switch-writer · 11 months
If you’re up for it, could we get some Syzoth lee/ler hcs? Thank you :]]
Syzoth/Reptile Tickle Headcanons
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A/N: I COULDNT FIND ANY OTHER GIF. So that’ll do. Ironically, the name Syzoth didn’t originally click in my brain, but I like Reptile! He was always very overlooked because of how the past Mortal Kombats portrayed him. So it’s nice to see some love for him! But as always, I’ll note I haven’t played the newest game so I made sure to read up on him a little since his appearance was a major change in the newest game (and his actual story I believe) so hopefully this is decent because I slightly struggled with it x) Hope you enjoy!
• First off, his early life certainly didn’t teach him much about whatever ‘tickling’ was.
• Truth be told, he simply thought it was a word used to be a metaphor for ‘itchy’ and such. He didn’t realize it was anything but that… until he found his family.
• He did quickly catch on that there’s more to it than just a itch, nor did he realize a simple touch could make someone practically jump and laugh as loud as they could at times. So he was always a little confused and intrigued, but usually didn’t often tickle people.
• He was trying to find those who loved him and treated him normally, if tickling was normal, then he certainly would see it as normal and not ask questions.
• But… He certainly would open up to his lover at some point and admit he genuinely had no clue what it was and simply smiled and nodded when it was mentioned.
• Once he actually knew what it was, he was usually always curious about it, so he’d occasionally poke those around them he trusted and ask if it’d tickle.
• He’d try and probably cheer some of his newer friends up by tickling, but would shy away/move on if the first poke didn’t land very well.
• But we know Syzoth is a lover, so if he was super comfortable with someone, he’d certainly try his best.
• Likely would always ask permission before tickling.
• He’d also go invisible sometimes and poke around at their torso.
• He’s also always a very gentle tickler. Never rough with anyone. He’s a kind soul and very gentle with touch.
• “So people are always this ticklish! Ah, and to think this is a very normal occurrence. Very silly… I like it.”
• He’s very gentle with his tickles, his teases, and everything along those lines.
• Syzoth, due to this kindness towards those accepting of him would likely let people tickle him.
• “Well… I suppose it’s only fair.”
• Would likely make people try and find him. He’d go invisible just to make whoever wants to tickle him find him.
• He’d be more of a giggler than someone who laughs super loudly. Like a child’s giggle.
• But. At one particular spot, he’d gasp dramatically and laugh his heart out. A light, average volume laugh. It’s as loud as he gets.
• Curls up. Always. He physically can’t help it and knows he can’t, so he’d just glance up at you after doing so and shrug as in ‘oh well.’
• Finds little traces on his tattoos slightly ticklish but soothing over all. He’ll usually always end up with a smile.
• Syzoth’s weak/worst spot is around his ribs, although— a honorable mention is his neck.
• He will occasionally stick his tongue out like he’s dead after someone stops tickling him, a habit partly to tease, and partly due to his true race.
• He finds it more soothing after the original panic, although he’d be relaxed, he’d probably be stuck with a smile for the next few minutes.
• Syzoth would have a minor complaint of his cheeks hurting from smiling so much, but it makes him over all feel that sense of normalcy he always wants from the world, and that alone can make a cold blooded reptile feel fuzzy and warm.
Hopefully that’s enjoyable! Thank you!
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roolette · 11 months
What do Kung Lao, Syzoth, Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Rain have in common? Their shoulders/arms are exposed in their base outfits. So may I request them with an s/o who randomly has the urge to (gently) bite them just to be funny? (can be sfw or nsfw-)
Sorry couldn't hear this ask over me biting Tomas' arm
jkjk, I LOVE this! Gonna keep it sfw
MK1 Guys with a S/O Who Bites
CW: gn!reader, fluff
Kung Lao
Honestly? He thinks it's endearing
It's not like it hurts that much, anyway. You like to get him while he's distracted, and he'll playfully push you off of him by the shoulder
"I can cook! You don't have to eat me!"
Will get back at you and bite your arm when you least expect it. This is a battle now, and he intends to win
Is confused at first. Why are you biting him?? Did he do something?? Are you hungry???
You explain to him that it's out of love. You simply must bite
He is still confused, but now thinks it's cute
You will randomly bite his shoulder when he's distracted, and then run away. He may be a skilled fighter, but nothing can prepare him for the bite attack
Does NOT understand at first. Thinks he did something to make you mad at him
Once he realizes that it's just because you love him, he allows the bites. He even welcomes them
Wishes it was his neck instead
PLEASE nibble his arm, he's ticklish and you will get the cutest laugh out of him
Kuai Liang
What are you doing? Is this a training tactic? A new move you came up with?
Nope. Just biting for fun
He's warm to the touch, so you actually spend a lot of time with your head on his shoulder, or nestled against his chest, and those are the best times to bite
Gotta keep him on his toes
As long as it doesn't leave visible marks, you're free to bite him as much as you want. He has a reputation, after all.
You catch him so off guard when you bite him, he splashes you with water
"What was that for?!" You both exclaim.
He wonders if you're angry at him, but you tell him that it's just because he's so cute
"Me? Cute? Those two sentiments rarely go together"
Well, he'd better get used to it. You think he's adorable, and he'll have to live with that.
Eventually starts to welcome it, and starts to get confused when you haven't bitten him in a while.
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mont-umi · 9 months
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MK men finding out that reader has a very high spice tolerance.
Includes: Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Johnny, and Syzoth.
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This man was just casually roaming around the temple trying to also find his certain lover. He then notice a silhouette near the kitchen and there he finds you eating a bowl of ramen. "What are you eating there snowflake?" The cryomancer asked as he stepped close to your shivering form. "Eating a hot bowl of ramen. It's freaking cold in here." You sneezed a bit as you sip more of the savory soup and it helped you warmed up. "Who made this for you?" He grabs the bowl from her and observes the delicious meal on his hand. "I did, no one was around the kitchen so I had to provide for myself." Nods at herself and watches as Bi-Han took a sip of her food and eventually the cryomancer ended up frozen in his place and puts down the bowl to a nearby table. "Next time warn me if the spice of your food would be like this." Grabs a nearby water and freeze the cup before drinking it. "Well I never thought you wouldn't eat it han'er." Grabs the bowl before sipping it back again. "how can you handle such a strong spice?" His words just made you giggle and went back to your spicy treat.
Kuai Liang
This man was laying down beside you as both of you spend your time talking about your jobs or simply reading a book. Kuai noticed you munching on something so he peeked and pokes your cheek. "Quite selfish for you to eat something and not offer me?" He jokingly says as he munches your cheek which made you ticklish and laugh. "Here, I got some candy tamarinds." Offers Kuai some tamarind candy which he happily have some. As he plopped the candy in his mouth and as minutes passed by. He noticed that a tingling sensation is now appearing in his mouth as he sat up and taste the flavor of the candy more. He finally realized that the candy he's eating is spicy and Nott he usual sweet flavor. "Why is this spicy?" His cute reaction made you sat up and laugh. "It's a spicy candy Kuai, be glad it's not those extra hot I always buy. It's just the mild ones." You said as you bring out the plastic bag of candy tamarinds. He was both amused and shocked to know that you can handle such spice "I'm still in shocked to know you can handle such spice." The two of you laugh and went ahead to cuddle even more and eating all your tamarind candy.
Johnny Cage
"hey babe! Have you seen my sunglasses?" He went out to the backyard where you are grilling some good food. He saw you wearing a bikini and apron while grilling some food and he knows you aren't bothered by it since you're used to grilling and cooking foods half naked or even naked. (it will be mention someday ahem!) And there he saw you grilling food while wearing his sunglasses and blasting some music on Alexa. He went behind you and hug your waist while kissing you shoulder. "You look hot in my sunglasses as always." The man noticed a covered bowl and went to open it and saw some raw meats and veggies soaking in a very pungent and eye watering marinate making him pull away. "Goddamn it babe! What the hell was that?!" The man coughs and tears up as he is now 7 feet away from you and the marinate. You just let out a laugh and smiles "this is only for me or unless some of our friends want to get a taste of it too." You smiled at him. "Look babe as much as I love you. Cover that up and make sure you put that 7 feet away from me." He just made you laugh out loud and hides the marinated raw foods away from him and goes back to grilling as the poor man just head inside the mansion.(heads up they bought a new and cheaper mansion will also be mention someday.)
Honestly this man can eat anything as long as it's edible he will be okay with it. And now this man is helping you cook dinner you both noticed that the food needs some chili. So you went to grab a hefty amount of chili that you had a hard time holding it. "Do you need help with that darling?" He quickly grabs the Chilies for you and puts it on the counter top. "This is quite a lot. Are you sure you can handle this?" He looks at you worriedly. "Yeah! These chilies aren't even enough for me." Smiles at Syzoth who just has his eyes widen and looks at the chilies before back to you before letting out an amused laugh. "Looks like I need to learn more about my darling. And I am impressed with your spice tolerance." He comes and kisses your cheek before the two of you went back to cooking dinner.
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crimsonbubble · 8 months
Hi it's anon who was hornyspeaking about Johnny's nose UR SO RIGHT ABOUT THICK PPL!!! I was thinking about MK1 men, I feel like none of them would turn their nose up at thicker!reader but i feel like some of them would actively pursue them.
I feel like it's just obvious Johnny would like thicker people. He'd always have his hands grabbing or touching you in some way and would def squeeze your softer parts just to watch them bounce back into place. Not to be cliche but look me in the eyes and try to tell me this man wouldn't buy you things that show off your body and accentuates every gorgeous curve and fold like c'mon. Would also make some corny ass comments like "my ears are cold, can I use your thighs to worn them?" or something like that.
Kung Lao would be similar to Johnny but I feel like he would tease you more about it. Not in a malicious way, but more of an affectionate way, calling you curvy girl/pretty boy/my little pudge while wrapping himself around you from behind and just lovingly squeezing the softness of your lower belly. I think he'd also playfully pinch the soft parts of your thighs, your arms, your waist and just smirk when you squirm at how sensitive and ticklish they are.
I feel like Syzoth would be a very touchy feely boyfriend since he's cold-blooded, so of course having a chubbier partner = more warmth and softness to curl up against and cuddle with. Would absolutely nuzzle his face into your stomach so lovingly, holding your thighs to gently press them into his face as he lays down and uses your soft tummy as a pillow, you're like his own little sunning rock. He's almost in tears at just how soft your skin is and how good it feels to just hold you in his arms and would be telling you how much he loves you the entire time.
Bi-Han wouldn't be as open about it, not because he's ashamed of having a thicker partner (quite the opposite) he just doesn't like to admit any weaknesses he might have. He would try and chalk it up to something along the lines of you having a more fertile body and being more likely to produce an heir for the Lin Kuei or something but in reality he just can't keep his eyes off your body, and when you're not around he can't keep you off his mind. Would also like to show you off as a status symbol, seeing you as proof of how powerful he is, priding himself on being able to keep you pampered and taken care of.
Liu Kang just appreciates beauty when he sees it, and he thinks your body is the most beautiful thing he's ever created. Very much a soft dom and would be heavy into body worship, so having a chubbier partner just means more to worship and lavish with affection. Mans would BURY himself in your softness. You can tell he's immortal because he spends so long kissing and caressing and praising every inch of your body like he has all the time in the world, which he does, so you're both gonna be there for a long time.
Sorry to ramble this is mostly projection I just needed to unleash my thoughts somewhere RAHHH I LOVE THICKER!READER‼️💥
cw. suggestive, gn!reader, thicker!reader, mentions of pregnancy *not proofread, just pure horny
[BRO THIS ASK IS LONG AS FUCK, still answered it tho]
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Johnny Cage
Casual Sunday lie-ins
Lounging on the couch with his head resting on your thighs
He’s the type to lose his mind when you wear form fitting clothes
Like anything that highlights and accentuates your curves good lord he's falling to his knees
And it doesn’t matter how many times he’s seen you hear tight fitting clothes, he will be bricked up every time
Kung Lao
He’s a very physical lover
Hugs, cuddles, snuggles, and any type of skin ship he can think of it benign used
Finds amusement in pinching at your waist and thighs
He likes how you frown at him for a second before going back to what you were doing
He always keeps a hand on your belly when he’ss between your thighs
He also loves to show off how strong he is so-
Soft and warm tummy and thighs means soft and warm pillows
It’s like he wants to be under your skin anytime that he clings to you
But he’s got the cutest pout and the prettiest eyes so you can’t help but give into him
Bihan trying to avoid staring at you for too long bc all he can stare at are your hips
He had a thought of you being pregnant once and it’s been haunting him since
Literally can not look at you without getting hot under the collar
He works hard so he can show of how well taken care of you are
But seriously though, he stares at your hips too much
Just let him give you a child, help him produce an heir
Liu Kang
He has mastered the art of seeing the beauty is everyone and everything
You are no exception
There is a glow to you that outmatches everyone
There is something so alluring about your soft figure that has all of Liu Kang’s primal urges resurfacing
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buggyjuggie · 1 year
Here are some random headcanons/ideas about johnny/johnshi that have been brewing in my autistic brain for a few days :3
• Johnny has been a hug fan of Van Damme ever since childhood. He tought of Van Damme as his idol.
• Johnny still is in contact with his mom and she’s the only person in the cage family that knows of Johnny’s and Kenshi’s relationship.
•Johnny Kitana Millena Syzoth and Ashrah have movie night every week
• He likes it when Kenshi runs his fingers across his chest tattoo
•He’s also extremely ticklish
•Johnny is autistic (TRY AND CHANGE MY MIND I DARE YOU) his hiperfixations are movies(duh) and history
•Johnny is actually really smart and people tend to be surprised when they come over and see that he has a college diploma
• For special events he’ll wear a black pencil eyeliner
•He knows how to take care of himself like bro probably has 24 step skincare routine, uses hand moisturiser ALL THE TIME, wears lipglosses/vaseline, clean healthy nails, a bunch of different types of shampoos ( clean girl aesthetic)
•If Kenshi had a dificult or stressful day Johnny will let him lay on his chest (titties)
•Johnny is the best when it come to gift giving. While to others it may look like Johnny doesn’t listen to anyone but himself he actually remembers a lot of details about his friends and while it may look like he’s not listening he’s actually doing the exact opposite.
•Smoke sees Johnny as an older brother and sometimes asks him for advice or just to hang out
•Johnny and Kitana and besties they go clothe shopping often and talk about drama from both hollywood and outworld
• He teaches the characters from outworld how to use technology like phones, TV’s ect.
(Feel free to take these if you want because i can’t write fanfiction to save my life lol)
• Switched AU- very simple Johnny and Kenshi switch places so instead of Kenshi loosing his eyesight it’s Johnny who looses it
•Double date- Kenshi and Johnny go on a double date with Tanya and Millena or Syzoth and Ashrah (or any ship of your choice)
•Cuddle fic- i don’t get how theres so little fics of them just cuddling and being domestic gays (LET MY BOYS BE HAPPY AND CUDDLE)
• Ghost fic- ok i know i just said there needs to be more fluff BUT I’m also a sucker for hurt comfort so essential johnny dies or has to be killed and his soul goes into Sento and that way he can communicate with Kenshi (i have a full post with more details)
•Childhood-Johnny tells Kenshi about his childhood after he noticed the little things about johnny that dont make sense or are concerning ( can you tell im a sucker for hurt/comfort)
Sorry for the bad grammar english isn’t my first language but i hope you enjoyed reading my rambles :3
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
Torturing The Lizard (18+)
MK1 Syzoth/Reptile x Masc!reader
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Content: tickling, foot fetish, sexual torture, sub!Syzoth, dom!reader, Outworlder!reader, NSFW, dacryphilia/crying kink, begging, dubious consent, light BDSM, bondage, smut no plot, armpit fetish
Plot: Reader captured a sneaky reptiloid sneaking through their home
Requested by twitter mutual, wish to remain anonymous
Why am i doing this? Also request open (all kink allowed, this is my friend so i can judge, but i won't judge you)
You were watching the festival from your balcony, enjoying the sounds of the Shokans banging on their drums, the Centaurians and the clanks of their hooves as they march along to the music. "Hey come down! Let's hang out" one of your friends called from below but you shook your head, you didn't like being in a crowd, too many people made it hard to breathe.
You head back inside, shutting the doors behind you dramatically. Although something felt...strange, very strange, as if you're not alone. Your scrolls and notes flew around the room as a creature dashed through the mess, leaving you confused and disoriented. Stepping back slowly, your eyes quickly snapped onto any points of interest around the room.
You quickly shoved your bookshelf in front of the speeding beast, tripping it. Pushing your shelf back, you saw the Reptiloid being switching from a lizard-like form to a very handsome human one. He was dazed, hitting his head HARD on the shelf, his nose was bleeding aswell. You inspected him from head to toe and something caught your attention, those odd footwear of his exposing his toes. For a warrior, his feet were quite delicate, soft too.
Immediately, you had an idea on how to punish this thief. You dragged his unconscious body across the room and onto your bed, tying his arms and legs with some spare rope that you had. His arms above his head, his legs right on the end of the bed. He was tied to the bed frame.
And of course, his footwear, hood, and mask, were off. His face was very cute, not rough or too masculine, he looked pretty. His hair was short but soft, his expression was surprisingly calm. You rubbed his feet and was shocked at how smooth they were, his toes were beautiful and long, his feet had the perfect proportions. Rubbing his upper sole made him whine, his toes flexing. He was ticklish, very ticklish.
You moved up to his exposed armpits and ran your thumb over them, he jolted from the feeling, letting out quite moans. God even his pits were smooth. You just couldn't help yourself at this point, you licked your lips, knowing exactly what you'll do to him.
Waiting for the man to wake up didn't take long, only a couple of minutes and he was already fully awake, struggling against his binds. "What-who are you? What are you doing to me?!" He growled, struggling even more. "Well since you snuck into my house...i decided to punish you"
His eyes went wide as he panicked even more, shaking his head in denial "oh don't worry, i won't hurt you, no blood will be spilled here" a smirk formed across your lips. You grabbed his ankles and started to run your fingers over one of his feet, tickling him.
His toes curl and straighten, spreading and flexing. He tossed his head back, laughing profusely. "Wait no- ughh, ah haahahaha! Stop please i beg of you!" He shut his eyes, laughing even louder.
You looked down at him with a smug grin, tickling him even faster. "You're so cute like this..." You see him cry, his eyes tearing up from the feeling. He was losing his breath fast.
Moving in front of him, you placed his feet on your lap as you continued to caress his soft soles. "Gods! Oh please please stop! Too much- ahahahaha...i can't- ah i can't take it!" Tears started to flow onto his cheeks, his chin covered in acidic spit, you went even faster, going against his wishes.
Your attention moved to the very noticeable bulge on those baggy pants of his. You stopped the tickling and instead your hands went to the edge of his pants, pulling it down roughly. "Well...better than a human's at least" he wasn't too big but definitely above average, uncut and quite thick with a slight curve. It was practically leaking with pre cum. You traced a finger over the bulbous tip of his cock which made him jump, how sensitive.
"Not bad, not bad at all, bigger than mine but much more sensitive" he was twitching under your touch and you barely added any pressure. You wrapped your hand around the base and slowly pumped his cock, your grip wasn't tight at all but it was enough to cause him to whine and moan. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Precum now covering your fingers from the amount. "I-i i'm close..." He whispered out, panting as he did so.
You stopped as you heard this, letting him go completely which made him whine. "Why? Why must you tease me like this?" his cock was twitching even more, begging for your attention again. "Why don't you beg for it?" You grabbed onto his wrists, your face close to his. He kept shaking his head "this is embarrassing, i can't beg for something like that..." you chuckled hearing his excuse. "You already cried from getting your feet tickled, your shame is already worthless at this point, now beg"
Syzoth gulped, nodding nervously "p-please touch my cock again...sir" he whispered "louder" you told him "don't worry, no one is going to hear you, they're too busy enjoying the festival" Syzoth choked down his pride "please touch me again sir"
"Louder, not enough"
"Please touch me again sir!'
"Good enough" you rolled your eyes and wrapped your hand around his cock again. Your movements were torturously slow but it seems like it affected Syzoth just the same. Shaky breath, quiet whines, he was too sensitive to tell the difference. "I'm going to...- cum, please let me cum, please please...i'm so close" he begged. You hummed, pleased by his submission. You pressed your nose against his armpits, now laying down beside him as you pumped his cock slowly.
By the gods, he smelled divine. Outworld's weather making him sweat even with such light clothing. Like some sort of spice and a light musk. "You're a good boy, you know that?" You licked the sweat on his pits which made him gasped suddenly. His toes were rubbing against each other, curling up as he was close. A few more light touches and he arched his back from the bed, ropes of cum spraying onto his own pants and torso, covering your hand in his mess. Pressing the white liquid against your tongue, you tasted the sweeter notes it had, he was definitely eating good.
Sitting up and going off the bed, you untied the ropes on his wrists and ankles but you were disrupted "wait! Not yet, can we please go another round? Please sir...it felt...pleasant..." You smirked. Guess you're not going out any time soon
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