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The finest leather repair services are what we offer at Leather Repairs Bolton for all leather goods. Our leather repair professionals have years of experience and are dedicated to offering outstanding standards and characteristics in every project. We only use the best materials. We can complete the work fast and expertly, whether you need to fix stitching or cracks. Your happiness with each and every one of our goods and services is our top priority.
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bm-asian-art · 3 years
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Traveling Coffer, ca. 1250-1290, Brooklyn Museum: Asian Art
Engraved with animals and flowers in roundels against a dense floral ground. Traveler’s coffer or trunk, very generally rectangular in form, the sides, front and back gently swelling and curving under to a flat bottom; the top slightly domed, secured on the back by two metal loop hinges and on the front by a pendant flap protected by a metal plate and fitting over two metal loops to hold a lick. On the front and back each are two broad, flat loops, used to secure straps or cords tied around the trunk. The entire outside of the trunk, with the possible exception of the bottom, is covered with an elaborate graffito decoration in colored lacquer. Various colors, including red, green, yellow, gold, and white are overlaid with a layer of black and the design is cut through the black to reveal the color underneath. All visible surfaces are decorated in this manner with dense patterns and designs, while plain black covers the areas concealed by the overlapping edges of the lid. The elaborate decoration consists of variations of a number of design elements. The backgrounds are filled with dense red floral designs of five-petal flowers and small leaves springing from winding stems. On the top, back and front, these are set off against geometric ornament based on floral designs, the main area surrounded with narrow bands derived from scrolling palmetto designs. The corners of the top, back and front are accented with variations on a pointed "cloud collar: design composed of alternating simple curves and broad spirals. Each of these forms on the front and back is filled with an all-over stylized flower and leaf design. The corners of the top are filled with a "fish scale" design. The broad areas of the design are highlighted with carefully drawn roundels, each revealing at the center a pinhole from the compass used to draw the roundel borders. The rounded designs include various stylized six- and eight-petal flowers, flower and leaf medallions, and an axially symmetrical abstract design possibly representing two birds circling each other. In the center of the back panel is a four-pointed medallion depicting a goose flying with a long stalk of grass in its beak. On the front is a similar panel showing a mythological lion chasing a brocade ball with long trailing ribbons. An on the top is a panel with two circling "fenghuang" Chinese phoenixes, distinguished by details of their plumage as male and female. Under the flap on the front is a 13-character inscription, also cut through the black top layer of color, reading "Wenzhou xinhejie anningfang xia Ou jia shenghuo", that is "Made by the Ou family of Wenzhou, Xinhe street, Anning ward." Song (960-1279) and Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) lacquers with inscriptions noting their place of manufacture, including Wenzhou in Zhejiang province have been excavated in China in recent years. An 1147 description of the Northern Song capital at Kaifeng specifically mentions lacquer transported approximately 600 miles from Wenzhou. Condition: The trunk has been cleaned and conserved by Roger Bolton-Smith, London. In general the lacquer surfaces have been consolidated over areas of loss or major repair with plain black. Size: 17 1/4 x 29 x 16 1/4 in. (43.8 x 73.7 x 41.3 cm) Medium: Lacquer over leather, bamboo, wood, with metal mounts
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Tuesday 15 May 1838
6 10/..
12 35/..
rainy morning F56° at 7 10 – breakfast, and off to visiter les travaux intérieurs de la houillère  de Ste. Marguerite at 8 10 – drove there in 6 minutes the staith being just out of the barrier ......... (right) – commodious yard, sheds etc not many coals up – 3 long brick chimneys – for the pumping engine 100 horse power works (pumps) 48 hours per week – the pulling engine 40 horse power – and the air chimney or vent – shewn into the bureau of the clerk or accountant or what? very civil man –expecting us – we had thought of going down in the panier – the clerk evidently for our going down by the echelles – (ladders) – more safe – had known accidents happen the other way – the chain had broken it seemed some onetime or more since the putting up of the engine – perhaps he thought we should feel sick en descendant – for A-‘s sake he was right – we had brought each a blue blouse from the hotel  and A- a casquette and I my velvet travelling cap (my Mt. Perdu cap given by Lady S. de R-) I gladly took a miners’ leather hat offered by the clerk – the gown well tied up right round the waste [waist] under the blouse and a Davy or safety lamp tied with a strongish cord round our middle 2 doll figures (accompanied by a man and intelligent French speaking youth belonging to the establishment and within his old coat and cap) down we set off at 8 ½ by the ladders common ladders but very good and safe – I should guess the steps to be about 18in. long sticks and about 12 in. distant from each other –
 and perhaps the ladders about 5 yards long? – we got down very well for several ladders till my lamp (quincaille) not being fast enough tied, slipped off and fell down 3 or 4 ladders with a great noise which (poor A- not understanding) rather unnerved her – the lad went 1st then I, then A- and then the man, then George – we could not have fallen down more than 1 ladder even had we slipped for at the foot of each ladder is  a narrow landing as at a, c, e so that we might have fallen without being killed or even very much hurt – but on turning into one of the souterrains at the foot I think the land said the 17th ladder (the depth however = 120 metres = 240 yards +) A- seemed tired and complained of great fatigue in her arms – (she had leaned too much on them in taking hold of the steps as she descended) and after examining the passage where we were (along the last 2/3 of the ladders it had been very wet from the drip of the sides of the excavation) she thought she had better return as we had not descended to ½ the depth – she was right – I put her under the especial care of the man – he returned with her quite safely and I found her just washed and dressed and comfortable on my return home – she said the returning was much less fatiguing than going down and she really did not seem very much tired – however she was poorly sometime afterwards from about 1 ½ till after 4 when we went to see the opening of the exposition of pictures at the musée old church of St. André – said she did not feel quite well on getting up this morning – as soon as I had seen A- well off en route au jour , I and the lad and George set off again downwards – and at 9 20 we were at the bottom  our speed having nearly doubled since poor A- had left us – I felt as if I had got into the habit of going down, and as if sorry that the 140ft. below us could not be visited because full of water – old works – the reservoir for the water in the intervals of pumping –we had arrived at the lading place at the bottom of the shaft at 9 20 – where the men were unloading the little wagons dragged by men the 1st 80 yards from where got up to the Galloway gate where the horses (15 hands high – 4 ½ ft. of this country or France) dragged waggons 4 at a time to the lading place 8 or 9ft. high a sort of cavern where about 4 men had charge of the un-lading and re-lading into waggon holding 2 of the others ready for the pulling up – we visited les écuries – 15 horses – and looked about – then proceeded some way along the Galloway gate – which except in the higher parts every now and then and where the waggons could pass – might be about 5ft. high and 6ft. wide for some distance the roof was timbered by the greater part was quite sufficient to support itself – a close hard smooth scale [widening] cut the right bate of the stone (according to the national cleavage) – it was extremely hot  - and the road a little sludgy – we were soon put into a train of empty return waggons, and went the rest of the way very agreeably tho’ rather joltingly – a distance of 800 metres from the lading place to where the men were working – about ½ dozen in that spot – others working in different places communicating with this main gate – which might be in general about 5ft. high and 6ft. wide – and perhaps 6ft. high and 8ft. wide and sometimes more in the passing places, where the men often changed the horses from the one train to the other – the bed where we descended to the quatre pieds (the lowest working) was not always of so great thickness the ‘veine’called ‘morais’ is the nest above this – In the 4 pieds bed, the bottom steward told me (he joined us on our getting to the bottom and is the father of the lad who had descended with us) that a man would get fourteen of the small waggons a day = seven of the large waggons which might hold perhaps four of our corves .:. a man would get 28 corves a day, working from 3am to noon = nine hours, and reckon the 28 corves = 3 tons for which he is paid 38 sols – or, the bottom steward said, 38 sols a day – and he himself had four florin a day = about 8 fr. 160 sols – but then he has the superintendence of all the workings and altogether about 150 men employed and under his management – I did not learn how many in the 4 pieds – or how many in the marais or next bed above – about 100 men get coal – and he afterwards said about 70 were employed from 12 at noon (I suppose till 9 which would be this shift or time of working) in making and keeping in repair the roads etc. (straight work? etc) Returned dans le panier – the great square box that would hold 2 of the smaller waggons? or more for it held the bottom steward and lad and myself and George very commodiously and was about breast high – perhaps 4ft. or ft. 6in. square and about 4ft. or 4ft. 6in. deep? – I was too much tired up to get easily to my watch but the man said we should be drawn up in 6 minutes and it seemed about that time and I was at the top again at 11 25 – I should think the pit must be about 5 yards by 3 ½ to 4 yards? – I think we passed 4 openings, or workings opening into the pit – very little tubbing and very nice dry shaft – an [apparently] about 3/4in. iron rod from top to bottom pulls (rings) a bell at the top by which means they know when to let down the panier and when not – a terribly dirty figure and my blouse wet, as also my black stuff petticoat all below the blouse – washed my face and hands put on my cloak to cover all, and went into the bureau with my friend the bottom steward to see the plan of the workings – very extensive – but I could make no near guess as to the quantity of ground worked – perhaps double the length of the Galloway gate or main gate by ½ its length in breadth or 1600 metres x 400 =........ gave the clerk 20fr. and he immediately gave the ½ of it in my presence to the bottom steward, the latter seemed exceedingly pleased, the former said his thank-you so that I fancied he had expected more, but on afterwards asking our landlord, I found I had paid handsomely – the carriage was waiting for me – home at 12 and ordered a fire – A- very glad to see me back – I was more wet from heat than from the water that had fallen on me – had everything to change, and so begin getting all my things out and dressing that it was 2 before I was quite dressed again – then got our boiler to make hot wine and water for A- who was now beginning to be poorly and M. Mathiolis’ coming and talking very loud for an hour knocked her up – shewed him our water boiler and he shewed us a coffee-maker – a sort of still heated by spirit of wine – had cost him 40/. and the silver plates for strainers (tin not good for coffee to stand long in) perhaps would be 10/. more – had not paid for them – Madame Mathioli to go with us at 4 to see the opening of the exhibition of pictures at the musée (old church of St- Andrè) – went to the bookseller in the corner of this Place (St. Lambert) Jacques Desoer for ¼ hour
and bought Granvilles’ Spas of Germany 2 vols. 12mo. 7fr. then with our host and hostess at 4 25 for 1 ½ hour to see the pictures and company – the former not particularly good – the latter the elite of the people in Liège – the burgomaster read a discourse of several pages which lasted about near ½ hour – sitting at a table of green with the governor of the town on his right, and several other gentlemen seated at the table, among the colonel (in uniform) commanding the regiment of Chasseurs now here several ladies seated on chairs ranged at a little distance round the table – unluckily I had not got a chair so that A- and I and our host and hostess all the while – a band of music played at intervals – I was glad of his opportunity of seeing the people – never saw a plainer set of ladies – not one pretty – from the musée M. and Madame M- took us to see the small but very choice collection of pictures at the house of comte d’Outrement (the comte himself at Rome now) – a good Murillo (Madonna and child a Madonna by Guido Remi – a couple of Titians – ditto ditto of Rubens etc. – then looked at M. Mathiolis’ Murillo – would sell it for 1600fr. – a Mr. Alexander Morro had bid him 1500fr. – shewed us his Anglo-French letter – a Mr. William Bolton clericus at Bruges had offered 2000 fr. but on conditions no accepted – shewed us his terribly bad French letter – then went to the bookseller to pay for the Saps of Germany – home at 7 – good dinner (much better than yesterday) at 7 ½ to 9 then A- and I asleep for an hour – had nearly finished our yesterday’s bottle of Hermitage blanc, and drank a demie bouteille of champagne – A- had Oddy – we then set off, and ate 7 oranges a piece after which A- too two pills till 11 20 at which hour F56° - rainy morning till about 9 am afterwards fair finish day
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Complete Chapter 3
of the Wildling and Her Kneeler. 
Sansa was waiting for him, just as she said she would be. Jon told his guards to stay back, and he and Ghost strode forward and met her at the bottom of the hill again. Her direwolf growled softly, and Ghost growled in return, but neither moved from their masters side.
"Good day, Sansa," he greeted her.
"What did your Northern Lords say?" she asked.
He chuckled. "I'm well, thank you. And you?"
She frowned. "King Jon--"
"Just call me Jon," he said. "The Night's Watch is sending  a man with information to speak with us directly about the White Walkers. The Lord Commander has confirmed what you told us."
She nodded slowly. "But your Northern Lords don't believe it still."
"They'll take some convincing, but I believe you. I believe Edd."
"Edd - the Lord Commander?"
She threw him a withering look. "You only believe me because you believe him. You thought I was making up stories to get land. I don't want your lands, King Jon. The Free Folk want freedom as we always have. We've no use for castles and lords. We just want to live and be safe."
"And from one leader to another, I understand what it means to want to protect your people. How many would be able to fight when the White Walkers come?"
"A thousand. Not the children of course. But we are a group of warriors, even the women." She held her head high, clearly proud.
"I can see that you are a warrior," he murmured, looking her over appreciatively. He could see her trousers again today, and the leather she wore with buckles and straps hugging the material to her body. She had a knife strapped to her leg.
He looked up at her, his blood stirred. "We'll have to work out the details," he said huskily. "See what repairs need to be done at Dreadfort."
"Dreadfort? Is that what that monstrosity is called?”
“Are you offering your services for making repairs, King Jon?" asked with a smirk.
"Jon," he reminded her. "Just Jon. You despise kneelers and titles, remember?"
"Ah, but I know you have use of them."
"I don't," he said. Before she could question him about that, he asked, "When would you like to ride out to Dreadfort?"
"Should we not wait until everyone is in agreement that we can stay there?"
"You'll stay," he said. "I'll do them this courtesy, but you'll stay."
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Just like that?"
He met her gaze and held it. “Just like that.”
“Are there conditions?”
“Perhaps,” he said with a slow predatory smile. “I suppose you’ll just have to meet me tomorrow at Dreadfort so I can let you know what they are.”
Her brow arched, but she oddly looked amused and unsurprised. “Fine then. Same time as yesterday…Jon.”
And then she headed up the hill and Jon wished they were going to Dreadfort today instead of tomorrow, just so he could spend a little more time with her.
“Well?” Ygritte, Sansa’s “sister” asked her when she returned to camp. Her people, made their way closer, wanting to know what their ultimate fate was going to be.
Yrgitte, her bright red hair pulled back from her face at the sides and left to hang loose and a bit unkempt down her back, slipped an arrow into its sheath at her back and planted her hands on her hips. “What did the kneeler say?”
“He’s going to let us stay at Dreadfort,” Sansa replied. “That’s what the castle and it’s lands are called.”
“That sounds a wee bit scary,” Tormund, a big hulking Wildling also with bright red hair, said. “All the women are free to stay with me in my room for protection!” He laughed raucously and there were a few laughs that rippled through the group.
“Come, sister,” Ygritte said. “Tell everyone your news.”
Sansa nodded as she made her way to a boulder that Tormund and Ygritte had to help her onto. She found her footing, made sure she was stable, and smiled down at her people.
“I come with good news!” she said, voice raised to make sure they could all hear her. “We will be able to stay at the castle!”
A mixed response followed - some cheered, others remained silent.  
“What will he make us do as payment?” Val, the best spearwife next to Ygritte asked as she came forward. Her blonde hair was braided back from her face and her blue eyes were sharp and wary.
“We fight when the time comes,” Sansa replied. Though I have a feeling he might ask more from me.
Val’s mouth turned down; she looked wary. She and Ygritte shared a look.
“And what about the Northern bastards?” someone Sansa couldn’t see shouted.
“They’ll abide by what their King says,” Sansa returned.
“Do you really believe that?” Someone else shouted.
“What would you have me do then?” Sansa demanded. “We came to this agreement--”
“Not all of us!” a voice rasped from the middle of the crowd.
“Let your leader speak!” Ygritte shouted, narrowing her eyes at the crowd. Several shifted away from her.
Sansa nodded at her in thanks. “This was what the majority of us wanted to do,” she continued to the crowd. “What we planned. Do you prefer to face the White Walkers here in the woods when they march?”
Silence fell.
“We have much to fear from lords and kings, too!” Orell, in the front told her, loud enough for people to hear.
“You’ll have much more to fear if you don’t shut your mouth,” Tormund warned him.
“It’s all right, Tormund,” Sansa said. “He’s afraid.” She looked out at the sea of faces. The people her father had trained her to lead should something happen to him.
Something had.
White Walkers had killed him and the men he’d been with while on a scouting mission. Sansa had been the first to see her father’s body, his legs and his torso in two different places. That day, Sansa had fought her first White Walker, and she vowed that she would not let them best her or her people.
“We are fierce!” she told the crowd. “We are strong! Are we not?”
A half-hearted whoop went through the crowd.
“We have much more to fear from those creatures who took my father from us. A bunch of kneelers are no match for what’s coming, for what we’ve seen and what some of us have fought. All of us together can handle a bunch of cunts in fancy castles!”
Now they cheered in agreement and Sansa knew she had them.
“We will fight!” she shouted. “And we will win!”
Now they whooped whole-heartedly and Sansa smiled. “And we will band together as a people as we always have!”
Another cheer.
“Let’s celebrate!” Tormund shouted and that garnered a loud raucous cheer that left Sansa smiling.
Tormund helped her down from the rock and he smiled at her, his eyes crinkling at his sides. “You do your father proud,” he told her.
She smiled. “Thank you, Tormund.”
“You get the first drink,” he said and tugged on her hand to march her through the crowd.
Sansa would happily take that drink, and many more, in celebration. For the first time since she’d seen the gruesome sight of her father’s remains almost three moons ago now, she felt hope.
The following afternoon, Jon eagerly dismounted his horse when he saw Sansa appear through the castle gates. He started forward, his soldiers following behind him along with Lord Royce and Lady Mormont. He’d told them his plan to meet with Sansa at Dreadfort so she could see the castle, and told them if they wanted to take her measure, they could accompany him. They’d agreed to do so.
Jon stopped his stride when he saw Sansa had brought her own people with her: two women and a rather large man with wild red hair and even wilder blue eyes. Jon could tell when a man was sizing him up, and this man was. Jon stared back, letting him know that he was not afraid.
The man said something to Sansa and she looked at him sharply while the two women with her laughed. Sansa and the other two women made a striking group, all beautiful in their own way, but it was Sansa who commanded his attention.
When they were a few feet away, she stopped. The giant man was at her right. The two women at her left. “King Jon,” she said.
“Sansa,” he said and nodded his head. “Welcome to Dreadfort.”
Her gaze flickered to Lord Royce and Lady Mormont. “You’ve brought company.”
“I have. Sansa, this is Lord Royce and Lady Mormont.”
“A lord and a lady,” Sansa murmured.
“How old is the little lady anyway?” the giant man asked. “Is she a ruler of her own lands?”
“Aye, I am,” Lady Mormont said with a glare of warning.
“Fuck me, they get them young, don’t they?” the giant man muttered.
Jon might have laughed under other circumstances. But he knew how well that would go over with Lord Royce and Lady Mormont so he wisely kept his mouth shut. Besides, he was wondering exactly what this man was to Sansa. He watched her discreetly nudge him and he grinned at her, which caused her to smile.
“We’d like to thank you for this opportunity to meet with you,” Sansa said, her head held high.
She was good at this, Jon observed. This was why she was in charge and not the giant next to her.
“I’d like to introduce you to my family...of sorts,” she said and gestured to the giant. “Tormund.” She gestured to the women. “Val is next to me, and Ygritte is next to her.”
“My but he’s a pretty King,” Ygritte said boldly, staring at Jon.
Jon did a double take; he hadn’t been expecting that. He cleared his throat. “Perhaps we could take this inside and see what we may be working with.”
Everyone agreed and Jon led the way. He looked over his shoulder at Sansa, still flanked by Tormund, Val, and Ygritte, and wondered if he would be able to get her alone at all that day.
Being outside Dreadfort had been hard enough, but being the castle where the Bolton’s had turned on them all and slew Robb right in front of him was harder.
He could still see Robb sliding to the floor, a sword through his heart. Those bastards had thought to stage a sneak attack, but they hadn’t counted on Jon’s mistrust of the Bolton’s and him insisting on bringing soldiers with them. What could have been a complete massacre had ended with Roose Bolton and his son Ramsay dead, and those who hadn’t been killed, fleeing for their lives.
Jon had made sure to track every single traitor down and kill them slowly. Painfully.
Just as he had Joffrey Lannister for killing his father and his mother.
Shaking himself out of the memories, he turned away from the spot in the great hall where Robb had been murdered and looked around, assessing the place with a critical eye. “It will need some work to be habitable.”
“If we agree to let you stay,” Lord Royce said, eyeing Tormund.
Sansa arched a brow. “I’m sure you have questions,” she said. She glanced at Lady Mormont. “Both of you. About White Walkers.”
“Aye,” Lady Mormont said. “Many.”
Jon, meanwhile, was trying to push down the memories of the slaughter this room saw. It was hard. Just when he thought he had moved on…
“Let’s move into the library,” he said quickly, and rushed ahead, leaving no chance for argument. Not that he expected to get one. He was the King after all, and that came with some perks.
He led them down the hall and into an equally larger room that didn’t have much in the way of books, but was at least a bit warmer than the hall had been, and had some comfortable looking chairs.
“Let’s sit,” he said and sat first, as was customary, near the fireplace that held no fire.
They all followed suit, adjusting chairs that had more or less already been set up around the fire.
“Well, Lord Royce and Lady Mormont,” Sansa began. “What would you like to know?”
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At Leather Repairs Bolton, we provide the best leather repair services for all kinds of leather products. We use only the highest quality materials and our experienced leather repair technicians are committed to providing remarkable standards and qualities in every job. Whether you need to repair cracks or stitching, we can get it done quickly and professionally
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For our customers we offer leather repairs at our car and leather repair facility in Rochdale UK. A ton went to the development your leather goods and it just finds a way to keep them in top condition. One of these means is fixing your merchandise before the harm ends up irreversible. In any case the sort of harm your leather met, our progressed and talented professionals give you master work that you expect from us.
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I just love books. I like collecting them, reading them, writing them, and even repairing them. I started some years ago assembling my legacy library, full of ancient and medieval history, early technology, philosophy, religion, 19th, 18th, and 17th century literature. I am trying to get a hold on learning to read Latin and spent no small amount of money on very old books in that language so as to have some “skin” in the endeavor. “O or m, s, t, mus tis unt....” you Latin language students all know that chant! I learned the rudiments of book binding from a master craftsman by the name of George Baer who lived retired in Bolton Landing (think Lake George). This was back in 1972. Then there came college, marriage, raising the kids, and working almost every day. Not much time for book binding. Then...59 ½ came and I could get into my retirement savings. I had a 30 by 32 steel building built with a polished cement floor, gas fireplace (wood smoke is bad for books), wall space for paintings and copperplate engravings, Persian rugs, AND, plenty of room for 300 feet of book shelves. They are nearly filled to capacity already. Most books past 200 years of age come to me in rather bad shape. The leather covers, if still present, almost always are broken off the text block, due to the dried out old leather giving out at the hinges. There are sometimes stains, from being partly immersed in floods, spines scorched by fires, and some are in such a state that, to make them readable, I would have to totally dismantle them, re-join the pages, sew them back into a book, and put a new leather or book cloth cover on them. I'm sure I would cringe if I could hear the story of what some of the books I have reconstructed went through during their two or three century lives. On the other hand, the quality of the linen based paper of the really old books is often so good, well, I have a 1652 copy of Thomas Fuller's The Holy State, the pages of which are as porcelain white as what you may have just put into the tray of your copier. As I was typing this blog into my computer, I took a second to glance at a 2011 newspaper clipping of me when I finished my third book, PITUS PESTON AND THE LOOSE END. It sets in the frame on my wall the color of weak tea. The difference in quality between old and new screams at me sometimes. Restoring books has to be something that you love to do. The work is often tedious. What keeps the fire in my belly from going out? If I do a good job of it, there is a very good chance that the three or four hundred-year-old tome I rescue from perdition may get to be read by someone in the 23rd or 24th century. Maybe even some Jean-Luc Piccard will take it for a ride into space! Read the full article
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mamosefan · 7 years
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We’d Up And Fly If We Had Wings For Flying 1/?
Originally written for the @jonxsansaremix Summary: Another bastard finds a home within the halls of Winterfell. Canon Divergent. A Robin Hood AU.
So @sansapotter reminded me that I started this little nugget for last year’s Remix. In true Emmy form, it is incomplete...but dagnabbit I will finish it one of these days! In the meantime, here’s the first chapter.
Before they set out from the Gates of the Moon, father gifts her with a fine new cloak.
It is a pretty thing, lined thick with sable, and fastened together with a silver broach inlaid with moonstones. She thinks it too fine for a bastard girl, no matter how beloved, but Alayne accepts it with a smile and an obedient kiss to father’s whiskered cheek.
She dons it over her riding clothes the morning they are to leave, desperately trying to quiet the secret part of her heart that calls for another cloak, the one that was promised to her.
“They will love their Young Falcon…and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden’s cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back” father had said. “Why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright.”
But in the end, father has no need of Harold Hardyng or the sword of any Vale knight. All he needs do is wait.
Wait for the Boltons and Stannis Baratheon to destroy each other on some lonely field outside Winterfell. Wait for the Tyrells and Martells to put aside past grievances and rally behind the Stormland’s Mummer Dragon. Wait for the Iron Fleet to fill Blackwater Bay. Wait for Queen Cersei to be desperate enough for Littlefinger’s aid that she would reward him with his heart’s desire.
Father placates her with talk of setting things right in time, of restoring her to her birthright, but it is Littlefinger who says the words, not father or Lord Petyr, and Littlefinger is not to be trusted.
“Harrenhal and Winterfell both,” she overhears Ser Albar scoff over his ale one night. “The queen has honored our lord Littlefinger with two ruins.” Those around him laugh at the jape. There are few in the Vale who will mourn the loss of their Lord Protector.
Still, there are some that will be sorry to see Alayne go.
Myranda Royce with her teasing and bawdy jests. Dear Mya Stone, dressed in leathers with straw in her hair. Alayne’s lord, her Harry. Though he is not hers, she reminds herself. Not anymore.
And Sweetrobin. Sweetrobin, she knows, will miss her most of all.
Alayne is alarmed when she first learns father intends to leave the boy with Lord Royce. She did not think he would be willing to part with Sweetrobin after fighting to remain his guardian. Father only smiles at her protests, gently insisting that Lord Arryn’s rightful place is in the Vale.
The Lords Declarent are pleased by this turn in their favor, but as Alayne watches Sweetrobin fiercely embrace his stepfather in farewell, tears running down his pallid little face, she wonders if they truly have reason to be happy. Sweetrobin holds a great affection for Alayne and her father both. Lord Royce may have succeeded in separating his liege lord from Lord Baelish’s control, but the boy he takes to Runestone now will be harder to sway than the one he sought to foster after Lady Arryn’s death.
Love is poison, she remembers. And the loyalties that spring forth from love are more poisonous still.
Alayne wants to weep when they first ride through Winterfell’s gates.
From the Kingsroad the outer walls stand solidly against the snows, but the keep within is nothing more than a burned shell. Broken stone and charred wood lay everywhere blanketed by thick drifts of snow and ice tinged grey with ash.
Alayne recalls another Winterfell, one crafted from snow and memory in a garden above the clouds. It too was a ruin now, crushed beneath Sweetrobin’s heel in a fit of temper.
Few of the rooms in the Great Keep are truly habitable, but father offers her the pick of them. She chooses a small cell tucked off of the spiral stair that leads to the long corridor of family rooms. It is a humble place that can boast a hearth and a narrow bed, but little else. Father balks at her choice but she insists the room will suit. After all, it has housed a bastard of Winterfell once before.
The Boltons had started on improvements to the keep. A new roof was raised over the Great Hall, and rows of barracks were erected near the armory. Most else remains in ill repair, the Boltons’ efforts halted from lack of coin and men. Father has plenty of both.
He wastes no time, setting immediately to finishing what the Boltons had begun. Each day great sledges bearing timber felled in the Wolfswood are pulled through the Hunter’s Gate to be fashioned into beams and rails and shingles. The fires in the forge burn warm against the chill as the smith father brought all the way from Gulltown hammers together hinges and supports.
A fire is kept blazing in the Great Hall at all hours. The serving women of father’s household gather there, weaving fresh rushes and bundling straw for thatching. Alayne sits with them most days with a basket of mending at her feet.
She misses Mya and Myranda and her life at the Gates desperately, but she is not so alone here, surrounded by the women’s gossip and laughter. The serving girls are much too timid to make a friend of her but they let her sit amongst them easily enough.
“...fifty or more they found,” says Pale Meg, as they gather close to the fire one afternoon. She is the boldest of the kitchen girls, a girl of seven-and-ten with hair the color of straw. “Some were missing eyes, others fingers, but all had the skin flayed clean from their back.” She pauses a moment, and the others press closer to hang on her words with morbid fascination. Alayne listens too, her needle stilled in her hand. “They weren’t nothing pretty to look upon and the Lady Bolton was the worst of the lot. The dogs had been at her.”
“Stop tellin’ tales!” one of the other girls scolds her face gone sickly white.
“It’s the truth!” Meg insists. “Tom told me hisself! He were there when they found ‘em. His lordship had the bodies burned. But you can still see the blood,” she confides, her voice dropping to a salacious whisper. “It’s stained the flagstones, thick and dark as pitch. No amount of scrubbing’ll lift it. There’s a dark curse upon it.”
A titter of anxious whispers break among the group, their work momentarily forgotten. Alayne is quiet. She grips the pair of hose she mends so tightly she tears the seam.
That night she dreams of blood.
It pours in thick rivets down the spiral stair of the Great Keep. It drips from arrow slits and merlons onto the yard below. It fills the Great Hall and trickles under the thick oak doors. It floods her humble cell, rising and rising until it covers her in her bed. It stains her bed linens and her nightrail, creeping closer like crimson fingers set to choke the breath from her throat.
She leaves the keep just as first light crests over the outer walls. Her dream hangs about her, heavier than the bearskin mantle she pulled over her shoulders when she fled from her bed. She makes for the godswood on silent feet.
Alayne is a stranger to these gods. She was raised in a Motherhouse. Born into the light of the Seven. Still, she does not fear this place. She is content as she weaves through the ash and hawthorn and soldier pines, the path familiar. She reaches the hearttree and her heart sings to find the carved face unchanged.
The Boltons did not destroy this at least.
She seats herself at the base of the weirwood in the same place Eddard Stark had often sat in prayer. Above her the bone white branches sag heavily under the weight of a hundred dark shadows.
Maester Luwin’s ravens.
Alayne had overheard Maester Medrick despair of it to father. The rookery is naught but ash and the birds will not be coaxed from their perch.
They can sense the evil that lingers here, Alayne thinks, remembering Pale Meg’s talk of curses.
She draws a hand to the face of the hearttree. Her fingers touch the red sap, so similar to the blood that haunted her sleep.
She snatches her hand back, her heart seizing in her chest. For a moment it sounded as if…
But it cannot be. Brandon Stark is dead. Killed by the turncloak Theon Greyjoy. Another ghost to walk the halls of Winterfell.
She places a tentative hand upon the bark, willing to hear the voice again but the only sound is the creak of branches and the restless flutter of wings overhead.
On their journey North, their ship had made port in White Harbor.
Lord Manderly feasted the new Warden of the North and his company upon their arrival.
Alayne was seated well below the salt, as was proper, but even from her vantage point she could see Lord Wyman had looked worn and sickly. He’d suffered injury when he was last called to Winterfell. Freys, it was said, were at fault. An anger that did not belong to her welled in Alayne’s breast and she scowled when she heard one of her father’s men make jests about ‘Lord Too-Fat-To-Sit-A-Horse’.
Father had hoped to find a kinship with the Manderlys. They were the most Southron of the Northern houses, with their knights and septons. The most likely to welcome a Southroner as their leal lord.
Father was to be disappointed.
Lord Wyman was not so great a fool to openly challenge father’s claim to the North, but when the time came for toast-making the effusive mentions to the memory of House Stark quickly dampened any overtures of friendship father made. Still, for all their pretty speeches, the Manderlys were not so loyal to the Starks as to refuse father’s coin when offered.
A deal was struck. Father would be allowed to freely make use of their port, in exchange he would grant them a portion of the Bolton holdings. Lord Manderly even provided an escort of knights to accompany their party to Winterfell as a show of good faith.
Alayne knows that father does not trust the Manderlys after all that had passed at the Merman’s Court.
“But they are too weakened by that folly with Stannis to be a danger,” he assures her, reaching across the wheelhouse to squeeze her hand. “So long as I dangle the Dreadfort within his grasp and my ship’s tariffs line his pocket, Lord Wyman will play my game.”
Alayne is not so certain.
They have been at Winterfell nearly two moons when the first of the wagons arrive.
Alayne watches eagerly as crates of apples, sacks of barley and oats, casks of wine, and all manner of things are unloaded into the main courtyard. After a poor harvest and two sieges, the keep is poorly provisioned. Father sent his fastest ship South for this bounty.
It is not enough, Alayne thinks grimly, watching as the barrels and crates are added to their meager stores. Father is a kinder castellan than the Ironborn or the Boltons but they are not prepared for the hardships ahead.
Winter is coming.
Already smallfolk flock to the Winter Town. Hastily cobbled hovels of sod and straw and sticks sprout around the outskirts of the village daily as more souls seek the protection of the keep.
Alayne does what she can, finding places for kitchen boys and scullery maids in her father’s service. There are many who are orphaned and alone from the wars. She hires as many as she dares, but there are not positions enough at Winterfell to take in every hungry mouth that comes to their gates.
Once, over a private supper in his solar, she suggests father rebuild the glass gardens.
“I think not, sweetling.” He frowns, wiping his hands clean on a cloth. “Good quality glass is worth more than gold, and the men who craft it even more so. There are far better uses for my coin at present, hmm?”
He chucks her under the chin affectionately, the matter closed.
Stone by stone the castle is restored to its former glory. Soon it is nearly identical to the Winterfell of her memories...save for the mockingbird banners that fill the keep.
They fly over the parapets and against the outer walls. They line the corridors and the head of the Great Hall. A flock of fifty or more, each stitched by a hand other than her own.
Alayne tries to avoid looking at them, tries to stifle the treacherous voice within her that cries out “They do not belong here!”
She holds her tongue. She is a good daughter. The prettiest bird in her father’s keeping.
Father likes to keep her pretty. Along with the wagons of grain and stores come bolts of silk and lace, baubles and trinkets of every kind. She keeps theses fine things ferreted away in her room, out of sight. None in the North have yet to see past the layers of Alayne. She’d rather not draw any undue notice if she can help it.
One night, Father bids her to wear some of her gifted finery. He chooses the gown and jewels himself, selecting a dress cut of dark blue velvet and chain studded with onyx and pearl.
Alayne soon finds the reason. There are guests in the keep. Lord Robett Glover and his ward, the newly named Lord Hornwood.
A modest feast is held in the Great Hall. Alayne sits below the high table, but close enough that she can observe their visitors easily.
She absently sips from her cup of mulled wine and watches Lord Robett speak with her father. He is a hard looking man, his hair streaked generously with grey and his eyes sharp as flint chips. He is courteous enough with father, but he never smiles.
His ward is less guarded in his displeasure. A reedy lad nearing four-and-ten, Larence Hornwood pokes sullenly at his pease and venison, speaking little and ignoring the pointed glares from his guardian every time he asks for his wine cup to be refilled.
Alayne had the truth of it from the serving girl who was sent to help her with her hair before the feast. The boy was Halys Hornwood’s bastard get, raised up by King Tommen as his heir. It was her father’s doing, though from the way the young lordling looks at Lord Baelish, she wonders if he is at all grateful for the act.
At her father’s suggestion, Lord Hornwood sulkily rises to ask for her hand when the dancing starts. Alayne accepts with her most winning smile. She has played this game before.
It is not until they take their places on the floor that she sees the apprehension that lies behind the lordling’s scowls.
“I’ve never been very good at this,” he confesses when he steps on her toes a second time.
“Fear not, my lord,” Alayne says cheerily, a teasing twist to her lips. “I’ll see to it we both finish the dance upright and untrodden.”
He stares at her a moment, startled out of his sulk. Alayne begins to fear she’s caused insult when the lad chuckles.
“See that you do, lady.”
Lord Hornwood appears as sullen as ever when he returns to his seat, but Alayne does not miss the shy glances he casts her way from time to time.
Nearly a sennight after the Glover party departs for Hornwood, Alayne is roused from her bed by the sound of mail and boots on the spiral stair outside her door. Donning a robe, she quietly follows the direction of the footsteps to the door of her father’s solar. She hesitates, uncertain whether to knock or return to her chamber. She’s decided to tread back to the warmth of her own bed when the sound of raised voices from within stops her in her tracks.
“And Manderly’s men?” her father demands. Alayne has seldom heard him sound so cross.
“The Manderly escort only went as far as the fork in the White Knife.” Alayne recognizes the answering voice Ser Lothor Brune, father’s captain of the guard. “My lord, you don’t suppose…”
Father laughs sharply.
“I suspect our Lord Wyman is capable of a great deal, but I do not think even he would stoop to highway robbery. Besides, what purpose would it serve? If he wanted steal from me, why not seize the goods the moment they came into the harbor? Why go to the mummery of providing an escort only set upon them on the Kingsroad?”
“As you say, my lord.” Ser Lothor pauses a moment. “And what of the other matter? The bastard?”
Alayne strains to hear, her pulse quickening. Surely they did not think Lord Hornwood involved in such a scheme?
“The North has been improperly governed for too long,” Father says, his voice more measured than before. “I dare say we shall see more of these outlaws and their ilk. They will be dealt with accordingly.”
“And Jon Snow?”
The name sends Alayne’s heart hammering in her ears so loudly she nearly misses father’s terse reply.
“As I said, he will be dealt with accordingly.”
To be continued…
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Narrow Escape: Caring for Equine Barn Fire Survivors
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/narrow-escape-caring-for-equine-barn-fire-survivors/
Narrow Escape: Caring for Equine Barn Fire Survivors
Horses that survive barn fires could sustain serious injuries ranging from burns to smoke-related respiratory issues, many of which have long-term debilitating consequences.
Photo: iStock
Just because a horse survives a barn fire doesn't mean he's out of harm's way
In March 2016, Grateful Pride was in training at the South Florida Trotting Center, in Lake Worth, Florida, when fire swept through his barn. Amid the flames and the smoke and the chaos, the 2-year-old Standardbred broke out of his stall and galloped to another barn on the Trotting Center campus. 
“He was evidently looking for a safe place to go,” recalls Grateful Pride’s trainer, Jeff Stout. “He’s a smart horse. Really, he saved himself.”
All told, grooms, farm managers, and trainers were able to rescue 11 horses from the blazing barn before the building’s roof caved in. The 12 horses still inside died.
Scott Swerdlin, DVM, MRCVS, president of Palm Beach Equine Clinic, in Wellington, Florida, says Grateful Pride was lucky to survive not only the blaze but also the complicated recovery process. In his more than 30 years of practice, Swerdlin has treated several fire survivors, including two injured in a high-profile barn fire at the Gulfstream Polo Club in 2013 that claimed eight Thoroughbreds.
“Only about 40% of horses involved in barn fires survive,” he says. “And of those, only 15% make full recoveries—that is, that they can return to the work they did before the fire.” Recovery can take more than a year, he adds, and become very expensive. 
Even post-recovery, says Swerdlin, many still bear the scars of the experience; they’ve sustained serious injuries ranging from burns to smoke-related respiratory issues, many of which have long-term debilitating consequences. But burns top the list of most common barn fire injuries among survivors, says Swerdlin’s colleague, Bryan Dubynsky, DVM. 
Battling the Burn
Burns are categorized as first-, second-, third-, and fourth-degree, depending on the layers of skin and tissue affected. First-degree burns damage the first layer of skin, causing superficial skin and hair loss but no blistering. These burns generally heal quickly and with minimal treatment. Burns that involve the first and second layers of skin are categorized as superficial partial-thickness burns. Those that injure deeper skin layers are second-degree deep partial-thickness burns. Second-degree burns are generally not life-threatening, but they require cleaning and more involved treatment, especially when blisters break. 
Third-degree or full-thickness burns injure all layers of the skin and the tissue beneath. Finally, fourth-degree burns penetrate all skin layers and damage muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and bones. Both third- and fourth-degree burns can be life-­threatening. 
In addition to its depth, a burn’s severity depends on how much flesh is affected. Dubynsky says most barn fire survivors sustain burn injuries over the back, withers, and croup. And that’s exactly where Grateful Pride’s burns were.
“Grateful Pride had a burn down the center of his back 6 inches wide and 12 inches long,” Stout recalls. “It was not a deep burn, but I cannot imagine that kind of pain.”
Generally, veterinarians treat burn victims immediately with intravenously administered fluids to prevent dehydration. “Horses that are burned lose a huge amount of fluid,” Dubynsky says.
That’s because healthy skin regulates both the body’s surface temperature and its fluid retention. When a horse sustains a burn injury to the skin, he might lose that regulation mechanism. The horse can also lose fluids simply due to skin damage. 
Practitioners also administer analgesics to manage pain, antibiotics to ward off infection, and salve to promote healing. They might also prescribe hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which delivers pure oxygen to promote wound healing and treat respiratory issues. But such treatment is expensive (anywhere from $300-1,000 per session), Swerdlin says. 
“If you have access to it and if you can afford it, it can have value,” he says. 
Stout says Grateful Pride’s treatment was less complicated.
“Every day we treated his back, gave him Bute (phenylbutazone) for pain, and put salve on him to treat the wounds,” he says.
Clearing the Lungs
Horses that survive barn fires breathe in smoke, toxins, and even carbon particles that fill the air during the fire. The resulting smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide exposure put them at risk for respiratory complications immediately after the fire as well as long-term. 
But unless a horse develops pneumonia or has a lung abscess, the animal’s respiratory system usually recovers well from insult, says Swerdlin.
“The lung lining generally regenerates really quickly,” he says. 
Even so, veterinarians might administer oral or intravenous antibiotics to fend off the possibility of infection. 
At the same time, veterinarians might use nebulizers to help clear and medicate horses’ lungs, says Rose Nolen-Walston, DVM, associate professor of large animal medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine’s New Bolton Center, in Kennett Square.
Tracheal washes are one way to detect pulmonary pathogens in fire survivors (though this horse is having one for other reasons).
Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt/TheHorse.com
Nebulizers use oxygen, compressed air, or ultrasonic power to break up solutions into small aerosol droplets and deliver them to a horse’s airways via a mask. Nolen-Walston says owners can use nebulizers to administer preparations ranging from simple saline solution, which loosens particles in the lungs, to decongestants and bronchodilators such as clenbuterol.
Veterinarians also rely on bronchodilators if the horse has pneumonia, a condition fire survivors are particularly susceptible to, says Nolen-Walston. 
Grateful Pride received nebulizer treatment to improve his breathing, which was labored following the fire.
“There’s no way of telling if the horse had long-range lung damage from the fire, and we don’t know how long he was in the barn before he made the decision to escape,” Stout says. “So we gave him the nebulizer treatments, and little by little he began to improve—there’s no downside to this treatment.” 
Even so, when the horse returned to harness racing a month after the fire, Stout was not convinced that his respiratory system was sound. 
“It seemed that his breathing was just not right,” Stout says. 
So Grateful Pride took a trailer ride up to New Bolton Center for an evaluation and a tracheal wash, a procedure in which the veterinarian uses a fiber-optic endoscope and catheter and fluid to collect respiratory secretions. The practitioner places a sample in a growth plate and observes it to detect and identify pulmonary pathogens.
“Some things you can see immediately (in the sample), such as if there is carbon or something else in the horses’ lungs,” Stout says. But there was no foreign debris in the sample and nothing grew in the culture, so there was no infection. “What they found was that the horse had allergies that were complicating his breathing. Whether those allergies are related to the fire we don’t know, but now they’re making up a (medication) especially for him that will treat his allergies.”
Boosting Appetite
Other side effects of fire and smoke exposure are not as obvious as burn wounds and labored breathing. For example, barn fire survivors might refuse to eat because their throats are sore from heat exposure, and their healing burns—no matter how superficial—are painful. As a result, they lose weight, some more quickly than others. 
Nolen-Walston says veterinarians battle appetite loss by making sure horses get a diet that will be palatable or even tempting to them.
Barn fire survivors might refuse to eat because their throats are sore from heat exposure, and their healing burns—no matter how superficial—are painful.
Photo: iStock
“That means good-quality hay and an appropriate amount of grain,” she says. “Also, if horses have pretty bad burns, they may need more protein in their feed.”
This can help the horse regenerate skin, repair damaged muscle, and build muscle where it might have been lost due to injury or inactivity.  
Owners might soak hay in water to soften it and reduce dust that could irritate healing facial burns or respiratory injuries.
As always, feeding regimens should be matched to the individual horse’s needs. 
“For example, if the horse is a performance horse that has already been on a high-protein feed, you might want to back off on adding additional protein to the diet,” Nolen-Walston says.
Healing the Skin
Skin injuries can be really itchy as they heal. Nolen-Walston says a combination of topical treatment and pain management can help promote healing by reducing the horse’s urge to scratch. 
“Horses are usually pretty good about this,” Nolen-Walston says, “But if they are especially itchy, we cover them in silver sulfadiazine cream, which is an antibiotic, and we can also give them a painkiller that includes an opioid like morphine.” 
“Healing can produce thick scarring, like leather, that makes it impossible for the horse to wear a saddle. ”
Dr. Bryan Dubynsky
Though veterinarians have remarkable tools at their disposal to help wounds heal, they cannot overcome the fact that some horses’ skin will be so damaged that they’ll never return to the work they did before the fire.
“Healing can produce thick scarring, like leather, that makes it impossible for the horse to wear a saddle,” Dubynsky says. “At that point, horses may not ever return to their use as performance, polo, or racing horses.” 
Stout says Grateful Pride was fortunate. The horse did return to racing. 
“We hand-walked him for a few weeks, and little by little he improved,” Stout recalls. “Eventually, we put a harness that we had padded on him and entered him in a race.” 
Even though Grateful Pride was able to return to the work he did before the fire, Stout believes he continues to display long-term effects from the event.
Grateful Pride's painful back burns healed nicely, but trainer Jeff Stout says the horse is still sensitive in that area.
Photo: Courtesy Jeff Stout
“For example, he’s very sensitive at the places where his skin was burned,” Stout says. “I think the horse will always be sensitive, even though the burns have healed.”
Stout also believes that not all of Grateful Pride’s scars are physical. 
“He was a good patient, but it took us 15 minutes to get him back into his stall for the first time (after the fire),” Stout says. “It’s as though he was conflicted between the stall being a place of safety and a place of danger. It took 10 days before he would go in more easily.”
Taking Steps to Prevent Blazes
It is impossible to talk about barn fire survival without discussing barn fire prevention.
Swerdlin says he’s learned from his work responding to barn fires with fire marshals that faulty wiring is to blame for most of these events. Incorrectly installed wires can fail to produce the electrical amperage load necessary to power the building safely.
“In the last fire we had, the barn had a refrigerator, a water cooler, and a hot water heater all plugged into the same outlet,” he says. 
14 More Considerations for Preventing Horse Barn Fires
Add to that the box fans that many owners and barn managers hang at every stall, heating devices placed near hay storage areas, and bare wiring accessible to rodents and other vermin, and barn operators have a fire waiting to happen.
Swerdlin recommends replacing all old electrical systems in barns with new systems installed—and inspected annually—by a licensed professional electrician. He also recommends that all electric junction boxes be made of metal and that all wiring be encased in metal conduit to prevent rodents from chewing and subsequently shorting and sparking bare wires. 
Finally, he advises barn operators to ditch box fans in favor of installing large ceiling fans to provide better circulation and cooling. 
Ultimately, Swerdlin believes that unless owners and barn operators are taking these measures to prevent barn fires, horses will continue to be at risk of injury or death from fire sweeping through their barns. 
“I think we’re going to see more barn fires because it’s getting hotter and people are putting in more fans to keep their horses cool and more devices to keep themselves comfortable,” Swerdlin says. “But people have to be pre-emptive—barn fire survival is heartbreaking and hard to treat and could be prevented.” 
About the Author
Pat Raia
Pat Raia is a veteran journalist who enjoys covering equine welfare, industry, and news. In her spare time, she enjoys riding her Tennessee Walking Horse, Sonny.
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