat talking to him, she stands up and turns to leave
Acuemon: Wait!
Daiamon: *turns* yes
Acuemon: well, I was just wondering, Could I come with you?
The digimon turns compleatly to look at him
Acuemon: I mean, Ya don't have ta if you don't wanna, I mean...
Daiamon-interups: I don't think it would be right, you have you own destiny to for fill--
Acuemon-despertly: Please!! don't leave me here to be alone! I can't stand it any longer!!! Please!!!
Daiamon: *looks piting* ...fine, you can come, but only till I find my friends
Acuemon: That's great! Thanks!!
End of Dream Sequence...:
Sunemon wakes up sadly remembering his friend
Sunemon: *sadly and Quietly* ... I miss you Daiamon...
Bianmon: who's Daiamon?
Sunemon: *jumps with shock* huh?
Bianmon: you said, 'I miss you Daiamon' who is that?
Sunemon: *sighs* Daiamon was my friend, she died saving my life
Bianmon: *guilty she brought up the subject* oh, sorry
Sunemon: *smiles fakely* It's okay!
Lare wakes to the sound of voices
Lare: huh? *looks scared and confused*  W-where am I?! *looks around* and why am I sleeping on the grass?!
Sunemon: oh you're awake!
Lare: *realises* oh yeah, I'm in the Digiworld *mutters* just great. *cheers up*  mornin' Sune!
Sunemon: *smiles* Good Morning!
Bianmon: good morning Lare!
Lare: Morning er, Bianmon?
Bianmon: *smiles* yep!
Later when everyones up, and eating
Sunemon-stupidly: Yum! Food that wasn't cooked by How-- *relises*...e er, nobody
Everyone stares at Sunemon
Sunemon: *laughs weakly to hide his mistake*
Lare: who's 'Howe'?
Sunemon: *looks away* nobody
Tai: well he can't be Nobody if he can cook! *laughs stupidly*
Sunemon: *groans*  just forget it!
Lare-pressing: why don't you wan't to talk about it?
Sunemon-angry: I said forget it!!
Lare: I just wanted to know why you're so touchy about this--
Sunemon: ARRRUUGH!!!!! I Said Forget About it!!!
Everyone jumps at Sunemon's outburst
Lare: eh, what's your problem?
Lare: jeez, I was just asking--
Sunemon: *angerly* well Don't
Lare - angered: well, FINE
Sunemon: FINE!
Lare: FINE!!
Stephanie-trying to help: maybe you two should carm down abit...
Sunemon: *spins* Maybe you should shutup!
Stephanie - taken back: sorry...
Lare-angry: that was mean!!!
Sunemon - uncaring: So?
Lare - realy pissed: so, you're a bad tempered, rude little creap!!!
Sunemon: well I don't care what you think!
Lare: well I don't care either
Sunemon: FINE
Lare: FINE!!!
Sora: *interrupts before it could get any worse* come on guys!! Stop this before you kill each other!!!
Sunemon: humph!
Sunemon grunts then turns and runs off
Lare: *yells* where are you going!?
Sunemon: to find some better friends!
Lare: Yeah well... Don't come back!!!
Lare sits down angerly
Kari: that was mean
Lare - pouts: well he started it!! *sighs, looks sad and guilty* yeah I know, I'll go find him *stands up* okay! um, which way did he go?
Everyone: *sweatdrop*
Somewhere eles in Akumu Forest:
Sunemon: grrrrrrr, I can't belive that, Lare is so mean! *angry* I wished we'd never come here!! *starts crying* then Daiamon would still be alive...
Back to Lare and so:
Lare: *sighs* I hope Sunemon isn't too angry
Gatomon - knowingly: the best thing is to apologize then put it in the past
Kari: *nodds* that's right
Lare: *smiles* yeah!
Suddenly a digimon that looks Heckofalot like Darmon runs in attack
Darranmon: Rarrr!!! you will never win Digidestines!!!
Lare - worried: Uh oh!
Tai: Agumon, Digivolve!
Agumon: *nods* Right! Agumon digivolve to... Graymon!!!
Graymon: Novablast!!!
Darranmon: *knocks of the attack as if it was the wind* Black Speed!!!
The attack speeds (hehe) towards them
Everyone: *screams*
Not far away, Sunemon hears the Screams
Sunemon: *stops crying and looks up* Lare?
Hears screams again
Sunemon: oh no!! Lare!! *starts running* LARE!!! I'm comming
Sunemon runs into a clearing where The Digimon are fighting an evil Digimon which looks a heckofalot like Darmon
Gatomon: Gatomon digivolve to... Angewomon
Angewomon: Celestial ARROW!!!
The arrow cuts through Darranmon and Deletes him
Darranmon - screams: NNNNOOOOO!!!! *silently* I...Failed...
Sunemon - relived: LARE!!!
Sunemon runs over to Lare crying
Sunemon - apologetic: I'm sooo Sorry, I thought you were going to Die! I should of been there!!
Lare: It's alright Sunes! I'm fine, It should be me who is sorry
Sunemon: I'm sorry I was so mean!
Lare: me too!
Sunemon: I know, But I've gotta learn how to take a comment
Tai: *calls* Hey, we're going
Stephanie: you don't wanna be left behind!
Lare: Okay! *stands and walks to the others with Sune in tail*
A valley in Akumu Forest-Day
After afew hours long of painful walking (Woh boy...)
Lare - in a anoing whining tone: When ARE we gonna rest! I've lost all fealing in my feet
Tai: *Sighs* Well, I suppose…
Lare: Yay!!
They all sit down
Lare: *Sighs* ...I'm pretty hungry...
*everyone groans at Lare's constant wining*
Sunemon: *get's an Idea* I know! Me and Lare can go find some food, we won't be long
Lare-surprised and slightly angered: we will?
Sunemon: come on
Lare: *sighs* fine...
They both walk off
Sunemon-thoughtfuly:  now where do we find food?
Later, they near camp carring some fruit and other plants that Sunemon had said was safe to eat. The two near a lake
Sunemon: Look, a Lake!
Lare: we need some water, *takes out a flask from her backpack* Is it safe?
Sunemon observes the lake
Sunemon: Yes. Hey! Fish! This looks like a great place for fishing!
Lare: That's great! Just one problem, HOW?
Sunemon: Don't worry, I've caught many a fish in my time! infact, I'm a fishing ACE!!
Lare: Realy? ya don't look it
Sunemon: Don't worry Re' I know what I'm doing.
Sunemon runs to the edge of the lake and looks in
Sunemon: (cou't) and anyway, how'd you think I got my meals
Lare: I dunno, foraging, road kill, A.B.D'd (already been Dead ^_~)...
Sunemon: *ignores Lare* Okay here comes a big one, *looks closer* Trout is my guess.
Lare: *sits down* whatever
Sunemon reaches down to catch the fish, he swipes and misses the fish, Sunemon continues to angrily swipe at the lake, splashing water all over himself, and scaring all the fish away.
Lare: *laughs* Yeah, a real Ace!
Sunemon: *soaking wet* Well Ha Ha!!!
Lare: Let me try
Lare steps to the edge of the lake an peers in
Lare: my dad's a great Fisherman, surely I must of inherited something from him
Sunemon: *shakes all the water like a dog* let's just see
Lare reaches in to the water and keeps her hands still, after awhile a fish swims over and she quickly grasps it.
Lare: *holds the fish up proudly* wha'd I tell you
Sunemon: humpf, Fluke
Lare proudly steps away from lake when suddenly a big digimon rises out of the it.
Lare: *turns with surprize*  Sunemon... who's that?!!
DIGITAL ANALYSER: (said by Sunemon): That's Aquenmon, expert in water, Deadly on land...
Lare: that don't sound too good...
Aquenmon: Pressure DEPTH!!!! *a strong blast of fast green water shoots towards Lare and Sunemon*
Lare: *Screams*
Back in the clearing:
Lare's scream is heard
Joe: that sounds like Lare...
Matt: Lets go.
They all run towards the Lake to find Sunemon and Lare being attacked by Aquenmon
Sunemon: *in fighting stance* Grrrr
Lare: *notices the others have come* Guys!!! Help!!!
Sunemon: Sonic BLAST!!! *no effect*
Aquenmon grabs Lare with one of his slimy green tentacle-like arms pulling her off the ground
Sunemon: LARE!!!!!! *jumps at Aquenmon, but is easly brushed away*
Lare - Screams: PutMeDownPutMeDownPutMeDown!!!!!!!!!!
Sunemon: LARE!!!
Suddenly, Lare's Digivice starts to glow
Tai: what the...
Sora: Her, Digivice...
TK: Sunemon's Digivolving!!
Sunemon - surprized: I'm what-- oh yeah!...  Sunemon Digivolve to... SONAMON
Lare: whaa??
Aquenmon: What the...?!
In surprise, Aquenmon drops Lare
Lare: uggh!!!
Joe: who's that?
DIGITAL ANALYSER: (said by Tentomon): That's Sonamon, a powerful Canine Digimon, it's best not to get on his bad side, Sonamon can be unstopable when he's angry!!!
Sonamon wacks Aquenmon with his front foot then grabs him with his tail
Sonamon  - viciously: Looks like I caught me a fish
Aquenmon: Pressure DEPTH!!!! *misses*
Sonamon: *narrows eyes* looks like it's too small, better throw it back
Sonamon tosses Aquenmon high into the air
Aquenmon: Aaaaauughhh!!!
Sonamon: SONIC BOOM!!!!!!!!
Blue energy appears around Sonamon then focus' at his mouth and shoots towards Aquenmon. Aquenmon screams as the attack hits.
Aquenmon: Noooooo...!!!!
He falls into the lake and dosn't come back up
Lare: Yay! um, Sonamon beat him!!
Sonamon dedigivolves back to his Rookie, Lare runs to him
Sunemon: Lare!! I digivolved!!
Lare: yeah!!
Stephanie: Lets get out of here
Joe: Good Idea
Back at camp Lare and Sunemon are sitting by the fire with the others
Lare: Thanks for Saving me there Sunes!!
Sunemon: *trys his best to look modest, but fails* Lare, you've thanked me enough!! but... You're welcome!!
Lare hugs Sunemon
Lare: You're the best, you big freaky puppy-goat thingy!!!
Sunemon: ... er, thanks... I think
Everyone laughs
-Fade out-
<Ending Music>
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fddarchive · 2 years
Noxmon Saga - Episode 2: Sounds Good to Me (2/3) [incomplete]
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Noxmon Saga
Episode 2: Sounds Good to Me
Authors: Crescent
From The Saga page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
<<< Beginning of fic  |  << Previous Chapter  |  Next Chapter >>
Stephanie: It was just an average groovy day for me, until I found a weird device and was teleported to Digiworld. There I met Greciamon, We were making friends, then suddenly Iapetusmon came and attacked us, but Greciamon saved the day by digivolving into Bianmon, Then the digidestined and a Digimon called Kainomon came, Then we were attacked by Uranumon, but then Bianmon digivolved to Incresimon and saved the day again!
<Music Plays> Title: Sounds good to me!
Nenshou Kesshin apartment-late Afternoon:
Two children enter through the stupidly left open door
Lare: We're Home! *drops suitcases by the doorway*
No answer
Martin: *Drops suitcases then start's taking off shoes* Is anyone here?
Still no answer
Martin: *shrugs* guess not
Lare: *taking off shoes* They should be here...
Martin: yeah, they knew when we were coming...
Lare: *looks out the window at the half normal sky half Digiworld* I'm worried, what if they got attacked by those monsters!
Martin: *looks like he's thinking, (but probably isn't)* Can you see if they're next door?
Lare - slightly angered: Why can't you do it?
Martin: Well... I have to unpack...
Lare: So do I!
Martin: I'm older then you and since mom and dad aren't here, I'm in charge!
Lare: *narrows eyes* Fine! you lazy-- *grabs her shoes then walks out and slams the door*
Door shuts before she could finish her sentence
Lare walks out down the 'recently Waxed' corridor. Suddenly she slips on something causing her to fall painfully on her back
Lare: Awweee!!
Suddenly, a blinding light fills the room, waves of energy crash around her, then darkness
Somewhere in Akumu Forest -Day:
Mimi - whiny: I'm Tired, Tai? Can we stop?
Tai - hesitant: Fine, we'll take a brake!
Mimi: Finely! Jez I'm tired
Stephanie walks over and sits next to Tai
Stephanie: so how long do you think it will be until we find the Tenth Digidestined?
Tai: I dunno... hopefully not long
Unknown to the Digidestined Someone is watching them
Tyravimon: *murmuring evilly to himself* Foolish Digidestines, they know nothing of the pain that we will bring to them...
Tyravimon(2): *comes up* bad news
Tyravimon: *narrows eyes* what is it?
Tyravimon(2): The last of Howlmon's team has reviled himself
Tyravimon - interested: eh?
Tyravimon(2): ...as the 10th Digidestines Digimon
Tyravimon: Whaat?!?
Unknown to the two, Kaino-etc-mon has been spying on them
Kainomon: hmm? Howlmon...?
Somewhere else in Akumu Forest near by -Day:
Lare: *wakes up* urrr... Where am I?
Acuemon - excitedly: Hey, you're Finely awake! Nice to meet cha!
Lare looks up to see a small blue head with big paws and large pink eyes staring at her excitedly
Lare: What the...! *screams and jumps up in shock causing the thing to fall rufly to the ground* *thinking* W-what Is that thing!? *looks around* and where am I?
Acuemon: *jumps up unharmed* No need to be afraid, I wont hurt cha!! *wiggles around* oooo!! it's sooooo great that I've found you!!! I've been waiting for ya for practically forever!!!
Lare *looks down at the blue thing, confused* Y-you've been waiting for me?
Acuemon: Yep! I can't really remember why, but now I've found you!! and I don't have to wait anymore!!!!! *jumps around*
Lare: Oh... *looks confused*  So what are you any way?
Acuemon: *stops jumping* Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners
DIGITAL ANALYSER: (said by Acuemon) I'm Acuemon! your New Digimon Partner!!! I hope we'll be good friends!!
Lare: So your name's Acuemon?
Acuemon: Yep, yep!
Lare: Okay then! My name's Lare
Acuemon: *nods still grinning*
Lare: *notices something* err...Acuemon...?
Acuemon: yes?
Lare: What's That?! *points up*
A brown wolf-like Digimon is running towards them looking angry
Acuemon *looks scared* Epp!
DIGITAL ANALYSER: (said by Acuemon) That's Travenmon, He's a Very powerful and Dangerous Digimon, so watch out
Lare: *slowly* Di-gi-mon...?
Travenmon: Terror BLAST!!!!!
The attack heads towards Lare and Acuemon
Lare: EEEEK!!
Acuemon: EEEEK!!!
Both Duck
Acuemon starts to glow
Acuemon: Acuemon, Digivolve to... SUNEMON!!!
Lare: *look shocked and surprised* eeh?!
Travenmon: What?!?! Nooooo!!! that's not surposed to happen!!!
Sunemon: SONIC BLAST!!!
Travenmon is blown back by the sound energy then runs off ashamed
Lare: Yah! Acuemon!
Sunemon: *grins* I'm not Acuemon any more!
Lare *looks confused* You're... not?
Sunemon: Nope!
Lare: well ya look Different
Sunemon - proudly: I'm Sunemon! I'm now a rookie Digimon! Thanks to you!!
Lare: Err... You're Welcome
Back at the bushes near Somewhere in Akumu Forest - Day:
Travenmon walks up to Tyravimon
Tyravimon - impatient:  did you complete the mission?
Travenmon - nervous: Sorry sir...
Tyravimon: *looks angry* What!?!
Travenmon: the Acuemon Digivolved to his Rookie form before I could kill either of them
Tyravimon: *looks very angry* then you just left?! do you thing a Rookie Digimon could be a match for you!? even if he was part of Howlmon's *laughs lightly* ex-team
Travenmon: *looks down* no sir...
Tyravimon - angry: You have failed, just like Uranumon. You are not good enough to fight for us, Phantom BLADES!!!
Travenmon is hit by the attack and is Deleted quickly
Tyravimon: *snorts slightly* When you want something done right...
A big black lion like creature appears behind him
Tyravimon: get some one bigger *laughs evily*
Somewhere else in Akumu Forest near Somewhere in Akumu Forest -afternoon:
Lare - grumbles: I'm hungry!
Sunemon: ...Me too
Lare: *realises* Hey, I know!
Lare pulls a plastic lunch box from her Backpack
Lare: *beams proudly* luckily I brought some food so I wouldn't get hungry
Sunemon: Yay! Lare you think of Everything
Lare: *laughs* actually it was my Aunt Amiee who thought of it, me and my brother went to visit her for a week, before I came to... er, where ever I am now
Sunemon - short and simple: Digiworld
Lare: err, I guess that makes sense
They start eating
Sunemon: *mouth full* mmm! 'dis us grut *sprays some of the food out while talking*
Darmon: I hope you're enjoying your meal
The lion like Digimon walks into the area, Lare and Sunemon both look up
Sunemon - smiles: ...thank you!
Darmon: ...cause it will be your last!!
Sunemon - stops smiling: er... I take that back...
Lare: *looks freaked* Who's that?
DIGITAL ANALYSER: (said by Sunemon *sounding scared*) That's Darmon I don't have much to say bout him except when you see him, Run as fast as you can!!
Darmon: Dark Thunder!!!!
they dodge the attack but the Tree behind them gets fried
Lare: eep!
Sunemon: SONIC BLAST!!!
the attack hits Darmon but has no effect
Darmon: Your weak attack will not faze me Rookie!!
Lare - worried: What now?
Sunemon: Running is a good option!
Lare: Sounds good to me!
They both run off and Darmon follows them
Darmon: You can run, but you can't run faster then me!! *Laughs evily*
Somewhere in Akumu Forest -afternoon:
Screaming is heard
Tai: what's that?
Agumon: Sounds like someone's in trouble!
Lare and Sunemon run screaming into the clearing chased by Darmon
Tai: You think?
Lare: *notices the others* HELP!!!!
Agumon: *steps forward* Pepper breath!!!
Darmon: *Barely effected but stops*
Tai: Agumon, Digivolve!!!
Agumon: Agumon Digivolve to... GRAYMON!!!!!!
Graymon: Nova Blast!!!!
Darmon: *growls and backs off slightly* You will not defeat me so easily!!!! DARK THUNDER
Graymon is hit by the attack and falls back in pain
Stephanie: Bianmon Digivolve Too!!
Bianmon: Okay Steph!! Bianmon Digivolve To... INCRESIMON!!!
Incresimon: RAY OF LIGHT!!!!
Darmon: *is hit by the attack. screams in pain*
Graymon: Nova BLAST!!!!!
Darmon: NOOOO!!!! *is hit. runs off quickly*
Stephanie: We beat him, Yay!!!
Lare: *cheers* Yesss!!!!
Everyone turns in surprise to look at Lare and Sunemon
Lare - embarresed: er...
Stephanie: *wispering* Who's that?
Tai: Another Digidestined?
Lare: err... Digi-destined? *thinking* what's with all this Digi-stuff?
Izzy - realises: Hey, it's the 10th Digidestined!
Sunemon: That's us *pauses to consider* I think... Well, I'm Sunemon, and This is my human, Lare Nenshou Kesshin *beams proudly*
Lare: Um... Wait, How'd you know my last name, err, Names
Sunemon - grins: It was written in your back pack!
Lare-angered: YOU LOOKED IN MY BACK PACK!!!!
Sunemon-taken back: eep! You were asleep, I didn't think you'd mind!
Sora: ehem!
Lare: oh sorry
Tai: I’m Tai, and this is Sora, Izzy, Kari, TK, Mimi, Stephanie, Joe, and Matt. And these are our digimon, Agumon, Biyomon, Gatomon, Patamon, Palmon, Bianmon, Gomamon, and Gabumon
Lare: *nods* All good, and I'm Lare *glares at Sune* Nenshou Kesshin
Bianmon walks over to Sunemon smiling sweetly
Bianmon - flirting: Hi! I'm Bianmon, Nice to meet you!
Sunemon - Smiles: Um, Hi! *blushes*
Same place-later:
Izzy: so how did you get to the Digiworld?
TK: Did you come to Camp like us?
Patamon: Have you been in the Digiworld for very long?
Lare: *pleased with all the attention* well, I just remember tripping on something then waking up here, um, I didn't go to camp cause I was visiting my Aunt and I haven't been here very long because I just got here this morning!
Izzy - interested: Oh...
Lare: so... where do you guys sleep and stuff?
Tai: *shrugs* on the ground I guess
Lare - shocked: on the...ground?!
Sunemon: *surprised at Lare's reaction* is there something wrong with that?
Lare - still shocked: b-but it's so...so unclean!! I'd get my hair messy!! and my clothes... *moans* This is just great!!
everyone sweatdrops
Scene: Castle in Akumu Forest - evening
Many small digimon that look like a mix between a rat and a small dog with spines down their backs walk around the room. A tall figure sits on the throne at the head of the room compleatly shadowed, a long white line across the figures face glows eerily in the darkness. Tyravimon enters the room
Noxmon: (figure) *notices Tyravimon* greatings Tyravimon, I hope you have brought good news
Tyravimon: I'm sorry my Queen *grimaces* those Digidestines take on everything we've thrown and end up on top
Noxmon-unimpressed: then you better start throwing bigger rocks then
Tyravimon-looks confused: ...ok then...
Noxmon: we can't have anything in our way, can we
Tyravimon: *looks down* no--
Noxmon: good, now leave *waves Tyravimon off*
Tyravimon: as you wish *turns to leave*
Noxmon (still hidden) clutches her hands together tightly
Noxmon-evil joy: this world will be mine!!!
-Fade out-
<Ending Credits>
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fddarchive · 2 years
Noxmon Saga - Episode 1: My Sunshine (1/3)
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Noxmon Saga
Episode 1: My Sunshine
Authors: Soul Dragon
From The Saga page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
Next Chapter >>
Before notes: Stephanie and Lare come to the Digiworld at the same time.
<Music plays> Title: My Sunshine
Scene: Allegro apartment-midday:
Risa Allegro (mother): Stephie, we're going out, do you wanna come?
Stephanie: Nah, I think'll stay put,
Risa: Okay then, Bye
Stephanie: Bye
Stephanie reaches to get her book off the table. She picks it up, then notices a strange device under it.
Stephanie: What's this?
Stephanie reached to the table to pick up the device, then suddenly a blinding light fills the room.
Akumu Forest in Digiworld - night time,
All digidestined and digimon are asleep except Tai who's on watch, the noise of someone moving around is heard from some nearby bushes
Tai: *Looks up to the sound* who's there?
The other digidestineds wake up groggily,
Sora: Tai, what's wrong?
Tai: *wispers* There's something in the bushes,
Suddenly a cat/tiger like digimon walks out of bushes,
Tai: Who are you?
Digimon: *mysteriously* I can not tell you that yet, now you must find the 9th digidestined,
Izzy: 9th digidestined?
Digimon: Yes,
Matt: where is the 9th digidestined?
Digimon: *turns* follow me
The digimon walks off, the digidestined and digimon follow reluctantly
Somewhere else in Akumu Forest - Early morning
Stephanie is sitting down on the grass
Stephanie *thinking*: Where am I?? What am I doing here?
Greciamon: *jumps up*  Stephanie! Your here! Great!
Stephanie: *notices Greciamon then screams*  EEK! A MUTADED  BUTTERFLY HEAD uh... THINGY!!
DIGITAL ANALYSER (said by Greciamon): What mutated butterfly head thingy? I'm Greciamon! A In-training Digimon, Your In-training Digimon partner to be exact! And don't you forget it!
Stephanie: My In-training Digiwhat!
Greciamon: Let me explain...,
a little while later
Stephanie: ...So, I'm in the Digiworld which is a parrelel world, and I'm one of the digidestined, which are people who have to save the digiworld, and you are my digimon partner, right?
Greciamon: Yep!
Stephanie: Groovy!
Stephanie and Greciamon turn around to face a mean looking Digimon who seams to have been waiting for them to notice him,
Greciamon: *neverously* uh, hello, I'm Greciamon, who are you?
Digimon: I'm Iapetusmon, now prepare to die Digidestined
Stephanie: it might just be me, but I don't think he's good digimon,
Greciamon: *tough sounding* I'll handle this! Bubble blow!
Greciamon does the basic In-traing digimon attack,
Iapetusmon: *unaffected* You think a few bubbles will destroy ME!, ANGUISH BLAST!
Green rays of light grabs Greciamon
Greciamon: *screams* HELP!
Stephanie: GRECIAMON!
Suddenly Stephanie's digivice begins to glow
Greciamon: Greciamon Digivolve to... Bianmon!
Bianmon: Spectrum Blaster!
Iapetusmon gets hit by Bianmon's attack,
Iapetusmon: *in pain* You may of won this time, but I'll be Back!
Iapetusmon runs off
Stephanie: *Calling after Iapetusmon* Yeah sure!!, *turns to Bianmon* are you alright Greciamon?
Bianmon: *grins* I'm not Greciamon anymore! Now I'm Bianmon, I'm a rookie Digimon Look different don't I?
Stephanie: Yep! You've gone from being a mutated butterfly head thingy, to a mutated Rabbit Butterfly thingy,
Bianmon: *sarcasticly* hahaha, you sure your not a comedian?
Suddenly the digidestineds, the digimon, and the tiger/cat like digimon run in,
Stephanie: *sees them* You're the Digidestineds, right?
Tai: Yep! And you the 9th digidestined, right?
Bianmon: Yep, she is! I'm Bianmon, and thats my human partner, Stephanie!
Stephanie: *to digidestineds* so, you're...
Tai: *begins introductions* well, This is Sora and Biyomon, *points at Sora and Biyomon* Matt and Gabumon *Points at Matt* Izzy and Tentomon *tentomon waves* Mimi and Palmon *Mimi waves* Joe and Gomamon *Points at Joe and Gomamon* TK and Patamon *TK smiles and Patamon waves* My sister Kari and Gatomon *beconds toward Kari and Gatomon* and I'm Tai and this is Agumon *points at Agumon*
Stephanie: *thinking* Not bad, *smiles at Tai* and that Tai's kinda cute, hmmm...
Tai: *thinking* *looks at Stephanie* Stephanie seams alright, I wonder why she's staring are me like that...hmm?
Stephanie:  uuu *realises she's still staring* er, So how did you find me anyway?
Sora: *points at tiger/cat like digimon* he showed us,
Stephanie: *looks at the digimon* who are you?
Digimon: *bows silghtly* I am, Kainogouiiimatudusouhetadojuchufoudaufaikgeovioaujaiehetmon
Everyone blinks in surprise
Tai: *surprised* uh... is there anything shorter we can call you?
Kainogouiiimatudusouhetadojuchufoudaufaikgeovioaujaiehetmon: you may call me Kainomon
Stephanie: how did you know I was there?
Kainomon: that is something I cannot tell you, all I can tell you is you must now find the 10th digidestined
Tai: *surprised* another one? well where do we find him er, or her?
Kainomon: The Tenth Digidestined will come when the time is right,
Stephanie: Then how can do find him/her?
Kainomon: I have reason to belive you will meet up soon, so stay alert...
Kainomon starts to leave,
Stephanie: wait!!
Kainomon turns around for a second, before running off into the distance,
Somewhere else in Akumu Forest-
Iapetusmon is talking to a large, orange and dark blue dragon-like digimon
Iapetusmon: *explaining* ...Her digimon digivolved before I could kill her,
Uranumon: *unimpressed* so in other words, you failed,
Iapetusmon: I'm sorry sir, it won't happen next time!
Uranumon: Yes, especially since there won't be a next time,
Iapetusmon: *worried* sir?
Uranumon: you were a great warrior Iapetusmon, but you know the orders, your death will bring me little joy,
Uranumon forms a ball of lighting in his hand,
Uranumon throws the lightning ball at Iapetusmon, Iapetusmon burst into flames, and his final screams of pain are heard,
Uranumon: *smiles* yet sometimes a little joy is enough, *turns around rubbing his claws together* now, I better clean up Iapetusmon's mess before Tyravimon finds out...
Back to the digidestineds-
Stephanie: *ready to get moving* So what do we do now?
Uranumon *walks out of bushes* I suggest you fight me,
Stephanie: *to Bianmon* w-who's that?
DIGITAL ANALYSER (said by Bianmon) That's Uranumon, he's a evil digimon, becareful his powerful Lightnigh Strike attack will burn you to a crisp, if his Rainstorm Fall attack hasn't crushed you to death first!!
Uranumon throws the attack he used on Iapetusmon at Bianmon, who luckly dodges in time
Bianmon: *in fear* EEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!
Uranumon uses another attack, this time he causes it to rain heavily, causing hail and lightning to also fall,
Agumon: Agumon digivolve to... GREYMON!
Greymon: NOVA BLAST!
Uranumon: *steps to the right and lets the blast miss him* pathetic
Stephanie: *Gets hit by a REALLY large hailstone* EEK!
Bianmon: STEPHANIE!!!!!!...
Suddenly, Stephanie's digivice begins to glow again...
Bianmon: Bianmon Digivolve to... Incresimon
Stephanie: Waa?!
Incresimon: Greatings, I am Incresimon, Bianmon's champian form, my spetacular 'Ray of Light' attack whipes out all my opponents!!
Uranumon: I will not be defeated!!!!
Incresimon: RAY OF LIGHT!
The rainbow light sourrounds Uranumon, he then gives his final scream of pain before fading away, Incresimon then dedigivolves back to Greciamon,
Greciamon: *flys over to Stephanie* are you all right?
Stephanie: Yeah, are you Okay?
Greciamon: Yep! Did you see me digivolve?
Stephanie: Yep! You were great!
Stephanie and Greciamon hug, then Stephanies Digivice begins to glow again then...
Greciamon: Greciamon Digivolve to... Bianmon
Stephanie laughs, then hugs Bianmon again
Tai: *comes over* hey, you okay?
Stephanie: *stands up* I'm fine *kisses Tai* but thanks for caring!
Tai: *blushes* no prob, heh
They kiss again,
Everyone (except Steph and Tai): Oooooooh!!!
Tai: Cut it out!!!
Bianmon: *claps and laughs* GO STEPH!
Stephanie: *go's over to hug Bianmon again* now all we need is someone for you
Bianmon: *grins* well, you never know when someone will come around! *laughs*
Stephanie laughs
Scene: bushes near the Digidestined
Unknown to the group, two black dog/Lizard digimon are watching them
Tyravimon: Uranumon failed...
Tyravimon(2): it's almost embarrassing...
Tyravimon: well, we all learn from our mistakes,
Tyravimon(2): never send a Uranumon to do a real Digimon's job?
Tyravimon: *turns and stares at Tyravimon(2)*
Tyravimon(2): *shrugs*
Tyravimon: *turns back to the Digidestined* mark my words Digidestined, I will watch you crumble!!!
<music plays>
Next Chapter >>
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Kiriban images from Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page - from the Kiriban Hit Pics page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Drawings of Lare, Acuemon, Sunemon, Sonamon, Sonicdramon, and Tsusunimon - From the My Fan Stuff page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Sunemon email icon - from the homepage of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Drawings of Lare, Acuemon, and Sunemon - From the My Fan Stuff page of   Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Lare and Sunemon icons - from the homepage of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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So this is our best partner CD! I orignaly wanted my song to be 'Macarena', but Lare said that would be impractical
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And so it is!
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Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena Hey, Macarena! ^_~!
(From the Our Sountrack page of the About Us! page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page)
Track 1:
"Minority" - GREEN DAY (Sung by Lare)
I want to be the minority I don't need your authority Down with the moral majority 'Cause I want to be the minority
I pledge allegiance to the underworld One nation under dog There of which I stand alone A face in the crowd Unsung, against the mold Without a doubt Singled out The only way I know
I want to be the minority I don't need your authority Down with the moral majority 'Casue I want to be the minority
Stepped out of the line Like a sheep runs from the herd Marching out of time To my own beat now The only way I know
One light, one mind Flashing in the dark Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts "For crying out loud" he screamed unto me A free for all **** 'em all You are your own sight
I want to be the minority I don't need your authority Down with the moral majority 'Cause I want to be the minority
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Track 2:
"Don't Give It Up" - CHICANE feat. BRYAN ADAMS (Sung by Sunemon)
Don't give it up Don't give it up
Don't worry if the sun don't shine You've seen it before, you don't need to worry Every day's an uphill climb, nothing has changed Believe me when I tell ya
Don't give it up Don't give it up
Don't give up--you know it's true Gotta do what you wanna do Oh yeah Don't give it up--you don't have to Gotta do what you wanna do Oh yeah
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Track 3:
"I'll Be There For You" -- REMBRANDTS (Sung by Lare and Sunemon)
Sune: So no one told you life was gonna be this way Lare: Your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A. Sune: It's like you're always stuck in second gear Lare: when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year... But
CHORUS: Both: I'll be there for you... Sune: when the rain starts to pour Both: I'll be there for you... Lare: like I've been there before Both: I'll be there for you... Both: cause you're there for me too...
Sune: you're still in bed at ten and work began at eight Lare: You've burned your breakfast so far, things are going great Sune: your mother warned you there'd be days like these Lare: But she didn't tell when the world has brought you down to your knees
Sune: no one could ever know me Lare: no one could ever see me Both: cause you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me Lare: some one to face the danger Sune: make it through all the messes Lare: some one I'll always laugh with Sune: Even at my worst, I'm best with you... Yeah!
Sune: It's like you're always stuck in second gear Lare: when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year... but
Sune: I'll be there for you... Lare: I'll be there for you... Both: I'll be there for you... Both: cause you're there for me too.
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fddarchive · 2 years
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LAre and Sunemon, drawn by Jennifer Morton - from the Pics of Us!! page of the About Us! page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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“A Cute pic of SonicDramon, Sunemon's Mega form!” drawn by AngeGarurumon - from the Pics of Us!! page of the About Us! page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Sunemon “I’m a Digimon” banner and the page’s header image - from the I’m a Digimon page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Lare and Sunemon, drawn by Coolest Mew (Legend) - from the Pics of Us!! page of the About Us! page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Screenshot of the homepage of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Header image and link banners - From the Links page of Lare and Sunemon’s Digimon Page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Splash image celebrating 1000 hits to Lare and Sunemon's Digmon Page
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