switch-writer · 11 months
If you’re up for it, could we get some Syzoth lee/ler hcs? Thank you :]]
Syzoth/Reptile Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: I COULDNT FIND ANY OTHER GIF. So that’ll do. Ironically, the name Syzoth didn’t originally click in my brain, but I like Reptile! He was always very overlooked because of how the past Mortal Kombats portrayed him. So it’s nice to see some love for him! But as always, I’ll note I haven’t played the newest game so I made sure to read up on him a little since his appearance was a major change in the newest game (and his actual story I believe) so hopefully this is decent because I slightly struggled with it x) Hope you enjoy!
• First off, his early life certainly didn’t teach him much about whatever ‘tickling’ was.
• Truth be told, he simply thought it was a word used to be a metaphor for ‘itchy’ and such. He didn’t realize it was anything but that… until he found his family.
• He did quickly catch on that there’s more to it than just a itch, nor did he realize a simple touch could make someone practically jump and laugh as loud as they could at times. So he was always a little confused and intrigued, but usually didn’t often tickle people.
• He was trying to find those who loved him and treated him normally, if tickling was normal, then he certainly would see it as normal and not ask questions.
• But… He certainly would open up to his lover at some point and admit he genuinely had no clue what it was and simply smiled and nodded when it was mentioned.
• Once he actually knew what it was, he was usually always curious about it, so he’d occasionally poke those around them he trusted and ask if it’d tickle.
• He’d try and probably cheer some of his newer friends up by tickling, but would shy away/move on if the first poke didn’t land very well.
• But we know Syzoth is a lover, so if he was super comfortable with someone, he’d certainly try his best.
• Likely would always ask permission before tickling.
• He’d also go invisible sometimes and poke around at their torso.
• He’s also always a very gentle tickler. Never rough with anyone. He’s a kind soul and very gentle with touch.
• “So people are always this ticklish! Ah, and to think this is a very normal occurrence. Very silly… I like it.”
• He’s very gentle with his tickles, his teases, and everything along those lines.
• Syzoth, due to this kindness towards those accepting of him would likely let people tickle him.
• “Well… I suppose it’s only fair.”
• Would likely make people try and find him. He’d go invisible just to make whoever wants to tickle him find him.
• He’d be more of a giggler than someone who laughs super loudly. Like a child’s giggle.
• But. At one particular spot, he’d gasp dramatically and laugh his heart out. A light, average volume laugh. It’s as loud as he gets.
• Curls up. Always. He physically can’t help it and knows he can’t, so he’d just glance up at you after doing so and shrug as in ‘oh well.’
• Finds little traces on his tattoos slightly ticklish but soothing over all. He’ll usually always end up with a smile.
• Syzoth’s weak/worst spot is around his ribs, although— a honorable mention is his neck.
• He will occasionally stick his tongue out like he’s dead after someone stops tickling him, a habit partly to tease, and partly due to his true race.
• He finds it more soothing after the original panic, although he’d be relaxed, he’d probably be stuck with a smile for the next few minutes.
• Syzoth would have a minor complaint of his cheeks hurting from smiling so much, but it makes him over all feel that sense of normalcy he always wants from the world, and that alone can make a cold blooded reptile feel fuzzy and warm.
Hopefully that’s enjoyable! Thank you!
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