#Latin american craze
wishful-thinking64 · 12 days
One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion #08
Two out of the three Hispanic characters in Hazbin Hotel are deeply rooted damaging stereotypes within Spanish & Latin American cultures and the one that isn't a blatant stereotype is misused. ___________
With Spanish Heritage Month right around the corner and being a Latina myself, I think it's more than fair for me to give my thoughts on the Latinos (in Spanish, it doesn't matter if there's only one guy in a primarily female group, you have to put Latinos) in HH. Let's start off with the least offensive out of the group, Carmilla Carmine.
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We're introduced to her in Scrambled Eggs which is Episode #03 of HH. She invited each of the Overlords to a meeting to speak about how brutal this year's Extermination was and what they could do going forward. During said meeting, Velvette throws the head of a decapitated Exorcist on the table for her to try and take control of the conversation. Things before and during the song Respectless (why this song wasn't called Disrespect or Diss-respect is something I'll never understand) escalate as Velvette figures out that Carmilla is the one behind the dead Exorcist based on her body language and when she asks, "You know why this angel's headless? Do you have a disclosure?" Carmilla immediately ends the meeting thereafter, confirming her suspicions were correct. People have already criticized the mystery of the dead Exorcist being solved way too soon, though I haven't seen as many people criticize why the other Overlords didn't look or immediately question Carmilla the SECOND that Exorcist's head rolled on the table? Like, you guys know that she's Hell's top ANGELIC arms dealer, why wouldn't any of you suspect her from the start? Even if she had ended up being a red herring, I would've seen it as the Overlords using the process of elimination and common sense cause why wouldn't the ANGELIC arms dealer kill an Exorcist??? In any case, the reason behind Carmilla killing the Exorcist was to protect her daughters and thus someone we should sympathize with. Except that, we don't know anything about her daughters and we still don't know her. So why should I care? I have no attachment and therefore no proper reason to care for a character I JUST met. And don't get me started on her daughters as they're nothing more than minor plot devices who could've been replaced by Vaggie. Speaking of which...
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Vaggie is based on two harmful Latina tropes and one harmful LGBTQ+ trope with these being the "Feisty" Latina, the Crazed Latina, and the Man Hating Lesbian. Whenever the "feisty" Latina is done in media, she's almost never actually feisty but rather plain bitchy. The word feisty is used because the show runners tend to want the audience to like this character as, to them, she's (somehow), "a woman who knows what she wants and how to take charge." We see this several times when Vaggie isn't interacting with Charlie though I would say the times that this backfired the most was in Episode #01 and Episode #04. Back in Episode #01 when Vaggie was working on the hotel's commercial she wants Alastor to help out with it. Mind you, she previously slandered the advertisement he had originally made for the hotel so I don't know why she wants his help with making a new one in the first place but nonetheless Alastor basically says, "Yeah. No. I'm not gonna help you cause you already know I hate modern media and you clearly didn't like what I had planned so figure it out." Now, instead of ending the conversation and leaving the man who wants no part in this alone, she holds up the camera that she has in her hands and not only films him but actively mocks him too. This isn't a "bold move" like I've seen people claim it to be, it was simply moronic since she already knew he was an Overlord that's killed and fought people over MINOR INCONVENIENCES. After this the two strike a deal which is another plain stupid move on Vaggie's part as that's only going to come back and bite her in the ass later on in the series. Meanwhile, in Episode #04, she told Husk to go after Angel Dust even though... A.) Going after the residents isn't in his job description. B.) If ANYONE is going after the residents it should probably be THE MANAGER since it's their job to make sure that everything between the staff AND customers is good. C.) She KNOWS that Husk has been sexually and physically harassed by Angel in the past as not only has she SEEN it but she's TOLD Angel to stop harassing the staff. I guess the safety of your co-workers doesn't matter though if Charlie's sad. D.) Lastly, I swear that there was a rule that was established early on about NOT FORCING RESIDENTS TO STAY AT THE HOTEL. Like, am I tripping or did the series retcon that super fast??? Anyway, the point is that the series has Vaggie acting like a snide bitch when she's interacting with anyone other than Charlie. This "feisty" Latina stereotype goes hand in hand with the crazed Latina. The crazed Latina trope is when a Latina will throw hands for the dumbest of reasons or for little to no reason at all. It makes it seem that Latina's are overly aggressive which is how the series portrays Vaggie. She's always seen wielding an angelic spear 24/7 knowing that she can kill any resident or staff member who steps out of line with her, constantly seen threatening to hurt others with it. Out of the two racial stereotypes this one has been called out the most as it's paired with the man hating Lesbian trope because every time Vaggie's threatened to kill someone with said angelic spear, it has ALWAYS been a MALE character. Okay, now it's time to end this off by addressing the elephant in the room that is Valentino.
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Oh, God. Where do I start with this failure of a character? I suppose, I'll start with the Casanova aka the Enticing Latin Lover archetype. This involves a strong suave man who's tall, dark (or I guess light purple in Val's case), and handsome (I wouldn't call him that but that's how he's portrayed in the series) as well as being full of ulterior motives! He's the sultry hypersexual Hispanic seducer that everybody can't seem to get enough of. I wouldn't have nearly as much of an issue with this as he's the Overlord of Lust but with how the stans either absolve him of or make LIGHT of his crimes solely because they think how he looks, sounds, and acts is hot (brother eugh), with the show runners encouraging stuff like that on social media (yes, I'm referring to when people were comparing Val's personality to Karen Smith from Mean Girls with Viv agreeing with it cause he's so dumb), his sole purpose is being a plot device for Angel Dust and being fetish fuel. Which really bothers me considering that a good chunk of Hazbin Hotel stans are LITERAL CHILDREN! Continuing on, we have ill tempered and idiotic Machismo/Macho Man. The show can't seem to make up its mind whether or not they want us to take Valentino seriously or not. I get what they're trying to do by making Val intimidating and cunning at one point and a "charming" himbo the next but it's done in such a jarring way that could've been easily fixed had they shown him being more creepy towards lower class demons and Sinners but have him be "charming" towards Overlords and other members of Hell's high society. Like in the show, he's openly verbally violent towards Angel Dust while Charlie is in his presence (I also hate the fact that show Charlie didn't actually do anything when she noticed that Val had hit Angel cause pilot Charlie would've thrown hands regardless of what Angel told her) and doesn't give a flying fuck when she's turning into her demon form RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Then there's the fact that the Hellaverse doesn't take violence seriously until it HAS to and then these moments can come across as unintentionally comedic. Case and point, when I initially saw Valentino backhand Angel Dust in Episode #04, I AUDIBLY LAUGHED. That shit SHOULD NOT have been nearly as funny as it was! It was meant to be a serious moment where the show segues into how Angel is abused at his job but there I was laughing my ass off in my room for a solid thirty seconds before I was able to regain my composure. Next up is point three about the Cholo or gangster archetype in which a Latino will wear stylish street wear clothes (similar to the outfit Val wears in Episode #04) and commit violent crimes. My previous points indirectly had me go into depth about the violent crimes part so let's move onto point four which is Val being a drug addict and drug maker. Latin characters (specifically men) have been depicted as drug dealers and druggies since AT LEAST the 1970s (it only makes it worse that Valentino supposedly died in this time period.) It's been heavily implied that the smoke from his cigarettes acts as an aphrodisiac which is why he blows it in other peoples faces so much. We see him smoking cigarettes (which contain so much God damn chemicals in them but especially nicotine) throughout the show like its nothing meaning he's gotta have a high nicotine intake (logically, he would've gotten lung cancer by now.) The last racial stereotype that they gave him is the raging alcoholic and I know that anyone can become a raging alcoholic however alcoholism is actually a very common problem among Latinos as more than 33% of them suffer from issues related to an alcohol dependency. It's an ongoing problem that many Hispanics face and seeing how Val is already shown to be a violent individual WITHOUT alcohol in his system, that's only going to make him worse and we saw that in Episode #02 when Val got more irritable and threw his drink in Vox's direction upon knowing Angel Dust was staying at the HH.
___________ People of the jury, I rest my case and I hope you all liked reading my thoughts and I'll see you later!
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bimbosupreme · 10 months
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AND THEN …!!!!! AND THEN!!!!!!
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The first panel is gonna live. As a permanent wallpaper in my mind. That’s brain damage right there folks u will not see me not thinking about that ever hmmmmmmm damnnnnnn coooooool ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Hasendow I love u forever..:GOD…they’re like….., the cornucopia that never stops giving, the of wicked power of only producing godly douman content is within their hands I will never not be grateful. Now to think about that crazed look w the bottom lashes for the rest of eternity I love insane douman yes yes yes yes yes
Thinking on it more wait a minute u mean to tell me that during his lifetime douman managed to eat a latin American goddess huh ok. Vive douman bien venimos a honduras I guess idunno lol wahoo Mexico time
I saw a comment someone made in Japanese that I’m gonna put in quotation marks because goddamn it’s insightful (from Google translate)
“When he was alive, Doman Ashiya did evil deeds as a means to an end, and had no interest in people's pride, but Alter Ego Doman actively plays with people's lives and tramples on their pride. It was great to realize that it was still fundamentally malignant and had only been boosted with alter ego” (<- I guess they’re referring to when alterego douman fused w themselves in heian kyo..)
Doumannnnnn….save me white girl…..doumannnnnnnnn save meeehhhhhh awawawawawawawawawawaaaaaaaaawawawawa
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thequietabsolute · 1 year
He drove his Cadillac under the glittering sun. Shadows that might have been cast by all the peoples of the earth flickered over it. He was an American builder and millionaire. The souls of billions fluttered like spooks over the polish of the great black hood. In distant Ethiopia people with dysentery as they squatted over ditches, faint and perishing, opened copies of Business Week, abandoned by tourists, and saw his face or faces like his. But it seemed to me that there were few faces like his, with the ferocious profile that brought to mind the Latin word rapax or one of Rouault's crazed death-dealing arbitrary kings.
— Saul Bellow, from Humboldt’s Gift
page. 389.
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pargolettasworld · 1 year
Fusion music is cool, right? Multiple different cultural styles of music coming together and forming something that isn’t quite any of the originals, but which takes the best parts of its parent genres and makes a cool, funky hybrid.  You’ve got jazz!  Now, what happens when that fusion genre fuses with another fusion genre?  Hey, now you’ve got Latin jazz! 
And when your double-fused genre meets yet another fusion genre, especially a really friendly one like klezmer?
You get this.  And it is awesome.
The Klezmer Company Jazz Orchestra was founded in Florida by a cantor’s son named Aaron Kula, after he moved to Florida from Long Island.  In some ways, it recalls the Latin music craze that swept the American Jewish community in the 1950s, and in other ways, it goes far beyond anything you might have hear on Bagels and Bongos (1959).  Kula calls this style “Jubano Jazz,” which really kind of sums up the fantastic mixture of dance music cultures going on here.
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Brazil’s Copycat Insurrection Won’t Be the Last
Social-media misinformation feeds anti-democratic rage that risks going global.
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What is it about January that makes people want to take a little jaunt in their nation’s capital city for some fresh air, and before you know it, they’re launching a full-scale attack on every democratic institution in sight?
Two years ago on Jan. 6, a small group of violent Americans wrote the Proud Boy playbook for “How Not to Throw an Insurrection 101” after Donald Trump invited his radical supporters to storm Congress and prevent Joe Biden from becoming president. We all know how that worked out. Fans of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro apparently felt the American manual lacked pizazz, so they attempted to write their own this weekend. Let’s call it “Insurrection for Dummies.” I took creative liberties in designing a possible cover:
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What Eduardo Porter calls a “pathetic” and “crazed” gang of rioters lacked virtually every element of coordination possible. Brazil’s congress wasn’t in session at the time of the assault. The inauguration of Bolsonaro’s rival for the presidency, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, had already taken place, and he wasn’t even in town the day the mob trashed his offices. As for Bolsonaro, he hardly seems ready to seize the reins of power, having been spotted moseying around a Florida Publix before returning to his favorite place on Earth, the hospital. Little wonder the mutiny was extinguished by Brazilian police within a matter of hours.
Still, antidemocratic demons continue to haunt nearly every corner of Latin America.
Continue reading.
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wajjs · 2 years
none of y'all would've survived in latin american fandom during lovg craze with their hit song jueves dedicated to the victims of a terrorist attack. none of you would've survived the onslaught of fics in which one half of the otp du jour died during said terrorist attack. rip sakura, you died a lot back then
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jellypawzy2k · 2 years
🐶 Stitches Biography 🐶 (JGAU / OC) _____________________________
★ Name: Teddy Ubel Moreno
★ Nicknames: Stitches
★ Pronouns: They / Them [Trans-Nonbinary]
★ Age: 22 [BDAY: 23rd, June, 2000]
★ Sexuality: Toric [NB liking men]
★ Ethnic Group: Latin-American 🇲🇽🇺🇲
Occupation: personal Professor + Scientist in living organisms and alchemy.
Team: Mayhem And Destruction [M.A.D]
Likes: Dogs, rats, clowns, bugs, spiders, plants, dirt, plushies, Dr.Claw, stars + space, drawing, science, Sanrio, causing mayhem and destruction, cosy un-matching socks, glow sticks, staying up all night and sleeping all day, big oversized hoodies.
Dislikes: Their parents, Gadget, most people, children, cats, being out in public, the morning and carrots.
Favorite Colours: Purple, Yellow and Magenta [Green is surprisingly not their fav, but they still enjoy it.]
Favorite Drinks: Choccy + banana milkshake, monster, grape soda, water, apple juice.
Favorite Singers + Music: Insane Clown Posse, Megadeth, Ozzy Ozborne, System of a Down, Skrillex, Deadmau5, The Living Tombstone, Slipknot.
Favorite Foods: Chocolate candy burritos, bananas, most fruit, mushrooms, beans, potatoes, pasta, bread, jelly beans, cotton candy, medium rare steak and cereal.
Least Favorite Foods: Carrots, most vegetables.
★ Stitches is Dr.Claw's personal scientist who rivals with Von. They start out having a HUGE crush on their boss, Dr.Claw, throughout JGAU. But after so many rejections, they eventually get over it and start liking Von instead after Cheif Quimby's arrest, later on in the AU.
★ They were born exactly on year 2000 and was basically raised by the internet since their parents isolated them from the outside world as a kid. It is most likely they had a DeviantArt account and played Webkinz.
★ They lost their other eye in a dangerous science experiment, while having a manic episode.
★ Their real name isn't actually Stitches. it was a nickname given by Dr.Claw when he hired them because of the self made stitches in their face, put in by them after the eye incident. They don't even start out with a name in the beguinning, but they start calling themselves Teddy after Claw retires M.A.D completely, most likely because Stitches finds a new hobby in plushie making.
★ They are a huge introvert and hate people. But when it comes to people they are close with, they can talk for hours and go on a hyperactive craze. They most definatly have major ADHD.
★ they have huge dog energy, always dreaming of getting a dog themselves, they like to act like one and carry things by their mouth. Despite them working for Dr.Claw, who has a cat, they absolutely hate cats and always chases after MAD Cat on all fours.
★ Their big bushy/fluffy hair can store anything inside, even a whole car. There's no answer where the objects go when they get stuffed in there, but there's definatly a whole pile of junk hiding in it. You could wiggle them upside down and all the objects you thought you were missing for years will fall out. They also like to steal things from others and use this as an advantage.
★ They speak English very mid, but are fluent in Spanish.
★ They are barely awake in the morning and are most active at night. They don't really find a purpose in waking up early as they never go outside anyways, especially talking to people.
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afrcnam · 17 days
Continued from previous comment...
You always had R&B music artist incorporate a little Latin sound like Reasons by Earth Wind & Fire 1975...with a Cuban style, or Running on the 1977 All N All album. Also Herman Kelly with the 1978 song dance to the drummer beat. 
Tito Puente of Puerto Rican background was a musician who played on certain SugarHill rap records.
Carlos Mendez not only cofounded the Cold Crush Brothers circa 1977, but also established the first know hiphop gathering or convention, circa 1979-80. At least 2 members of the fearless 4 were of Puerto Rican background in the latter 70s- early 80s. Also a lesser known Mean Machine 1980.
Better known by his stage name Pumpkin, 70s-80s HipHop drummer Errol Eduardo Bedward played on many songs of the genre.
His overall appearance was of a typical African American, but was of Costa Rican and Panamanian background. He spoke fluent Spanish.
Artist he played for include...(1979 to 1984),   Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five Spoonie Gee, Treacherous Three, Funky Four, Grandmaster Caz, the Fearless Four, and Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde, and several more obscure names. His 1983 single "King of the Beat", Pumpkin and the Profile All-Stars' "Here Comes the Beat" (Profile, 1984).
Puerto Ricans bros like Ken Swift, Crazy Legs, Mr Wiggles, and even Trac 2 (when he was younger and humble😄), said they saw mostly African American youth breaking before like 75-77. Trac is in a 1978 photo with Spy (African American and Spanish). Also Rene and Boss same year. They just won a breaking competition. Crazy legs said Spy was the first person he ever seen do this dance as a 9 year old in 76. Spy was in his early teens. In rare photos from an original RSC (Rock Steady Crew) website, Legs is in 1979-81 photos with forgotten African American members like Ski, Kippy D, Lil Craze, and their 1977 cofounder Jimmy Dee (with PuertoRican friend Lee). I say this so you can see the dance was both African American and Puerto Rican at the same time. You kind of sense that in the old photos (many youth added moves to it that became popular).
In a 2013 gathering celebrating hiphop, Crazy Legs introduced their 1977 African American cofounder, Jimmy Dee, to the crowd. Many never seen him because being a couple of years older (upper teens), he went off to college by time the 80s came around. In a modern Ytb livesteam interview, he says in like 78 this 12 year old, exuberant about the dance dormant in Bronx and Harlem at the time, asked him if they can start a new chapter of RSC before moving to Manhattan. We know this enthusiastic dancer as Crazy Legs
In the 1974 movie "Education of Sonny Carson", coincidently about a African American gang in New York City, the one teen that likes to dance is up-rocking into James Brown like splits (Staten Island boat scene and parade scene). It reminds me when Ken Swift describes old style breaking (before 1976/77) as looking more like FrostyFreeze style ( African American teen in Flashdance who jumps on his back. Movie was filmed in 1981 and released in 83)
In the outtakes of StyleWars, filmed in 81 and released in 83, Kippy D of old Rock Steady Crew informs us that they just incorporated Poplocking from the West coast. This componant lumped into breakin was absolutely African American. A derivative of 1969 locking, created by Don Campbell, POPPIN was introrduced to L.A. youth by African American Boogaloo Sam and his brother Poppin Pete (African American) of Fresno, CA, circa 1976. So it's like it came full circle back to L.A - stemming from lockin). Debuted on SoulTrain in 1978 by Jeff Danials and his crew, it became a popular dance of young people and performers at the time (1978 thru 83-ish).
Another interesting detail in StyleWars (filmed in 81...important to emphasize that here), Frosty Freeze tells the interviewer that the dance started in Bronx as well as parts of Harlem.
Rock dance is not the base of up rock commonly used in breaking. You have a Puerto Rican Rock dancer of 70s Brooklyn saying he seen breaking in the Bronx circa 1975 and it looked nothing like what they did. It appears that rocking was feet shuffling while uprocking was more jumping and arm swinging movements. Even Brooklyn Rock Dance, with it's mysterious origin, shows more affinity to African American style than Latino.
In the 1950s African American teens created their own form of Mambo. (Look up Brooklyn Mambo, 1950s). It's very close to RockDance. Even in some of the footage Spirit Moves between the 1920s -50s, similarities show up here and there. So far we can't find videos of Latin dance in this manner concurrent to that 50s era. Uprockin for breakin comes from Spade Dance (Black Spades, 60s - early 70s Bronx gang). Just like C-walking  (Crip Walk 1970s), people just forgot over time the African American street culture these styles are based on. In the history of Melbourne Shuffle, no one seems to mention or allude to the fact they're C-Walking with a little 80s New Jack Swing...sped up. This is the same scenario in not recognizing Uprock being originally Spade Dance. In a 1990, hiphop doc, PeeWee Dance, an original ZuluKing member,  hangs with RSC as he demonstrates the raw essence of what they did in the early 70s. He is SpadeDancing/Uprockin/BronxBurning/Going Off (video should be on Ytb...YOU GET THE SENCE OF WHY THEY CALLED IT GOING OFF)
Graffiti art was born in 60s NYC and included many races of people. Black, Hispanic, Italian, and even firsthand accounts of Asian. There's no definitive evidence that it came from Philly of the 60s
God bless (see Biblical Salvation
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1001albumsrated · 3 months
#15: Tito Puente & His Orchestra - Dance Mania (1958)
Genre(s): Mambo
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I wouldn't consider myself an expert on mambo music, but this is at least a little more in my comfort zone of knowledge than the other Cuban-adjacent cuts we've heard so far. It probably goes without saying, but mambo was huge in the US in the 50s, and was a major influence on a lot of popular music coming out at the time. Everyone wanted a cut of the dance craze, and there's a period where congueros seemed like the most in-demand players in the jazz scene.
I'm familiar with Tito Puente as one of the biggest names in this scene, but I don't think I've ever sat down and given one of his albums a focused listen. Dance Mania was his best-selling by far, and I can understand why after hearing it. Beyond being in the right place at the right time (which it extremely was, with the mambo craze hitting a fever pitch in the late 50s), the sounds here are, to my mostly-mambo-untrained ears, authentic to most "real" Latin & Cuban music I've heard from the era, but generally at a more approachable tempo. The slightly slower pacing likely appealed to unsure Americans learning the dance, and it gives the tracks an appealing slow-burning slinkiness (you could contrast this to the frenzied pace of many of the cuts on Machito's Kenya, reviewed here a few posts ago; I'm aware they are different styles, but they share core fundamentals).
I'm not much of one for dancing myself, but this is certainly a fun listen purely on its musical merits. I appreciate that while Tito may have slowed things down by a few BPM, he didn't pull any punches on the compositions and arrangements. The arrangements have a nice density to them, with some really neat harmonic choices layered over busy percussion (which, like a lot of Cuban & Latin music, does some interesting things with time and meter). It's tough to walk the line between being dance music and being "serious listening" music (if you even choose to believe in such a thing), but I think Dance Mania does a great job of it. It also has a certain timelessness to most of the tracks, despite being very much a product of its time. I have a surprising amount of friends involved in various styles of dance today, and I could imagine them spinning any number of these cuts.
Time for the million dollar question: MUST you hear Dance Mania before you die? I think you should. It, and mambo more broadly, influenced a large amount of music at the time and would continue to influence music into the future, particularly in the world of jazz and the world of Latin dance music to come.
Next up: Lady in Satin, by the legendary Billie Holiday alongside Ray Ellis & His Orchestra!
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sillypostshehe · 5 months
Choreography of dancing!
Current catchy playlist that makes me feel kinda old haha 💪
When I say I have a swing obsession…that’s not a joke.🤨 Like just today I came home and immediately started researching on choreography of the 1950s-1960s- It’s a serious condition /jk
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Here according to chat GBT. If anyone knows if it’s true or can add onto it, I’d love to know! I’m no expert no professional in the theoretical nor practical field but love to learn more in this area.
Orange= dancing forms/styles
Blue= origin/cause/history
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The dance choreography of the 1930s to 1960s witnessed a vibrant evolution influenced by various factors such as social changes, cultural shifts, and technological advancements. Here's a brief overview:
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- The 1930s saw the rise of swing dancing, particularly the **Lindy Hop**, which originated in **Harlem**, *New York*.
- Swing dancing was characterized by its energetic and improvisational nature, with couples often performing *acrobatic* moves like **aerials and spins**.
- Other popular dance styles of the era included the **Charleston**, the **Jitterbug**, and the **Balboa**.
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- *World War II influenced dance styles, with servicemen and women* bringing their regional dances to *military* bases, leading to the spread of various dance styles across the globe.
- The **Jitterbug** evolved into the more *structured East Coast Swing*, which became a staple in dance halls and clubs.
- *Latin dances* like the **mambo and the cha-cha** also gained popularity in the *United States*, blending with *swing and jazz* influences.
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- The 1950s saw the rise of *rock and roll music*, which influenced dance styles like the **jitterbug**, **the bop**, and **the stroll**.
- *Television played a significant role in popularizing dance*, with shows like *American Bandstand* showcasing popular dance styles of the time.
- Teenagers embraced dances like **the twist**, made famous by *Chubby Checker*, and **the hand jive**, featured in the movie *"Grease."*
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- The 1960s brought about the emergence of various dance crazes, influenced by the changing social and cultural landscape of the decade.
- **Motown music** and the popularity of artists like The *Supremes and The Temptations* fueled dances like **the mashed potato, the jerk, and the monkey**.
- *The British Invasion* introduced new dances like **the frug** and **the swim**, blending elements of *rock and roll* with *mod culture*.
- *Psychedelic music* and the *counterculture movement* also gave rise to **free-form dancing**, where individuals **expressed themselves through uninhibited movement**.
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Overall, the dance choreography of the 1930s to 1960s reflects a dynamic fusion of cultural influences, societal changes, and technological innovations, creating a rich tapestry of styles that continue to inspire dancers today.
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marketing123456789 · 1 year
From 2023 to 2033, the absinthe market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 6.7%. The market is expanding because of rising demand for high-end alcoholic beverages, rising absinthe appeal among musicians and artists, and expanding use of absinthe in the cosmetics sector.
The market for absinthe currently faces various difficulties, such as the drink's unfavorable reputation brought on by its connection to the hallucinogen thujone. The industry is anticipated to expand in the next years, though, as a result of the increased demand for upscale alcoholic beverages and the growing craze for absinthe among musicians and artists. Singers and artists fuel its popularity, but regulations and fierce competition threaten it.
Ready to level up your industry knowledge? Don't wait! Download our Sample Report now and stay up-to-date on the latest developments @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-3195
Key Takeaways
The U.S. leads the pack: The U.S. exhibits strong economic momentum with a growth rate of 18.0%, pointing to a healthy market and significant investment prospects.
China's growth is still going strong: China's growth rate of 6.7% maintains its status as a key economic player, showing its consistent expansion and providing enormous business opportunities.
India's quick development: The country's remarkable 10.2% growth rate highlights its booming economy and underlines its potential as a fruitful market for enterprises and investors.
Germany's consistent performance: With a growth rate of 5.9%, the country's economy is solid and resilient, creating a favorable climate for partnerships and corporate growth.
Competitive Landscape The level of competition in the absinthe market is high. There are a number of well-established brands in the market, as well as a number of new brands entering the market.
Kübler Absinthe Superieure
A company established in Switzerland in 1792. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious and established absinthe brands in the world. Wormwood, anise, and fennel are among the herbs and spices used in the preparation of Kübler Absinthe Superieure. It has a potent flavour that is complex and has a high alcohol concentration.
Hill's Liquere North America
A 1997-founded American company. It is one of the top brands of absinthe available in the US. Absinthes from Hill's Liquere North America include Lucid Absinthe Supérieure, La Fée Absinthe, and Kübler Absinthe Superieure.
La Clandestine
A 1997-founded American company. It is one of the top brands of absinthe available in the US. Absinthes from Hill's Liquere North America include Lucid Absinthe Supérieure, La Fée Absinthe, and Kübler Absinthe Superieure.
Doubs Mystique
Founded in 2008, this Swiss company is renowned for its cutting-edge, herbal and spice-infused absinthes. Blanche, Verte, and Bleue are just a few of the absinthes that Doubs Mystique offers.
Butterfly absinthe
Founded in 2008, this Swiss company. It is renowned for its cutting-edge, herbal and spice-infused absinthes. Blanche, Verte, and Bleue are just a few of the absinthes that Doubs Mystique offers.
Browse Report@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/absinthe-market
Recent Developments
The emergence of new brands: In recent years, a number of new absinthe brands have entered the market. These emerging companies frequently provide premium goods at affordable pricing.
The emphasis is on innovation to keep ahead of the competition, the top absinthe industry players are putting an emphasis on innovation. This entails creating fresh goods, tastes, and marketing plans.
The development of internet sales the absinthe market is expanding quickly online, giving the players new chances.
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Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, Stevie Award - recipient market research organization and a member of Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) provides in-depth insights into governing factors elevating the demand in the market. It discloses opportunities that will favor the market growth in various segments on the basis of Source, Application, Sales Channel and End Use over the next 10-years.
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
26: Empire Bakuba // Empire Bakuba [1986]
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Empire Bakuba [AKA Obosini Kisomele] Empire Bakuba 1986, Syllart
Every few years some branch of ‘world music’ sweeps through the American and European charts. Today, reggaeton/Latin trap is probably the trendiest; in the 1980s it was a bramble of interrelated African dance music genres like Afrobeat, highlife, jit, and soukous. Soukous is a Congolese form, marked by giddy rhythms and sugarcane guitar improvisation, usually led by a charismatic vocalist who doubles as a hype man. With roots in American R&B and Cuban rumba, it’s a kind of pan-Black form of music—and yet, the guitar style is also faintly reminiscent of bluegrass. So, of course, it’s easy to see why white people, most notably Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel, and David Byrne, went nuts for it.
I have a handful of mid-‘80s soukous LPs, mostly French pressings on account of it being a craze there at the time. It’s always exciting sliding a record out of the sleeve and seeing the huge rings—soukous LPs were meant to soundtrack lengthy dance parties and the tracks, usually two per side, average from 8 to 14 minutes each. Empire Bakuba were a locally beloved band with a considerable discography, including a few self-titled releases; this one, which I’ve also seen referred to as Obisini Kisomele after its opening track, is from near the height of their popularity in 1986. It’s endlessly listenable, like most of what I’ve heard by them. They understood their job to be making people move, found a sound that irresistibly did so, and stuck to it.
There’s something about their music that feels like someone has slipped a very, very long finger into my ear so they can rub on my brain’s pleasure centres. After each side, I almost feel sore from all the direct stimulation—but then I stagger over, give it a flip, and check in for twenty minutes’ more bliss.
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travsd · 1 year
The Pupi Campo Centennial
Born 100 years ago today, Cuban American singer, dancer and bandleader Jacinto “Pupi” Campo (1920-2011). Originally a dancer in Havana nightclubs, Campo was called the “Ray Bolger of Cuba”, by virtue of his eccentric Latin moves. He put together his band during the Latin craze of the 1940s, when Vincent Lopez, Xavier Cugat, and Desi Arnaz also achieved popularity (he got his U.S. start by…
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blacklghter · 2 years
It didn’t feel ‘cool’ to be on tumblr back then
attention - rumbling forward!!! 
you were warned 
recently i’ve watched some essay youtube videos of people that, just like me, were part of the tumblr (should i say community?) about 10 years ago when we all were teenagers about said platform. when i talk to friends (just one friend actually) younger than me about tumblr, they weren’t old enough to be on it, but somehow participate in the revival through tiktok - a idealized nostalgia - like every nostalgia, doens’t really express truly the experience. 
i agree that tik tok can be very damaging to teenagers, girls or anyone trying to fit in that aesthetic-craze - but at least they are accepted now. 
but honestly, it didn’t feel cool to be on tumblr. i was here because i was too lonely, sad and weird to be anywhere else. i did fake the tumblr persona to myself because i couldn’t afford cool clothes, straightned hair and hang out with my “i’m a freak” group of friends in american suburban neighborhood. 
i come from a working class family in latin america, my parents were very strict, so hanging out with friends without an adult wasn’t a thing. i was thin, but wasn’t the “right” thin, my hair was wild, my smile cracked, my attitude shy and i had different interests than others. conclusion: was bullied from day one in middle school. 
Add to that: i studied in a protestant school and i questioned the “religion” teacher because i saw of something called “atheism” on the internet (yes, i was that naive) conclusion: i was heavily bullied from day one in middle school til the day i left for sophomore high.
does that still affect me today? of course, dummy! i am 24 yo now, is saturday night and i am reflecting on the topic because i feel like shit due to a traumatic event i went through on monday. shit happens to me and everytime i spend hours and hours asking myself “why do i feel so awful?” and my mind always gets me back to those pleasent memories of the good ol’ teenage years. 
i decided to write here because i got inspired by those yt essays, i want to vent about what happened to me on monday, but i can’t really vocalize nor write it yet. i want to go to a psychologist to understand what happened and cope with it properly before telling my family, i don’t want it to be a long lasting trauma like the bullying in school days. 
10 years forward, i’m not a depressed, teen anymore. anxious adult? sure. but now i have a ~life and i don’t have to nor want to rely on a internet persona to be validated, to exist. i just want to vent, to rumble, to understant what i’m thinking before speaking to my loved ones, so they don’t ask me things i can’t answer and worrying (see the anxiety coming thru?). 
So, tumblr.
what was the question? yes, “It didn’t feel ‘cool’ to be on tumblr back then” it didn’t, but it was special anyways. i’m not miserable all the time, but sometimes i do, other times i write. it’s a wrap! 
you’ll never read this, but thank you, Frog, for holding me tight <3 
see ya next time, folks
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vinesuk · 2 years
Best 5 Street Food Ideas For Your Big Event
Big event means a lot of preparations from music, to gowns, to floral decorations, to Marquee hire. There is a lot of undertaking and planning to make marriages heavenly. Marriages require a plethora of preparation, and you don't want your big day to spoil in any situation.
Hence sometimes hiring a Certified Wedding Planner, is the best decision you can take from booking your wedding on the vines community platform. You may have a variety of plans like DJ night, hot showers arrangement for guests, buffets,  luxury marquee hire, Affordable Wedding Catering, and many such dreams for your marriage day.
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When it comes to food arrangement there goes a lot of planning, arrangements, and decision-making to decide, what foods and drinks will you serve, what street food you will keep to glam up the taste buds of guests and visitors, and what special servings will be selected for newlywed, bride and groom and their family servings.
Adding up street foods to your menu may enhance the menu overall, and the guest may love to explore the different subtle cuisines to make the day memorable and remarkable. So we have come up with the best 5 Street food ideas, for your wedding day. Go, check them out, and pick up the one, which you love.
Top 5 Street Food Ideas To Include In Your Catering
Street food is loved by everyone. Gone are the days when dodgy burgers and kebabs were loved and appreciated. Now the concept of street food has changed drastically. People love to eat healthier and cleaner street food as compared to preserved ones. Because preserved street food can affect your overall health in the longer run. Hence people love to eat fresh, exciting street foods.
 And hence adding the right street food to your menu for weddings can bring magic into the wedding day. Everyone will enjoy it more. It's the best way if you want Affordable Wedding Catering or Street Food Catering. Hence we have picked up a huge array of cuisine, styles, and wedding catering to pick the best one from.
They are as follows-
1.   All things Americana
American cuisine is taking over UK cuisine and is more popular than previously. Ribs, Burgers, and hot dogs are universally appealing. You can choose a couple of van suppliers that deliver street foods freshly made or an American Barbecue that will grill out throughout your reception, and people are going to enjoy it. This option will go perfectly for heavy meat lovers, but you will have to think about the Vegetarians and bring something accordingly for them also.
2.   An Indian Banquet
People living in the UK are fond of eating Indian cuisine. The spicy taste and beautiful blend of herbs make Indian cuisine a beautiful and wholesome experience. Indian food is the UK's favorite pick to try at weddings. You can choose easy peasy delicacies like Pav bhaji, Vada pav, a variety of curries and rice, and even Idli, dosa, and many classy dishes. You can keep a buffet style, where everyone can serve themselves and enjoy relaxing.
3.Paella Street Party
A Paella Street Party is a wonderful option for Street Food Catering, where you get to enjoy colorful food, shareable, filled with delicious fragrances, and vivid colors that are perfect to enhance your wedding party. You can even serve this street food by adding a touch of Latin cuisine To it like Manchego cheese and Serrano. Watching Paella street food made in a giant paella pan, can enhance the party environment and add more fun and Etsy to your celebration.
4. A Pizza Street Party
You can hire Pizza Street Food Catering on vine community that serves you the best freshly baked, mouthwatering pizza and that also has very good speed. Well, we know how much craze comes with Pizza. Everyone loves to eat pizza. Then why not give it a shot on your big day celebration by hiring the best Pizza street caterers, that everyone will enjoy?
5.  Mexican Street Cuisine
Adding a few Mexican street street-styles like Tacos and Nachos in a variety of ways can add spice to your menu choice and the guest will love cribbing over the Tacos. Being easy to eat, Tacos are the best street foods everyone's favorite.
So we are sure you love these best street-style food ideas to add to your wedding menu. To get all preparation perfect you can hire a wedding planner so that you don't stress out in preparation and minute details and get everything as expected from vines.
We hope that this article will help you to add some interesting things to your menus when it comes to big events. Wanna know more about such kinds of food on your menus or wanna hire professionals the deal with it? Look no further than Vines, a Certified Wedding Planner which provides Affordable Wedding Catering and other types of services for big events, especially when it comes to marriage. For more info, visit https://www.vinescommunities.co.uk.
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sanjaysinhasblog · 2 years
He is the first reason behind the Latin American football craze that we have grown up experiencing back in Kolkata. A magician, an artist, an inspiration, the first of the G.O.A.T.s.
Pele. Rest in peace Legend. And Shine on you Black Diamond.
#Pele #PeleEterno
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