s-lee-py-puppy · 22 days
Thinking about hypnosis~ being slowly made to be pliant and submissive to him. Having a word that triggers it, causing me to get all floaty~
Maybe playing with becoming more sensitive, being so ticklish I can hardly stand it. Him ruthlessly wrecking me regardless ~
(Maybe even being made to cum from tickles alone~)
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hypnopetpeanut · 2 years
Yesterday, a close, affectionate friend decided to tickle me... in the middle of the college lunchroom...
She had me reduced to lewd moans and a heap on the floor in SECONDS! so embarrassing!!! (,,>_<,,)
(there wasn't a lot of people around but so many of my friends saw it! they all know I'm a stupid whore now (> n <) )
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Alright we saw the shinto hcs (loved them btw) but don’t think I didn’t see that line that said grey’s her main victim! So I wanna know, what’s our poor bootleg boy like as lee/ler?
I got something special for you, anon :)
Grey headcanons
• I see him as a very gentle ler, he can be very merciless at times tho.
• He has tickled Shinto some times (mainly if she just does something to annoy him. Like poking at his sides or something like that.)
• He goes "tktktk" when tickling someone because I said so-
• Will laugh along with his lee :)
• He isn't the best at teasing but he tries >:(
• Man is too ticklish for his own good-
• Gets extremely flustered when it comes to gentle tickles (all you'll hear from him is a bunch of squeaks and tiny giggles)
• CAN NOT handle raspberries. Like, at all.
• He snorts when he laughs because it just seems like he does-
• He has had his shit wrecked by Shinto multiple times (imagine getting tickled to tears by a bootleg Pokémon multiple times. Skill issue-)
• His stomach, his sides, the back of his knees, (and maybe his feet lol-) are his death spots.
That's all I have for our silly bootleg boy-
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just-cutie-avocado · 2 years
Headcanon that Dr. Light finds out Mari is ticklish and always sneaks tickles at every subtle opportunity
Aww, so cute omggg😩💘💗
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city-tickles · 4 months
Hi, hypnosis anon again!
That was a great clip, thanks for sharing it!
You mentioned hypnosis audios had worked on you. I've tried a few, with no success so far. Can you share the ones that worked for you?
Hi, hypnosis anon!
You’re welcome. The hypnosis tickles out there are not great. But here’s one that has worked on me. Obviously these are for 18+
For this one, you have to be comfortable with a male ler/male voice but this one has had the best success rate. I was skeptical but I was caught off guard the first time it worked and I really feel it with this one. I tried it again last night after not using it for months and it’s still effective.
You have probably tried the Jacqueline Powers ones but those work on me too. Not as strongly as the first one but after being “broken” by the first one I’m able to react to these
This one didn’t work on me but it’s a dollar if you never tried it and want to give it a shot. It’s just words and no trance music or sounds in the background.
To get them to start working, I had to get out of my head. I know that’s a cop out answer but I allowed myself to focus on my breathing and let it happen if it happens Sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes it takes a little time to kick in. I also read this somewhere and tried it but if you have an intrusive thought during the hypno, just let it happen and go back to focusing on the hypno instead of trying to focus on shutting out everything.
I hope these work!
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anxious-lee · 2 years
|| Hypnowarren Tickle Headcanons ||
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these two deserve the world :)
This one's gonna be short but have some tickle headcanons for the happy couple
- hypno is the mushy tickle monster of the two
- he's always trying to get warren to admit he likes being tickled (or at the very least admit that he IS ticklish), but warren stubbornly denies it
- warren puts on this tough-guy, supervillian persona and is definitely NOT ticklish ok
- he is super ticklish
- hypno does his best to get him out of his shell, and it always works
- after enough baby talk, warren crumples into giggles that could shatter glass
- due to his small size, it's hard for warren to be the ler in any scenario but ESPECIALLY because his boyfriend is so gigantic
- it is hard, but not impossible
- if warren can get on hypno's shoulders, he can tickle the hippo's neck and ears
- alternatively, warren can slither underneath hypno's shirt and tickle him that way. it drives hypno CRAZY. he is consumed with belly laughter.
- sometimes if they're out in public and the two are poking fun at each other, warren will very lightly tickle hypno under his clothes. not enough to make him lose it, but enough to where he has to really try to compose himself
- hypno gets his vengeance when they get home 😈
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kochofairy · 12 days
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Serene dragon that can transform into a snake, and maybe other forms as well... He/she/they.
Hypno kink, tickle kink (ler/dom leaning switch)
Art by @/nurii103
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giggly-moon · 3 months
(Elpenor Anon)
Also I want to write drabbles but I make it too short :(
I also want to write Lee!Elpenor, but I need a prompt and a ler :(.
Can you give me one :(
MY BOYYY! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. cashlyn also gave me a request for him from the prompts list so i’ll definitely be writing more for him after the angsty fic is done too 👀
also you don’t need to feel bad about them being “too short”, different fic lengths work for different people. the main reason i started doing the drabbles is cause i was struggling with full lengths fics so cutting down the length definitely helped. so whatever length your drabble ends up being will be perfect if it’s what works best for you <3
oh boy oh boy let’s see uhhhh. how about ler!eurylochus? and as for a prompt maybe eurylochus catches elpenor red handed trying to prank somebody else, maybe even eurylochus himself? like he’s in the middle of setting it up, or he got stuck setting it up and couldn’t free himself, or the prank backfired and hit elpenor instead and eurylochus walks in on the aftermath. and so of course eurylochus has to teach him a lesson anyway. does that work okay?
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toast-is-ticklish · 3 years
Sweet Dreams
Ler Hypnos and Lee Zagreus tk fic
Hypnos sees something interesting in Zagreus's dream.
Oops Hades hyperfixation go brrr
Hypnos loved to watch other people's dreams.
Most anyone was capable of creating the most fantastical and creative worlds! As it was his domain, he got to see things most others could not. Magic, illusions, adventures, and impossibilities of all sorts. It was an amazing thing to be a part of! 
But he also knew that dreams could be deeply personal, and had gotten quite skilled at realizing when it was best for him to leave.
This was probably what he should be doing with Prince Zagreus right now.
The prince didnt sleep nearly as much as he needed to, and when he did Hypnos most likely had a hand in it. But Hypnos understood why the boy didnt want to sleep, considering that fact that all his dreams, well, sucked.
Hypnos couldnt remember a single good dream Zagreus had ever had. Most all that he witnessed were amalgamations of the princes father berating him for something or other, and Hypnos was trying desperately to stop himself from meddling.
'Nope! Nope! None of my business at all, I'll not be intervening in the slightest! I'm not even looking! Nope nope nope.'
But the memories were particularly insufferable tonight and Dream-Hades would not shut up calling Zagreus a failure and a disappointment and a burden or whatever else when he was actually possibly the best thing to happen to the House of Hades ever.
So even though he knew he wasnt supposed to Hypnos tried to make the dream a little better.
First off was a change of setting. The Administrative office was just Ew and definitely did not inspire any good feelings.
He thought about what Zagreus might like. He wanted to see his mother right? Persephone...Spring...Flowers and...stuff. He fashioned out a flower field. Added butterflies and fluffy clouds and a sunset! The whole nines!
Yes this would fix everything right up! Hypnos watched as the old oppressive atmosphere faded away and Zagreus's subconscious filled out the rest of the context for him.
Hmm..looks like he was having a picnic! And Zagreus looked happy! So Hypnos's job was done! Yay!
But it looked like someone else was appearing... wait was that him? Zagreus was dreaming about him? Once again he knew he shouldnt stay.. but his curiosity was thoroughly piqued. Hmmmm... well just staying for a little couldnt hurt right? Yeah, just a few more minutes!
"I've got to say, this is not how I expected the sun to look like. Its...quite beautiful."
Dream-Hypnos was dual wielding mini sandwiches.
"Mhm! It's pretty cool right?"
Zagreus laid back on the quilt they were situated on. A smile grew on his face.
"Yeah. It really is."
This genuine look of pure content was making Real-Hypnos's stomach fill with a feeling he didnt want to name. All he knew is that he really wanted to see Zagreus smile like that again.
The dream version of himself flounced down next to Zagreus. A moment of comfortable silence passed between the two of them. They soon started chatting about nostalgic memories. Real-Hypnos found his face heating up at the domesticity of the scene.
Something had changed while Hypnos was distracted and now there was a playful glint in alternate hims eyes. And-oh okay I guess Zagreus is getting tackled now?!
Hypnos jumped and almost left the dream immediately, scared that the two in the dream were about to do something... intimate
But he found himself even more confused when Zagreus started laughing? He watched himself talk.
"Oh, I almost forgot about your long fought battle with the tickle monster! Have you not gotten any less ticklish since when we were kids? Haha!"
Ohhhhhhh. That made more sense. Actually wait no nevermind no it didnt?? Why was Hypnos tickling Zag as a part of his ideal dream? Did Zag want Hypnos to tickle him?
"HAHahahahaAh! Nahahaha! Nohoho Hypnohohos StAAhaAap! Eek!"
"Hey! Dont act like you dont like this! You know it's bad to lie~ What if I made you admit it?"
The princes face flushed bright pink and he immediately covered it with his hands.
"Mmmhmhm! Pleheheahahes dohohont teheahahes mehehe I-I cahahnt!!" He giggled out through muffled hands.
Hypnos's stomach had apparently decided it wanted to be an acrobatic now, based on how it reacted to Zagreus.
Is this something he wanted Hypnos to do to him? Tease him? Thinking about that made Hypnos feel more emotions he didnt want to address.
He knew he definitely should have left by now. But seeing Zagreus happy and giggling like this, it was, it was, it was um, definitely something! He felt a little guilty for sticking around, but told himself he needed to make sure it didnt shift back into a nightmare even though he knew that definitely wasnt happening at this point.
Hypnos watched contentedly as the dream version of him started drilling into Zags hips, inducing loud, full, belly laughs from his friend. A strange feeling was blooming inside of him, seeing Zagreus so happy like this. He wanted more. He thought he wouldn't mind staying like this forever.
"HYPNOS!" a deep voice bellowed angrily.
Okay that definitely wasnt Zagreus.
Hypnos's eyes shot open, and he glanced at his hourglass next to his bed.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit hes late
Hypnos literally rolled out of bed and sprinted down the hall.
He was met face to face with a very angry god of death.
"W-well hello master! I hope you are having an absolutely swell morning, I-"
"You are two hours late."
"Yes, well, it's actually funny you mention that, you see, it seems that some foul fiend had taken it upon themselves to steal my trusty hourglass! However am I supposed to tell the time now? I positively overslept but you know once I find that awful, terrible, villain I will-"
Hades let put the most exasperated sigh Hypnos has ever heard.
"Just get to your post. I will situate your punishment at a later time."
Well that didnt go as bad as it could've.
As Hypnos settled into his usual spot, he thought back to Zagreus's dream. He couldnt stop thinking about his laughter, and the expression on his face, and, well, everything in that whole interaction.
He had...ideas.
But there was no way he could push boundaries like that!
He tried not to think about how it would feel to have a giggling Zagreus underneath his fingers. To not just be a bystander but to know he was the cause of the princes sweet laughter and flushed face.
And utterly failed.
Okay maybe he could push some boundaries.
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Also sorry if they're kinda short because I run out of ideas quickly :,)
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• She has a really squeaky laugh :)
• She kicks her legs when tickled because yes :)
• She also gets really flustered when it comes to gentle tickles
• She also wags her little tail when tickled (yes I think she has a tail, why?)
• She's ticklish on her tummy and ears :)
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• She is E V I L
• sldkdeisixjcj She does raspberries because I said so-
• Grey is her main victim >:)
• But if she's feeling merciful she'll let you catch your breath for at least a minute. AND THEN SHE GOES BACK TO ABSOLUTELY WRECKING SHIT HAHAHA-
Again sorry if these were a little short. I can't really think of anything else.
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just-cutie-avocado · 2 years
When Mari (Hypnowoman) started dating dr. Light, Aki didn't trust her at first so she tickled him to show that she meant no harm.
Awww! How cute, I can’t 😩💘💘💕
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gigglingknight · 3 years
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Rensi is soooooo fucking ticklish. A walking death spot. She’s the kind of person that giggles before you start touching them because they anticipate the touch.
The thing is, after 20+ years in perpetual isolation, they hardly have a clue what tickling is and have virtually no frame of reference for it, other than little snippets in books she’s read before. (They make her yearn and she doesn’t know why.)
She has the misfortune benefit of joining a very playful crew and learns sooner than not what it all means, most likely because of their captain or from Robin’s little games with C/hopper.
In all their blissful ignorance, they asked L/uffy what that wiggling fingers and laughter thing is about, and he shows her gladly. This is a fatal mistake and widely regarded as a bad move.
Her belly laugh is low, sweet, and contagious. The better the spot, though, the more her usually alto voice will jump—and the more surprises her laugh has in store. It’s all cackles and squeals from there.
She’s a snorter. The spots most likely to elicit that are her bellybutton, behind her knees, and her toes (especially underneath the big ones).
Their chubby belly is their death spot, but their waist, behind their knees, beneath their shoulder blades, and their feet will also get them begging pretty quickly.
They actually love being tickled, being a person who deals with consistent touch starvation. Sometimes, when she’s down, they’ll sit beside their preferred crewmate and sheepishly put her arms up for them to tickle her. Usually, if it’s the right person, no words need to be exchanged.
Teases make them weak, traditional or otherwise, but the fastest way to turn Rensi into a puddle is to compliment them.
As a ler, though, Rensi quickly becomes formidable.
With the power of the Hypno Hypno Fruit, a naturally sweet voice, and long, strong nails at her disposal, she is born to destroy.
Anyone is a target, but she naturally gravitates toward the more powerful and tougher to crack—she takes pleasure in getting inside the heads of the strong, and this is no different.
She coos a lot and it is lethal. She loves saying her lee’s name in singsong to twist the tickly knife.
Being a bigger person, they prefer to sit on their lee’s legs or hips to “restrain” them.
She’s not above using her hypnosis to coax someone into admitting where their worst spots are, but she prefers to find them on her own.
She’s a siren through and through, but she can’t take what she dishes out...
(FYI I did not draw the accompanying sketch. It was a gift from a friend of mine outside the community.)
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eas-hypnatos-blog · 7 years
✆, ✿, ø, &, %
Mande “✆” para uma mensagem DE MANHÃ.
[6:35am] to: Minnie 🐹: Bom dia, Minnie.[6:35am] to: Minnie 🐹: Como você está, dormiu direitinho?[6:35am] to: Minnie 🐹: Sinto falta do seu cheiro no meu travesseiro, sighs.
Mande “✿” para uma mensagem SUGESTIVA.
[7:40pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Minnie-ah~[7:40pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Quer dizer que você dorme na mesma cama que o Hypnos e ele nunca tentou nada com você?[7:40pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Tem certeza que vocês namoram mesmo?[7:40pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Acho que você precisa rever esse seu relacionamento aí...[7:41pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Ou será que eu poderia fazer algo no lugar do Hypnos pra facilitar a vida de vocês...?[7:41pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Bem pensado, gostei da minha própria ideia.[7:41pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Se cuida, Minnie-ah. Nos vemos em breve. ♥
Mande “ø” para uma mensagem DE MADRUGADA.
[3:03am] to: Minnie 🐹: 03:03, I’m thinking of you again.
Mande “&” para uma mensagem AMOROSA.
[4:50pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Dia 14 vem aí...[4:50pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Hm, o que será que eu preparei para você dessa vez, hein?[4:50pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Fica no ar.[4:51pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Eu amo você, Minnie.
Mande “%” para uma mensagem CURIOSA.
[9:45pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Você leu algum dos livros que eu te recomendei, Minnie?[9:45pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Estou lendo Jekyll & Hyde agora, e é bem interessante também![9:45pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Acho que tenho de parar de ler tanto, né?[9:50pm] to: Minnie 🐹: Mas o que você acha de ler esse também, hein? Queria comentar com alguém sobre, sighs...
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eas-sungmin-blog · 7 years
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cr: 911-help
Nome: Arthit Sriwongklang // Min Sungmin. Apelido: Min, Minnie, Sungminnie.   Motivo de ter esse nome: Seu nome de batismo, Arthit, foi dado por sua mãe tailandesa. Arthit significa “Sol”, e o motivo por ter esse nome é que seus pais acreditam que Sungmin é um ser tão brilhante quanto o Sol.  Aniversário: 07 de Dezembro de 1995. Idade: 22 anos. Gênero: Masculino. Local de nascimento: Bangkok, capital da Tailândia. Locais que morou desde então: Bangkok, Tailândia e atualmente vive em Seul, Coreia do Sul.  Nome dos pais: Mali e Jonghyun.  Número de irmãos: Não possui irmãos. Relacionamento com a família (próximo? distante?): Apesar de pouco poder ver os familiares, Sungmin é muito próximo de seus pais e conversa com sua mãe quase todos os dias por telefone. Memória mais feliz: Quando ganhou seu primeiro animal de estimação.  Trauma de infância: Sofreu bullying na escola por ser mestiço. 
Altura: 1,79cm.  Peso: 58kg. Aspecto corporal: Magro e alto. Nacionalidade: Tailandês.  Compleição (sardas, acne, tom da pele, marcas de nascimento): Tom de pele amarelado e algumas pintas espalhadas pelo corpo.  Características faciais distintivas: Possui uma pintinha no olho direito e outra na ponta do nariz; Quando sorri, a boca ganha um formato retangular.  Cor do cabelo: Atualmente loiro, mas a cor original é preta.  Cor do olho: Castanho escuro. Óculos? Lentes de contato?: Usa lentes coloridas sem grau apenas quando vai se apresentar, tirar fotos ou gravar MVs.  Estilo de vestimenta/traje(s) típico(s): Calças e camisas folgadas, em sua maioria, moletons ou malhas mais finas.  Estilo de sapatos típico: Tênis ou sapatos fechados.  Saúde (essa pessoa está frequentemente doente? ou é muito resistente?): Até então não possui problemas de saúde.  Jóias? Tatuagens? Piercings?: Possui um piercing na orelha direita e dois na esquerda. Maneirismos/hábitos físicos ímpares (rói unhas, gesticula, bate os pés quando agitado/a): Rói as unhas quando se sente nervoso e tem mania de umedecer os lábios com a língua frequentemente.  Atlético?: Não pratica esportes, porém o corpo é bastante flexível pela dança.
Grau acadêmico (ensino médio incompleto, licenciatura, bacharelado, mestrado, doutorado, etc.): Cursa bacharel em Psicologia.  Nível de alto estima: Alto, procura sempre lidar com tudo positivamente. Dons/Talentos: Dança e canto.  Defeitos/salhas: É muito inocente e pode ser facilmente manipulável.  Estilo de fala (fala alto, resmunga, articulado, etc.): Fala baixo quando está tímido.  Pensa mais com o lado direito ou esquerdo do cérebro?*?: Direito. Artistíco?: Sim, apesar de ser bem peculiar. Austero?: Não. Faz decisões se baseando mais nos sentimentos ou na razão?: É bastante sentimental, mas tenta balancear ambos. Filosofia de vida: Manter a positividade e não desistir de seus desejos/vontades.  Postura religiosa: Não segue nenhum movimento religioso, no entanto, acredita em seres espirituais/sobrenaturais.  Cauteloso ou ousado?: Cauteloso.  Mais sensível sobre/vulnerável a: Se sensibiliza pelos problemas alheios ou com críticas feitas sobre si.  Otimista ou pessimista?: Otimista. Extrovertido ou introvertido?: Extrovertido nos palcos, porém um pouco introvertido no meio social. Nível de conforto com a tecnologia: Moderado.
Status de relacionamento atual: Namorando, mas não publicamente. Orientação sexual: Homossexual. Relacionamentos passados: Se relacionou com um trainee no passado, mas não chegou a namorar.  Nível de experiência sexual: Baixo. Possui apenas algumas lembranças desagradáveis, portanto não se sente confortável em ter relações sexuais ainda.  Estória do primeiro beijo (se ainda não aconteceu, como quer que seja?): Foi aos 15 anos, em sua época de trainee com um outro trainee mais velho que hoje não possui mais qualquer tipo de contato. Por conta do nervosismo, não pode aproveitar o momento e acabou sendo uma experiência ruim.  Estória da perda da virgindade (se ainda não aconteceu, como quer que seja, se é que quer?): Na mesma época que teve seu primeiro beijo, Sungmin sofreu um abuso. Não chegou a ser violado sexualmente, mas apenas alguns toques forçados foram o suficiente para o garoto adquirir um trauma. Ainda é virgem e não pensa em se relacionar sexualmente com ninguém devido a seu medo.  É uma pessoa sociável? (popular, solitário, alguns amigos próximos, faz amigos e então os abandona): Apesar de muito tímido, Sungmin tenta ser sociável e conhecer pessoas novas, mas tem muito receio de se aproximar de pessoas mais velhas e experientes que estão em seu mesmo ramo.  Fica mais confortável perto de (pessoa): Moon Hypnos.  Amigo mais antigo: Alguns dos membros do LUPIN. Como acha que os outros o/a veem?: Uma pessoa animada, extrovertida e infantil.  Como eles na verdade o/a veem?: Uma pessoa infantil e ingênua algumas vezes, com um pensamento peculiar e atitudes que não correspondem à sua idade. 
Profissão: Cantor e dançarino; Idol.  Paixões (o que gosta de fazer): Gosta de se apresentar para seus fãs, ler livros, estudar e passear em parques de diversões.  Atitude em relação ao trabalho atual: Procura ao máximo ser carismático e não demonstrar fraquezas diante da mídia e seus fãs. Atitude em relação aos colegas de trabalho/chefe/funcionários: Tenta ser amigável e simpático, mas muitas vezes é tímido.
Fobias: Altura, lugares escuros e histórias ou filmes de terror. Objetivos de vida: Ajudar as pessoas ao seu redor com os problemas e conseguir se livrar de seus traumas. Sonhos: Se formar e ganhar vários prêmios com o LUPIN. Maiores medos: Ser violado/abusado novamente; perder algum parente/amigo próximo.  Sente mais vergonha de: Contatos muito íntimos.  Coisa mais embaraçosa que já aconteceu com ele/ela: Sua primeira audição para uma empresa. Hobbies secretos: Tirar selcas. Habilidade secreta: Toca um pouco de violão. O que mais quer mudar em sua vida atual: Seus medos e receios. O que mais quer mudar em sua aparência: Nada.
Rotina diária: Passa a maior parte de seu tempo na agência e fica no dormitório da Yonsei durante a noite para poder passar mais tempo ao lado de Hypnos. Tem sono leve ou pesado?: Sono leve, a menos que esteja dormindo com alguém. Comida preferida: Ramén e carne. Música preferida: Butterfly - LUPIN. Café ou chá?: Nenhum. Canhoto/a ou destro/a?: Destro. Cor preferida: Roxo e vermelho. “Boca suja” (desbocado/a)?: Não. Fuma? Bebe? Usa drogas?: Não. Animais de estimação?: Um cachorrinho que mora com seus pais. 
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teamdreams · 8 years
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Mun: I just realize that I reach over 300 dreamers! That’s amazing! Hopefully it’s not porn blog or- OMFG! Mister Hypno-ler is my 300 dreamers?! Not only he recently make a come back, he also follow me! Thanks, @askhypnoler! I think I gonna make something for you but need some time… ^///^;
Thank you to follow me for all those years (new and old) I’m so so happy to see so many peoples interested about the Team. TwT; Also, welcome for the new dreamers. Free to ask me or my girls and if you want to interact, leave me a message and I’ll see if I can make a starter ;)
THANK YOU AGAIN! TwT Idk if I deserve that… it’s so much and I don’t want to disappoited so many peoples! You’re all so sweet *hide in the corner*)
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toast-is-ticklish · 3 years
Okay but imagine a ler hypnos teasing you by saying like
"Oh, the tickle monster got you again huh? Have you ever tried being less ticklish?"
I feel like hypnos could be a really nice ler if he was worried about you or felt like it but could also be the most annoying man on the planet.
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