#Lee Ravengard Cliffgate Ancunin Dekarios Hallowleaf K'liir
thenugking · 2 months
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larian why must you make it so hard to get screenshots of all four active party members when you're playing a halfling. Anyway, the gang's all here! (the gang all sucks)
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thenugking · 8 months
Okay no I've got it. I've said all along Durge and Orin's places could so easily be swapped, that the only difference was that Durge got the chance to start over fresh away from their muder cult, and that I want to be able to spare Orin, damn it. But now I've figured out how to make it work.
Durge and Orin fight in single combat at the altar of Bhaal. (Orin gets a second phase of her fight where she's herself, because she deserves a more satisfying boss fight and also to not just have Bhaal wipe her mind when you try to talk to her about her abusive backstory, jesus fucking christ that was nasty.)
Durge disarms Orin, gets her too injured to fight back, is the clear winner of this fight... and throws their weapon away, because they're not going to kill for Bhaal again. They're not going to continue the cycle of violence they and orin have been stuck in since birth.
Bhaal, of course, kills them for rejecting their birthright. And kills Orin for good measure; she failed, she's not worthy of him, this whole generation is a fuck up and he's better off starting over again elsewhere with a new generation of murder babies who'll actually be competent at this.
And as in the game, Withers comes in, resurrects Durge, tells them Bhaal could only kill the part of them that he knew, but they've changed and grown so much since the nautiloid, and Withers brought back everything that Bhaal didn't know.
Durge asks him--begs him probably, but damnit if Larian's resolving their plot with a huge deus ex machina then so can I--to bring Orin back too.
Except Orin didn't have those last few months free of Bhaal's influence. Everything she's ever done is tied up in trying to please Bhaal. When Withers brings her back, at Durge's request somewhere outside the temple, she's waking up covered in blood, nerfed back down to level one, and with no memory of anything except her name.
And the chance to start over fresh away from the murder cult. Orin can make her own decisions from there. Maybe she'll become the person she was before, maybe she'll be worse than ever, and a new party of adventurers will have to take her down to stop a new killing spree in a few years time. But maybe she'll change, and grow, the way Durge did. Maybe she'll become someone better. Whatever she does, she deserves to have a chance.
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thenugking · 5 months
also i so often see people say "oh i'm playing dark urge so i can't be besties with wyll and karlach" or "astarion is objectively the best character to romance as dark urge" and i think these people are playing in a whole parallel universe to me because ???
I had no idea of what I was going to do with my dark urge playthrough until I landed on the idea of a Wyll romance. That's when everything clicked into place!! Amnesiac murder gremlin trying their best to woo the Selfless Hero, worrying with every new revelation that this is going to be too much for him. Meanwhile Wyll's just being the most supportive boyfriend in the world. You get overcome by Murder Impulses and start growling at him and he's just like, "yes that's it you're so strong and brave!!!"
Wyll Ravengard is rehabilitating this feral serial killer by giving them kisses and has ruined me for any future durge playthroughs and some of y'all have the audacity to still say he's boring. skill issue.
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thenugking · 5 months
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Thank you Hug Mod for finally letting me create the scene that's only existed in my brain for months
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thenugking · 7 months
in my ongoing quest to actually give my OCs surnames Eiryn Baldursgate is now Eiryn Dale.
I don't think Lee had a surname back at the temple of Bhaal and if they did, they don't feel comfortable using it now so I am stuck between two options for my new tag for them, input appreciated
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thenugking · 21 days
For whichever bg3 oc you're feeling:
Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?
Which canon character doesn’t respect your OC whatsoever?
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
Lee feels most fun for these!
Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?
I meann probably a couple of the Bhaalists cultists who I decided were 100% behind Lee, the Greatest Bhaalspawn Ever, on everything. She's still their god, and if she tells them they need to stop murdering random people and hanging out in the sewers and think for themselves for once, they're going to do that! Lee told them to!
Other than that, probably Naaber, who respects Lee for actually seeming enthusiastic about talking to him and encouraging him in what kind of adventurer to be.
Which canon character doesn’t respect your OC whatsoever?
Ketheric. He fucking loathed them pre-game, and having her turn up again claiming they know fuckall about anything does little to revise his opinion on her. (Lee is not allowed to make any persuade checks on Ketheric, because not even a natural 20 could make him value her opinion.)
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Jaheira! Definitely the person Lee looks up to the most and starts going to for advice after she reveals she knows they're a bhaalspawn and is able to provide support through all that.
Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
Ig the easy answer is the "villains who abused my friends" gang. (Mizora, Cazador, Viconia etc.) On a more personal level, they've never respected Gortash in the slighest (even aside from the Karlach abusing) due to his Bane worship, being a New Money upstart, and willingness to be in a relationship with them when they are nothing but a walking pile of red flags. Post-amnesia, they're justifying it with his assholery and Gortash being the kind of person they're trying very hard not to be. That's definitely a part of it, but the original stuff is all still unconsciously there.
The non-villain they respect the least is probably Ulder. They try very hard to get along with him for Wyll's sake, but they do not like the way Ulder treats him.
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thenugking · 2 months
Lee Ravengard, formerly Kallian the Black (she/they)
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(above pics: post-amnesia, bottom 2 pics: pre-amnesia evil cult leader era)
Race: Lightfoot Halfling Class: Rogue (Assassin) Background: Haunted One
Personality: Fiercely caring and optimistic, with absolutely no urges to commit horrific violence, haha wouldn’t that be fucked up!!! At the start of Baldur’s Gate, Lee is… deeply weird and often unnerving. This decreases somewhat over time but never fully goes away. And she's always had inclinations towards Silliness, even back in her Chosen Of An Evil God And Leader Of A Murder Cult days.
Lee often comes across to people as stupid, particularly after their amnesia. While they definitely lost a couple of points in Intelligence due to the brain damage, it’s more a mixture of ADHD and a lack of frame of reference for behaving normally, exaggerated by their own self doubts. On the other hand, they’re extremely creative and constantly trying to make things, from simple daisy chains to complex sculptures of scientifically possible animals made from their large collection of bones.
Lee’s passionate and intense about the people and things she cares about. While she can still often be thoughtless, post-amnesia she throws herself deeply into trying to help people, and show mercy whenever she can. She's deeply distressed by her Urges, and after initially breaking down over Alfira’s death, spends a lot of time desperately trying to hide/suppress everything about herself that seems unpleasant, until the evidence that she used to be a deeply unpleasant person piles up too high for her to be able to ignore.
Pre-amnesia, the silliness, creativity and passion was all there--even some of the caring, as best as they were able--but with a complete lack of conscience to temper their sadistic tendencies. They deeply enjoyed their position and had zero interest in anything as constraining as morals. They gave an unnerving impression of sweetness and loved using their appearance as a cute, blonde halfling to feign innocence and lull their victims into a false sense of security.
Backstory: Oh Boy. I’m not going to go into a lot of details on Lee’s backstory here because look, if you’re kind enough to read me rambling about my OCs, I’m not about to expose you to All That without a lot of warnings. For now, warnings for a bit of discussion of incest, abuse and general Cult Bullshit apply.
Lee was born into the Cult of Bhaal as Kallian the Black, and raised in the full knowledge that she was Bhaal’s specialist little bhaalspawn and destined to be his Chosen. Topics like morals never really came up at all in her education--nor did the idea of leaving or ever living a life free of Bhaal’s influence. She took full control of the cult at seventeen, exiling Sarevok--who until that point had been acting as regent, with little intention of giving up his control--from the temple and sending him away to lead the Murder Tribunal instead.
Kallian and Orin were always extremely close growing up. Between the lack of other children around them, the fact that this version of Orin wasn’t resentfully remembering a pre-Durge life when she was the favoured child, and the absolute lack of familial boundaries encouraged by the cult, the relationship was always disturbingly close and codependent, even before progressing into outright incest. Kallian believed her “romance” with Orin was deep and profound, and that the two of them would be together forever, no matter how cruel they were to one another.
That relationship began to fall apart as Kallian worked with Gortash and Ketheric to steal the Crown of Karsus and form the Cult of the Absolute. She overlooked every sign of Orin’s growing discontentment with the fact that Kallian was consistently putting her schemes ahead of spending time with her, or dragging her down and insulting her in front of their allies, or telling her to stop making a fuss about Kallian cheating on her with Gortash right in front of her. She was the only person actually surprised when Orin finally had enough and stabbed her in the head. 
(If you are interested in the events leading up to Orin’s “betrayal” of Kallian (and why that was actually extremely valid of her) you can find more detail in my wip fic series, No Highly Esteemed Deed is Commemorated Here, but please read the warnings and be prepared for things to get Deeply Uncomfortable.)
Relationships: Usually, my rpg characters don’t have a default party, but with Lee, I’ve gotta have Wyll, Astarion and Karlach for pretty much every major quest. They’re Lee’s favourite people, their best friends, their gang. They’re good friends with Gale, and eventually with Shadowheart and Lae’zel too, but Wyll, Astarion and Karlach are the group they’re going to Avernus, and then later moving into a house with.
Lee falls quickly and hard for Wyll. They’re both romantics at heart, although with Wyll, Lee learns how to be Healthier about that. Apparently, stabbing is not a typical part of courting. They also encourage Wyll to realise that he can be romantic and loving while in a relationship with multiple people and that as long as he still makes time for them, they really don’t mind if he and Astarion want to start dating too.
Lee and Astarion have casual sex during Act 1, before Lee realises Astarion is not actually having that much fun with it. (They also offer a hookup with Karlach once she can touch again, but she’s concerned about complicating their friendship, and anyway, they’re both more than happy with frequent snuggle sessions.) For a long time, Astarion’s the only person they discuss their worst impulses, and their few recovered memories with, because he won’t judge them. (Wyll eventually points out that it’s not fair on Astarion to keep dumping The Horrors on him alone, and that he wants to be able to help too.) Karlach, unfortunately, is definitely the party member who struggles the most with discovering Lee’s past, but they’re also each other’s biggest hypemen.
Outside the origin companions, Lee gets along very well with Jaheira and looks up to her a lot. Once they realise they’re a bhaalspawn, they spend a lot of time talking it through with her, and gradually start sharing their worst impulses with her too. On the other hand, they never get along with Minthara, who never forgives Lee for some extremely nasty comments they accidentally make about her “relationship” with Orin. She cuts contact with them immediately once the Brain’s defeated, despite their efforts to salvage that relationship.
Lee’s feelings on Orin are… complicated. They start slowly recovering memories about her after seeing her at Moonrise, and they can’t just turn off the feelings they once had for her, as horrified as they are by her, and discovering people generally do not and should not feel like that about their siblings. They’re horrified and ashamed by the way they treated her, and furious and disgusted at her for what she’s doing now. And they desperately want her to have the same chance to escape the cult that she gave them.
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thenugking · 29 days
✨Which is your favourite platonic BG3 dynamic and why?
Hmm. Based on purely in-game stuff, it’s got to be Wyll and Karlach. Enemies to BFFs in like three days. Out of game, I love my Durge Lee with Astarion (they are like when you have two pets or perhaps siblings who sometimes just slap the shit out of each other for no reason before going back to chilling together) and my first Tav, Val, with Shadowheart (bitchy goths who don’t care about people except actually they care So Much). Would love to get around to writing them someday.
Also the dynamic I’m writing between Orin and Ketheric in No Highly Esteemed Deed. This is Ketheric’s emotional support surrogate daughter figure with zero red flags!
For my favourite dynamic not in the game or made up by me… we’ll get to that in question four!
🌊What moment in the game had the strongest emotional impact on you? 
Karlach’s breakdown after killing Gortash gets me every time. And I was sobbing in my Shadowheart Origin playthrough when I saved her parents. That storyline is so comforting to me, especially when, if you’re not playing as her, it’s Arnell who goes, “Ohh you don’t want to go by your old name anymore, of course we’ll love you for whoever you are now.”
🌸Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it!
My series No Highly Esteemed Deed Is Commemorated Here is my baby at the moment. So I’m actually reccing two fics but look I spend half my time thinking about this series and I want some validation. But, uh, warning for incest and every relationship here being at least toxic, if not downright abusive. If you like your doves dead, come and give me some validation, if you’re not into that shit, understandable, have a nice day.
What Is Here Was Dangerous And Repulsive To Us: Gortash and Durge take a nice romantic carriage ride to Moonrise Towers except that lol no they don’t, Orin Is Also Here, and gortash isn’t positive she wants to fuck her sibling but The Vibes Are Fucking Rancid.
Super proud of the slowly building Well This Is Fucking Uncomfortable in this one! And that multiple people have told me “damn how did you make me feel for Gortash here?” He’s still very much a bastard and I loved writing him hating the whole world, but he’s fucking Going Through it.
One of my favourite reviews: EXCUSE ME ORIN> MA’AM. THIS IS A WENDYS
This Place Is Not A Place Of Honour: The multichapter sequel that I’m currently working on! The events between the gang arriving at Moonrise and Orin stabbing my Durge in the brain (and the aftermath of that, if I ever get there). They’re all doing their evil plotting in the background, but it’s mostly focused on the relationships between Durge, Orin, Gortash and Ketheric, and the various ways in which these characters are deeply fucked up.
Like I mentioned, I’m really enjoying writing Orin and Ketheric’s weird fucked up friendship. Ketheric imprints on Orin as his New Daughter Figure after Isobel runs away from him (just because he told her that her wife who he is currently torturing was dead so Isobel should get over her) and that’s going about as well as you’d expect. Ketheric is trying to fix Orin while ignoring most of her underlying issues, Orin’s worrying that she’s going to lose Durge to the Gortash and the Absolute plot, Gortash is determined to Win his relationship with Durge despite the constant red flags, Durge is causing problems on purpose.
Another of my favourite reviews: i went into that scene like "hehe the horrors" and i went out like "OH DEAR GOD THE HORRORS"
🌿Rec someone else’s BG3 fic and tell us what you like about it!
here there be dragons by shadowfell
13 year old Orin ends up the ward of the BG1/2 protagonist and under a geas stopping her from murdering people, and becomes friends with 14 year old Wyll. Two Weird Theatre Kids with no other friends hanging out while Orin puts a lot of effort into drawing Wyll’s thematically appropriate gruesome death. They work so well together and their dynamic fucking delights me. And I love getting to see my two blorbos who fandom often doesn't give the love they deserve fucking shine.
There’s also a multi-chapter sequel of the two of them as adults going through the game plot. It’s still early on, but chapter four got posted last night and that’s my read for this evening, once I’m done killing Orin in my current BG3 game and need to go and read a kinder AU for her.
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thenugking · 4 months
tagged by @the-lastcall for for this couple picrew, made some smooches for my bg3 guys
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Val & Astarion, Eiryn & Karlach, and Lee & Wyll
tagging anyone who wants it (lmk if you want me to edit this to @ you!)
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thenugking · 5 months
fuck it, text post memes for my durge
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(astarion and lee are both thinking about wyll btw)
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thenugking · 6 months
4 and 8 for the durge ask meme!!
4. Do they speak casually or do they try to adorn their speech with frills? Do they maybe even dare to curse?
Mostly casually, unless she’s putting on a particular act. Lee’s the Personable One to Orin’s… whatever it is Orin is doing with her speech.
She doesn’t curse often, actually. She doesn’t have any objections to it, and is fine with taking Bhaal’s Name In Vain (as long as no one else tries it, only she is close enough to Bhaal to get that privilege) but is probably more likely to say fiddlesticks than fuck.
8. What was their relationship with Orin like? Did it change at some point?
Nightmarish! CW abusive relationships, incest.
They were always close, despite some competition between them (Lee was… Indulgent of Orin occasionally winning), and with the cult being The Way It Is, being close turned first into toxic codependency and then into “romance”. The relationship was never anywhere even approaching healthy, even leaving aside the whole incest thing, because these are people who think stabbing someone is a sign of affection and think boundaries are there to push at, but they loved each other in their own extremely twisted ways.
Lee… completely failed to see any change in their relationship. By the time the Absolute plot began, Orin was the most constant part of their life. Sure, playful murder attempts were fun, but Lee considered it understood between the two of them that neither of them could ever live without the other. She’d never leave them, so it didn’t matter if they pushed further than ever at her boundaries, if they were a bit colder or crueller than usual, if they were cancelling plans with her to be with Gortash instead. 
Orin disagreed.
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thenugking · 6 months
For Val:
What did your character think about Gale’s romance with Mystra?
How did your character react to Elminster’s first appearance, telling Gale to sacrifice himself?
For Lee:
If your character encountered Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers, did they pressure Astarion into biting her, or support his desire not to? Why, and how did your character react to Astarion’s confession about his life’s lack of consent afterwards?
Val & Gale
Originally… a little affronted that they’d never had a god fall in love with them. Glad Gale got dumped, at least. Val wouldn’t fumble a goddess. :/
After Elminster tells Gale his ex wants him to kill himself, they’re very much on the “Mystra can go fuck herself, and so can this annoying old man,” train. (A little Too on there, considering they ended up encouraging Gale to become a god and backtracked too late on that.) Val is firmly of the opinion that no god that tells Gale to kill himself is worth worshipping, or fucking, and this whole thing proves being a wizard is a bad idea, and you should just get your powers by selling your soul to an all powerful otherworldly entity, like a normal person.
Lee & Astarion
Being the fucked up little “Dark Urge in the process of learning to be a normal person” they are, Lee didn’t really have any warning bells go off from the way Araj talked about Astarion; she seemed a perfectly nice lady who was just incorrect in her assumption that Astarion was Lee’s property and was proposing some mutually beneficial blood drinking! As such, they’re a little confused by Astarion’s reaction to the whole encounter, but it didn’t even occur to them to try to pressure him into it, because it’s completely his choice.
The conversation afterwards just really cemented to Lee that the two of them should not be fucking. They’d had the feeling for a while that having sex with Astarion while both of them were usually thinking of Wyll and would sometimes get distracted from what they were doing by, “Did you see how hot Wyll looked today though?” was maybe not the healthiest thing they could be doing. And Astarion has apparently not even been on the same page about sex just being a casual thing you can do with friends for fun, so they'd very much like him to stop being a dumbass and not fuck them any more. Lee points out that Astarion probably needs a friend more than a lover, they both take some time to reflect on their attitudes towards sex and consent, and end up with a much stronger friendship for it. And also are at least Slightly better at handling things by the time they both end up dating Wyll.
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thenugking · 7 months
💕💛📿 for your tavs!!
💕 Did your Tav romance anyone? What did their lives together look like after the end of the game?
Val: Horrible little Astarion romancer <3 Post-game things are a little rough for a while, because they’re both selfish people navigating the first romantic relationship either of them have been in (at least since Astarion became a vampire, idk if he was in any before that) and they’re both learning how to, like, actually care about another person. (Luckily they have a strong support network in the rest of their companions, and their families, and slowly start working through all their issues.)
I think they end up spending half their time living in the Underdark (where they’ve been trying to set up some kind of society for the vampire spawn, and Val finally meets their father and his family) and around Baldur’s Gate, where they’re closer to most of their companions and the rest of their families. (I’m determined that Astarion gets to reconnect with his biological family after the events of the game.)
Eiryn: She romanced Karlach, and had a wonderful time with her, and then at the end of the game Karlach died. Eiryn mourns for a long time, but I like to think she eventually moves on and finds a new girlfriend, while never forgetting Karlach.
Lee: Wyll romance! Before Moonrise Towers, Lee and Astarion are fuckbuddies who keep getting distracted from actually having sex to go “Okay but did you see how hot Wyll looked today though. Wyll’s so perfect <3” Lee eventually convinces Wyll he’s able to be a romantic while having two partners, and if he and Astarion are happy with each other then so are they.
Immediately post-game, Lee and Wyll want to go to Avernus with Karlach, and bring Astarion along to No Sun Land. I think the four of them have several more adventures in both Avernus and Faerun before eventually settling down together in Baldur’s Gate (once Karlach has a working heart and, if they’re very luckily, once Astarion is unvampired). Wyll might eventually end up becoming Grand Duke, but I’m not sold on that. I think he and Lee adopt kids at some point (whether Astarion is also part of that, I’m unsure).
💛 Which of your non-romanced companions did your Tav stay closest to after the end of the game? Which companions drifted apart?
(Just doing the main six companions here, since I decided to answer for all three of my guys.)
Val: Besties with Shadowheart forever. She’s one of the main reasons they don’t want to spend all their time in the Underdark, but even when they’re down there, the two of them are writing to each other constantly.
They didn’t do enough to discourage Gale from being a god, so he starts drifting away from Val and the rest of the group. Things are Tense during the epilogue party and only get worse. Until, I think, a year or so on, when the gang Gets Back Together to go and stop Gale’s latest Dickhead God Bullshit, and redeem him with the power of love and “you’ve always been enough for us, idiot”. After that… these guys are Val’s family, and they’re never drifting away from them again.
Eiryn: Eiryn kind of drifted from everyone after Karlach’s death. She wanted to be alone for a while, and had a big fight with Wyll in the aftermath. (He was the only member of the party who could cast Darkness, so I figured he’d be busy stopping Astarion from dying and therefore… end up missing Karlach’s death. He’s distraught over it, and feels Eiryn should’ve done more to encourage Karlach to go back to Avernus, and they both say some unpleasant things to each other in their grief. They eventually apologise and make up during the epilogue party.)
She ultimately remains closest with Gale, and I think moves in somewhere around Waterdeep, having never been particularly happy around Baldur’s Gate. But she travels a lot, and makes sure to see all her friends at least semi-regularly.
Lee: Obviously very close to Astarion and Karlach, and wants them to always be a big part of her life. Outside the Wyll/Astarion/Karlach group who she’s living with, she keeps in closest touch with Gale, but makes sure not to lose touch with any of the party.
📿 Are there any specific items that your Tav kept as heirlooms, or were otherwise significant to them for sentimental reasons? Did they give any of them as gifts to their companions?
Val: Val quite likes collecting gemstones and books, but for sentimental items, they buy up every unique item Mattis sells, and hangs onto it despite their shitty 8 Strength Inventory Capacity. They love their tiefling son and wear his Ring of Being Really Invisible all game. I think they gave Shadowheart the ring of ant resistance too. It’s Important.
Eiryn: Eiryn doesn’t generally care about physical items all that much. I do think she adopts Clive after Karlach’s death though.
Lee: Unlike Eiryn, Lee fucking Loves physical items and is going to get as many as they possibly can. At the start of the game, they’re waking up covered in blood with no memory of anything and a weird desire to cut everyone they meet up into little pieces, but one of the biggest problems is that they’re pretty sure they used to have a bone collection, and now it’s completely gone, and they’re gonna have to start collecting every bone they find to build it back up. (They eventually decide they like it far more than the original bone collection, which they think they might have got in even more unethical circumstances than their current graverobbing.)
Lee also, however, notices their companions are all missing their bone collections, and are denying ever experiencing the joys of having one. They gift each of their companions a skull; it’s a good bone to start with if they ever do want to make their own collections, and if not, Lee still likes to give them as tokens of affection.
They also like giving Wyll all the best jewellery and any pretty shells that they find.
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thenugking · 9 months
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thought I should post my BG OCs together
Val (they/them) | Half-drow | Warlock
Eiryn (she/her) | Human | Druid
Lee (she/they) | Halfling | Rogue | Dark Urge
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thenugking · 9 months
2, 12, 22
2. Did your Dark Urge have any romantic and/or sexual relationships prior to their illithid adventure? If yes, who was it with and what was it like? If no, how did they feel about being single?
Ohhh boy. Lee’s been in some kind of horrific approximation of a romantic relationship with Orin for several years before the start of the game, in between trying to murder each other.  They’ve had a bunch of other sexual relationships, but none they considered important at all, the only “romance” was unfortunately with their sister.
12. How does your Dark Urge feel about being a bhaalspawn?
They don’t know yet, but I suspect the revelation is going to go something like, “Ohhh that explains a lot! It’s such a relief to know where my intrusive murder thoughts are coming from now! [beat] Wait WHAT THE FUCK?????? D: D: D:”
22. What first impression does your Dark Urge give off to strangers?
Cute, harmless, and a bit ditzy. Definitely not part of a horrific murder cult. (I went with halfling for my Durge’s race for the fucking Contrast.)
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thenugking · 2 months
for your durge: 59, 60, 78
59. Story behind their name? Is there any story?
SO at the start of the game, she doesn’t remember her fucking name and is going by Orin because it’s the only one she does remember, so it’s probably that, right?? When she realises part way through Act 1 that, nope, Orin was someone else, and she has to come up with her own thing, she settles on Lee as a tribute to Lihala. (She was considering Alfira out of respect, but her companions told her it might be kind of creepy and not actually that respectful to take the name of someone she murdered. But hopefully Alfira would be happy to have Lihala remembered in some way.)
Their pre-tadpole name, Kallian, has zero in game reason. It comes from the fact that it feels uncomfortable to go to much effort picking out deadnames for my OCs, and back when I was playing Dragon Age and had OCs whose deadnames came up at all, I just made them the default ones for their origins. And then kept doing that for non Dragon Age OCs. She was called Kallian after the city elf origin, because that’s the least femme name of the default DA Origins women, and I didn’t want her to end up getting dysphoric about a femme name and bringing in a fourth one.
(If you’re talking about my durge irl, Kallian is fine to use when talking about her pre-amnesia, Lee is fine to use at any time. In character, Lee had zero issues with the name Kallian at the time, but very much does not identify as that person during/after the canon game. I don’t want to act like Lee and Kallian are two different people though--Lee very much did all those things and I don’t think it’s helpful or interesting to forget that!)
60. Their most treasured memory with Orin? Why do they treasure it? Love, spite, sibling rivalry win?
Under the cut for Lee and Orin, although considering they're them, this one's not so bad
Hmm… it can be hard to find just one favourite memory of your favourite person who you spend most of your time with. But I think the times that stand out to them are times that Orin surprised them and/or ended up getting the upper hand with them. They’d never admit it, but they respect and love her the most in those moments. I think it is love they treasure their memories out of, just a really fucked up horrific love that they shouldn’t be feeling for anyone, let alone their sister.
The one time she did let them cut her open and squeeze her heart was pretty cool also.
78. Do they wear accessories (earrings count)? Which one is their favourite?
Answered here.
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