#Like I wanna go back to bed rn but i got work later 2night so im like
candyredterezii · 2 years
my energy has been just fucking 0 for the last few days man. even my adhd meds and shit arent helping i just have like
no drive for SHIT.
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survivornavarino · 7 years
Episode #8: Stop Worrying About the Kickback and Just Fire Your Shot Already -Autumn
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I was worried for what over that last tribal lol. So Tyler was blindsided and it was kinda heartbreaking espicially when Mitch said "he really loved this game" like I was genuinely sad. But it's time to smile now cry later because holy moly I just fucking did that. I think at the moment, I am golden. I have bonds with everyone BUT Mitch. And I know Mitch isn't going to fall for my tricks if I tried it with him. So my only other option is to kill Mitch. And hopefully we have this last round before we merge because, I really wan't Mitch gone at this point. He is first of all amazing a competetions, and he is smart. And I don't wanna have to deal with it when it's going to be harder to get done. 
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Operation get Tyler out was a success. But now the hosts want to kill me with flash games. HOW RUDE!!
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Okay so Tyler got voted out andddd i'm upset cus I wanted to take it to the end with him. The other tribe is shady as fuck and Heather is clearly with those faves. The fans are horribly outnumbered now so I need to put my trust in Eddie, Drew, and Autumn going forward so that I'm not a sitting duck at merge. If I can stay close with my alliance with Eddie and Autumn, and stay close with Drew/Trixie/Shoib, then hopefully I'll be in a good position. 
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So I am doing Casanova but I don't know what a good score even is.
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I'm starting to become good friends with Julia and I'm really hoping I can get past merge with her, she's super supportive and has helped me out a lot. Also how the flappy flying fuck do I play Wings Over Water?????
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiZsS9sqPiw ________________________________________________________________ did we just fucking tie again
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I love Mitch that’s all I gotta say
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I can't remember if I submitted a confessional so I'm gonna write one just in case!!!!! So today autumn and Eddie messaged me saying that people are trying to form an alliance without me autumn or Matt in it. So the goal rn is to get the 4 of us together on this vote. Unfortunately that means I have to vote drew, who I really did want to get closer with this game but he not against voting me out so I can't feel too bad.  Oh well, hope this works fingers crossed.  Hoping that by the end of the night I'll be in a new alliance called BEAM- Bec Eddie Autumn Matt!! BEAM MOBILIZE ON 3. 1 2 3 big moves only playa playas!! 
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Okay so we lost the challenge sadly. I'm nervous this round just because I think we're merging next and I really want to make merge. My alliance of Eddie/Autumn were indifferent to voting out Trixie or Matt, but I am pushing for Matt to go. I trust Trixie way more than him and I can't have another fan leave pre-merge. I talked to Drew about it and he doesn't seem too close to Matt, which is good. But he keeps bringing up the fact that Autumn/Ben are close, and Autumn somehow knows he was talking shit, so there's animosity there. Matt going is the best outcome this tribal for me. I think he has connections with the other tribe who I do not trust AT ALL besides Shoib. I am not going to let that tribe gain another number if we merge next. It still seems up in the air though, how the others want to vote. So I'm seriously just going to hope for the best and that they listen to my reasoning for voting out Matt over Trixie.
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So we are down to 4 fans and TBH I am not worried. I trust a lot of the faves especially Mitch and Julia. I just hope that Trixie survives tribal on the other side, I trust her 100% and as much as I don't want the idol played I hope she does play it if she is in danger.
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SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED WHERE DO I BEGIN!!! First of all, rip my baby Tyler he was swapfucked and I know that life all too well. Second of all I'm so happy we're going to tribal so I can do what I've been waiting to do for the past 5 rounds and clock Drew haha. Third of all everything is falling into place and I'm so excited I just need everyone to stick to the plan. Ok here we go: Last night, I had a group call with Jake and Eddie; Jake was very adamant that we keep Trixie and Drew. So naturally I didn't talk any shit I was just like oh I know Drew thinks me and Ben are close when we really are not but otherwise he's cool. So we hung up and we said we should discuss tomorrow but it'll probably be Matt. Morning comes and Eddie tells me that Jake and Drew are creating an alliance w/ him and Trixie. So I was like oh really? Well let me fuck it up real quick https://media.giphy.com/media/CpxCYD0Or2Ty8/giphy.gif I then hit up Rebecka, we start talking about the vote, how there's too many men, and I tell her about this new alliance/ that she, Matt, and I are on the bottom. Rebecka is like damn ok well I really like Matt and Eddie is spilling tea so I think we should go for Jake or Drew. This sends at the exact same time that I say "highkey we should split up Jake and Drew." So Rebecka tells the tea to Matt and asks me if I want the three of us to be in a group chat. Obviously I say yes so now me, Matt, and Rebecka are in an alliance called BAM trying to stay alive. Eddie then works to gain the trust of Rebecka and Matt so now they're cool with him and know that he's with us. Now we have a new group called BEAM with Eddie so we out here. The vote is going 4-3 Drew leaving, all 3 women are staying, Jake is being a snake and will fall to the bottom of the tribe, and (with Eddie's help) I did what I always do: THAT https://78.media.tumblr.com/ba82bcc0d2aac3bd1cd4731bb379c2bb/tumblr_inline_odvxu5m7lz1tbz32w_500.gif The only issue is Trixie. We finally bonded last night and had a great convo but then I went to bed and didn't see her say that we should work together and with Julia at merge. So when I saw it this morning I was like YAAAASS let's do it but Trixie hasn't been online yet to reply. Meanwhile, Jake and Drew are hitting her up to work with them and she hasn't replied to them either. SO everyone is nervous about a) what Trixie knows, b) who Trixie will vote with, and c) which deal will she expose (if any at all). Half the tribe thinks Matt is going home while the other half knows Drew is actually going home and I'm nervous that Trixie could blow it all up, especially because we don't need her vote. Soooo who knows what she'll do but if she does vote Matt and rolls with the mens, I'll just do damage control. Anyway, Rebecka and I are finally succeeding at working together, my target is leaving, me and my homies making merge, another man isn't, and I'm one step closer to beating my placement and taking that title. Last night Jake was like I wanna see cracked messy Autumn so bad and I just laughed and here we are a day later. Ask and you shall receive https://media.giphy.com/media/OTbo92zetdsha/giphy.gif
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WOW OH WOW WE WON IMMUNITY. this swap is so equal its crazy but its cool. Gives me time to rest and not worry about being booted. 
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Hey I'm in class but like I'm super glad I won the tiebreaker for our tribe!! Aaaaaaa
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yo dog!! finally some craziness is happening and the game is afoot. I was totally willing to be Nice Matt to merge, just do as I'm told and chill in the background, but for WHATEVER reason these bozos thought it would be a great idea to form a 4 person alliance, leaving 3 people on the bottom, right before merge. Like, the entire point of a merge is to have numbers!! For the my third straight tribal council I do believe I will be getting some votes thrown on me, but I'm down to clown and ready to save myself. The beast has been awaken and the game is on! This blindside attempt on me could actually end up being an ideal situation, given that I can make it out alive. It brings me closer to Rebecka and Autumn, who are without a doubt my two favorite people in this game (along with Julia), and pushes forward the alliance that I wanted once we started. The only thing that's questionable is that my fate is resting in the hands of Eddie. In Emathia, our roles were basically flipped; I controlled his fate, and I'm a big reason he ended up getting blindsided pre-merge. Right now I just have to put all of my trust into him, but I'm hoping that his willingness to work with Rebecka and Autumn will bring him closer to me and prevent any sort of "revenge" vote from happening. If all goes well, we're sending out a big threat right before the merge. I have a great track record with turning the tables back around on Drew after he tries to blindside me, it's actually one of my favorite hobbies, so I'm anxious to see if all of this is going to work out!! If not, rip 2 me, it was litty.
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Eddie: is on board all day with the Drew plan and kicked off the domino that started it all Also Eddie (@ 6:01): "oh btw should i ask jake if he would vote drew?" https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/a/a0/Da%27vonne_6.gif/revision/latest?cb=20170224230229 Naturally I say um fuck no keep your mouth shut and don't tip Jake off cause he will snitch/ if you really want to tell him do it right before tribal. Eddie goes "yeah I just feel like he'll never fully trust us again. idk what to do ._." http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/holleratalex/11490921/84927/84927_600.gif Ok how about STICKING TO THE PLAN???! Like I'm sorry but Jake didn't give a fuck about me when he blindsided Rebecka in Crossroads and sent a novel after tribal explaining himself. And he sure as hell didn't give a fuck about me when he created an alliance behind my back and lied about it. Also Drew would use this entire situation to send me and Eddie out, seeing how WE are at the center of the plan. Sooo Eddie needs to get his shit his together and stop about Jake's feelings and start about the hell that will unleashed if he botches this and Drew stays. Like why have me work so hard to pull this blindside off if you're just gonna ruin it 2 hours before tribal? That's that shit I don't like. He wants to be Aubry Bracco but he playing like fucking Joe and Debbie and I don't have time. Jake is at the fucking movies and the last time someone was at the movies in Athena it wrecked my game so Imma need Eddie to be sedated. Like snap out of it- stop worrying about the kickback and just fire your shot already
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Can somebody tell me how the hell I became the swing vote? All of a sudden Jake, Drew, and Trixie want me to vote with them and Autumn, Rebecca, and Matt want me to vote with them. I'm siding with Autumn Rebecca and Matt and I'm voting out my good buddy Drew and I do really feel bad about it. I was hoping we could either win or I could spare him until the merge cause I definitely wanted to get him there but the cards didn't fall the way I wanted them to. I think this is like highkey messy cause I really don't think Jake is going to trust us anymore after this and it's almost like a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of situation. No matter what I do here there will be some sort of aftermath that comes with it. I just have to hope and pray for the merge because I don't feel comfortable on this tribe cause Jake is going to be pissed and Autumn and I might become targets for playing the middle this round. It sucks that I have to lie to Jake because I consider him one of the people that I am closest to in this game and I really want us to have full trust for one another but now I feel like that's damn near impossible. Autumn wanted to just completely blindside him but I pushed her into agreeing to at least tell him before the tribal because we have a merge coming soon and we can't afford to be making enemies. I really hope that my damage control with Jake will work. But I'm smart enough to know that he's smart enough to know we're bullshitting him. He doesn't seem like the kind of player to give you another shot. He'll definitely play like he's going to give you another shot but once you betray him once, you're over to him. I really don't know how I feel voting Drew over Matt. I kinda really just want to vote Matt out but I'm already way to deep into this plan to blindside Drew that I will be exposed for being a double crossing snake for flipping on both sides at one point nofnfnkls. Matt seems to have a lot of connections on the other tribe which is trouble and I think will definitely bite me in the ass come merge. Autumn seems to think she's 100% totally in with them but we'll see how that holds up come merge. We have know idea if they're just going to ditch us for their old allies, a scenario which could very well be the case. I feel that Drew does trust me and that he wants to work with me going forward in this game but I'm not sure how far he'll let me get into the merge. He knows I'm a dangerous social player and he knows what I'm capable of. I'm ready for the fire works tonight. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I was blindsided, but that's just my paranoia. That's all and if we don't merge next round I'll be fighting one of the hosts!
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So my ass goes to tribal twice this premerge. Both times I vote out a Favorite. They are the only two tribals where a Favorite will be going home premerge. I love being the champion of equality and justice in this world. If you're looking for the reason why a fan won this game, it's me. It's right here. I am doing that and will continue to do that.
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