fluffallamaful · 1 year
Familiarity in Flowers
based on the results of Poll Fic #1
canon to Llama’s DSMP AU
finally. this is my first dsmp fic since june last year 😵‍💫 thank you all so much for your patience and understanding <33
Summary: Dream finds himself taking refuge in a tulip field after being broken out of prison. DreamXD finds him and Dream notices that the god is hiding something from him. His cheekiness and curiosity gets him tickled silly. TERRIFICALLY PLATONIC
Warnings: tickling, XD has four arms, mouth tickles
Word Count: 4880
please please enjoy oh my gosh
Dream didn’t think that he had ever been more grateful to see a flower biome in his life.
His legs were tired, unfamiliar with the amount of physical exertion that they had been put through, and his prison wear proved to be useless at protecting him from the previous snow biome’s bite. He was tired, cold and exhausted; but he was also finally free.
Oak tree branches greeted him with open limbs as he finally stumbled over the biome’s border, a ceremony of colourful petals bowing down to him as he scurried past. His lungs wheezed hungrily at the sweet scented air; he’d been running ever since leaving Technoblade’s snowy cottage, and they were as tired and out of practice as his legs.
The piglin hybrid had been gracious enough to uphold his favour and escort Dream safely away from the angry crowds outside his prison, but he had also made it clear that that would be the end of his prison break-out service. Once again, Dream had been stripped of the safety-net of having someone to fight alongside, but more importantly, the fresh set of armour that he had been given. Optimistically, he was aware that he’d be able to recover both, he just needed to find Punz.
A few more chunks of desperate bounding saw Dream’s body disappointingly reach its limit. A small clearing within the flowery forest broke his fall as his legs literally gave out beneath him. He tumbled a few more blocks after that, rolling limply through a patch of unsuspecting pink and orange tulips, and landing face down into the grass beneath.
There was barely enough strength left in him to open his eyes, but he managed to groan and roll himself onto his back, batting at the curious tulips and grass stems that leant down to smother his face — analyzing their new company. He knew that there was no way that he could run another step; his chest heaved and his legs trembled even whilst just lying, sprawled out in a flower field. Though he was certain that he had run far enough to lose any of his angry followers.
Beyond the waving tulips in his peripheral vision, a bright, blue sky stretched out above him, smeared with fluffy, white clouds. A breath of wind blew across the clearing. Dream listened to it approach, and then finally mustered up the energy to lift himself up onto his elbows to bathe in it. He tilted his head up, closing his eyes as the breath gently pulled at his unkept hair, listening to the whispers of the field around him as it basked in the same feeling. It felt more incredible than he could have ever imagined, an immovable smile crept up his face.
Catching his breath allowed him to take in the beauty of his surroundings, as he began to sort through his inventory. Ahead of him was a dark oak forest, one that prompted him with the need to feel just a little more prepared for the approaching night.
Although he didn’t have his armour, he still had managed to collect an array of useful items during his escape; four healing potions, two fire resistance potions, seventeen ender pearls, a half-used nether axe and half a stack of steak were only the beginnings of his findings. He laid them out neatly in the field in front of him once he had counted them, each one glistening beautifully under the glorious rays of the server’s sunshine. He still had this eerie feeling that someone was watching him — no doubtably a drawback from being monitored in prison for a whole year — but he tried his hardest to ignore it.
Another breeze rolled across the field and Dream lifted his head again. He shut his eyes, listening to the whispering life forms around him and it rushed past his face. A subtle shift in the air flow around him raised suspicion in his gut, potentially another symptom of his paranoia; but as a shadow made itself present against the backs of his eyelids, he was left with no other choice but to give into its nagging, pulling away from his moment of serenity.
He made the right call.
The flower field that once lay out in front of him had now been replaced, blocked. In its place was instead a looming figure, one that wore a white porcelain mask and very nearly scared Dream all the way out of his skin. He let out a yell, jolting back away from the upside down face, and gasping sharply when a set of familiar, cloak-covered arms broke his fall. The face leant in, apparently having no regard for Dream’s personal space. It was as equally familiar as the arms that held him.
“XD..?” He questioned, unable to control the startle in his voice. He could hear his heart racing in his ears as a low chuckle rumbled out from behind the mask, vibrating up his spine.
“Dream.” The being greeted, removing himself from Dream’s space. Dream felt himself relax, letting out a breath of relief as he was tilted back up into his original position. He scrambled himself around to face the familiar god, lifting up his chin.
Despite appearing significantly smaller to how he had done in prison, DreamXD was still tall, reaching well over four blocks and towering over Dream’s seated body. Their stance was rigid, gaze directed out towards the dark oak biome’s borders behind him. They seemed disgruntled by something, Dream recognised the subtle signs of worry.
“You scared me!” He accused, naturally shrinking away when the god’s attention shifted back down to him. They stared at him for a moment behind unreadable porcelain, before their shoulders also appeared to relax, and an amused smile stretched beneath their mask instead.
“You’re a long way from prison.” They purred. Their rigidity appeared to be brushed aside as they dipped down to join Dream in his patch of flowers. His cloak arranged itself around him during his descent, blanketing any nearby tulips in a sea of deep green, and chasing out a gust of displaced air as it did so. “How did you manage that?”
Dream felt his lips wobble and stretch to mirror their expressions.
“Techno broke me out.” He began, hopelessly proud. “He dug through the wall and we swam out through the lava. Like it was honestly so cool, it was like — four of us versus the whole server. It was epic!”
The god scoffed at his enthusiasm, but even so Dream couldn’t stop himself from rambling. The feeling of being free was exhilarating, and the god’s presence always seemed to bring out a hidden vulnerability within himself. He had an aura of safety around him, a radiating warmth that always managed to draw Dream in.
He ended up explaining his breakout in great detail, and DreamXD allowed him every word. It felt good to have someone to talk to, and incredible to have the wind on his shoulders and grass beneath his body.
“Well aren’t you a clever one.” The deity praised once Dream’s recount came to an end. They had picked up one of his healing potions and were tapping patiently at its glass. Dream beamed at the words. He was aware that they were laced with subtle sparks of humour and sarcasm — DreamXD was a being beyond mortal troubles after all — but his smile was wide and proud regardless.
“George will be pleased to see you.” They continued, offering Dream a friendly smile. The phrase was clearly meant to be comforting, reassuring. It was spoken with such a soft tone and was ended with an even softer smile, and yet the mere mentioning of his old friend sent Dream’s body into a panic. His heart leapt to his throat, thudding away against his voice box as his body promptly drained itself from all remnants of pride and joy.
He hadn’t expected to hear that name so soon, in fact he was borderline ignoring it. Dream hadn’t even considered that he’d now be able to reunite with his former best friend; half of him wanted to believe that it was because he was mad at George, but the other half was louder and far more convincing.
He was afraid.
The fear of being rejected pin pricked all over his skin at the innocent mention of the brunette’s name, along with a set of carelessly crafted "What if’s?”:
What if George shared the same motives as Sapnap? What if he believed that Dream deserved to rot away in prison?
The idea of George being disappointed or angry at Dream wrapped tightly around his throat.
What if he tried to hurt him? What if George got hurt because of Dream again?
The panicked flurry of thoughts took Dream’s hesitation as an opportunity to speak without his permission.
“No.” He found himself saying, stern and clear. The smile below XD’s mask faded into a frown. Dream felt his chest tighten. “I’m- I’m sorry.” He followed up quickly. The god carefully replaced the healing potion back down into the grass. He nodded his head, slowly. Dream could tell that he was disappointed.
Another breeze rolled over the field, filling the silence between the two beings with whooshing whispers. It settled Dream a little, but didn’t do much to alleviate the weight of guilt on his shoulders. He felt on the verge of tears — a feeling that he seldom felt, provided that he wasn’t unaccompanied by the apparent-god of the server. He felt silly and pathetic and so unbelievably overrun with guilt.
“George likes these sorts of flowers.” The god’s voice was a soft rumble, combining perfectly with the whispering flora around them. Dream looked over to him, they were disassembling an orange tulip, petal by petal. He managed to nod his head in agreement, but his mind was well and truly elsewhere.
“I just- don’t want him getting hurt...” He confessed, earnestly. It was not the full truth, but it was one that he felt XD would at least be able to understand, or more to the point, one that he was comfortable admitting. To his surprise the god scoffed at his explanation.
“Nothing is going to hurt George.” They stated firmly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. His tone was confident but Dream also sensed that the affirmation was not only meant for him. He tilted his head, beckoning the god to elaborate, but they merely switched topics.
“How did you find this place?” The orange tulip had been dismantled, and the deity moved to fiddle with Dream’s axe instead. Dream watched him easily handle the weapon as though it were a small twig.
The wording of the question caught his attention, pairing with the god’s previous claim and sparking a fire of curiosity within him.
‘This place.’
To Dream this indicated some sort of significance to the clearing.
“I don’t know, I just ran.” He shrugged, watching curiously as XD’s gait appeared to freeze; their fiddling stopped and their gaze lifted up to stare past him into the dark oak biome like before. Intriguingly, their worry seemed to have returned.
“Why?” Dream asked, turning to scan the edges of the forest’s border in case there was someone or something lurking there. He couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, maybe a few more mushrooms than he’d expect, but that was all. When he turned back, the god was focused on him instead. He shifted under their gaze.
“No reason.” They claimed. Dream eyed him suspiciously. It sounded very much like a lie. He decided to pry further.
“You keep looking over there… Is there something in there?”
It was intriguing to watch a being as inhuman as XD portray such human reactions. Dream watched the god hesitate at his question. Their shoulders rolled with the obvious pressure of keeping a secret, and his axe was promptly replaced back down into the grass.
Curiosity surged through Dream’s veins. His lips twitched into an amused smirk.
“You’re lying!” He pointed out, shuffling himself up onto his knees to face the good square on.
“I’m not!”
Dream couldn’t help but laugh, they just sounded so flabbergasted.
“Aren’t you like— a god or something? Shouldn’t you be able to keep secrets??” The god huffed at the call-out. Dream ignored him. “What’s in the dark oak forest?”
“Nothing!” Dream raised an eyebrow, he’d never seen XD so squirmy.
He decided to push the god further, allowing himself to stand and turn himself towards the forest again. The deity acted as he felt he would, whooshing their way into his vision to block his view. Dream dodged around him, expecting the reaction, and found himself to laugh at the god’s yell of dismay.
“You’re hiding something!” He yipped, making a break for the dark oak’s borders. Along with XD’s ability to coax out Dream’s most deepest vulnerabilities, he also apparently had the ability to inject giddy curiosity into his veins.
The whoosh of XD’s cloak appeared again, this time engulfing Dream in its fabric before he had a chance to dodge around it
“No! Let me see!!” Dream yelped. His heart fluttered with excitement, parting his lips into a giddy smile. There was something in the dark oak forest, there was just no way that there wasn’t! He giggled as the god hissed out his disapproval.
“It’s not for humans. No one is supposed to be able to find this place.” The god’s arms adjusted around Dream, blocking any wriggly escape attempts with a replenishing wall of fabric.
“Supposed to?” Once again the wording caught Dream’s attention. The cloak had muffled his voice but had done nothing to dampen his curiosity. “Does that mean that somebody has already found it?”
A beat of silence from the god caused Dream’s smile to triple in width. The reaction was enough to quench his query, and he went back to batting and wading through his fabric prison.
It was a hopeless process.
“You are asking, a lot of questions...” The god growled, slowly. Their arms tightened around Dream’s waist, stilling his squirming entirely.
The warning tone in his voice could not have been more clear, leading Dream to believe he was on the right track with his prying. All common sense and caution had been lost to the impulsivity of his adrenaline. “So I take that as a yes?”
Another low, irritated growl rumbled out from behind him. Dream chuckled, tilting his head up and providing XD with a victorious smile. It was fascinating to watch the clear signs of frustration play out on XD’s face, despite it being mostly hidden by his mask. Dream was able to paint a vivid picture of what his full expressions may look like based on just the pout that twisted his lips; they were well and truly peeved.
“It’s too easy~” He teased. XD bared his teeth into a snarl, a much firmer warning. Dream supplied a cheeky grin in return, but he felt his heart pound when the god’s snarl crept its way up into a smile; a slow creeping, mischievous smile.
“You’re a lot more spritely out here than you were cooped up in that cell.” They observed, a sudden smoothness and venom to their tone. Dream gasped as the hands around his waist suddenly stirred, shuffling beneath the deity’s cloak and latching themselves onto his sides. His common sense made a quick return, pushing its way back into control and immediately barking out warnings to his nervous system.
“W-wahAIt NO!!” He yelped, twisting amongst his cloak-prison. Any misplaced confidence was promptly chased away by new spikes of panic; though the giddy excitement circuiting his bloodstream remained. Together, the feelings collected and combined in his stomach, fluttering around clumsily like a newly hatched phoenix, before climbing up and out of his throat in the form of panicked, bubbly giggles.
“Usually you’re so sad and mopey.” The god continued over Dream’s emerging laughter, taunting him with the calmness in his tone. He drew circles into Dream’s sides, moving up and down the muscles despite the boy’s kicks and squirms.
“But now you’re so chipper!”
“NOhoho!! StAHAp!!”
“Wouldn’t you agree, Dreamie?” Dream’s laughter hiccuped as XD’s hands moved up to his ribs, stamping his feet into the grassy ground and scrunching up his shoulders as their playful growl rumbled through him.
“StAHAp!! Ohohobiviously!!” He whined, prying and clawing at the shape of their hands.
In hindsight, this form of retaliation from the god should have been better anticipated; Dream had of course never not been reduced to a giggly mess after each one of XD’s previous visits. He had been naive to challenge them, and he knew all too well that escaping the god was always a hopeless process, especially now that he was working with an exhausted body and giddy mind.
“You’re also much more sassy.”
Dream doubled over as the god’s fingers began climbing up his ribcage, trembling and squeaking as they kneaded and teased each bone.
“Nohoho Ihihi—!!”
“Still just as adorable though.”
Dream shook his head, quickly succumbing to the burn of his growing blush. Along with being impossible to escape, the god also had a certain way with his words that left Dream writhing. Their creeping squeezes and teasy comments moved faster than his tired brain could ever keep up with. It was simply impossible to console himself. He collected up two fistfuls of fabric and buried his face into them.
“Ehehehex Dehehehe…” He whined.
“And still just as ticklish.” A muffled protest was thrown into his cloak burrow.
“STA-hahaP! Ihih’m NOHOT!!” Dream cried. He hated that word. Hot fluster-borne tears gathered in his eyes as his skin prickled with chilling embarrassment. He slid down in XD’s hold, buckling at the knees and pressing his face further into his green haven.
“Ohhh, it’s too easy…” XD mocked, continuing their crawling journey up his ribcage. Their hold loosened around Dream’s waist, apparently taking pity on the ex-prisoner’s fluster, and allowing him some wiggle room.
Dream made no hesitation in abusing the deity’s gesture.
The second he felt XD’s hold relax, he re-engaged his squirming; kicking, prying, leaping and bouncing with any ounce of energy that he could muster up. Until finally, he was free.
“YES!!” He cried, tittering madly to himself as he scampered his way towards the dark oak’s border’s again. His heart raced in his chest, pounding excitedly at the thought of XD chasing him down. He hadn’t felt this sort of playful adrenaline in such a long time; not since before L’manburg. It felt as though he had been struck by lightning, like his brain was charged with childish curiosity and innocence. He couldn’t stop giggling.
His adrenaline carried him only a chunk or so before the burn of exhaustion swelled in his legs again, then it was only a few more blocks after that that his brief getaway was brought to its inevitable end. Two cloaked arms wrapped around his waist, engulfing him with familiar forest green, and lifting him from the ground. Before Dream could even think to fight his way free, or yelp out a protest, the world around him twirled.
Suddenly, he was looking at the dark oak biome from a new perspective, with a sky of tulips above his head, and a stretching sea of blue at his feet. He craned his neck up, only to find DreamXD’s signature, menacing grin staring back down at him; from in between his thighs…
“NoHO!!” He cried, letting out uncontrollable titters out at the sight. His legs were slung over the deity’s shoulders, and he was pinned down at his thighs by two large, clawed hands. The deity’s head rested in between, and their lower set of arms wrapped around Dream’s waist to keep him extra steady. Butterflies swarmed inside Dream’s stomach, and his head spun as he attempted to orientate himself.
“You really want to know what’s in there?” DreamXD mused, dragging long nails up and down Dream’s thighs.
Dream gasped, holding his breath to stifle his reactions. The god's claws were way out of his reach, and yet he still attempted to swing himself up to bat at them to defend himself. He was quickly broken into breathy, panicked giggles, which apparently prompted the deity’s hands to increase their pressure. The hands switched from tracing to squeezing, latching onto Dream’s thighs and massaging at his tired muscles.
“NahAHAha!! Fuhuhuhuck youhuhuhu!!” Dream cried, throwing his head back into free flowing cackles. He clawed at the hands around his waist as compensation for not being able to reach his thighs.
“Ohhhh fuck me??” The deity challenged. Dream squealed when their hands moved to taser at his inner thighs. “And to think that I was trying to protect you!!”
“Maybe I will have to send you there after all!!” Dream shook his head. It didn’t matter how much he kicked, he wasn’t able to move his thighs in the slightest.
“Juhuhust tEHELl mehe whahat’s iN thehehere!!”
“Mm I don’t know if I should~” The deity crooned. “It’s not safe for mortals, like you!” His fingers moved down to tap and squeeze at Dream’s hip bones. Dream began squeaking through his laughter.
“Whyhyhy..?” He hiccuped, shaking his head again in an attempt to clear some of his brain fog. He felt dizzy and light, almost as though he were resting on clouds.
“It’s full of monsters!” XD hissed, snarling his answer in a playful whisper. “Monsters that were created to gobble up meddling mortals like you!”
Dream let out a squeal as the deity’s lower hands suddenly unwrapped themselves and scuttled up his sides. He yelped and yipped, battling with the delighted terror in his stomach. The lower set of arms left him with enough freedom to twist and swing, but the new firmer hold on his thighs still kept him from falling.
“NAHAhHaha!! I cahan tahahake thehehem! Juhuhust let me gohoho!!”
“Ohhh you wouldn’t stand a chance!!”
Dream screamed as the god moved his scuttling around to his stomach, showering the sensitive area with unpredictable spidering.
“You’re just far too ticklish to win against a tickle monster.”
“XD!!” Dream yelled, bucking his hips in a wild panic. His stomach fluttered and flustered under the soft touch, burning itself up into a hot lava mess and oozing its way down to his neck and cheeks. “YOU’RE LYING!”
“And the tickle monsters love ticklish little snacks like you!”
“NOHO!!” He wailed.
His body fell back limp against XD’s, losing himself to waves of laughter, and strings of incoherent babbles. He pried at the god’s hands but it hardly made a difference in their attack.
Once the hands found their way beneath Dream’s prison shirt and onto his bare skin, Dream truly felt that he had been teleported into the clouds. His skin fluttered and jumped at every scritch and scratch from the god, leaving behind an army of goosebumps and shivers each time. Mirthful tears in his eyes made the dark oak forest look like a painting, washed and abstract, and he could feel that his cheeks and stomach were as hot as the nether.
“Soooo flustered!” The god crooned. He loosened his hold around Dream’s thighs, letting him slide down towards the waving flower field below, and stilling his skittering fingers. “The monsters will be most pleased!”
Dream immediately covered his face with a whine, muffling untameable titters into the palms of his hands. He wanted so desperately to curl up, but his body was feeling far too weak and fluffy to obey any of his orders.
Flowers and grass stems greeted him with playful kisses and whispers once he was fully lowered into their grasp. He giggled and squirmed amongst them, completely lost and overcome by his heightened sensitivity. The god followed him down, looming over him and making Dream squeak and yelp at the shadow he created.
“Dreamie, Dreamie, Dreamie...” He sighed, grinning wildly when the boy squeaked at that as well. “What am I going to do with you?”
Dream peaked out from behind his hands, huffing and puffing amongst his nerves. It was ironically the most alive and grounded that he had felt in a long time, despite his floaty state.
“Lehehet mehe gohoho?” He suggested, cheekily. He couldn’t help himself.
“Hmmm.” The deity hummed, clearly in feigned thought. Dream giggled at that too, overcome by childish energy. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to give myself a little taster before I send you off there…”
Dream’s eyes widened as the deity’s grin did, watching in disbelief as they opened their mouth to reveal their fangs growing and sharpening right before his eyes.
“Youhuhur— youhuhur, youhuhur—!” He squeaked. His heart thumped wildly and excitedly in his chest. “Whaha—whahat??”
“Just a little nibble.” They explained, before diving down closer to Dream. They buried themselves into the startled boy’s neck, and began grazing his teeth over the skin there.
Dream screamed, not just from the shock of the movement, but from the sheer panic that XD was actually going to bite him.
“NAAHAHA EHEHEX DEHEHE!!!” He wailed, thrashing wildly beneath the god’s large body. Somehow, their teeth didn’t hurt in the slightest, but they did tickle. A whole lot.
Dream, was thrown into immediate hysterics, scrunching his shoulders up and pushing desperately at XD’s shoulders. He swore that he could feel each tooth nipping at the meat of his neck, grazing the sensitive area with the perfect amount of pressure to drive him insane. He arched his back, scuffing his boots into the grassy earth and cackling wildly like he had never done so before.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!!” He cried, trying his darndest to wriggle and squirm away from the unbelievable feeling. The god hummed into his neck, causing Dream to yelp and scream at the buzzing feeling that it left behind. They moved up from the meaty muscles of his trapezium onto the softer skin on the side of his neck. Dream wheezed and thumped his fist into XD’s back.
It was only a few moments after the change of spots that XD apparently decided that Dream had had enough, and he pulled himself away to let the boy recover.
A blinding warmth replaced the deity’s shadow once they moved to sit in the flower field beside Dream. It cradled him in a soothing halo, and Dream didn't argue with its demand for him to keep his eyes closed, focusing on the swirling colours that danced around in the backs of his eyelids.
His skin tingled all over, lighting the fire that kept his giggles alive and bubbling, but also joining forces with the sun and smothering Dream in a comforting blanket of warmth. He felt safe, cozy. He could feel the gentle touches of the flower field around him, reminding him that he was being watched over. He leant into their brushes and sweeps, still giggling to himself and managing to scrunch when a curious tulip dipped down to check in on his neck.
“Plehe-ehehease..!!” He tittered, not really to anyone in particular. He felt dazed, blissed out, and more free than he had ever felt before.
Eventually his breathing calmed down enough for his giggles to die out, leaving him only with a huge smile. He opened his eyes to take in the blue sky above him, adoring the feeling of crisp forest air in his lungs. He wished he could feel this way forever.
“George is in there.”
XD’s voice startled Dream enough to make him jump. He snapped his head around to address the deity.
“Wh-hat.” He cleared his throat. “What did you say?”
“George.” The deity said again. He nodded his head towards the dark oak biome.
Dream sat up, following the god’s gaze out across the dark oak borders. The cogs in his brain grinded and churned, trying to understand what the deity meant, until suddenly he was swarmed with flashes of memories, reminding him of the night that XD had actually brought him to see George.
Was this the same dark oak forest??
“No one is supposed to be able to find it.” The deity explained, fiddling with a grass stem. “But you did.” He looked up to address Dream. Dream looked back to the forest again.
“He’s ready to see you now. If you would like.” The god’s offer was gentle, soothing. He had lost much of his echoed voice and his tone made Dream feel warm and welcomed.
He nodded his head, slowly. XD visibly lit up at his agreeance. Dream couldn’t help but smile.
He allowed for the deity to pick him up, clinging onto soft green fabric as he was maneuvered into a cradle. His aching muscles wasted no time in melting into the god’s arms, and his lungs were quick to time their compressions to the thumping of his heart. The exhaustion that Dream had been trying to fight off so badly finally had the chance to catch up to him. His eyelids drooped under its pull, and his hands loosened their grip around the deity’s comforting fabric.
The pair didn’t even reach the dark oak’s border before sleep found its way to Dream, wrapping him in a cocoon of bliss, warmth and familiarity. He truly was finally free.
so happy that i’ve finally finished this one. i’ve been working so much on it :D
120 notes · View notes
wishitweresummer · 1 month
Hands On
Somewhere Only We Know
Word count: 1321
Warning: Kissing.
George just refused to believe him. Man, he was cute.
“Everybody is ticklish!”, he insisted for the fifth time that day.
“I’m not like everybody.”, XD said with all the fondness in the world. George grinned up at him. The human was still struggling with the concept of just how XD could read him, but he was learning. Between them floated silent promises for what would come later.
George was pretty serious about this. They had to separate for a bit with plans to meet at night. In that time, George had piled the middle of his living room with blankets and pillows. XD glowed with minty-green excitement.
“Shut up.”, George giggled and shook his head.
“You’re silly.”, he said to make him roll those pretty eyes.
XD settled down into the strange nest of blankets and got comfy.
“Am I good like this?”, he asked as he gestured down to his usual outfit. George only nodded and straddled his waist before squeezing at his sides. XD smiled, but it wasn’t effective.
George pouted, then squeaked as he was flipped over on to his back and XD took his same position.
“Hey!”, he protested.
“It’s my turn.’, XD smirked and squeezed George’s sides as he had. George squealed loudly and shoved at the hands.
“No! You already know!”, he laughed and squirmed into the blankets. “Okay! Okay!”.
XD laughed and let George resume his positon on top. He was much gigglier now.
“Where are you going to try next?”, XD grinned mischievously. George looked over his body and hesitated. Knowing he would be tickled in the same spot really made him pause.
“I don’t want you to tickle me back.”.
“I don’t care.”, XD laughed again. George huffed. He loved that noise and wanted to be able to make it happen whenever he wanted. The amused smile on XD’s face told him he knew what he was thinking.
“Shut up.”, he said before pinching softly around where his neck met his shoulders. XD only let it go on for a few seconds before he flipped George and did the same thing, making him giggle hysterically. He scrunched up and shook his head wildly, not expecting the feeling to be so tickly. He shrieked when XD wouldn’t let up.
“Okay, please!”.
“You’re always begging.”, XD smirked and pressed George further into the blankets so that he could get at the spot better. George squealed and twisted into them, laughing.
It wasn’t long before they were flipped again and George was wobbling as he giggled in XD’s lap.
“I’m too scared to try anywhere else.”, he admitted.
“You’re so silly.”, XD smiled and shook his head. He felt all the love in the world pool in his chest for his little mortal. “Going to admit defeat?”. George shook his head, failing to fight off his grin.
The human hummed softly and straightened out XD’s shirt as he thought.
“Is there anywhere anyone hasn’t tried before?”, George asked. XD only shook his head. His eyes trailed down to the god’s large hands. It took everything in him not to squirm at the idea of being tickled again. “This isn’t fair!”.
XD laughed and flipped them again. He hovered over the pouty human.
“You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”, he murmured. George whined and looked away.
“Shut up, XD.”.
“I’m serious! And I’ve seen a lot of things, George.”. George grabbed a pillow from next to them and quickly smacked XD with it. “Hey!”.
In an instant, they were wrestling. Both giggling as they fought to be the one on top. When George got on top again, he swung the pillow ridiculously hard at XD’s face.
“George!”, he yelled and grabbed him by the waist, twisting him down into the blankets. Quick hands crawled up his shirt to attack his ribs. George screamed and jolted.
“You’re such a little shit.”, XD shook his head in amusement before ducking down to bury his face in the squirmy human’s neck. George squealed and shoved uselessly at the weight on top of him. XD’s tickles were light and teasy, but George was just way too worked up. He giggled hysterically, kicking his legs and squirming. XD bit his neck playfully, making him yelp.
“You’re like a million pounds! Hey!”, he shrieked as the tickling turned more intense at his insult. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”.
XD pulled away after a few more seconds, just smiling down at his giggly human. The love was right there at the edge, so ready to overflow. He wanted to crush George to his chest until they became one. He wanted to eat him alive.
Before George could catch his breath, XD stole it again with a kiss. George made a little excited noise as he wrapped his arms around XD’s neck. They melted together in the soft nest George had made them. Under XD, he was so small. Their lips moved sweet and slow as XD’s hands trailed along George’s body. He shivered when the touch was sensitive, whining into the kiss. The clumsy smiles moved together. His fingers tangled softly into XD’s curls.
XD pulled away when he realized how breathless George was. The boy panted softly as he settled with his arms up in the mess of blankets.
“You’re gorgeous.”, he murmured. George giggled dizzily, flushed and pretty. “Catch your breath.”, he demanded playfully. George laughed and shoved him.
“I’m sorry I’m not a freak that doesn’t need to breathe!”. XD laughed and buried his face in George’s neck, delighting in the surprised squeak. He nuzzled softly, soaking in every bit of the moment he could. George was so happy and soft. So his. XD nudged his chin carefully into the spot where George’s neck met his shoulders and the mortal squealed loudly. “XD!”, he yelped. How was everything he did so addicting?
George scrunched up as the cutest giggles bubbled out of him.
“I hate you!”, he squeaked, trying and failing to shove the tickly chin away.
“Sure…”. XD murmured and nipped the side of his neck to make him gasp. George whined loudly, torn between the two conflicting feelings. “Yeah? Do you want to use your words?”.
“You’re an idiot.”.
“Try again.”, XD warned in a low voice, making George giggle.
“Kiss me?”.
George squealed as XD grabbed him and pinned his arms above his head in the blankets.
“I’m sorry!”, he cried out instinctively. XD only chuckled and ducked his head down to press him further into the blankets with a kiss. George sighed into it happily. He was flustered and on the brink of more giggles, but excitedly kissing back. George didn’t know it, but his body had been begging XD to pin it in place. He whimpered softly and squirmed in the hold.
Like this; he was as helpless as he was safe. It was easy to put trust in XD. All of it. The god would do anything to make George happy…even if it was unspoken. He didn’t have to open his mouth and spill his secrets to get what he wanted. XD simply read it. Even if he couldn’t admit it. Even if he didn’t know he wanted it. XD knew better and he could give himself over to the god completely.
George didn’t know what love was. Not really. He hoped he expressed whatever he felt in the kiss. That the slow movement of his lips and the little smiles he couldn’t fight back would show XD his feelings.
XD was all-knowing. To be known is to be loved, right?
“Hey!”, George yelled as he sat up suddenly.
“Huh?”, XD mumbled back sleepily. They had fallen into a quiet cuddle, dozing in and out of reality.
“I didn’t finish tickling you!”.
“What? George, I’m not ticklish!”, XD sat up and shook his head in exasperation.
In a flash, he was tackled back into the blankets.
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guesswho873 · 1 year
Hello I have a request of lee tommy & ler dreamXD (spot tummy) (ps your art is amazing)
awwwwww!! thx you so much, you literally gave me motivation to draw again thx!!
here you go
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ummm hope it's not bad...
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sleepy--anon · 11 months
Day 26: Counting
Reserved by @mushiewrites
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Reservations are full
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George had moments where he regretted teaching XD what tickling was. XD was a very curious God when it came to human things and George, more often than not, became their test subject for the new things they learned. And them have four arms definitely did not help. George was currently in a meadow with XD, one far enough away that no one would find them, pinned to the soft grass by two of their four hands. XD had learned about rib counting from Foolish, having seeing him do it to Bad and asking about it.
"Ex... is this really necessary?" George whimpered, squirming a bit under them.
"You told me I could try out new things on you George. Just relax, it'll be much easier for you if you relax." XD hovered his clawed hands over him, waiting for any real signs for them to stop. When George didn't give them any, they started at the bottom, rubbing his claws into his ribs.
"1, 2, 3,4. You're so loud George, is it really that bad?" XD's tone was entirely curiosity instead of teasing.
"YEHEHEHES!" XD continued to count under their breath, working their way up until they hit the top, letting George rest a bit before wanting to explore something else he learned.
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iturastudioswingsmp · 2 years
Gotta feed the dsmp tickle side of tumblr something so here's some brother bonding.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
okay this is just a fun lil concept @covenofwives messaged me yesterday that i keep thinking about
I hc XD to have 4 arms, while covens version had an infinite amount
coven said it would be funny if mushie!XD and coven!XD got in a tk fight, and mushie!XD thinks they’re evenly matched
but then coven!XD just……spawns more arms, and mushie!XD is immediately actual mush 🫠
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yourlittlettoy · 4 months
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🚨HI HELLO I finally met @itsticklishme23 (my actual soul sister) for the first time and she’s everything I could have ever dreamed of 😍🥰😘💕🥳
We’re whispering about how stinki we think all of the lers are 😉🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏿‍♀️ nothing dangerous about doing that in the positions we are in I’m sure…. 👀😇
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coy-lee · 11 months
Inspiration smacked me upside the head a awhile ago. As take the product of my random muse!
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flames-tstuff · 6 months
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It runs in the family
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yallmakemyassitch · 5 months
Scratch Task
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Summary: Tabi had gotten sick of Agoti slick and slimy ways of sneakily tickling him, so it was about time he retained some comeuppance and taught the poor boy a lesson~! ^⁠_⁠^
Word count: 5133
Character count: 29277
Tobi talks: Well hello again to all you lovely fellas, I'm here with something special for you lot! As you know, I'm on hiatus due to school and personal life stuff and that won't change for the foreseeable future. I had this cute idea to redraw one of Sensey's art pieces as I think the position they're in and how Tabi is pinning Agoti is downright hilarious and downright devious! But I wouldn't be doing it any justice without writing something about it, after all, you just gotta appreciate her creativity (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55564837
Enjoy the story, gooday you lovely people and have a great day y’all! 🩷(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
“T-Tabi! C-c’mon man, I’m serious!” Agoti shrieked, his feet propelling him as fast as they could away from his pursuing friend, who was quickly gaining on him. Tabi lunged at him again, but the digidevil managed to dodge just in the nick of time. He stumbled and fell hard onto the ground, giving his friend an extra jumpstart in the chase.
“Agoti! Get back here!” The goat-man yelled after him, quickly getting up and running after him, a fresh dose of adrenaline pumping in his veins. The digidevil’s heart raced and his thundering footsteps quickened.
Fear was an understatement to what he was feeling, with his teeth gritted and eyebrows knitted into a panicked visage, one would think he had encountered death himself.
He might as well have anyway. Agoti had pushed Tabi too far and as a consequence, turned the Russian man into an unstoppable force of nature. No matter how much or how far he ran, Tabi was always right around the corner.
In this moment of reflection, the digidevil realized he couldn’t hear Tabi’s footsteps anymore and slowed down before eventually stopping. His labored lungs were on fire and burned with every breath he tried to reclaim.
Agoti grasped his knees and hunched over, feeling his forehead drip with sweat onto the pavement. Agoti swallowed a spitball. “Oh god…” He gasped. How long had he been running? 10, maybe 15 minutes of just sprinting? He signed and stood up straight, stretching his back and his arms.
He didn’t feel safe in the area they were in, Tabi was known to be an excellent ambusher, so it would be best if he moved somewhere he couldn’t find him.
Just as he was going to head off, he heard a strange sound. The digidevil turned back around, now even more nervous, and just as he was about to whip around to run away, he heard Tabi’s dreaded voice coming from right behind him.
“Found you,” Tabi whispered in his ear.
Then his world flipped upside down, feeling a swift and strong force sweep his ankles from underneath him. Agoti couldn’t even comprehend what had happened until he landed hard on his chest. Panic soon set in when he felt someone heavy sit on his back and grab his wrist.
“Tabi! Please no!” The demon shrieked with terror, realizing the extent of his situation. “Too late for excuses, Agoti.” The Russian man hummed calmly above him.
Agoti was fast and agile, but Tabi was stronger and heavier than him, so pinning the digidevil was an easy feat. Tabi twisted his dominant arm behind his back and pinned it on the center of his back with the firm grip of his hand and pushed all his weight into the grip.
As expected, Agoti began to thrash and squirm, attempting to forcefully dismount the man off his back. A horrifying revelation came when he realized Tabi was sitting rather close to his rear, which made the prospect of slithering his tail out to defend himself impossible.
The Russian man watched as the digidevil fruitlessly kicked his legs and waved around his other arm, hell, his kicks would land on his back sometimes, but Tabi was stocky enough to handle it.
The digidevil tuckered out, realizing that his method of escape wasn’t working, and relaxed his muscles.
“Are you done?” The invisible man asked with an arch of his eyebrow.
“Y-yeah…” Agoti grumbled begrudgingly.
“Good, now then…” Tabi, with his free hand, pinched his friend’s right side. “Let's talk.”
The demon flinched and quietly squeaked. Oh god. Oh god no.
Tabi couldn’t see his face at his angle but could tell the digidevil was very nervous. He couldn’t help but grin and chuckle to himself. “Oh Agoti, Agoti…” He shook his head.
Agoti tensed when he felt his bony finger slowly trace up and down his side. “I have to ask you something,” Tabi exclaimed, his voice now much more casual and amused than before.
“Y-yeah?” God damn, he almost giggled a bit.
Tabi leaned over to where his bony snout would be right next to his ear. “Are you ticklish?” This time, his tone was dripping with mischief. His index finger began to quickly wiggle into his side, traveling up and down the sensitive area.
Tabi watched Agoti’s reaction carefully, his lower jaw appearing to complete his already menacing expression.
“N-noho…” Agoti hissed through clenched teeth, contradicted by a wild, silly smile beginning to spread across his lips.
The Russian huffed. “Well that’s good, otherwise what I’m about to do would really suck.”
“Huh- wait, ta-TAHahaHAhABI!” Agoti squealed. He resumed his squirming, his side’s nerves stimulated and sending all kinds of ticklish shocks up his torso. The hand that was previously tweaking his side was energetically digging into the tender flesh.
“Hmph. Liar.” Tabi quietly huffed, beginning to knead into the flesh with his fingertips, causing Agoti to attempt to twist his free arm around to grab his wrist, but the awkward angle he was pinned at made it difficult.
Tabi easily brushed him off and continued with the torture. “PLEHEHEASE, I- I caHAHAN’T!”
“Oh, yes you can. We haven’t even made it to your worst spot yet.” The entire sentence he just uttered not only sent chills down his spine but he managed to switch his tone from casual and dismissive to downright despicable.
The digidevil screamed when he felt Tabi’s hand begin to jump around his torso. The goat-man knew the digidevil was ticklish as hell, so putting him in stitches wasn’t difficult. Agoti thrashed from left to right, feeling his hand grab his hip, digging his four fingers into the front while the thumb made devious circles in the back, leaving him cackling like a madman.
This only increased when the Russian’s fingers burrowed into the sweet spot between his side and tummy, which got a hearty wheeze out of Agoti.
“Heh.” He heard Tabi chuckle, his golden eyes sparkling with amusement. He quickly crawled up his side and drilled his bony fingers into the very crevice of his underarm.
“N-NOHO!” Agoti cried, his arm shooting down to cover the sensitive spot. He foolishly trapped his hand but was glad to feel the hand leave once Tabi realized tickling wasn’t possible with his arm that tight against his side.
“Hm. Suit yourself then, I’ll just have to go to the other one.” Tabi exclaimed, oddly calm.
Tabi then began to pull up Agoti’s pinned arm, keeping it in its bent position, but steadily exposing his other armpit. “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” Agoti yelled, nervous giggles tumbling out of him at record speed. He resisted, pulling down as much he could as a counter to Tabi’s tugging.
He just grinned and in one swift motion, pulled the arm at the desired 45-degree angle. Agoti’s stomach dropped, seems the Russian man was holding out on the poor boy. Man, he really had to hit the weights after this.
The digidevil’s train of thought was interrupted when a single finger began to circle slowly around his pit. Agoti hid his face in the floor again, there was a large, stupid grin on his face that he couldn’t bear to expose to the rest of the world.
“Tickle, tickle, Agoti…” Tabi’s voice cooed lowly above him, making sure to purr out each syllable in the most taunting tone he could muster. This wasn’t difficult, his Russian accent left a lot of room for letters to roll off his tongue with delicious deviousness.
He still couldn’t see his face but could see Agoti was red, the blush even managing to spill onto the side of his head.
“N-noHohoHo Tahahabi, that’s sohOho meheheAn…” The demon whined, his tendrils curling with embarassment.
“Oh trust me, I can get a lot meaner~” The invisible man laughed. Then the tracing began to ascend, keeping its gentle touch until his fingers were dancing along his bicep. Agoti groaned, giggles flowing freely out of him, he knew what Tabi was getting at.
“This familiar, Agoti?” Tabi asked with an amused snort, digging into his bicep with fervor. The demon squealed, and now his giggles were much louder, mixed in with hiccups and snorts, he sounded ridiculous. The sensation was annoying, a touch he couldn’t get away from, and Tabi made sure he felt the same pain Agoti put him through.
That being instead of his underarms, the rapper had trapped his friend underneath him and tormented his knees until he screamed uncle. Tabi looked back on it with a grimace, but with the same man at his mercy, he felt a sense of relief taking out his pent-up frustration on the bastard.
“Fuhuhuck, okay! I’m s-SOohoHhorRy!” He cried, his free arm lightly slamming the floor several times. He never knew his arms were so sensitive but he guessed Tabi learned a thing or two before finally initiating his revenge.
“No excuses~” Tabi purred, lightly digging just right above where his armpit would be. Agoti cried out and knocked his forehead on the floor a few times, the sensations were going to make him go mad. “UHuHaAHAHA!” He kept this up for a while, giving his friend much-needed treatment after all the bullshit he put him through.
Well, it reached the finale and it was about time he’d given him what he was anticipating.
“Oh Agoti, I’m going to get your little armpit~” The Russian cooed, his index finger starting to slowly travel down his elbow, then his bicep, and then the little spot that would make his friend sing to the rooftops. Agoti about screamed when he announced himself and began to struggle again. “Tahahahabi seheheriously, I’m sorry! I- AHA!” Agoti whined again, squawking when he felt fingers tweak his neck.
“I don’t believe you.” The Russian man posed his hand into a claw shape right above his right underarm and kept it there. The digidevil was laughing and squirming wildly, the laughter bubbling out of him like a faucet was akin to a hyena. Tabi snorted, as much as a punishment this was, he had to admit, his digidevil friend had a cute laugh.
He snapped himself out of his trance when he realized Agoti had lied still, in wait for his friend to put him in stitches.
And that he did. Tabi touched down and scribbled furiously into the underarm. His reaction was an understatement when described as “explosive”, the man immediately burst out into raucous cackles and squeals that would be the previously mentioned hyena to shame.
Agoti had ticklish armpits, but the spot wasn’t too bad on its own. His friend’s teasing had turned into a giddy ball of nerves, which may or may not have been purposeful. He was losing it, his chest shaking with unrelenting howls of laughter.
“PLEHEHEASE, STOHOHAHAP! MEHEHERCY!” Agoti’s legs were limp on the ground, slightly twitching in contrast to his seizing torso. Tabi made sure to dig deep and as ferociously as possible into the very center, smug as a bug witnessing his friend cry for mercy.
“And why should I? You didn’t give me any mercy when you were tickling me?” His friend couldn’t answer. This continued for a while, sometimes randomly scribbling up his arm to tease the bicep until Tabi heard a wheezy cough come out of Agoti, that’s when he stopped and removed his hand.
Tabi pinned his arm back down to back and it moreover collapsed, as the digidevil was too tired to fight back at this point. Agoti panted, teary-eyed and blushing hard. The invisible man let Agoti rest his throat, after all, the true finale wouldn’t be complete if his victim wasn’t rejuvenated.
“O-oh gahad…” Agoti panted, the ghost of the tickles still lingered on his body. His shoulders rose and fell with each passing second as he gradually regained his breath.
“How was that?” Tabi asked, playfully punching his friend’s shoulder blade.
“Awful,” The rapper said with a roll of his eyes. “Now, can you get off of me? You got your revenge.” Agoti craned his neck to meet Tabi’s gaze but was confused, then horrified to be met with initial nonchalance to the spread of his grin and the speechless shake of his skull.
“Tabi, you’ve got to be shitting me!” Agoti hissed quickly, his tendrils springing into action in a series of coiling and terrified phalanges. “Nope, sorry, Agoti.” Tabi hissed right back, sarcasm oozing from his tone. Agoti was scared but realized something, he had energy! He could finally fight back.
The digidevil swung his other arm around to hopefully grab the man’s wrist and pull it off of him. He rejoiced when he felt the Russian’s grip come loose, which freed his slightly numb, right hand.
Agoi placed both hands on the floor and was going to flip himself over, taking Tabi with him. He gravely miscalculated his move, his repositioned arms exposed his most sensitive spot; his ribcage.
The goat-man acted quickly and with both hands, grabbed the sides of his ribcage and squeezed. Agoti screamed and collapsed, and Tabi took this as an opportunity to put the demon back in position. The demon moaned sadly on the floor he stuffed his face into.
“Sorry but, I’m not done here,” Tabi said, making sure his arm was firmly stuck in place with no place to move. The digidevil didn’t even say anything, seeming to have accepted his fate. That would make the job easier for Tabi, but that didn’t necessarily mean he was done asking questions. The first question was just a coverup for what he was really wondering.
Tabi gently grasped the right side of Agoti’s ribcage, not even grabbing it, just wrapping his hand around the spot, mimicking the curve of his ribs. Since Agoti’s right arm was out of commission, it was the perfect place to begin the real torture.
“This will be my second and final question, so you better listen up!” The Russian declared angrily.
The digidevil said nothing and the man pining him down took it as a sign he was listening.
Tabi sighed deeply. “Agoti, why do you keep tickling me?” All the irritation in his tone vanished, he sounded solemn and quiet. Agoti craned his neck to look at him and their gazes met instantly, as Tabi was already staring deeply into him. His eyebrows were furrowed and his golden eyes were brimming with patience. He wasn’t mad in the slightest.
Agoti’s face fell, now looking quite solemn himself. “Vell?” Tabi said, leaning a bit closer and sounded amused when his accent slipped a bit but still patiently awaiting his response.
His chest fluttered, he knew the answer to his question. Could he tell him? Could he tell Tabi that he thought he wasn’t tickling him out of mischief but because he thought his laughter was not only really cute but handsome? That being this close to him at the moment made his heart beat a mile a minute?
Tickling was his method of ‘flirting’ with Tabi. It was too embarrassing and too early, knowing him, Tabi wasn’t too interested in love after what he’s been through. Agoti could be a selfish asshole at times, but he wanted to savor his feelings when the timing was right. Tabi had taken his heart by storm the moment he had met him and the Russian man was none the wiser.
Oh who was he kidding, Agoti was just too pussy to admit he had fallen for him.
He conjured up the most bullshit answer his panicking mind could formulate. Agoti sighed and began to speak in his ‘sincerest tone’...
“It’s cuz you’re sad all the time.”
“What?” Tabi said quietly.
“Dude you’re seriously a Debbie downer, you’re constantly frowning and my jokes hardly even get to you. I wanna see you have fun, not just mopey and sad.” Agoti mumbled, avoiding the gaze now staring over his head onto him, casting a shadow. Tabi blinked at him and sighed.
“Agoti, Agoti…” Tabi started.
He stiffened when he felt something pinch his ribs. “You’ve always been a terrible liar.” He huffed, half-amused half-dissapointed.
Then the kneading began, Tabi had his hand shaped into a pincer and was thoroughly pinching and kneading in between each rib bone, along with the bone itself, and descended one rib when he figured that one had enough.
Agoti loudly snorted and bit the hell out of his lower lip, scratching at the floor with his sharp claws. He was doing a lot better than he imagined, despite his mind screaming for the sensations to stop.
Tabi realized what he was doing and coughed out a dry laugh, the mischief still left over from earlier allowed him to make such a sound.
Tabi took his hand and kneaded into the entire side of the ribcage instead, making sure his fingertips were vibrating in between the tender gaps of the bones. The Russian could feel the dam collapse immediately as Agoti breathed in…
And nothing came out. He could feel his chest shaking and saw his hand dig and curl deeply into the ground before a loud shriek could be heard. It was louder than what he heard today. Tabi winced, the sound long, shrill, and painful, before quickly descending into a cacophony of hysteria.
The kicking started back up and Agoti was back to his usual ways of thrashing and squirming. His laughter, now much more girlish, almost made Tabi smile a bit, but he kept his lips pursed and serious. “NoHOHOhOHOAHAH- hic NOTHAHOT THAHAT!”
“That’s strike one, Agoti. Do it again or I’ll go to the other side.” Tabi replied calmly, slowing his pace to gentle jabs all over his right side. Agoti was hysterical, twitching and spasming every time Tabi hit a sweet spot, much to his chagrin.
“FUhUhUCK TAHAahABi! Thihihis ihihis sohohoho BAHAHAD!” He squealed at the end when he felt pinching around his upper ribcage, dancing fingertips poking at the sensitive bone.
“I know, that’s why I asked your dad about it,” Tabi replied casually.
Wait what? “H-HuHuhuh?” Agoti giggled profusely before the former musician stopped tormenting his side.
“Yup, I asked your dad if you were ticklish. He spilled, surprisingly.” His face was knitted into a reminiscing expression, which quickly turned into unapologetic mirth as he laughed for a while, seeing from the corner of Agoti’s face that he had turned white before shifting into a deep crimson.
“D-dad told you?!” Agoti asked, exasperated.
“Yep.” Tabi repeated, popping the ‘p’, “I was expecting him to start interrogating me, to be honest, but I guess he likes me now cuz he was pretty upfront with me. A pretty standup guy if I’m being honest.” He shrugged.
“His ribs are his worst spot, especially the ones on the bottom, they get him the worst.” Solazar hummed, readjusting his glasses.
“Ah, I see,” Tabi said, rubbing his bony chin.
“May I ask what for?” The Solarisapien questioned, eyes gentle but burning with skepticism. An improvement from his initial scowling and shooting glares when he first met the young man.
His shoulders shook as he laughed. “Nothing important, Mr. Solazar,”
Solazar could tell he had no nefarious intentions based on his eyes, which brightened with unmistakable playfulness and mischief. He could tell where this was going, he saw that gaze all too often in his boys in their youth.
“Oh alright,” The former warrior sighed, straightening his back.
The digidevil was mortified beyond belief, his father sold him out?! Agoti had no time to react when he felt his pincers move again to latch onto his bony figure and wiggle in every groove possible, but Tabi made sure to avoid the bottom ones, to save the best for last, of course.
“N-nonono- T-TAHAHBI! AHaaAH NOhaHAHAHA!” He resumed his previous moments, this time, much more flustered at the bombshell that just dropped on him and squirmier than before. Even Tabi was a little disheveled at how much he was squirming.
Surely, it couldn’t feel that bad? Then he thought of that one time Agoti blasted his neck with raspberries and mentally kicked himself.
“Now then, let’s try that again. I’ll know when you’re lying, so don’t even try it.” Tabi slowed down his tickling to simply drumming across his ribs, keeping the demon back on his toes, in between cloud 9 and hysteria.
Agoti was back to senseless laughter, what would have normally been hearty giggles were hiccupy cackles. His already ablaze nerves made it hard to calm down after the vicious ribbing he was going through. Tears were nearly about to fall out of his eyes and his face hurt from smiling so much.
“Again, Agoti, why do you keep tickling me?” His serious tone when he asked initially was gone and was swapped for a more, demanding but playful tone. This time, he was scribbling his fingertips not only across his ribs but all over his side. He momentarily danced them across his back, which got some funny squeaks out of him.
The digidevil buried his face in his arm and unleashed a flurry of uncontrollable mirth, stuck in-between giggling when he felt fingers wiggle against his shoulderblades to cackles when Tabi dug his rough fingers into the divots of his ribs and hips.
The Russian man was much more impatient than before as Tabi quickened his kneading into downright drilling. He made sure it didn’t hurt, but he made damn sure Agoti knew this wasn’t as bad as it was going to get. And he couldn’t handle that.
“Well?!” Tabi yelled angrily, causing the digidevil to flinch when he heard his bark above his hysterical cackling.
“Vell, go on then, I’m getting impatient.” At least he had the grace to tell him. A few seconds later Agoti managed to regain his bearings, still a bit fatigued but not completely losing it anymore.
“It’s because I- EEK!” Agoti squealed when he felt a pinch on his lower ribs. A warning for what was to come.
“Because I wanted to mess with you, damn!”
His lip twitched.
“Tabi, you know that I like to mess with my friends. You’re one of them, you see how I treat people close to me, man! It’s just my way of affection and if you didn’t like it, well that’s not my fucking proBLEM-! FUCK! GAHAHAHAHAH!”
“No, you’re lying to me again,” Tabi said calmly, his face as cool and collected as he could be.
“NAHAHOHO I’M NOHOHOHOT!” The digidevil retorted, contorting his body in never before positions as his friend dug into his lower ribcage.
“Yes, you are~” He singsonged, chuckling as his fingertips kneaded into his lower rib bones. Agoti screeched when Tabi began to dig and pinch into the very last bones of his ribcage, methodical in his method to keep his friend in a state of hysterical paralysis.
Agoti went limp under him, but his chest still gyrated with cackles and hiccups. His laughter went silent when Tabi focused on the very bottom rib, teasingly circling his thumb in the tender spot until he stopped.
Agoti squeaked when he felt something touch his left side. As promised, Tabi would get him if he caught him slacking. “AH! WAIT! NOHOHO! FUCK FUCK FUHUHUCK!” That side of his body had been entirely vulnerable for the entirety he had been kept stuck under Tabi. His choosing to exploit it now was a despicable decision.
He acted quickly and shot his arm down to protect it. Tabi hadn’t exited this time, rather, it gave him a much better opportunity to knead into the crevices of his ribs. Tabi wiggled to and fro, feeling Agoti absolutely spaz and lose it as he squirm and thrash uncontrollably, his legs now reignited in a fit of kicks.
“Told you what would happen.”
The former musician began to crawl up over the entirety of his left side, up his ribs, and even managed to graze his underarm a little. He smirked as Agoti squeaked, squirmed, and howled without fail. His ribs were just that ticklish and he was going to take advantage of that fact.
This went on for eternity, at least to the digidevil. Even Aldryx was more merciful than him and he was his brother! Agoti hadn’t even realized Tabi had stopped, he was just about to tap out.
“Last chance.” Tabi hummed, looking over to his friend’s face. He looked fucked up, his face was beyond red, now in a maroonish color, eyes teary and wet from the onslaught of tickling. He panted and panted, barely processing his friend's words.
Tabi stayed silent, quietly waiting for Agoti to speak up. He waited much longer than he had before, allowing the digidevil to regain his breath and recover. But when Agoti finally did, he said nothing, nothing at all. Tabi waited another minute longer and shook his head at the revelation that he wouldn’t be getting an answer.
“Awww, well that’s too bad~” The Russian cooed, beginning to slowly tweak his sides again. “What, did you want to be tickled that bad, Goti?” He chuckled when he heard Agoti groan, he hated being called that.
“S-shuhut uhuhup…” He said, exhaustion clearly in his voice.
“Naahh, you deserve it after wasting my time like this.”
“Go fuck yourself.” Agoti bluntly mumbled.
Tabi just chuckled, releasing his arm from his hold, allowing it to flop uselessly on the floor. He didn’t get off his back however, only readjusting his position to side sideways, no longer straddling him and allowing him to plop his feet on the ground.
The seconds ticked by, the two quietly enjoying one another’s presence. It was like this for a while, with Agoti being oddly complicate with being sat on and the Russian not saying a word, however, the silence was broken when he spoke up.
“So am I ever gonna get an answer?”
Agoti said nothing.
Tabi just sighed and went back to staring off into space.
“It’s cuz I like you.” He heard him mumble.
“Mhm…” His nodded his head and went back- wait, what?! What was melancholy turned into alarm, his eyes widened, and he turned his head to look at Agoti. His entire face was hidden by his tendrils, making it impossible to tell what expression he was making.
“Agoti…” Tabi whispered.
“Hehe yeah, it’s dumb. I get it if you don’t feel the same.” Agoti chuckled dryly, void of any amusement. Hell, he sounded a bit nervous. So much for ‘too early’...
The goatman was quiet and the digidevil expected him to get up before spitting out a blunt rejection. What he didn’t expect was the graze of bone grazing his head before brushing away some of his limp tendrils, allowing him to see the side of his face. His cheeks were bright and lips pulled into a tight frown.
“What, that’s it? You only just liked me?”
The former musician's chest shook as those deep, rich chuckles rang out of him. Agoti’s heart did a flip when he heard them but didn’t make it known. Tabi cupped the side of his face and turned it, forcing the digidevil to look at him.
His white scleras widened, his golden eyes were soft, and the fondness that glimmered from them was overwhelmingly tender.
“I like you too, Agoti.” He purred softly, maintaining eye contact with the young man, who by this point had completely melted, he could feel the blood pump to his cheeks as the man above him smirked. Damn, he was hot at this angle.
Tabi dismounted Agoti and sat beside his lying body. The digidevil, now able to sit up, did the same. He avoided eye contact like a bitch, he could tell he was staring right at him.
The silence was loud, with the man of his dreams staring at him like he was a million bucks. It gave him the ego boost, but he didn’t expect it so soon and certainly wasn’t ready.
“You want a kiss, big baby?” Tabi teased.
The question made the digidevil freeze and blush even more. He managed to turn to Tabi, who was much closer than he remembered. Agoti didn’t remember him looking this handsome, especially since his snout was a whisper away from his face.
His breath hitched when the goatman grasped his shoulders and pulled him in. It didn’t take long for their lips to touch, although his snout made it a little awkward, Tabi turned his way at such an angle that Agoti was surprised to feel thin yet firm lips touch his own.
Soon they melted into each other’s arms, with Tabi delicately kissing him and the digidevil being unable to think, his stomach exploding into butterflies.
When Tabi pulled away, Agoti collapsed into his chest. Tabi laughed in surprise but kept the man in his arms, playing with his hair as his other arm wrapped around his back.
His fingertips gently scrubbed through his scalp, sending chills down his spine. His tendrils were also ticklish, but of course, he couldn’t tell him that, otherwise, he’d never live it down.
“Oh, Agoti~” He cooed, taking full advantage of his accent. Hearing his name belted out in such a way made Agoti puddy in his bony palms. His chin was tugged upwards by Tabi’s hand and placed his chin directly in the center of his torso, allowing the two to make direct eye contact.
The Russian admired him for a second longer before pressing a small kiss to his forehead. “So cute~ Can I kiss you again?”
As if he could refuse. Agoti lightly nodded and thus the process repeated, the two gently kissing one another, with Tabi blurting out the occasional praise and compliment, somehow always catching the digidevil offguard. In the midst of their makeup session, Tabi had gotten a little mischievous and squeezed the side of Agoti’s ribcage, which made him shriek.
He chuckled evilly, as Agoti began to squirm, collapsing his back into his torso, only allowing Tabi to wrap his arms around his torso and attack his sides that way. He was hysterical, his cheeks now red with how much he was laughing.
“Aw, look at you~” Tabi cooed, pressing a quick kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek. Boyfriend? Yes, boyfriend! He slowed down the tickles to soft wiggling, leaving the man softly tittering.
“B-bahahahbe c-cmohohohon!”
“Nope, that’s what you get for not being honest with me, Goti’!”
“God I fuhuhucking hahahate yohohou!” The digidevil spat, leaning his head against his boyfriend’s chest, uselessly grasping the wrists currently tickling the sides of his ribcage. Tabi just rolled his eyes, knowing that it was far from the truth, and focused on peppering his neck and cheeks with quick kisses, while tweaking his ribs.
What a day to be alive, I suppose.
Thanks for reading btw and being so patient with my inactive ass :333 💀
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wishitweresummer · 1 month
Somewhere Only We Know
( Hey guys! So, putting all this pressure on my series’ to come out on specific days and follow specific formats is just slowing me down. I’ll just release stuff when I can! This is one of my new series called Somewhere Only We Know!!! On this page you can find the SFW chapters, and anyone 18+ and interested can find the NSFW chapters on my ao3 or @darknightsofsummer !! You will be able to follow the plot even if you miss the NSFW chapters, so don’t stress about that. )
Basic plot- Dream is in prison and George turns to DreamXD for the things in his life he finds he’s suddenly missing. Their relationship turns complicated quickly. This is my fluffy and angsty love story for George and XD. 💜
Word count: 2182
Warning: Kissing and mature themes.
Meaning: The bright one.
The thing about XD was that he didn’t feel things the same way humans did. He also knew humans to lie for all sorts of silly reasons. The one thing XD knew he could rely on was the unconscious desires and wants that he could read off of any human’s skin.
Of course George knew what that meant for the…more mature parts of their relationship. But, he had yet to see any negatives come from XD’s strange vision. Until one night. One very flustering night. The night where XD pulled George’s bare foot into his lap to show it a little gentle affection, but George reacted like he was being electrocuted.
“You’re ticklish.”, he accused. But, George denied it. The silliest human; XD’s George.
An unmovable hand held George’s ankle tight while he begged like his life was in danger.
“You can’t do this to me!”, he cried. XD’s mask flashed an icy green with excitement.
“Why are you trying to get away? George, you know I’m stronger than you.”. XD delighted in the bright blush he earned. “I wish you could see just how your foot is lighting up with exactly how it wants to be tickled.”. George let out a horrified shriek at that.
“What are you talking about!”.
“George, you’re being silly. You know how I can see what you want lined across your skin.”.
“But, I don’t want to be tickled!!!”, he screamed, flustered beyond belief. George thought his heart would beat out of his chest. He knew there was no way to stop the god from doing whatever he wanted, and he knew there was no arguing with the god’s strange way he viewed the world.
George screeched as he was suddenly yanked down the couch by his ankle so he was laying on his back. XD crawled over him and scooped up his hands.
“You are as gorgeous as the night sky.”. XD’s mask flashed with dangerous colors that told George he was in trouble. The alternating mix of green and white gave George’s face a beautiful glow.
He always thought it was amazing how the lights and colors were never painful on his eyes. Learning how XD’s intentions were reflected in each flash had been easy. But now, George knew all too well exactly what he was in for.
“Thanks!”, he peeped, desperately hoping his quick response would shut down the god’s plan.
“You actually kind of look like the night sky at times like this. To me, at least. A very pale one. With pretty bright stars that are just begging to be connected.”. XD tugged once at George’s shirt and it was teleported away. The human could only whimper. “A ticklish constellation for me to admire. To make complete.”.
George’s hands were pinned above his head. He watched as XD’s hand trailed down his arm and slowly around his chest. He thought back to all the times that XD’s touch was just absolute perfection. The god saw and sensed things humans couldn’t, and the results from that were always mind blowing. The absolute horror of that fact made George’s blood run cold. How would that translate to tickling?
A sharp shriek flew from George’s lips as XD’s expert fingers suddenly focused in on one specific rib. He threw his head back and sucked in a shuddering breath before screaming with laughter. His ability to beg for mercy was lost instantly. The devious fingers found the perfect pressure to work the rib and he was completely helpless to the feeling.
“Wow I’ve never heard you laugh like that…ready?”. He wasn’t. XD spidered his hand down and pressed it into George’s stomach like a claw.
“Please!”, he gasped out. His damn hand was too big. George bucked up into the weight, but sudden and desperate laughter barreled through him. He was squirming back down into the couch in one second flat. XD’s mask glowed with teal-ish pride as he shook his clawed hand with terrifying accuracy into the ticklish muscles of George’s tummy. George convulsed at the feeling. It was like every one of the god’s fingertips were pressed perfectly in every spot to drive him crazy. He kicked the couch and screamed with laughter. Here, he was helpless.
XD loved his laugh. His favorite thing in the world was to make George happy. He was so screwed.
“Stop!! Please!!”, he cried.
“Alright I can go somewhere else. My constellation isn’t done yet.”.
“XD!!”, George screeched in terror.
Those fingers went crawling back up his side and danced dangerously near his open armpit, making George cackle loudly.
“You want me here really badly, huh?.”.
“No!! No no!!! XD!!!”, he squirmed and bucked wildly, but XD was not one to be shaken. “I’m serious!!”, his voice pitched up in his panic.
XD dipped his fingers into the soft delicate skin in the center of George’s underarm. George let out a little squeak before his screeching laughter took over again.
There were a million different little ways that George had known he was made for Dream. But, one of the strangest of them was that George found himself more sensitive and helpless under him than anyone else. The same spot Sapnap or Karl tickled him was three times more ticklish when Dream found it. He didn’t know what it was exactly, but when Dream had fallen into the mood to tickle George to pieces, he was always completely muffined. George would always be screaming in seconds. Much like now. Another bittersweet reminder. So many bittersweet reminders. Maybe one day he would get to ask Dream if his skin lit up with a weird little map of exactly how to tickle him like XD said…
“Not there!!”, he managed to shriek out between his endless peaks of laughter. He squirmed wildly, but there was absolutely no way to get out of the god’s grip. “It’s so bad!!”, he wailed. XD only giggled in amusement.
The tickly fingers relented in his armpit, but started to crawl back down his body again. Already fired up, George couldn’t stop giggling.
“There’s more places you want to be tickled.”, XD explained.
“Shut up!!”, George cried through his high pitched giggles. Every single little touch had him gasping and squirming. His cheeks burned at how giddy he sounded. Though, the cute little squeaks turned much louder when XD’s hand finally reached it’s destination.
XD grinned excitedly at the hilarious screeching George was making, but let up quickly.
“I didn’t even know I was ticklish there…”, George gasped out the words painfully, voice strained a little from the scream that had torn through him.
“Oh yeah? It’s pretty bright here.”, XD said and felt around George’s hipbone, making him squeal and buck. The god coo’ed. “It’s showing me exactly how to play with it to make you scream.”. George whined through his giggles, shaking his head desperately.
“Please don’t—!!“, he tried to speak but a scream interrupted his words as XD fiddled with his hipbone. He kicked helplessly as he cackled. “Please!!”.
“You love it.”.
“No I don’t!!!”, George yelled, embarrassed further. When would this torture end?
“George. C’mon, baby.”.
“You’re an idiot!!”, he barely got the words out before squealing and throwing his head back into the couch. “XD, please!”.
“I’m just playing with it!”.
“It tickles!”, George gasped through his laughter.
XD let up and shrouded George in a light pink light. It was filled with amusement and love. Under it, George burned. He fought his giggles as hard as he could, but they kept slipping out all breathless and cutesy.
“Why are you pretending you don’t like this?”.
“I don’t.”, he whined. XD shook his head.
“Your nerves are telling a different story, Georgie. It’s just like your lips that want me to kiss them. They are bright. Begging me to interact.”.
“That’s different.”, George huffed and blushed harder. He didn’t see himself surviving this.
XD leaned down fast, making George let out a startled giggle.
“You want a kiss?”.
“You want to be tickled?”.
“No!”, George whined, but relaxed when warm lips enveloped his own.
“Liar.”, XD whispered into the kiss, then pulled away to grin down at the huffy human. “George, you lie all the time.”.
“No I don’t!”.
“Remember when you told me that a traditional engagement gift is to present the giftees with a Potion of Regeneration for their—“.
“Stop!”, George interrupted, giggling. Sapnap’s face had been priceless when XD had presented it to him with a speech about how he hoped his wedding night would be long and fruitful or something. “That’s different.”.
“Okay. Then, what about you telling me Quackity could fly. Or telling me that Skeppy and BadBoyHalo were dating. Or the time you-“.
“Okay!”, George whined. “Those were like, jokes! But, this isn’t funny!”.
“Hm…you’re laughing though.”, XD replied smoothly as he wiggled his fingers above one of his armpits.
“Don’t!”, the human burst into panicked giggles.
“Why is it your armpits are summoning me here, huh?”.
“It’s just a bad spot!”, George hiccuped through his giggles and curled to the side a little. It was almost like he could feel it already. “Please, I’ll die!”.
“I would never let you die.”, XD said quietly. It was a little promise that George knew he could believe. He hadn’t been in danger once since him and the god had started flirting with this little…relationship? Well, he had. But, XD would just blink him out of trouble.
“But, you’re tickling me to death!”.
“I am the god of tickling.”.
“You’re the god of being an idiot!!!”.
XD tsked at the insult, then dropped his hand down to tickle into the waiting armpit. George twisted and shrieked, laughter quick to pour out of him in loud peals. In an area so intense, he lost his ability to beg.
It was awful. George had been tickled there a million times before, but this was so much worse. It was like XD knew exactly the perfect amount of pressure to use on exactly what spot to drive him completely crazy. How would he survive this? Tears streamed down his face as he laughed. His laughter was wild and hysterical. Screams of ticklish anguish pressed out of him as the tickling continued, relentless on such a sensitive spot.
“Please!”, he peeped out.
“I love your laugh.”, XD murmured happily. Oh, he was so fucked. Everything in him was screaming for mercy. His body was convulsing against his will and his lungs were burning from the laughter he couldn’t stop.
George was sure no one had ever targeted his worst spot for so long. He shrieked out a long string of unintelligible protests. He wanted to think of things to say or do to make the torture stop, but his mind was blank.
A squeak flew from his lips as the ticklish hand suddenly pulled away and a kiss was pressed into his armpit.
“Freak!”, he shrieked, full to the brim with hysterical giggles. XD laughed, beaming with nothing but happiness.
“You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen George.”, XD said fondly. “I love to see you squirm and freak out. I can’t get enough. I’m so happy you’re ticklish.”.
“I’m going to get you back!”, he gasped out. He was desperately trying to catch his breath before the next attack.
“Oh, I’m not ticklish.”.
“What! That’s not fair!”.
“Only silly little humans would burst into chaos from something as simple as a touch.”, XD said and trailed his fingertips down George’s chest to make him squirm.
“It’s more than a touch! It’s literally torture!!”.
“Mmhm…”, XD trailed his hand down. He suddenly drew his nails softly in a strange curve that crossed his stomach and sides. George couldn’t help but buck and squeal, falling into giggles.
“How are you doing that!”, he whined.
“I told you. Your skin is telling me exactly where to touch, baby. You’re all lit up. Here…here…here…”.
“Stop!!”, George cried through his laughter as he squirmed under XD’s terrifyingly accurate touch as it danced across his torso.
“It changes. But, it’s a lot baby. You don’t want me to stop.”.
“It’s just showing you where I’m ticklish!! Stop saying I want it!!”, George screeched the last part, embarrassed. XD laughed.
George was…everything. The light. The sun and moon. XD thought he had known and experienced everything. But, love. He knew he could face anything now that love had changed him. Even the tragic future he knew he had in store. Everyday he bathed in the love he felt for George and everyday he cherished it. Cherished him. He would do anything to make George happy. With his laughter washing over him in waves, he felt warm.
“I love you.”, he said softly as he stopped. George flopped back against the couch when XD released him. His giggles were light and pretty. “Forever.”.
“I know.”, George smiled and then tried to hide his face before XD could pry his hands away. “Stop!”.
XD dropped down and nuzzled into George’s neck, soaking in the happiness that they shared for the night.
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why-not-a-tickle-blog · 3 months
Dwindling Creativity
Thomas groaned, putting his head in his hands. He’d been brainstorming and writing and editing and erasing and rewriting and researching and writing again.
“I feel like I’ve used up all the creativity I have,” Thomas grumbled, shoving aside his laptop.
This pause, reluctant as it was, was instigated by Janus. Patton took over from there, leading Thomas to flop on the couch with reruns of the Office to give his mind a chance to rest.
- - -
Roman did not stop working when Thomas did. This was Important to Thomas, and Roman had to get it right.
Thomas’s statement about using up his creativity was very nearly correct. As they had worked, Roman had dwindled away gradually, until now the quill he was holding was nearly as tall as he was. He had to hold it in a two-handed grip, kneeling on the parchment and balancing the unwieldy feather against his shoulder. At least he had a magic quill that didn’t run out of ink, so he didn’t have to keep getting up and down to re-dip it.
He ignored the click as the door to his room opened, but moments later the quill was snatched out of his grasp.
“Hey! Give that back, you- you ruffian!”
Deceit raised an eyebrow. “Ruffian? I would’ve expected a more… creative insult.”
Roman glared at him, more tired and grumpy than truly angry. “Well—! Well…” his mind went blank.
Deceit let him flounder for a retort, twirling the quill in his gloved fingers.
All at once, his inability to come up with a properly applicable insult, a good rhyme, even a solid sentence, slammed into Roman. He crumpled onto the desk. “Just leave me alone, I’m useless.”
Deceit sat down in Roman’s chair. Roman wasn’t looking at him, and was surprised to be lifted by the back of his shirt. He let out a squeak, then decided he was too tired to flail or protest, and merely went limp.
“Useless?” Deceit drawled, his voice dripping with something like sympathy. Knowing him though, it could well be anything, or nothing. “My dear prince, you and I both know that’s far from the truth.”
He draped Roman over his other hand, resting on the table. Roman was laying on his stomach, across Deceit’s palm, his arms flopped over his pointer finger.
“I am useless.” Roman asserted. “I can’t even make a song. I’m supposed to be great at songs!”
Deceit stroked the feather over Roman’s back, the smooth, gentle pressure a pleasant sensation. “Or perhaps, you’re holding yourself to too high a standard considering the circumstances.”
Roman’s muscles loosened further as the feather continued stroking over his shirt. “It’s for Thomas’s mother’s birthday, if I can’t make something perfect for this, when else could it matter?”
“I’m sure you will make something perfect,” Deceit replied. “But it may take more time. Time which we have, the birthday is in three weeks.”
Roman dropped his head onto Deceit’s glove. It was cool, rather than warm as he might have expected a hand to be. The feather traced patterns over his shirt, almost like a back rub, melting away his protests.
“You need rest now. Distraction, to get your mind off of the song and give you time to return to your full strength.”
As Deceit said the word Distraction, the edge of the feather brushed over a small strip on skin on Roman’s side, where his shirt had ridden up. Tingles spread from that spot, making him shiver. It felt nice, nearly tickly.
Roman shifted to dispel the tingles, inconspicuously doing so in a way that made his shirt ride up slightly higher.
For a few moments, Deceit must not have noticed, still stroking the feather over his shirt, but then the tip of the feather was drawn across his lower back, crossing from his shirt to his bare skin. Roman muffled a small giggle, enjoying as tingly sensations ran over him again.
Deceit was saying something else, but Roman was becoming lost in the moment, relishing the soft, gentle strokes and the occasional sparks of tickles.
At some point, he had relaxed so thoroughly as to forget he was hiding his giggles, and let one fully slip out.
“Oh, so I have a ticklish little prince?” Deceit said fondly, smiling down at him with a glint in his eyes.
Roman’s first impulse was to protest, especially as Deceit was sure to grow condescendingly teasing, but his enjoyment of his situation battled that impulse, leaving him speechless and blushing.
His internal battle was interrupted by the feather slipping up the back of his shirt, wiggling over his whole back. Roman fell into giggles, kicking his feet gently. The stiff quill feather wasn’t the most effective tool for causing tickles at his current size, but his embarrassment had made him more sensitive than usual.
“Awwww,” Deceit cooed. “Enjoying yourself?”
Roman didn’t respond other than to blush a bit pinker, though he made no move to block the feather.
Deceit twirled the feather. The strange sensation of the spinning feather under his shirt startled a laugh out of Roman.
“It seems I’ve found quite a good distraction, haven’t I?” Deceit said smugly. “Take all your thoughts away and leave only giggles~”
Roman rolled over, trapping the feather underneath his back as he giggled. Deceit easily pulled it free and teased it over Roman’s front. Here his shirt was better covering him, but the feather coming at him, fluttering at his sides or his stomach or neck, and constantly changing spots had him caught in giggles. He batted at the feather playfully when it came within reach of his hands. Indeed, all his previous difficult thoughts had fled.
“A happy little darling,” Deceit murmured, his voice overwhelmingly fond.
Roman was sure his face was still pink, but he was losing the embarrassment, caught up in the fun and the non-judgemental affection. He shucked his shirt off, clicking his fingers to change the quill in Deceit’s hand to a longer feather with droopy, dangly vanes.
Deceit shook the feather over Roman, the little tips flickering over his skin. Roman curled up into a giggly ball, rolling back and forth in Deceit’s hand. So many little tickly points all over him. It was like being out in a summer rain, if every drop left tingles in its wake.
Roman soaked in the attention, the sensations, the love. His body filled with warmth and joy, releasing the excess with every laugh. His giggles were infectious, and Deceit chuckled at the adorable sight in his hand.
When Roman got breathless, he grabbed at the trailing ends of the feather to stop them. Deceit obligingly switched tactics to long slow strokes of the feather up and down over Roman. It was hardly tickly at all, returning to a relaxing massage-like experience, but Roman couldn’t seem to fully stop the remaining giggles.
Slowly, gradually, he melted into Deceit’s palm. After such a height of joy, tiredness draped over him like a blanket. His eyes slipped closed, and the giggles came further and further apart.
Roman didn’t notice the ever so gradual shift of the feather into a miniature fringed blanket. He barely noticed when it stopped moving and instead tucked around him. And by the time Deceit gently transferred him into his bed he was sound asleep.
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laughterfixs · 1 year
I…have done a thing
And I’m scared this is gonna out me but I’m putting my big brave girl face on and posting it so WE SHALL SEE WHAT HAPPENS
The boys ran into a certain ghost owl and he wants to play a game~! (I saw the thumbnail on the sams and well..ideas)
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I’ve been in the bbu community for a long time and have loved Barnaby since I first saw his character sheet on the Kickstarter TwT
He’s a comfort character for me alongside Aristotle.
And with sun and moon being comfort characters also….how could I not do this?
Barnaby would be the silliest ler if you ask me! (Even if he’s wanting some new party guests..)
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Had to tie 'er up cuz she kept running and slipping out of their grasp. She's tricky when she's motivated.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
1,2,4, and 12 with XD woooooooo!!
my bby XD my BBY XD!!!!! Emma I love u sm
from this post!
hehehehehehhe 😈
1. On a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
I'm gonna go with a solid 8!
2. Where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
I think on XD's back, under their arms and their triceps 😵‍💫
4. What is their laugh like?
I think it would start as a low rumble, like clouds rolling in before a storm. When XD really gets going, most times they would go silent with little chirps here and there. But when someone hits a really good spot, it's loud and sudden, like thunder.
12. Is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
I can picture XD absolutely adoring back tks. They just lay there and melt and giggle their head off, but they can't help it. I also feel like XD would like their arms lightly traced, too.
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thecursedanon · 6 months
Amusement Park Shenanigans
Alternate title: Never agree to go to an amusement park w/ Gojo. Characters: Switch!Yuji, Lee!Nanami(technically switch!Nanami, but only briefly.) Ler!Gojo, Megumi, Nobara. (brief mentions of Shoko, Suguru and Haibara.) Genre: Fluff (also some hurt/comfort if you squint enough at certain points) Word count: 6388 Description: Gojo decides to take the students to the amusement park, and drags a very unwilling Nanami along with them... after trying to failing to convince Gojo to let him leave, and one too many grumpy remarks from Nanami, Gojo decides to do what Gojo does best... cause absolute chaos. Part 2: (click here)
It was a comfortable day, the weather was beginning to cool down as they just entered into fall. The leaves began to change into varying shades of amber or red, and everyone seemed a bit more light and cheerful at the beauty of the changing season.
Well… not quite everyone… 
You may not be very light or cheerful if you were stuck at an amusement park chaperoning a gaggle of students.
“Can we leave now?”
“Aw come on, Nanami,” Gojo pouted. “Lighten up! We're at an amusement park, you mean to tell me you're not having any fun?”
Or if you were Kento Nanami.
“Not in the slightest.” He retorted, still unsure just how he ended up accompanying them to begin with. It’s entirely possible Satoru had suggested he tag along and rather than argue with him, which would require paying attention, he half listened and just agreed to whatever childish assertion he had made. 
Satoru grinned at his friend’s discontentment. “Where's your sense of childlike adventure and amazement?? Just look at Yuji, he's having fun.”
The white haired teacher gestured to Yuji, who was currently stumbling around the park like a baby giraffe learning to walk, evidently dizzy from one too many go-arounds on the rollercoaster they just returned from.
They had stopped in an out of the way area of the park so that the boy could recover… which evidently wasn’t going well.
The pink haired teen eventually lost his fight with gravity and fell over, if this had been a cartoon you probably could have seen stars circling around his head.
“See? Childlike amazement.”
Yuji gave a grin to the others, a dazed look on his face. “I'm having so much fun!! Just tell me when the ride is over!”
Nanami gives the boy a silent look of concern as he sighs. 
“Alright alright, take five, ya finger eating freak.” Gojo laughed and bent down to pat the pinkette on the head. “But hey, don't just take Itadori’s word for it--” Suddenly Gojo was beside Nanami, whispering to him. “Because the kid is a little… strange.”
The next moment, Gojo was beside Megumi, who had a bright pink sakura flower balloon tied to his wrist and looked as though he was being held there against his will. “Megumi, you're having fun with your beloved sensei's, right?”
Megumi grunted in annoyance. “Somehow this is worse than that time you rented a bouncy house when I was ten…”
“Hey, kids love bouncy houses!” Gojo argued.
“Too bad it wasn't for them.” The edgy teen sighed, recalling what was apparently a painful memory for him.
Satoru pouted, pinching his emo son’s side, producing an uncharacteristic yip from the boy. “You can't argue that it wasn't a totally fun Friday night!”
“Fine… allow me to rephrase my question.” Nanami readjusted his sunglasses with a sigh, not bothering to cover up his annoyance with being dragged to a place full of people on one of his mythical days off. “Can I leave now?”
“Haaaah?? Why would you want to leave???” Gojo reacted as though he'd just witnessed a terrible accident in slow motion… kind of like Megumi recalling the bounce house incident . “This is family bonding day! And last time I checked you're still part of this family-- whether you like it or not!!” he quickly added at the end, sensing Nanami was about to deny it.
Nanami glanced at the group of kids they were chaperoning. “You know I hate amusement parks.” He said, this time quieter so only Satoru could hear him.
Gojo blinked in confusion from behind his sunglasses as he tried to pull a lost sequence from his memory. Did he know that? Now that he mentions it… he did recall something about an amusement park… but what?
While Satoru was silent (for once), Nanami took this as his chance to really try to convince him. “And besides… I doubt the kids would even notice I'm gone.”
Satoru stared blankly at the blonde, still attempting to force the two remaining neurons that weren’t focused on being a menace to spark the memory that was just evading his grasp… Can you hear the dial up tone?
“Hey… that’s not true!” Yuji interjected, pulling himself together as he stumbled towards his father figure. “I’d notice you were gone.”
Nanami’s face softened as he looked at Yuji. “Itadori… wouldn’t you have more fun running around with your friends? I’ll just slow you all down.” he responded, his tone less harsh than before.
“No way, I won’t have nearly as much fun without you here.” He frowned, hitting Nanami with one of the classics… the puppy dog eyes. (dun dun dunnnn)
“Y-Yuji.” Kento warned, shifting his gaze uncomfortably away from his student but no matter where he looked there Yuji was… leaning more and more into the act.
“OH! I remember now!” Gojo said suddenly, inadvertently startling Yuji and causing him to fall over, evidently still not fully recovered from all the roller coaster rides.
Nanami flinched inwardly as Gojo leaned closer to him. “What?”
“Come on, Kento… how can you say no to that sweet boy? He looks like he’s about to cry…” The chaotic teacher cooed at Yuji as he resumed his puppy dog eyes… from his new spot sitting on the ground.
Nanami huffed, turning away again as he crossed his arms. “Itadori… Just because that works on Megumi and Gojo doesn’t mean it’s going to work on me..”
“How hurtful! I think you owe us an apology for being so grumpy…” Satoru mused, winking at Yuji as if to tell him to follow his lead.
“I am not apologizing to you…” Kento grumbled, briefly shooting a glare to the white haired man.
“No? Be reeeeeally sure about that before you respond.” Gojo warned the blonde teacher.
“I said no.”
Satoru sighed softly with an almost threatening grin on his face, slowly slipping his sunglasses off and attaching them to his shirt collar. “I didn’t want to do this… but you leave me no choice.”
Nanami scoffed and turned back around to face him, upon locking eyes with the older man, he felt a familiar wave of panic flood over him. “Satoru…” Panic he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
Gojo grinned even more as he rolled up his sleeves, approaching him slowly. “Yes, Kento?”
“Wh-What are you doing…?”
Kento mentally swore at himself for backing away from Satoru, he should be standing his ground right now… but that look… he recognized that look a little too well. And he didn't like it… (or did he?)
“Well, since you’re being such a grump I figured I’d fix your attitude for you.” Gojo hummed, a predatory glimmer in his eyes as he began to close the gap between them, raising his hands. “A few pokes here, a few squeezes there… and a whole bunch of tickles right there and voila! Good as new! One happy giggly Nanami ready to spend time with us without much complaint!”
Nanami’s eyes widened as he felt the color drain from his face. “Satoru… I will end you if you do this in front of the students.” he hissed as he began to back away again.
“What students? They’ve all scampered off… well, except for that kiddo right there.”
As if on cue, Itadori hooked his arms around Nanami from behind, grinning at the soft gasp he received. “What's wrong, Sensei? You look a little nervous…” the teen grinned.
“Itadori,” Nanami struggled in his hold to no avail, Yuji was using all of his strength to contain the stoic teacher in a bear hug, pinning his arms to his sides to stop him from breaking free. “if you don't let me go right now, so help me…”
“Threatening the students now, Nanami??” Gojo gasped melodramatically, slowly reaching his hands forward towards his squirming torso. “I'm shocked! Now I really have no choice but to adjust your attitude~”
Kento paused, his eyes catching sight of the slightly wiggling fingers that were inching closer. He felt another wave of panic rush over him, but attempted to not let it show, steeling his face as he forced himself to look away from Satoru. “Yuji… please let me go. I'm sorry for upsetting you.” He tried his hand at reasoning with the student as a last resort.
Unfortunately, he didn't receive any support there either. Yuji smiled, angling his head upwards to rest his chin on the back of Nanami’s shoulder. “There's no need to be sorry… I know crowds aren't really your scene.” He sympathized. “But… I did mean what I said. I do want you here… so I'm sorry for ambushing you like this.”
“Oh, so you can apologize to him, but not me??”
“Of course I can, I actually care about him.” Nanami retorted dryly, despite his impending doom.
Satoru gasped, his eyes dancing with amusement. He leaned in closer, speaking in a quieter tone. “You know, Nanami… if you wanted to be smothered with tickles so badly, all you had to do was ask~”
Satoru leaned back, allowing his teasing words to sink in for full effect before cracking his knuckles dramatically. “Alright Itadori, make sure to hold him niiiice and still for me, okay? Our dear sweet Nanami here turns into a wiggle-worm when he gets laughing.” he grinned as Yuji nodded in support, tightening his arms around him, but not so much so that it caused him any real discomfort.
“Both of you… this is ridiculous.” Nanami sighed, hoping if he didn't give the reaction he was looking for hoping that he'd grow bored quickly and go back to whining… as much as Kento hated his incessant whining. “Can you both stop being so chi--” he promptly stopped mid sentence as he felt Satoru grab his sides, lightly fluttering his grip.
“I'm sorry, what was that Nanami?” Gojo grinned. “I didn't quite catch that… what should we stop being?”
Kento took a subtle steadying breath, locking eyes with his tormenter with a blank look on his face. He didn't even dare to so much as flinch when Gojo touched him.
“As I was saying… can you both stop being so childish?” He answered calmly, outwardly unfazed by the maddeningly light teasing touches Satoru was administering to his sides.
Inwardly though… he was struggling to maintain his composure, trying desperately not to show any signs of weakness despite how god awfully, completely and utterly ticklish it felt... 
“Childish? Nanami… there's nothing wrong with a little tickling, It serves as a great bonding experience!” Satoru said cheerfully, leaning in closer to tease the blonde. “Especially when you're as ticklish as we both know you are…~”
Nanami choked back his retort, focusing his efforts on keeping his icy composure. “Satoru… the last time you… did this- was when we were in school together.” He reminded his colleague, careful with his words so as not to fluster himself any further than he already was inside. “I've long since grown out of that childish sensitivity…”
But unfortunately nothing slips past Satoru and his infamous Six Eyes, the cheeky little bastard.
“Oho, did you now?” He raised his eyebrows in amusement at his bold assertion, taking his defiance as a full blown challenge. “Well in that case, you shouldn't mind this then… right?”
He walked his fingers slowly up and down his sides, inching closer to his ribs with each trip up.
Nanami broke eye contact with him in an attempt to not react, feeling flustered at the teasing look in his eyes. “Of course I mind it… I don't like being touched by you.”
Yuji blinked, surprised at his calm and even tone. Had this been him instead of Nanami he would've been on the ground in a heap of giggles by now. “Hmm…”
Gojo knew better though, he knew he was slowly chipping away at his defenses. He could see the subtle cues, feel his muscles twitching. “Yes, Yuji? What ails you, my dear boy?” He asked, glancing over Kento’s shoulder to meet Yuji’s gaze- well, what he could glimpse of it with how the pinkette had his face angled, anyway.
“Maybe he's right,” Itadori said with a note of genuine seriousness. “Maybe he's not ticklish anymore… I know I'd be a mess right now.”
“Well, that's because you're hopelessly ticklish~” Gojo teased his student with a wink, grinning at the flustered look Itadori shot him. “So is Nanami though, maybe even just as bad as you.”
Nanami clenched his jaw in aggravation, barely resisting the urge to blush. “I am not. And stop talking about me like I'm not here!”
“But he's not reacting… not even his breathing is off.” Itadori ignored his teacher's protest, continuing to converse with Satoru.
“Well, Itadori, that's because Nanami here is what we call; ✨stubborn✨, and also shy.” Gojo grinned at his students' newfound curiosity, using this to his advantage as another form of teasing. “He needs some gentle reassurances that it's okay if he gives in to the nice tickly tickles and starts blushing and giggling like a schoolboy.” 
“Shut up. I most certainly do not giggle.” Nanami hissed in protest, feeling his face flush.
Whoopsie, that was a big chunk of his facade chipped away, watch your step everyone…
“Aww, see? He's already getting blushy.” Gojo cooed, brushing his fingertips against the bottom of the blonde's ribs. “It's okay, Kento… I don't mind being patient. That cute little laugh of yours is well worth the wait.”
Nanami took a sharp intake of breath, hating the feeling of how each gentle swipe across his ticklish midsection was chipping away at his sanity. “It's not… cute.” He forced out from behind gritted teeth.
Itadori raised an eyebrow, feeling his sensei tremble ever so slightly in his hold. “Does he really have a cute laugh?” He asked, grinning.
Gojo laughed at Kento's quick rebuttal. “Yuji, come now, what about Nanami isn't utterly adorable~?” He continued dancing his fingertips lightly across what wasn't blocked off of Kento's ribs. “You know what's reeeeeally adorable about him?”
“What's that?”
“That he can't handle being teased... He gets extra giggly and blushy~” Gojo grinned, leaning in to speak quietly to Yuji, but just loud enough for Kento to still hear. This somehow made the snarky bastard's teases worse.
“Dammit… st-stop it already…!” Nanami huffed, squirming uselessly.
“Naaanami… does this tiiiiickle?” He teased, cooing at him like a damn toddler.
The younger teacher let out a growl of frustration, turning his head to face away from Gojo in a weak attempt to hide his darkening blush. He felt his body beginning to tremble as Gojo completely demolished his defenses.
“Come onnn… let us hear that adorable laugh~” he grinned, deciding to take things up a notch. He honed in on the sensitive spots between his ribs, giving light scratches to the area.
“Stop… I mean it…” he growled, forcing back any embarrassing sounds that may have tried to escape his throat. 
“What's this?? Do I see a smile on your face? but I thought you weren't ticklish anymore, Kento. What gives?” Gojo teased, grinning devilishly.
“Maybe he's finally starting to have fun spending time with us.” Yuji grinned. Thanks Yuji… we knew we could count on you to not bully Nanami too.
“Ooo, maybe! Does that mean you're actually going to ride the Ferris wheel with me?”
“Not on your life.” Kento hissed, his lips trembling as they formed a panicky smile.
“Aww! You're so mean to me…” Satoru whined, an evil glimmer in his eyes as he stilled his movements. “Fine then, since you're going to be so mean, maybe I'll go for your extra tickly spots… now where were those again…?” 
Nanami froze up as he felt Gojo pull a hand back to tap his chin in thought. In the process of doing so, he skimmed his fingertips against Nanami's waist, more specifically along the edge of his stomach. “S-Satoru…”
“Where oh where were those…” Gojo mumbled to himself, unable to keep the grin off of his face as he dropped his other hand, his fingers grazing Nanami's hip. “Oh… I just can't remember… the years are really starting to affect my memory!” He reached up to gently tap Kento's forehead to add emphasis to his words, but on the way up he brushed his fingers lightly against his neck.
Each ‘accidental’ touch, caused Nanami to flinch, the older of the two making sure his victim was well aware he knew exactly where his worst spots were… in his own chaotic Gojo way, of course.
“It’s a shame, really.” Satoru sighed, while he had Nanami distracted and on edge he mouthed a command to Yuji. 
The pinkette grinned mischievously, nodding his compliance as Nanami watched his other teacher cautiously.
“But, what can ya do? That's just life… as we get older, we become slower to react.” The white haired man shrugged, making sure both of his hands were perfectly visible as he did so.
And that's when he struck.
Itadori, without moving too much, reached down with a clawed hand and clawed into the spot along his waist that Satoru had sneakily pointed out earlier, having seen that Yuji was paying attention. (For once.)
Nanami gasped sharply, barking out an involuntary laugh. Shock crashing over him. “No, I-Ihihitadohohori!” The dam finally broke, laughter pouring freely from his lips. “Wahahahait!”
Satoru let out a low whistle. “What's this? I thought big scary Nanami wasn't ticklish anymore?” He smirked.
Nanami blushed, unable to stop the laughter that spilled forth. “Gojoho Ihihihi swehehear… I'm gonnahaha kihihihill you!” He threatened, though his words were… less than intimidating to say the least.
“Wow, you were actually right, Gojo.” Yuji chuckled. “His laugh is pretty cute.”
“Itadorihihi Hohohow could youhuhu?!” Kento's complaints about Yuji's betrayal were broken up by his warm, light laughter. 
Yuji grinned, moving around with his writhing teacher. “You also weren't kidding, he's really squirmy!”
Gojo smiled at the two of them, his mischief briefly shifted into warmth as he was brought back to a happier time.
Watching Yuji and Nanami now, he sees years of anguish and pain melt away even if just for a moment. 
For that moment, Satoru can see a young Nanami being absolutely destroyed with tickles by Haibara, Geto and himself while Shoko shakes her head and giggles at their antics.
It's definitely been far too long.
Gojo blinked, bringing himself back to the present. “Geez Yuji, I told you to keep him still.” He chuckled at how Itadori was practically hanging off of Nanami's back as Nanami had managed to double over with laughter.
“Hey, it's a lot harder than it looks!” Yuji laughed, his fingers dancing relentlessly along the side of his stomach.
“You have superhuman strength and can call on the power of the king of curses… and this is difficult for you?”
“Listen--” Yuji laughed again. “I can be strong all I want, but there's only so much I can do without any help!”
“Surprisingly wise words from you, Itadori.” Gojo grinned mischievously. “Alright alright, I'll help.”
He reached forward, grabbing a hold of Nanami whilst simultaneously administering some quick sneaky tickles to Itadori.
“Hehehey! Do you want mehe to fall?!” Yuji complained, trying to shift away from Gojo's soft pokes and scribbles while keeping his balance.
“Ehh… you've already fallen twice today… What's a third time?” He grinned, tickling Itadori’s neck with one hand, and targeting Nanami's hip with the other.
“Nohoho! Sahahatoru gehehet away!” Nanami laughed, trying desperately to escape the two tickle monsters he had attached to him.
Itadori let out a childish squeal as he flailed, finally falling off of Nanami’s back. He still had a partial grip on his mentor and ended up pulling him to the ground with him.
Gojo laughed, releasing both of them from his tickly hold. 
Nanami had managed to twist around, catching Itadori and breaking his fall with his arm.
Itadori giggled softly as he recovered from the tickles. He felt Nanami carefully press his hand into the back of his neck, then his shoulder, then brush against the back of his head silently assessing the teen making sure he wasn't hurt.
Had it been Gojo who had fallen with him, he wouldn't have cared, and not bothered trying to break his fall. But since it was Itadori- he didn't want him to get hurt.
Once he determined Yuji was okay his body went limp, resting back against the ground while he focused on steadying his breathing.
“Thanks a lot, Gojo…” Yuji huffed, a smile still etched on his face.
“To be fair, I didn't say who I was helping...” Gojo teased, kneeling down beside the teen.
Kento huffed indignantly, his arms tightly wrapped around his middle as he caught his breath. “You're both terrible…” 
Satoru turned his gaze to Nanami, an evil smile on his lips. “Oh, Kento… you didn't honestly think I was done with you yet, did you?” His blue eyes sparkled with a predatory glimmer as he launched himself onto the blonde, thanks to limitless Nanami wasn’t able to put up much fight. 
“Really?” Nanami glared up at him, his sunglasses long since fallen off his face from all his struggling earlier. 
Satoru smiled triumphantly from his spot on Nanami’s thighs.
“You can’t even take me on without the use of your stupid limitless ability?” The stern teacher asked dryly, knowing any struggling his did would be pointless. He wasn’t going anywhere as long as Satoru kept limitless active.
“I thought I’d save us some time… we both know I was gonna overpower you anyways.” Gojo grinned, leaning down and draping his body lazily across Nanami’s to keep him more securely in place, and in doing so he was able to murmur teases into his ear. “All I’d have to do to get the upper hand is…”
He grabbed a hold of the blonde’s hip and began squeezing them relentlessly. “This…”
Nanami gasped sharply, unable to grab the offending hands because again, limitless. “Sahahatoru! D-Dahahahammit stop!”
“Or this…” Satoru shifted his hands upwards, scribbling his blunt nails against the sides of his stomach over his shirt, drawing even louder laughter from the blonde. The fact he could barely move to protect himself made it so much worse.
“Or… this.” Gojo grinned, pressing his lips to his neck and blowing a raspberry against it whilst administering gentle scritches.
“SHIHIHIHIHIT!” Poor Nanami couldn’t even arch his back with Gojo a firm weight against him.
“I think you should’ve just rode the ferris wheel with me.” Satoru teased, blowing another raspberry.
“EHEHEHENouGH Alreheheheady! Ahahahaha!”
“I thought you didn’t giggle, Nanami sensei.” Yuji grinned in amusement, sneaking in some teasing pokes to what he could access of Nanami’s ribs.
Gojo grinned, angling his body in a way that the pinkette had more access the right side of his body while still keeping him firmly held down. 
“You didn’t seriously-” small raspberry. “--believe him over me-” slightly bigger raspberry. “--did you?” BIIIIIG raspberry, followed by what Kento would firmly deny was a squeal. Because if he doesn't giggle, then he CERTAINLY doesn’t squeal. 
Itadori giggled at his reactions, scooting closer to scribble his fingers up and down the side of his ribcage. “No, but I also didn’t have a basis to doubt Nanami either.”
“Oh yes you did.” Gojo laughed, pulling his face away from the blonde’s neck to glance at Itadori. “You had to know he was lying the minute he denied being ticklish still.”
Well fine… If he can’t get Satoru then… “Ihihihi-- I thohohohught Ihi told you tohoho stahap talking about mehehe like I’m not here!” Kento shot his hand out, grabbing hold of Yuji’s side and giving it fluttery squeezes, drawing surprised laughter from the student.
“Aieee! Hehehehehey! Hohohohow are you moving?! Stahahap that!” Yuji squealed as Kento latched onto his ribs next. “Gohohohohojo hehehehelp!”
“Nahhh… You’re a big boy… you can deal with him yourself.” Satoru grinned, alternating between his hip and stomach side with gentle scratches. “It’ll be a good training exercise for you… let me juuust… piss him off a little more for ya~”
“Sahahahahtoru, I swehehehear to god!”
Satoru ignored both of their protests, pushing his shirt up so he could attack his exposed skin directly. “So If my memory serves correctly, your ticklish spots are as follows,” he grinned, sitting upright. “Hips, Neck, this cute spot here~” he emphasized by fluttering his fingers briefly against his stomach sides. “Ribs are decently tickly… Am I missing anything, Nanami? Am I hitting all the nice tickly spots?”
“S-Satoru… dohon’t.”
“Don’t what? I didn’t even say anything yet.”
“I mean it…”
Satoru grinned. “But Kento, I promised to smother you with tickles… and I wouldn’t wanna disappoint you. So come on, answer my question~”
“Go to hell.” He hissed in response.
Gojo’s grin widened. Welp, nice knowing ya, Nanami.
“On second thought, maybe I will help you, Itadori.” He reached out and grabbed Nanami’s wrist and yanked it away from the pinkette, pinning it above his head quickly and firmly. In a flash, he snatched his other hand and pinned it above his head as well.
Yuji fell back with his arms around his midsection, giggling softly as he panted from the after tickles.
“Gojo, let me go right now.” Kento growled.
Satoru leaned down, grinning that evil grin at him. “Do you really think you're in a position to give me orders?”
“What are you… no… don’t you dare-- nononono!”
Gojo leaned down further, pressing his lips against Kento's exposed stomach and blowing a giant raspberry against it, eliciting an honest to god shriek in response.
“NAAAHAHAHAHAHA! GAHAHAHAD DAHAHAHAHAHAMMIT!” He let out another shriek as the arrogant teacher dispensed yet another devastating raspberry against his toned abdomen. 
Yuji sat up, stunned by the sound of his loud laughter. “Holy shit, Gojo don’t kill him!”
The teacher in question grinned, placing another raspberry against a different spot on his stomach. “Jealous, kid? Don’t worry, I have plenty of tickles to go around.” He winked at the pink haired student, who giggled nervously and wrapped his arms around himself subconsciously.
“GOHOHOHOHJO STAHAHAHAHAHAAP!” Nanami pressed out between deep belly laughs, his face flushed and his eyes tightly shut.
“Aww, but why when you’re having so much fun?” Gojo teased, placing another raspberry. “I remember this used to be your favorite~” 
“Man, you’ve definitely gotten more stubborn and resilient… usually by now you would’ve been apologizing profusely and crying with laughter while begging me to stop.” Gojo chuckled, pausing his ruthless onslaught. “Or maybe…”
He leaned back to admire his handiwork, Kento a breathless blushing mess beneath him. “Maybe you don’t really want me to stop…” his grin widened when he saw Nanami open his eyes and attempt to glare at him. 
“W-Why would… you possibly think that… i…” He gasped out softly, still attempting to catch his breath. 
“Well… why else would you be so grumpy and resistant this whole time unless you wanted to egg me on?”
“To be fair… he is normally like this.” Yuji pointed out.
Satoru shifted so that he could hold both of Nanami’s arms down with one hand, using his newly freed hand to administer swift tickles to Itadori’s side. “Excuse me, but whose side are you on anyway???”
Yuji squealed and recoiled sharply from Gojo’s skilled fingers. “Ihihi wahahas just being hohohonest!”
“And now you’ve distracted me and given him time to think out his response,” Satoru huffed. “You’re definitely gonna get it later, now.”
Itadori squeaked, wrapping himself back up with his arms.
“Well Kento? I’m waiting, why are you egging it on if you don’t like it?” The older teacher turned his attention back to the now less breathless blonde, thanks to the intermission brought to you by Itadori and his big fat mouth.
“Because I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of breaking, that’s why.” He retorted, his face less flushed than previously.
“Ehh! wrong!” Satoru unleashed another tickle attack, his fingers scribbling all across his neck. “Try again!”
“Sahahahahatoru Stahahap!”
“Not until you admit it.” Gojo smirked. 
“Ahahahadmit whahahahat?”
“Admit you missed being wrecked, ya big softie!” He cooed, tracing his fingers along each rib.
“I dihihihihidn’t!” Nanami yelped, squirming as much as he could under his colleague’s technique.
“Wrong again. Itadori, be a peach and come help me, won’t you? It seems Nanami requires more reassurance.”
“Ihihihitadori dohohohon’t!”
“You’re not going to tickle me again, are you?” Itadori asked carefully, eyeing his teacher suspiciously.
“I will if you don’t get your ass over here In the next five seconds.” he responded, an evil glimmer in his eyes.
Itadori let out a sound that could only be described as a whimper as he quickly shuffled over. 
“Gojo, Itadori… don’t even--” His protest was interrupted by another shriek as Gojo blew a massive raspberry against his stomach side.
He released Nanami’s wrists, which Yuji instantly snatched up and pinned down. Gojo used his newly freed hands to drill his thumbs into Kento’s hips as he continued his torturous trail of raspberries and tickly death along his stomach area.
“You know how to make it stop, Nanami~” Gojo hummed, administering another devastatingly massive raspberry against the side of his stomach.
“JUHUHUHUST WAHAHAHAIT UNTIL I GEHEHET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU SOHOHOHON OF A BIHIHIHIHITCH!” The usually stoic teacher threatened between bouts of uncontrollable laughter.
Yuji snickered quietly. “He’s definitely stubborn...” the pink haired teen grinned, shifting so that he could pin Nanami’s hands down with his knee. “Let me take a crack at it!”
He began to claw at his mentors exposed ribcage, his fingers gentle but quick as they expertly sought out sensitive spots. “Nanami~ Does this tiiiiickle?” Yuji teased.
Gojo chuckled, pausing his attack to glance up at Itadori. “You’re getting pretty good at this, I’ve taught you well~” 
Yuji grinned at the praise from Satoru. “Heh… thanks. I’m just doing what tickles really bad from my own experience.”
The pinkette noticed the higher he moved up Nanami’s ribs, the more he struggled. “Gojo… are you sure those were all of Nanami’s ticklish spots you named off earlier…?”
“Hmmmm? Think I missed a spot?” Satoru played along, grinning that cheshire grin at his student. “It’s entirely possible… he never did confirm or deny if I named ‘em all.”
“Nanami?” Yuji looked down as he stilled his hands, allowing his teacher to attempt to catch his breath. “Did he miss a spot?” he asked innocently, but that smile on his face was anything but.
“I swehehear to god…” He panted. “Whehen I get my hands on you…”
“Now Nanami… that doesn’t sound like an answer to his question~” Gojo grinned, prodding his stomach side and producing a small yelp.
“It’s okay, Gojo.” Yuji responded with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. “I’ll find out for myself.”
Then he struck. Digging mercilessly wiggling fingers into his armpits. 
And boy, did Nanami absolutely lose it. Any semblance of composure? Yeah no, gone, we don’t know her. 
Much like Yuji isn’t going to know peace when Nanami gets his hands on him. Rip Yuji lol.
“AAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He absolutely howled with laughter, struggling with all his might to break free. “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE! AHAHAHANYWHEHEHERE BUT THEHEHEHERE!”
“WHOA! Gojo you didn’t just miss a ticklish spot, you missed the ticklish spot!” Yuji found himself laughing along with his mentor in amusement.
“It looks that way,” Satoru smiled, shaking his head. “So, Kento? Anything you wanna say?”
He grinned, leaning down and placing his elbows on either side of the hysterical blonde, resting his face on his hands as he watched him. In doing this, he was almost entirely draped over him again, greatly limiting his movements.
Satoru chuckled, “Not quite… I think what you mean’t to say was, ‘Satoru, I actually love spending time with all of you.’ and ‘I actually like being tickled.’”
Yuji giggled, speeding up his tickles.
“GAHAHAHAHA! I-I CAHAHAHANT… PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!” He cried with laughter, tears prickling at the corners of his tightly shut eyes. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE YUHUHUHUJI!”
For a moment, Itadori felt a little bad and looked at Gojo, who shook his head. “Trust me, kid… you’re gonna wanna keep going.”
“Just trust me.” was the blue eyed teacher’s vague and careful response.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” His laughter started to become hoarse as he tried to hide his face in his bicep. “OKAHAHAHAHAY OKAHAHAHAY! IHIHIHI’LL RIDE THE STUHUHUHUPID FERRIS WHEEL WIHIHITH YOU!”
“Noooo… we’re way past that, the other paaaart.” Satoru reminded teasingly, pinching his side.
Oh, Gojo was sooooooo going to get it when he got ahold of him.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” 
Yuji looked up, grinning upon seeing Megumi standing there; pink balloon and all. “Hey Megu-- ACK!”
Nobara came running out of nowhere and knocked Yuji off of Nanami. “Hey, stop picking on Nanami!” she scolded.
Satoru sighed, grinning. Eh… close enough. He rolled off of Nanami lazily, remaining propped up on his elbows next to him.
“Ow! Jeez Nobara! It’s not like I was hurting him or anything, you didn’t have to knock me over.” He mumbled, sitting up.
“He very clearly was struggling to breathe.” Megumi pointed out, eyeing Satoru. “I’m gonna guess this was your idea?”
“How’d ya know, Gumi?” He asked cheerfully.
“Whenever there’s chaos going on you’re the cause.” The edgy teen pointed out, sitting on the ground with the others to feel included.
“Are you okay, sensei?” Nobara asked, helping Nanami up into a sitting position. “Want me to kick his ass?”
The blonde shook his head, a smile still on his face as he struggled to catch his breath. “No… That won’t… be necessary…”
Yuji giggled, leaning over and hugging Nanami. “Sorry I went a little overboard… It was just really nice to see and hear you laugh… I hope you’re not too mad at me.”
Nanami sighed as he (mostly) caught his breath, he reached up and hooked his arm around Yuji’s shoulders, cupping the back of his head as he pulled him closer into the hug. “I’m not mad… embarrassed, but not mad…”
“Why are you embarrassed?” Yuji pulled back slightly to look up at him, confused.
Nanami retorted with a ‘You’re joking, right?’ expression on his face.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed, we all goof around like this all the time.” Itadori grinned, beaming up at Megumi, who quickly looked away to avoid blushing at the implication. He then turned his gaze to Nobara, who also looked away with a casual whistle. 
“He’s right,” Satoru chimed in, sitting upright. “It just means we really like you when we pick on you like this.” Yuji nodded in agreement.
“You could like me a little less.” Kento muttered.
“You rested enough to chase down Itadori?” Satoru asked, grinning.
“Not quite…”
“Why would he chase me down?” Yuji pulled away from Nanami, eyeing the stern teacher carefully.
“Ohhh… I forgot to tell you.” Gojo grinned more. “Yeah, there’s a reason I ‘forgot’ his worst spot… It’s because he absolutely destroys anyone who targets it as retaliation.”
Yuji squeaked, noticing the evil glimmer in Nanami’s eyes.
“Yeahhh… Let’s just say ratio can be used for more than pain… Suguru and I learned that one the hard way.” He snickered at the terrified look on Itadori’s face.
“Y-You set me up!”
“I did nothing of the sort, you’re the one who decided to try that spot.” Satoru grinned. “I’d probably start running if I were you… the more tired he is the more head start you have, and since you’ve wasted so much time letting him recover… I’d say you have about a minute to get as far as humanly possible before he hunts you down.”
Yuji yelped and sprung up, taking Gojo’s advice and running away, causing the others to laugh.
“Hey, Megumi, where’d your balloon go?” Nobara asked.
Megumi smirked and shrugged. “Beats me…” 
Nanami was about to get up and go after the pinkette when Gojo leaned forward, hugging his colleague, causing him to tense up. “I’m sorry, Kento… I forgot you used to go to the amusement park with Haibara on the weekends…” he whispered. “But I think he would still want you to go out and have fun… I know Suguru would want that for me.” 
Nanami untensed, frowning as he thought about his deceased best friend. He hugged him back hesitantly. “I miss him… a lot…”
“I know… I do too.”
After a moment they let go. “Hey Satoru…?”
“...Thanks…” He looked away as he quietly continued. “I… needed that.”
Gojo grinned. “Anytime, buddy~”
Nanami looked around curiously. “Now then, which way did Itadori go? I need to have a talk with him…”
“He went that way.” Nobara pointed off in a direction.
“He should be pretty easy to spot,” Megumi said casually, sipping his drink. “Just look for the person running frantically with a pink sakura balloon attached to his belt.”
Nanami smirked, nodding his thanks as he got up and took off after the pink haired teen.
“I so wanna see this…” Nobara giggled, getting up too. “You coming, Megumi?”
The raven haired teen shook his head, to which Nobara shrugged at and went running after them. “Nanami sensei, wait up! I wanna help!!”
Satoru chuckled and shook his head before turning to address his adopted son. “Did ya have fun today, kiddo?” he asked as he ruffled his dark hair.
Megumi grunted in response.
A shriek nearby distracted them momentarily, causing them both to laugh. Evidently Yuji had been caught.
“I’ve had worse days.” The teen answered, standing up with his parental figure.
Gojo grinned, his face brightening as he threw his arm around his edgy emo son’s shoulders, pulling him into him as they began walking. He knew that was Fushiguro for; ‘Yes dad, I had a wonderful time today.’
“Good. Now then… let’s go get some snacks or something, I saw they were selling cotton candy as big as your head at one of these stalls…”
“I'd be more impressed if they had cotton candy the size of your mouth.”
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