#Let me enjoy this moment of peace ✌️ before it gets to me
koschei-the-ginger · 9 months
HI !
I'm back
Who's that guy in my dp though?
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chosoisamalewife · 4 months
I’m already gone
Character: choso x m!reader, yuji x reader (PLATONIC)
Warnings: character death! SPOILERS FOR 259
A/N: This wasn’t requested, just sort little something because I love pain 😭✌️
🎵Listen to already gone by sleeping at last🎵
Growing up in the world of sorcery, you were taught that curses were evil. They were ugly and were the most vilest things on this earth, but then you met him. Choso, a hybrid between a curse and a human, and he was beautiful. He was introduced to you as yuji's half-brother. You were erie of him at first, not understanding how could a curse be good. Even if he was only half, over time, you and him grew closer. You began to see he was more human than anything. He had more humanity than most humans. His soul and everything about him were beautiful l, even during the moments he didn't feel beautiful. Those moments were he cried into your chest, that he was a monster. You never understood how he could think that. The love that he showed you and his brothers was love that monsters couldn't possess.
He was the best thing to ever happen to you. He was kind and gentle to those he loved. He cherished and projected y'all like his life depended on it.
You were currently out of fighting during an injury. Choso told you not to stay awake waiting for him to return, but you never listened anyway. It always ends with him coming home to you asleep on the couch. This night was no different. One moment, you were lying there watching the tv, and then the next, you were asleep. It was a beautiful, peaceful dream. You and choso were at the beach enjoying the waves and the sun. It was empty there as if it were only you and him on the earth. No other soul, no curses, no fighting just each other
He was chasing you around the beach, the sound of yours and his laughter being music to your ears. Then, all of a sudden, he stops and just stares at you. The action caused you to stop in your tracks too. You took a breather for a second before walking up to him. "Hey, what's wrong?" You brought one of your hands to his cheeks, caressing the apples of them gently. He nuzzled against your hand slightly before bringing his hand up to yours.
"Nothing is wrong, this is perfect." He smiled so gently at you. He cupped your cheeks, his hands bringing your lips to his. He kissed you so softly as if you were the most fragile piece of glass. Then he pressed his forehead against yours. " I love you," He whispered to you. "You couldn't have loved me better, thank you." He pressed longing kissed on your head.
You let out a little giggle, "There's no need to thank me, silly." His arms rested around you and slowly caressed you back
“I know, I just wanted to also so you don’t forget.” You could hear his voice break a little bit
“Cho don’t get sad on me baby, we’re happy and plus you’ll be back soon and we can do nothing but be with each other” He nodded his head at your words. You quickly escaped from his grasp and started running. “Now come get me lover boy”You yelled back, it caused he to start chasing after you full force.
You were awakened from your slumber by a knock at the door. It was yuji. He looked distressed, and he was crying. "Hey, are you okay." He quickly shook his head, and his lips started quiver. You quickly brought him into a hug not rushing him to get his words. He was sobbing into your shoulder. You could barely make out the words he was saying, but then you heard a broken "I'm sorry" and "choso"
"What?" The world felt like it stopped spinning and had begun to crumble around you. Your chest felt heavy, it felt like you could get air into your lungs. You pulled away from the crying boy and walked slowly to the couch you were previously sleeping on. He followed you in and set on the couch with you. You deep breaths, trying to keep your composure.
"I'm sorry, he sacrificed himself for me. I didn't know he was going to do that. Everyone keeps dying around me, and I can't do anything to stop it. It's all my fault." He barely gotten through his words with the hiccups and the crying. You gently pushed his head onto your shoulder.
"It's not your fault yuji. Choso was selfless, he would do that thousands and thousands of times again even if he knew the outcome. Which he did, and that's why he did it." Your voice was breaking and cracking, but you just gave him a soft smile trying to comfort the young boy.
Eventually, exhaustion hit yujiand he slept on your couch. You laid alone in the quiet room, the only noise were your wails. The pillows that still smelt like choso were soaked with your tears as you held it tightly to your body.
"Wake up, you have to wake up. This is just a nightmare, you'll wake up." You spoke to yourself in between your wails of sorrow and pain. In reality, you knew the truth. This is reality and he was truly gone. He will always be gone
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y16bettridget · 3 years
(S) • First Meet Pt.2 • BC
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Hey guys, Welcome to a random bonus chapter 😂
I hope you enjoy this short chapter there will be another short bonus chapter coming soon
And I am gonna start writing a new oneshot tomorrow as well :)
Enjoy x
551 words
Everything is normal until the moment you find your soulmate
Once you see your soulmate you feel a rush
How strong the rush is depends on how strong the soulmate connection is
What if you have a rush that is too strong for you to handle?
Y/N's POV:
I can't believe that CHAN is my soulmate.
THE Bang Chan is my soulmate
Am I dreaming?
I felt him pull me into a hug and I melted into his embrace. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest. He tightened his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.
I suddenly felt a wave of emotions hit me at once and the tears started streaming down my face. Chan must've felt them because he pushed me back slightly and looked at me concerned.
"Why are you crying? Are you disappointed that it is me?" When he asked the second question a pang of hurt flashed across his face.
I quickly shook my head and explained why I was crying
"I don't really know why I started crying to be honest with you. But now I think of it there are a few reasons. One being that I finally met my soulmate, I didn't think that would ever happen. Two I got blessed with someone as handsome and talented as you. Then three because you got stuck with a nobody like me. You're so perfect and everyone loves you and I'm just a face in the crowd, no one really needs me because I'm replaceable" my voice cracked at the end and I started sobbing into my hands.
Chan brought me back into his embrace and gave me a kiss on the head while running a hand up and down my back. I kept my face in my hands but I felt protected like this.
My sobs slowly died down to a few small sniffles. Once I finally stopped crying Chan let me out of his arms again.
He grabbed a tissue and let me wipe my tears before he started speaking to me.
"You don't get to talk about yourself like that, you are the perfect match for me. If you weren't we wouldn't be soulmates, the universe obviously wants us together so here we are. I can already tell that you're going to surprise me and loads of people love you and need you in their lives. I know I do and I've only just met you. You are irreplaceable and I couldn't think of anyone I would rather be my soulmate"
Chan gave me a kiss on the cheek and wiped the tears that had fallen from his speech. He brought me back into his arms and said, "you can meet the other members later"
Next Chapter:
Chapter 3
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this short bonus chapter
I am gonna do another short one later (possibly tomorrow)
Sorry if it wasn't very good, I wrote it in like 10 minutes (maximum)
Love you guys <3
Peace out ✌️
Byeee x
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