tclismcn · 2 years
» @hcze​​ sent: ❛ you looked lonely so i got you a drink. ❜ from Tom!
Oh thank god. The hardest part about being a time traveler was that Jié didn't have an ID to buy alcohol with. The only way to get a decent drink anywhere was when someone else bought it for him. Now here he was, being offered one for free without even having to turn on his charms.
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“Much obliged!” He gave a nod of thanks to the other man & took a big swig from the drink. Ah, this is a good one too. “It's been a rough week, but I wouldn't say I'm lonely per se... just ‘alone’.”
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mcmorare · 2 years
@hcze sent: ‘ aw yeah, time to get spooky! ‘ from Tom ;3 | ni.ght in the woo.ds starters
“So I take it you’re a big Halloween fan then?” Katrina asked, head tilting slightly to the side. It seemed like most people in America were - and quite a few in the other English-speaking countries, but it never really had been where she had grown up. Which, admittedly, might have had as much to do with the small town she lived in as it did the cross-cultural relevance of Halloween. 
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“Gonna put up decorations and wear a costume?” Despite the humorous smile on her face, it was just as much a real question as it was a joke. 
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kit-just-kit · 2 years
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“Well, hello there.......husband!”.
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tooxldtorememxer · 2 years
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( @hcze​ wrote:  “  earth  still  is  my  favourite  planet  . ” from Drew to R :P )
“You have obviously not listened to a word I’ve said,” he said slowly. He’d said a lot. Had gushed on about Saturn's moons and rings. About the constant storm on Jupiter and the fascination humans never seemed to shake about Mars, the red planet. Or how about the rotation of Venus? But no, he had still decided that Earth was his favourite of them all. This dying pile of rock and mostly water.
With a deep sigh, he rubbed at his forehead and gestured for him to continue. “Are you going to tell me why?” he asked. “Or are you going to leave me to guess your reasons?” The probability that he’d heard it before was great. this human Drew, was not the first he’d met that had ‘earth’ as their number one planet of their solar system. “Just tell me.” He wasn’t going to guess, he meant. He wasn’t even going to bother.
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altrxisme · 2 years
@hcze​ asked “I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time.” Astrid to Jackson  
first impressions starter sentences 
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     “ In a good way I hope. ” There was no helping the boyish smile on his face from her words. Jackson frequented New York during the weekends he was able to; sometimes busking, sometimes doing small artworks for passerbys. Since he was in Haze and the woman seems to be part of the staff, perhaps Drew spoke about him to his coworkers there.  “ I’m assumin’ ya know my name or...? ”
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ofsnarkandmagic · 2 years
@hcze for Drew
His sister had nearly talked his ear off about how great this little dive bar was, about how great the food was--after she’d actually had a chance to try it finally-- and how great the people were. Apparently there was some bloke that worked there she’d recently started dating.
Haze was like a second home to her.
So what was the harm in checking out for himself? Personally Melvin didn’t see any and so he wandered inside. Huh, well at least the atmosphere seemed suitable, then again he wasn’t a snob or anything. And the piano man sounded like he could really belt out a song. So, with a light-hearted grin he stopped near enough to be heard. “Ya sound rather good mate. Do ya know any Billy Joel?”
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spxnglr · 2 years
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☎️ 𝙶𝙷𝙾𝚂𝚃𝙱𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂, 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙳𝙾 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃? || ❓ — three adjectives that describe you || @ladamereveuse & @hcze​
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Weird, chaotic and, erm, an entire idiot.
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sxrgeantbarnes · 2 years
“Oh god. please tell me you haven’t just heard me talk to myself.“
@hcze​ (Astrid) || prompt
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He tilted his head, a small, apologetic smile tilting the corners of his mouth upwards. “I can say no.” He thought she was talking to him at first, it was the reason he stopped walking and turned in her direction. It took him a moment to realize she was actually muttering to herself. “I didn't actually hear what you said. If that helps.”
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macveigh · 2 years
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“Larry, what the hell? Why is my check for this week short seventy-five dollars?”  // @hcze​​ liked for a thing.
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freckledboss · 2 years
❝  don’t be ridiculous,  there’s enough room on this bed for both of us. ❞ from Drew, early before dating days? 🤔 ( @hcze​ )
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“ that’s very kind of you, mr. hackett, but i’m perfectly comfortable right here... “ although, comfortable isn’t exactly what she’d use to describe sleeping on the couch but she’s not about to climb into bed with him -- even if she is a little tempted. 
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alwaysrevvedup · 2 years
* how many fingers am i holding up?" from Tom :3 @hcze​
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Said the bartender to the fucked up rock star. Eddie’s mouth split into a silent but amused grin, partially hidden by a curtain of mused, dark hair. A couple of hours had passed since Munson had slipped into the bar, going mostly unnoticed for the majority of his stay. A few autographs had been scrawled onto napkins in askance of the requested parties’ silence about him being here. He hadn’t come with his band, however, or a bodyguard. Security always cramped his style. 
This place was a little nicer than most dives he cruised through. The twinkly little piano man was good, the music soothing to his drunken ears. Though Eddie hadn’t meant to stay this late or drink this much. At least four crystal cut glasses sat at his elbow, all of them dry and the liquor swilled down into his gut. He let his head loll back slowly, dark eyes squinting at the other. 
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“Uh...” Lips rolled into his mouth, pressing into a line of concentration. Was this guy moving his fingers just to fuck with him? He reached up an rubbed a hand over his heated face before taking an actual guess. “Looooks’like three,” he muttered, the words nearly melding together in a slur. 
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mcmorare · 2 years
@hcze sent: “i had hoped to find my place in the universe. i did not think to look here.” from Drew :) | uncanny avengers: counter-evolutionary prompts
“Here?” Katrina hoped that didn’t sound too judgemental. She was just surprised. Of all the places in the world to find purpose, not many people would say they found it in a bar in New York. Some people would say they never found it at all. Most people, from what she could tell, were unsure.
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“So, if you didn’t think to look here, then how'd you end up here?” she asked, head tilting slightly. 
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altrxisme · 2 years
@hcze​​​ asked  “  you have my full attention.  you always do." Drew to Johanne, tis true tho :P
flirty memes >:3c 
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     “ Appreciative as that is— ” The woman eyed him with stormy blues, amusement and thanks danced on her expression.  “ —Again with the flattery, Drew? You have been calling me pretty many times now since we first met. Is there something you’re trying to get at, min venn? ” It was all in good fun, of course. Not many knew how much Johanne liked to light-heartedly tease, and much less were on the receiving end of it.
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ofsnarkandmagic · 2 years
📂 give us all of theeeem
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have @hcze
I gave you four, which is four that we didn’t have before lmao
Melvin doesn’t understand people that wear headphones on one ear--either it’s for a Disc Jockey or doesn’t make sense. Immerse yourself in the music, or don’t.
He has always wanted to try sushi for no other reason than it’s very beautiful food to look at, but is wary of sushi bars.
On numerous occasions, he’s attempted to write lyrics for songs that don’t exist, yet doesn’t have an ear for music. So they’re a book of poems instead.
He frequently wears a pair of bright yellow Converse, for no other reason that they’re loud, like he is. Plus, they remind him of lighting.
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notimminent · 2 years
@hcze​ ;; starter call 
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   “ but, like, do you know how to play ˆwelcome to the black parade’? ”  a pause as she brings her glass of water to her lips before letting her forehead press against her hand as a sigh escaped her,  “ today is just... a really angst filled day and that song always hits different. ”
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therelentless · 2 years
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Send me 🗣️ for incorrect quotes of your muse and mine;;
ASTRID  &  NANDOR ;;                 ↳ { @hcze }
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