#Lean mass builder
bookofbonbon · 1 month
for you and for me - cregan stark.
Pairings/Characters: Cregan Stark x Reader; Alysanne Blackwood.
Warnings: OOC. No thought put into this. Zero thought, head empty. Just wrote it 4 fun. Spoilers. Bad grammar, punctuation and tense use.
Summary: Cregan returns to Winterfell at the end of the war with a new bride.
Word Count: 1.1k
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Snow fell gently around Winterfell for a sixth consecutive day. The calm weather a more than welcome change from the otherwise blizzardous days that had been wreaking havoc upon the Northern country prior.
Given the sudden change, you couldn’t help but wonder if the North was somehow connected to its Lord- if it had sensed when he returned to his country some six days ago. The Stark’s were, after all, an ancient house and like most Northerners, you had also heard the tales of how ancient sorcery and spells had been woven into The Wall when Bran the Builder raised it. Perhaps…
You screw your nose up.
You didn’t have time to dwell on magical midwives tales. If there was however, one thing you were certain of, it was that Winter had come for Winterfell during its Lord Stark’s absence and you were sure it would return with a vengeance once he was secured in his seat.
Excitement buzzes in the still icy Northern air of Winterfell. Household staff rushing through the courtyard to finish laying the final preparations for the Welcome Home Grand Feast which awaited Lord Stark and the Northmen who marched South to war some 1-2 years ago. 
In the courtyard, the Northmen who remained during the war began falling into line, Stark banners ready to be raised at a moment’s notice in anticipation for the long-awaited arrival of their Liege Lord and fellow countrymen and, just as you were nowhere to be found on Lord Stark’s  departure, you were once again nowhere to be found amongst the masses as they gathered below for his return. 
Despite your absence below however, nothing went unnoticed by you from where you stood hidden in the tallest spire of Winterfell,  overlooking the castle’s ground and the vast North. 
The once green hills had become a permanent snow white for as far as your eyes could see, save for the downtrodden road that cut through it- an army of Northern men led by Stark banners and other Northern household banners alike traveling down it.
They would arrive in little time and as expected, a surge of frantic energy seemed to sweep through Winterfell as a lone rider came galloping through the castle’s gates to announce their near arrival.
There’s an ache in your chest as you watch the scene below you unfold, hand rubbing at your chest in an attempt to soothe it. Winter’s men greeted with tears of both sorrow and joy as the men, women and children who remained in the North came to learn who of their loved ones had returned and who had not. 
You wrinkle your nose as a cold wind blows. Breath coming out in a white puff for the first time in six days. You had noticed the sudden change in the weather as soon as it happened; the way the snow fell harder and the winds began to pick up, carrying with them a familiar scent.
It’s then that you find your gaze drawn to the castle’s gates as a thin woman with a mass of curly black hair sitting atop a large stead arrives, sticking sorely out like a prey amongst wolves as she gazes anxiously around her.
Leaning slightly forward, you pull your cloak tighter around your shoulders. The woman is flanked by two men with Blackwood banners.
So, this was her.
You watch keenly as she dismounts gracefully, immediately noting her tall height and though she was thin, you could tell she was strong by the way she carried herself as she placed a comforting hand on her horse; her sharp gaze taking note of everyone around her before, looking for the someone you knew was not there. 
Your lips pull in a small grin. 
“Tis’ not particularly welcoming of you to abandon your newly betrothed when she has just arrived in your country,” you drawl, watching the woman stalk through the crowd with her men.
This woman was no prey but, you currently were as the floorboards creaked beneath the heavy footsteps of the Wolf of the North.
His scent surrounds you, overwhelming you as firm arms wrap themselves around you- the Wolf of the North burrowing his nose in the crook of your neck, hair scratching at your skin as he inhales your scent deeply. You relax against his hold, leaning against him as you place a cold hand atop his own which Cregan takes as his cue to intertwine your fingers with his as he presses a kiss to your temple. 
“So, you did receive my ravens then?” he asks, voice gruffer than you remembered. “You just chose not to write me back.”
You hum your confirmation, still watching her as she broke free from the crowd that had left much of her appearance obscured from your vision. Her riding clothes were fitted well and just as Cregan described, you took notice of her long legs and strong arms as she adjusted the red cloak around her shoulders.
“There was much to do around here,” you shrugged. “You made me your Regent, I could not shirk the duties you bestowed upon me.”
Cregan sighs, forehead pressed against the back of your head. You weren’t mad, he would’ve known if you were mad but, you weren’t particularly happy with him either.
He had gone to war a widow and come back with a bride.
“If you do not approve, I will see it all undone,” he reassures you with a squeeze of your hand. 
You inhale deeply, head shaking as you an utter a firm, “no.”
If his letters were anything to go by then Alysanne Blackwood would make for the perfect bride and not even your own stubbornness would allow you to pass up a woman like her for him.
“She is… as you described? Yes?” 
“She is,” he hums happily, sensing your turn in mood as he presses a kiss to the column of your neck. “Fierce, bawdy, an excellent hunter and just as you and I do, she has also taste for…roast duck and goose.” 
You breathe a laugh through your nose, bottom lip trapped between your teeth as you consider your next words.
“And she knows about what she’s to be wed into.”
“She does and she was most delighted,” Cregan recalls with a chuckle. 
Turning in his hold, you inhale sharply at the sight of him. He looked different and still the same. Bigger and stronger. He had grown out his beard as you suspected and his hair was longer with a singular braid tucked amongst his dark locks but, none of that was what held you in your place. No. Despite his sternness, Cregan had left Winterfell with soft eyes and softer cheeks. The Cregan who stood before you now… he cut the very image of a man capable of doing the things you had heard he had done in the South; ready to rip out the traitors of the Great Houses, root and stem- eyes cold and face hardened by war, he hardly looked the person you watched leave through the gates of Winterfell some year and a bit ago but, as he smiled his toothy grin, you knew beneath it all that it was still him all the same.
“Then she’s perfect,” you tell him with a mischievous smile while rubbing your hands along his firm chest. 
Delighted with your words, Cregan’s rough hands cup your face gently as he hums his agreeance, his lips brushing against your own.
“The perfect bride for you and for me,” he murmurs before, pressing his lips firmly against yours.
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2024. All rights reserved.
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webslingingslasher · 10 months
I just did an ab workout and it fucking sucked ass
But as a result… may I raise you, workout out with Peter
It’s a need!
*cleaning out my inbox*
peter’s strength…. so yummy 🤤
you knew exactly what you were doing, but peter didn’t. ‘i bet you couldn’t bench two fifty.’
he’s insulted to say the least. ‘i’m sorry, trouble. you said what?’ because there’s no way you just told him that.
‘i bet you couldn’t bench two fifty. you’re strong, but not that strong.’ peter scoffs, ‘i don’t think you realize how light two fifty is.’
you quirk an eyebrow, ‘oh really? i’d take you up on that bet.’ it’ll be the easiest bet of his entire life. ‘deal. i’ll take you to the gym with me next time, then you can see for yourself.’
that’s how you ended up watching peter grunt under the weighted bar, he’s got three twenty and he’s going so smooth he doesn’t need a spot, but you’re still there just in case. it’s not like you’d be any real help if shit went south.
‘is this your max?’ your words make peter laugh, like your question was adorable. ‘not even close.’ okay, maybe you thought he was stronger than what you originally teased. but him barely sweating at over three hundred pounds has you truly questioning his strength.
‘do you even have a max?’ there’s no way he could bench much more, he doesn’t have the muscle mass to back it up. not that he’s lean, but he’s no body builder either.
‘haven’t found one, no.’ the bar slams down, it bends under the force on each side. ‘there’s no way. i may have been exaggerating at first but you’re not mr. strongman.’
peter’s eyebrow raises like you just challenged him, you didn’t, but he took it as one. ‘wanna bet? give me a number.’
‘four fifty.’ an egregious amount but peter just nods and starts collecting more plates. the second his hands wrap around the bar you stop him, you didn’t want him over performing for your sake. if he hurt himself trying to impress you, you’d never forgive yourself for pushing him to that place.
‘you don’t have to. i believe you.’
peter fingers grip the steel, ‘it’s okay, i can do it.’ you slap his hands away, ‘no, really. don’t do it.’ you don’t care what expression he’s looking up at you with, you refuse to allow him.
‘you’re the one that gave me the number, trouble.’
‘because you were supposed to say no! don’t hurt yourself over this, i’m already impressed.’
peter clicks his tongue, disappointed you’d think of him so shallow. ‘i want to make you impressed at every chance, but i’m not gonna be stupid about it. if i couldn’t do it, id tell you.’
it’s not good enough, it’s a clear expression. peter immediately eats his words, he’s about to show off because you don’t believe him. the second the bar raises off the handle your teeth clench, you peer around the room and familiarize yourself with a very muscled man in the corner of the room. just in case.
no need, peter’s doing it with ease. he’s breathing hard, strained grunts pull from the back of his throat. he can bench it, but it’s not as easy as three hundred.
after four presses you can’t handle it, ‘okay, okay, okay! please stop.’ your hand hovers underneath the bar when it slams into the handle.
peter teases you when he rises from the padding. ‘you could never be the girlfriend of an athlete. what would you do if i broke my leg while drag racing?’
‘kill myself, i dunno.’
peter’s sweating across his hairline, his skin tacky under your touch. he shakes it off, ‘i’m hot.’ you wink, ‘yeah, you are.’
‘next time, just tell me you wanna see me workout. you don’t have to make up numbers, trouble.’
you play offended, ‘i did no such thing.’
‘you didn’t touch a single machine here.’
‘i was emotional support.’
‘i was eye candy, that’s it.’
your arms wrap around his waist, his back damp under your palm. ‘and you are so, so, so yummy. can i take you home and eat you?’
a glare from peter, ‘isn’t that my job?’
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neopuppy · 8 months
I always wonder if they manipulate those photos a bit or if it’s the lighting and angle. Jeno has muscles but he’s actually much smaller in height and build irl than I realized. Actually a lot of NCT are much smaller/slimmer than they appear. Even Johnny who is the tallest/largest was like a beanpole. More modelesque than body builder
nah those last ones were DEFINITELY manipulated lol, theres Jisung ones like that too, I’m pretty sure I posted them before
but yeah I’ve talked abt this like how different they all look irl. none of them are swole- even like Jaemin he’s in greattttt shape and he’s legitimately STUNNING inperson/magnificent body but he’s 5’10 max and not what I’d consider ‘big’. I don’t like super muscular guys tho… which leads me to Johnny
Johnny like, during The Link, if he was maybe 15-20 pds heavier he’d be absolutely perfect. irl you can see and count every bone on him. he’s veryyyyy long and yea modelesque, very lean! he’s not toooooo muscular either like yes he’s very fit and looks athletic build wise but he’s soft enough that he doesn’t look off?
when people in general are rly swole and ripped I think they look mutated- THATS MY OPINION!! and why I lean more toward a thinner/slim build+less muscle. Jungwoo for example, I think his bodies perfect, AND he gets called skinny so much when if you put him side by side with Johnny they’re practically the same size💀 just different proportions. Johnny actually has a shorter torso/long arms and legs while Jungwoo is long torso/long legs….he’s very evenly distributed.
Jeno is another, he has longer legs/shorter torso vs Jaemin who has shorter legs/longer torso. Jaemin carrying more of his weight on top makes him look bigger than he is vs Jeno having longer legs rly makes him look taller than he is(I say he’s 5’9 max)
I’m like that dude on tiktok that figures out someones height by adding up objects in photos lmfao😭😭😭
Jeno tho….. his body looks a lot bulkier than it is BECAUSE he is all muscle mass, like he has to have suchhhhh a low body fat percentage. irl he’s fr so skinny but the projection of muscle photographs beautifully- he’s like…..a living statue of David you know? like….unreal lol.
if you watch Singles Inferno(BECAUSE I CERTAINLY DO!!) those guys are always so big and I laugh like…..remember when 127 said Johnny should be a contestant💀💀💀 I’m like it’d be crazy(and I’d hate him bc I’d be enraged with jealousy…) bc Johnny would probably be one of the smaller contestants out of all the guys….muscle wise. which is wild to think abt since he’s the biggest Neo😭
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fuyuu-suru-uzuki · 1 month
White on blue on white on white on black on white. The blinds are already open. He leans against the sink on his palms, shivering in spite of his black sweater, Friday’s storm-colored necktie slung over his shoulders. Pushing the slats up all the way with his mind, he slides open the kitchen window and its screen, extends a formal invitation to the early spring chill and the morning dew. Milk, creamy white in his glass atop the white granite fog of the counter under the builder-grade bland white of the slats lightly dusted in black from the street below and the sun-bleached white puffs meandering overhead like a herd of friendly sheep, teasing him. What are those clouds like on the inside? They look nothing like the mass he’d tumbled into late Friday night with Teruki. He reaches out for them without thinking; the sun bleaches his fingertips the same blinding white. A desire seizes him: to drop everything right now and find out. To sail through the open sash, up and up; to chase them before they vanish back into the rhythm of the breeze. And he could do so. Easily. But his brother is coming over for breakfast—omuraisu. His treat. They hardly ever get to hang out anymore. Is this what adulthood is supposed to look like? These stolen moments of freedom here and there until retirement? Ritsu is rarely late. There’s no way he’d get back in time.
this chapter has an almost stream-of-consciousness feel to it; it was hard to get the right vibe i wanted. but at long last, it (and this fic) is complete. thank you for your patience. please enjoy and let me know what you think!
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cerastes · 1 year
Question: is Deirdre swoll like fanon Saria or Hoshiguma or she is more like a genshing impact build? What i mean, is that she were to throw her shirt out for a direct fisticuffs beatdown, would she look like a yakuza (male) protagonist or more like she came from a manwha?
Deirdre’s more of a lean, sinewy build. She’s of average height (177 cm/5’8) and doesn’t have much in the way of body mass, so constant conditioning and working out has given her a build closer to Bruce Lee or, keeping it on topic, Majima:
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Low body fat centric, efficient strength training with Deirdre’s lithe frame in mind has resulted in a build like this. This was, of course, not Deirdre’s idea, but Seirian (who manages Deirdre’s conditioning). If it was up to Deirdre, she’d bulk up with strength in mind (think powerlifter build, not body builder), but Seirian forbid it since Deirdre’s already very strong physically and her main manner of maiming is to slash, gouge, and rip apart like a wild animal with her sharpening magic rather than actually engage in contests of physical might.
You could say Deirdre wants to do the cool thing (punch huge dudes) while Seirian makes her do the smart thing (play to her advantages), which extends to her fitness. Uncompromising as she may be in many ways, Deirdre ultimately does respect Seirian a lot, so she listens (don’t tell Seirian, though!)
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 year
@therichantsim tagged me for this
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I haven't really had many other deaths besides old age. Even if I did I don't think I could choose a favorite way for them to go. I'm gonna steal @mysimsloveaffair's answer lol. She said her favorite death is old age because it means they lived a full life.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Mix
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? For gameplay, not at all. But for stories I might if it makes sense for the character. For example, Kameron is a very fit character. But in real life, he doesn't workout as much as he used to so he often loses muscle mass. Lean Kam just don't look right, so I used MCCC to freeze his body frame so he doesn't gain or lose weight/muscle.
4. Do you use move objects? Absolutely
5. Favorite mod? MC Command Center closely followed by Relationships and Pregnancy Overhaul by lumpinou. These two keep me on my toes and give you guys all the drama you love lol.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I got the first one when it came out.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? ALIVE!! I will die on this hill lol. Don't get me started!
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Either Kameron or Amina Pope. I've been with Kameron the longest, and he is my dude forever. Amina was special to me even in CAS, and when I finally found the right story for her, she made it so easy. The story wrote itself!
9. Have you made a simself? I've been making simselves since TS2
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? I think she is creative, music lover, loner?
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? I use the neutral black the most, but I really love that new ashy brown. I think it's the 3rd one? It's Tori's hair dye color.
12. Favorite EA hair? Ehhhh...I tend to ignore EA hairs lol
13. Favorite life stage? Young Adult
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Building is not my ministry lol
15. Are you a CC creator? No, but I have recolored some things before.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Sure do! (Hey y'all!)
17. What’s your favorite game? That's tough to say. Gameplay-wise, I think I'm still partial to Sims 2. But seeing as I'm addicted to Create-a-Sim, I'd have to say Sims 4 because the other games can't hold a candle to the current genetics and options!
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Yep. I used to have this ginormous mouse pad with that Sims mouse. I also got those notebooks from the shop that came out a few years ago. Now I want to burn them all LOL.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Sure do! My list of videos to make keeps growing. I just need to make the time to do them...and my hair LOL.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I'm not sure if this question is referring to play style or CAS style so I'll do both. My play style has not changed. I've always enjoyed family play even though that's not all I do. People say I have a sim style and they know a sim is mine when they see them, but I can't see it. I just like making unique sims. Not sure if I've changed or not.
21. What’s your Origin ID? Jes2G
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? No way I can pick just one...or even 5 lol. Just to name a few... peacemaker, simstrouble, severinka, mclaynesims, jius, wisteriasims, crypticsim, pralinesims, sifix...
23. How long have you had a simblr? I technically joined in 2014 but I wasn't active. I decided to give it a real shot in 2017 and decided to go all in in 2019.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I have a set of actions I created in Photoshop that I run. I used to make different actions for all my stories to give them unique looks. Now I create ReShade presets and let it do the heavy lifting.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? GROWING TOGETHER! It's all I really wanted.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I don't want or need anything else EXCEPT for all the bugs to be fixed! I'm ready for this version of the game to be over so the modders can make the game great in peace!
Tagging @shunohoney626 @bridgeportbritt @digital-deluxe @nilonne @maladi777 @wannabecatwriter @ladytee918 @saps-sims
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lunarsands · 2 years
ALSMP Fanfic: Wherever These Flowers May Grow Ch 4
Characters: goddess!PearlescentMoon, actual!angel!Sausage, starborne!Scott; reintroducing: floran!Scott and introducing: floran!Sausage, with special guest Empires SMP S2 Joel and a cameo by Origins SMP CaptainSparklez
Relationships: MythicalSausage/Scott Smajor
Tags: Canon Divergent, scosage, fluff
Warnings: Character Death (temporary as usual with this series), a tiny bit of angst
(Sequel to Echoing Through To You, When The Skies Cry, Until The Blood Moon Descends, and Then We’ll Rewrite the Stars)
(Also available on Ao3!)
Summary: Pearl sends Sausage and Scott on a mission to help out on another mortal world different from their old one. Scott finds himself returned to an old set of powers; Sausage gets new ones which, as it turns out, he has some trouble controlling. It’s not exactly a honeymoon trip, but they do meet a nice new godling while there.
[ Chapter One ] [ Chapter Two ] [ Chapter Three ]
[ A/N: Bonus artwork by Cynthrey linked at the end! ]
Chapter Four
Traveling east led them to finally seeing signs of civilization. They arrived at a strait where a stone bridge was in the process of being built. They approached cautiously, unsure how their appearances would be taken, but deciding they should see if the other land mass needed to be repaired as only their floran powers could allow.
The first person to notice them was a human stonemason, who greeted them with a wave and a delighted look. She called to her fellow builders, and out of the group of five another woman came over as the two florans reached the start of the bridge. She smiled warmly while the others hung back to watch. “Hello, spirits of the forests! We haven’t seen any of your kind for many years. It’s good to know you still exist. This is a fortuitous sign! It means we chose the right time to begin the return to our homeland!”
“Hello!” Sausage responded cheerfully. “We’ve been beautifying the place, so hopefully you like it when you get there!”
Scott smiled as well, although he was curious. “We saw some ruins, but it didn’t look like anyone had been around for, well, several decades at least.”
The woman nodded. “Yes. Centuries have gone by since our people fled terrible calamities that wracked the land. We are the descendants of two empires, whose people came together out of the ashes to build anew in a safer region. You may use our Greatbridge here to visit our haven, Gilded Ratio, if you like. We have a nice orchard that you might find rest in, and I’m sure the farmers will appreciate the blessing of your presence.”
“Thank you, I think we will.” Scott nodded to her in appreciation. She returned the gesture with a bow, then stepped aside and held out one arm to extend the offer of crossing the bridge.
The other builders similarly moved aside, an assortment of wonder and joy on their faces. Scott walked ahead, but glanced back, noticing Sausage was hesitating. The former seraph put a hand to the back of his head. “Uh, yeah, thanks! And, um, I apologize if there’s, like, just a little extra grass or moss or flowers that end up growing on here, eh-heheh! It looks great, by the way! Very solid build, those pylons should stand for many more centuries!”
Scott gave him a patient look and held out his hand. Sausage reached to clasp it, leaning over instead of taking a step onto the bridge. Scott tugged him forward. Sausage hopped awkwardly, then realized nothing was growing under him. “Oh. Oh! Right, direct contact with soil! Ah-haha, never mind! But maybe watch for plants starting to creep onto the end, there.” He pointed to the stone connecting to the land, but then nearly stumbled as Scott dragged him along. “Okay, okay! W-We’re going now! Have fun building!”
He moved up beside Scott and hissed quietly, “You don’t have to be pushy! You could have just reminded me I didn’t have to worry about it!”
“Sorry. I was getting a little nervous. They were kind of looking at us like we’re some kind of gods. I’m not used to so much attention. I mean, yeah, people can see starbornes at work, but as just another star. I don’t have to look them in the eye and go ‘hi, yes, I rearranged the sky, now bow down before me’!”
“That’s a good point. But, um, you might have to get used to it a little bit…” Sausage eyed a second construction crew that was working on a lookout tower at the other end, which appeared to be one of a set to either side. The people halted as the two florans walked by, another round of wonderous gazes coming their way.
“Hello,” Scott singsonged casually, waving, “Don’t mind us, just passing by to bestow some blessings, then we’ll be on our way.”
The two passed through a stone passageway that might have been one source of material for the bridge. On the other side was a new sight to astound them. Before them stood a city below a curved road, with farms cascading down hills and small homes clustered around larger, central buildings. The true focal point, however, was a giant statue of a woman holding a sword, one feathered wing extended to her right and a stylized circular wing on the left. Gleaming with golden accents, it resembled a shining sun, with rays at intervals to add to the effect.
Sausage gazed at the statue with enamored eyes and murmured, “Reminds me of Pearl… It doesn’t look like a temple from here, though…”
“Let’s get closer. We can always ask the locals. Maybe they’re into angel symbolism. Just the place for you.” Scott smiled teasingly. Sausage stuck his tongue out in response, then composed himself when two citizens came up to welcome them with the same excitement as the woman on the bridge.
It quickly became apparent she had sent word for them to find the florans through some type of long-distance signaling system. They were among the numerous agriculture experts in town. They offered to give the florans a tour. The first thing the pair asked when they reached street level was about the statue.
“That is Our Lady of Harvests, the Goddess Peril,” explained the taller of the citizens, “She watches over our city as well as the catacombs, where all of our people have been laid to rest since it was founded. They even say one of the great emperors of the past is entombed within, but the exact location of that crypt is hidden.”
“Peril,” Sausage mumbled, then repeated it with an accent as, “Perl.” He nudged Scott with his elbow. Scott merely smiled.
The other farmer piped up, “You’re probably not here for a history lesson, though. If you would be so kind, we do have one crop field that isn’t yielding. After that, you can visit the orchard.”
The crops in question were several hundred scraggly stalks of what was supposed to be corn. Scott walked along the first row getting a feel for the location’s energy while Sausage waited on the cobblestone path. After touching one stalk and turning it a healthier shade of green, Scott said, “After this harvest you should let this field lay fallow for a season, then rotate to a different crop. The soil tired out early.”
He then nodded to Sausage, who grinned and stepped between the second and third rows. He held his hands out to either side and took off running, fingers grazing sagging leaves. A wave of refreshed green took hold of the corn stalks shortly after he passed. When he reached the end, he turned and ran through the fourth and fifth rows.
Scott ambled down the first row, changing all of the stalks there, then went around the border of the field to mark where Sausage could stop. Several other people wandered over to see what was happening, including a few children. When he returned to the starting point, Scott smiled gently at them; the children had probably heard many fairy tales about the ‘spirits of the forest’ and might not have the same level of understanding as the adults of how the magic was working. He grew a handful of small sunflowers out of his palm, then passed them out to the children one by one. Faces lit up with wonder again. A few of the adults moved closer to see if he had any leftover to give to them.
“So, you were sent by Our Lady Peril,” someone said reverently. “Thank you for these gifts.”
“You’re… welcome,” Scott said with a measure of caution. With all the reminders of PearlescentMoon, he chose to go with sunflowers as an experiment. He had his answer. “Well, you enjoy. We have more to see before we continue our travels.”
He collected Sausage as he was on his way back from the final rows of corn. A bit winded but cheerful, the former seraph beamed at him. “That was fun, too! Is there anywhere else they need us to work on, or are we wandering around some more?”
“We’re going to see that orchard they were talking about, then figure out what we’ll do for the night.”
“I wouldn’t mind sleeping in a real bed again, come to think of it…”
“Shh,” Scott hushed him. He lowered his own voice. “They think we were sent by their god. Remember what our Pearl said. Let’s not mention anything that might reveal we’re something else.”
Sausage coughed. He loudly proclaimed, “A real bed of moss, you know! Not as much mossy moss around these parts like where we usually dwell!”
“Ah— Okay,” Scott murmured helplessly.
Attention kept being drawn their way as they walked. Both responded with polite greetings while making observations of their own. There were pens full of different animals, people transporting goods, and tradecraft shops of all kinds.
Sausage swiveled his head as he took it all in, commenting, “This city seems pretty nice. The red sheep are a little weird, but other than that, it’s a thriving society! Big contrast to the whole other continent I think we were on.”
“I’m starting to wonder if maybe we’ve traveled too far. If this does happen to be a completely different continent, and the worst problem they have is not rotating crops, we might have been meant to go west from the mountains instead.”
“There was the giant lily, though.”
“Hmm, true. West from there, then, or further south, or even back to the north. We could go back over the bridge…”
“We could also maybe ask Pearl for a sign. I mean, if this place isn’t a sign. That statue was really obvious.”
“Yeah, but why would we need to be here?”
“Inspire the people to make more flower gardens? I don’t know!”
Scott held out an arm to stop Sausage as a line of rather unusual trees came into view. They approached with curiosity again, both of them picking up on the modified energy of the trees. A worker carrying a basket of faintly glowing fruit in multiple colors waved at them. “Welcome to the Froglight Orchard!”
Despite numerous invitations to spend the night in available buildings, Scott and Sausage opted to climb one of the acacia trees near the city’s outskirts. They figured no one would want to wake up with the front door blocked by overenthusiastic grass and flowers.
They intended to set off at dawn, but a shepherd herding a flock of sheep out to the plains to feed was waiting for them. They figured he was only trying to be polite.
“Spirits of the forests, we thank you for your visit. If you need anything for your journeys, please ask. We will offer what we can.” He bowed.
“That won’t be necessary,” Scott said, a hand out to try to indicate he meant the bowing and the offer. “We have all we need right from the land.”
“Actually,” Sausage interjected, “Do you, by any chances, have any honey bottles to spare? And maybe a pack to carry them. Oh, and if you could also do us one favor and spread the word of the storm god, Joel, who I’m sure will help with any droughts if you say a sincere prayer to him. Rain goes along with healthy crops, after all!”
Scott raised an eyebrow as Sausage finished drinking his third honey bottle in an hour. They were half a day’s travel from Gilded Ratio, and Scott himself hadn’t been hungry, feeling plenty sustained by photosynthesis.
Sausage was apparently another story. He stowed the empty bottle in the satchel the shepherd had given them, then met Scott’s gaze. “What? I’m hungry! I think all this excess power leakage is draining me!” He then giggled, realizing his incidental pun.
“I hope that doesn’t mean we’re on a time limit,” Scott said thoughtfully. “You didn’t even do anything as strenuous as those redstone chasms.”
“It might maybe possibly be from trying extremely hard to not overwhelm that entire city with abundant crops.”
Scott sighed. “We are officially staying away from all villages and cities and whatever other settlements people might be in.”
“You know, if they’re settled, that means we don’t need to fix anything, anyway.”
“True. We’ll keep going this way for now and see what we find. We can always loop back around.”
For another few weeks the two florans traveled around, finding mostly areas where plant life was beginning to take hold with not so much in the way of calamitous destruction. They helped things along and grew extra flowers before moving on. They continued to be oblivious to the one god who was spying on them – and who was growing more resentful by the day; meanwhile, Joel occasionally zipped down to light-heartedly pester them. His mood had become very cheery, and one time he let slip that the mortals had finally taken notice of him. A small shrine had been created in a major city this side of the planet, and he was feeling more powerful for it.
Sausage made the suggestion that Joel should seek out a mortal and give them an inspirational vision of a temple he would like to see built. Joel said he would take it into consideration before he left them again.
Adelfa was waiting for him above, arms folded and a scowl firmly in place. “Proud of yourself, are you?”
“I don’t see why not,” Joel boasted. “The mortals are seeing the value of a separate weather god. Maybe you should try chilling out and stop snooping into what those two are doing. You have to admit, they have a certain artistry to the way they’re rebuilding things. Sausage is still kind of an overachiever but that’s not a bad—”
“You even bothered to learn their names?! Don’t go getting so attached!”
Joel sighed in exasperation. “I’m not getting attached, I’m making allies. Comrades. I have a common goal with them. I can do my job better if they make the land more accessible for rain, and make room for flooded rivers so the banks don’t get washed out all the time. Why isn’t this making you happy? Wasn’t the point to get all the land to flourish again where it was refusing to heal? You clearly couldn’t fix it by yourself.”
“We couldn’t fix it, Joel! We!”
“No, just you. That was never within my ability. I only control the skies, remember?”
Adelfa narrowed their eyes. “Then stop concerning yourself with a couple of land-bound fleas!”
“I just explained myself to you. How about you stop being jealous of them and go do your job? Create some new animals or something. Seriously. Get a hobby, Adelfa. This isn’t the least bit productive. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some mortals to inspire. When was the last time someone built you a temple, by the way? At this rate, those two will get a shrine before that ever happens again!” He cackled, then went on his way as usual.
Adelfa glared after him, then glanced down toward the ground. The two florans were also departing for the next location where they might outshine the irritated god.
Although they couldn’t be too sure of which continent they had ended up on after a bit of boat travel, Scott and Sausage eventually found a site with some more traces of corrupted soil. There were a few struggling stands of bamboo, and a jungle that looked like it had been ravaged at one point, with almost a dozen large tendrils of bright red corruption wrapped around the tree trunks. They weren’t sure what it meant, and Scott didn’t receive a vision right away this time, so they proceeded with a little caution.
Scott called upon a score of regular vines to wrap around one of the tendrils to begin pulling it off a tree while Sausage made an attempt to climb a different one, waiting to see if he could at least convert it to the blue-green alternative. He had to give up when he nearly slipped; he could swear the stuff had shifted under his foot. He picked his way back to the ground, then imitated Scott’s motions to have vines wrangle the tendril for him.
Once all of them had been pulled to the ground, Sausage tried again to convert them. Scott went to work on the bamboo in the meantime, bolstering the thin clusters and spreading more of it all around until it resembled more of a bamboo forest than just a jungle. He widened his radius, giving Sausage plenty of time – as well as checking for any hidden pockets of corrupted soil. However, the further out he went, the more certain he became that it was only that one spot.
Scott returned just as sunset approached, needing to weave between thicker stands of bamboo because, of course, those had been affected by Sausage, too. When he located his partner, he saw no hint of even the blue-green stuff. He tilted his head in curiosity. “What in the world did you do?”
Sausage sat on a raised tree root, looking pleased with himself. “It wasn’t really cooperating, so I made bamboo grow under the whole thing, and they stabbed up into it, breaking it apart, then I crushed all the bits with roots and vines, and then buried everything underground!” To illustrate, he waved a hand at the root he had been sitting on, sending it back into the soil, which quickly grew over with grass and left no trace. “I’m thinking if we camp out right here for the night, those bits will convert while we sleep!”
“That was a creative way to deal with it,” Scott admitted. “So, do we make a tent out of this insane amount of bamboo you’ve now sprouted, or grow even more until it encloses us?”
“I don’t know – do you think you’ll go sleepwalking again, since there is corruption here, too? There’s actually a little rock outcropping over this way, and that could be two walls we don’t have to worry about constructing. We could even sleep right out under the stars this time, without branches and stuff in the way.” With a smile, Sausage clasped Scott’s hand and guided the way through the bamboo to a little sandy area with a protruding rock face. More of the jungle continued around it, so there was still plenty of cover they could call upon.
“Sure,” Scott agreed. He got to work making moss pillows. “I mean, we’re still going to fall asleep before we see too many of them, but it’s a nice thought.”
It took a bit of doing to get bamboo to start poking through the hard soil despite the sand overtop of it, but Sausage managed to get a small wall up in time before they laid down side by side for the night. He gently took Scott’s hand, entwining his fingers as sleep descended on them. Scott smiled over at him in turn, preferring to gaze at his partner and the peaceful look that lingered on his face rather than concerning himself with the stars.
No visions or dreams came to him that night, and yet Scott was slow to wake at the break of dawn. What did rouse him was a sort of scrabbling sound, then Sausage’s voice with a note of panic in it. “Scott? Hey, um… something’s wrong. I still look like a floran but this isn’t responding to what I want it to do…”
Scott sat up. He immediately regretted the move as dizziness swept through his head. Sausage had a hand against the bamboo wall. “Hmm. Maybe our powers are starting to wear off, and it’s a sign we’re done and can go home? Kind of wish it happened before we went to sleep. My starborne powers aren’t strong enough during the day to launch out of the atmosphere. Guess that means we’ll wander around until nightfall again.”
“Pearl said she would come get us, right? But it would also be nice if she showed up soon. I could do without the headache…”
“You too, huh?” Scott gave up on standing and sat on his knees instead, one hand braced on the sand. He tried sending out a request through the ground toward the bamboo wall in hopes of lowering it, but he wasn’t able to even sense the stalks properly.
Sausage turned and took a lurching step toward him. “Um… S-Scott? Why do I suddenly feel… so...” He toppled forward, landing on his knees then dropping flat. He let out a whimper and worked to reach one arm toward Scott. His hand fell short, leaving him to gaze at the other floran helplessly.
Scott’s mind raced to make sense of what might be happening as his strength flagged, as well. Then it hit him. “The… The sunlight,” he said, trying to look upward. “Something is wrong with… the sun…” The main source of their power, and vitality too, it seemed. He realized that there was too much of a yellow cast to everything.
He decided not to waste any more time on explanations and instead reached to grasp Sausage’s hand as he, too, fell over. He tried to get a hold on the rest of his partner’s arm to pull both of them closer together if only to hug him and reassure him, but the remainder of his strength failed.
Sausage locked eyes with him and made one last attempt to speak. “I… I lo…” The last word died on his lips as his eyes closed.
“I – I know…” Scott managed to reply, keeping a tight grip on Sausage’s hand before he succumbed to the drain from the altered sunlight.
A golden glow flared into existence in the form of bands around the ring finger of each’s left hand, followed by gold tendrils curling out of the ground between them, winding around their wrists and briefly connecting before disappearing into a spray of glittering motes. Beneath their bodies a layer of grass began to sprout where the sand had previously prevented anything from growing before.
High above, the strange yellow tint also faded out. Adelfa withdrew their splayed hands to their sides and grinned with satisfaction. They then sighed in annoyance when they heard a crackle of thunder.
“Adelfa!!” Joel yelled, fast approaching on a dark storm cloud, “Did you think I wouldn’t notice that?! What have you done?!”
“You’re a little late to be worrying about it now. You’ll have to learn to be faster if you want to prevent other gods from undermining your domain.”
“Or you could stop being insufferable.” Joel scanned the surface below, trying to figure out what the vitriolic nature god had been up to. Then he spotted the two florans where they seemed to have suspiciously been cornered between a rock and a bamboo barrier. “What the heck? They never sleep during the day…”
A smirk crawled onto Adelfa’s face. They waited for him to put the pieces together.
Joel then realized there was no wild plant growth going on around Sausage. “Wait… You did something to them, didn’t you?” He turned an accusatory glare on the other god.
“Well, the job they were supposed to do is pretty much done. I have no more use for them. So, there was only the matter of them to clean up.”
“Y-You didn’t have to murder them!”
“Murder is such a strong word, godling. Why don’t you get back to your storms again and mind your own business? Plants and plant-like creatures aren’t of your concern anymore, remember?”
“But this was wrong! They were helping, and they were harmless!”
“They were about to start getting in my way. Mortals are just toys, Joel. You’ll figure that out eventually.” Adelfa snapped their fingers and disappeared.
Joel stood agape, then angled his cloud to rush downward. He placed it directly over the florans then jumped to the ground beside them. He flicked his fingers at the cloud, producing a light, misty rain. “Hey— Hey, fellas? How does a nice refreshing rainfall sound? A little something to perk up the old, under-watered flowers, yeah?”
He could already see it was pointless from the way the flowers in their hair had begun to wilt. He stopped the rain and sat down with his back against the rock wall, wondering if there was anything he could have done, if he had been faster. He wasn’t sure what Adelfa had done to the sunlight, only that the change in the atmospheric filter had prickled at his senses. He should have summoned clouds to the spot without trying to reach it first. He was able to do that – surely it wasn’t necessary for him to be in a specific location to make the weather behave in a specific way…
He continued to sit and watch over the two until the largest blossoms in their hair faded; the beautiful silvery-white one in Sausage’s, the mystical dark blue one speckled with gold in Scott’s. Joel sighed and moved to get up. He couldn’t just leave them here like this. Perhaps he could bring them to the city that had the shrine to him, and the people there would allow the florans to be laid to rest in their monument to the dead…
He stopped when he felt a pulse of energy pass through the ground into his hand – or was it out of his hand? Either way, he dropped back into a seated position as dozens of the white and blue flowers sprang up around the two florans’ bodies.
Then the bamboo wall collapsed and a figure even taller than Joel stepped into view, her hands suffused with a golden light as she reached toward the pair. He didn’t recognize her at first, but realized there was a resemblance to the farming goddess who he had briefly met when Adelfa none-too-politely introduced the rest of the pantheon to him. “Peril? Is that you? What are you going to do with them?”
She didn’t answer. She picked up the florans, cradling one in each arm, then turned. Joel hopped up to try to follow, hoping to find out something, but then he saw the glimmering Aether portal around the corner. He came to a halt, knowing for certain it was not his place to follow her through.
It remained open for a few minutes. He could see through to the other side, where the goddess stood in a large wooden gazebo. She had worry on her face as she gazed downward. He saw a shimmer pass over the bodies of the two florans, then he saw Sausage grow wings that draped over the mystery goddess’ arm as she continued to hold the two, his clothes turning into pristine white robes and bits of gold-trimmed armor. Next, he saw Scott turn into a glowing purple figure before dimming to a normal humanoid appearance with the same clothes but with star motifs instead of foliage and in hues of blue, black, and violet, a trail of bright motes encircling his head instead of flowers. The goddess placed them on their feet, then she shrank down closer to their heights and threw her arms around both of them in a hug.
The portal closed with the sound of breaking glowstone. Joel stood frozen for a moment, then turned to regard the patch of unique flowers. He then looked at the rock wall with its protruding features and gave some thought to creating something with his own hands.
This wouldn’t require the skills of an architect, but maybe someone with an eye and appreciation for artistry.
Pearl stepped back after releasing Sausage and Scott, relief beaming from her face. “Boys, I am so sorry. That was not how that job was supposed to end. I was having all sorts of problems getting the local pantheon to cooperate. They’ve got some serious infighting going on over there. Personally, I don’t think it’s going to end well for them later.”
Sausage was happily patting at the feathers of his lower wings, having pulled one around beside his hip. “Don’t apologize, Pearl! We’re used to dying within arm’s length of each other, it’s like a weird pastime or something. But maybe let’s not do it again anytime soon.”
“I’d like to retire from it altogether,” Scott put in. He similarly checked himself over, smiling fondly at the twinkling of his own skin. He sighed with relief. “Back to normal, thank goodness.” He then turned and hugged Sausage tightly.
The seraph patted his back and returned the hug, then moved away to get enough space to stretch out his wings, luxuriating in the feeling before folding them all in. “At least that one was more like fainting instead of being stabbed, or shot by an arrow…” He ticked off the list on his fingers one by one and continued, “…Or an explosion, or—”
“Yes, thanks,” Scott interrupted, “I don’t want to relive those, either.”
Pearl lightly ruffled Sausage’s hair. “It’s good you can keep your sense of humor, my dear angel. I’ll let you get back to building now. You deserve to do some casual work for a bit. I’ll try not to send you on any other big missions for a while, either.” She then turned to Scott with an apologetic look. “As for you, on the other hand…”
She gestured to the opening of the gazebo opposite her wicker throne, where a crimson-hued starborne with black hair and red-rimmed sunglasses stood awkwardly staring in at them. “Sorry to intrude,” he said. “It’s nice to meet you, at last.” He cleared his throat and strode across the floor to grasp Scott’s hand with a sincere grip. “Scott, was it? I’m Prince Sparklez. I confess, I need a little help straightening up a few issues – well, a few dozen, maybe? To be honest, all the things they tell you at the academy and my royal training didn’t really prepare me for being out in the field with no mentor. It was harder than it looked!”
Scott offered a patient smile and patted the other starborne’s shoulder. “I was kind of thrown into the job, too. I’ll help you fix whatever you need help with, Your Highness.”
“Oh, um, please just call me Sparklez. I’m a regular old starborne like everyone else! Well, not everyone here, obviously, since we’re in the presence of gods and angels, and. Well. Nothing particularly special about me, no sir-ree…”
“Okay. If you say so.” Scott then turned back to Sausage and hugged him again. “I’ll see you at home later. I’ll try to get back before sunrise here, and we can finally gaze at the stars together. Love you!” He gave a little wave then started out of the gazebo while Sparklez jogged ahead, although the violet starborne glanced over his shoulder once with a tender smile.
“I know!” Sausage called after him in return. He watched the two starbornes launch upward in twin streams of red and purple, his expression soft. Then he cast a thoughtful look at the reflecting pool. “Pearl, is there any way to check in on that other world? I kind of want to let Joel know we’re okay. He might wonder where we’ve gone off to.”
“Joel...?” she asked curiously, yet with a weird undertone that Sausage didn’t pick up on.
“The storm god. Oh, you might not have had to deal with him like the rest of the pantheon. He was pretty new to whole godly responsibilities thing. He seemed nice! He helped us out a few times. I think he liked seeing our progress.”
Pearl clasped her chin with one hand, considering the matter. Then she smiled. “Actually, no, we can’t – I tried to keep track of you, but the pool wouldn’t always attune for some reason. But I have the feeling he knows you’re all right now.”
Joel stood silently with a candle in one hand, looking over his work for the final time. With hammer, chisel, and some precise erosion techniques, the rock face had been turned into a relief-style statue of two figures facing each other, foreheads leaning together and perhaps implying they were planning to kiss. The one on the right had a hand up as if cradling the side of their partner’s neck, while the one on the left had their hand against the small of the other’s back in an embrace.
The tails of the righthand figure’s overcoat appeared to be swirling in the wind, encompassing the upper legs of both. They appeared to be standing on two different tree roots. In their hair were the same angelflowers and starflowers that stood in the nearby patch which Joel had surrounded with a low border of tumbled river rocks. He had set up a small shrine space in front, and that was where he now set the candle. He lit it with a spark from his finger.
He emitted a gusty sigh, causing the flowers to sway and the candle flame to dip for a second. “Well, wherever you are now, I hope you like this. I think I did all right. I’ll drop some hints and maybe other people will come visit, too. You did a nice job around this spot, so I think someone will find it to be a peaceful sanctuary someday.”
They say that if you find the flowers seen nowhere else in the world that grow near a memorial to two lovers, you should pick one of each and exchange them with someone you care for, as a sign of your own eternal dedication to your heart’s love.
[Bonus Artwork by @cynthrey!]
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digitalsamay · 11 months
Are you tired of putting in hours at the gym, only to see minimal results in your muscle gains? If you’re feeling frustrated and discouraged, you’re not alone. Many individuals face challenges when it comes to building muscle effectively. But fear not! In this blog post, we will delve into the pain points that hinder muscle growth and provide you with actionable strategies to overcome them. Get ready to unleash your true muscle building potential!
Setting Clear Goals:
One of the primary reasons people struggle with gaining muscle is the lack of clear goals. It’s crucial to have a specific objective in mind. Whether you want to increase overall muscle mass, sculpt specific muscle groups, or improve strength, defining your goals is the first step towards success. By pinpointing your desired outcome, you’ll have a clear path to follow and a stronger motivation to take action.
Proper Nutrition:
Nutrition plays a vital role in muscle building. Many individuals struggle with inadequate calorie intake or improper macronutrient distribution. To maximize your muscle growth, focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Additionally, ensure you’re meeting your caloric needs to provide your body with the necessary fuel for muscle repair and growth.
Progressive Overload:
One common struggle among aspiring muscle builders is plateauing in their training progress. The key to overcoming this obstacle is implementing progressive overload. This technique involves gradually increasing the demands on your muscles over time. By consistently challenging yourself with heavier weights, more repetitions, or variations in exercises, you will stimulate muscle growth and avoid stagnation.
Adequate Rest and Recovery:
While it may be tempting to push your body to its limits every day, inadequate rest and recovery can hinder muscle growth. Your muscles need time to repair and rebuild themselves after intense workouts. Ensure you’re getting enough quality sleep, as it plays a crucial role in the recovery process. Additionally, incorporating rest days into your training schedule allows your body to replenish its energy stores and prevent overtraining.
Consistency and Patience:
Building muscle is a journey that requires consistency and patience. Many individuals become discouraged when they don’t see immediate results. It’s important to remember that muscle growth takes time and dedication. Stay committed to your training and nutrition plan, and you’ll start seeing progress over time. Celebrate small victories along the way, as they will keep you motivated and reinforce your efforts.
Overcoming the struggles associated with gaining muscle requires a holistic approach that combines goal setting, proper nutrition, progressive overload, adequate rest, and consistency. By understanding these pain points and taking action, you can unlock your muscle building potential and achieve the results you desire. Remember, building muscle is a long-term commitment, but with perseverance and the right strategies, you’ll transform your physique and boost your confidence in the process. Get started today and embrace the journey to a stronger, more muscular you!
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A Nutrition Calculator Enhances Healthy Diets
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If youre a continuous dieter, or are obese, you ought to actually quit playing nourishment games with your body. All of these will certainly simply be playing nourishment games on your body, not providing it a time to recoup from either extreme. By initial feeding your body too many of the wrong foods youre starving it of the proper nutrients. There are numerous kinds of nourishment official accreditations provided; this will contrast a CCN and also an RD. From the most uncomplicated words, "diet plan" recognizes the food things we consume as well as drinks we consume, whilst "nourishment" implies the biochemical steps which result from food or drink consumption. A big number of dietitians provide food and also dietary solutions within institutional environments (e.g., exclusive hospitals, organizations, nursing homes). This does appear out of the common, however the very same food that your new kittycats will certainly soon be consuming is an excellent food for your pregnant cat, the factor being due to the fact that kittycat food has even more calcium, healthy protein, as well as fat than typical adult cat food. All of the nutrition that your pregnant feline requirements is covered up into one kind of food. An excellent way to do this is to blend up the kitten food with the routine food. It is vital to realize that young ladies who are overly worried with the body images that are presented in the media, consisting of magazines, tv as well as movies, are much more likely to create anxiety as well as eating disorders, including anorexia and also bulimia. Actually, this group of girls is also most likely to go in the opposite direction and intentionally gain weight because they state that they will never ever look like the females that they are looking at on a daily basis. It is a matter of changing an entire family's perspective about nourishment, weight and also body image as well as exercise. The results of processed food on our health will be covered below. Many research studies have actually revealed that it is preferable to consume a huge selection of entire as well as fresh, unprocessed foods. For a far better absorption of your body's nutrients, as well as a much better equilibrium of crucial nutrients, consume entire plant foods, which will additionally reduce the gastrointestinal processes. For those concentrated on building muscle, BSN gives muscular tissue, nutrition and also recovery building supplements of the best quality. Accomplishing the perfect body you want can not be accomplished just via job out, proper nutrition is likewise needed together with correct exercise routine. That is where BSN Supplements can aid you by giving correct protein, and carbohydrates. Some body building supplements from the BSN stable are BSN Axit-HT, BSN Cellmass and also BSN Lean Treat Healthy Protein. Nourishment is crucial for body builders as well as sports athletes. To gain weight as well as power for the procedure appropriate nourishment is vital. BSN Supplements should be taken half a hr before any kind of training session along with proper meals throughout the day. This makes certain that your body does not deplete throughout the program of intense exercise. BSN Syntha-6, BSN True Mass, BSN Volumaize are some of the supplements that give proper nutrition to the body as well as aid in the body building procedure. Hormonal agents are chemicals created in the body that affects development feature. BSN Supplements ensure suitable manufacturing of hormonal agents that damage down excess fat in the body as well as provides it as energy during workout. BSN Axit-HT targets hormone levels in the body. Taking the pre - exercise supplements half hour before training, will certainly allow your body to train harder, far better and also boost body performance as the training proceeds. If youre a continuous dieter, or are overweight, you should actually quit playing nutrition games with your body. By first feeding your body too numerous of the incorrect foods youre depriving it of the proper nutrients. For a better absorption of your body's nutrients, and a much better balance of important nutrients, consume whole plant foods, which will additionally slow the gastrointestinal procedures. BSN Syntha-6, BSN True Mass, BSN Volumaize are some of the supplements that offer proper nutrition to the body as well as help in the bodybuilding procedure. Taking the pre - exercise supplements half hour before training, will allow your body to educate harder, better and also improve body performance as the training advances. Read more: https://thinkhealthylivecreative.com/
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buyanavaruk · 4 days
Exploring Pharmaqo Anavar The Steroid for Lean Muscle Gains
When it comes down to performance-enhancing substances and anabolic steroids, then Pharmaqo Anavar boasts of being mild yet hugely beneficial for building lean muscles. The steroid Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a popular one, especially for the reason it benefits those interested in enhanced muscle definition and muscle mass while burning fats. This article will aim to give a comprehensive understanding of Pharmaqo Anavar, especially focusing on its working mechanism, advantages, usual application, and possible disadvantages.
What is Pharmaqo Anavar?
Pharmaqo Anavar is actually a type of anabolic steroid called Oxandrolone that was first synthesized in the 1960s for medical uses including the treatment of muscle wasting, and osteoporosis amongst other illnesses. Because of that muscle-building property with little to no side effects, it rose in popularity, especially among athletes and bodybuilders.
Anavar is one of the drugs of the anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) class. The anabolic parameter shows the ability of this substance to build muscles while the androgenic indicate the ability to increase male character traits. However Anavar is categorized as mild steroid having low anabolic effects thus is more preferred by those who look forward to achieving modest gains especially female body builders.
This is how Pharmaqo Anavar works for you and your body in case you decide to use it as one of your supplements.
Pharmaqo Anavan works in a way that it boosts protein synthesis in the muscles so as to grow muscle tissue and hence increase muscle mass and muscle nitrogen retention which is essential in the development of muscles. Anavar is especially useful in cutting cycles which are implemented them aim to shed off adipose tissues while at the same time attaining a deem muscle appearance.
Another significant process of Anavar is promoted by promoting the production of red blood cells. This results in a positive change in the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the muscles which in return depicts better endurance and performance while in the course of exercising. It has therefore become popular with bodybuilders since it preserves muscles, helps to cut fat, and boosts performance.
Benefits of Pharmaqo Anavar
Pharmaqo Anavar has a number of advantages, all of which can be of particular use to anyone interested in achieving a more muscular, yet lean, physique. Some of the key advantages include: Some of the key advantages include:
1. Lean Muscle Growth
Another reason athletes and bodybuilders take Anavar 50mg is because it supports lean muscle gain without the gaining of mass which is usually associated with anabolic drugs. This is unlike the majority of the anabolic steroids that make people experience quick weight gain and water retention, it makes the muscles appear well-chiseled and ripped. This makes it the best option for users with the intention of building muscle mass but not getting as bulky as they would want.
2. Fat Loss
Anavar is often used in cutting cycles because it helps in the burning of fats while at the same time preserving muscle tissues well in body-building activities; this drug also plays a vital role in lipolysis. This means that users can be able to retain their muscles while at the same time losing unnecessary fats, especially around the belly area thus achieving a ripped look.
3. Improved Strength and Endurance
When people buy Anavar they are able to experience dramatic boosts in strength and stamina. This helps the user to train harder and for longer because it increases the production of red blood cells thus improving the oxygen transport. This increased stamina can be very useful for trainers who are seeking to enhance the performance of the athletes that they train.
4. Faster Recovery
Anavar’s mild effect is also useful for muscle recovery after a training session with very high loads. Thus, by minimizing the degree of muscle damage and inflammation, which in their turn means the impossibility of intensifying training duration and frequency, it serves as a perfect opportunity to restore the organism more rapidly, thereby bringing more effective and frequent training sessions.
5. Lower Side Effect on Women
Another interesting feature that can be identified in Anavar is that compared with other steroids, it has a relatively low androgenic activity index, which explains why many female athletes use this steroid. Oat present most anabolic steroids can produce masculinizing side effects in women, including change of voice and hairiness. Nevertheless, both drugs have this side effect though Pharmaqo Anavar poses a lesser risk of these side effects thus making it more appropriate for women wanting to build themselves.
Uses of Pharmaqo Anavar If you are an athlete wishing to build muscle without having to put on extra fat then you will simply have to consider Buy Anavar UK.
Pharmaqo Anavar is versatile and can be used in various fitness and bodybuilding contexts:
1. Cutting Cycles
As highlighted above, Anavar is widely used in cutting cycles because of its ability to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass; therefore, it is used by bodybuilders during their preparations for competitions to have lean muscles.
2. Strength Building
Anavar is not known to cause massive gains in muscles but what it can do is to boost the strength incredibly. Some athletes who want to focus more on performance instead of the sheer bulk opt to include Anavar 10mg in their training program to help increase their overall power.
3. Performance Enhancement
In addition to this, Pharmaqo Anavar is utilized by athletes to enhance performance, especially those in sports that require endurance. Its ability to deliver oxygen to muscles and increase muscle stamina makes it desirable to those who would like to improve their endurance.
Possible Problems and Complications
I am glad that Pharmaqo Anavar is mild as compared to the other anabolic steroids but is not devoid of the risks. Some potential side effects include: Some potential side effects include:
Liver toxicity: Anavar is 17 alpha alkylated so it’s pretty taxing on the liver if used long-term.
Hormonal imbalances: Testosterone levels often drop once the Anavar cycle is over and this affects muscles, libido, energy levels, and appetite.
Cholesterol levels: Some side effects concerning the liver include the Anavar steroidal agent’s ability to raise the cholesterol levels thus putting the cardiovascular framework in harm’s way of developing complications in the long run.
The dosage of Anavar poses some measure of risk to the user and this should be followed strictly as indicated on the recommended cycle duration.
Pharmaqo Anavar is widely used by athletes as well as other sportspersons to increase lean muscles, decrease body fats as well as improve general performance. It is relatively less potent as compared to other anabolic steroids and has almost no side effects on women. But it is necessary to know the side effects that may be caused by Anavar and then, we can use it safe and sound. Pharmaqo Anavar may prove to be of great benefit to those craving for lean muscles and sharp tones without attaining the massive muscles they never desire.
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gxnrapidgain · 27 days
Bulk Gainer
A Comprehensive Guide for Using GXN Bulk Gainer: When and How to Maximize Your Gains
Bulk gainers are specifically formulated supplements designed to help those looking to gain significant muscle mass through caloric surplus. Among the many options on the market, GXN Bulk Gainer stands out as one of the most complete and effective products for optimized muscle-building results. This comprehensive guide will provide an in-depth look at how and when to use GXN Bulk Gainer to maximize your gains.
How Much GXN Bulk Gainer to Take & Tips for Usage
The recommended serving size of GXN Bulk Gainer is 2-3 scoops blended with 500ml of cold water or milk, providing approximately 750-1125 calories. Here are some additional tips for maximizing benefits:
Consume GXN Bulk Gainer shakes within 30 minutes of finishing workouts while muscle protein synthesis is elevated
Gradually work your way up to the full serving size over 1-2 weeks to allow your digestive system to adapt
Split large servings into two smaller doses spaced a few hours apart for better nutrient absorption
Always consume GXN Bulk Gainer with meals rather than on its own for balanced nutrition
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day when increasing calorie intake
Get enough rest and recovery between weightlifting sessions to allow muscles to rebuild and grow stronger
Commit to a progressive strength training program to stress muscles and drive adaptation. Gains will be most significant when pairing GXN Bulk Gainer with ongoing program development.
Timing Your GXN Bulk Gainer Intake
Proper timing is key to fully capitalizing on GXN Bulk Gainer's anabolic-promoting ingredients. Here are the ideal times to consume servings throughout the day:
Post-Workout: Within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, consume one serving. This critical anabolic window will accelerate recovery and shuttling of nutrients to rebuild strained muscles.
Mid-Morning: Have one serving with your second meal of the day, usually breakfast. This establishes a steady calorie baseline for consistent surplus.
Mid-Afternoon: Ingest one serving with your mid-day meal to maintain elevated calorie and protein levels throughout the day.
Pre-Bed: The final serving should be finished 2-3 hours before sleeping. This allows sufficient time for digestion without disrupting rest.
Sticking to this timed supplementation plan daily, in accordance with a solid training regimen, is integral for harnessing GXN Bulk Gainer's full potential for maximized lean muscle development. Consistency is key.
Key Points About GXN Bulk Gainer Ingredients
GXN Bulk Gainer contains an ideal array of ingredients with clinically-backed benefits for muscle growth. Key points:
Maltodextrin and milk protein concentrate provide fast- and slow-digesting carbs and high-quality protein
3g of creatine per serving supplies this important muscle-builder and recovery aid
2g of fibre per serving supports digestion when increasing calorie intake
GXN Bulk Gainer supplies 374.96KCal and 13.24g of protein per 100g serving to facilitate calorie and protein goals
Formulated with premium ingredients in an accredited, ISO-certified facility for maximum purity and potency
Free of common allergens like soy, gluten, nuts and artificial colours or flavours
Maximizing Results with GXN Bulk Gainer
When used correctly alongside consistent whole food nutrition and an intelligent training program focused on progressive overload, GXN Bulk Gainer provides an optimal combination of high-quality calories, protein and muscle-building compounds to help you:
Gain 1-2 pounds of muscle per week during your bulk when in a caloric surplus.
Recover faster between gruelling workouts to handle increasing workload.
See rapid improvements in strength and size thanks to innovative anabolic ingredients like creatine and protein concentrates.
Retain more muscle tissue when transitioning between bulk/cut phases.
Achieve your weight gain goals in a controlled, sustainable manner without unnecessary fat storage.
Used as part of a well-planned bulking regimen, GXN Bulk Gainer is an extremely effective tool for serious muscle gains. Following the general guidelines discussed here regarding proper timing, adequate servings and adjusting based on progress will help you harness its full potential. Consistency is still paramount - be sure to sustain an energy surplus through balanced whole foods as well. Maintain progression in your training programming over the extended bulk period and cut phases. With discipline, GXN Bulk Gainer can help even hard gainers pack on substantial, quality muscle size and strength.
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sohamexplore24 · 2 months
Top 20 MuscleTech Latest Trending Products in India 2024
1. MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Whey Gold MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Whey Gold is a premium protein blend designed for serious athletes and bodybuilders. It combines whey peptides and isolate to provide rapid digestion, aiding in muscle recovery and growth.
2. MuscleTech Platinum Creatine This 100% pure micronized creatine powder enhances strength, endurance, and muscle growth. It's a staple for anyone looking to maximize their workout performance.
3. MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite A powerful thermogenic, Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite boosts metabolism, increases energy, and promotes fat loss, making it a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts aiming for a lean physique.
4. MuscleTech Mass-Tech Extreme 2000 Ideal for hard gainers, this mass gainer delivers a whopping 2000 calories per serving, packed with high-quality protein, complex carbs, and essential fats to support massive muscle growth.
5. MuscleTech Amino Build Next Gen A comprehensive BCAA formula, Amino Build Next Gen enhances muscle recovery, endurance, and performance. It also includes electrolytes to keep you hydrated during intense workouts.
6. MuscleTech Clear Muscle Clear Muscle contains BetaTOR, a potent muscle-building compound that helps you gain more muscle and strength while reducing muscle breakdown.
7. MuscleTech Phase8 Protein A multi-phase protein blend, Phase8 releases amino acids into the bloodstream for eight hours, providing a sustained muscle-feeding environment for optimal growth and recovery.
8. MuscleTech Cell-Tech Elite This advanced creatine formula not only supports muscle growth and strength but also enhances muscle volume and overall performance, making it a top choice for serious lifters.
9. MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Casein Gold For those looking for a slow-digesting protein, Nitro-Tech Casein Gold provides a steady release of amino acids, making it perfect for overnight muscle recovery.
10. MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Power Combining the muscle-building power of creatine and the fast absorption of whey protein, Nitro-Tech Power is designed to maximize muscle growth and strength gains.
11. MuscleTech Anarchy Pre-Workout Anarchy is a high-energy pre-workout supplement that increases focus, energy, and power, ensuring you get the most out of every training session.
12. MuscleTech Platinum Multivitamin A daily multivitamin formulated for active individuals, this supplement provides essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health and well-being.
13. MuscleTech 100% Whey Protein Plus A budget-friendly yet effective whey protein option, 100% Whey Protein Plus supports muscle recovery and growth with high-quality protein.
14. MuscleTech Pro Series Alpha Test This testosterone booster is designed to increase strength, muscle mass, and performance, making it a popular choice among male athletes.
15. MuscleTech Grass-Fed 100% Whey Protein For those seeking a natural protein source, this grass-fed whey protein offers high-quality protein with no artificial additives, supporting clean nutrition and muscle growth.
16. MuscleTech Essential Series Platinum Glutamine Glutamine is crucial for muscle recovery and immune function. This supplement replenishes your glutamine levels, aiding in faster recovery post-workout.
17. MuscleTech SX-7 Black Onyx Ripped A unique combination of thermogenic and muscle-preserving ingredients, this product supports fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.
18. MuscleTech NITRO-TECH 100% Whey Gold Isolate This ultra-pure whey protein isolate provides fast-absorbing protein to support muscle repair and growth, ideal for post-workout nutrition.
19. MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder Featuring Peak ATP, this supplement enhances muscle strength, power, and recovery, making it a valuable addition to any training regimen.
20. MuscleTech Grass-Fed 100% Whey Protein Isolate For those seeking the highest purity, this grass-fed whey protein isolate offers a clean, high-quality protein source for optimal muscle recovery and growth.
MuscleTech continues to lead the way in sports nutrition with a diverse range of products catering to various fitness goals. Whether you're looking to build muscle, enhance performance, or support recovery, MuscleTech's latest offerings in 2024 have you covered. With the right products, you can achieve your fitness aspirations and take your workouts to the next level.
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roidsmaster01 · 4 months
Nandrolone phenylpropionate for sale
Renowned in the fitness industry, nandrolone phenylpropionate is a remarkable muscle builder. Its ability to boost protein synthesis in muscle cells results in a large increase in lean muscle mass. Bodybuilders and athletes prefer it because it helps them develop more defined and strong muscles and increases their strength and endurance for optimal performance. Nandrolone phenylpropionate for sale. 
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remotework-tips · 4 months
Achieve Superior Gains with LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma
Are you looking to amplify your muscle growth, enhance your strength, and boost your performance in the gym? LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma is the advanced supplement designed to help you achieve these goals. With a powerful blend of ingredients, this product is formulated to deliver unparalleled results. Let’s delve into the active substances in LGD ULTRA 4033 and discover why it should be your go-to supplement for peak performance.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033): The Potent Muscle Builder
Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) known for its impressive ability to promote muscle growth and enhance strength. It selectively targets androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, which leads to significant anabolic effects without the severe side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids.
Promotes Muscle Growth: Ligandrol significantly increases muscle protein synthesis, resulting in substantial muscle gains.
Enhances Strength: By boosting anabolic activity, it allows you to achieve greater strength and power in your workouts.
Improves Bone Density: Ligandrol supports bone health, which is crucial for maintaining overall physical performance.
Dosage: The recommended dosage of LGD ULTRA 4033 is one capsule per day. For optimal results, cycle the supplement for 8-12 weeks followed by a proper post-cycle therapy (PCT).
Laxogenin (5-Alpha-Hydroxy-Laxogenin): The Natural Anabolic
Laxogenin, also known as 5-Alpha-Hydroxy-Laxogenin, is a plant-based compound that mimics the effects of anabolic steroids without the associated side effects. It is known for its ability to boost muscle mass and enhance recovery.
Increases Muscle Mass: Laxogenin stimulates protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle growth.
Enhances Recovery: It helps reduce muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time, allowing you to train harder and more frequently.
Supports Fat Loss: Laxogenin promotes a leaner physique by enhancing muscle-to-fat ratio.
Dosage: LGD ULTRA 4033 contains an effective dose of Laxogenin. Take one capsule daily to experience enhanced muscle growth and recovery.
Piperine: The Bioavailability Enhancer
Piperine, an extract from black pepper, is included in LGD ULTRA 4033 to enhance the bioavailability of its active ingredients. This means that your body can absorb and utilize these compounds more effectively, maximizing their benefits.
Improves Absorption: Piperine increases the bioavailability of the active ingredients in LGD ULTRA 4033, ensuring you get the maximum benefits from each dose.
Supports Metabolism: It helps in the efficient metabolism of nutrients, promoting overall health and performance.
Dosage: Each serving of LGD ULTRA 4033 includes an optimal dose of Piperine to ensure maximum absorption and effectiveness. Take one capsule daily to experience its full benefits.
Why Choose LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma?
LGD ULTRA 4033 stands out in the crowded market of muscle-building supplements for several reasons:
Advanced Formulation: Each ingredient is selected and dosed for maximum effectiveness.
Quality Assurance: German Pharma adheres to strict quality control standards, ensuring you receive a safe and reliable product.
Proven Results: Athletes and bodybuilders worldwide trust LGD ULTRA 4033 to help them achieve their performance goals.
Maximizing Your Results
To make the most out of LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma, it’s essential to integrate it into a comprehensive fitness plan. Here are some tips:
Combine with Regular Exercise: Pair LGD ULTRA 4033 with a consistent workout routine that includes both strength training and cardio exercises to amplify the results.
Maintain a Balanced Diet: Support your supplementation with a diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This will provide your body with the necessary nutrients to sustain and build muscle.
Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is key to maintaining optimal metabolic functions. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during workouts.
Customer Testimonials
Here’s what our customers have to say about their experience with LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma:
Jake M., Bodybuilder: “LGD ULTRA 4033 has completely transformed my workouts. The muscle gains and strength improvements are incredible. I’ve never felt stronger.”
Anna L., Fitness Enthusiast: “I’ve been using LGD ULTRA 4033 for two months now, and the results are amazing. My muscle definition has improved, and I feel more energetic during my workouts.”
If you’re serious about taking your fitness to the next level, LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma is the supplement you need. With its powerful blend of ingredients, it supports muscle growth, enhances strength, and promotes faster recovery, giving you the edge you need to succeed.
Order now and experience the difference LGD ULTRA 4033 can make in your fitness journey. Achieve superior gains with LGD ULTRA 4033 by German Pharma – the ultimate muscle-building powerhouse.
"Stay ahead of the curve with our website's expert insights and industry updates."
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Transform Your Physique with Osta Max by German Pharma
Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Osta Max by German Pharma is here to help you achieve unparalleled muscle gains, enhanced strength, and improved endurance. This powerful supplement combines cutting-edge ingredients designed to maximize your performance and support your fitness goals. Let’s dive into the active substances in Osta Max and discover why it should be your go-to supplement.
Ostarine (MK-2866): The Ultimate Muscle Builder
Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that is renowned for its ability to promote significant muscle growth and improve overall strength. It works by binding to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, stimulating muscle protein synthesis and leading to impressive gains.
Promotes Muscle Growth: Ostarine increases muscle protein synthesis, leading to substantial muscle gains without the severe side effects associated with anabolic steroids.
Enhances Strength: By stimulating muscle growth, Ostarine helps you achieve greater strength and power in your workouts.
Supports Fat Loss: Ostarine helps maintain lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss, resulting in a leaner, more defined physique.
Dosage: The recommended dosage of Osta Max is one capsule per day. For optimal results, cycle the supplement for 8-12 weeks followed by a proper post-cycle therapy (PCT).
Laxogenin (5-Alpha-Hydroxy-Laxogenin): The Natural Anabolic
Laxogenin, also known as 5-Alpha-Hydroxy-Laxogenin, is a plant-based compound that mimics the effects of anabolic steroids without the associated side effects. It is known for its ability to boost muscle mass and enhance recovery.
Increases Muscle Mass: Laxogenin stimulates protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle growth.
Enhances Recovery: It helps reduce muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time, allowing you to train harder and more frequently.
Supports Fat Loss: Laxogenin promotes a leaner physique by enhancing muscle-to-fat ratio.
Dosage: Osta Max contains an effective dose of Laxogenin. Take one capsule daily to support muscle growth and recovery.
Piperine: The Bioavailability Enhancer
Piperine, an extract from black pepper, is included in Osta Max to enhance the bioavailability of its active ingredients. This means that your body can absorb and utilize these compounds more effectively, maximizing their benefits.
Improves Absorption: Piperine increases the bioavailability of the active ingredients in Osta Max, ensuring you get the maximum benefits from each dose.
Supports Metabolism: It helps in the efficient metabolism of nutrients, promoting overall health and performance.
Dosage: Each serving of Osta Max includes an optimal dose of Piperine to ensure maximum absorption and effectiveness. Take one capsule daily to experience its full benefits.
Why Choose Osta Max by German Pharma?
Osta Max stands out in the crowded market of muscle-building supplements for several reasons:
Advanced Formulation: Each ingredient is selected and dosed for maximum effectiveness.
Quality Assurance: German Pharma adheres to strict quality control standards, ensuring you receive a safe and reliable product.
Proven Results: Athletes and bodybuilders worldwide trust Osta Max to help them achieve their performance goals.
Maximizing Your Results
To make the most out of Osta Max by German Pharma, it’s essential to integrate it into a comprehensive fitness plan. Here are some tips:
Combine with Regular Exercise: Pair Osta Max with a consistent workout routine that includes both strength training and cardio exercises to amplify the results.
Maintain a Balanced Diet: Support your supplementation with a diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This will provide your body with the necessary nutrients to sustain and build muscle.
Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is key to maintaining optimal metabolic functions. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during workouts.
Customer Testimonials
Here’s what our customers have to say about their experience with Osta Max by German Pharma:
John D., Bodybuilder: “Osta Max has been a game-changer for me. The muscle gains and strength improvements are incredible. I’ve never felt stronger or more energized.”
Emma S., Fitness Enthusiast: “I’ve been using Osta Max for two months now, and the results are amazing. My muscle definition has improved, and I feel more powerful during my workouts.”
If you’re serious about taking your fitness to the next level, Osta Max by German Pharma is the supplement you need. With its powerful blend of ingredients, it supports muscle growth, enhances strength, and promotes faster recovery, giving you the edge you need to succeed.
Order now and experience the difference Osta Max can make in your fitness journey. Transform your physique with Osta Max by German Pharma – the ultimate muscle-building powerhouse.
Take your learning to the next level by checking out our website's additional resources."
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