plumteaz · 4 years
the movie is so cute!!!
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Gekijouban Doubutsu no Mori (2006)
По серии игр Animal Crossing еще в 2006 году вышло полнометражное аниме. Сами зверюшки получились ну просто один в один, а вот главной героине - девочке Ай - очень не хватало фирменного дизайна из игры, тут она выглядит просто как обычная анимешная девочка, немного выбивается из общего стиля. Как и полагается сюжету Animal Crossing, девочка приезжает в деревню животных, устраивается там на работу и знакомится со всеми местными обитателями. Пусть Ай и не сразу со всеми поладила, зато она сразу подружилась с очаровательной слонихой Салли (Марджи - в английской версии). Сюжет тут не особо важен, хотя, как по мне, ближе к концу с этим пришельцем он стал довольно бестолковым и неуместным. В целом, получилось очень милое и детское аниме, очень простое - хотя. конечно, с такими персонажами тут материала на целый сериал бы набралось. Впрочем, кто знает, может Animal Crossing с его бешеной-то популярностью еще превратят в полноценный аниме-сериал предельной кавайности. Он того заслуживает!
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plumteaz · 5 years
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Lance: I don’t know you always cancel on me and my sister.
Dove: Yeah I’m not the best with sticking with plans, but I was almost homeless so of course I came as quick as I could.
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plumteaz · 5 years
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Lance: …Coming.
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plumteaz · 5 years
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Lance: I don’t know you always cancel on me and my sister.
Dove: Yeah I’m not the best with sticking with plans, but I was almost homeless so of course I came as quick as I could.
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plumteaz · 5 years
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Lance: ...Coming.
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plumteaz · 5 years
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Candelaria Hernadez for @hotheadedsims Roof
Big Happy Family | Genius | Family Orientated | Ambitious 
Candy was once in the political field but due to many not supporting her for being a minority and a women she had to end her time in that career. She quickly started her own business where they sale vintage clothing. At this point she wants to find love because she is finally able to love herself. She hopes to make the right impression and make in into the bc.
- Everyone calls her Candy
- Latina, can cook the best mexican food ever!!!
- Currently living in New Crest but spends more time in the city
-  Will be the parent in most situations especially when her friends party way too much!!
private dl if chosen!!
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plumteaz · 5 years
hiya, can you please make me a sim if you have free places?
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I hope you enjoy bb!!!
private dl!!!
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plumteaz · 5 years
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For @grouchysims Bob Pancakes’ BC
Traits: Jealous, Dance Machine, and Outgoing  
Aspiration: Friend of the World 
Steph is the only child but yet she never became spoiled. Throughout her life she has been training as a ballet dancer but when she turned 17 she got terrible back pains which made her drop the sport. Since she was training soooo much she never had any experience with boys or flirting. Now that shes 23, she has put her self out there but fails every time. At this point in her life she found a love for fashion and social media; she is currently around 15k followers on instagram but her love for it is slowly dying the more popularity she gains from it. She hopes that being in this BC will be successful in not just winning Bob but also gaining better social skills and new friends. 
She also likes too...
blast music until the landlord comes
photo shoots 
edit photos
eat like a lot of food (me too)
watching the sunset 
private dl if chosen!!!
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plumteaz · 5 years
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Simmers Save The Bees - Earth Day 2019
Bees are an essential part of our ecosystem and due to habitat loss, widespread use of pesticides and destructive hive diseases, they’re dying off at a rapid pace. 
This Earth Day (April 22nd), I wanted to share a cause close to my heart with the simming community and make it a goal to raise awareness.
So what can you as a simmer do to help?
- help me raise awareness by reblogging this post and others like it and by using the tag #simmerssavethebees on tumblr, instagram, and twitter.
- cc creators: consider releasing special bee-themed cc and/or by donating a portion of your income earned through paetron, adfly, etc to a bee conservation charity - or better yet, a local beekeeping organization in your area! If you’re interested in contributing cc - please let me know and I’ll add a link to your blog on a master page/post! I also have a little logo I’ll be using on my own cc that I’d bee happy to share!
- builders: create and release special “bee friendly” gardens, community lots, houses, etc! Make sure to use the #simmerssavethebees on the sims 4 gallery too!
- twitch/youtubers: consider hosting a charity stream on your channel and donate the proceeds to a bee conservation charity, or even better- a local beekeeping organization!
- Can’t do any of those things? That’s okay! Consider spending your Earth Day planting a small bee garden or make a simple bee bath for your garden (ever seen bees bathing? IT’S SO FREAKING CUTE!) Want to help in an easy and free way? Consider signing this petition organized by greenpeace to ban bee-killing pesticides in the agricultural industry.
For more information on how to help - Earth Day Network (Bees Campaign)
See below the cut for a short list of bee conservation charities and organizations dedicated to saving our bees!
Keep reading
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plumteaz · 5 years
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11:27 Willow Creak 
Dove: Alivviiaa it’s over for me..I officially get evicted tomorrow first thing in the morning…Can I crash at your pad tomorrow night?
Alivia: I just moved out into a small studio and I haven’t gotten my furniture fully renovated yet. My brother has an extra room since I’m out of his place now. I’ll let you know what he says!!
Dove: Thanks chica see you soon hopefully
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plumteaz · 5 years
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hi guys!!! I’m not new to tumblr this is just a new account since I was inactive I decided that a new account is better and I actually know what I’m doing this time;) yay!!!
If you’re a maxis match or mix simblr reblog so I can follow you 
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