#LeQuinn de Serault
felassan · 4 years
The Hero’s Journey to the West
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This post is a mix of meta, speculation/conjecture and headcanon.
I don’t think the Hero of Ferelden is ever coming back as a PC or NPC beyond mentions/rumors and Codex entries/letters, but their quest to find a cure for the Calling fascinates me. It always makes me think about the Chinese novel by Wu Cheng’en. 
We know that they came back from their trip. We don’t know if they succeeded or not, but since the romanced Leliana epilogues are fairly happy in tone, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to headcanon that they did - at least, in terms of ridding themselves of the Taint. I feel like whether they succeeded in finding a way to allow all Wardens to escape the Calling would be something up in the air, like, kept-back at the moment by the devs; because surely such a revelation would rocket through the Warden order and in a future title might be heard about or alluded to in-game, crop up in a Codex somewhere, color our future interactions with Warden characters on the Wardens’ end, or potentially influence future storybeats relating to the Wardens. (It would be a rather major thing.) In dialogue Morrigan says that if the HoF is successful, it will mean a long life for him/her/them, and perhaps even a long life for all Wardens.
On the ‘when’: Although the Hero was gone by the time Divine Justinia died (per romanced Leliana dialogue), they didn’t leave straightaway after the events of Awakening and Witch Hunt (Heroes who fathered Kieran had not yet met their son at the time of WH), since in DA2 Hawke meets King Alistair and Queen Warden was home at court, and in DAI romanced Morrigan says her partner helped raise Kieran for a time before events transpired to take him elsewhere (which is a reference to his journey).
On the ‘who’: In the ancient novel Journey to the West, the monk Tang Sanzang has powerful disciples who help and protect him on his journey: Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong. In my head there’s a fun parallel here to DA’s four-man parties, and how the HoF is accompanied by - for example - Ariane, Finn and Dog during the episodic DLCs like Witch Hunt. This is purely headcanon, but I always liked to think that some of the Awakening companions that we never heard from again (so not Anders, Justice or Nate) and who in some epilogues mysteriously disappear, accompanied them on the quest for the cure; Velanna, Sigrun, possibly Oghren. (And Dog, of course - Dog in my head never left the Hero’s side after DAO, the notion presented in the games that he sometimes did is odd to me. Why would he, lol?) These characters could easily have a vested interest in wanting to rid themselves of the Taint. And obviously Zevran went with them, if romanced.
There’s plenty of material on which to base speculation about how a cure for the Calling might come about or be obtained, what the cure might involve. You have the case of Fiona, there’s Avernus’ research, there are instances where the Taint was drawn out of living things as with Isseya’s clutch of griffon eggs, the Architect doesn’t appear to be subject to the Call of the old gods and freed some darkspawn from it too, etc. I’m more interested atm in where the HoF went.
Leliana tells us the Warden went "far to the west, to lands that have never known the Blight”. Their search took them out of the area in which Corypheus was operating, and thus beyond the reach of the false Calling that affected other Wardens. During the timespan of base-game DAI, they were still in geographical regions which were reachable in such a way as to allow messages from Leliana’s agents to get to them after Leliana/Morrigan/etc gives the Inquisitor the means to contact them, and for letters from the Hero to be sent back in return. (That could be something essentially handwaved on the part of the devs in order to allow for the mechanic of hearing from the HoF in DAI, though.) Here I’m always reminded of the men of the Night’s Watch taking caged ravens with them in their expeditions beyond the Wall, so that the birds can carry messages back to the manned outposts. I look at the map of Thedas and wonder. Where might they have gone? Where was the western-most outpost of the Inquisition?
West of Ferelden takes you into Orlais, where the effects of Corypheus’ operations were felt. The Hero might naturally have taken the Imperial Highway and passed through settlements like Halamshiral, Lydes, Verchiel, Montsimmard and Val Firmin en-route. Such a route makes logical sense both in terms of convenient travels and the fact that in a war table mission, Leliana’s agents report “scattered references of [the Hero] passing through the area” (said area is not specified, but it makes sense that the Hero would have at times passed through inhabited places, since at times they were sighted). It should be noted however that when this war table mission is undertaken, the card ends up ‘played’ on the western shores of Lake Calenhad. Still, unless you took ship through the Waking Sea, most likely any journey west from Ferelden would have passed through or near that part of the country anyways, due to the sheer size of the lake, the highway following its banks and the fact that Gherlen’s Pass is the only safe route through which to cross the Frostback Mountains, at least in terms of year-round travel.
Anyway, in the western reaches of Orlais is the Western Approach. The Approach was the site of a major battle during the Second Blight - its desolate sands and barren badlands are definitely not lands which “have never known Blight”. And we know from a war table mission that the mines and tunnels of the Gamordan Peaks are infested with darkspawn, that the large darkspawn host that appeared at Val Gamord came from the mountains. Here is where it gets interesting. Were the environs of the Sulfur Lakes, Malcellin Geysers and the Sea of Ash always this way, as in this is the naturally-occurring geological/geothermal profile of the area (volcanic), or are they so wretched because like the nearby Western Approach, the land was corrupted beyond recovery during a Blight? I imagine that the Hero would have largely avoided these areas and the Approach due to this (inhospitable travelling terrain + Blight-touched/probably Blight-touched), and instead at this point struck out more north-westerly for a time.
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Doing so would bring someone through or around the Nahashin Marshes. Above we can see the location of Serault in relation to the Approach and the Marshes. There is a crossing point in the Nahashin Marshes used by a merchant in The Last Court, who travelled from Val Chevin through Montfort and Ghislain, before going across the Marshes to get to Serault. Given this and the fact that they’d likely be steering away from the Approach, I can see the Hero following the Highway all the way to Ghislain and then crossing the Marshes on their way to Serault, obviously without going to Val Chevin, which would amount to backtracking.
What then of Serault, the mysterious marquisate located in the far west of Orlais? It’s Orlais’ western-most holding, and per a Codex entry as far west as one can still call civilized. I certainly headcanon that the Hero passed through here before forging further into wilds and lands unknown - here Serault Town has a Tolkienesque “The Last Homely House” feel to it, perched on the edge of it all:
This is the edge of the world. Beyond Serault Town is the Last River, and beyond the river, villages, charcoal-burners, the wilderness.
Per war table missions, Inquisition agents also travel to Serault during the time-frame of base-game DAI - here we have what is likely to be one of or the last place[s] where the Hero could have picked up messages from the Inquisition before ‘jumping off’ into the unknown. Laysh is another possibility, route-dependent (see below).
Serault is a strange place, where “unlikely” things happen. Perchance, was there useful knowledge to be found here? Morrigan herself dwelt here for a time, researching at the Glassworks and working to repair an eluvian. It’s implied she does this regardless of whether the Marquis allows her to or not. Notably, it is Morrigan “who found the lead[s] the Hero now follows in the western lands”. This was probably the “gift” Morrigan gives the Hero in Witch Hunt. She leaves them the stolen Dalish book Ariane was seeking to get back, and "something [else that the Hero] will find of great interest”. (She doesn’t give the something-else gift if he goes with her, but if he goes with her she’d just tell him in-person about what she’d found, so it stacks regardless). That said, when it’s a romanced Warden Alistair worldstate it sounds like he and the Hero found the lead on their own. I enjoy the leads being Morrigan’s gift though as an idea, and as a way of filling in what the heck the gift was.
Courtier’s children in Serault play at “Wardens and Darkspawn”, implying that Serault has either once been touched by Blight or else that tales of Blight and darkspawn and Warden heroics have reached the settlement. “Roads under the earth” (how very Deep Road-esque) are implied to stretch from Seraultine lands to an emergence somewhere in the Vimmark Mountains, there’s a bereskarn in the nearby woods and at one point the Marquis imagines the “tang of Blights” when a bitter wind blows from the north. I therefore find it unlikely that Seraultine surrounds have never been touched by Blight. Suspect the Hero ventured farther still, through the Applewoods - both the tamer Greenwood and the sinister Deepwoods, into the depths of the Tirashan. I’m obsessed with the Tirashan and its enigmatic denizens. What things they must know... mysterious, forgotten things. Are these elves ancient elves? To whom are they calling? These elves seem to guard their lands very fiercely, so it’s not a crazy idea that if the Hero entered the Tirashan they encountered some. Would an elven Hero have had a smoother initial interaction with them? It’s also not a crazy idea that the Tirashan elves might have knowledge that would have proven useful in the Hero’s quest, given the hints that they call to powers we possibly haven’t yet encountered. Their red vallaslin and apparent propensity for sacrificing people make me think of blood magic, and blood magic has practical uses in combatting Taint (Isseya’s spell on the griffon eggs, Avernus the blood mage, the Dark Ritual which was blood magic-based and ultimately caused the removal of Taint from Urthemiel’s soul, etc).
Say the Hero journeyed farther still. Over/through or under the southern Hunterhorn mountains to the forest or continuing forest on the other side (see the map of Thedas with expanded edges given to us in TN), which is inhabited by who knows what. Here the “Beyond Thedas” sections in WoT are of interest:
For many ages, the world that lies beyond Thedas has been largely unknown to us. Rumors and legends exist, tales of hardy sea captains crossing the ocean in search of treasure or ill-fated forays into the wilds, but they have always been buried under hearsay. Any serious attempts at exploration have been foiled by either the devastation of the Blights or the discouragement of waters plagued by both pirates and Qunari dreadnoughts.
The Hero surely would have researched such scattered references to the ill-fated forays, and sifted through hearsay, as 'homework’ before setting off on their trip. Going deep into the wild western wood is tantalizing in a frontier kind of way, but we can’t ignore the following entry in WoT, which I think was included in this manner for a reason.
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Say instead the Hero travelled through the Hunterhorns and the Anderfels, maybe with a detour to nearby Weisshaupt to report in, confer with the First Warden and check the archives in its extensive library in case anything in there could prove useful in their quest, much like the recruit Valya did during her own investigation. The Anderfels are super Blight-blasted, so they would not have stopped there. In terms of travels in this area, I think it’s likely they would have joined a caravan being led by the Green Men order through the Wandering Hills to the distant port of Laysh.
The Voshai are yet another mysterious, unknown culture, and have materials and items that are completely unknown in Thedas proper among their wares. They come from a far-flung place and seem to Know Things. The status of dwarves in their society and their interest in lyrium is interesting, given the link both dwarves and lyrium have to underground places and the Blight. Can the reports of the recent return of the Voshai vessels to Thedas be a coincidence? I don’t think so, in the context of things discussed in this post. What powers and potentials are to be found among the wares of the Voshai that these Tevinter merchants were so keen to mount several expeditions into the wild unknown in search of them, even after several voyages never returned? I think the Hero probably took ship at Laysh (either they managed to secure passage on a docked Voshai ship, or there was an expedition vessel the Hero chartered), and went across the Volca Sea to the lands of the Voshai. Here they could have found a cure, and then a Voshai ship to then take them back to the known Thedosian continent.
A final few notes: You have to wonder, the lands which are untouched by Blight, why is that? Is it environmental - natural barriers or environmental conditions inhospitable to darkspawn? Is it magical protection? Are there limits to the darkspawn/Blight’s realm of influence, and if so, why, and how do these limits work? Does the fabled cataclysm in the lands of the Voshai have anything to do with a Blight (you could definitely describe a Blight as a cataclysm, for one thing)? And why on the new map with expanded edges from TN, along all the borders/expanded space, despite the fact that in WoT the “Beyond Thedas” stuff discusses all directions - why on the TN map is there only one place at the edges with an arrow pointing off into the unknown realms? Granted, it’s not the west Tirashan nor is it the north-westerly Volca Sea, but it is notable and worth mentioning. What lies south-west in the Sundered Sea, and why is it marked like this?
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felassan · 4 years
not me remembering that the Marquis of Serault is a noble and then going to look at lists of old French given names bc I now feel justified in adding some more parts to their name
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felassan · 4 years
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Isn’t it curious, the similarities between the Serault heraldry of the mirrored stag (top), and various pieces of Dalish heraldry (bottom)? The de Serault family’s ancestral mask is the Glass-Antlered Mask of Serault. Its tines are green, but glass antlers sounds an awful lot like halla horns. The Shame’s mage staff was headed by a stag figurine. The local kooky Cult of Masked Andraste worship a huntress-aspect of Andraste, and its sigil is the bow - in the Sealed Chantry stands a statue of a non-masked Andraste holding a bow, “the symbol of the heterodox cult”, and at the shrine to Masked Andraste a bow is carved on her back (Andruil vibes, and a bow is featured on yet another piece of Dalish heraldry). The shrine Masked Andraste stands in the Applewoods of all places (these woods eventually blend into the elfy Tirashan). Serault is also famed for its renowned glassware and expert glassblowers, to the point that Morrigan goes there to research eluvians and is able to then repair one. Glass Halla is random loot in DAI. It’s classed as a valuable and can be purchased from Orlesian merchants. Serault trades its glassware all across Orlais.
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This is also a piece of Seraultine iconography found in the game. Those look like halla horns, not the antlers of any normal deer, and when you save this img the filename is “hallasmall”. It also looks like a straight paste of the Dalish halla heraldry (bottom left). I think this instance is just a case of asset reuse, same as how Dorian concept art appears as the character of His Dour Lordship the Marquis of Alyons and similar to how the Purveyor of Teas appears to be an adapted/edited version of the male dwarf from the “standards of beauty” concept art, but still. Taken all together it’s very curious, especially considering all the strange things that go on in Serault and how close Seraultine lands are to the realm of the Tirashan elves.
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felassan · 4 years
Do you think that your OCs would get along with Felassan?
Hi Nonnie! Thanks for the cool question.
The Warden would probably respect him, if not quite as an elder at this point in time. But if they had met before the events of the Fifth Blight, they might have ended up with a dynamic not unlike the one between Felassan and Briala. I see some similarities between Briala and the Warden.
I don’t think he’d like the Champion. That fact is a reflection of my Champion’s personality and so forth, not of Felassan or Hawke in a general sense.
He actually wouldn’t be that out of place on a mysterious passing visit to the Marquis’ court in Serault, I think, given how intriguing and odd a place it is. His general overall vibe and countenance would have quite suited being an advisor/associate or unique event / Market Day card or something in that game, now that I think about it. The remarkable and strange lone elf, Blown in on the Wind? He’s not dead that’s where he’s hiding, in the Tirashan -  ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )
The Inquisitor wouldn’t really trust him initially, and would think his circumstances suspect. Their personalities are pretty different. Maybe something could grow there, given time, in some AU where he lived and decided to try and help the modern elves and they ended up joining forces or something (also wherein Cassandra doesn’t exist). I once wrote a fable where they meet and he helps out, and 'something’ is like, suuuper vaguely implied in like.. 1 single line lol. It’s really stylized and she’s semi out-of-character in it as a consequence, but in parts it does explore a possible dynamic between them. (There’s also a 0% chance that they wouldn’t smoke together at least once.)
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felassan · 4 years
the Marquis of Serault is a hedge mage  (︶▽︶)
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felassan · 4 years
Ooh are you playing TLC? I wish we can get more Serault lore in DA4. The Horned Knight! Dryads! Tirashan elves! plz bioware...
Hi Nonnie! Yes I currently am 😊 I guess that’s the reason behind my recent spate of TLC posts. I’ve played it before, but in the wake of the EA Play WIPs I needed a fix of something Dragon Age that I hadn’t been through 9173 times like the main games. 😰 The stylized way of writing in TLC is enjoyable, and there’s a lot of weird, unique, intriguing lore tidbits woven in. Serault is a really interesting place that grabs me more than other parts of Orlais, and I was glad to see it come up a bit in DAI such as on the war table and with the Draconology Professor. I think my Inquisitor and my Marquis would have gotten along fairly well if they had met personally! With the Huntress’ background, they have considerable overlap in both skills/training and values, and the Lavellan Clan have been camped in Seraultine or Serault-adjacent lands before.
The Horned Knight reminds me of pop cultural depictions of the god Cernunnos, and the folklore motif of the Wild Hunt. Here are some thoughts about dryads, and here’s some burbling about my fascination with (and wild speculation about) the Tirashan elves. In DA4 I’m desperate to venture into the Tirashan to see what lies inside and to meet the elves there.. I also wonder whether, if Dorian goes ahead with his proposed research project to construct their own set of eluvians, the Serault Glassworks and its associated knowledge of mirrors will come into play, given the renowned expertise of Serault glassblowers, the research Morrigan did there and how it helped her fix one, and the Inquisition’s canonical direct ties with Serault.
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felassan · 7 years
what sort of marquis did you have in serault?
I went with the Huntress. I think I named her “LeQuinn”. the last time I checked her lover was the Wayward Bard and her counsellor was the plainspoken seneschal. I don’t actually remember how it turned out for me or if I even finished it (probably didn’t, if I don’t recall).. I should go and have a look. 0:
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