casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Learning to trust by meeting up with doubt
Me: oh hey, yeah, hi, you’re here.
Doubt: Yeah, I mean, you invited me.
Me: Did I? Oh yeah, I guess I did. So, what’s up, how are you?
Doubt: I don’t think you should do this.
Me: Okay.
Doubt: You do not know what you are doing.
Me: Well-
Doubt: You are going to fuck up your whole life.
Me: Okay that’s-
Doubt: You should wait for someone to tell you what to do.
Me: Like who?
Doubt: Anyone.
Me: Anyone?
Doubt: Anyone
Me: Anyone.
Doubt. Anyone.
Me: Okay, I hear-
Doubt: Anyone.
Me: Let me speak.
Doubt: Any-
Me: I said let me speak.
Doubt: Mm.
Me: I hear you. You don’t trust me-
Doubt: No.
Me: Let me speak. You don’t trust me. But I trust me - some of the time. And I am still willing to bet on myself, and know that I will be able to get- no, grow through whatever comes my way after I do this. Okay?
Doubt: Well-
Me: And before you start talking. I see that I gave you an opening there, but I’m taking it back. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. It will be hard, probably. And I’m okay with that because I am miserable listening to you. Now, I can’t make you leave. But, goodbye. I’m going over there. I’ll see you later, I’m sure.
Doubt: You will.
Me. Yeah, you’ll see ME later.
Doubt: Uh-
Me: Yeah. I’ll see YOU later. Trust.
Doubt: Oh-
Me: Yes. Trust.
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sunflowersurvivor · 5 years
Being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse has shattered my sense of trust- especially my sense of trusting myself. I’m learning to trust myself more and not doubt every decision I make.
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