#her skills are god tier XD
yourlittlettoy · 4 months
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🚨HI HELLO I finally met @itsticklishme23 (my actual soul sister) for the first time and she’s everything I could have ever dreamed of 😍🥰😘💕🥳
We’re whispering about how stinki we think all of the lers are 😉🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏿‍♀️ nothing dangerous about doing that in the positions we are in I’m sure…. 👀😇
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luckystars1015 · 2 years
Best Rikuo x Tsurara Moments
Part 4
Rikuo and Tsurara Matoi!
They were absolutely BEAUTIFUL here when they combined their powers. And I love the initial interaction and suggestiveness of the scene. "Lend you my body???" The connotation is not subtle at all hahahah
I love the "you don't have to protect me anymore" line from Rikuo. I think of how Yuki Onna grew up protecting Rikuo ever since he was born and how Rikuo has grown as both a leader and warrior due Tsurara's influence. They push themselves to get stronger so they can protect each other and it's one of the greatest love languages ever.
Their (love) bond was strong enough to face one of the strongests ayakashi in existence. And the snowflake tattoos on Rikuo's back was a big and happy surprise too! Tsurara "marked" him lol
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Tsurara humbly rejects Rikuo
Tsurara was so cute here! I think it's probably one of the rare times Tsurara has rejected Rikuo's request. The single line of tear really nails it. Even in the heat of the battle, they would have a lover's quarrel hahaha
I think sometime later, Rikuo brings up Tsurara's rejection again so I like knowing that even night time Rikuo isn't as nonchalant as he carries himself.
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Rikuo walks Tsurara home after a hard day's work
This is chapter 136 where Tsurara takes care of the clan her mother had lead. I loved seeing Tsurara working so hard and using her skills as a Yuki Onna to find her own path.
And the best reward was Rikuo coming to Tsurara at night to walk her home under an umbrella. They are just absolutely the cutest here!!
Tsurara being a Yuki Onna adds another layer to this because she would least of all be affected by the snow, but Rikuo still comes to her just to make sure she's safe.
I love how even though it's probably freezing outside, Rikuo will still eat the shaved ice made by his trusted attendant. They are just so cute!!
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Teacher mistunderstands that Tsurara is Rikuo's girlfriend
I love it when characters tease the couple-to-be about how cute they are together! And Rikuo saying Tsurara's name in his sleep is just adorable! Goes to show how deeply Tsurara resides in his mind.
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Tsurara on Rikuo's Lap
This is an absolute god-tier cover image. I just absolutely love how Tsurara is strewn across Rikuo's lap like this. Can you image this as an photoshoot comic and how absolutely embarrass Tsurara would be but secretly so happy? xD Rikuo would secretly be happy too.
I'll probably want to draw this later so I'll add another reference image haha.
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Rikuo and Tsurara Right next to each other on the popularity poll!!
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pilferingapples · 4 years
If you're still taking headcanon asks: tier 1 for either Enjolras or Fantine? :D
Why not Both:D (from this list of asks!)
1. States an obvious conclusion or implication that the text unaccountably fails to follow up on
..so like. She and Enjolras are siblings right?? This is a sprawling 19C Romantic Epic of novel that establishes two characters who look almost identical down to the philtrum and one of them has a Mysterious Unknown Parentage from right around the time of a massive national upheaval, aged only about 10 years apart, a very reasonable Sibling Age Gap for the time,  and they would even serve as yet another chance to  directly address how differently people’s paths can go depending on social position, and somehow they are not , at any point, dramatically revealed to be related??   UNACCOUNTABLE. 
2. Explores events concurrent with but not present in the textual narrative
She was the one who made friends with Marguerite first, probably by something small, like helping to carry up water (given the way Eponine echoes her story) or running a small errand for her on the way back from work in better days. And she Made A Friend! An actual friend! ( And then EVERYTHING WAS FINE and Cosette got to meet Marguerite when Fantine picked her up from the Thenardiers and and and--)
3. Renders the story more coherent or structurally sound
..Granted I want  her to have had a good time at the farm where she briefly worked before coming to Paris, but also I think it just makes everything about her time in Paris make more sense? She obviously picked up a lot of Adulting Skills somewhere and it probably wasn’t from the other street kids in M-sur-M. 
1. States an obvious conclusion or implication that the text unaccountably fails to follow up on
So, Fantine is obviously his si--
(ok ok, different one XD) The only  way he wasn’t involved in the 1830 Revolution is that he was arrested for something else the week before. The text definitely acts like 1832 is the first time he’s actually killing people and..?!? that doesn’t make sense?? unless, again, he was Super Arrested Conclusion: Enjolras spent a certain chunk of July 1830 in jail,probably for Suspicion of Republicanism, until for a few brief days that was suddenly Cool and he was let out , only to slam into the wall of even more  frustration that was the actual outcome of the 1830 revolution.
(..also the mental image of like half the Amis about to headbutt their way through a wall out of frustration because it’s really happening and they’re stuck in Sainte Pelagie, oh, my GOD,  in highly entertaining to me and that is always a Deciding Factor in my headcanons) 
2. Explores events concurrent with but not present in the textual narrative
...that is also  the one above  But also also: definitely got roped into attending at least one performance of Hernani, because Freedom of Speech Matters.  Did not participate in the yelling, did not Get It at all , or indeed even hear it , but did Silently and Unstoppably push everyone who stood up to jeer back into their seats, with an Abyssal Glare that shut them up for the rest of the night. (No, he will explain, this is not  a contradiction; Freedom of Speech should protect one from the government, and he is definitely not that.) 
3. Renders the story more coherent or structurally sound
definitely saw Marius regularly when they were both hanging out with Courfeyrac , or at least as regularly as Marius happened to hang out with anyone. Always assumed Marius mostly being quiet and gazing off at nothing was like him  being mostly quiet and gazing out at nothing, that is,  a sign of Listening Intently and Thinking Deeply about the conversation. Hence, obviously  Marius is maybe kind of distant but basically now on board with their political opinions, right? (Alas.) 
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I ran a Leatherface at the pier for so long, Zarina was able to do the Gen on top by herself. He kept missing his chainsaws and then throwing tantrums because of it! We both got away and she was teabagging every time I saw her because we passed her several times but he had to have me for some reason! We got the 4-man Escape as shown below. He managed to hit 1 person and Hook them at the end, but they still got out easy.
I wish the DBD updates didn’t take for fucking ever! I want to commence using Calm Spirit all fucking day!
Got Blight on a corn map! It was mostly just corn and the dude refused to go anywhere else but the edge where he could pinball off of shit! We all did the outer Gens first and then the middle ones since he was too scared of being unable to use special attack in the corn. I think he forgot that he could just use his basic attack too.
A Blight tunneled me right after I was unHooked in the Endgame, but because of Adrenaline I was able to get far away and lead him on a long ass Chase around the map clockwise, until a door was finally opened. I Escaped. He sent me a single word message afterward, telling me I’m a ‘Bitch’. Dude, you’re so bad that none of your special attacks landed any hits on anyone and you needed your basic attack after 4 Gens, to get anything. Then thought you’d get an easy Kill when the Hooked person was saved, only to be made a fool of. But yes, I’m totally a bitch. Rank 2 Killer my ass.
So apparently the Huntress mains need to work their aim at pallets again. The changes to the pallet make it thicker I suppose, so now you can basically crouch at a downed pallet and the hatchet will go right over your head. I faced several Huntresses today and it happened every time. Made pallet looping so much easier. One even rage-quit after failing to hit me over a pallet.
So to counter the fact that I was the Obsession and the Killer had Rancor, when the last Gen was almost finished, I hid in a Locker for half a minute to be safe, and then found the Hatch and waited for the Killer to come by before using it.
I finally got to Tier 70 in the Rift! I’m only doing the free shit since I’m not paying for Premium, but I’m so glad to have gotten the blonde Meg hair! I just found out two days ago that Meg is a redhead. I thought she had dark brown hair, but my colorblind ass was wrong. I can see the blonde hair perfectly though! ^-^
To celebrate, I attempted the Adept Meg achievement and fucking got it! Usually Killers seem to know when I’m doing adept attempts since they play sweaty only those times.
Got 6 Hatch Escapes today! One of them I got the whole team out in a row and got a trophy for it!
Played some Killer matches to get more XP faster. I want to buy Zarina. I decided it’ll be a while before I get Deathslinger. I want to do more Survivor stuff tbh.
I did get a great 4K as the Doctor for a Challenge! Rank 7 against Rank 1s too. It was the Impossible Skill Checks Doc build.
I even got a 3K as the Wraith! I only did him for a Challenge. I let the last person go because they were a swiftie and called themselves Buy_folklore_Now and I died laughing! XD
Got a Blight to rage-quit simply because I did figure 8s in the same copse in the same tile and he couldn’t land a hit with his special attack that way. I think the trees were too narrow to fit through.
So this happened.
Classy Meg ftw!
The blonde hair is a good luck charm cuz since equipping it and playing as Meg, I’ve not died once!
The Yamaoka Estate has my fav maps because I love Japan a shit ton and was super excited for the style of the maps! And they’re ever more beautiful now with the graphics update! I actually cried upon seeing this and I feel no shame.
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Dumbest thing for Killers to do is leave the last person slugged to go and close the Hatch. How is it my fault that I managed to Unbreakable into an Adrenaline because you were so busy thinking about how cool you were that you didn’t use your brain? Don’t go sending me hate messages just because you play stupid. Common sense dictates that it is widespread knowledge that the majority of DbD players use Adrenaline, so leaving someone downed just to scour the map so you can close the Hatch, is a stupid move.
Shockingly, no one is using Dragon’s Grip. Thank God. I don’t want to waste a Perk slot for Calm Spirit of all things.
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winter-chill · 5 years
RWBY 7 - 3 “Ace Operatives” Thoughts
So thoughts...
BOO!!! they didn't work on stuff themselves.. although if it was Pietro and not just random scientists, I'll let it go :) And i'l give him props for using the Amity fights footage (i'll talk more on weapons later)
Oh, dust mines, launch site... ghiest, oh that's gonna bring back some memories
God Nora being so giddy about her stuff puts a smile on my face
and the Blake/Yang nod, the first of so many bumbleby touches this ep
They're really trying to hit hard again with Jaune and that sash, though it was a good set up for his hair cut (since I wouldn't really think of cutting it now when he's in a cold climate ideal)
Another very slight, but nice detail about having Yang be actually armless, not just fixing it while it's on her. We need more points like this, or maybe i just like the idea of it, but having those details shown off and not forgotten is nice. Also that's a beefy arm, though I swear it looks larger in the intro?
Again, having Blake have an onscreen notice of her hair leads well into why it's cut (though not showing it on screen? nor how/why her weapon's fix being gold... missed opportunity , truly)
WAIT??? Ruby got a NEW cloak? BOO, I would have thought her current one was still the original, has she been swapping it with each outfit? but, all the cuts and tears, the detail and history from her past fights, lost :(
I'll talk about the Oscar scene when it shows up, not here
Again, lovely intro to their new looks, but... could have been more. Showing them actually zip things up, buckle them in, cutting their hair themselves. Just lots of little details that would have added so much
I'll say it again, I think Yang's new glasses look weird.. too anime for the actual show style, but, I guess they 'work' ?
Also they all look to Ruby, this is her mission, her shot to call, she's back with her team (just rwby) for the first time so it's good to see them keeping the team dynamic, she was leader for a reason.
OH THIS SONG IS A BANGER!!!! also, totally a Weiss song (it said mirror)
Bunny hopping Ruby :D adorable
Blake really making the use of that ribbon, a little detail they again seem to forget about during most of 4-6 until it's necessary (running from adam in V6)
And... yep, no nonsense Yang sticking with the classics, recoil  (( I take it back, Yang's arm is the same as the intro, though I still think it somehow got bigger than when she put it on ))
And end it all on an amazing pose shot
Okay Ace ops time. Harriet, let me see what that little backpack thing do. But for serious, rolling only stops you from getting hurt on small drops, not several hundred foot... Marrow though taking a similar root to Ruby, seeming to ride it down, but he's doing some troll physics there, "stand on chair, jump off building, jump off chair at last moment, you only actually fell 2 foot"
Also, boomerang, gun? Honestly I kind of dislike the generic gun looking form, would have been cooler if it didn't change, but just had a little barrel pop out an end when he needed to shoot.
And now JN- OMG ELM YES, Loving the attitude. Oh Vine what's that on your back? you wielding an expanding throwing star (three pronged)
erm, right... JN_R
so, we got, some sick new looks, Ren's ponytail especially. Jaune's hair (i was one to hate it at first) in motion looks great, the concept art didn't do it justice. Also holding his sword on his arm..... kind of reminds me of @kumafromtaiwan's design for Jaune
"okay Jaune, you got this, it's not gonna be like Beacon all over again"
Oh, is he gonna use his shield like a plow, smashing through rocks, or maybe as a wing and glide do............................
Moving on though, yep, Hard light dust was a genius move he would have stuck in his head from Argus, and opens up the question of adding (what i'm dubbing) Shield Shield, with his V4 Nuckelavee Sword Sword, to make hard light blades.... SWORD SWORD SWORD???
a quick little peak at his shield, the emblem lighting up as he shoots a blast to bounce him from hitting the floor, that better be used later too.
And another amazing pose shot!
Oh Elm, you really need to work on your social skills. Actually maybe all the Ace ops do?
and, good luck bad luck duo for the final team, this'll be fun.
NEW SCROLLS! Love them, slim and cool, and with new team icons (c'mon girls, smile for your picture)
and that detail on how Ruby zoomed, Weiss had to summon, and Yang had some energy stored up, so their aura is down a bit, but Blake is 100%
Oh Yang, adorable goof
Oh Blake, also an dorable goof!!!
And Marrow is indeed the baby of the squad, you said it well Harriet, if a tad harsh?
Weiss no, this is a bad place for your name, but you're here to make it a better one, to fix that remember!!
Has.. has no one taught Ruby to project her aura to keep her warm, or at the others just dealing with it better? Either way, same Ruby, i hate the cold
Okay, yes, Oscar chat time
I don't know what to say, I agreed with it the whole time. Atlas is in a mess, there are good and bad times to tell people, and it's nice that Ruby has her intentions, but this may have been the same path Ozma first took, hiding things "for now" but never finding a chance to tell the truth later... they just need to keep it in mind.
And Oscar, please look after the Relic, I can already see red flags over your head the moment you took it, be that from Ironwood doing shady shit, Watts/Tyrian stealing it, or Ozpin popping back up to use it's last question.
OH, Clover, hitting a man hard with that, bringing up STRQ :/ all those fanfics of Qrow ('s semblance) being behind Summer's death, they all feel more realistic
I almost forgot, Qrow's looking snazzy too, those cross buttons, the eye/feather emblem embroidery in the sleeves. No... no necklace though?
Oh god Qrow's getting shipped with everyone this volume it seems. Good catch Clover.... I MEAN LITERAL CATCH
Halfick? Halphr... what did he say? Don't bullshit me captions, that wasn't alpha
REN!!! PAY YOUR GIRLFRIEND SOME ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!! Jaune you dork, nice try?
Another great Bee moment, Yang too can sense a disturbance in the force.
Weiss this is great, but can you keep your emotional daddy issues and the racial discrimination of a whole people a little more separate. But it's nice to again see you trying to make some amends and distance yourself from being.. well, 'Jacques' and his actions
OOF, Marrow coming in, hitting hard, and then acting like he's.... a millennial "I'm just a teen who does research, what do I know, boomer"
this scene though. Issues and history of faunus oppression, followed by a Schnee apolagy, and a faunus using her traits to help fix the past for a new future... that's some symbolism
Oh, a jump scare, good thing about Blake's semblance there too
And RW_Y right behind already running before the rumbles settled to help their girl
I LOVE THE GRIMM IN ATLAS. don't get me wrong, Deathstalkers are still top tier, but these things are awesome too
and now we get to upgrades!
Nice, so Yang has some trigger-able explosives, so she doesn't have to rely on her semblance to protect her when she's using his shotgun blasts
A subtle little thing there, Weiss being able to shoot an icle, not doing so from a glyph, but from the gun part of
Myrtenaster directly
Okay yes, this bugged me for so long. A scythe is a big weapon, the weight is in the blade as much as it is the handle, so having to turn it around all the time would be unwieldy and difficult in combat, so just a tiny upgrade like this is both smart, and amazing for Ruby to have realised she needed
Although I still don't get how shotting a bullet down the barrel, can give her swings an initial boost of speed........
Marrow really out here flying though the sky like he's on a zipline? though the buzz saw boomerang is, again, brilliant
Oh................ So the boy who cried wolf, can pause time? I erm- actually hold on, I need to figure out how that's logical......
I'm just gonna guess it's more "Harriet is moving so fast, he did this for dramatic affect XD
JN_R once again, taking a moment, a little nervous but willing and--- now they're very much not nervous, doing their thing, never first to run in, but never first to run away either.
Also, Vine has a stetchy arm semblance, and Elm has rooting feet semblance. Ye they make a good team (i ship them)
And finally StormFlower is getting some love. I don't think they look different, but having those blades be used in more various ways... grapples were a great idea
and again, Nora using that spiked back of Magnahild for more than a place to stand when she launches herself, loving it!!!
Oh Jaune, being nervous dorky, Nora a little ashamed? or ready to be.. and Ren, quiet as ever (i think he's kind of looking up to Vine honestly) don't worry though, you kids did good
OH Harriet... you don't wanna be left out of the action do you :) RUBY YOU DORK! And that little back+forth was actually hilarious
Hmm, I was always wondering how a fishing rod could be a weapon.. i guess pulling a grimm in works, but what was your plan then, to punch the Ghiest?
OH MY GOD THAT ANIMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
again, what are you doing Clover? At least Qrow knows his semblance, acting all "i'm gonna look around, things could easily go wrong here"
Good luck bad luck eh? OH MY GOD Qrow don't make that face, the people are gonna ship you two even harder now!!!
And the hammer duo charging in first... ye Elm/Vine is just Atlas' Renora, and I love that dynamic
oh, weird dust draft from Ren stopping, sweat boiling on the rocks... this room is gonna be interesting, mess things up a bit? fluxuating gravity, hot and cold spots maybe??? Ah yes, dust energy... makes sense
And Marrow in the background while we hear him on the coms, just a great little look at how Vine seems to be "distant" from the moment, doing the whole, Ren style of vague-speak
Ye it is kinda empt-- oh. Also good work having not just the face move, but the whole midsection being rotated... kind of as if, the face is stuck to that one position... COINCIDENCE?
Erm, does this one seem bigger than the V4 Ghiest?
And now we see Ruby trying to act as leader, pause to think, to come up with a plan, where as the Ace (while more experienced) seem to have both a plan on how to take it out, and might also be a little to reliant on Clover, knowing his semblance will fix any little issues
Oh that trumpet, a very self-knowing victorious tune.
And again, Vine and Elm doing a whole of semblance work, shame we don't see them use their weapons a bit more here, same with Marrow though not using his semblance (whatever it is) at all.
HEY WAIT. those black parts weren't there earlier, nor did they appear on the V4 Grimm until it needed them to pull toge- oh... they stretched the limbs to force both a space to cut them, and for the grimm parts to sort of 'be revealed'
And another eye colour semblance indication. Loving the runners pose Harriet does too. She's not time-pausing fast... (I take back what I said about Marrow's semblance earlier?) but things do act slower, even while she's running quicker than we'd see as normal in that moment. It's not time-pausing, but it's very very fast. And the motion blur trail!!, just a tiny effect, but it adds so much detail
Marrow really is the child of the squad, he's the one to make a mistake, but again- kind of had to rely on Clover there.. Interesting to see how things pan out when he's inevitably killed, or trapped, or just isn't there
Little details here and there. Vine using his semblance not just to grab, but to push the grimm back. Harriet taunting it to get it's attention and then getting out before it can hit her (but late enough that it keeps it's attention on her and really slams it's fist down). Elm again sticking to her name, rooting that fist down, being basically an anchor in all her actions. And Marrow... throwing his boomerang
UGH.. that little medallion touch pisses me off somehow, it's so pretentious? but anyway, he had a good idea, pulling it out by it's mask, kinda really relying on his semblance to get between it and the ice chunk without bouncing off anything. Again, very semblance reliant group
Erm... she punched the grimm.. but i wouldn't say it's dead.. are we gonna ignore that??? IT'S GONNA RETURN LATER I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT
Vine again grabbing dust, would have loved to have seen Elm basically kick one to stick it to her feet instead of just catching (or pinning herself to a wall to catch it, as if it was too high to jump and catch)
And Harriet going in for the catch, only for....oh.. that's the first thing RWBY or JNR did this fight? (also no weird dust affects, i feel upset)
But ohhh, her semblance isn't speed. I had this same issue in last volume, that her semblance early on was supposed to be speed, and yet she uses it to fly, to separate into several for moments, and she can 'merge' with others to carry then, when like for Nora in V4 her reaction speed should have been way too slow to really be ready for when she was basically thrown at the previous ghiest
AY yep, I'm shocked if Ruby has control over her eyes, she never tried to flash them off during this whole scene... but again, after Maria's story, hiding them from people we don't fully trust is better
And another little bee moment, Yang flirting with them puns
Omg! Elm carrying Ruby, Yang and Nora dancing, love this group dynamic
Hey, it's that guy from last episode, why are we... Robyn?
huh, kinda spooky... flickering lights... Robyn, watts, or...
TYRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are you not wearing your coat, it's cold remember! but that entrance, reminds me again of that "Cheshire cat inspiration" people first thought of back in his V4 reveal
HIS EYES!!! So whatever he does that triggers them is still apparent, and his stinger either still uses his own venom, or it's semblance related
And that line. He's here to mix things up... either he's finally gonna kill someone and let the police find out (unlike last ep when his victim was in a building, it'll take time till that's discovered... oh wait, blood) or he's here for info maybe?
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verothexeno · 5 years
Do you know any other good tmnt blogs?
Oh dayum, anon, that’s like asking me to choose a favorite child HAHAHA !There’s so many good blogs ! But I’ll list those I always go check because the content is GOLD !(Also, warning, there’s some NSFW/18+ stuff)
@fear-the-antiverse (Good RP skills DAYUM)
@jessie-merrow (feeling lusty? GO RIGHT THERE FAM)
@sultrysirens (god-tier fanfic YES. –btw, go check her Patreon, as soon as I get some loose money I’m so gonna throw some bucks in there HELL YEH)
@zzipa (art god right there and the humor is on POINT)
@waterstar2016 and @catchoow (good HCs and I like to scroll through their blogs once in a while *clap*)
and so many, many, MANY more! Right now my brain is poo as I’m busy with the screening events, getting flabbergasted by how good the music I composed sounds freaking great in a huge theater room and just crying with my friends because I’m so proud of them xD
(also I’ll tag my own TMNT blog because FAWCK YEH @memes-in-a-half-shell heheheh)
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sanjuno · 5 years
Ninja-Pirates vs Kaido the Unkillable. Now you’re just insulting their professional pride and standards. Now, imagine Zoro meeting Zabuza and being on the same crew. Ace trying not to trip over his tongue when he talks to Really Pretty Haku. Haku having some quiet and intense discussions with Naruto about Sexy Jutsu. Ace taking his really pretty matelois home to the Moby Dick. Oh no, Marco thinks, their hot! Chopper & medical Jutsu. Law & chakra scalpels/medical Jutsu. Teach meets exploding tags
Sakura discovers her inner badass and falls in love with giant fuck-you-up battle-axes! Kakashi and Stephan have long conversations that confuse the fuck out of everyone watching! Naruto can multiply himself and his trapping skills reach god-tier! Sasuke clinging to the hilt of the legendary sword he stole from that one marine chick (*cough*Tashigi*cough*) and making sad eyes at Zabuza until he gives in and starts training the brat.
*cackles* Teach meets so many exploding tags! XD
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theorynexus · 5 years
Double Fives are first, today-- or two together-arranged, 55, I should say.
Also, we’re at Meat 30.   It would seem Jake, Karkat, and Dave are spending time together, this time.
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Oh gosh...   I hope Karkat wasn’t made to endure that, considering he supposedly only ever left his house once per year, even if that might be a hyperbole. @w@            His interests and Jake’s are strongly opposed on that from, it would seem.   Thus, it might have been bad for deal-making, for reasons of souring Karkat’s mood; regardless, let’s see whether their other interests might align, or some non-detrimental arrangement (for Karkat, but hopefully for Jake too) might be found between them.
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Ouch.    On the other hand, at least Karkat seems to have (likely) become more comfortable with outward signs of his blood’s color.   I doubt he would have failed to realize that it likely gives that impression, even if he originally intended it to be a sign of his closeness with Dave. He almost certainly would have semi-paranoid-ly weighed the pros and cons for his emotional well-being and/or all other consequences involved, and only come to the decision that the suit was acceptable for him to wear after deciding both connotations were acceptable.
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Honestly, all things considered, Jake is very much correct. Considering the boost from all his rungs on the escheladder, there’s no way his physical capabilities should be that bad.  ... Though Jake’s estimates probably would be wrong for any other sort of being that was traveling with him. I don’t think his expectations are probably all that well gauged to the individuals in his company. It’s not that I think poorly of his intelligence, mind you. It’s just that Jake can be... rather oblivious, sometimes, if memory serves.
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Yeah, his judgment is totally based on his own experience. Still, though, even coated in like 5 layers of fur, Karkat shouldn’t be that worn out. At least, from a world-building perspective, this doesn’t contradict the established rule that-- oh, wait, that was ghosts changing to fit the person’s perceptions, not God Tier players’ appearances, wasn’t it?  Hmmm.
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Yes. Karkat’s diplomatic skills are impeccable.  There is absolutely nobody that can beat this guy when it comes to maintaining good relationships and reputations among the important powers of the world--- nobody!
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I would suspect that Alt!Calliope is being petty, here, but I think it’s just Karkat being so tired that his coordination has dropped a bit.   (Also, this is honestly rather cute, and I appreciate the opportunity to giggle at it.)
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Frack, Dave is good at bringing things up in the most awkward way possible. Also, that Karkat only estimates himself as being able to beat 99% of all humans in a “threshecution threshing match” is both quite comical and somewhat sad. ._. One Percent is a whole lot of people.
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***facepalms with the greatest of groans***    SHE REALLY SHOULD FRICKING NOT!!!                        (Internet freedom for all!)   That said:  GAH, Dave, are you trying to sabotage Karkat’s chances, here? On the other hand: Maybe this propensity for blunt, careless words is one of the reasons that he decided he didn’t want to run for President, himself.   If so, good on him, I guess, for knowing himself that well.
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( I will say, though, that that was honestly a nice segue, despite the fact that he sortof botched the lead-up to this via his rudeness.    Karkat gets a pass, though, because everyone knows he’s crude, and that’s part of the appeal.)
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The real question is:  Are these campaign dollars as in a certain allocated amount that is allowed for each candidate, or money which was donated to the campaign by those who support them and/or Dave/Karkat?  That is a pretty important distinction, politically.  Not that either will likely be addressed and/or matter directly to the outcome of the race, probably. Oh, and those adds sound incredibly silly. I am not 100% sure that they will actually in all likelihood be effective, but they sure do sound comic-(sans)-ical. On the other hand:  Jake seems to be trying to mentally suppress what’s happening to him, probably due to his feelings toward Jane.   Welp.   :|
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This is a very complicated issue, and for the sake of not offending either side, I shall choose to remain silent on the real world matter at hand, here.  On the other hand, I love the way that Karkat is just like, “SHUT UP, ALREADY.”   XD
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Reminds me of Caliborn.     Indeed, that is definitely the reason why such committees are actually put into place (other than the compelling economic reasons incentives).    Doesn’t mean that they actually succeed in doing so perfectly, however.    It just makes it a grey “I guess maybe they were involved,” regardless of whether the person actually suggested such adds ought go into effect or not. Buuuuut... I’m going to refrain from pushing my promised non-commentary further than that-- and only did comment with this because of its relevance to Jake’s thought process.
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It seems that Karkat agrees with my assessment of this matter.  Also, Alt!Calliope sure is quite sassy, compared to the grim and highly reserved person I thought she was. I wonder if it’s because she’s been watching essentially television for eons in order to properly understand humanity+maybe the trolls or whatever, or if it’s because she’s doing it on accident, as was my initial guess/impression, as related earlier in my liveblogs.
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That’s not the point, Dave. The point is that, for one, it probably makes the audience think of you as irresponsible; secondly, it wastes the most precious resource in politics: the citizens’ limited attention spans; finally, it may actually make the two of you come off as being condescending and/or not having any actual idea what you’re talking about, which would be absolutely horrible for your chances, come election time.    While campaigns can indeed turn around in the latter months of election season, first impressions are also very important!
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That is a very interesting point/question. And very ironic for him to ask; not that Dave actually can’t be properly understood through his layers of irony-- but rather, while he does indeed have a talent for that, his other qualities obscure it so badly as to make it seem quite unremarkable and hidden. And there Dave goes again, saying “thats basically true [sic.]”.   Magnificent. ***will not touch the matter of how straight-forward Dirk is***
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...     Man.  Hopefully, this will serve as a lesson to the both of them.    Jake’s reaction is so bloody on the point, though. @w@
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I do honestly appreciate that too.  Wow, though, he is being surprisingly civil and respectful as a result of this.  It shouldn’t honestly be a surprise, considering who Jake is.  It’s just... wow. I really appreciate the breath of fresh air.
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Yeeeeesss!!!~    <3       I love everything about this that follows!    While he can be quite oblivious at times, I have always thought that Jake’s intelligence was top-notch, and I quite appreciate his flexing it, as well as that wonderfully noted breath of FREEDOM whizzing into his sails!
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Boooooo!!!~     I really quite appreciate the correct and excellent display of entomological knowledge, here, but DANG, if Dirk isn’t a slimy piece of garbage, sometimes!     I mean, my gosh, the sociopathic logic, here.  It’s horrific! As for Jake:  I am very proud of him, and appreciate his very appropriate question. Everyone should ask the qualities that politicians bring to the table, policy-wise, and their (+ dis-)advantages--- not just how charismatic they are. Of course, such a statement is stating the obvious. ‘s still good to see it in practice. ... Wow, I really love Alt!Calliope’s sass. So much.
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Aside from his lack of attraction for her, which says nothing of importance, I do in fact agree with Karkat, here.  This is essentially the equivalent of the moment when the United States switched to the Constitution, and the country absolutely needed a Washington.  If Adams had actually been elected, instead of getting the second-highest sum of votes, then both the contry and the entire world could have turned out quite differently.  I, too, do  believe that Crocker could be reasonably said to have a fair chance at acting as a President who doesn’t really shake things up too terribly, and actually manages to set a perfectly fine, perhaps above average standard for Presidents to come.   There are, however, certain points in history which require great leaders if things are going to pan out well in the long-term. Crocker just presents far too many potential problems while not offering enough in the way of positives for me to give a strong endorsement of her, despite my desire to see a female president eventually take office in the United States’ equivalent of the station she and Karkat are competing over.
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Yeeeeaaaahhh...   She was already quite twisted up (read: pained) inside during the session as a result of her concern for maintaining appearances and manipulating peoples’ perceptions of her, unless my memory is horrible in this particular act of dredging up long-ago readings’ implications, so I could certainly see that growing to be a problem as she grew up.    I’d sortof hoped that that would cease to be so much of an issue, after their session was won, considering the rewards involved/gained as a result of that.    :/
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...    Yeah, that is a good deal of whiplash. I am honestly pained.
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Dangit, I was so swept up in my spiel about the direct political consequences of that decision/strategy that I forgot to emphasize the very obvious danger of it actually alienating Jake from her!
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***sobs***   I am so proud of him!    (Though this is not exactly the best reason for choosing one’s political decisions, I can definitely get behind the idea of him striving for independence from that manipulative cur.) 
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What Dave said, but less profanity-laced! Also:   Am I incorrect in remembering that God Tier players past a certain Tier are able to wield any weapon they desire, regardless of whether they have a       Kind Abstratus of the appropriate sort in their strife specibus?  That could become relevant, some time in the near future.
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His Butler: Scraped
[Another nonsensical drabble of length XD a.k.a a throwback to the wonderful circus ark, back when things were simpler.]
The crow-tailed coat fluctuated behind the butler with each sinuous stride, whilst claret orbs swept to either periphery, drinking in the synchronized bustle overtaking the Fair Grounds. The way in which every Carney, Tier-member and Aid went about their early morning duties without one breaking stride was but an attestation to having served quite some time on the road together, as well as that unbearably, human ability to fall into a routine.
Driving more distance between himself and the vast tent which served as a civic, Mess Hall, the demon continued his advance, pace calculated and unyielding. Breakfast had long since been prepared for the First Tier-members and with practice still an hour away, Sebastian wanted to use this opportunity to exact his little Lord’s given orders: ‘by initiating his own investigation’. Regrettably, time was running out with regards to those missing children, the probability of them being alive and well growing all the more improbable as the reflexion of the Undertaker readying numerous, miniscule coffins became perversely conceivable. Then, there was also the niggling dispute concerning that uncooperative, unendurable, excuse for a god breathing down the nape of his neck. Good Grief. After meeting the likes of the Earl of Phantomhive himself, could he not distinguish the quality of his soul from the rest of the mediocrity this plain had to offer? The devil’s eyebrow twitched in mild exasperation at the reaper’s ignorance, before a low breath escaped from the back of his throat. There was only one soul that could wholly satiate this hunger. There was only one, which he desired. For his tainted aristocrat’s ambiance impelled even demons, wanting or no, to this pitiful farce.
After passing both the storeroom and the medicinal tent, the butler started to slow his pace to a brisk trot, satisfied now that he was not being followed and opting for a more precautious approach. Easing behind a stack of wooden crates and barrels, the frayed labels indicating that the storages contained ample amounts of gunpowder, Sebastian then peered over the edge, garnet hues narrowing upon the private accommodations. From what the retainer could tell, all of the tents seemed vacant of their gaudy inhabitants, which meant that all of them where still assembled at breakfast. Good. Now the only reputable obstacles which remained were the number of snakes slithering about the bivouacs, resembling wriggling earth worms in search of air after a hefty downpour. Raising a gloved hand to rest against the swell of his chin, the demon then contemplated his next course of action.
These deliberations were short-lived as the muted thuds of an approaching Carney, captured the demon’s attention. Said aid was short and rotund, her dirty-blonde, curls pinned back into an inelegant bun, which, along with the shadows pooling underneath her lids, preached of a rather late night. Sebastian’s attentive orbs travelled from her weary complexion to the laundry basket nestled within her arms, an inkling starting to seep into play. Straightening out of his crouch, the Second-Tier member weaved his way around the containers, before advancing towards his unsuspecting quarry, a hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Why, such a devoted lady to be labouring at such an early hour…” The butler’s simper parted into a downy purr, before he then utilized the middle-aged woman’s momentary surprise, by lifting the basket from her grip. “Please let me assist you, Madam, it would only be proper…” The retainer, not waiting for the now befuddled woman’s riposte, raked his keen hues across the contents lining the basket as soon as it rested within his hold, delighted to find that the carrier contained the newly, cleansed costumes for that raucous one, Beast. The tell-tale scent of carbolic acid and phenol still clung to the material tenaciously, but did little as to deter the butler’s sense of satisfaction, as he started forward once more, completely disregarding the Carney’s confused stutters. Goodness, perhaps he was a bit presumptuous by means of his chosen moniker? No self-respecting ‘lady’ would ever splutter in such an unsightly fashion.
Brow furrowing at his own assertion, the butler was just about to reach for one of the numerous tent-flaps, when something precipitously appeared within the corner of his eye, causing Sebastian to still. “Oh, just what were the chances?” He uttered as glove-encased fingers gradually retreated from the ragged canvas, before the demon turned, changing his course entirely. For but a moment the thin wisps of thoughts revolving about that ridiculous reaper, whether or not his little Master received more than a paltry scoop of oatmeal or the whereabouts of all the human juveniles, dissipated, dissolving like oodles of mist touched by the first, thin rays of winter sunlight, all due to those looming, metallic bars and the magnificent, glossy orbs gazing through them.
“…Would it be completely nonsensical to refer to this opportunity as chance?” The butler relished in a subtle drone, whilst casting the laundry basket aside, the contents tumbling over the brim. The magnificent creature gave no means of acknowledgement, though none was needed once Sebastian eased closer, a faint splotch of colour staining his usually pallid visage. Betty’s auburn fur was even more exquisite, whilst being illuminated by the faint, glow of daybreak, her paw pads the very epitome of supple, plumpness and those resplendent hues…Oh those round, lustrous pools. The butler lingered a few paces from the cage, wanting nothing more than to reach through the rods for those vividly, striped ears and to feel the dampness of her nose; yet no amount of fur was going to make him forget the rather painful scratch he received due to his previous discourtesy. Call it a noble sacrifice if you will, but the very last thing the Phantomhive butler needed was to stand out, the complete lack of skill his young possessor managed to display, with the exception of getting captured (Oh his Lord was a Master at that!) meant that the butler needed to be conspicuous enough for both of them.
As a result, the devil continued to absorb every detail the enormous feline had to proffer, his hands pinned at his sides by sheer will, before he blinked, the limited colour present within the billows of his cheeks draining away as he was forced to incline his head side-ways, narrowly avoiding the leaf-trimmer intent on impaling his distracted form. Heavens, did the galling Death God truly believe him to be pilfering the souls of animals now? Preposterous. Yet, no matter how utterly hoodwinked the reaper seemed to be, it was clear that his time for probing had come to an unfortunate end. Ah my, so much for progress. Straightening the brim of his hat, the devil’s hand curled about the extended dowel of the Death Scythe, orbs burning a bright fuchsia, before he then yanked the weapon free from where it imbedded itself into Betty’s cork flooring. It may be a troublesome task, but as a butler of the noble Phantomhive estate, it was best to indulge those who sought the attention. Moreover, it is said that attention is sometimes perceived as vitality, seeing as it creates the ‘urge’ to connect with others, thus, if the reaper wanted to ‘connect’ with that of the butler so vehemently, he would be happy to fix said reapers’ weapon to that of his chest. Permanently. No doubt it would serve as a suitable means of reprisal for shattering his previously, perfect moment.
Inopportunely, though, an hour had long since passed, which meant that if Sebastian wished to maintain his cover and ultimately the cover of his young Master, he would have to postpone his justly desire for retribution and proceed to practice. Being but a collared fiend had its minuses and its constraints. Fortunately for that of the reaper and possibly for Sebastian as well, his newly acquired roommate had the same intent, as he begrudging took back his weapon of choice, pausing only to wipe at it with a lined handkerchief he seemingly produced out of thin air. Hm. Sebastian consecutively, shot a last, longing glance at the stunning form of Betty, her barred pelt every bit as alluring as at first glance, before the retainer finally retreated with a disconsolate sigh. Perhaps it would have been in order to have risked a quick pat or two?
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My, Providence was a cruel mistress indeed.
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imprettybitchin · 2 years
Finale rewatch liveblogging!
On the one hand, Hop is CLEARLY hurt in multiple places. On the other, he deserves to be [redacted]
ARGYLE BADASSERY! I love that even the first time around, I knew exactly what he was thinking and then I thought, “SEE! Without Argyle, they couldn’t have gotten this far!” I mean obviously with the van, but this resource too! They’ve had other people freak out in the beginning- THEY freaked out in the beginning!!! And they need to stop taking Argyle for granted!!!! Also Argyle being smart AF and knowing that Jane needs fuel for her to fight!? Amazing incredible showstopping-! And for providing some lightheartedness that Jane BADLY NEEDS to help give her a break from the awful, awful way she’s been treated for so long- pretty much her entire life, really.
The most believable moment in this entire series is a child getting a lego stuck up his nose and his caretaker being both confused and panicked about how it got up there and how to take it out.And then using tweezers to get it out, which is considered surgery. Evidence: my sister got a tiny jingle bell stuck up her nose when she was 4, and they had to call my mom (who was teaching another grade just down the hallway) to get the jingle bell out because my sister’s teacher was not legally allowed to do it.
Jane’s face when Jonathan says “It’s time” 😭😭😭
Derailing all of this emotion to day that Jane’s socks are so cute!!!! Lavender knit with little cats[?]!!! Oh my god I WANT THEM!! Her undershirt is super cute too!
I love how everyone kneels on the floor to be at Jane’s level when she goes into the sensory tank.
The way Jane tells Max that she’s going to help her and to hold on!!! 😭
Confession: The first time I watched this,  I hadn’t seen the previous seasons since those had aired. I had COMPLETELY forgotten that Max was in s2 AT ALL XD But they were so little in the flashbacks!!! They’re all so frickin’ cute! It’s wild to have watched these kids grow up on screen. I don’t follow most of their real life stuff- that’s not my business. I always send my well-wishes to child stars because I have heard the horrors so many of them grow up with and encounter when they’re no longer little and cute.
I still don’t understand the significance of the skateboarding scene??? but I’m curious if they’ll bring it up again in s5.
I’ve skipped most of Eddie’s scenes simply because he never meets Jane (horrible, he should have met Jane and especially Will!!!!) but I had to watch the guitar scene bc it is EPIC and I love Eddie and Eddie’s skills being recognized!!! also him being happy for once 😭
Completely unrelated to all of this, but I’ve had The Neverending Story song stuck in my head since I started my rewatch. It may end up on my top Spotify playlist, so what? XD
THE WAY MAX IS TENDER AND COMPLETELY CONFUSED AT THE SAME TIME!!! ajslkfjaf Whether you ship them or not, Max and Jane are a TOP TIER dynamic!!! I love Max pinching Jane’s cheek and Jane look at her like ??? And then the way Jane takes Max’s hand and holds it??? don’t look at me I’m touch starved and my partner lives over 2,250 miles away
“I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer” ajsdfjadsf SHE SAYS IT SO EARNESTLY AND IT LEAVES MAX EVEN MORE CONFUSED ajlskdfjafs truly top tier comedy this season (yes, I am easily entertained, but I also love the trope of one person being sincere/serious and everyone else is like ????)
“If you touch her again, I will kill you again.” FUUUUUCK I love when Jane is menacing and protective!!! Truly, younger me would have wanted to BE Jane or else had a crush on Jane and not realized it for another 10 years
Vecna: *speaks for two seconds* Me: shut UP!!! I cannot tolerate arrogant men. I feel like I’ve made this very clear. even if I haven’t talked about one of them, they are included in this statement. Dustin, however, has never done anything wrong in his life, and we know this. The rest of these men can die, meanwhile I would die for Dustin. (I do not hate men. I hate arrogant assholes. I know Angela is a teenager but she’s still included in the major assholes territory.)
Max, dear, I love you so SO much but screaming before you attack kind of ruins the entire “by surprise” strategy.
I’m sorry bitch, you’re telling me that an EIGHT YEAR OLD made you into a monster??? STFU!!! I mean I know it’s to tear her resistance down and make her suffer, but GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
I believe that “He was the monster” and “He was just a man, a mediocre man who sought greatness in others” can and SHOULD coexist
Jane having to watch Vecna torture Max? 😭😭😭 And MAX DOESN’T DESERVE THIS!!!!
Will, YOU are the heart!!!
“My life started that day I found you in the woods” You mean when you were screaming for Will and desperate to find him??? Meanwhile Will’s over hear like “What am I, chopped liver? You’re even using my speech!” Like everyone else has said, I miss s1-2 Mike 💔I
 know it would have been noisy but!!! I would have loved if Will and Jonathan had a chance to encourage her too
Seeing Max’s body snap like that- no bueno
I know that people make fun of her yelling but I think that Jane deserves it!!! I wish I could scream that much!
I didn’t actually see Hopper’s fights against the demogorgon last time around because even tho I love the characters, that plot line mostly bored me? And I skipped most of it this time around, but I HAD to see his final fight because apparently he chopped that creature’s head off??? And I never knew??? (it was completely worth watching!)
Jane and Lucas grieving over Max together 😭😭😭
“No. You’re not going.” Restarting Max’s art was very cool and badass of her
Okay so I remember the time skip being two MONTHS later fjakajdka Two days later makes waaaayyyyy more sense! But god, everyone’s faces when they go back to Hawkins 😭😭😭 
“The news. Indistinguishable from the tabloids.” The only thing that Ted has ever said that I agree with
Erica being with Lucas in Max’s hospital room 😭😭😭 The double hug of Lucas, Will, and Mike is so SO GOOD! My soul needed that
By the way that Will and Mike look at Jane, I’m assuming she never told them about how she restarted Max’s heart.
Jane not finding anything in Max’s mind breaks my heart!!!! 😭😭😭
I can’t believe we saw a neurodivergent wlw interaction with best buddie Steve watching fondly
Cleaning up Hopper’s cabin 😭
Okay so they DO know some of what’s happened to Jane because Mike sounds like he’s talked to Jane before about what’s happened with Brenner
OH MY GOD I MISSED THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BOTTLE THE FIRST TIME!!!! From her and Max spinning the bottle for Jane to spy on people! 😭
HOPPER AND JANE REUNION!!!!! “I kept the door open… three inches because I never stopped believing!!!” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I want to shake whoever keeps writing in fat jokes about Hopper because that’s attacking David Harbour too!!!
Jane and Hopper joking about each other’s hair! Joyce and Jane hug!!!! The hair patting! The joke about the Brittanica conference’ XD
The lady government agent is good people. I liked her from nearly the beginning
I want Will to be happy for one goddamn day PLEASE!!!
Joyce and Hopper holding hands!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕
I love these characters and if they aren’t happy by the end of s5, I will shake the writers hard enough to give them whiplash 
I am so glad that I made this into a separate post because having eps 8 and 9 together would be SO LONG!!! This is long af as it is!!! Thanks for reading it, whoever chose to! Or whoever was listening to me ramble in our IMs XD
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enby-hawke · 7 years
personal no rb
Don’t understand. Like I have pot finally and it is working somewhat but I’m still manic. Like I can’t stop researching, and reading and brainstorming on how I can get my introverted ass to connect with the other activists I’m protesting with on Sunday. God I’m terrified but I’m tired of doing almost nothing but my time most days. And my mind is energized, I’m never hungry, but my body is exhausted. I’m pretty much just surviving on nuts and really got to calm the fuck down so I can eat food like a normal personal. This stupid fight or flight response just needs constant numbing. 
I mean a man who cited that the left were terrorists linked basically antifa information and history and black lives matter links. And I laughed and couldn’t resist putting a snarky reply about how all the articles were riveting reads.
And then he basically threatened that the FBI would become aware of me if they already weren’t. And now the paranoia won’t leave. Like I’m not making any real plans except to watch, protest, and learn as many useful skills as I can just in case, but I just said a few words and with that threat I am reminded of those before me who have already been taken just for speaking words. 
And I guess he really could do that. And every day I wake up and wonder “ Will Trump take me today or am I just being paranoid.”
Especially since my shitbag racist disphit of a father doesn’t care about the mongrel child he sired. I mean he was originally against Trump. Said he was an idiot. But he’s a moderate with no fucking morals and does whatever the fuck he pleases just like Trump does. In fact because Trump acts and feels so much like my father all of this is a triggering clusterfuck. Now that he’s seen that nothing “too bad” has happened now Trump’s the only way to lead us back to God.
And I don’t understand why I can’t unfriend him. I have cut so many people out of my life. For so many lesser offenses. And yet the man who is the one of the very sources of all my pain and fucked up ness I won’t let go of.
I’ve had this argument before. I’ve pleaded for my white father to see my humanity but he could only see me as white. He could only be proud in the white in me. And now I hate myself so fucking much because I’m white in everything but my skin. I know nothing. He erased my people from me. He never let me learn anything but shame and pain. I hate him more than I hate anyone and yet I still have the capacity to love him. 
Loving him hurts so much. He took everything from me. He always bullied me. Always pushed me around. Always accused me of being a slut (because I was raped repeatedly by trusted acquaintances as a child so now and now can’t help myself supposedly) Always told me lewd inappropriate stories about how he fetishized the women of my people and how much of a savior he was for rescuing my mother of what was surely a terrible life. He played every mind game he could of with my sisters and me. Twisting us against each other. Starting sibling wars so he could keep us from questioning his incompetent parenting. Shutting off Internet and phones rather than let me have any contact with my mother. Almost drove her to bankruptcy forcing as she fought for the courts for visitation. Drove her to depend on a monster of a man who uses her as a punching bag. Literally turned around without parking on a visitation trip claiming my mother didn’t show up again.
But my sisters and I were screaming and pointing, “That’s her car.” And I remember how he locked the doors so we wouldn’t run out. And he said if we unbuckled our seat belts that he swore that he didn’t beat children but he’d make an exception if we didn’t mind him.
And my sisters just sobbed. As we reached towards the back of the car, still grasping for our rightful hour that we had drive 3 hours to go to. 
She had family in the Philippines. She was popular and won many beauty contests and was known for being smart and pretty and hardworking. She could have been so much more if she hadn’t met my dad. I know it’s not my fault but I don’t know how to forgive myself for being born. I was the reason my mother would grow estranged alone in a country, no husband, no family like she was promised. He used her and when he couldn’t get her to behave like a fucking asian doll he never let me see her again just to get back at her. He claims that she falsely accused him of rape but he’s such a fucking awful person I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a rapist. He sure didn’t have a problem fucking my mom’s cousin when she was pregnant with me.
Ah god I don’t know what to do. Either way it’s making myself smaller to accomodate him on my sister’s behalf once again because “forgiveness is the only way and he did right for us by providing us basic needs.”
Gee dad. Thanks for not making me homeless until I was 17. I honestly hoped it would happen sooner but I might be dead in that timeline. (I was thinking of having that as the eulogy as a fuck you when my dad finally drops dead but I’m sure I’d never speak to my family again Xd.) Idk I’m just waiting to be free of his earthly body because the only good thing about our current situation is he isn’t holding my sisters prisoner anymore because he was finally declared incompetent enough to locked in a nursing facility. And I usually don’t wish that fate but he was going to kill my sisters otherwise. 
But I can’t go to my family, “Hey it’s been awhile. Dad wants to see me but he keeps putting Trump’s face on my timeline and I just want him to drop dead.”
How can I possibly be a good person when my gene pool runs with the most toxic family I know? My family drama fucking silences room? When people ask me about myself, all I don’t know how to answer because I feel more an action than a being. And that action is “DoEverythingInMyPowerToUnlearnAllTheToxicShitMyParentsTaughtMe”
I mean I don’t even know who the fuck raised me because I was too busy being an overloaded shit-tier mom at age 9 also balancing an elementary education. I only have stories and books and people in history to look up to. There were so few people in my life that ended up being actual good people. Most were shitty but tried, mega-tier shitty and likes it, and the best response I could hope for was something initially nurturing but almost immediately hinting that I should really get over it if they didn’t outright say that.
Anyways god I was awake for 24 hours again got to go the fuck to sleep. Brain are you done having your mindvomit cause I’d really like to rest now and this is just exhausting existence to live in. 
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 12 (Epilogue 2 Page 4)
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