#Leandra Delgado
evostar · 6 months
I don’t have designs but I got names for Dolores’ kids!
Diego Baltazar - 17 years old (all the kids’ hermano mayor)
Paloma Abar - 15  years old
Ines Barbero - 15 years old 
Camilo - 15
Mirabel - 15
Xavier Cruz  - 13 years old
Jaun Alonso - 13 years old
Andres Delgado - 11 years old
Luz Almamilla  - 11 years old 
Marcia ruiz  - 10 years old
Carlos Ballon  - 10 years old
Lyla Cazarez  - 10 years old 
Esteban De Toro - 10 years old
Rosa Facundo - 10 years old 
Donaldo Granado - 8 years old
Daniela Granado - 8 years old
Damaro Granado - 8 years old
Leandra Henriquez - 8 years old
Esmerelda  Jerez - 8 years old
Olivia Jiminez Madrigal (the girl Dolores adopted)- 7 years old
Rafaela Lazcano - 7 years old 
Juancho Bertan - 5 years old 
Yago Terron - 5 years old
Frisco Segundo - 5 years old
Alejandra Mancha- 5 years old
Cecilia Reymundo - 5  years old 
Vicenta Marciel - 5 years old
Patricia Ortuno - 5 years old
Almira Dantel - 3 years old
Cruzito Pabon - 2 years old
Bronco Socarras - 1 year old
Angela Tadeo - 10 months old 
Amalia Tadeo - 10 months old 
Victorio Jiminez  Madrigal - 7 months old
I feel like the unofficial adopted kids (especially the abused ones) will use the last name “Madrigal” to estrange themself from the last name they got from their parents/guardian. 
Also, when a kid (or kids) feels unsafe at home do they go to Dolores and/or Mariano? I’m sure it’s a yes but I’m just makin sure. 
I kind of imagine a kid running to Tia Casita and going through the secret back door to Dolores. And in the morning all of the other madrigals just wake up and see a random kid at the breakfast table. Lolo silently dares anyone to say anything with her side eye. 
In that type of situation she’ll have the kid stay at Casita with Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio while she beats up the people who made her baby feel any sort of pain (and takes them to the authorities right afterwards.)
And on the plus side, a new baby gets to stay with her! 
Lil side thought: The kids definitely call Mariano’s grandmother Bisabuela and it warms her heart so much. 
Also I’m pretty sure that’s the case with most of the children there!! Don’t like being a (surname)? Dont worry just be a madrigal! 😃👍
When any of the children just start to feel bad at a certain point, they most likely go to Dolores. Calling her or just go into the room! But I’m sure that if they noticed that Dolores is busy they definitely will go to Mariano too :)
I would say that Dolores would’ve wanted the kids to rather have breakfast in the room since most of them maybe don’t trust any other adult but if they would still want to stay with Dolores (or any of the others) she would bring them down without an expectation!
Sooo true! It’s like- you hurt them and Dolores will hurt you 🙌 Dolores loves taking in new babies, since they’re literally adorable 🥹
Bisabuela on her way!💪 (literally such an cute name for her💕)
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The next morning after Dolores took the two in
Alma would’ve been just like “seriously…an other one..”
Julieta and Agustín would start to eventually adore them! (But then question later on from where they come from)
Pepa would be confused meanwhile casita accidentally left Félix out! (Not in a mean way, he was just late and casita forgot)
Mariano would’ve come to visti too, just to make sure everything’s okay! (Alma would think he came for Isabela, and would put him next to her which annoyed dolores a lot)
Mirabel would tell the kids that she would come play later! (She’s their favorite playmate and it’s normal for them to eat faster than the Madrigals)
Antonio introduces the girl everyone in his family and would definitely keep talking to her!
Isabela would get annoyed that Dolores is doing it, thinking she’s trying to ruin breakfast time (but she actually also adores the new children)
Camilo would try to irritate Isabela on purpose when he sees that she gets annoyed by it, mostly he does it because he knows that she likes the children (he makes sure they eventually talk to her too, if the wanna)
Luisa waves to the little one, also finding it adorable :D (Camilo did it on purpose but then he started to wave on his own)
And dolores just stares Alma down, daring her to say anything about it!
+ Mariano’s grandmother (don’t have a name yet) would be with the children upstairs, making sure they’re okay while Dolores is gone
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pirapopnoticias · 1 year
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ericbarkman · 7 years
Tales of WID 72 #13 Disunity
     “And Lieutenant Commander Tanaka has increased shield efficiency by five percent,” Commander Katherine Tartovsky said as she was giving her report to Captain Benjamin Grayson.  She was the first officer about the UES Unity, and he always had her give a daily report on what was all happening on the ship.      “Excellent,” Benjamin said.  “We were cutting it pretty close in the battle against that Argosian warship, so that is a welcome development.”      “The next item on my list has to do with fraternization amongst the crew.”      “Regulations permit dating, as long as it’s not amongst members of the same department, or between department heads.”      “Yes, sir, unfortunately it has come to my attention that there are two cases where that’s being violated.”      “Which two cases?” Benjamin asked.      “Lieutenants Harris and Banman, as well as Lieutenants Anderson and Delgado.”      “Hmm, I’ll have to have a word with them.  Is there anything else?”      “No sir, that’s the final thing to report.”      “You wanted to see me, sir?” Lieutenant Jane Anderson asked as she entered Benjamin’s office.      “It’s been brought to my attention that there have been some breaches of regulations as of late,” Benjamin said.      “Sir?” Jane asked.  “What sort of breaches?”      “When out in deep space, when the only people you see a lot of days are other members of the crews, it’s only natural to form bonds.  That was understood when designing regulations regarding fraternization amongst starship crews.”      “Of course, sir.”      “So for most crew they are simply not allowed to date amongst their own department.  Department heads, however, are also not to date other department heads.”      “Of course, sir,” Jane said.  “I understand.”      “Excellent,” Benjamin said.  “You are an excellent security chief, and Lieutenant Delgado is an amazing fighter squadron leader, and I’d hate to lose either of you.”      “So yeah, that’s what the captain said,” Jane said as she finished explaining to Leandra Delgado what Benjamin had told her.      “That’s too bad,” Leandra said.  “We were having some fun.  Although he also asked me to go have a chat with him later, so that’s probably what that’s about.”      “He also has meetings scheduled with Wesley and Chuck.”      “What about Tanaka and Cerise?”      “What?  Are they seeing each other too?” Jane asked.  “Are all of the department heads seeing other department heads?  Either way, he’s probably just unaware of them.”      “Possibly, hopefully that’s all it is.”      “What do you mean?”      “Well, it looks like he’s talking with the same sex couples, but not the straight one.”      “Come in,” Benjamin said when he heard his door chime.  He looked up as Leandra entered his office.  “Ah, Lieutenant Delgado, please have a seat.”      “Of course, sir,” Leandra said as she sat down.      “Do you know why I called you here?”      “I have a pretty good idea.”      “Yes, I assumed Lieutenant Anderson would have talked with you by now.”      “Permission to speak freely, sir?”      “Go ahead.”      “How many relationships are you aware of that are against regulations?”      “Only two,” he said.  “Why?  Are there more I should be aware of?”      “There is a third I am aware of, but unlike the two you are dealing with, the third is a straight couple.”      “I hope you’re not insinuating that I am selectively enforcing rules as a result of my religious beliefs.”      “No, sir, I am simply pointing out how it looks.”      “What is the other couple?”      “Lieutenant Martel and Lieutenant Commander Tanaka,” Leandra said.      “Then I will talk with them as well,” Benjamin said.  “I was honestly unaware of this.”      Doctor Fareed Karim was just finishing up a physical on one of the fighter pilots that was in Leandra’s squadron, Pandaherbs.      “You seem to be in good health,” Fareed said.  “Although make sure to keep up with the stretches.  Spending time cooped up in a cockpit can definitely have an effect on your body.”      “Not a problem, Doctor,” Pandaherbs said as she stood up.  She left just as Benjamin arrived.      “Good to see you, Captain,” Fareed said.  “Here for you regular physical?”      “Another time, perhaps,” Benjamin said.  “I actually came here to ask for your opinion on something.”      “Of course, on what topic?”      “I notice that you’ve made multiple requests to UES Command regarding fraternization rules.  Specifically regarding department heads on a starship entering into relationships with other department heads.”      “It makes sense not to have people date within their own department, no doubt,” Fareed said.  “That can cause all sorts of issues.”      “The department heads are all also in the chain of command to captain the ship though, if something were to happen, which makes them a department of sorts.”      “If something were to happen to you, Commander Tartovsky would be in charge.  After her would be Lieutenant Commander Teng, and then Lieutenant Commander Tanaka.  So that’s three people that would be out of commission before it would become relevant.”      “Which is not an impossibility,” Benjamin said.      “Maybe not, but the ship is often out in unexplored space, and the only Humans are those aboard the ship.  You have a wife and family back home, but not everyone does and most Humans crave companionship, which can be important for mental health.  I’m not saying the rules should be completely gotten rid of, but perhaps that starship captains should be given a bit more leeway in their application.”      “You mentioned Commander Tanaka.  So then I assume you were already aware of the relationship he’s in.”      “I’m the chief medical officer aboard the ship,” Fareed said.  “There is a great deal I am aware of, or at least suspect.  In this case it was more of a suspicion than actually knowing.”      “Are there any other suspicions you have?”      “Of course, Captain, but I’m assuming you already know more than I do, and that’s why you’re here talking with me.”      “Even if I were to convince Command to amend the rules, is it really a good idea to let the relationships in question continue?  Tanaka and Martel aren’t even the same rank.  They may be in separate departments, but that is still a thing to consider.  And when it comes to Anderson and Delgado, Anderson is the chief of security.  That means that she has a certain level of authority on most people on the ship even outside of her department, and even more so on away missions, since she generally leads those.”      “Lieutenant Delgado is in charge of the fighter squadron though, so it’s not exactly like she goes on the same type of away missions.”      “True, that is a fair point.”      “I don’t suppose you have any issues with Harris and Banman though, beyond just the current status of regulations.”      “I don’t think it has any negative effect on ship operations,” Benjamin said.      “That’s a very specific way of answering that question,” Fareed said.  “Captain.”      “Perhaps.  My religious views are not something I push on those under my command, but that doesn’t erase them.  I’m sure you understand that.”      “Yes and no.  But it isn’t always easy to separate yourself like that.  Even if you don’t overtly evangelize, it can still affect how you interact with others, and how you make decisions.”      “Everyone has views on the world, and those views affect them in those ways,” Benjamin said.  “You can’t just pretend something is false, which you believe to be true.”      “That’s not what I’m saying, not exactly.  But plenty of people believe things to be true about you, based on your skin color, and even if they don’t overtly act on that, it still affects how they treat you.”      “Hmm,” Benjamin said.      A few hours later, Benjamin was talking with Admiral Jon Teleros over the long range comm.      “Yes, I have read the requests from Doctor Karim,” Jon said.  “And I will say, I don’t entirely disagree with him.”      “But you do partially disagree?” Benjamin asked.      “The UES is an interesting organization at this point.  It’s a military, no doubt, but not everyone in it has actual military training, since most of us were transferred over from the ESS.  Some, like you and I, were in the military as well, but not everyone was.  And the ESS is far more lax with fraternization rules.”      “That they are.”      “There have been debates at Command about the requests.  Most of those who previously served in a military are opposed, while those who did not are mostly in favor.  There are a few exceptions though, of course.  And I haven’t made an official decision either way.”      “Why not?”      “Well, for one thing everyone knows my history, so everyone is going to think I’m biased.”      “You and Isabel didn’t get together until later though.”      “True, but that’s never stopped the rumors.  And I’m already not exactly popular amongst the other admirals.  I’m not the only one pulling double duty with both the UES and ESS, but I am one of the more high-profile examples, and the one that deals with the stuff everyone else wants to ignore, or has to ignore.  Stuff like Harkon Smith’s department, or Aaron’s kid and his friends.”      “I don’t envy you on that,” Benjamin said.  “I hope to be a starship captain for as long as I can.”      “Yes, that’s something I’m sad to have missed out on, but let’s get back to your request.  If you want me to back your doctor on this, then I can do so.  I don’t know that it’ll do any good, but I can certainly try.”      The next day, Benjamin was in his office, when the door chimed.  “Come in,” he said, and Katherine entered.      “Sir,” she said.  “I’m here with the daily report.”      “Good morning, Commander,” Benjamin said.  “Please sit down.  What’s on the docket today?”      “Lieutenant Martel was wondering if we could divert course to run some more precise scans on a nearby system that’s giving off weird readings.”      “We are out here to explore, so I’d say that sounds like a good idea.”      “Next on the agenda, Lieutenant Harris has done some more work on translating the Uthrareenn language, and he is fairly certain that we inadvertently insulted them during the trade negotiations.”      “How insulting?”      “They may be charging us about double what they normally would.”      “Not ideal, but it could be worse,” Benjamin said.  “I’ll let the diplomats on Maltork Six know.”      “Next up, I heard about your conversation with Doctor Karim.”      “Did you now?”      “I have some concerns,” Katherine said.      “I can’t say that I don’t myself, but I’m more concerned with what you all heard of my conversation, and how?”      “I didn’t hear the details, just that it happened, and then I heard that Admiral Teleros finally took a position in the debate.”      “I did talk with him as well, if that’s what you’re insinuating.  I am impressed at how much you’ve been hearing.”      “As your first officer, it’s my job to be on top of things,” Katherine said.      “Indeed, which is why it’s somewhat surprising you didn’t hear about the relationship between Tanaka and Martel.”      “It must have slipped my notice.”      “Of course.  Unless there’s anything else, you are dismissed.”      “What can I do for you, sir?” Jane asked as the entered the captain’s office.      “How often do you check the ship for bugs?” Benjamin asked.      “With the size of the ship, and the size of my security staff, along with our other duties, the entire ship gets checked over the course of each week.  The details are all in my regular logs.”      “Yes, I was looking them over, and I notice you always have teams of two working together.”      “Of course,” Jane said.  “As much as Earth is trying to show off a united front when dealing with other worlds, we are still a world of many nations, and thus a ship with a crew of many loyalties.  Is there something specific you want to know?”      “What I am about to tell you stays between the two of us.”      “Of course, sir.”      “Commander Tartovsky was aware of a conversation I had with Doctor Karim.  She claims to not know the details, just that it happened, but I’m unconvinced.”      “She is the first officer,” Jane said.  “She is aware of the schedule we follow, and thus if she did plant anything, she’d know when to remove it.”      “Which is precisely my worry.  I’d like you to change up the schedule, but don’t update the files for now, just let your team know the details face to face.”      “Understood, sir.”      Jane was in sickbay with one of her security officers, Yun Liu, and they were scanning for listening devices, when Katherine came barging in.      “What’s going on in here?” Katherine asked.      “Just doing routine security sweeps,” Jane said.  “Nothing to worry about.”      “This isn’t scheduled for today,” Katherine said.      “Wasn’t scheduled for today, ma’am,” Jane said.  “The Captain asked us change around the schedule a bit.”      The scanner chose that moment to start beeping.  “We’ve found something,” Yun said.  She reached under the desk that scanner indicated, and pulled out a small listening device.      “Good find,” Katherine said.  “And I suppose it was a good call on the Captain’s part.”      “We’ll get this taken apart and studied right away,” Jane said.      “Of course.”  Katherine stepped aside, to let them pass through the door.      “What have you found out?” Benjamin asked as he entered the security room.      “Do you want the good news, or the bad news first?” Jane asked.      “The good news,” Benjamin said.      “The bug is Russian made,” Jane said.      “But the bad news?”      “We have nothing to tie it specifically to Commander Tartovsky.  She’s hardly the only Russian on the ship, plus it’s not like anyone else couldn’t have gotten a Russian listening device.”      “Keep working at it,” Benjamin said.  “But yeah, if we go forward with this, the Russians will claim we’re just trying to get rid of their person.”      “That’s why I’m leaving it out of my official reports for now,” Benjamin told Jon over the comm.  “But I thought you should know anyway.”      “Yeah, that’s a good call,” Jon said.  “If nothing else, knowing about it helps me understand some motivations better.  I think the Russians are trying to make you look bad.”      “Oh?”      “You’re the African-American captain of the first Earth starship.  A starship called Unity, and with an international crew, since we’re trying to portray ourselves as United Earth when dealing with the interstellar community.  But if they can show you applying regulations in a discriminatory fashion, that makes you look bad.”      “Based on reports from my Russian first officer though,” Benjamin said.  “They’d risk her looking bad as well.”      “It’s a risk they’re willing to take, I’m sure.  Russia is far more obvious in its homophobia than America.  And on top of that, she’s not exactly popular amongst her Russian colleagues and superiors.  She’s good enough at her job to have got this far despite it, but they wouldn’t consider it a major loss if her career was destroyed.”      Leandra entered the security command center, where Jane was still hard at work on learning about the listening device.  No one else was in the room, and Jane looked up at the intrusion.      “What are you doing here?” Jane asked.      “Curious, mostly, about what’s all been going on.”      “Not much I can share, I’m afraid.”      “I don’t even mean on the investigation, although the rumors on the ship about that are certainly interesting.”      “What are the rumors?”      “Everyone knows that a listening device was found, but there are various theories about what sort, and who placed it, and what this could mean for the future of both this starship and the United Earth Spacefleet in general.”      “All very good questions,” Jane said.  “We’re supposed to be a unified crew, but you take people from a bunch of varied backgrounds, each with their own cultures and prejudices, and sometimes it works out, but other time it doesn’t.  Not sure yet which this is going to be.”      “You wanted to see me, sir?” Katherine asked as she entered Benjamin’s office.      “Yes, please sit,” he said, and she did so.  “I’ll be frank.  You know all about the listening device we found, and neither of us are idiots.  We both know that you’re the one that placed it.”      “I doubt you have any evidence towards that,” Katherine said.      “That’s irrelevant.”      “If you’re trying to remove me from my position, accusations without evidence will only hurt your case.”      “Which is why I’m not trying to remove you.  I’m not going to lie, I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you, but I do respect you, and I do think you are good at your job.”      “Thank you?”      “I would very much like to trust you, but for that to happen, you’re also going to have to trust me.”      “How do you mean?”      “I’ve been looking over your service records, both ESS and Russian Armed Forces.  I, of course, did so back when you were first chosen as my first officer, but I’ve been giving them a closer look.  Specifically I’ve noticed several situations in which, despite ESS regulations, you ended up in situations where you had to choose between following ESS orders or Russian orders.”      “Real life is rarely as neat and tidy as the people making regulations wish it to be.”      “Oh, I am fully aware of that, but what interests me the most, is that in most of those situations, you chose to follow the ESS orders.”      “I made the best choices I could, based on what I knew at the time.”      “Do you regret any of them?”      “Some, but not all, and I also regret some of the times I made the opposite choice.”      “Well, now I feel like you’re in another of those situations,” Benjamin said.  “Your superiors in Russia want me out of the captain’s chair of this ship.  And they are trying to use this situation to that end.  So, you have a choice.  You can continue following their orders, and maybe you’ll succeed.  But ask yourself, why are you doing that?  Do you think I am a bad captain?”      “No, sir.  I may not agree with all of your decisions, but I do respect you.”      “Then is it about advancing your own career?  Perhaps your government is planning to recommend you as the new captain.  But if they don’t, what’s going to happen to you then?  If they manage to get a different Russian in as captain, the other governments are not going to be okay with this ship having both a Russian captain and first officer.  So then, you’ll be moving backwards in your career, laterally at best if the UES goes with another American captain, or really any non-Russian.”      “Like you said, that’s assuming they don’t recommend me,” Katherine said.      “You know your superiors and your government better than I do.  You tell me.”      “What do you want from me, hypothetically speaking?  If all this was true, and I admitted to it, I would be discharged anyway.”      “Give me the names, off the record, and we can move forward, with a greater sense of trust.”      “You know what bugs me about this whole situation though,” Leandra said.  She was still in the security room with Jane.      “That we weren’t even really a couple?” Jane asked.  “We were just having a bit of fun, letting off some steam.”      “It’s the fact that here we are in the year 2017, and we’re out here exploring the galaxy, and doing all this Star Trek shit, and yet not only are people still full of prejudice, but some are stoking that prejudice and using it for political gain.”      “People are flawed, and just because we’ve jumped forward in our understand of science and technology and the universe, that doesn’t just erase the flaws we have.  That’s part of why I joined security.  I keep seeing flaws in people, and want to keep them from hurting others as a result.”      “How’s that working out?”      “Dealing with physical threats is a lot easier than less tangible ones.”      “Don’t I know it.”      “So, I hear the vote went in our favor,” Benjamin said, over the long range comm.      “It went the way we wanted, thanks to the information your first officer provided,” Jon said.  “It remains to be seen if it’s in our favor or not.”      “What did you do with that list of names anyway?”      “I just had conversations with them.  Although the less you know about those conversations, the better.”      “Of course, sir.”      “That said, I’m sure there will be a cost to pay for this.  Politics is a never ending game, and while we might have the upper hand for the moment, that’ll hardly last.”
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1865 Films #168495 & #168494 (by/por Linda V.)
001 film #168495
002 OAH 2752 pt. 2
003 1950
004 1615
007 continua del rollo anterior
008 Andres Romo & Jacoba Gomez /Aguascalientes-Jalos/ tree image #14
016 Juan Flores & Ines de Arce /Zacoalco-Mexicalingo / dispensa de vanas
024 Jose de Jesus Quintero & Bruna Contreras /Mascota / tree img #24
027 Eusebio Curiel & Pastora Quintero /Mascota / tree #227
030 Miguel Romero & Refugio Cardenas /Etzatlan / tree #32
037 Vicente Padilla & Juana Ruvalcaba /San Juan  / tree #40
042 Antonio Luna & Isabel Rosales /Tepic / dispensa de vagos
048 Francisco Ruiz de Velasco &  Maria Macaria Perez /Arandas / trees #50
054 Esteban Jimenez & Estefana Larias /Tecalitlan
056 Jesus Castaneda & Hermenegilda Ramirez /Ixtlahuacan / trees #59
063 Pragedis Martin & Epitacia Gonzalez /Jalos / trees #68
069 Pedro de Leon & Eugenia Ibarra /Cocula /tree #72
075 Nicolas Romero & Ma Concepcion Guinchard /Teocaltiche-Aguascalientes /vanas
083 Jose Solorzano & Josefa Patino /Mexico-Jocotepec / vagos
089 Saturnino Meza & Demetria Diaz /Tomatlan / tree #89
094 Roberto Pelayo & Refugio Briseno /Ayutla / tree #96
098 Jose Gonzalez & Refugio Gonzalez /Tapalpa / tree #12
106 Crescencio Garcia & Pascuala Asencio /Zapopan / tree #110
111 Ricardo Rubio & Severa Escobedo  /Cuquio / tree #116
117 Mariano de la Mora & Trinidad de la Mora /Tecalitlan / tree #118
125 Fernando Garcia & Ma Sostenes Pinedo /Totatiche / tree #125
130 Justo Gonzalez & Maria Gertrudes Serrano /Encarnacion / tree #134
137 Justo Gomez & Maria Ines Perez /San Juan / tree #138
141 Simon Lopez & Valeria Avalos /Ixtlan / tree #144
146 Antonio Gonzalez & Eulalia Santoscoy /Lagos-Ahualulco / vagedad militar
152 Geronimo Ulloa & Merced Silva /Colima / tree #156
158 Federico Cramer & Dolores Riebeling /Alemania-Guadalajara / vanas
164 Jesus Dominguez & Maura Gomez /Etzatlan-Guadalajara / vanas
169 Hermenegildo Lozano & Pascuala Sandoval /Guanajuato-Guadalajara
177 Celso Lozano & Emilia Hermosillo /Lagos / vanas
182 Blas Elizondo Perez & Josefa Sagredo Garcia Rojas /Aguascalientes-Espana
193 Desiderio Hernandez & Feliciana Hernandez /Guadalajara / tree # 198
202 Dolores Garcia & Margarita Castellanos /Zapopan-Zahuayo / tree #205
206 Juan Betancourt & Eulalia Macedo /Tomatlan /revalidacion tree #207
211 Sabino Cortez & Felipa Chavez /Tomatlan / tree #211
215 Nicomedes Lopez & acinta Hernandez /Lagos /tree #217
219 Jose Maria Jimenez & Juana Meza /Tomatlan /tree #219
223 Severiano Hernandez & Feliciana Melendres /Tomatlan /tree #223
229 Urbano Betancourt & Elena Betancourt /Tomatlan /tree #230
236 Francisco Andrade & Petronila Araiza /Tomatlan /tree #236
240 Juan Macedo & Sebastiana Betancourt /Tomatlan /  tree #241
244 Carlos Agasini & Julia Romero /Guadalajara-Tepic /  militar
250 Abundio Orosco & Francisca Becerra /Teocaltiche /tree #252
255 Atanacio Oropeza & Merced Gonzalez /Nochistlan /tree #258
262 Francisco Llamas & Bernardina Gutirrez /Nochistlan /tree #263
266 Miguel Diaz Naredo & Altagracia Pedroza/Zacatecas-Aguascalientes
273 Pedro de Alva & Maria Josefa Pedroza /Encarnacion /tree #280
282 Carlos Luna & Carlota Lara /Puebla-Guadalajara
287 Matias Castellanos & Hilaria Alvarez /Analco-Ocotlan /vago
297 Jesus Contreras & Ines Cervantes /Atoyac
306 Marcelino Diaz & Francisca Arrezola /Amacueca
312 Jose Maria Zepeda & Maria Trinidad Montoy /Tizapan /tree #314
320 Vicente Contreras & Petra Ibarra /Jocotepec-Mexico
326 Santiago Odiaga & Merced Santoscoy /Madrid-Guadalajara
332 Juan NepomucenoGaray & Francisca Arana /Tonala /tree #337
341 Felix Ramirez & Benita Moreno /San Juan /tree #342
345 Macario Lopez & Agtanacia de Jesus Vergara /Zapopan
348 Fernando Telles & Maria del Refugio Valdivia /Bolanos
351 Jesus Bueno & Benancia Gutierrez /Tepic /vanas
357 Doroteo Martinez & Francisca Juarez /Calvillo /tree #358
363 blank  page
364 FIN
365  168494
366 OAH 2751 pt 1
369 Fernando Lara & Tranquilina Venegas /Tepic /vago
374 Clemente Naranjo & Leonarda Hernandez/Tepic-Cocula
382 Pedro Chavez & Eleuteria Barbosa /Tamazula /trees #382
388 Remigio Sarabia & Antonia Flores /Sinaloa -Aguascalientes-Guad
394 Antonio de la Mora & Silveria de la Mora /Tecolotlan
401 Expediente Archivados /Guadalajara
408 Expedientes matrimoniales arcivados 1866 -names of  couples-
410 Diferentes negocios civiles-different names & dates
419 Varios expedientes
422 Victor Hernandez & Casimira Rivera /Ixtlan /trees #425
427 Pedro Esparza & Placida Hernandez /Ixtlan /tree #430
432 Vicente Gomez & Macedonia Delgado /Adobes
435 Constantino de Lengerke & Josefa Ramos /ultramar
441 Instrucciones para edificar un templo en Tepatitlan
443 Luis Iberri & Josefa Narvez /Tepic-San Juan
449 Caso de Primitivo Aguinaga y Manuel Castellanos /Mexico
451 letters written by Arzobispo de Guadalajara Pedro Espinoza,
      Obispo Juan Francisco Escalante y Pedro Loza, Arsobispo de Sonora
457 Nicolas Cruz & Leandra Aguirre /Tomatlan /tree #457
463 Sixto Gomez & Gabriela Ysac  /San Juan /tree #464
467 Feliciano Suarez & Tomasa Rodriguez /Tonala /tree #470
478 Raymundo Ibarra & Ma Bernae Godines /Chapala-Ocotlan /tree #481
484 Filomeno Vargas & Mercedes Goonzalez /Yahualica /trees #484
488 Miguel Arredondo & Cruz Zepeda /Mazamitla /tree #490
495 Marcos Gonzalez & Salvadora Franco /Tepatitlan /tree #494
498 Jose Maria preciado & Juana Mendoza /Purificacion /tree #501
503 Hermenegildo Martin & Marina Gonzalez /San Miguel el Alto /tree #507
508 Francisco Hernandez & Juana Martin /San Miguel el Alto /tree #511
513 Crescencio Ramirez & Ursula Ruiz /Aguascalientes /trees #514
517 Eustaquio Ramirez & Segunda Ruiz /Arandas /tree #521
524 Juan Gutierrez & Donaciana Zamores /Lagos /tree #526
531 Liborio G Tayedo & Luisa Macias /Ixtlan
539 Curz Saucedo & Maria Isabel Escobedo /Aguascalientes-Huejuquilla
543 Antonio Perezchica & Petra Figueroa /Calvillo /tree #544
548 Manuel Placencia & Salome Perez/Teocaltiche /tree #550
553 Marcelo Gonzalez & Mercedes Martinez /Yahualica /trees #553
558 Hilario Gonzalez & Petra Barba /Jalos  /tree #564
565 Aquilino Uribe & Ambrosia Pelayo /Ejutla /tree #567
569 Estevan Valverde & Juana azo /Cotija-Tamazula
577 Jose Trinidad Magana & Agapita Macias /Tamazula
585 Magdaleno Hernandez & Felipa Torres /Tepatitlan
592 Doroteo Agredano & Presentacion Rodriguez /Cuquio/tree #597
598 Antonio Martinez & Mariana Campos /Aguascalientes /tree #603
605 Paulino Gonzalez & Rosalia Becerra /Guadalajara
610 Ildefonso Larraza & Refugio Perez Verdia /Espana-Guadalajara
618 Pantaleon Garcia & Lucia Jimenez /Mexticacan-Ojuelos/trees#620
623 Jose Sandoval & Francisca Medrano /Cuquio-Analco /vagos
627 Atanacio Santillan & Casimira Martinez /Rincon de Romos/tree #630
634 Crisanto Guillen & Mariana Delgadillo /Yahualica-Cuquio
648 Cipriano Belauzaraan & Josefa Avila /Guanajuato-Zacatecas-
      Aguascalientes /tree #653
656 Andres Romo & Jacoba Gomez /Aguascaientes /tree #661
664 Juan Flores & Ines de Arce  /Mexicalingo /vanas
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Leandra Leal faz post irônico contra Bolsonaro e apaga após críticas
Nesta quarta-feira, 11, a atriz Leandra Leal usou seu perfil no Twitter para criticar Bolsonaro, o desmatamento, o coronavírus e o racismo, mas a publicação não foi bem interpretada. Com os comentários negativos, inclusive de pessoas que não apoiam o presidente, a artista apagou o post.
“Você só pode eliminar 1. Qual seria?”, escreveu Leandra Leal na legenda de uma uma montagem com Bolsonaro, uma floresta devastada, o vírus da Covid-19 e o policial que assassinou George Floyd, nos Estados Unidos.
Nos comentários, as criticas vieram, principalmente, pela publicação sugerir que as pessoas tenham que escolher um. Ou o “atual governo”, ou “desmatamento”, ou a “Covid-19” ou o “racismo estrutural”.
O professor Tarcízio Silva, pesquisador de mídias digitais e ativista negro, ainda comparou Leandra Leal com Luana Piovani. “Caramba, achei que era da Luana Piovani esse tweet. Vocês vão me fazer odiar O Homem que Copiava”.
A blogueira e produtora Andreza Delgado reclamou sobre o tom irônico. “Que tipo de humor péssimo é esse? Imagina ter que ficar lidando com esse tipo de brincadeira sem graça com uma parada tão séria que é o racismo estrutural. A cada 23 minutos um jovem negro morre, isso não é brincadeira”, tuitou.
Leandra Leal, após ser muito criticada, apagou o post e fez uma nova publicação pedindo desculpas e explicando o que quis dizer com o tweet apagado.
“O post anterior era uma crítica: o racismo estrutural foi um dos fatores que levou à eleição do atual governo, que por sua vez não conseguiu controlar a Covid e estimula o desmatamento. Todos são problemas seríssimos; não devem ser comparados e todos devem ser combatidos. Eu busco combater todos, inclusive em mim. A dor de quem sofre um desses problemas não é uma coisa que se possa medir. Foi um post extremamente equivocado e não deveria ter postado, por isso apaguei. Sinceramente, me desculpo e prometo tentar não errar outras vezes”, escreveu Leandra Leal.
— Leandra Leal 🇧🇷🏴 (@leandraleal) August 12, 2020
Veja também: Bolsonaro curte críticas a Anitta por shows na Itália: ‘Aglomeração’
Leandra Leal faz post irônico contra Bolsonaro e apaga após críticaspublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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ericbarkman · 7 years
Tales of WID 72 #5 Just Gals Being Pals
     Lieutenants Jane Anderson and Leandra Delgado sat down in a booth at the back of the bar with their drinks and some food that Jane had ordered.      “What even is that?” Leandra asked.  “It looks disgusting.”      “It’s called garmuth,” Jane said.  “We had a Larusian cook on base when I was a teenager, so I picked up a taste for their cuisine.”      “I think it’s moving.”      “Well yeah, it’s supposed to be,” Jane said as she picked up a piece and tossed it in her mouth.  “So, what’s up?”      “What do you mean?”      “You wanted to meet for drinks, I assumed there was something you wanted to talk about.”      “I just meant as friends.  Or was that presumptuous?”      “I mean, I hadn’t really thought of us as friends.  Like, we never really interact outside of work related stuff.”      “Yeah, but to be fair we serve on a starship,” Leandra said.  “So we’re pretty much always at work, except when we’re able to go down to a planet for some time off.”      “True, not that Maltork Four is exactly where I’d consider going for recreation,” Jane said.  “And not just because the last time we were here was…well you know.”      “Yeah, that was certainly an odd situation.”      “No kidding.  Even aside from the classified part of that which we shouldn’t mention in public, there was that con artist, and we even had a CIA operative that had snuck aboard.”      “What happened with that operative anyway?” Leandra asked.  “Like, I had heard you had him tossed in the brig, but I never heard what happened to him next.”      “After we got back to Earth and helped with damage control, we just handed him back to the CIA.  It wasn’t exactly a time that different agencies could afford to be fighting with each other.”      “True that, true that.  Too bad that cooperation couldn’t have lasted.”      “It never does,” Jane said.      “So then, you know what I said to him?” Jane asked.  It was later in the evening, both of them had had a few drinks by this time, and Jane was talking about her teenage years.      “I’m going to guess it had something to do with where he could stick that trombone,” Leandra said.      “Pretty much, but he just kept playing it, so I just grabbed it and threw it out the window.  You know how far you can throw things on the moon?”      “I’m guessing pretty far.”      “Yeah, I had detention for a month after that, and I was grounded even longer.  Not that being grounded really meant a whole lot.  There’s not a lot of things to do on the Lunar Colony anyway.  At least not when I was living there.”      “Even still, it must have been pretty cool living on the moon.”      “I mean, yeah, there were definitely cool aspects, like the aforementioned gravity.  Very limited choices when it came to friends though.  And I’ve only been on three dates in my life.”      “What?  No.”      “I mean, after I finished high school, I joined the ESS pretty much right away, and I’ve been pretty focused on my career since.  This is the first time I’ve actually had a night out in the past five months.”      “We are going to change that.”      “How about that guy?” Leandra asked, as she pointed at a Urkotuon at the bar.      “That’s not a guy,” Jane said.  “Urkotuons don’t have gender, and they don’t do romance or sex.”      “Really?  That sounds boring.”      “It works for them.  You really aren’t that familiar with a lot of alien species, are you?”      “I generally just find out about them when I read a mission briefing.  I mean, I grew up on Earth and didn’t even know that aliens were real until I was asked to join the Unity.”      “Ah yeah, I guess I sometimes forget that aliens were kept secret on Earth until the Caldore invasion.  But as head of security I also need to make sure I know a wide range of customs, so I don’t inadvertently insult anyone while keeping people safe.”      “Yeah, I mostly just pilot my fighter and shoot people down when I need to.”      “You did manage to navigate the Yungoonch situation pretty well last month.”      “I got lucky on that,” Leandra said.  “But we’re not supposed to be talking about me being lucky, we’re supposed to be helping you get lucky.”      “I don’t know that this is the rest place,” Jane said.  “I mean, I’m not necessarily opposed to dating a non-Human, but if we’re just talking about sex, a lot of the time the parts don’t exactly line up.”      “You’d be surprised what you can manage,” Leandra said.  “I met a Forsoothian a couple months back, and we had quite the night together.”      “Man, you are the pickiest person I’ve ever met, turning down every suggestion I make,” Leandra said after another hour or so had passed.  “If you’re only wanting to date Humans, you’re pretty much gonna have to wait until we get back to Earth.  Or date someone on the crew.”      “I’m the chief of security,” Jane said.  “I can’t go dating someone on the crew.”      “Maybe one of my pilots.  I mean, my squadron is attached to the ship, but we’re not technically ship crew.  There’s a few of them over there.”  Leandra pointed to another table in the bar, where City Boy, Cheddar Cheese, and Pandaherbs were sitting.      “You can’t set me up with someone under your command,” Jane said.  “That’s a major conflict of interest.”      “I’m not setting you up, just letting you know the option is there.”      “I mean, I suppose that wouldn’t strictly be against regulations for me to date someone on your squadron.  But, like I said, dating’s not a big deal to me.  You’re the one who’s apparently made it her mission to set me up with someone.”      “If I’m pressing too much, I can back off,” Leandra said.      “No, it’s fine,” Jane said.  “Kind of amusing actually, I mean, we’re just joking around right.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  What about you?  Anyone special in your life?”      “Plenty of special people,” Leandra said.  “I’m not really one to limit myself to monogamy.  I’ve had a few boyfriends and girlfriends over the years, but never anything really serious.”      “Girlfriends?”      “Yeah, that’s not a problem is it?”      “No, of course not.  My best friend is a lesbian.”      “And you?”      “I don’t know,” Jane said.  “I mean, all the dates I’ve been on were with guys, but like I mentioned, that’s only been three dates.”      “Hmm.”      “Wait, was this supposed to be a date?”      “No, if it was intended to be a date, I’d be very clear with that upfront,” Leandra said.      “Could it become a date?”      “I mean, maybe, but we’re both pretty drunk at this point.  It might not be the best idea.”      “Yeah, maybe not.”      The next morning, Jane went down to the cafeteria on the ship for some coffee and breakfast.  There were a few other people in the cafeteria, including Leandra, who Jane went and sat down across from.  “Morning,” Jane said.      “Sleep well?” Leandra asked.      “Not really, and I have a pretty bad hangover now.  You?”      “I slept okay, but yeah, definitely have a hangover too.  Last night was fun though, right.”      “Yeah, but about what we were talking about near the end there.”      “About us dating?”      Jane looked around, but no one seemed to be paying them any attention.  “Yeah, that.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re a lot of fun, and really gorgeous...”      “But…”      “But I mean, even if you aren’t technically part of the crew, you do still live on the ship, and work with us.”      “I hear Wesley and Chuck have started seeing each other,” Leandra said.      “Neither of them are in charge of security.  They are the chief of communications and piloting, which means not a lot of conflict of interest there.  Still technically a breach of regulations, but as long as they keep it on the down low, they’ll probably be fine.”      “I mean, I don’t want to give you the wrong idea either though.  I’m not looking for anything serious, I date casually, so if that’s not something you’re interested in, it’s a moot point anyway.”      “Yeah, I don’t know,” Jane said.      That night Leandra returned to her quarters after running combat drills with her squadron.  She was in the middle of trying to figure out how she was going to explain the amount of repairs that Team Fancy’s fighter was going to need after simple training exercises, when her door chime rang.      “Come in,” she said as she put her computer pad down.      The door slid open, and Jane came in.  “Hi,” she said.      “Hello,” Leandra said.  “What can I do for you?”      “I’ve been thinking about our conversation, and about what I want, and about my job and such.”      “Okay?”      “I mean, like I was telling you, I’ve never really had much time for dating because of my job, so maybe something more casual would be a better idea for me at this time.”      “If that’s what you want, then I’m game,” Leandra said.  “Just as long as you’re not planning on trying to change me.  If you decide you do want an exclusive relationship with someone, that’s not going to be me.”      “No, yeah, I understand that.”      “Excellent, so what do you want to do now then?”      “I don’t know exactly,” Jane said.  “Not a lot of experience in this area.”      “Why don’t you come sit down with me?”      “Right.”  Jane sat down next to Leandra, and looked at her.  She leaned over, and Leandra leaned back, and they kissed.
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ericbarkman · 7 years
Tales of WID 72 #2 Dogfights and Duels
     “All pilots report in,” the squad leader, Lieutenant Leandra Delgado, aka Eyepatch said as she flew her fighter through space, the rest of the squadron following behind her.      “Cheddar Cheese here, reporting in,”      “Shiny Wheels here, I am good to go.”      “Dynamite Breath, checking in.”      “City Boy, all systems are good.”      “Pandaherbs, no problems here.”      “Geekstuff, I am a-okay.”      “Supply Drop, ready and waiting.”      “Dino Chick here, all systems are go.”      “Team Fancy, good to go, and a little bit bored.”      “Green Man, everything checks out.”      “Doctor Salt, ready to go.”      “Okay,” Eyepatch said.  “Let’s do this.  Follow me.”  Her fighter moved down towards the moon, with the others following behind.      Dino Chick checked her sensors as the squadron entered the atmosphere.  The atmosphere was pretty similar to that of Earth, although with slightly differing concentrations of a few gases, but still breathable if they had to leave their fighters for any reason.      Her sensors also picked up the Yungoonch military base that they were here to investigate.  There were fighter craft there, but they were all on the ground.  The sensors were picking up twenty-eight of them.      Eyepatch opened a comm channel to the Yungoonch base.  “Attention Yungoonch military, this is Lieutenant Leandra Delgado, squad leader of the fighter squadron attached to the UES Unity.  We are here to investigate your base on the authority of the Galactic Community.  Do we have permission to land?”      “Permission not granted,” the Yungoonch commander replied.  “We do not accept your authority.  Please leave immediately, or your fighters will be shot out of the sky.”      “I’m sorry, but we have a job to do here, and we intend to do it,” Eyepatch said.  “We’d prefer your cooperation, but if we don’t have it, we’re still coming in.”      “Then prepare to die.”  The commander cut the comm channel.      Eyepatch switched back to the squadron channel.  “Okay people, looks like we’re going to have a fight on our hands.”      Shiny Wheels glanced at the sensors, showing the twenty-eight fighters approaching their squadron.  She smiled as she switched from general flight mode, to fight mode.  The wings opened up to reveal increased weapons over the basics that were always visible.  It also increased maneuverability and acceleration at the cost of top speed.      Dynamite Breath launched a pair of missiles at an incoming fighter, before going down to avoid some return fire.  He looped back around, and came up behind the fighter, which had managed to avoid his missiles.  He started firing at it with his energy auto-cannons.      The fighter started evasive maneuvers to try and get out of the way, but he was still getting a few shots on it.      “I’ve got one on my tail,” Supply Drop said, over the comm.      “I’m on it,” Pandaherbs said.  “Just try and stay alive long enough for me to take it out.”      “No promises, I’m updating my will now, just in case.”      “Oh yeah, what do I get?”      “Nothing, I want to make sure you don’t have any incentive to take your time.”      “Fine, fine, but you owe me for saving your life.”      “I’ll buy you a coffee.”      “Your life is only worth a coffee?”      “Fine, two coffees,” Supply Drop said as the fighter behind him was taken out by Pandaherbs.      Doctor Salt checked her sensors.  Five of the enemy fighters had been taken out so far, although so had one of theirs, City Boy, although he had managed to eject before his fighter had been destroyed.  She noticed one of the enemy fighters was veering down, possibly to shoot down his parachute.      Doctor Salt went after the fighter, and started firing at it.  She scored a few hits, not enough to destroy it, but enough for it to turn away from its course, to try and get out of the line of fire.  She kept on it though, continuing her firing as she followed it through the clouds.      Green Man flew through the explosion of the fighter he had just destroyed.  He checked his damage readouts.  His shields were down to forty-nine percent, so he was still in decent shape.  He checked his sensors, and found a new target to go after.      Apparently his target decided to go after him as well, as he realized they were headed straight towards each other, in a deadly game of chicken.  He launched a pair of missiles at the target, who shot them down.  So then he started firing his energy auto-cannons at his opponent, who was also firing back at him.      Shields were now down to thirty-four percent, as they were getting closer and closer to each other.  He could not tell what his opponent’s shields were at, but at least some of his shots were getting through to the fighter itself, so clearly it was not in the best of shape.      The distance between them continued closing, as they were only about half a minute from crashing into each other.  Shields were at twenty-eight percent.  Twenty seconds left.  Twenty-one percent.  Ten seconds left.  Twelve percent.  Green Man fired another missile, which impacted the enemy fighter.  It did not cause it to explode, but it started going down, just before Green Man would have flown into it.      He checked the sensors, and saw that it was going into a downward spiral, before crashing into the surface below.      Cheddar Cheese braked hard as he noticed an enemy fighter coming at him from behind.  It still managed to get a few hits on him, before rocketing past him, at which point he started accelerating to chase after it.      He launched a missile at it, opening a hole in its shield, which he poured energy auto-cannon fire into before it closed.  He did some decent damage, when he noticed another enemy fighter coming up behind him.  He tried the same maneuver, but this one had apparently seen him try it the first time, as they were not fooled, and stayed behind him.      He checked his shields as he was pelted from behind.  They were down to twelve percent, as he had already been sustaining a decent amount of damage throughout the battle.      The enemy fighter in front of him was still not that far off, so he set a collision course for it, and set his fighter to maximum acceleration.  He guessed that he had damaged its sensors, as the pilot did not even attempt to evade.  Cheddar Cheese hit his eject button, and shot out of his fighter, right as it crashed into the enemy, destroying them both.      “Man, and I just got a custom paint job on that thing,” he said as he started falling, and his parachute deployed.      Team Fancy flew towards two of the enemy fighters that were in formation, and then activated the tractor beam she had recently jury-rigged to her fighter.  She locked onto one of the enemy fighters, and used the tractor beam to veer it into the other one, destroying both of them.      “Sweet, it worked,” she said to herself before her internal sensors showed the tractor beam apparatus catching fire.  “Shit.”  She hit the button that was meant to disconnect it if anything went wrong, but apparently things were going wrong enough that the button did nothing.  “Shit, shit, shit.”      She opened up the missile targeting program and rewrote a few parts of it, before launching off a missile.  It started flying away from her ship, but curved around, and started coming back.      “Something wrong with your missiles?” Geekstuff asked over the comm.  “Looks like one is going back to hit you.”      “No, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s under control,” Team Fancy said.  “I have everything under control.”      As the missile came closer and close, she checked and double checked her angle, and the missile’s angle.  The missile skimmed along the bottom, not actually touching her fighter, with the exception of the tractor beam apparatus which was hanging off the bottom of her ship.      As it was torn off, she lost control of her fighter as it went into a downward spiral.  She checked the internal sensors, the fire was gone with the apparatus.  She then tried to take back control of her fighter as it continued to careen downwards, the ground getting closer and closer.      The inertial dampeners had also been damaged as the tractor beam had been routed through that, which meant she had to slow her descent slowly.  As the ground got closer and closer, she slowly started levelling off, until she straightened out just as she was skimming the ground.      “You’re down to twelve fighters,” Eyepatch said over the comm to the Yungoonch.  “We still have nine in the air.  That means we’ve taken out sixten of yours while you’ve only taken down three of ours.  Surrender and you won’t have to lose anymore.”      “Yungoonch do not surrender,” the Yungoonch commander said.  “But perhaps we can reach an agreement.  You and I can meet, face to face, one on one, but not in the base.  In the wilderness outside.”      “There’s a lake I noticed a few kilometers from your base.  How about we meet on the south side of it.”      “That would be acceptable.  Remember, just the two of us.”      Eyepatch brought her fighter in for a landing.  She then climbed out of her fighter, after making sure that her energy pistol was at her side, and walked over to the lakeside, as she heard a teleporter effect there, and the Yungoonch commander appeared.  He was alone, just like he had promised.      “I’m here, alone just like you asked,” Eyepatch said as she looked up at his face on his ten foot tall body.      “Good, good.  Then we can discuss this properly.”      “Our mission here was to investigate your base because of the claims of the Bisnians that you’ve been developing weapons to use against them.”      “The situation between us and the Bisnians is our business, not yours.”      “They asked for help, and the Galactic Community asked as to look into it, since we were in the area.”      “That’s just like the Bisnians, running to others like cowards.”      “What kind of agreement were you hoping to make here?” Eyepatch asked.      The commander took two swords off of his back and threw one in front of Eyepatch.  “A duel,” he said.  “One on one, to the death.  If you win my people have been instructed to allow you to inspect the base.  If I win, your people are to leave.”      Eyepatch eyed the sword in front of her that was longer than she was tall.  “I’m not sure that sword is quite my size.”      “If you wish to provide your own close combat weapon, that would be acceptable.”      “I may need one of my people to fly one down here.”      “Also acceptable, as long as they leave immediately afterwards.”      “Eyepatch to everyone,” she said over the comm after returning to her fighter.  “Does anyone have a close combat weapon I can use for this duel?”      “I have a stun baton,” Pandaherbs said.      “Do explosives count?” Dynamite Breath asked.      “No, explosives don’t count,” Eyepatch said.  “And I don’t know if a stun baton would be acceptable.”      “I have a rapier,” Team Fancy said.  “You can borrow that if you want.”      “Yeah, sure, just send it down here and hopefully it’ll work out for me,” Eyepatch said.      Eyepatch grasped her borrowed rapier, as the Yungoonch commander stood across from her with his massive sword.  She knew all he needed was one good hit, so she would have to use her smaller size to her advantage.      The commander ran at her, and she rolled out of the way, managing to come up right behind him.  She slashed at the back of his left leg, but did not do too much damage before he whipped around, swinging his sword at her.  She ducked and it missed her by centimeters.      But he then kicked out her legs from under her, and she fell onto her back.  He brought the sword up and them struck it down at her, but she rolled to the right just before he made contact.  It was a pretty forceful hit, and she was able to roll a bit further, and jump back to her feet, while he was pulling the sword out of the ground.  She also managed to get in another few slashes on the left leg, before backing off as he turned to face her again.      “You’re better than I thought you’d be,” he said.  “But your luck can’t last forever.  All I need is one good hit.”      “Then come and get it,” Eyepatch said as she surveyed the area for anything she could use to her advantage.      The commander ran at her again, and Eyepatch ran as well, but at an angle to run past him, and towards a nearby tree, which she went behind.  He came up after her, and started swinging his sword at her as he tried going around the tree, but she kept moving and he kept just hitting the tree.      Eventually one of those hits was hard enough to lodge the sword in the tree, and Eyepatch used the opportunity to get a few more hits on him while he pulled it out.  She was continuing to concentrate on the left leg, in the same area, and it was getting pretty bloody by this point.  Then, right as he pulled his sword from the tree, she had injured him enough that he fell onto his back.      Eyepatch leapt to the side to avoid him landing on her and towards his word hand, which she stabbed, pinning it to the ground, and causing him to drop his sword.      “Surrender,” Eyepatch said.      “I already told you, Yungoonch do not surrender,” he said.  “Kill me and you win.  Let me live, and you do not.”      “And what did you learn during the inspection of the base?” Captain Benjamin Grayson asked as Eyepatch gave her report.      “They have indeed been developing weapons to use against the Bisnians,” she said.  “As well as gathering a significant amount of intel on them.”      “Hmm, we’ll send the information to the Bisnians, and they can do with it as they will, which I believe concludes our business in this system.  We’ll have to head back to Earth to replace the fighters your squadron lost.”      “Of course, sir,”      “I’m just glad none of the pilots were killed,” Benjamin said.      “Yeah, we got lucky on that.”      “Luck has nothing to do with it.  You’re the best of the best, and you showed that today.  Dismissed.”      Eyepatch went down into the meeting room that her squadron used on the starship.  They were celebrating their win, eating cake and other foods, drinking various drinks, and having fun.  Someone had set up a pool table, and a few of them were playing a game of that.  Some of the others were just talking and laughing, and Team Fancy was just leaning back in a chair, and enjoying a beer.  But they all turned to face her as she entered the room.      “You all did good out there today,” Eyepatch said.  “And I’m giving you all tomorrow off, so feel free to celebrate as much as you want tonight.”      There were cheers at that, as everyone went back to what they were doing.  Eyepatch went and sat down next to Team Fancy.  “Thanks again for the use of your rapier,” she said.      “Not a problem,” Team Fancy said.  “I do have a question though.  Permission to speak freely?”      “Go ahead.”      “Did you actually kill the Yungoonch commander?”      “Enjoy the party,” Eyepatch said as she got up and headed for the door.
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matrimonios 1825 parte 1-2/2
389/001 168220
390/002 oah 2522 pt.2
392/004 slate
394/006 andres lomelin & feliciana alvarez / moyahua
 403/015 ramon de la torre & petra gonzalez / tepatitlan
 407/019 jose maria cobarubias & gertrudis gonzalez / ejtula
 414/026 francisco gomez & juana gonzalez / jalostotitlan
 418/030 tomas garcia & demetria (?) / tonica
 423/035 eugenio rodriguez & remigia guerrero / tecolotlan
 429/041 felipe jauregui & patricia jauregui / mexticacan
 436/048 jose maria guerrero & agustina andrade / cocula
 441/053 jose maria vegas & ana marquez / adoves
 449/061 matias ortiz & leandra contreras / nochistlan
 455/067 atanacio romo & guadalupe gonzalez / jalostotitlan
 460/072 rafael de aro & josefa ocampo / moyahua
 465/077 antonio padilla & juana gomez /  jalostotitlan
 470/082 vicente rivera & francisca carvajal / tepic
 476/088 mariano munoz & agapita perez / encarnacion
 483/095 antonio santillan & josefa medina / arandas
 487/099 ygnacio gonzalez & dolores navarro / guadalajara *tree 491/103
 493/105 juan jose ramirez & antonia manriquez / zapotiltic
 499/111 jose maria vasquez & romualda  cruz / aguascalientes
 503/115 manuel guadardo & eulogia montanez / asientos
 509/121 clemente macias & dolores gonzalez / trinidad de sotos
 519/131 epitacio ramos & andrea ramirez / colotlan *tree 522/134
 524/136 anselmo marquez & decideria gonzalez / jalostotitlan
 528/140 maximo esparza & bacilia silva / aguascalientes
 533/145 faustino garcia & agustina melendres / zapotlan
 537/149 pedro rivera y villalobos & josefa valle / guadalajara
 548/160 albino villegas & maria de la luz ursua / aguascalientes
 551/163 manuel feliz & felipa carrillo / jerez
 558/170 victoriano robles & petra mota / tabasco
 563/175 urbano alvarez & serapia lopez / teocaltiche
 569/181 antonio lopez & tomasa lopez / jalostotitlan
 573/185 evangelisto martinez & juana maria perez / ?
 578/190 nepomuceno reyes & maria tinajero / sayula
 589/201 laureano moreno & maria ynes figueroa / atoyac
 594/206 juan jose ramirez & rafaela arroyo / almoloyan
 604/216 ramon maria gijon prieto & maria antonia jordan / tepic
 612/224 pedro gonzalez alferes & rosalia escobar / guadalajara
 622/234 luciano gonzalez & alejandra cruz / tepatitlan
 631/243 cristino garcia & geronima escamilla / lagos
 636/248 tiburcio carrillo & gertrudis perez / colotlan *de la torre 640/252
 642/254 antonio garcia & rosalia contreras / tuscacuesco (missing first page?)
 647/259 pedro nicolas soto & juana tamayo / zapotlan
 656/268 jose maria lopez & margarita rivas / arandas
 660/272 pedro mendez & luciana navarro / aguascalientes
 665/277 pedro jose araujo & maria luz diaz / lagos
 669/281 anastacio jimenez & geronima perez / guadalajara
 677/289 angel alvarez & juliana martinez / mezquitic
 685/297 rosalio martinez & guadalupe sandoval / yahualica
 691/303 antonio veles & ? / durango
 701/313 manuel lopez & jesus morales / tepatitlan
 710/322 eleuterio trujillo & paula munoz / barca
 714/326 benedicto martinez & francisca bernal / guadalajara
 717/329 gregorio navarreno(?) & magdalena (?) / ?
 720/332 jose maria ortega & ? / guadalajara
 723/335 jacinto flores & josefa ramirez / guadalajara
 726/338 jose maria rivera & ygnacia eincinda / guadalajara
 729/341 pedro santillan & barbara de la torre / guadalajara
 732/344 alejandro cobian & ysidora santana / tecolotlan
 739/351 jose bueno & ? / zacatecas
 744/356 rafael gomez & refugio aramburi(?) / matehuala
 750/362 pablo gutierrez & gertrudis barragan / tizapan
 762/374 sixto muniz & rosario cosio / zacatecas
 770/382 pablo espindo (?) & luisa martinez / ?
 777/389 ylario perez & ? / ?
 780/392 luis solis & juana mosa (?) / guadalajara
 785/397 bernardo garabai & ygnacia fernandez / guadalajara
 788/400 antonio nava & antonia hernandez / guadalajara
 794/406 remigio aguallo & salome pedroza / teocaltiche
 801/413 bonifacio gutierrez & francisca macias / encarnacion
 805/417 miguel flores & petra luevano / asientos
 811/423 pedro gallego & vicenta munoz / aguascalientes
 814/426  ? & ? / ocotlan
 821/433 rafael romero & ygnacia contreras / guadalajara
 830/442 jose maria montanez & guadalupe gaitan / catorce
 842/454 miguel maldonado & josefa aguallo / guadalajara
 846/458 refugio gallardo & gertrudis ortega / guadalajara
 860/472 rafael acosta & maria de la cruz rivera / guadalajara
 872/484 manuel de luis & josefa cavadad / matehuala
 883/495 pedro herrera & luisa ramos / jala
 889/501 jose maria quadros & ygnacia bravo / guadalajara
 894/506 marcelino leon & josefa campos / asientos
 900/512 jose maria munoz & maria damian acosta / lagos
 904/516 zeferino delgado & encarnacion barajas / atotonilco
 909/521 jose maria castolo ramirez & maria jesus ramirez / zalaitan (?)
 912/524 alejo bernal & polinaria olvera / asientos
 920/532 jose cenuario chavarria & susana berrera / cocula
 924/536 simon sanchez & leonor becerra / encarnacion
 929/541 jose maria romo & mariana pereda / aguascalientes
 933/545 juan garcia & refugio moreno / fresnillo
 939/551 jose maria piedras & ? / zacatecas
 945/557 manuel lusena & ? / zacatecas
 954/566 jose maria garcia & maria velas (?) nieves / ameca
 961/573 domingo buitron & maria jesus reynoso / mascota
 966/578 ramon ruelas & mariana pena / mascota
 970/582 ramon pasquiano & casimira flores / tepic
 976/588 jose hermenegildo & petra simbrano / cienega
 981/593 antonio robles & hermenegilda correa / colotlan
 989/601 victorio robles & paulina varela / guadalajara
 993/605 manuel jimenez & carmen juarez / guadalajara
 998/610 nasario carrion & josefa lara / calvillo
 1001/613 jose cruz duenas & petra mancilla / colima
 1006/618 continua
1007/619 oah 2522 fin
1008 end of roll
0 notes
Matrimonios 1836-1837, 1850 (años fuera de orden)
001 168667
002 oah 3184 part 5
003-006 filler
007 oah 3184
008 slate
009 antonio apodaca & antonia hernandez / guadalajara
013 anacleto robles & daria banuelos / mezquitic
021 lorenzo gonzalez & carmen pacheco / huejuquilla
028 miguel fregoso & silveria gonzalez / teumatlan
034 leonardo chavez & micaela cervantes / lagos
041 manuel (?) & josefa jimenez / san miguel *tree 046
048 rodrigo jauregui & lorenza moran / encarnacion
053 ramon santos & ynes jaime / encarnacion
058 jose maria lopez & higinia montes / salinas
064 ? & ? / ?
071 pelacio macias & catarina diaz / ?
077 felipe (?) & concepcion colon (?) / valparaiso
082 gorgonio ibarra & ynes villanueva / ixtlan
088 juan gomez & antonia gomez / cuquio
094 ? & faustina loya / tomatlan
101 jose espinosa & nepomucena rodriguez / tomatlan
108 bartolo davalos & corona romo / lagos
115 faustino mesa & concepcion ramos / purification
123 pedro gomez & ? / lagos
130 gregorio lopez & maria esqueda / zapopan
136 francisco rodriguez & francisca martinez / ?
154 feliz castellano & trinidad castellano / zapotlan
164 marcelo gonzalez & monica rodriguez / cuquio
169 juan nepomuceno montes & teresa jimenez / jilotlan
181 domingo solis & matiana ortiz / adoves
190 ramon guerra & josefa romo / encarnacion
197 juan jose castaneda & refugia guzman / teul *tree 201
204 ? & ? / ?
210 nicolas hernandez & rafaela hernandez / arandas
215 pascual river & guadalupe padilla / chapala
221 agustin salazar & victoria martinez  / aguascalientes
226 silvano robalcava & liz rostro / cuquio
232 manuel aceves & maria jesus macias / analco
236 francisco torres & catarina herrera / tototlan
241 pasqual rosales & concepcion pacheco / tequila
246 geronimo diaz & francisca mendoza / colotlan *tree 249
252 ramon yniguez & agapita (?) / ?
257 jose ynes romo & maria bernabe diaz / rincon
261 manuel gomez & isabel macias / paso de soto
266 ygnacio pedrosa & clara romo / ?
274 francisco gutierrez & francisca gutierrez / lagos
279 ygnacio medina & ygnacia viscaino / tenamastlan
286 anastacio villanueva & micaela ybarra / ?
293 manuel marroquin & dolores olivares / encarnacion
300 pablo valdivia & tomasa gomez / jalostotitlan
306 tomas nieto & francisca garcia / ?
310 tereso navarro & concepcion varela / teul
320 agustin esparza & valentina romo / rincon
328 vicente yniguez & francisca gutierrez / ?
340 francisco castaneda & cristina castaneda / tlaltenango
345 encarnacion contreras & vicenta curiel / guadalajara
357 bacilio cornejo & refugio espinosa / encarnacion *tree 362
364 quirino serrano & tomasa basurto / rincon
372 benito contreras & francisca zepeda/ mazamitla
387 simon pedrosa & ygnacia garcia / teocaltiche
392 nemecio cauillas (?) & josefa gallardo / mexticacan
402  gregorio alcaras & casimira quijas / teocaltiche
407 perfecto de la torre & ygnacia delgado / aguascalientes
413 rafael garcia & guadalupe olmos / analco
417 teodoro ramirez & dolores garcia / san miguel
423  jose maria montano & yldefonza chacon / ?
429 gumecindo romo & trinidad adame / rincon
434 ramon briseno & ? / san sebastian
439 ygnacio (?) & maria jesus gonzalez / teul
444 merced de haro & aleja morillo / jerez *tree 445
451 leocadio de la paz & salome silva / jalpa
459 francisco pena & juana beltran / san sebastian
465 claudio gomez & aniceta martin / lagos
471 vicente rodriguez & maria (?) / valladolid
479 mariano ybarra & josefa rodriguez / ?
484 anastacio ruelas & antonia garcia / cocula
488 merced cadena & luz gutierrez / cuquio
494 julian munoz & anastacia gomez / san miguel
504 jose maria cecilia lepe & carmen gonzalez / tecolotlan
510 ygnacio gonzalez & maria gila berumes / jerez *tree 514
518 severiano gutierrez & manuela hurtado / ?
526 trinidad godines & gregoria zaragosa / ? *tree 527
531 jose abram garcia & leandra alvarez / ameca
538 julian ramos & soledad de la rosa / totatiche
548 jose maria ramirez & nicomedes gonzalez / jalostotitlan
554 bruno flores & rafaela ortiz / ojuelos
559 ygnacio martinez & margarita lira / ojuelos *tree 564
567 benigno barba & josefa gonzalez / jalostotitlan
573 francisco galvan & lina vargas / cuquio
579 francisco avila & jesus mena / amatlan
585 luis castaneda & trinidad rubio / salinas
596 mariano chavez & ygnacia gonzalez / arandas
604 dionisio carrillo & marcelina garcia / ?
613 clemente hernandez & francisca chavez / arandas
617 justo lamas & antonia del rio / villanueva
628 domingo arambula & antonia robalcava / calvillo *tree  628
633 francisco gonzalez & trinidad becerra / tepaititlan
639 jose maria diaz & jacinta (?) / purification
641 oah 3184 fin
0 notes