#Let’s See What We Can Uncover | P4!Yosuke
fatexbound · 1 year
@shirotantei​ | X
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“That’s... uh, that’s alright. My room’s an even bigger mess! Don’t worry about it.” That probably was not the best thing to say to a detective who works so hard compared to himself, but that’s all he could think about it when he stepped inside. The reason for his visit was simple curiosity, and he was surprised when she agreed so easily.
“Anyway, I can help you clean or... with the case? Working alone must be rough, even though you’re used to it, right?” He gave her a small, sympathetic smile. It reminded him of all the solo shifts he had to take at Junes this week. He was beyond worn out.
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eatingfireflies · 7 years
WIP meme
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
tagged by @greaseonmymouth (who has read bits of some of these for beta/comments even tho they don’t know these fandoms you are a champ, K)!
almost there WIPs:
tenmyouji/santa what if santa was put in cold sleep fic: as this has 6 chapters out at ao3 some people already know what this is. i know whereabouts this is going, but the problem is i’m really shit about worldbuilding which makes the tenmyouji bits take ages to write. i’ve also backed myself into a corner here because the chapter i’m working on has quark’s pov and i’m not that great about writing kids. but it’s happening. i have like 4 more chapters to write (which is already a generous guesstimate because it could be 9 chapters all in all) and i will finally be free.
magician social link for p4: basically the magician social link except gay, which 10 thousand other people have written already. mine is probably one of the worst ones for having been written in the 2nd person pov. my excuse here is protag (no name given but actually i think of narukami in the spinoffs and the anime when i write these so it’s really narukami tbh) is only a frame for yosuke so please let me rest in my 2nd person pov hell. the fic i go to when i want to write a) fight scenes b) some silly shit about japan that will not work anywhere else.
junpei/akane detective au fic: was actually just me thinking i should write junepei smut. turned into a 21k word monster that probably put my betas in despair. it’s my first time writing a ‘mystery’ so i tried to be super careful about the clues and trying to be fair to the reader. whether i succeeded or not is for for my betas to decide but i expect a lot of revising. on the other hand emotions aren’t really my forte so this is sort of relaxing for me because it’s a load of politics and manipulation which i love.
stag night fic with junpei and aoi: i have a page of this written down and there are no parties or engagements whatsoever. what you get are junepeis fooling around in the showers and a loong infodump about crash keys business practices and offices. aoi is nowhere to be found, but we’ll uncover him somehow. 
where are we going WIPs:
50 shades of black: yeah i went there. the point is i tried reading the novel and then wrestled remus/sirius into the situation except made them obviously silly no one would believe these are actual people. (which is what the novel did, except not obvious. lol.) things holding me back: my own prudishness but also i can’t read the novel any more as it bores tf out of me and idk what happens next. nor do i want to find out. if everything goes well i have the final chapter of this half-written in my hard drive. 
detective au fic part 2: i have a shitload of unfired guns from the junepei detective au fic that chekov would hate so part 2 is probably needed. so far i have junpei staring at aoi’s nipple piercings as they enjoy the hot springs. oh and onsen manju. this is going nowhere fast.
dry-cleaning services featuring nanashi and hallelujah: nanahare fic based on the massacre ending of smt4: apocalypse. xi wangmu kills a demon and splatters blood all over hallelujah’s suit. hallelujah is not amused. domestic squabbling ensue. i actually know where this is supposed to go but getting there is the problem. needs more fight scenes. i have a list of things i need to address which mostly have to do with my feelings as i was doing my anarchy run. one of the most important being: fighting vishnu flynn was hard af and i realised how much i was actually relying on my partner (usually hallelujah). 
massacre route with nanashi and hallelujah again: more of ‘this is what happened except in my own words’. i also wanted to focus on how hallelujah is pretty much the yakuza boss and is actually willing to kill nanashi in order to protect the ashura-kai. seeing as how i’m writing the same things as above i might just ditch this one and cut some lines to include in the dry-cleaning fic.  
idk who to tag so erm, @hardcoreprince @momfrienddonut @chessanator  @billyweird if you wanna! (or not. some writers don’t like talking about their work before writing them. anyway, happy writing guys! :D)
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fatexbound · 1 year
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@epitomees​ said: 🙄 (Naoto to Yosuke)
send 🙄 to roll your eyes at my muse | Accepting
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“I swear, some customers need to be smacked in the face...” Yosuke groaned on his lunch break, sipping his melon soda. To his surprise, Naoto was there as well, presumably shopping or perhaps working on a case on her own. Noticing her, he waved at her and sat across from her with his drink. “Yo! What’s up, Naoto-kun?” She looked as stoic as ever, but he could also tell she was curious about his behavior. Maybe he could tell her what happened.
“So, what happened was, I made a small mistake with the price of an item, and he went totally nuts! I mean, geez, everyone makes mistakes, right?! I corrected myself, and he glared at me even after paying! Old people...” Then he finally noticed that she had subtly rolled her eyes, showing her irritation. Was it directed at him or the customer? He couldn’t tell.
“Uh, yeah... sorry about that. I needed to vent to someone. What brings you to Junes? Shopping for your grandpa?”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@tres-fidelis​ said: “I can tell somethin’s botherin’ ya.” (Rin to Yosuke)
Affectionate meme | Still accepting-
Yosuke turned his head away from her and bit his lip in anger. Papers full of complaints from customers were stacked on the round table. All because of a 50% sale on kids’ toys that went smoothly for the superstore, but not so well for those who demanded faster re-stocking. Who else was there to blame but the manager and his son?
He wanted to quit at this point.
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Then he inhaled deeply to let it all out, his attention was on Rin now. “People are against me and my dad because they’re so freakin’ impatient! That’s what’s bothering me! They have no idea how hard it is running a huge store like this! Why can’t they just... appreciate the sales we do, and shut up?! I’m not the Complaints Department!” He groaned and put his face in his hands. 
“I’m sorry... I wish it was something simpler like bad grades, but... I’m so sick of it. I’m tired... we’re short-staffed and the other employees don’t give enoughh shits. So, it’s just me, Teddie and Yu occasionally. I’m so tired...”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@tres-fidelis​ said: HURT (Rin to Yosuke :3)
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme | Still accepting bc i’m slow
Was Inaba full of bad occurrences or was it just his cursed existence? He thought he’d have a normal, boring afternoon, but he couldn’t overlook a kid that was crying just a short distance away from his location. Getting off his bike, he went to check out what had happened. Three rough-looking boys were shamelessly ganging up on him, demanding his lunch money.
It made his blood boil and he sprung into action without a second thought, balling up his fists in protest.
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“Hey! Leave him alone! Don’t you guys have anything better to do than bully little kids?!” He exclaimed. 
Clearly, that interruption didn’t bode well with their punk-like leader who laughed in his face upon recognizing him and approached him. “Well, wouldja look at that! The Prince of Disappointment is here to save the day! Ooh, I’m sooo scared! Whatcha gonna do, wimp? Flail your arms around or fight like a man?! Huh?!” He rolled up his sleeves, smirking as he rolled up his fists to punch him in the gut. However, as Yosuke accepted his fate by taking a step back and shutting his eyes, someone else stepped in right on time to unwillingly take that blow.
A fight followed soon after he opened his eyes in shock. They were wide open upon realizing what had just happened.
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“Rin-senpai! Why would you-- you’re hurt! I mean, I know you’ve fought people before, but... um--” Crap, now he was freaking out. At least those punks had fled, and the kid was safe. “Th-thanks for the save. Are you okay? Do you need first-aid?”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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Anon said: Pyro jack has gotten teddie on fire and is now loose in the real world!
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“Pyro Jack? That’s... one of partner’s Personas, right? What the hell is it doing out here? Why is Teddie on fire?!” He had so many questions, but his first order of business was to grab a fire extinguisher and find him, fast!
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@tvstarkuma​ said: “I’m so happy you’re here with me.” For Yosuke
Platonic Requests for Affection | Accepting
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That was oddly sweet of him. Thunderstorms brought a certain fear in Yosuke and he preferred being cooped up in his room. He and Teddie managed to build a little blanket fort to stay in and keep warm. Yosuke felt secure in here, all oof his worries washing away and he even had an arm wrapped around the blonde, who sure looked happy about it. He smiled, “Same here. It’s pretty cozy, isn’t it?I’m not getting out anytime soon. You got any snacks we can share?”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@goddessofpathos​ said: "Keep the jacket,  looks better on you." (Yosuke)
Affectionate prompts | Accepting
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“You think so? Thanks, Marie-chan!” What a nice thing to say, especially after buying it for himself. Winter was coming up soon, and he hated the cold, so he decided to stop by at Okina City for a new jacket. It was brown with a fur-lined puffer. Perfect for Inaba’s harsh temperatures. Hands in his pockets, he spoke again, curious.
“Hey, what are you doin’ here, anyway? Out shopping or wandering around?”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@tres-fidelis​ said: ❛  what’s with that goofy smile on your face? ❜ (Rin to Yosuke :3)
Autumn fluff starters | Accepting
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“Heh, oh, nooothing...” He feigned innocence, staring at her face longer than this. He knew why he couldn’t stifle a chuckle. He had invited her out for something hot to drink since the weather was beginning to get chillier and chillier as time marched on. Fall in Inaba was nothing to write home about except the dreaded mid-term exams, leaves falling, children playing around, and business in Junes booming. Which meant more work for Yosuke, but now wasn’t the time to think about that.
He wanted to enjoy his free time with Rin, and finally pointed at her face. “You got a little bit of cream on your lip there, and it looks like a mustache...!“ Now, Yosuke finally laughed, but not at her. It just looked funny, and his maturity had yet to show its face.
“S-sorry, sorry. You gonna wipe that off?”
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fatexbound · 1 year
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@tres-fidelis​ said: “ who did this to you? where are they? ” (Rin to Yosuke :3)
more protective prompts | Accepting
Crap. He hoped no one would see him like this with a bloody nose. He was trying to clean it up when Rin saw him and, naturally, asked those questions out of concern and more than likely, anger. Yosuke was lucky it wasn’t anything more serious than that. Now he had no choice but to explain himself, albeit it’s a pretty pathetic story.
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“Two punks picked a fight with me because I saw them steal from our store. I’m not allowed to fight ‘customers’, so I did my best to dodge their punches and even throw a backpack to make ‘em stop. Well... that didn’t work out so well, did it?” He chuckled lowly, wincing from the pain and reached for a napkin to finish wiping his nose. “My dad ended up calling the cops on ‘em as soon as he noticed, and they’re gone now, so don’t worry about them. They got what they deserved.”
He smiled at her. “Thanks for looking out for me, though. Could you... get me an ice pack while you’re here? I think I got a bruise on my cheek, and it hurts like hell right now.”
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fatexbound · 1 year
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“Yeah, yeah, I’m bi. We get it, and I’m not gay for my partner! Sheesh.”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@tvstarkuma​ | Wall of text
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“Why? Do you like ‘em that much?” If that’s the case, he’s flattered. Somewhat. Still, he trusted Teddie to a degree and not break them. He didn’t like parting with his headphones for a good few reasons. “As long as you’re careful with them... I guess you can.”
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@bear-tastic​ said: “Don’t get up. I’m comfortable like this.” [probably in some really absurd and uncomfortable-looking laying position. For either Yosuke or Yu, up to you!]
Platonic Requests for Affection | Accepting 
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Looking up from his phone, he noticed that Teddie was lying down on the end of his bed, his body slightly twisted and with his legs wrapped around his own. “Wh-- how?! That looks anything but comfortable! Do you even have bones?” That was a question he always wanted to ask, come to think of it. In the end, he sighed and tried to unwrap his legs.
“Whatever, I gotta go pee, so let me out of this trap!” He narrowed his eyes at the blond, clearly a bit irritated... and disturbed how flexible he really was in human form. It made him wonder what other weird stuff he could do.
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fatexbound · 28 days
@ama-tcra-su replied to your post “Yosuke’s preferred pets: Dog, turtle, ferret,...”:
. . . Ammy standing in the corner rn.
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"Whoa, you're huge! Cute too!" Hopefully, it won't bite him when he comes closer with some leftover beef. Maybe it's not hungry, but still...
"Uh, hi! I'm Yosuke Hanamura."
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fatexbound · 18 days
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@ama-tcra-su said: Nuzzles Yosuke behind the collar, her lips gently taking grasp, and carefully lifts him up. Another portable child in her jaws.
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Quiet chuckles escaped him upon feeling the nuzzles on his collar. "H-hey, that tick-- huh?! What the hell?!" The ground and the height separating him from it were getting higher and higher until she stopped. Beads of sweat immediately formed on his face, and Yosuke started squirming uncomfortably. He wasn't scared of heights, per se, but this was too much for him to handle so suddenly.
"D-did I do something wrong? Put me down! Please!? I like the ground better...!" His voice cracked. This was so embarrassing.
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fatexbound · 20 days
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@ama-tcra-su said: Gently pulls Yosuke into a very fluffy hug with one foreleg loosely wrapped around him. Get consumed.
He's not used to this much affection from anyone, let alone a gallant and snow-white wolf. He's not a hugging guy unless someone needed it. Yet the longer he sank in its soft fur, he more he found himself struggling to breathe.
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He's gone too far in! He's flailing his arms wildly-- he's trapped!
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