#Leven's stuff
levencamthenone · 2 months
Don't talk to me unless it's about that fucking whale
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fritzmonorail · 1 month
I love them all so much.
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pjshermann · 8 months
sorry but someone once said that rami malek would be the perfect jude and i just took that in and now i only picture jude as rami malek and like
While I do see why Rami Malek (I fuckin love rami btw) is a popular choice for a Jude fancast (Racially ambiguous, unique facial features, has that scared, wary look in his eyes that Jude would have) I just can’t see it for myself.
The only picture of Rami Malek that gives me any Jude vibe is this one from Oppenheimer
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Very “Jude in court” vibes from this
However, one of the main reasons I don’t see Rami as Jude is because I personally think Jude is a lot more darker skinned (Once Harold referred to his face as “dark shimmery bronze”) Racially ambiguous doesn’t always have to mean light skinned, it can also be about facial features and just overall not being able to pinpoint exactly where someone is from just from looking at them.
These two lads from Pinterest are my personal Jude fancasts. Only thing missing is green eyes but other than that, they are Jude to me.
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Saw someone in the tag mention bread making and I tried not to expose myself as someone who is being bitten by the bread making bug but. Lets go. A headcanon I've had for a WHILE now.
Peeta, with Katniss and even Haymitches help has to clear the site of the bakery before he can begin rebuilding. It is, as one would expect, extreamly emotonally taxing but he powers through with their support. There isn't a whole lot to save, but he does manage to get a few boxes. Mosly nonsense stock records. There is a box of the Mellark families most basic recipes he obviously keeps. However the interesting thing is a almost empty box with a larger envolope. Katniss finds it, not quite sure what it is. It has only a date on it, one not long before the bombing.
Upon inspection, Peeta knows exactly what it is. It's saved with the other few boxes and taken home.
The next day Katniss finds Peeta dumping it into a small bowl with water and a little sugar. When asked, he explains that the envelope contains dried yeast his father must have saved. Mixed with warm water and sugar, it is how bread dough rises.
He makes a loaf with it, and somehow it's better than any other he's made in a long time even though there is literally no difference in the recipe he uses.
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lunabug2004 · 7 months
It's crazy to me when people try to claim El's facials/actions here as her just being upset at losing.
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I mean, I know Mike said that's what it is but c'mon, this show is the master of showing, not telling. The face that she pulls here is not an "I'm generally upset and I don't want to speak to anyone" face, it's a "I'm specifically mad at you and I don't want to talk to you" face. Also, from a writing perspective, unless she's mad at all his talking aka his love confession (which is supposed to be what saved everyone) while she was in the mind fight, why would she be upset at Mike for losing? I guess it's possible that she wasn't talking to anyone, but Will specifically asks Mike. Idk, just a weird writing choice to me if Mike's love confession was meant to be fully true and taken seriously.
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brionysea · 2 years
there's a very stark contrast between the complete lack of consent/response/input from mike about being kissed and getting back together with el at the end of s3 vs the entirety of byler's relationship being built on the foundation of "i asked and you said yes"
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deathon1leg · 2 years
el’s whole understanding of romance comes from the old movies she watched at hopper’s cabin in s2. everything she knows about romantic relationships is based off something that is fake.
she left the lab not even knowing that romance existed, got kissed without knowing what that meant, watched tv and formed a false idea of what love is supposed to be, and then got into a relationship.
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hellohoihey · 7 months
i still need to pack my bag for tomorrow but i think we're going to ignore that actually
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missmaniac25 · 1 year
Trying to listen to SKZ while writing some intense story stuff and you wanna know which song pops up?
Fricken Connected
This is not the time Bang Chan!
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dougielombax · 2 years
If I get a black cat (a Oik) I am SO naming it Sgt Benton.
Look. It’s either that or Sahelanthropus!
Or Sahelanthropuss.
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
Tango POV Session 3 highlights (My first POV this session, jumping in with no spoilers)-
Skizz: "I want a giant blinking heart in the sky" Tango: "Cool idea :) You're doing the redstone, right?" Skizz: ... Tango: "YOU'RE doing the redstone for that, right?"
Skizz: "While editing I was like... 'Am I a loser?' Tango: "No, no, no! It was well before editing that I realized that."
I do love the server dynamics that give us gems like Mumbo sprinting across the ground yelling about how he has a quick, urgent thing he needs to do... Just an average day in the death game.
slkdjf Tango and Skizz finally found someone just as desperate and needy as them... Enter the man who has been shunned for 3 seasons because of his boogeyman kill. We love a BigB!!
BigB: "Skizz, this might be time to point out my weak building skills-" Skizzleman: "Oh no, don't worry. That's why we've got ourselves a Tango!" Tango: /incoherent shrieking and denials
Tango assigned homemaker by the narrative.
So just to be clear, we've got Tango "I will teach you redstone and cheer you on" (Mansplain), we've got BigB "There is no hole in the mesa" (Manipulate), and Skizz "I built the base" (Malewife). Good for them.
Skizz: "At my IRL job when I had to create blinking lights, I literally had someone go back to the breaker and flip it."
Tango, to Cleo: "That's all we are! Cringe 'R' Us!"
sdlkfj Tango hugging and comforting Torchy over how scary Etho's water bucket attack was. "If he comes back, I will take care of this."
BigB: "I have an anvil." Tango and Skizz losing their minds: "BEST TEAMMATE EVER!"
Heart Foundation: "We will join forces and gift our hearts to a randomly selected person. Everyone will like and protect us; we are creating our own plot armor." Etho, immediately after receiving his hearts: "I am a huge fan. Sign me up. Whatever I need to do to stay on. I will let you use the enchanting table. I would be dead if it were not for the Heart Foundation."
Gem and Scott riding up on their zombie and skeleton horses would be SO terrifying. Can't wait to see the fanart of that sdfklj
Tango killed it this session, he did not cut corners in babbling to Torchy.
Gem: "I think your task is to remove light sources from the server." Tango: "That would be very incorrect." Tango as he sprints away, muttering to Torchy: "I know?? They were standing right by us and they didn't even notice??"
Torchy has such boogeyman tendencies, geez. Is this Leven Thumps; did we confine the spirit of the boogeyman to a piece of wood??
Tango, raiding someone's base: "You want to? We could."
I enjoy the new rule about Yellows having one chance to call people out on their task. I think this is a good move to up the tension and also encourage people to do it because you only get one shot per episode. Don't wanna waste it!
slkdjf @ Tango chatting with Etho, Etho susses out his task, so Tango immediately runs to Grian to confirm the rules. Grian tells him no problem, Etho's green so he's in the clear. Tango runs off crowing in laughter.
Lizzie: "I've heard some weird things about you." Tango: "We are excellent today." Lizzie: "That's the weird stuff I've been hearing."
?? Is Tango's official canon that redstone exposure turned his eyes red? Neat.
lksdjf Skizz seething about Impulse.
Tango: "What did he do?" Skizz: "His task was to find somebody who's got greater than 25 hearts and find a way to - air quotes - "accidentally" get them to lose 5 hearts. So he made sure I lost 20."
Yeah, that tracks.
Freaking goodness, Tango put his entire heart and soul into this invisible friend task.
Bdubs' globe is looking amazing <3
?? Etho running up to Joel and saying "I love you?" What is the context; looking forward to figuring that out.
Etho: "I love you." Joel: "Okay, I know you're obsessed with me, I saw you made me your thumbnail of your first episode, but come on..."
Called out at the end!!! Devastating!!!
That is the end, but what a great session. So much death...
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levencamthenone · 4 months
The hardest part about Moby Dick posting is there are so many other characters named after the ones in the book that sorting through the tags means filtering out a bunch of anime women (?) and Mulder and scullys dog
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starbylers · 1 year
Rambling about things that’ve been said a million times but like…character’s final scenes in each season foreshadow what will be going on with them in the next season right? We’ve seen this. So by that logic we literally know what’s going to happen in s5. (In terms of character’s journeys, not talking about plot). Like we know for certain. They’re barely even theories to me anymore it’s just canon waiting to happen 😭. A huge amount of my Byler confidence comes from this tbh so if you need a little boost maybe this will help.
Dustin’s scene shows he is going to be grieving Eddie (we’ve already had confirmation of this I think so we know the pattern follows for s4 that final scenes are foreshadowing)
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Lucas’ scene shows he will obviously be doing everything possible to care for and help Max
El’s scene shows she’s going to be focused on 1) saving Max & defeating Henry and 2) her family and having the support of her dad back
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Caleb literally mentioned that Lucas & El’s relationship will be explored and we know Max is the thing that ties them together (the boyfriend and the best friend) so that’s another piece of evidence of s4 final scenes being foreshadowing
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So it has to follow that Will & Mike’s scene shows they are definitely going to be working as a team
And if we take symbolism into account…
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Their final one-on-one in s3 lingered on a shot of a blue telephone on yellow wallpaper & we know all about their s4 communication issues so yeah we’re absolutely taking symbolism into account
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…that red flipped couch? They’re going to be in the upside down. Together. In the season where Will is going to have an emotional arc which will ‘tie the entire series together’. (Although even if the couch stuff was somehow incorrect the team part still stands).
To me the chances of M*leven being endgame in this scenario are so tiny they’re almost nonexistent? If next season was about showing how strong of a couple and how in love they are (which is basically the only place their story could really go atp if the intention was for them to be endgame), they would’ve had their final scene together! El would be sitting in Will’s place on the couch! Mike would be reaching into the light and grabbing El’s shoulder, symbolising that he’s choosing her.
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The meaning behind this shot is so clear it’s almost funny like it literally looks like some magical celestial beam of light from heaven is shining down on where they’re connected
They wouldn’t be spending the season with their stories primarily focused on & tied to other people (“other people” being Mike’s literal other love interest!!!) if the show was trying to tell a story of them being this alleged central power couple working together and growing together in a loving, healthy, mature, supportive relationship. It’s completely illogical.
I feel like it’s so obvious that Mike and Will are at least going to be working together next season, and it’s incredibly weird to me that people even try and argue us on that point. Is it denial? Is it the fact that deep down, they are actually aware of how foreshadowing and logical story structure work and they’re scared that if they admit Mike and Will are going to be paired up, they’ll have to admit where the story is inevitably leading…?
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twoelectrichearts · 7 months
I watched the entire walkthrough of the Stranger Things VR game. I obviously saw so many posts about the Byler content we got from it. I wanted to see the M*leven content as well though because I’m trying to understand what their shippers see in it. I was expecting to see some M*leven moments, like them interacting together and stuff, especially in Eleven’s chapter, but. there. isn’t. any. Did I miss a scene of them together? The only scene is where Henry is trying to taunt Mike and get in his head by insinuating that losing El and wondering what could’ve been is what he fears most but it doesn’t work. Henry doesn’t know what Mike’s afraid of and asks Will. Hmm… wonder what his fear is. Anywaaaaays… El and Will each have chapters. Mike doesn’t. There’s Byler moments in Will’s chapter. There’s no M*leven moments in El’s. It’s shown that Mike saves Will from Henry. It shows how incredibly important Mike is to Will and how much Mike means to him. It does that in El’s chapter as well. Not with Mike though, with Max. Who does Will need? Mike. Who does El need? Max.
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I feel crazy because like where is the M*leven moments?? If season 5 is anything like this and I’m meant to root for M*leven over Byler then I’m just?? I don’t even know. I’m really trying to understand. I’m so confused. I feel like an idiot because I’m not getting it. I don’t see it in the show. I don’t see it in this game. My other favorite ship is Shawn and Angela from Boy Meets World. Yes, a straight ship. No M*leven shipper can accuse me of not liking M*leven because it’s a straight ship and just liking Byler because it’s a mlm ship. That’s not it. It’s because they just make sense to me. The way they are with each other and how deeply they care for one another is beautiful. It’s beyond friendship from Will’s side, and it seems to be beyond friendship from Mike’s side based on what I’ve seen. Could I be wrong? Of course. All I know is that if the writers want me to root for M*leven, they’re doing such a bad job. I can’t get there with them. There are so many incredible straight ships in shows and movies. Heck, you have Jopper, Jancy, and Lumax in Stranger Things being some great examples. M*leven is just not one of them. Byler is so well written and would be such an important, groundbreaking endgame ship. But sure, let’s have M*leven, a badly written straight ship, be endgame instead. Especially about a show for the outcasts, misfits, marginalized, etc. That would be the cherry on top for a show like this.
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fiendforbyler · 28 days
y’all i was recreationally scrolling through the m*leven # (no bad vibes sent i swear i just feel like getting both sides of the argument is best to cement my belief) and something i saw was someone saying how el is always at her best when she is with mike. which imo is very untrue. let’s go on a deep dive together, shall we?
season 2
at the end of season 1 we know el disappears off into the upside down. separated from mike. by the start of season 2, she is trying to understand more about herself and her powers and her origins, and all of this is done seperate from mike, on her own. this solitude allows for her to find her individuality without being ‘the weapon’ or ‘mikes crush’. i think that while the 08 stuff is kind of silly, it is important to note that during that, she did begin to understand the root and significance of her powers, as well as feeling accepted properly by like-minded people for the first time possibly ever. she also finds her mother and learns about her origins, just beginning her journey of curiosity about herself. we know that finding mama was very important to eleven, and she did all of this away from mike. while she was at hoppers, she mourned losing him, yearned for him, pined, etc, and that caused tension, upset and drained her. NOT mikes fault, btw, he is my actual child and i do not believe this is anyone’s fault, just the facts. when she is back reunited with mike, yes it is a beautiful beautiful scene i cannot deny that but she is a different version of herself than when mike saw her last and therefore this separation was very beneficial to her character.
season 3
we all know how this season goes. mike and el making out left and right, no communication just sucking face. during the m*leven breakup, mike is pretty nonchalant and uncaring about it all, and max helps el on her journey of self discovery. during this time when we’ll bd mike are broken up is the first time el is introduced to trash mags, silly games, something other than being the girl with powers or mikes girlfriend. she begins to understand her likes, her dislikes, herself. no one ever tried to help her find her individuality before, not like this. this is when el also starts ‘making her own rules’ and really coming into her own, maturing into her own wonderful person without mikes presence. in fact, the breakup is very necessary for this to occur. not to mention the fact that she also solves majority of the billy mystery without mike there, in fact she solves it while ignoring and icing out mike, with max’s help. this breakup is essential for elevens character development, and that’s not an accident, certainly not since it is a frequently reoccurring then throughout the entire series!! the ending scene with the ‘i love you too’ is an awkward way to summarise a season spelt apart and i think it may also because she is still learning what she likes and dislikes, this is all extremely new to her.
season 4
oh boy. i mean, obviously el hasn’t been fitting in at school, that’s very obvious. i mean what could mike have to do with that? directly, not much but indirectly??? everything. i believe that just the fact she is in a relationship with mike is throwing her off balance and we are supposed to notice that!! then when mike arrives i mean first of all the flowers and the ‘from’ is a whole other post but immediately her situation worsens, she gets abused by angela, ridiculed by her and her friends, then literally attacks angela with a skate, and it’s all so… out of character? and the ‘you never say it’ argument… it’s all meant to make us look at the couple and go ‘these guys aren’t working anymore’ (!!!!!) i mean, el is, emotionally but also to a point physically, hindered in this relationship with mike and it’s neither of their faults!!!! they just aren’t working!!! and that’s okay!!! they need to be seperate to develop as characters and this is proven by the separation when el gets taken to get her powers back. a great way the duffers could have utilised this plot point was by making mike go with her. think about it! he learns about her while she learns about herself, all while regaining her powers and mike gaining new understanding and appreciation of her as a person! what a great way to deepen an ‘endgame’ couple’s relationship! will also could have had great development, having self-discovery with jonothan and argyle! who doesn’t want some brotherly bonding time? but that’s is not what happened. el needed the time away from mike, broken up, no contact, to focus on her self and improve and discover. this was more than essential. el thrives on solitude to become more powerful as an individual person. she needs to separate herself from mike to be the best version of herself. and that is why m*leven is not endgame. they are a a couple who do not work, they do not make each other better, and while i think a mike-el friendship dynamic could be really effective, as a couple they clash. even during the monologue, mike didn’t really achieve anything. he was kind of just saying words. i mean he canonically lied, what kind of confessional speech by a love-struck teen would be full of lies?? it doesn’t make sense. it is not supposed to make sense. we are supposed to notice these things.
i’m not even using this as byler proof, more just as the fact that i don’t find mike and el compatible, like at all. maybe as platonic buds, but not as a couple, and certainly not as a thriving endgame one. in conclusion, m*leven bones.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
TLDR; el needs to be seperate from mike to improve upon herself in every way.
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lunabug2004 · 9 months
I know that probably no one cares, but I feel like my take on byler is so strange, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately because I'm so deep in doubt. Like, don't get me wrong, I really really really want it to happen, more than anything (Mike Wheeler is definitely queer in some way, byler endgame or not)! But if mileven ends up being endgame, unless they completely destroy a character or their arc in the process, I think that's fine.
I understand the people who say byler's only been built up and mileven broken down since s3 (and I do mostly agree) but I genuinely think mileven is cute. I think they would be better as platonic besties, but if they are endgame I won't be too upset because we know they both care for eachother so much. I also would be happy if byler just stay besties, obv after Will's feelings are made clear and Mike accepts them.
idk if this even makes sense... but ig what I'm trying to say is I'm definitely a multishipper and all I want is for all my babies to be happy. I also just want to reiterate that I would much rather byler be endgame; I think that mileven is cute but byler is a million times cuter.
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