#Leiella Thread
storiesofwildfire · 5 years
That’s the Tea
{ @forsakenmyths -- continued from (x) }
Leiella knew about Fandral. In fact, the stories of the dashing farmer amused her.  She had been the simple girl in the castle in Wonderland, who found a home playing in the dirt of the gardens.  It had been a hobby of hers that she had brought to the real world, her new home. She had worked with the soil behind the home she and Loki shared, willing it to bring life to the plants and seeds she nestled safely in it.  So, yes, she found hope in the story of Fandral – a farmer’s son whom became a great warrior.
Stories of him also made Loki blush, which was endearing to Leiella.
Loki was out on some errands that day.  Shopping for whatever Loki desired, lunch with Jor, picking up groceries, and who knew what else.  Leiella could have gone with, but she had felt like staying home that day, settling in with her sketchbook and a cup of tea.  There was also steal of one of Loki’s shirts, which was easily a dress on her. Sometimes, the hatter simply needed a day to hide away, and Loki understood that.  She told him to deliver her best to Jor, promising that she would see him soon.
She had nearly finished her sketch when there was a knock on the door.  Lei wondered for a second if she should just ignore it, but she didn’t know if Loki had ordered something, so she pulled herself up from the couch. Lei stood on her tip toes to see out of the peep hole, only to shake her head.  “It can’t be..” She muttered, opening the door. “Fandral?” The hatter questioned of the man, whom seemed as tall, if not a little taller than Loki?  They were both larger than her five-foot two frame, that was for certain.
The man introduced himself with a bright grin.  He looked just like Loki’s drawings, but those did nothing for the true color of the man’s eyes.  She invited him in, then put on a kettle for tea. “Loki is shopping and visiting with Jor.  I wish he could see his other children.” Those words brought a sigh from the hatter, and she leaned against the counter while waiting for the kettle.  Fandral sat on one of the stools at the island, where Lei usually sat while Loki cooked.
“Odin should not have taken Loki’s children.  I don’t like a lot that man does.  I refuse to call Odin a god.  He is being that thinks he knows it all, but I see the look in Loki’s eyes when he misses his kids.  Jor misses his siblings.” She gave another shake of her head, causing her long brunette hair to slide down over her shoulders.  Lei met Fandral’s eyes.  “It might be wrong of me to speak ill of someone I know is your leader…ruler…king…whatever, but I grew up in a castle.  People sitting on expensive shiny chairs are not always right.  They do not know what it is like to be down on the ground, to see the world from the level of everyone else.”  
The kettle screamed, which distracted Lei from her rant.  She turned, grabbing it and pouring it over their tea, nodding to the sugar and cream if Fandral wanted some. “Do you know what Odin did to him?  To his powers?  It’s wrong. Loki wasn’t….he didn’t do all that on his own.  Loki is good. I can’t believe, in my heart, that he would ever want to bring the harm that Thanos forced him to do.  I told Loki…I would march up to Odin myself and tell the old man the side of Loki I knew.  The one that protects…that isn’t some lying trickster.”  She gave a small smile, sipping her tea. “He loves a good laugh…but not at the expense of another’s pain. Odin….Odin seems to like the pain of others.” Her doe eyes dropped to her tea, watching the mixture settle.
“Do forgive me for this rant.  I – I’m protective of Loki, and I will defend him to anyone that will listen.  I’m…I’m a tiny human from a different realm than this one, but it won’t stop me from standing at Loki’s side.”  She took another sip of her tea, looking sheepish then, because she realized she might have overstepped some boundary with her words. “I love Loki, and Loki’s children.” Even though she had only met Jor, Lei still had a love for every one of Loki’s children.  They were apart of Loki, so it was impossible for Lei not to love them as if they were her own – to feel protective of them.  Despite never having carried a child herself.
And that was the bottom line for her – the love she and Loki shared.
♔—- Fandral hadn’t known much of what transpired on Midgard once Loki reappeared there after everyone assumed the younger prince dead. All he (and anyone, truly) understood about the events was that Loki went to Midgard with an Infinity Stones, brought some sort of alien race with him, and waged an attack on the mortals for... well, according to the stories, it was for power, that Loki had gone there to act as some sort of all-powerful God and ruler to a race of individuals that most Aesir believed were not worth their time. 
The story, however, did not make much sense to Fandral. While he did witness Loki go a little bit batty after Thor’s banishment, he’d always felt as if there was some sort of underlying issue that he knew nothing about. Loki had never been a cruel person, never one to purposefully hurt or destroy another without real justification or necessity, and watching Loki fall so quickly...
Well, Fandral did feel partially responsible for it, in all truth. Sif had persuaded the Warriors Three to commit treason, to go after Thor as Loki sat on the throne despite both Odin and Loki’s orders to leave Thor in banishment. Loki hadn’t really snapped until that moment, hadn’t actually done anything underhanded or violent until he caught sight of Thor’s friends--of people who were meant to be his friends as well--rushing off to defy him in favor of the elder Odinson.
That betrayal...
Gods, Fandral regretted that more than he could say. Loki had always been good to him, was the reason he’d come to Gladsheim in the first place. Much of his success amongst the royals and elite warriors of Asgard was thanks to the younger prince, and how did Fandral thank him? Treason. Treason because he allowed himself to be so easily persuaded into going to help Thor. In hindsight, Loki had been perfectly within his rights to send the Destroyer after them, to slaughter them all for treason. Had it been Odin, the All-father wouldn’t have hesitated to kill them for their crimes against the throne... Yet they demonized Loki for it, bastardized him, and never even stopped to think about what might have caused Loki’s distress to begin with.
Fandral knew Loki and he knew that Loki was nothing close to power-hungry. He never cared about being king, which was what made Loki’s reappearance on Midgard that much more perplexing. And it wasn’t like he could get any clear answers from Thor or Odin or anyone who might have more insight. As quickly as Loki was pulled back to Asgard, Odin banished him once again, sending him back to the very realm he’d attempted to control.
Guilt weighed heavy on the swordsman’s shoulders, but it was more than guilt that eventually led him to visit Midgard himself. He was curious, wanted answers for things that simply didn’t make up, worried for his lost prince... If nothing else, Fandral wanted to make sure that Loki was all right.
With a little help from Heimdall, Fandral was able to head in the right direction, eventually coming to a small home where an even smaller woman answered the door. She knew him immediately just from looking at him--meaning Loki must have talked about him frequently--but she was kind to him, didn’t show any signs of Loki ever telling her negative stories regarding him, so he was as bright and as bubbly as he could be as he introduced himself and followed her inside once she invited him in.
It struck Fandral as odd that Loki, a prince supposedly desperate for power, had settled down with such a small, lovely mortal in rather modest accommodations. Someone who sought power didn’t have time to sit down and fall in love with someone who didn’t have any power to offer them...
She poured him a bit of tea as she started chatting away. She made mention of Loki’s kids, and while Fandral knew of them, he hadn’t actually met any of them aside from Sleipnir. Odin forbade Loki from speaking of his children to anyone. Loki, of course, did tell a few people, those who were closest to him, those he could trust. It wasn’t a surprise that he’d gone off to visit Jörmungandr, the one who was bound to Midgard...
Though, Loki did have to wonder if the children were part of the reason Loki acted out so much in the first place? Even the details surrounding Loki’s temporary time as the King of Asgard weren’t exactly clear. Had Loki rebelled against Odin for his children? In fairness, no one would be able to blame the mischief-maker, a young mother who had been stripped of the children they brought into the world and forced to watch them mistreated by their own grandfather...
Odin truly had done so much to Loki and the worst of it was? No one seemed to care.
Except for this young woman. She rapidly went off in a fit of defense for her lover. At the very least, Loki found someone who loved him and would go to the ends of the Earth for him if she had to. Vocal and very passionate... no wonder Loki fell for her so easily. 
“It’s all right,” Fandral assured her. “Odin has... done quite a bit of damage to Loki, that much I know to be true. Especially when it comes to Loki’s children. I shouldn’t even know about them if Odin had his way. Loki never would have been allowed to tell me anything about them. I am not...” As foolish as it sounded, Fandral was actually afraid to admit that he wasn’t fond of Odin, that he wasn’t exactly loyal to the All-father. To Asgard itself? Absolutely, but to the man on the throne?
“If I said what I wanted to about Odin, I could be held accountable for treason,” he finally decided on saying. 
Fandral frowned and reached for the cream and sugar, dropping a bit of each into the tea that Lei poured for him with a soft thanks. “It’s honestly lovely to see that Loki’s found someone who loves him so much, who is so intent on protecting him no matter what. That wasn’t exactly what I expected to find when I came here, but it is such a lovely surprise. I--” 
He quieted himself for a moment as she asked him if he knew what Odin did to Loki’s magic and then she made the mention of Thanos. Who was that? 
“I assumed Odin stripped Loki of his power, as he did to Thor when Thor was banished to Midgard,” Fandral murmured. “Has he done something beyond that? And forgive me, but who is Thanos? Someone involved in why Loki showed up here in the first place? I--I must be honest, what happened to Loki and the circumstances leading up to his reappearance here on Midgard are something of a mystery. Everyone keeps saying that Loki’s a monster, that he couldn’t get what he wanted on Asgard, so he tried to take it on Midgard instead, but that is... not the person I know. That is not the person I have always known. Loki may be a bit of a prankster and Loki may get into a fair amount of trouble from time to time, but I have always known him to be kind, loving, and generous, and everything I’ve been told and have seen is not lying up with who I know Loki to be. It’s why I came, truth be told, because I wanted to see that Loki was at least doing all right, but I wanted... to understand.”
Perhaps asking Lei without Loki present was improper on his part, but these were the answers he’d been looking for.
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openensos · 5 years
bed rest gently push them back down when they try getting out of bed. (Lei/Adrian)
Adrian knows a thing or two about kids.
Having had one himself once upon a time and caring for many over the years, he’s gotten very acquainted with their physical abilities. For instance, when sick they can crash in an instant. Look as if they’re on the verge of death and be as listless as a rag doll. And then, in a matter of minutes and on the proper antibiotics or rehydrated, they’re back to running amuck with wild abandon and demanding chips and making mischief.
Children’s incredible whiplash tenacity is something to admire. Adults just don’t have that kind of turn around. If they could ever harness the roots of power that make children so resilient that would be a medicine that would certainly be abused by the populace. And, sadly, children are not indestructible. He knows that all too well.
Vampires? That’s a whole other ballgame from kids and adults. Research of vampires biochemistry is not well known, what he and Charles are trying to accomplish. And this, well... this has thrown a hefty wrench into what he thought they knew.
“You are not indestructible,” he intones presently, pushing Leiella back to bed. He’s concerned - vampires are not supposed to get ill this way. And Lei has been hanging out with Charles alone in the lab and he has a penchant for getting... experimental. “Wonderful, strong, courageous, ja. But not indestructible. And so important.” He smiles and flicks his eyes over her. “You? You must stay in bed. As a very cute patient zero. Until I know exactly what we are dealing with here.”
( @forsakenmyths )
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
Questions || Lei & Sage
( @diiremption )
Anyone that spent time around Leiella knew that she had a habit for sketching the things around her -- namely people.  Figure drawing was always something that she practiced -- a learned trait from her years in college when it was her weakest skill.
This meant that her sketch books were full of random doodles -- doodles that she had been looking at, noticing a difference in Adam.  Not just a bad day compared to a happy day.  No -- actual differences.  Lei pulled up her photos from the past few months, seeing if she could find the same variances in them, and she did.  She would have brushed it off as her mind running wild on little sleep, but Adam had moments where he acted completely unlike himself for a few seconds to minutes.
Lei back up the photos and her sketches into her bag, leaving her apartment for Adam’s.  She hadn’t planned to see him today, but this was going to bother her until she spoke to him about it.  Lei knocked on the door to Adam’s place.  “It’s Lei.  I’m sorry for the surprise visit.”
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Last Birthday | Lei, Torin & Loki
( @dearlokigodofmischief )
Her birthday was a few days away, and Lei had brought the boys to California with her.  That meant traveling at night for them, but thanks to Loki’s connections, it was easy.  Torin and Loki were sleeping as the sun dominated the sky.  Leiella was sitting outside in her garden, sketching, while she listened to the sounds of the ocean not more than a ten-minute walk away from her home.  So far, she had avoided her parents realizing that she was home, and Lei hoped to keep it that way.  This trip was special, and she didn’t want them anywhere near this moment.
She had baked her own birthday cake, which was cooling so that she could frost it.  There was a plan for her to order her favorite sushi. Loki and Torin wanted her to enjoy tonight, and for the first time since her grandmother’s death – she planned to make the most of her birthday.  
Finishing her sketch, she looked up at the sun, and it was then that she said her good bye, in a way. Lei headed back inside, where she worked on finishing her cake.  That took an hour, maybe a little more, but when she had finished that, Lei could feel her heart racing.  She was anxious, but not in a bad way.  Lei remembered her past life now.  The life where she had loved Torin and Loki with a love that lasted beyond her death. It was a love that played out in her dreams and art in this life.
Heading upstairs to her bedroom, where Torin and Loki slept, she kicked off her shoes so that she could curl up in bed with the two vampires that owned her heart.  The men had fallen asleep, holding each other, so Lei laid against Loki’s back, burying her face into his dark locks with a happy sigh, closing her eyes.
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storiesofwildfire · 5 years
I’m Blue
          { @forsakenmyths -- plotted starter for Lei }
♔—- Months had slowly drawn out since Loki’s banishment. Hel, sometimes he lost track of time to the point that he wasn’t entirely sure how long had passed, but it had definitely been more than a year. A solid year of unending torment, of pain that ever so slowly built up over time and left him to find the worst ways to cope with said pain. He turned to some of the most barbaric methods of releasing the pressure that Odin’s curse caused to build up within his own body and, truly, he was mortified by his own actions.
Lei, though, had been a blessing since the moment he met her. After everything, he’d been through on Asgard, with Thanos, and then the defeat he suffered on Midgard (the war he purposefully lost) that eventually led him right back to the man who had made so much of his life a living Hel...
Lei’s strength to show him kindness when he deserved none had been a saving grace, truly, and while Loki wouldn’t fall back on a cliche of saying that she somehow saved him from himself or pulled him out of the darkness or any of that other romance novel trope shit where a goodnatured woman saves a broken and battered soul from becoming the monster he believes himself to be, he would at least admit that she had a vastly positive influence on his life.
She helped with the pain, she offered distractions and ways to alleviate the pent up stress, and she acted as a support system that remained absent from Loki’s life for so many years. Was it any real wonder that he’d fallen in love with her? Was it any real wonder that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her if possible?
But no matter what Lei did for him, neither of them could deny the truth. Something needed to give because sooner or later, Odin’s curse would render Loki so useless, getting out of bed would prove to be impossible. Some days were worse than others, but his symptoms never got better for any extended period of time. One good day often equaled a horrible day the next. Two good days? Three good days? A week? Eventually meant he suffered greatly for them and it was unbearable for him, but it was also unbearable for his lover to watch.
Until a fleck of relief sprouted, a small hole poking itself into Odin’s defenses. Loki didn’t know what could have caused it. A drop in health, perhaps, falling into Odinsleep, someone figuring out how to siphon power from the All-father... Not being on Asgard meant Loki didn’t have many ways to find out, not unless he got in contact with someone he was still on relatively good terms with, but he felt it deep within his veins, the give of Odin’s hold on him.
For days, it weakened, and Loki’s magic seeped out, desperately attempting to push itself back into the normal flow of endless moving through and around him. The weaker Odin grew, the easier it was to push back and once Loki proved to himself that he could actually harness the seidr without harming himself in the process, he pushed Odin’s stolen power away, trying to break the lasting restraints so he could finally be free of the tyrant’s grasp.
Odin must have felt Loki’s pull, his attempt to regain control over himself because just the younger God neared severing their connection for good, foreign and ancient power stolen from many sources seized Loki, gripping him so tightly that not only did it stop his own spells, but it canceled out everything that impacted Loki’s physical and magical nature, including the shape-shifted form that kept him looking Aesir or, more importantly, human.
Given he lived on a realm that didn’t take kindly to creatures that didn’t look like them, running around as a Jotun would definitely prove to be troublesome, but his mindset couldn’t even get that far. That would have been a logical problem to focus on...
But this was the first time Loki had been forced back into the Jotun visage that had been hidden for over one thousand years since that trip to Jotunheim with Thor and the warriors. He’d never even been forced into a full-body shift before, only showing signs of the heritage by cobalt flesh stretching across normally pale features and crimson eyes. He did not deal with the foreign weight of horns curling from his head, nor any of the more intimate changes that took place beneath the veil of proper clothing--not that it would have been all that foreign to a shape-shifter who preferred neither a fully male or fully female form, but still.
Gods, Loki had never even taken the time to properly exam what the Jotun appearance looked like before and now, in the wake of Odin desperately attempting to clamp his chains tightly around the mischief-maker, Loki was stuck staring at a reflection that looked completely alien. Fortunately, he’d been home alone, as he’d asked Lei to pick him up a few things from various shops. The sound of shock and horror that fell pathetically from blue lips hadn’t been heard by any other ears as he reached up to touch the very real horns that protruded from his head.
Was this the reason his helmet had been designed in such a way, the God couldn’t help but wonder?
“No...” he whispered. “No, no, no!”
Several minutes ticked by, wide crimson eyes refusing to snap away from the mirror regardless of how much Loki wanted to look away. An attempt to shift back to the visage most associated with Loki proved fruitless and Loki kept waiting for the change to spark... When nothing happened in the course of ten minutes, he finally dropped his gaze to his own arm--the very same arm he’d seen shift when that Jotun grabbed him in hopes of freezing him. His opposite hand fell from the horn to his forearm and he tried, again, to spark a change, to shift back to that Aesir form that allowed him to pretend this wasn’t real.
Nothing changed.
And then he heard the lock to the front door turn and the door swung open...
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openensos · 5 years
“Are you /trying/ to get yourself killed?!” (The Hatter to Kobal LOL)
“You’re acting like it was my idea to have detention facilities put illegal contraband in easily accessible, sealed up little baggies.”
Curled around his hoard like a dragon, Kobal’s stretched himself in her living room with his less than legal cache. Charcie needed up top product (synthetic this time) and he’d offered his services - little did his brother know he was paying him fifty percent for his time and skills once the consumers started consuming. Fifty-five for this first grab, a one-time cushion bonus.
Kobal pats at the baggies underneath hjs arm. “They’re like little party favors. Hey. You can stop crossing your arms at me, missy, I didn’t take any with drugs in ‘em.” He taps sooty fingers to his chin and clicks his tongue. It’s like he’s been conditioned not to lie to her at this point. “Okay, I did but I didn’t bring them back here.”
Lei has that ‘swallowed a lemon’ expression that makes his core cool down in... guilt? Something gross like that. “Your face’ll freeze that way if you keep it up. Come on. Make a contraband angel with me. I gotta move this shit soon so we may as well enjoy it. Like... here.” Selecting a bag, he finds an eyelash curler. “Yeah, I have one of these. Pilfered it twelve years ago. A bug guillotine. But I’ll use it to snip your big toe if you don’t stop pouting.”
( @forsakenmyths )
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
( @dearlokigodofmischief - continued from here )
Loki had told her that they would have company that day.  She had insisted on baking some treats, namely a cake for them to have with tea that afternoon.  It was also a good use for her nervous energy so that she didn’t drive herself bonks.  
She heard Loki called for her, and she hopped into the living room, smiling.  “Hello!”  Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, strands hanging down to frame her face.  She wiped her hands on the towel that she held.  “It’s wonderful to meet someone else in Loki’s life.”  Lei held out her hand to the other, “My name is Lei.  I made a cake for us.  Do you like tea?  Or can I get you something else to drink?”
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
( @hcze )
  His sketchbook is on the table, laid opened and flat over the surface. Teeth bite at the end of a pencil analyzing his traces and lines, the quality of them as he drew random people in the cafe. They don’t look back at all but the man is a perfectionist of sorts and totally immerses himself in his art.  However, a voice calls up and he faces her with a blink of his eyes and mouth slightly opened.
      “Uh… Sure, here…” he pushes the sketchbook towards the lady. “It’s uh just sketches though.”
She had always been fascinated by others that she saw drawing.  It was a something that she had done nearly all of her life.  Lei placed her tea down on the table, offering up her own sketchbook.  “We can trade?”  She asked with a smile, hoping that would make it a little easier.
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Lei took a seat, blushing slightly.  “Sorry if I’m a little forward.  It’s not often that I see someone else in here sketching.”  The pages of her own book were full of flower sketches from her visit to the park earlier that morning.  “I just finished up the semester at school, so I’ve been enjoying the free time.  How are you?”  
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
Mother’s Day ||
The hatter knew that this day was a tradition of the humans; not knowing if the realm of Asgard had a similar tradition for celebrating their mothers.  Wonderland certainly did not have such a day, and even if they did, her mother was not the type that earned celebrating.
Loki, however, was a good mother.  A wonderful one, if you asked the Hatter.  She had messaged Jor about coming over for a special dinner that weekend.  Loki had stepped out for an hour or so to run some errands, so she had time to sneak Jor into the house.  
She had everything set up on the table in preparation for Loki’s return.  There was a wrapped package containing a new leather bound sketchbook for Loki.  However, there was one gift that she was uncertain of, so when Jor arrived, she took the other man’s hand in her own.  “Can I ask your advice before your Mum returns?”  The hatter nipped at the bottom of her own lip for a moment, searching for the proper words to explain herself.
“Back in Wonderland, we would plant flowers or trees to honor loved ones that had died or moved away.  It would give us this piece of them to visit when we missed them.  I found a white rose bush.  I read those were associated with Frigga?  Do you think your Mum would like that?  He has spoke to me of Frigga, and she sounds...wonderful.”  Lei didn’t wish to offend or upset Loki, especially on such a day.
( @dearlokigodofmischief )  
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
Remembrance || Lei & Drew
( @pianomxn )
   Seeing Lei cry with such emotion brought his heart to hurt, her sobs were contagious and soon enough his eyes became glossy just from watching the tears roll down her cheeks. He held her as close as possible, as comforting as he could rubbing her back gently. “Let it all out…” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head. It was an unusual thing to say, for people tried to stop the weeping of others when they comforted them. But Drew knew that if she was crying like that there must have been a good reason for it, he wouldn’t pry and ask, no. Instead he would hold her tight until she let it all out and she could smile again with that tenderness and kindness that she gave him. “I’ve heard that until you have cried enough, you’ll be able to smile again. I’ll be here, don’t worry…”
She had not counted on the song that Drew played to bring memories to the surface that she had buried.  In reality, it was a series of events -- the song, the date, and the realization that her friend was still gone.  A friend that she had loved dearly, as much as she loved Drew.
The piano man pulled her tightly into his arms as she sobbed, holding her so tightly, as he knew helped her in times like this.  It took her some time -- she wasn’t sure how long, to calm herself.  
Lei looked up at him finally, cheeks red from a hint of embarrassment at her crying.  “It’s...I lost someone I loved around this time of year, and he was a musician like you.  He sang more than he played piano, and you...that song reminded me of him.  He would like you.  I’m sorry for the dramatics, Drew.”  She sighed, laying her head against his chest.
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corruptedones-blog · 8 years
A Dark High || Lei & Widget
( @revivedrust )
It was harder to see her true expression through the eyeholes of his mask but he knew her well enough at this point to know she was happy. Actually happy - not the kind of happy people pretended to be when something was deeply bothering them.
Lei had plenty to be bothered by. They were fresh off a raid which involved Widget having to ask twice - and ask was a loose term, at that. Thankfully, he never had to ask more than twice.
Widget snorted at her giggle. It was hard not to be amused. Tiny girl high off of adrenaline in his lap, giggling and clutching at her bloodied mask. He would have been concerned - no, he should have been concerned. Except he knew what she needed after the harrowing events of her past. And sometimes that involved letting her have control. He’d let her hold the gun. Not fire it, but…. hold it once he’d gotten his point across and his victim was lying bloody on the ground and his victim’s friends had their wide and terrified eyes on Lei, not daring to move.
His hand stroked over her hairline at her temple and towards the mask askew on her face, trailing a streak of red across the porcelain. “Pet pet pet.”
She had replaced one addiction with the other.  Lei was a year clean from the crap that she had filled her veins with, but now -- she was addicted to the adrenaline rush of the raids.  Hurting others wasn’t something that she could stomach -- but the thrill of the raid?  Yes.  Lei did enjoy holding the gun.  It made her feel powerful.  It made her feel as if she could defend Widget or the others.  It made her feel more useful on raids.  She was more than some weak arm piece.
They were back in the safety of the rover, but her heart was still pounding.  Her giggles were bubbly, infectious -- and they seemed to known no end.  Deep down, she knew she needed that closeness to Widget, laying her head down in his lap.  Her eyes closed, opening just a second later when she felt his fingers against her mask.  Lei reached up, pulling the porcelain away so that he could see her eyes.
His response to her made her giggle even more.  She turned, lifting his shirt so that she could place a kiss against his abs.  “I like watching you in control...”  
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corruptedones-blog · 8 years
Kittens || Lei & Loki
( @dearlokigodofmischief )
After the holiday was over, the kittens still needed names.  Lei had gone through a list of ideas, but nothing had stood out to her.  She was lounging in bed, with the calico kitten that had taken to her curled up on her chest asleep.  “Have you thought of a name for yours?”  Lei asked, looking over at Loki, his kitten currently sniffing the pages of the book.
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corruptedones-blog · 8 years
Scars || Lei & Wade
( @wwwdotmaximumeffort )
The saying went that life never handed you something that you couldn’t handle.  Fuck that.  Leiella had been offered the worst possible.  Who knew that a trip with some of her students would lead to something that would forever change her life?  Yes, there were perks to whatever happened to her, but she was still trying to figure out just what that all was.  
Who expected the arachnophobe to turn into some spider creature?
Leiella had come to learn, weeks into whatever this was, that she could help others.  That was the one silver lining to this all.  It was continuing the promise to her grandmother, but that still didn’t mean she came off worry free.  There were a lot of questions – a lot of them.  Even more when Tony Stark showed up at her apartment, but he had seemed – nice. Nicer than he looked on the television, especially with the chaos that seemed to follow the accords.  That had made Lei even more keen to keep her secret – which meant modifications to her outfit.  Bless Stark’s help for that.
He had fitted the suit with a chest piece that made her appear more male than female, as well as a modifier for her voice.  Both of those came at her request, and it made her feel a tiny bit safer having that layer to hide behind.  It made her a little more adventurous at night – walking through the city, scaling rooftops to watch for those that might need help.
That night, a familiar sight caught her eye.  She hadn’t seen him since before she had been taken to Germany, but that was another story.  Lei wore her suit, mask securely pulled over her head as she perched on the fire escape, watching the other suited figure at the opposite end of the alley way.
With a strong web cable hanging from her wrists, she edged down, cocking her head to the side.  “Hello, Ninja Man.”  Her disguised voice was still new to her ears – not holding the feminine features of her nature voice.  
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To Being Sure | Lei & Elijah
Lying to David was not something that she loved to do, but she had been sick for a week.  It was easy to pass it off as the flu given the season.  Her exhaustion could be passed off as the start of the new semester.  But Lei had some worry that something more was up.  With David’s past, health concerns were always something that she took care in bringing up.
Fast forward to Elijah sitting in her living room.
“I don’t like lying to him, but thank you for helping me today with this.”  She sipped on her ginger ale -- which seemed to be the only thing she could consistently keep down.  “My doctor’s appointment is in an hour, but I’m -- Eli, just tell me to get up and go take that test...”  Lei muttered, looking up at him.  He was like her brother, her best friend, and he had been the one to suggest that maybe something else was going on.  “I didn’t want to get David’s hopes up...so thank you for this..really.”
( @frxgileheaarts )
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Alone in the Woods | Lei & Luca
With the semester behind her, Leiella had gone traveling.  Going home to Berkeley wasn’t an option.  Well, it was, but she never much cared for the possibility of running into her parents.  New York City was beautiful at Christmas time, but the amount of people were getting to her this year.  So – as soon as she graded her last final, she packed up to head out on a road trip.
It had been a few years since she had traveled through the states, so there was that allure of this adventure.  Her and her camera, as well as her other art supplies.  That’s all she needed.  It’s not like there was anyone that would really miss her for the holidays.  Well – maybe Lucas, but he had planned to go back to London for a few weeks on business.  So, yes – no one would miss her for a few weeks.  It’s not like she was going totally off the grid.
She had found a nice set of woods, and with a fresh camera charge, she headed out.  Her messenger bag was strapped across her body, holding her sketch book and other supplies.  Most normal people would have worn jeans, but even in the woods, she still wore a dress and thigh high socks, all with her long jacket shielding her from the cold.  The brunette’s waist length hair was braided down her back so that it was out of her eyes while she worked to take photos as she hiked along.
Her mind was caught up in the music playing through her earbuds, and the small baby birds that she was looking at through her lens.  So caught up, that she didn’t notice the wolf near her.  Finally snapping the photo and turning to continue on, her eyes caught sight of the jet black fur and golden eyes.  Her heart skipped a few beats, but she did her best to remain calm on the outside.  “Wow – you’re beautiful..”  She whispered, before her wits kicked in.  “I can head the other way.  Not here to hurt you.  Sorry if I intruded on your home,” she spoke, keeping her voice calm as she backed up.
Lei continued to back up, keeping her eyes on the wolf’s eyes, paying no attention to what was behind her.  Tripping over one of the tree roots, she fell backwards – head hitting one of the rocks that she had been standing on a moment before.  She tried to pull herself up, but after moving too quickly, her head felt heavy – fuzzy even.  That’s when she blacked out.
( @bxgbxdwolf )
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Turning Point | Lei & Charles
“I can’t do that, Lei. You know that.”
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Lei was running on adrenaline.  Things had flipped so quickly, and she barely had a moment to think.  It was too close to the way that her life used to be -- which was enough to send her body into a near panic instantly.
“Charles -- what the fuck are you doing?”  She asked, trying to break free from his grip.
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