#Lennard Fricke
placerdiario · 11 months
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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passion-of-arts · 6 years
• Bezahlte Partnerschaft mit der Business Meeting Community •
Stefan Culjak, Volkan Kurt und Burak Kizilay (v. l.)
Am 21. März lud die „Business Meeting Community“ der DVAG München wieder zum wohl bekannten und allzeit beliebten Business Meeting ein. Nachdem die Gäste am Eingang herzlich begrüßt und zum Sektempfang geladen wurden, durfte man sich anschließend gleich auf das fabelhafte Buffet stürzten. Neben einer üppigen Wurst- und Käseplatte gab es verschiedene Gläschen, mit kleinen verschiedenen Leckereien darin. Dazu wurde Wasser mit Früchten serviert. Im Anschluss daran nahmen die Gäste ihre Plätze ein und die Neuzugänge warteten schon gespannt darauf, was als nächstes passieren würde. Mit einem tosenden Applaus begrüßten die alteingesessenen Direktionsleiter für Deutsche Vermögensberatung und Gastgeber Burak Kizilay, der noch einmal mit strahlenden Augen und voller Enthusiasmus die Entstehung des Business Meetings erzählte. Von 16 Teilnehmern ist das Meeting auf 150 bis 200 Anwesende jedes Mal gewachsen und das von 2013 bis heute. Werbung braucht die Community schon lange nicht mehr dafür machen, denn die Mundpropaganda funktioniert einwandfrei. Außerdem bringen einige Gäste auch Freunde und Partner mit, sodass die Gemeinschaft wächst und wächst. Im Business Meeting München entstehen auch wunderbare Chancen und Charity Aktionen. So wie die Stiftung der Kinderklinik München Schwabing, für die ein Scheck über 7200 Euro überreicht werden konnte, um das Projekt, die Ärzte und deren Helfer auf Notfälle zu trainieren. Hierbei üben die Fachleute im Team zu arbeiten und Operationen richtig und fehlerfrei zu koordinieren, sodass Leben gerettet werden kann. Dr. Uwe Sassen erklärte das Vorhaben in einem ausführlichen Bericht und bedankte sich ganz herzlich bei der Community für die vielen Spenden. Im Anschluss daran betrat Community Liebling, Top Unternehmer und Inhaber von Maluni Weine Stefan Culjak die Bühne und hielt eine fesselnde Rede über besondere Verbindungen, Kommunikation und Zusammenhalt. Danach hielt er die Gäste dazu an, den anschließenden Redner, die Motivationskanone Volkan Kurt, Gründer von Sport Meets Business, Mentor und Mitgründer der Plattform Health & Wealth mit einem tosenden Applaus zu begrüßen. Die Energie war enorm und die anschließende Vorstellungsrunde der Unternehmer brachte wieder zahlreiche interessante Menschen ans Licht. Wie zum Beispiel DJ Bobby Evs, der wieder einmal für die musikalische Untermalung des Abends zuständig war. Aber auch Filmregisseur und -produzent Lennard Fricke, der aktuell einen Kurzfilm dreht, in dem es darum geht, sich nicht von niedrigen Umständen aus der Bahn werfen zu lassen.
DJ Bobby Evs
Motivationskanone Volkan Kurt
Tomislav Kesedzic
Ariane Itt und Astrid Wittenberger von Stimmpower
Das Team, das es möglich macht!
Nach der Vorstellungsrunde betrat Pedja Pantic das Podium und sprach motivierende Worte über Ziele und Durchhaltevermögen. Tomislav Kesedzic stellte seinen Bewegungskompass vor, eine Plattform rund um Bewegung und Gesundheit. Außerdem sprachen Ariane Itt und Astrid Wittenberger von Stimmpower über die Wirkung von Sprache und Sprechart. Den Abschluss formte Burak Kizilay und bedankte sich bei allen engagierten Helfern, die es jedes Mal möglich machen, dass das Business in seiner ganzen Pracht stattfinden kann. Angefangen bei den Organisatoren Anna Kizilay, Cihan Cetinbas und Boban Krivokuca, über das Catering, bis hin zum roten Teppich, der seit dem 4-jährigen Jubiläum immer darauf wartet, von den Gästen betreten zu werden.
Das nächste Business Meeting wird findet am 23. Mai 2019 statt. Tickets kannst du unter businessmeeting-muenchen.de/tickets/. ergattern. Sei schnell, denn das Meeting ist so beliebt, dass es immer sehr rasch ausverkauft ist. Ich werde beim nächsten Mal auf jeden Fall dabei sein und freue mich jetzt schon wieder sehr darauf!
Text: Gina Dieu Armstark / Passion of Arts Bilder: Raul Jurca Photography  
Business: Business Meeting München • Bezahlte Partnerschaft mit der Business Meeting Community • Am 21. März lud die „Business Meeting Community…
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vivacala · 2 years
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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dliilb · 2 years
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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aboutanimation · 2 years
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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maceikblog · 2 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #134 14.5.2022
CAF Liga Mistrzów, półfinały:
Setif-Al Ahly 2:2 (2:6 w dwumeczu)
Wydad Casablanca-Petro 1:1 (4:2 w dwumeczu)
Bruk Bet-Piast 0:1
Warta-Lech 1:2
Zagłębie-Raków 1:0 (Lech został Mistrzem Polski)
Lechia-Pogoń 0:0
Ewinner 2 Liga: Motor Lublin-Radunia Stężyca 2:2
III Liga: Bałtyk Gdynia-Stolem Gniewino 0:0
Allsvenskan: Mjallby-Varnamo 1:1
Mistrzostwa Świata w hokeju elity:
Dania-Kazachstan 9:1
Szwecja-Austria 3:1
Czechy-Wielka Brytania 5:1
Szwajcaria-Włochy 5:2
Łotwa-Finlandia 1:2
Słowacja-Niemcy 1:2
NHL, play-offy: Rangers-Penguins 5:3 (3:3 w serii)
NBA, play-offy:
Bucks-Celtics 95:108 (3:3 w serii)
Warriors-Grizzlies 110:96 (4:2 w serii, awans Warriors)
LIga Centralna piłki ręcznej: MKS Grudziądz-GKS Żukowo 28:36
I Liga piłkarzy ręcznych: SMS Kwidzyn II-Tytani Wejherowo 35:34
I Liga piłkarek ręcznych:
MMTS Kwidzyn-MKS Kościerzyna 27:41
Sambor Tczew-Pogoń Szczecin 27:29
PlusLiga, finał: Jastrzębski Węgiel-ZAKSA Kędzierzyn Koźle 0:3 (1:3 w serii, ZAKSA Mistrzem Polski)
IPL: Kolkata Knight Riders (177/6, Andre Russell 49 & 3/22) pokonali Sunrisers Hyderabad (123/8, Abhishek Sharma 43, Umran Malik 3/33) 54 runami
Futsal Ekstraklasa:
Legia Warszawa-Red Devils Chojnice 3:5
Team Lębork-AZS Warszawa 1:5
AZS UG Gdańsk-Piast Gliwice 1:12
MLB: Pirates-Reds 2:8 (13-19)
IBL: Crocetta-San Marino 0:12 (13-0)
drugi mecz: Crocetta-San Marino 6:5 (13-1)
Giro d'Italia,
8 etap:
1. Thomas de Gendt (BEL)
2. Davide Gabburo (ITA)
3. Jorge Arcas (ESP)
163. Cesare Benedetti
1. Juan Pedro Lopez (ESP)
2. Lennard Kämna (GER)
3. Rein Taaramäe (EST)
132. Cesare Benedetti
Soudal Open, 2 runda: 21. Adrian Meronk
Challenger w Bordeaux: Jan Zieliński/Hugo Nys-Phillip Oswald/Hans Hach 6:3 6:2
Turniej WTA w Rabacie: Paula Kania Chodun-Christian Ferrando 1:6 0:6
Challenger w Karlsruhe: Katarzyna Piter/Kimberley Zimmermann-Mayar Sherif/Panna Udvardy 3:6 2:6
Turniej WTA w Rzymie: Iga Świątek-białorusinka 6:2 6:1
PDC European Tour w Pradze, 2 runda:
Krzysztof Ratajski-Ricky Evans 0:6
Brendan Dolan-Mickey Mansell 5:6
Luke Humphries-Martin Lukeman 6:1
Rob Cross-Jules van Dongen 6:2
Dimitri van den Bergh-Nathan Aspinall 6:4
Jose de Sousa-Martijn Kleermaker 6:2
Daryl Gurney-Dave Chisnall 5:6
Michael Smith-Rowby John Rodriguez 4:6
Damon Heta-Adam Gawlas 4:6
Martin Schindler-Vincent van der Voort 5:6
Dirk van Duijvenbode-Karel Sedlacek 6:3
Jonny Clayton-Jose Justicia 5:6
Michael van Gerwen-Viteslav Sedlak 6:2
Gerwyn Price-Adrian Lewis 3:6
Joe Cullen-Ross Smith 4:6
Ryan Searle-Ritchie Edhouse 6:0
Speedway Grand Prix w Warszawie:
1. Max Fricke (AUS)
2. Leon Madsen (DEN)
3. Fredrik Lindgren (SWE)
5. Bartosz Zmarzlik
6. Maciej Janowski
8. Paweł Przedpełski
11. Patryk Dudek
14. Maksym Drabik
17. Jakub Miśkowiak
0 notes
lubashivaya · 3 years
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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raduchits · 3 years
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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emzeciorrr · 3 years
DIRTY MONEY from Sinan Sevinç on Vimeo.
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is.
Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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artwalktv · 3 years
Have you ever thought about what kind of journey a dollar bill makes before landing inside your wallet? In an age of COVID-19 with an intense scrutiny on hygiene, no one seems perturbed about handing another person cash. While the world went into lockdown and screamed at each other to keep their distance inside Walmart, cash still made its rounds from hand to hand, from pocket to pocket, from one insanitary surface to another. DIRTY MONEY tells the story of a freshly printed ten-dollar-bill emerging from an ATM and follow its gradual unhygienic demise through the disgusting scenarios it encounters while changing its owner multiple times. But isn’t there a more hygienic solution to rescue Hamilton’s handsome face from mutilation? There certainly is. CREDITS Director: Sinan Sevinç & Dominik Ströhle Cinematography: Christopher Behrmann Film Music: Alexander Wolf David Sounddesign: Marco Dahl, Julian Berg Editing: Bela Adami Animation: Mario Bertsch Visual Artist: Matthias Schaudig Production Design: Marie Becher, Maria Schmid Executive Producer: Elisabeth Yili Baumann Assistant Director: Lennard Fricke, Yelyzaveta Davydenko, Philipp Schaeffer Assistant Cinematographer: Kai Bestek, Kevin Brari, Marco Breidenbach, Sina Diehl, Linus Heinzler, Julian Pfaff, Jakob Sinsel Costume Design: Sarah Heidelberger, Mara Laibacher Gaffer: Philip Henze, Dennis Banemann, Garry Sonneborn Lighting Technician: Nils Ecke, Chris Gruber, Christopher Jess, Hanna Lange, Lina Marzin Colorist: Peter Hacker COVID-19 protocol: Philipp Schaeffer, Britt Abrecht Set Runner / COVID-19 protocol: Andreas Scherlinger Production Driver: René Sebastian Colling Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH CAST: Alie Kaloloh, Evin Sevinç, Duygu Kelesh, Nils Müller, Marco Nestler, Jessica Stamp, Cathy Fink
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