#Leona Olafsdotter da Costa
馃拵: Which Cappyverse characters are this?
Alverta Tang: I do not know what is the rank of Trixie Tang as a rich girl. But, thanks to Trixie being a model and a fashion designer and Sigmund as a famous and powerful Sorceror, Alverta is able to afford a comfortable life. However money cannot give access to perform her desire of using other types of dark and forbidden magic or perform spells using animal sacrifices. Plus her money is under watchful eyes from her father's elf servant.
Munchausen Young-Hat: The Young Family are richer than trillionares because of Chase, but increase when he married to Kimiko whose inherit her father's company, Tohomiko Electronics and his daughter, Chinatsu Young's achievement as The Heylin Princess. Despite Munchausen having the last name, Young, Munchausen earns her last name, unlike Chinatsu whose obtain from birthright, she did not get the lifestyle she desire as a kid that diminished; To have a happy childhood. Plus, all of the fortunes from her father's side of the family will be inherit to Chinatsu. Munchausen carefully use the money Chase and Black Hat funded her to complete assassination missions, spy missions, and heist missions for The Heylin and Black Hat Organization. While Munchausen got monthly allowances, they goes to her bank account manage by Dr. Flug and Chase so she won't over spend them on junk foods, cute clothes, and comic books.
Leona Torasdottir da Costa: Although her mothers are members of The Justice League International and other reasons (Beatrice da Costa is the president of the聽Brazilian聽branch of聽Wayne Enterprises and Tora Olafsdotter is a princess of the Ice People and chieftress to the聽Is Bygd, a sect of Romanifolket and isolated tribe of metahuman and magic-wielding Norsemen who secretly lived in Norway), they decide to have a normal life, but allow her to goes to Point Prep.
Cezanne Braddock: A very privileged life in England just like her mother once have. She is able to goes to Braddock Academy because she is the niece of the founder and headmaster, the former Captain Britain, Brian Braddock, and the daughter of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and current Captain Britain, Psylocke. But that does stop her from her life as a thief.
Dolores Chan: Dolores have the latest futuristic technology thanks to her family. Her maternal Mexican-Canadian grandfather is the wealthy owner of the del Oro ranch and paternal Asian-Canadian father owns an internet cafe and small appliance repair shop which later turns into a small company after Dennis, took a break from being a plumber that is currently expanding. Dolores is still underdevelops. All I can say she would give the latest futuristic gears to Andrew Cunningham for his 'ninja duty', and moves to Townsville to meets Professor Utonium for her father's company expansion. However she ended up working for Chillaxtion for some reason and apparently Munchausen's target to eliminated by Calico. Dolores is one of @cooltmoney95鈥檚 Sanjay (FOP) x Dennis Chan (Kid Vs. Kat)鈥檚 fankid, Naseem Chan鈥檚 paternal half triplet siblings.
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aprilbrowines 5 years
So here鈥檚 the thing. I saw @aj-thegreatest and @hotsassbacon doing it and i thought why not this might be fun so here it is my gang the renegade rainbows.
Renegade rainbows
The renegade rainbows is a group of aliens dedicated to protect undertown and give to those unfortunate. They been wanting to spread their gang hoping that to make a better life for all Aliens, They鈥檙e a Chaotically good gang and so far they have 13 members. They made a another branch in Townsville. While they may rob and fight They鈥檙e good guys at heart.
Kayuqtuq a.k.a mr.Red: Son of ester and Antonio (21)- The leader and founder of the renegade rainbows, Kayu鈥檚 a carefree leader towards his crew but can be quite serious and focused when his crew is hurt. He鈥檚 can stretch his limbs and has high heat resistance. He has almond-shape purple eyes. His thick, wavy, dark pink hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flame. He is short and has a masculine build. He wears a red ring.
Mitzi a.k.a ms. Orange: Daughter of Argit and simian (18) - She鈥檚 Kayu鈥檚 right hand woman. Argit is now the mayor of undertown, Because of that Mitiz lives the good life but he emotionally neglects her. While on the outside, she can be Cynical and disrespectful on the inside she鈥檚 adaptable, thrifty, and nurturing. She has big yellow eyes and black quills for hair that she puts in a ponytail. 聽She is short and has an hourglass build. She wears an orange bracelet.
Dudley t. Hokestar a.k.a Yellow duke: (Adopted) son of blarney T. hokestar(He鈥檚 an oc) (17)- The trickster of the gang. His parents abandoned him as a baby leaving him as a street urchin. Hokestar adopted him when he was 9 and taught him chemistry and business, He loves his Father and Solid Plugg who he calls uncle Plugg. He鈥檚 honest and modest. Of course he's also imaginative, flexible and planful. 聽He has slitted eyes the color of ripe tangerines. His silky, curly, white hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a shark's fin. He has a boyish body. 聽He wears Yellow goggles.
Leona Olafsdotter da Costa a.k.a Duchess of green: Daughter of Ice (Tora Olafsdotter) and Fire (Beatriz da costa) (JLU)- The enforcer of the team (18). Leona is an expelled student from Noctavia-inga, she鈥檚 a聽bad girl who skip classes, smokes, and like to pick on fight and always breaks the dressing code of the school due to having her sleeve burnt and rolling up her other sleeve when using her metahuman powers. She curses a lot, but not in front of elders and children. She can make half of her body be in an ice armor and her other half be covered in green flames. She uses her ice to cool herself from overheat and fire to warm herself to prevent herself from getting frostbites. 聽She has a mixture of cool gray and jade green shoulder-length hair, wears teal eyeshadow and navy blue contact lenses. She does not have flying powers or聽is able to make ice platform as a transportation, only an armor and shoots fireballs on her left side and Ice shards on her right side. She can make an armor out of 50% Green fire and 50% Ice and is determined to control her powers. She鈥檚 adventurous, ambitious, and clever. She was born in an ordinary family in a normal city. She lived out of trouble until she was about 11 years old, but at that point things changed.
She studied a lot and was very successful. With the support of great parents, she enjoys life in an outlandish world. But with her perseverance and bravery, there's nothing to stop her from going beyond expectations. She could quickly become an unstoppable force. She wears green Earrings.
Rook Hici a.k.a Sir indigo: Son of Rook ben (15)- The tech genius. He's sincere, savvy, driven and perhaps a little too naive, but there's more than this to somebody with his position. He was born to Rook Ben and lived on Revvonah till he was 9 where he lived in undertown. Seeing Ben Tennyson made him want to be like him. But to him failing the exam multiple times he was rejected by the Plumbers and joined the Renegade rainbow instead. He's optimistic and disciplined. Of course he's also warm, adventurous and objective, but far less strongly and often mixed with being desperate as well. He has almond-shaped amber eyes. His luxurious, wavy, waist-length hair is the color of obsidian, and is worn in a practical style. He has a lithe build. Hici is a bisexual trans boy. He wears an indigo bandana on his left arm.
Adela a.k.a Lady Violet: Daughter of Viktoria (16)- The medic of the renegade rainbows, Adela is hardworking and balanced. Of course she's also appreciative, faithful and rational, but far less strong and often mixed with being petty as well. She has large violet eyes that are like two amethysts. Her fine, straight, brown hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a bird's wing. She is very tall and has a feminine build and has a screw in the side of her head. She鈥檚 a walking electricity/life force generators with electromagnetic bodies, capable of shooting electric bursts, manipulating electromagnetic fields and energy, and even healing others. On her planet she was bullied for being hideous (She鈥檚 actullay rather pretty but you know) her mother and her left. After Moving to undertown she became friends with Rook Hici over a common interest in science. She wears a violet bandana on her right arm.
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Which OC would love to go on a date to a Museum? Who do they want to take them on the date? Anything memorable happen?
While Munchausen does not like visiting the museums, she would do it for Lucky. Lucky would take her to Oscorp Science Center because Lucky like every facet of science. She would enjoy going to the Kyoto International Manga Museum because she love reading comics, especially genre where the antagonists/villains win. Oh she would definitely wants to go to The Dynamite Museum in Dimmsdale to blow it up and attacks The Heinous Museum in Miseryville (if Lucky let her). After all Munchausen loves to makes destruction as her mark.
Leona Olafsdotter-da Costa would definitely goes to to Metahuman Museum of Oddities on a date with Reggie Mann. She goes there for the sense of self. Leona loves to listen to Reggie's corny puns. Although, she is afraid of being descended from Vandal Savage because he is the "father" of metahumans.
Holly love to goes to museum dedicated to superheroes. Holly would definitely plan her date with Tamara to any of these museums: The Hall of Heroes (a museum dedicated to the World's Greatest Superheroes, The Justice League), The Superman Museum, and The Wonder Woman Museum. The memorable moments I would thinks of are Holly and Tamara enjoy learning the history of the聽Amazon Champion聽and the聽Amazons of Paradise Island and coming up with attack moves after these heroes on their museum dates.
I could definitely see Pocket Watch and Atlas' date be the newly built Candy Kingdom's The Museum of Natural History. The memorable moments for them are remebering them, along with Atlas' Candy people and Asteria have dedications themselves into rebuilding The Candy Kingdom and the other kingdoms after the fall of Old Earth. They even add a permanent exhibition showing the history of Old Earth, Atlas' time and discoveries on New Earth, and the foundation + history of Asteria, including the hero group dedication to help the lives of Old Earthians as a proof of good memories Atlas and Pocket Watch still cherish, the achievements they earned, and the obstacles they faced. They often goes there with Dee Dee, a Devil's Food Cake Type Candyperson. Atlas and Pocket Watch enjoy spending time with the Candy Children and love sharing stories with them.
Callyieverse/Tales of Mewni
Well it is more of a hangout than a date, but Vincenza Dolittle took Fum to the Echo Creek Museum of Paper Clips. She like paperclips and have a collection of paperclips. The memorable moment I would come up with is that Vincenza successfully ask Fum out (again, a hang out, not a date). And he agree, however Fum bring his friend, Dottie along to show how amazing Vincenza's father's hometown and Earth is (causing Vincenza feeling lowkey down because she wanted to be just her and Fum). On the bright side, Vincenza, Dottie, and Fum learn the values of paperclips and got themselves free paperclips. Paperclips are useful for Dottie' s responsibility as a scrivener.
Atlas Abadeer belongs to @animeclub78.
Lucky Two-Shoes and Tamara Jackson belong to @ej-cappy-universe.
Reggie Mann belongs to @aprilbrowines.
Fum belongs to @kururu418.
Dottie belongs to @princesscallyie.
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