#Para: To Being Sure
I SHOULD NOT be BLUSHING and SWOONING because someone gave me multiple detailed compliments on my fic.
"I wanna marry them" THEY ARE a STRANGER. WHAT????
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blue-madd · 1 year
"I know my paravain was the worst but he died and went to a different universe to try to get my parame Sky back but he realized alt/Sky wasn't like his Sky so he came back to life in the main paracosm but totally different because travelling so far through time/space fucked him up and costed him his memory so like he's not good now but he's doing his best and this new him is actually pretty nice and he really regrets everything he did so like maybe he doesn't deserve a happy end but I think he deserves a break" is not something I thought I'd ever say but here we go
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balladetto · 11 months
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mister magic / accepting / @gloryseized ( Shion )
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     It's not quite a confession. Shion says it plainly. Each motion of his hands comes clean as though swinging a sword, stating a fact more than he is baring his face. The light from their campfire paints those shapes in splotches of shadows along the ground: shaky, where Shion isn't. Where Shion won't let himself be.
<< I don't have any memories of my own. >>
     The words don't linger in the silence so much as they are hung there.
     Link's brow furrows. Burdened by the complete reverse, it's a loss he's entirely unfamiliar with. But he knows the weight of its scope as intimately as he does the weapons on his back, and the pang of something stinging in sympathy rolls down from his shoulders to the base of his spine. It allows him to imagine. More than anything, it allows him to be convinced.
     I've lost things too, he doesn't say. That's not something he'd wanna hear right now if he were Shion. It's another point where their stories are connected though, more hardship intertwined, and — between the two of them — Link's starting to think this is just part of what it is to be a hero.
     Losing things.
     He nods, a solemn acceptance of Shion's truth. Then he glances away for a moment, pinching at his fingertips and gnawing on a piece of his lower lip, before he looks back at his companion.
     "I...got tol'," he starts, drifting into quiet again to try signing the rest: "you were sleeping. Very long. Very deep."
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racingliners · 1 year
Naturally, the only Time Trial podiums I was able to see today were ones that featured the Dutch anthem 😭
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mi-dulce-nina · 4 months
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futurefind · 10 months
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now? from cyrillo for sa :’ ))
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE / Accepting / @tvrningout
To say Cyrillo seems angry would be an exaggeration, but he's definitely not happy. Hell knows if she can wrap her head around why, when her entire line of work had involved putting herself at risk since long before she met him. Fuck's sake, it could even be argued her entire reputation came from putting herself in exponential danger— doing one (if not multiple) company's worth of work alone meant taking a company's worth of risk all by herself.
(And, quite frankly, to have an entire career of doing all of that and still only retaining an average individual's amount of wounds for such a scenario? If that? She may as well not be working at all!)
Sasume rolls her eyes at him, exasperated, even as she hands over her arm for him to clean up and bandage her wounds himself.
"Perhaps," she echoes, purposely withholding commentary on how easily she could treat her own wounds. "You worry too much."
She isn't sure if he knows she's good to handle not just for her own stitches but anything from severe bleeding or stabilizing ruptured organs to draining her own punctured lung, but she knows that now is not the time.
On a good day he'd get... pouty, (usually) not the cute kind, fussy, and threaten her with 'security' gigs at plenty-guarded galas and otherwise snoozefests.
Now? He'd actually assign her there— and probably mandate an extreme 'vacation' from her, to boot.
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"You know I won't keel over as soon as you take your eyes off me, right?" she huffs. "I'm a big girl. I can handle danger."
Or does he think preferring she stay all holed up nice and cushy and do-nothing like a gods-damned princess would be enough to make it so? Enough to actually make it anything close to something she's fit for?
Sometimes she wonders if his concerns have less to do with the consequences of befriending a mercenary, and more to do with regretting it in the first place.
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
Paddy definitely has slapped his hands over Kili's mouth before he said something wrong. From hiding behind his big friend to escape a justified beating for a prank, to the big guy jumping in front of him so he wouldn't open his Gob in front of the Provos.
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darkacua · 5 months
The Cain instinct
I demand canon moments where Silver and Malleus treat each other like siblings whenever they're alone, especially if Lilia or Sebek aren't around them. Where they show that outside of their typical treatment of respect is the fact that they were raised by the same man whom they both consider their father. They love each other eternally, they would kill, they would die and they are capable of destroying the entire world for each other, one to a greater extent than the other.
Especially since I'm sure they both have ridiculously strong Cain instincts.
One day you are a prince taking care of your caregiver's adopted son and the next a being who lives in an eternal circle of revenge and destruction towards the cruelty of humanity (Silver bit his finger when he was 8 years old and Malleus pecked his eye in Consequently, they continue to blame each other whenever they can)
Imagine a Silver who fell asleep in the forest and Malleus just finds him. If Lilia, Sebek or anyone was near him he would feign complete concern and take him to his bedroom. But he's alone, so he's going to wake up the young man he considers his brother with a loving kick in the ribs (nothing too hard, he wants to bother him, not kill him).
Or a malleus who is simply reading and out of nowhere feels a wet finger in his ear, a finger that belongs to a 17-year-old with a smile too kind for someone who has just drooled in the ear of the next king of the Briar Valley , and someone who is also a coward since he runs away the moment the older man gets up from his seat.
It is better if neither of them knows what is happening, they just know that there are days when they have to be mean to the other or they will go crazy, they have accepted it as a royal decree and will continue it until the end of their days. .
Imagine that no one knows about this kind of treatment, until someone enters Diasomnia only to find the all-powerful Malleus Draconia screaming like a dying child because Silver has him in a wrestling hold (which it is very obvious he can get out of, but… Where's the fun in that?)
Anyway, I need an irrational Malleus and Silver being a shitty little brother. I leave my delusions here.
Español bajo el corte
Exigo momentos canónicos donde Silver y Malleus se tratan como hermanos cada vez que están solos, sobre todo si no están Lilia o Sebek a su alrededor. Donde muestren que por fuera de su típico trato de respeto está el hecho de que fueron criados por el mismo hombre al que ambos consideran su padre. Se aman eternamente, matarían, morirían y son capaces de destruir el mundo entero el uno por el otro, uno en mayor medida que el otro.
Sobre todo porque estoy segura que los dos tienen un instinto de Cain ridículamente fuerte.
Un dia eres un príncipe cuidando al hijo adoptivo de tu cuidador y al siguiente un ser que vive en un círculo eterno de venganza y destrucción hacia la crueldad de la humanidad (Silver le mordió un dedo cuando tenía 8 años y Malleus le pico un ojo en consecuencia, se lo siguen echando en cara cada que pueden entre ellos)
Imaginen a un Silver que se quedó dormido en el bosque y Malleus simplemente lo encuentra. Si Lilia, Sebek o cualquiera estuviera cerca fingiría completa preocupación y lo llevaría a su dormitorio. Pero esta solo, así que va a despertar a él joven que considera su hermano con una amorosa patada en las costillas (nada demasiado fuerte, quiere molestarlo no matarlo)
O a un malleus que simplemente está leyendo y de la nada siente un dedo húmedo en su oreja, un dedo que pertenece a un joven de 17 años con una sonrisa demasiado amable para alguien que acaba de babear el oído del próximo rey del Valle de Briar, y alguien que también es un cobarde ya que sale corriendo en el momento que él mayor se levante de su asiento.
Es mejor si ninguno de los dos sabe que es lo que pasa, solo saben que hay días en los que tienen que ser malos con el otro o se volverán locos, lo han aceptado como un decreto real y lo continuarán hasta el final de sus días.
Imaginen que nadie sabe de este tipo de trato, hasta que alguien entra a Diasomnia sólo para encontrar al todopoderoso Malleus Draconia gritando como un niña moribunda porque Silver lo tiene en una llave de lucha (de la cual es muy obvio que se puede zafar ¿pero dónde está lo divertido en eso?).
En fin, necesito un Malleus irracional y un Silver siendo un hermano menor de mierda. Hasta aquí dejo mis delirios.
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luveline · 1 year
If you have any interest, how about a Spencer blurb where he's off on a case and gets or misses a late night call from the reader and is super worried, only to call them back and find them drunk and missing him. And of course the team rags on him after.
thank u for ur request! fem!reader
Spencer looks down at his phone and goes ghostly white. 
"What?" Emily asks. "They had a sale at Waterstones and you missed it?" 
Spencer clicks a bunch of buttons on his phone and brings it to his ear, crushing limp hair to his neck. "Seventeen missed calls," he says. 
Derek comes to the rescue, though the lightness in his voice is slightly forced, "Don't panic, wonderboy. Who wouldn't be eager to talk to you at… two AM?" 
"Is that the time difference?" Emily asks, leaning forward in concern. 
Even Hotch puts down his pen. The team listens to the phone ring. It loops, loops, loops, and everybody breathes a sigh of relief when you finally answer. If something happened to you Spencer wouldn't survive it. Nor after everything he's already been through. 
"Hey?" he says. There's a gap of silence. "Y/N, are you there?" 
Spencer turns away from the table they've congregated at and looks through the open window at the parking lot, police cars roaming in and out of spaces. "What's wrong?" 
"I miss you so much." 
Spencer's nose wrinkles of its own accord. "Yeah? You sound odd. Are you– are you drunk?" 
Derek laughs. Like marionettes held tight with strings suddenly cut, the team stop their stressing and send each other knowing, amused looks. 
"Just a little bit!" you promise, clearly lying. Your voice catches on the syllables like they're coated in sticky honey, the slightest slurring tripping you up at the end. "We went for– to Chilli's. I had a blooming onion and seven margaritas!" 
"I can tell." 
"I'm really sorry, Spence, I know I'm not s'posed to call when you're away," you begin. 
Spencer glances back. Rossi and JJ have returned with coffee and a late dinner, neither of them bothering to act as though they aren't listening to the conversation. 
"No," Spencer says, turning back around and hunching inward, "that's the opposite of what we talked about, isn't it? You can call whenever you want to, but I can't, you know, always answer. I thought something bad happened. Maybe next time you could text me?" Rather than call almost twenty times and give him a heart attack.
Laughter echoes from behind. They team act like a teasing family sometimes, Spencer their teenage son who's never dated. 
He would fluster if you weren't talking to him in loud but loving tones, "I can barely walk, texting wasn't happening. I'm para-spelgic." 
"You're not," he says, firmly at first. "Are you? Who's with you? Is Rebecca there?" Rebecca being your best friend. Spencer trusts her to take care of you.
"She was, but she said that I– uh… She said I talked about you too much and made her nauseous. I feel kinda sick, too, but I just needed to talk to you, Spence. I miss you. I miss you, are you home soon?" 
"Is Rebecca really not there?" he asks. He thinks about the room full of special agents he's standing in and drops his voice to a murmur. "I miss you too." 
"She's making toast or something." 
"That's good. It'll soak up the margaritas." 
"I don't want toast, I want you! Please come home safe, angel. I really wish you were here to do that thing with my ear." 
Spencer has to give in. You're speaking so loudly it's impossible the team hadn't heard it, but he can't find the will to be embarrassed any longer. You're drunk and ridiculous and all you can think about is him.
"I wish I was home, too. Do I need to worry about you? Make sure you're drinking water, okay? Alcohol makes you dehydrated, you'll get a bad headache." 
"It makes me miss you," you whine. 
He smiles fondly. "There's no cure for that." A door opens over the line. "Is that Rebecca?" 
"Yeah." Murmurings. "She says sorry for letting me get so drunk, but she didn't let me do anything. It's like you always say, Spence, I can do whatever I set my mind to." 
"And you set your mind to getting drunk at Chili's." 
You talk a little more before he hangs up. He knows you're getting taken care of. 
A gaggle of smiling faces greet him as he turns around. "Everything okay, 'angel'?" Derek asks. 
Spencer puts his phone in his pocket. You'll text him in the morning with a hankering for Tylenol and sore eyes, but you'll be fine. "Everything's great." 
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lore-smaus · 5 days
«I DON'T SPEAK TACO BELL» FT. Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Shoko, Choso, Toji, Sukuna.
Summary: You so casually yell at them in Spanish and they have no clue how to act.
Tags: crackhead energy, cursing duh, translation for the one who can't understand duh!, freaky characters, this one is slightly connected to some smau lore lmao
A/N: Im done here. I had too much fun making this @saintkaylaa
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Gojo Satoru:
“A ver, pendejito, tu te crees que soy una de tus amiguitas o que? A mi no me vengas con eso otra vez o te voy a dar un cantaso que vas a ver a Geto!" (lets see, dumbass. You think im one of your little friends? Dont come at me with that ever again or ill hit you so hard you'll see Geto!)
To say he was shocked was an understatement. He was beyond that point.
He knew you spoke Spanish, hell, he's seen you speak it. However, no matter how many times he listens to it, it will never not surprise him how fluently and easy you spoke it.
He apologized, even though he didn't understand anything, and made sure to not get on your nerves ever again. He was scared shitless.
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Geto Suguru
Logically, he wasn't afraid of anything! Truly. Well, that was until you heard the girls referring to your non sorcerer family as monkeys. You sat them down, belt in hand and started shouting at them.
"Es que como se te ocurre! Monos?! A MI familia?! No no, es que tu eres imbécil! Y enfrente de las nenas!?" (What were you thinking! Monkeys?! MY family?! No no, you're an asshole! In front of the girls too!?)
The girls looked sheepishly at Geto, however, Geto had his eyes closed, almost praying, barely making noises. It wasn't his first time being shouted at in Spanish, however, it was the first time actually looking at you grabbing a belt. And with the way you talked about how your parents hit you when you were young with it? Oh yeah, he didn't even wanna move. So the girls, following the example, stayed still.
Rest assured, that day, Geto discovered he had ONE fear: you.
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Nanami Kento
"Ruega a Dios que ese imbécil no se cruce en mi camino porque es que lo exorciso yo misma" (Pray to God so that imbecil don't cross paths with me because I'll exorcise him myself)
Truly, while Shoko attended Nanami, she could almost hear his heart palpitations because the way you fumed and complained, even pointing at him to reprimand him for his carelessness he was rather excited.
He knew you spoke and he tried his best to learn spanish however, he noticed that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to understand it. So he stayed silent during your 'lecture'. However, in his mind, he was trying to figure out what were you saying.
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Shoko Ieiri
“Me importa un carajo que te ayude a quitar estrés, o sueltas el jodio cigarrillo o yo te voy a dar una razón para estresarte." (I don't give a fuck if it helps you destress, you either let go of the god-damned cigarette or ill give you a reason to be stressed)
She didn't know if she should be turned on or scared. Maybe both.
"yo... Umm? No hablar?" She tried to speak the very little spanish she knew, however, that only helped to confuse you. When she finally let go (and stopped on the cigarette) you sighed heavily.
"Your spanish is shit"
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Choso Kamo
Poor guy. He doesn't even know what you're saying. You weren't mad, just... Disappointed.
"Es que como se te ocurre? Es que de verdad, amor, no puedes hacer eso!" (What were you thinking. Truly, love, you can't do that!)
Not long ago, he had learned he was lactose intolerant and you were behind the bathroom door lecturing him, plugging your nose while doing so. He was struggling, both physically and mentally. You sounded funny but the ache on his stomach didn't let him laugh.
"Y es que si hubiera sido un poco. Pero nooooo, tu jartaste un tazon mantecado entero!" (And if it was just a little bit. But nooooo, you ate a whole bowl of ice cream!)
Its alright tho, he learned his lesson:(
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Toji Fushiguro
"O te mueves o te muevo. Avanza y largate antes que yo misma decida romperte la cara" (move or ill move you. Hurry up and scatter before i break your face myself)
If you guys weren't bloody, sweaty and tired, he'd kiss you and fuck you full of his cock. But his tiredness told him he didn't have the strength to even get hard.
You'll just have to wait when he gets his rest and shower to show you how turn on he gets when you threaten him in a language he doesn't even understand.
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Sukuna Ryomen
"Si te lo tengo que decir una vez más te voy a cortar los huevos. Si dejas que otra zorra se te acerque quedas soltero" (if i need to repeat this again I'll cut your dick off. You let another whore get close to you you'll be single)
You ever seen a cat widening his eyes? Yep, that's him. Looking around with a scowl on his face and looking straight and Urame for a translation, quickly. Not getting any, since they didn't know either.
However, the fire in your tone, the sass on your movements and the way you sounded threatening and serious makes him think that you truly are fit to be the queen of curses.
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milesmolasses · 1 year
nah nah cuz HEAR ME OUTT, that lipstick kiss trend on tiktok with e42!miles and he would usually disagree but he loves when the reader kisses him so he gives in <3 (love your work, btw!!)
kisses for miles (e-42 miles x blk!reader)
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— besos para él💋
— ⚠️: reader talkin crazy, use of military time, cursing
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y/n: hey lol
mookie 💋: …yes u need sum?
y/n: can u come over please?
mookie 💋: what u tryna get into?
y/n: ur nasty 😒
mookie 💋: dgmt why am I coming over
y/n: baby pleaseeee just come over it’s a surprise
read 18:27
“nah I know he did not..” you said aloud. miles was always talking about not leaving him on read and now he wanna play games?
you swiped up on your phone, leaving the messages app to check Life360. he made sure to leave his location on at all times for you to find him, especially when he was in prowler duty. checking for miles location, you saw he was on the move to your direction.
rolling your eyes, you took a screenshot and sent it to him captioning it, “u coulda just said i’m omw.”
you rolled out of bed and put on some house slippers. before leaving your room, you threw your bonnet off and played around with your hair, putting the braids in a side part. walking to the living room, you heard a knock on the door; mind you, there was only ever one person who knocked on your door.
going straight for the door, you unlocked it so he could enter on his own. walking back to the living room of your house you yelled, “It’s open!”
you heard two clicks from the door, indicating to you that someone had opened and closed it.
“take off your shoe—!”
“I did.”
sitting crisscrossed on the couch, you looked behind you to the front door to find miles dropping his shoes off near the door. he walked over to you and grabbed you by both hands, pulling you up from the couch. still holding your hands in his, and your lips being mear inches apart he said in a low, deep voice, “so why you call me over here?”
you wrapped your hands around his neck and smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I can’t ask you to come over no more?” you asked, raising both your eyebrows with a small smile.
he reached for your back, tugging on your braids which lifted your head back and left your neck exposed to him. placing small kisses all over your neck, he smiled as he said between kisses, “of course you can esposa, but why so late is what i’m asking.”
“I wanna do something with you,” you said, pulling away from miles lips on your neck. plopping back down to the couch. miles joined you sitting down as you reached for your phone to pull up the video you wanted to show miles. once you found the video, you gave miles your phone and turned up the volume so he could hear it.
it was a video of a girl putting on lipstick, and “accidentally” smearing some of it under her lip. some random hand came and wiped the makeup off her face, and soon the camera panned to where the hand was coming from— a guy with lipstick stains all over his face and a dopey smile coming on screen.
miles re-watched the video again in silence, eyebrow furrowed to watch the video more intently.
“hell no—”
“but miles, please it’s gonna be so cute,” you pleaded grabbing his hand. you were slightly bouncing on the couch, your face decorated with a puppy dog pout. “you don’t even wear lipstick baby. so whatchu gon’ do?” he challenged.
“I can use lipglo—”
“hell no,” miles said again as he laughed. “that shit is sticky and a pain to get off. ion even like you kissing my lips with that on, let alone my face.”
“why don’t you ever wanna do cute couple stuff wimme?” you whined. miles pulled you onto his lap and kissed your lips again.
“what do you mean? we do cute couple shit all the time. I just don’t want gloss all on my face,” he reasoned as your head forehead came in contact with his chest.
miles remembered all the cute things you made him do with you as a couple; matching nails, the two of you baking, the cute arts and crafts you made him do with you— he remembered all of it.
if he was being honest, he enjoyed all the cute things you made him do with you. he would have never even thought of doing half the shit y’all did together, and now, he has a cute fungo pop that looks like you on his windowsill.
“think about how cute it will be; i’ll sit on your lap—just like i am now— and put kisses all over your face. that don’t sound like heaven to you?”
his hands gripped your waist as he slid them a bit under your shirt; he liked skin-to-skin contact with you. he looked at you with his head tilted to the side, like he was contemplating on whether or not to say yes. “aight, how bout this; show me how you’re gonna get that shit off my face when it’s over.”
you smiled as you scrambled off his lap to go to your room. going straight to your vanity, you opened the first drawer and pulled out a makeup bag with all of your supplies, as well as your micellar water and cotton pads. running quickly back to the living room, you found miles with his legs spread widely and his arms sprawled at the top of your couch.
“ew you look like a man,” you said as you approached the couch.
“you better talk to me nice ‘fore I get the hell up outta here—”
“ok ok i’m sorry!”
he smiled at your reaction as you placed yourself back on his lap facing him. placing the water down next to you, and opening the small pouch, you pulled out your red dior lip oil. “alright, so here’s what imma do; i’m gonna swatch some on my arm, and then i’m gonna show you how to take it off.”
opening the lip oil, you removed the wand and held up your arm. running the wand over your skin ripped a hole in your heart, feeling like this was such a waste of such a good product.
“what’s wrong ma?” miles asked as he saw the small pout on your face.
“i’m wasting my shit for this,” you whined looking pouty. miles raised your chin up to look at him and pecked your lips. “i’ll buy you another one ma, it’s all good,” he said.
whenever miles offered to buy you anything, you got a little shy and bashful, telling him he didn’t need to do that for you. however, he always does it anyway and tells you not to worry about it.
with a downturned smile, you averted your eyes from him and said a small, “okay.” turning back to what you were doing, you showed miles the two swatches of gloss on yours arm. picking up the bottle of micellar water, you told him that this is how you were going to take it off.
opening your box of cotton pads, you grabbed one and put some of the water on the pad. whipping off your arm, you showed him it was cleansed of the lip oil.
“see, good as new. that’s gonna be your face soon too,” you giggled. he grabbed your arm and felt where you whipped the oil off. it felt damp, but not sticky. he raised an eyebrow as if convinced and said,
“i’m still not letting you put that shit on my face mami.”
“Miles-uhh!” you said, dragging out his name.
“ay i’m kidding, relax! i’ll let you do your lil trend, aight?” he laughed as he slid his hands further up your shirt, hands caressing your back, and his face leaned into your chest.
“boy don’t play wimme,” you rolled your eyes and pulled his braids back, making him look at you.
“I am not the one.”
he smiled and leaned back into the couch.
“just put on the gloss and kiss me,” he laughed. you opened back up the lip oil and grabbed your phone. swiping left, you opened up the camera app and rubbed your lips with the wand. miles watched your lips intently as his grip on your waist tightened.
“don’t get too excited, i’m only kissing you.”
putting the want back in the tube, and your phone back on the couch, you grabbed miles face and started with a kiss on the cheek. then, a kiss on the chin. and then before you knew it, he had kiss marks all over his face.
you had to re-apply the gloss to your lips a few times, but when you saw miles entire face and neck smothered in remnants of you, you bit your lip and said, “you look sexy like this.”
“focus on the damn video mami,” said sounding annoyed. he obviously didn’t like the feeling of the gloss on his face because he was scrunching his face up every two seconds.
“what, you don’t like my kisses?” you said with a pretend pout.
“of course I do baby, but this feels so nasty on my face,” he said leaning his head back whining a little.
you grabbed your phone off the couch and told him to stop acting like a baby. going to tiktok and opening your favorite sounds, you clicked on the sound and started recording.
as you re-applied the lip gloss to your lips, you “accidentally” smudged the wand below your lips a little.
after miles reached and used his thumb to wipe the gloss off, you turned the camera to show miles with his head leaned back slightly, and kiss marks all over his face.
grabbing you by your neck, he pulled you in for a kiss just before the video ended. he gave you an opened mouth kiss which you happily returned before pulling back with a loopy smile.
“that wasn’t part of the video…” you said, still inches away from him lips.
“I know.”
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— lol I got a lil lazy so I don’t really like his this turned out
— I don’t think miles likes ur lipgloss (*´-`)
— however, e-1610 probably would. he would eat this shit up🤭
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2-dsimp · 4 months
omg zombie?? Rotting companion when?? I wonder if he's the slow type or the "I may be decomposing but I can sprint at a full 20 km/h" kind of guy
I luv zombiesss
-andwy tiddy hater
Cw: Heavy angst, obsessive/possessive tendencies, your boyfriend turning into a lovelorn zombie.
Synopsis: Soma, your boyfriend, happened to be the number one gamer in the world due to the fact that nobody could beat him at video games. Nobody except for his Lovely player two who he absolutely adores. One day during a zombie mob flash he sacrificed himself and got bitten in your stead so that you may live another day. Now as time passed, he was set to roam the streets as an undead zombie. Waiting to see you again to ensure that he won’t ever let the both of you be separated again. Not over his half dead body.
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
Soma, your boyfriend, is always so eccentric but sweet at the same time. He’d always make sure to mark down your important days on his calendar just to make sure he never misses a moment in his darling’s life. Which is everyday, from the moment you wake up down to the moment you close your eyes goodnight.
The Pro Gamers journal is filled with borderline obsessive scribbles of him recording the way that you sleep. And listing a bunch of observations about how adorable you looked curled up or sprawled out like a starfish. Not only that he takes the time to analyze and document every bit of your habits as if you he’s a biologist and you happened to be his precious specimen.
Either way no matter if you’re asleep or awake his hands won’t grow tired of drawing portraits of you. Within his sketchbook he used as an excuse to highlight gaming mechanics to his team. He’s pretty freighting when it comes to it, if you ask anyone on his team. They’d tell you to not even try and reach out towards it for a better look, since you get an automatic knee to the face.
“Oh my bad didn’t ya say that you wanted a close up of my combo breaker? Hmm? Not in irl? Well you Shoulda been more specific my guy”
Fast forward a few months, It all happened so suddenly when your part of town got hit with an unknown anomaly from a parasitic animal. That escaped from Devildom into the human realm. Successfully kickstarting a disease which made those who aren’t familiar with its origins. To fall into a frenzied state of loss consciousness and inability to control of one’s body.
During the earliest stages of the infection that spreading through your quaint city. Which was thankfully isolated from the rest to prevent even more of an outbreak. You were on a date with your boyfriend who was such a advocate for being spontaneous. Soma loved to surprise you with fun outings like going to amusement parks, para gliding, bungee jumping, kayaking, you name it.
But this time he wanted to give you a breather and take you on a lowkey cute date at a nearby cafe. Soma had an arm around your hip squeezing it lightly while he leaned against you like an over grown puppy.
“Lovie I’m so lucky to have you~ I don’t ever wanna live a day without being able to hold you, love you, kiss you, n fu—“
“Oh we’re here already! You excited to try out those cute menu items you’ve been fangirling about hun?”
Your boyfriend exclaimed giddily oftentimes having a habit of rambling on about how much he adores you on a daily basis. He went to open the door for you right after pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. It was something he always did before he had to leave your side even for just a brief moment.
Since he was paranoid in the fact that anything could happen to his cherished relationship with you. And he’d rather not it happen without him kissing you one last time.
You guys had just entered the door only to be met with a the rabid eyes and foaming mouths of the former patrons that dined there. It wasn’t any help that this cafe was jammed packed due to their popularity so it’d only take a split second for you to get snatched up by one of the infected standing in line.
You could barely register the way you were shoved out of the store by your boyfriend in an attempt to guard you from being taken by the horde. You stumbled outside the glass doors eyes wide with shock as you witnessed. A different side of Soma that you’ve never seen before, one that had him going batshit crazy.
Seeing how those filthy hands tried to take you away from him. Had him going off on a tangent about how he’d kill them twice over, for even trying to touch a single hair on your head. Claiming how you were his and his only and that nothing on heaven nor earth would change it.
Despite being outnumbered he put up one hell of a fight knocking the parasites down one by one into eventually one of them took a chance to bit his fist that he used to sucker punch their teeth out.
“Man you guys sure are tenacious for a bunch of deadweight…Shit just my luck”
Soma sighed, as if it was only a minor convenience that he’d gotten bitten. But nonetheless he kept letting his fist and legs fly not stopping until every single undead bastard was on the ground. Thanks to his self defense classes in karate.
It was only a matter of time before they got back up again so he turned around to give you a relaxed expression. A bright loving grin on his face as he asked you a simple question. While his veins became more prominent on his skin appearing in an abnormal pigment.
“Would you still love me as a zombie babes?”
You could only sob saying yes frantically as you watched your loved one turn into a different being. At your answer he let out a flippant sigh of relief before continuing to lock himself inside the restaurant. Using the key that was hanging off the hip of an employee he stunned.
“Good, then you’d better watch your back since whether im dead or alive I’d still be crazy in love with you baby.”
The gamer said in a soft tone that had a darkened edge to it, almost as if he wasn’t just trying to lighten up the mood with one of his lighthearted quips. But was issuing you an actual warning to beware of if you ever came across him while he wasn’t in control of himself.
Now go, your eyes should see only good things. And I’m afraid it’s gonna be ugly for me, Ah wait! Before you go…Give me kiss?”
Soma asked with a boyish grin pressing his face against the glass door with his lips puckered. As he waggled his eyebrows at you. It made you pissed off to say the least at how he was treating this a some kind of joke.
But you couldn’t help but notice his body twitching sporadically which was a telltale sign of how anxious he was. How scared he was of losing you. And how terrifying he’d be once he turned knowing that there’d be nothing to hold him back from showing his purest form of love for you.
Your boyfriend was already internally battling the urge to pull you against him. So you’d never leave his sight, that you two would be together forever regardless of death since nothing could ever change the way his heart beats purely for you. So just one more kiss, no matter if There’s a thin glass barrier, he just wants to be close to you, to somewhat feel you before his body shuts down on him.
You scrambled to press yourself against the door your palm on top of his. You gave him one last longing gaze, beforehand pressing your lips against the glass. Not noticing how he was just unblinkingly staring at your reflection. Burning the image of you so deeply into his mind that even if his critical thinking perished he’d never ever forget you even in death.
You were hesitant to leave him wanting to stay until his final hours but he childishly shooed you away. Claiming that he doesn’t want you to see him become an uggo version of himself. Since glowing down in front of his beau would be immensely embarrassing. He couldn’t help but feel a cruel twist of satisfaction seeing your reluctance to leave his side and those pretty eyes of yours welling up with tears meant only for him.
“We’ll meet again soon Lovie, mark my words, if you think I’d ever leave you alone then you’ve got another thing coming… So make sure to do your best until I come to make you mine once more permanently”
A few days later, the infection took hold of him but not in a way he was expecting. Sure he may have lost some of his humanity, but for a strange reason. The pro gamer still retained some fragments of his consciousness. His head was pounding from your name, invading his headspace. With every pulse of his brain that was fried at the moment.
Soma chuffed with a crooked grin, as he suspected not even death would take away his inherent need for you. Nor could it ever make it cease to be. He had to find you, sure it was selfish but he can’t stop from obsessing over your very being ingrained in his hazy memory. Where only the images of you were clear as can be.
Breaking the lock with his newly found inhuman strength, he became a half mindless zombie. Who actively searches for his you like a moth to a flame. Tearing everything and anything apart that stands in his way.
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
A/n: if you want to see more of your undead boyfriend feel free to send in an ask 👀
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
just read The Happy Throuple and I love it so much, i would love to see more of them whenever you have time, like maybe the internet's reactions and / or the drivers. meeting the parents, baby showers, the bay being born, etc. I just think it's a great fic with lots of potential.
YES!!!!!!! I’m thinking the internet’s reaction is the first half and then the drivers’ reaction, meeting the parents, baby shower/gender reveal, and the baby’s birth will be separate, all of them will be in my Masterlist in the same bullet as “The Happy Throuple”
Nobody Everybody Knows
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
Summary: posting their relationship for everyone to see means that now everyone gets to comment about something they know nothing about
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: Y/N faceclaim will ALWAYS be Becky G for social media posts just because I love her. There will be MULTIPLE “chapters” of the happy throuple’s story. For all intents and purposes, all the drivers who live in Monaco hang out outside the paddock except for “adults” like hulkenberg and Bottas. I also changed how Y/N and Alexandra know each other so they met at a party when Alexandra was 19 and Y/N was 18, okay? Okay
Since Charles posted on Instagram that he has another girlfriend and that he’s expecting a child, everyone has opinions. What’s great about Charles is that he disabled the comments, but that doesn’t stop other accounts from talking about their relationship.
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f1gossip Charles Leclerc reveals that he was been in a polyamorous relationship with Alexandra Saint Mleux and her best friend, Y/N L/N. Not only that, but Y/N is carrying his child. How do you feel about the news?
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charlosfan Charles got tired of white girls and started dating Latinas 😂. Alexandra is half Mexican and Y/N is _____, he really does have a type. Y/N seems sweet though
user92 Y/N baby trapped him for sure, like what does she even do?
queenalex Charles and Alex seem so happy with Y/N,
user19 Y/N is only with them for money
xoxolando doesn’t anyone find it weird that Y/N started dating them AFTER Charles and Alex got together? Like “oh he’s dating my best friend, I want to date him too”
user23 yes!! What is up with that?
heartf1 Y/N seems super messy imo
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f1wags Y/N M/N L/N was born in 2002, making her younger than Alexandra. Y/N is actually a singer signed with RCA Records
user59 say what you want about Y/N but that outfit ATE
kikafan25 she must not be a successful singer because I have never heard any of her songs.
user54 you’ve heard her songs. All those dilf edits to “a mi me gustan mayores”, that’s Y/N’s song
y/nbae she is so pretty! I love her music and now she’s going to be a mom, I’m happy for her
2 days after Charles posted, Y/N was washing dishes when she received a phone call from her mom.
“Hola mami, qué pasó?” Y/N asked.
“Como que ‘que pasó’, tu papá y yo nos enteramos por Despierta America que estás de novia con el piloto ese de fórmula uno y la otra niña, y encima de eso, estás embarazada. La relación va en serio? Sabes que ese muchacho cambia de novia cada 3 años, por dios. Y el bebé? Sigues siendo muy niña para criar a un bebé, por qué no usaste protección? No te eduqué para que salieras embarazada antes del matrimonio. Ni siquiera conozco esos dos, y te va a pedir matrimonio el Chuck ese?” Her mom lectured her. What do you mean ‘what happened’, your dad and I found out on Wake Up America that you are dating that F1 driver and the other girl, and on top of that, you’re pregnant. Is this relationship serious? You know that boy gets a new girlfriend every three year, for god’s sake. And the baby? You are too young to raise a baby, why didn’t you use production? I did not raise you to get pregnant before marriage. I don’t even know those two and is this Chuck guy going to propose?
“Mami, no quería que esto pasara, tuvimos cuidado, te lo juro.” Y/N said. “Estas cosas pasan, lo siento mucho, de verdad.” I didn’t want this to happen, we were careful, I swear. These things just happen, I’m sorry, really
“Bueno, está bien, pero habla con tu papá que él está más enojado que yo, te hablo luego, bye,” Y/N’s mom hung up, Y/N sighed and continued to wash dishes until she felt someone hug her from behind, placing a kiss on her shoulder. Okay, it’s fine, but talk to your dad, he’s angrier than I am, I’ll talk to you later
“Mi reina, of you keep doing that, I’m not going to finish the dishes,” Y/N said. Alexandra turned her around and kissed her lips.
“Then rest, ma papillon, you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be doing dishes.” Alexandra said, leading her to the couch.
“Have you seen Instagram lately? Everyone’s been talking about me.” Y/N said,
“Yeah, everyone was talking about me too when I first dated Charles. It comes with the territory I guess. We should go shopping!” Alexandra said.
“For what? We won’t know the baby’s gender until it’s 4 or 5 months old. Wait, google it to make sure.” Y/N said. Alexandra pulled out her phone,
“It says 18 to 22 weeks.” Alexandra said.
“Eh, I was close. So what are we going to shop for?” Y/N asked.
“For you! Now that people know we are dating, you get to come with us to events! So we need fancy maternity clothes, cocktail dresses, shoes, purses, this is going to be perfect.” Alexandra said,
On the other hand, Charles was getting calls from other drivers left and right so he decided to have Max, Lando, George, Lewis, Daniel and Alex over at his apartment.
“I ordered pizza, there are drinks in the fridge, I will answer all the questions you have about my relationship.” Charles states, putting Leo on the ground so he could roam around
“So Y/N and Alexandra are together?” Lando asked.
Yes.” Charles answered.
“But you are also together with them?” Lando followed up,
“Yes, that is how a polyamorous relationship works, mate.” Charles said.
“How did you decide to have Y/N join?” Max asked.
“Alexandra and I were dating for a while, sometimes Alexandra would invite Y/N if we were shopping or going out to eat. Sometimes I would be left alone with Y/N and we would hit it off so well, I felt the same thing for her as I felt for Alexandra. One night Alexandra told me the reason why she kept inviting Y/N was because she had a crush on her and I confessed the same to Alexandra. So one day all three of us went to the movies, we told Y/N our feelings, Y/N took time to think about it, and when she said she had feelings for us too, we started taking it slow.” Charles said.
“So the relationship is all about love and not wanting to spice up the relationship?” Daniel asked.
“Nope, all love.” Charles answered.
“Do you even know Y/N’s parents?” Alex asked.
“I do not, they love back in New York.” Charles said.
“Do you think you’re going to marry Y/N and Alexandra and have a polyamorous marriage?” George asked,
“I would like to in the future, I love both of them so much, I have never felt so strongly about anyone.” Charles said.
“For ultrasound appointments, will both of you go with her?” Lewis asked.
“Yes, both of us will go with Y/N, it is more likely that Alexandra goes if the appointment falls on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday during race week.” Charles answered.
“So if Alexandra is doing something, and it’s only you and Y/N, that’s okay?” Lando asked.
“Yes, it’s okay if I’m just with Y/N. It’s okay if I’m just with Alexandra, and it’s okay if it’s just Alexandra and Y/N, it’s alright. Since Alexandra is still studying art history, Y/N is a singer, she is able to with me a lot more and now she Can because our relationship is public.” Charles said.
“Until she hits the 3rd trimester.” Max stated.
“Anyway, our relationship is healthy, we love each other very much.” Charles said, the doorbell rang. “Must be the pizza.”
Charles was glad that his colleagues understood his relationship and didn’t make any crude remarks. He would have to talk to Pierre whenever he goes to Maranello. For the most part, the internet’s reaction was more positive than negative and that makes Charles more than happy.
The End
Hope y’all liked this installment, I am also working on more installments of Meet and Greet if you wanted more of Charles, Y/N, and Vidia
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pedrithink · 1 year
dream family ✩ pedri gonzalez
couple: pedri x reader! messi
request: im on my knees begging for a messi reader x pedri 🙏🏼 soc med au or oneshot i will take what i can get
face claim: olivia grivas
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NOW: Inter Miami CF Press Conference | Lionel Messi
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comments ⬇️
user1 messi showing all his support for pedri's relationship with his daughter, how nice to see him so happy enjoying life with his family.
user2 it’s actually a tragedy that we won’t get to see Messi and Pedri play together again, pretty sure that yn would love to watch this masterpiece too. her boyfriend with her father 🔥
user3 for messi, pedri is one of the best talents in world football. they enjoyed looking for each other in the short time they played together.
user4 @user3 bring them back please 😭
user5 messi's children are everything to him, so if he supports this relationship it's because he trusts pedri 🥺
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, and 3.772.872 others
ynmessi miami days with mom and dad 💕✨ estoy tan orgullosa de vós, papá. te quiero muchísimo! gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mí y no sabes la inspiración que sos para mí. 💗💖💕💞
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antonelaroccuzzo mi niña hermosa, la mas linda y buena ❤️❤️ te queremos muchooooo 🥰❤️❤️
ynmessi @antonelaroccuzzo te quiero, má 💖
leomessi te quiero hija 😘❤️
ynmessi te quiero, pá 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
user1 your father is a LEGEND
user2 yn, what brand are your pants and top?
pedri 😍😍
ynmessi @pedri 💗🫶🏻
user3 guapaaaaas y el capitán más hermoso del mundo 😍 (pretties and the most beautiful captain in the world)
user4 la mujer y la hija del 10 no se mira (we cannot look at 10's wife and daughter)
ynmessi has added to their story
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Liked by antonelaroccuzzo, pedri, and 3.447.972 others
ynmessi happiest birthday with my favorite people 💐 thank you for the love everyone - heart is so full 💝🥺
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antonelaroccuzzo siempre quiero verte feliz, mi niña 🥰
ynmessi @antonelaroccuzzo lo mismo, mamá. no puedo expresar o tanto qué te quiero 💝
user6 imagine having messi and pedri at your birthday party and at the same time them being your father and boyfriend! YN WON IN LIFE
user7 the way yn and pedri treat each other is so cute 😞
leomessi 😍❤️
ynmessi has added to their story
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘Beautiful Baby’
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Miguel O’Hara x female girlfriend reader
‘Reader speaks Spanish’
Summary; After coming back from a rough ‘Girls Night’ with your friends, you try to keep strong and not cry after everything they told you.. and Miguel wouldn’t know anyways.. he wasn’t there.. but Spider-Man was around indeed. And unbeknownst to you, Miguel and Spider-Man understood Spanish- Very well.
Warnings: lots of Spanish, but everything is translated. hurt/comfort. mean friends- ‘kinda going through a thing so yeah’ Sm- SMUT!! NSFW 18+!! Some public sex. Miguel giving it all to you in pleasure ;) Spanish words Ah e translations in parentheses. Enjoy ;)
Mostly darkness surrounded your- Miguel and your’s apartment when you walked in, only the bright city lights of the NYC night brightened it up a bit.. letting you see your walkway clearly. Silence filled the your little safe haven, only your feet hitting the floor was what could be heard, along with the little sniffles you let out from crying all the way home in the taxi. But you did your best to quiet them down so Miguel wouldn’t hear you, you knew his sorta spider senses could pick it up if he was home. But you were sure he wasn’t, but either way you knew he’d question you about it… and you weren’t ready to admit he was right, even with the tears steaming down your face.
Miguel had told you not to go on that ‘Girls Night’ date your friends had set up, but you were eager because it had been a while sense you girls got out of high school and started your new, different lives, plus you thought he was being delusional about them being different perhaps and not the same, cute girlies as before. But… he wasn’t being delusional.. he was right.. as your memory recalled tonight painful events. The most hurtful words they told you engraved in your head.
“Oh, estoy segura de que sería una mejor chica para él… I’d be a better fuck probably-“ (Oh I'm sure I'd be a better girl for him)
“Have you seen how big he is? Estoy segura de que podría llevarnos a dos a la vez..” (I'm sure he could take us two at once)
“¿Cómo podría estar contigo? Debe ser ciego.” ( How could he be with you? Must be blind.)
“You’re probably just a stupid fuck-toy to him girly, Nunca puedes ser lo suficientemente buena para él.”
(You can never be good enough for him.)
In that moment you had wished some God had heard your cries for them to stop, or for someone to say something otherwise.. but for now your felt ignored and hurt..
Tears came down again as you walked into your dark room, not expecting to yelp at the large shadow that stood in front of the large windows in your room. Miguel was supposed to be out all night, crime-fighting the city as he usually did, not back home just a few hours later. Your hand rested above your erratic beating heart as you turned the bed side lamp on, and there he was… standing in his tight shorts he wore under his suit.
Had it been any other time you would’ve jumped him and not let him leave you until you both were well spent, you’d be insulting him if you said he ‘just’ looked ‘good’. But he was magnificent, body sculpted like a god, his messy hair that had a rebellious strand on his face, chiseled jawline and sharp eyes… he was perfect-
You frowned in confusion at his presence instead, not wanting to face his beauty with your messed up self, but before you could ask anything, he spoke out,
“Cómo estuvo tu noche?” (How was your night?)
Shock took over you, making you drop your heels with your jaw slacked a bit open… you didn’t know Miguel spoke Spanish- perfect Spanish. He only spoke to you in English and when you occasionally did use Spanish, he always pretended to not know unbeknownst to you.
You then swallowed down the shock and played the pretend game as you lied,
“It went… perfectly well actually-“
"Crees que soy estúpido?" (Do you think I’m stupid?)
Your eyes went wide like baseballs as your breath hitched.
'What the fuck?-'
"Estoy hablando contigo." (I’m talking to you.)
You only moved your head as you shook it, signifying that you were saying no. But he didn't take that as he growled softly,
"Usa tus palabras.” (Use your words)
Your eyes still didn’t dare to meet his that were probably red already, with anger perhaps, maybe hatred? So you kept them low as you replied,
“No sir-“
“Nuh-uh uh… como les hablaste a ellos, me hablas a mí. en español. Ahora, sigue amor.” (Like how you spoke to them, you speak to me. In Spanish. Now, go on love.)
You fiddled with the hem of your dress and gulped, still in shock he spoke another language- very hotly in fact.
“No señor.” (No sir.)
Miguel noticed that you were growing nervous, legs shaking and your hands couldn’t stop moving. He didn’t want you to feel nervous, but he wanted you to understand the depth of how serious this is.
The mistreatment towards you and how you took it like you deserved it, or like it was something ok and normal? His heart couldn’t take it, how could someone as sweet and gentle as you be treated so poorly? And then you did nothing about it, instead you showed fear and submission to it.
And that pissed him off, your lack of confidence and belief that you’re not worthy or good enough, after all this time that he’s showered you with love and assurance, never ending loving words that could drown you, touches that only he gave and wished were carved into your skin by this time.
Miguel walked up to you slowly, his muscles rippling with every step he took. You couldn’t deny how beautiful of not ridiculously hot he was, but you were still nervous, and it evidently showed. And he didn’t miss how you were moving uncomfortably in your place, and your eyes darting to his hands and pace nervously. But he kept that thought aside but not far, as he proceeded to do talking first.
“Segura? Entonces esas lágrimas no son reales? No estás llorando porque esas chicas te hicieron sentir como basura?”
(You sure? So those tears aren't real? You're not crying because those girls made you feel like trash?)
Heavy stones sat in your throat, you wanted to cry, because of course, you were caught lying because he was around, hearing you let yourself be mistreated.
You then tried to turn it on him to serve justice to your bubbling emotions as you questioned,
“You were-“
“En Español..” (In Spanish)
You groaned and replied in perfect Spanish, sense that was what he wanted,
“Me estabas espiando-“ (You were spying on me)
“No, te estaba viendo dejarte maltratar y estoy decepcionado-“ (No, I was watching you let yourself be mistreated and I'm disappointed)
You rolled your eyes trying to fight the pain of how true it was and how Miguel was disappointed in you because of it. But you none the less argued back,
“Ellas solo estaban siendo tontos y yo estaba siendo estúpida-“ (They were just being silly and i was being stupid)
Again with the demeaning yourself- and that set him off. His eyes glowed brighter as he took another step closer to you and expressed his anger in it,
“What? Why are you talking about yourself like that-“
Ok you were not doing this, you weren’t ready to commit to the fact that you were better, because right now you didn’t feel like it at all, regardless of what someone else said or did- so you thought.
So you then stood up straight and stopped his speech before it went on,
“I’m not hearing this, I’m tired and you have a city that’s more important to worry about than my insecurities. Goodnight Miguel.”
With that you took a good few steps away from Miguel, ready to hide and break fully.
It’s not that you were afraid to cry in front of Miguel, but this situation with your self and those words was something so repetitive and harmful, and you didn’t know how to fight it, sometimes it even scared you. You knew Miguel would slay them all or anyone who dared to touch you, to keep you and the heart he chased safe. And the last thing you wanted was more problems… as it is they think you don’t deserve him.
You had barely reached the door to touched the knob when a large hand held your waist and turned you around, pushing your back against the door. A gasp left your lips at the sudden gesture, and your eyes beheld Miguel’s form as he stood in front and over you, his height and broad, muscled body covering you entirely. His hand left your waist after giving a squeeze, wordlessly telling you, ‘stay there’.
Then slowly both his hands trailed up the door and held their place next to your head, caging you in. The whole time you two held eye contact, refusing to let go or even blink, the tension was really high, along with everything else you two felt for one another. You still felt emotional, very in fact as your eyes burned and your heart would clench in hurt, the desperation to cry was clawing you painfully, eager to escape with a heavy sob. But you bit your lip and held Miguel’s gaze, hoping to find strength for yourself through his eyes of honey and undeniable firmness. With a calm voice he stared into your soul, and asked,
“You know who you are.. right?”
You almost rolled your eyes as you sighed,
“My beautiful baby.. and that’s it. No more or less... you’re not just a fuck-toy. Because I make love to you, every god damn time.”
How Miguel saw you like this confused you, you honestly believed you were not good enough for him, in any way. Tears started to prickle in your eyes, so immediately you shook your head and mumbled,
“I don’t think so.”
Slightly you pushed him away by the shoulder but just enough to give you space to go out the door, not willing once again to accept his truth. But once again you were met against Miguel when he lifted you by the waist and carried you away from the door, muttering,
“If you don’t want to learn I’ll teach you how important you are to me- the city can wait.”
“Miguel put me down!!”
You were being a bit rebellious although you were curious as to what he’d do, so eventually you let yourself be carried, but dead weight. Although Miguel never struggled a bit or didn’t even change his calm breathing, you worked like a feather to him. He just went on to open the large window doors you had that pointed towards the bright city and brought you out to the balcony. Your eyes were met with the tall skyscrapers that stood before you, glistening in brights lights from the city below, you sucked a deep breath at its magnificent beauty but were yanked out of thought when you felt the cool air of the city hit your skin. Miguel’s warm hands trailed down your back as he took off your dress gently, and let it pool at your feet. With one arm he lifted you up and kicked the dress away, so you wouldn’t trip as he walked you to the edge of the balcony. He kissed your head and neck as he skimmed his hands over the waistline of your panties, then dipped his fingers in and pressed into your pussy, groaning with satisfaction,
“You’re already all wet huh beautiful baby? At least your pussy is cooperating with me-“
You gasped at his words but were cut short,
“Miguel- Ohh fuck! Ah s’full..”
You were already soaking wet from how much his words had aroused you, that he had slid in fully super easily. You didn’t even know when he lost the shorts as he pressed his bare hips against your ass, taking you in. You held onto the metal rail as you whined, feeling two of his thick fingers press your clit firmly as he egged you on,
“I’m gonna make you come on my cock and fingers, and let the city hear how gorgeous you are.. show them that you’re worthy of me, my fingers.. and my fucking cock-“
“Ah baby- m-more..”
Miguel had started to pump you slowly and rub circles on your clit, building up that aching pleasure down there where you both connected, but you were to focused on the city around and below you shining and probably listening, that you couldn’t focus on the pleasure increasing.
You the closed your eyes and put your head down, letting low to no moans escape your lips as you tried to shy away, even though you felt as if you could scream, Miguel was hitting and touching you just right at once. But the insecurity of you being heard while fucked by this gorgeous God-sculpted man had you shrinking slowly,. But Miguel caught on, and gave you a firm thrust, causing you to choke on a moan,
“Ah Miguel- please!!”
He smiled to himself at hearing your voice crying out to him, and tears were beginning to form in your eyes for how hard he started ramming into you, hitting that right spot that had you curling your toes, it wasn’t painful- hell no it was euphoric and full of pleasure. Miguel kissed your eyes and chuckled lowly,
“Please what hermosa? Hm?”
You tried to form words, but he had made you so cock drunk, it only came out as moans and incoherent pleas for him to go on, but Miguel slowed down a bit when you couldn’t answer right away. That warmth in your belly that was growing into a flame was now slowly dissipating all because of him, it had you clawing at his back and whimpering desperately,
“No no no!! D-Don’t- ohh!! Don’t slow down!!”
At your words Miguel’s hips completely stopped moving, but he laid his thumb right on your clit, and perfectly drew small circles against it, with a good enough pressure to keep you going- but not enough to get you off immediately. You had tried to move your hips against his hand to grab more friction for your aching cunt, but he instantly held your hip down and growled next to your ear,
“Desesperada eh?” (Desperate huh?)
You turned your face and teasingly kitten licked his temple, smirking to yourself when his cock twitched in you emitting a small moan from his throat.
“I’ll literally rail you until all you know and say is that you’re my beautiful baby, my girl.”
His arm snaked around you and covered your waist as he leaned you over the balcony fence, so it wouldn’t hurt you, or bruise you. Maybe he was a rough lover, but god damn only he could make those bruises, not anything else, he’d break it if it did. Miguel held you tightly and used his other hand to come up at your throat, to hold your chin high so you’d never bow your head down to a city that could never shine brighter than you.
Kisses were given on your neck and a soft bite to your ear lobe, as Miguel cooed,
“You’re mine hermosa… my beautiful baby..”
You moaned out as you felt his large, veiny length re-enter into your pussy slowly, letting you know with every inch taking place in you, that he was yours and you.. were entirely his. You have felt him so many times, as he loved to claim you and you lived for taking him, but it always felt like a first and better each time, the experience wasn’t ever the same… it was a different beautiful love story being told every time.
Once he fully seated into you, he held his place and squeezed your hips, letting a deep groan emit from his lips, the vibration of it being felt on your back as he was pressed impossibly on top of you. You sighed contentedly as you could feel him press the tip of his cock right at your cervix, you knew the minute he’d start, he’d be hitting that perfect spot every time.. it make your knees weak and you rub your ass on him for more. But he stopped you as he spoke lovingly yet with that authoritative tone,
“I’m going to let everyone know how beautiful you are.. hm? Let the city see you but they can’t touch?”
He made you feel so bold, it had you spilling out confidence,
“If I’m who you say I am.. let them.”
“Of course you are.”
He then ripped off your lacy bra and panties, putting you on full display before going back to thrusting into you. This time you let your moans come out freely and your eyes watched the city around you, maybe they heard you, but you couldn’t care, not when you were safe in Miguel’s arms and you were his beautiful baby.
Sense you had been edged to a close release earlier before it had been taken away, you were quickly clawing back to it faster than you expected, making you cry out to Miguel as you reached for his hair and pulled on it,
“Ya se- me to! AH!! Hold on!” (I know)
He moaned into your ear as he pulled you away from the balcony, and lifted you up, bouncing you on his cock as he walked you two back to your bed. Before he laid you down he turned you around so easily like if you weighed like a feather, and dropped your back onto the cold sheets. Your high was so on the edge into bursting like a firework it had you crying and ushering him onto you again,
“Please Miguel I need you!! Oh fuck me please-“
Miguel placed a sloppy open mouthed kiss to your lips and pulled away, watching a string of saliva follow between you too, as he asked you one last time,
“Who are you hermosa?”
You whined at his question as you were feeling overwhelmed, your hand held onto Miguel’s thick arm tightly while you used the other to wipe your tears as you hiccuped,
��Please Mig-“
His claws ran up your thighs and pulled them up slowly as he shook his head and repeated with more purpose,
“Who. Are. You. Hermosa?”
He then gently laid your legs over his shoulders, and held onto them there as he patiently waited for your answer, and you knew he’d stayed rock hard in you all day waiting for your answer.. over just taking you for himself and forgetting what he wanted from you. So to give him the clarity he wanted and you needed, you took a deep breath and narrowed your eyes at him, pushing your hips closer to his as you seductively said,
“I’m your beautiful baby.”
As if he had won the billion dollar lottery, Miguel wore a smile that was brighter than the sun, as he pulled out from you slowly, but rapidly slammed into you with a groan,
“Right- AH! Fuckinnn answer hermosa..”
He then leaned over you and pressed you tightly between the bed and himself, your feet practically next to your head as Miguel embraced your body close to his.
Your hand snaked around his neck while the other locked itself into his thick hair, ready to pull it as you wished. Miguel placed a deep kiss to you lips as he relished in the feeling of your warm walls squeezing him tightly like a vice, so hungry to milk him for all he had.
Pussy throbbing and clenching around him had you almost ready to beg for some kind of friction, until all those thoughts went away when he ferociously began to ram into you. His tip kissing your cervix every time had your toes curling, he was so big in your tight pussy you could feel his thick veins run up and down in you as he pumped roughly.
His low groans soon turned into desperate moans as he didn’t relent his pace, he kissed your neck before placing a deep bite with his fangs right on your pulse point, he controlled his venom to not be released, but he sure left his mark there on you. You pulled his hair and threw your head back when you felt your high building up, the tingling feeling in your lower belly only getting stronger and it only got better as Miguel rubbed his pelvis against your pussy at every thrust.
You were absolutely overwhelmed with Miguel, his chest pressed against yours, his arms wrapped tightly around you, his face hiding in your neck, his warm breath hitting your skin, the sweet words of honey that made your heart melt, and his moans that brought you closer to your peak, and lastly but not least.. his cock driving into you wildly like no other.
His frame was much larger than yours, he was 6’9 and you of course were no where close to that, leaving you small in his arms, but it made it all more blissful and comforting in his hold. His thick dark hair had become a great pull for when he’d hit that gummy spot in you, egging on your desperation for more of what he could give.
Your hand left his shoulders as you realized your nails had dug into his skin quiet harshly, almost drawing blood. You reached out above you and gripped the sheets, pulling on them as you squealed,
“Ah!! Miguel- please! I’m close!!”
The most pornographic moan left his lips at your words, it sounded so good yet it was the most sinful thing you’ve probably ever heard. His hand left your hip and took yours off the sheets, exchanging your hold on it to his instead, your fingers intertwining in a tight yet promising grip in his large hand.
He growled deeply while nodding,
“I- Fuck!! Ay coño- come with me my beautiful baby. I’m so c-close!”
Miguel then pulled his face from your neck and leaned his forehead on yours, swallowing your cries with a searing kiss, before demanding,
“Come on baby.. tell me who you are- ah! Fuck- that’s all I want to here baby.”
Maybe your head was full of only Miguel, his cock, and the pleasure, but you nonetheless moaned against his lips,
“I! Ohh fuck- I’m your beautiful baby.. just y-yours!! Ah harder baby-“
“Then tell me again- ohh mama- go on.”
Hips rutting into yours harder was making tears collect in your eyes, and now screaming as you felt your release hitting its peak.
“Oh- I’m yours!! Beautiful baby- all AH!! Miguel- please I’m coming- mmph!!”
His lips took yours again as his rhythm began to falter a bit, stuttering his beat as he began to come with you. Moans synchronizing into one melody as you both rode your highs, letting it ride long as you were in paradise, never wanting it to end.
Finally you sighed out, needing air as it had been taken from Miguel, your high finally and fully dissipated, but you’ve never felt so satisfied and complete. Chest heaving and rubbing against his, you closed your eyes and relaxed into the sheets, letting go of Miguel’s hand and shoulder and letting your arms fall and spread out.
Miguel smiled at your blissed state and he could’ve sworn that he’s never seen a more gorgeous sight, you were heavenly and all his. You had stayed quiet for a bit, trying to catch your breath and calm your crazy heart beat, with slight concern Miguel came close to your forehead and spoke through kisses,
“Hermosa? Are *kiss* you *kiss* ok? *kiss*”
Slowly you nodded and did your best to reply,
“Hmm-utiful.. yours.. hm beau’ful..”
At your response Miguel couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, he felt proud of himself, yet more proud of you.
You were definitely cock drunk and had been seriously railed until you only knew the words he told you to repeat over and over, so you could only think of that if someone ever told you less.
But that was his goal, he never wanted to hear any negative words about yourself come out of your mouth again, and if they did… he’d make sure he’d be there to tell you different, in many ways until you believed him.
Miguel kissed your head and wiped the rest of your tears away as he carefully pulled out, shushing your little whines with sweet coos sense you were sensitive. The warmth of his body left yours for a few seconds before it came back, with a warm washcloth to clean you up.
Gentleness was in his every move and his reassuring smile and attentiveness to your needs had you weak even more for him. He was always such a stern man for reasonable reasons, but with you, he was the most gentle giant you had ever known.
Once he was finished he cleaned himself up and tossed the cloth to the corner basket before wrapping and clinging himself onto you.
He moved you to rest on top of him, your head right over his heart, and his hand gently rubbing up and down your back, comforting himself with you well spent and in his arms. The whole time he knew you were up, as your traced heart shapes on his chest, he could feel them.
So he gave himself the opportunity to shower you with encouraging words, reminding you of your worth and how much he loved you.. he even went as far out of his comfort zone to say that you and him should have a day where you took cute pictures (well he said sexy and provocative but you said maybe one thing at a time) and you could post them on your social media and he’d do the same on his, letting everyone know how gorgeous you were and how worthy you were to have him.
You agreed to the suggestion and thanked him for always being the best, and loving you truly in every way.
“Thank you Miguel.. I’m sorry for-“
“Being my beautiful girl? I know.. me too, cause you’re stuck with me forever.”
You giggled and pecked his cheek,
“I love you so much..”
A genuine smile that had a hint of a pride in it found it’s way on Miguel’s lips, which you kissed fully before laying back down and curling into his sweet hold. You knew he wouldn’t let you apologize for something he felt wasn’t necessary, so you took his words of assurance instead and fell asleep, utterly full of him and his love for you.
When Miguel felt you go limp and you had stopped tracing, he cuddled you closer to his chest and pressed your head against him, as he pecked your head and bid you goodnight,
“Goodnight my beautiful baby.. I love you so much more..”
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